Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 02, 1907, Image 12

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    ! ' . -
- -
- - - - 1
We are now about rea y for
having cleaned up entirely on fall and winter merchancHse. .
New goods are now arriving daily and our many lines will
soon be complete. When you are loking for
Good Values and Honest Prices
the year 'round in dry go ds , clothing , hats , caps , shoes , rugs.
carpets. mattings , lineol ums , notions , etc. , don't fail to look
our lines over. '
- - , . - - - - - . " - . _ . _ . . . . n- p _ . - .oM : - -
. = . t- . , , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . ' : . . : . . . . .
" ' . ' ' ' . ' . , - . . . ' / , " , ' ' I. . . . . I'I . . . . . . . . , , . ' ' ' ' ' ' . . : , .u. . , . ; , ' . . ! . . ' ; . : , . rI . . OOI.r , . :
: ! t. " " iiI. . . ' . . ic. = } , : ! " i ( ' ; ; ! JtJ'.j ' ' " ' 1 $ : i. : "I'.f'i. . : ' 't 'fi' ; ' ; : . ' ; "I : " " : t.f.'L'j ; ; ; ) " ! : : .J : -0. : .I. . ' " : .j'iJ'f''f : ,
Ii ; : : ; : : : ; , ; : : : : ;
, .
f" it 0 f L uw b er ca 11 on tit e. . . . . . . . . . ! < li I : :
' ' 1
- II . uroar LbC o. : j
i . e
: 'Iti We carry a lull stock of Lumber. : . j
I' ' I Sash , Doors , Mouldings , etc. t.ft
q W' 2 "
s for the Nebraska en ral i1
M Ag.en
1 I . '
I' ; K : BIUldll1g & Loan Association. . . . ff ! :
I ' ! \ FiJ,1 , . . . " ' ' ' ' 'I , ' ' ' ' : : : , ' ! J'fI .i'l-r-/ ! . ; : . : n.tI . . ! : I"'f : { . : . ( Jr ; . , : : : ' . 'ft'r.rMi : . . : J\ It :91 : L.
' , , . . . . , . .
: ' J' [ : : "ti. : ' . ' : JfJ ( : : ; ! J.i ' .f.'t'Jli.:1trikJyIJrrJ..tll : : : < < 1 .r ; :1r.JGdV : : J nk : : ' \ :
I' I ' - - W - . . . .
S.B : : B : OS
II All kinds and all fresh
I ! The Tut"keystan Alfalfa , is something new
! , : and is especially adapted to this climate.
, lCersion and Green Russian seed outS' .
I Come here for your see s and you'll be satis-
I fle with the l'csultt.
J Q W'S COT T 11
, SOltth Side'Square , Broken Bow. .
_ . & -
_ L _ _ _ _ . _ . _ - , - , . . . . .
- - - - - - - -
- r.- _ . .
Succes to
s or f and GEO.VILLING ,
Embalmer and Funeral Director ,
Business. phone , 301. Uesidence phone , 334 B.
. - -
.Don't run away with the idea all lumber is alike or prices I
the same. B fore you build consult I
South Side Lumber Yard , Broken Bow , Neb.
- L .
I'R I- : ; Build , Consult 11m
I- . < Greo : , . : Ji apin.ea ,
Contractor and Buil et. . Estimates ID
: . . Furnished f ee with plans and specifications. m
I . I H t
= r. : - ! n
- - . -
- - - -
c. - vvBO" : V' : : : .
, Successor to BOWMAN & ANDERSON.
At , the OLD STAN D.
Real Estate. City Lots and Property bought and sold.
F rms rented. Taxes paid for non-residents.
Will buy some good paper.
Call an see me.
c. - vv.E3c > : : :
. ,
r > O < < r.rJ HSPA '
_ " _ . , PROPRIE' OI
S . . nn .
, " .t : I
. ' ; ' . . . - . FEED BARN IIi I
: - d EAST OFGLO E HO' EL. :
Remodeled uml repaircd throughout. Good liver ) ' ri s ul rCl1sonuhle rutcs , ,
Ii for cattle an range horses. lIa ) ' all da ) ' 15 cents' over 8.
night , 3S cents. Call and ee me'R
OO".r .IOO' .r."J'ocor
" , " . ' ! I " . ! : " ' " . ' ; ! . ' : . . . - '
' .
, .
- -
The Enlarged Campbell Bros. Consoli-
I dated Shows Beyond Comparison.
'rile great Campbell Bros. con-
I solidatcd shows which wi1l ex.
i hi hit 111 Braven Bow , on l' riday , ;
i May 10th , has lJe n cnargcc1 ! on.
slich a scale of hberahty a to
make it next to impossible to
depict its real magnitude. Besides -
sides enormous additions to the
circus proper , the parade has
b en increased an is now one of
the finest e\'tr seen with this
weri torious organization. In
the arenic lisplay are brought
together an asembly of the most I
famous acrobats , gymnasts , aerial -
ial p rformers , dancers funmakers
and sensational specialists in the
world. Mo t of these artists
u1ake their first appearance in
this country with the great
Campbel1 Brothers consolidated
shows. li'oremost among these
celebrities are "The } 'lying ! 14e-
Vans : , " the "Mizuno troupe of
Japs , " Bishop Bros. . double some-
sault leapers ; Neltie Ryland ,
champion bareback rider of the I
w.orld ; Cossack Rough Hiders , in. .
daring feats of horsemanship ; I
the great hippodrome races and
other highly seusational acts too
numerous to men tion. I .
Among the traine animal.
features are a herd of performing
el phants , educated horses and
ponies , high jumping dogs and
clown mules. The menag rie
annex contains the most com-
plete. exclusive and valuable co 1-
lect otl of , the world.
The street parade will leave
the show grounds at 10 o'clock.
Performances at 2 and 8 p. m.
District Court Doings.
Judson Kay vs. Custer County.
Appeal from justice court. Kay
had a bunch of cattle on April 1 ,
last year. They were assessed
to him and he paid the taxes
under protest and brought suit
to recover , claiming that he had
sold id cattle to an Omaha firm
prior to April I , and was merely
holding them subject to shipping
orders from the Omaha firm.
The court hel ' that plaiutilT has
no remedy in this case by appeal ,
and de sion in favor of Custer
Lot C. Morris vs. Martha M.
Power. Suit in replevin. By
agreement in open court the case
was settled and dismissed , plain-
tilT to retain the pro pert ) and
pay costs.
Alza M. Stewart v't. ! ' John
Frederick. Damage suit. Case
settled ami dismissed at plain-
tilT's costs.
Eli Gist \'s. n. & 11. R. R. Co.
Damage S111t. Plaintiff giveh 5
days to file amended petiticu and
defendant to answer in 15 days
Willis Cadwell vs. Margaret
I C. Smith. et a1. Suit for dced.
Court heM , upon evidence heretofore -
fore taken , in favor of plaiutilT
and against defendant.
Carrie S. Plumb vs. Lizzie
Brickner. . Foreclosure tax lien.
$30.90Ifound due to plaintilT.
Decree of foreclosure and order
of sale.
L. IA.Vright vs. Christian
Burger. Foreclosure tax lien.
$28.49 found due plaintiff. ' Decree -
cree of , forclosure and order of
Sherman W. Birge vs. Belle
Birge. Divorce. 'remporary
I alimony allowed in the sum of
$75 to be paid in cash.
! Viola M. Kimbal1 vs. Willis
I G. Kimball. Divorce. Decree
as prayed for by plaintilT granted
on April 17. On April 26th
I motion by defendant for new
trial was overruled. Defendant
) excepts. .
Melchior Steinman vs. Anna
Stainman. Divorce. Motion
argued ; taken under advisement
by the court.
G. W. Apple vs. A. B. Hartley.
Foreclosure tax lien. Sale confirmed -
firmed and deed ordered.
The American Boy for May.
'rhe contents of the magazine
will suit this taste of every
healthy-minded reader. Increas.
ing interest will be manifested
in the continued chapters of the
serials b ) ' 'rom1inson , Sprague ,
Strate meyer , Shute , and Ellis ,
' he second 1l1stallment of Boys' '
li'ishes and How to Catch Them ,
: gives practical pointers on how
to lure the finny tribe from ponds
and rivers. Officer Ben is iJ
splendid story of thc faithfulnes
, and" intelligence of a cavalr )
, horse Keeping 'l'ab on the
; World will hold the boys te
I realize many things that arc
going on around them , to whicl :
; heed is seldom given. An An.
: nouncement regarding Americal
Boy Day at the Jamestown l x.
! position tells what progress I !
being made for that celebration
II In addition there are over fJ (
i illustrations. Subscription priC (
" $1.00 a year. ' he Sprague Publishing -
lishing Co. , Detroit , Mich.
, . , . ' ' .
Send your Abstraot Orders to
: Bonded Abstracter
Office in Security State Bank B'ld'ng
. - - -
_ - _ _ . . _ _
_ . .00'-
.00'S. . S. Convention at Anslty.
'l'hose from Brokcn Bow who
attcnded the District Sunday
School convention at Mason on
la3t ! Sunday were : H. Lomax ,
Miss Sadie \y'hHehead , Clyde
Walters , Fred il'Willis , Mr. and
Mrs. J. M.I'odge. [ . A good con.
vention is reported by those
present , and nothing but words
'of praise for the hospitality of
the entertainers.
Ar. offering for county and
state association worle was tateen
in the afternoon amout1ting ; to
$9.50. At the evening session
an olTering of $7.30 for the
famine sulTers of China thus
practicing something of what
the S. S. stands for.
Sunday School Convention.
'rile Broken Bow District Sun-
day School convention will be
I held Saturday and Sunday evenings -
ings , May 4th and 5th.
HA'rUIWA Y ItvHNING , MA 4.-8 o'cr.ocK.
At aptist Church.
Song nml Dcvolionnl service , lcd by. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. P.Johnsou
Report of Sunday schools. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \V. C. Ilowland
DrscusslON , Resolved. "Tbat Inter-
dcnominationul S. S. work is produc-
tivc of more good tbun Denominational -
tional work. "
Affirmativc , aNe ative ,
Rcv. Brady Rev. Pinckncy
Rev. Early Rc\ ' . Mitchell
Rcv. Ba\1lngardn'tr Rcv. Xanders
Judges : '
II. J. Sbinn , J. A. Armour , J. 1\1.
Elcction of officers for ensuing year.
SUNDA \ ' } < ; YltNING , 1\1 A Y 5.
At M. E. Church.
Song service and Devotional exercises ,
led by. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Maurice Ryerso n
Thc kind of Sunday scbool thal inter-
esls a husiness man. . . . . . . Ross Pickett
Discussions. .J. R. Dean , Jesse Teag rdcn
Tbc stud v of thc Bible. . . . . . . . n. Lomax
Discussi ns. . . . . RcUrl1lly , N. T. Gadd
Closing song.
Program S. S. Convention at Gates.
7\0 : : \ I' . 1I1.-Pralse service
! IW : p. 1I1.-Bllslne.s ses lon
! Ia : ( ) p. III.-What arc II'C 110lng as a count ) '
organization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .1' : . N.llbhopJ. M. Io'Ollgt
WW : a. 1I1.-pralsc service. . . . Da vl I\IcGugell
Pra'er. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hev. I.'rencli
Duelt.\Irs. ! Young anl1l\1lss IIIshol
Normal work. . . . . . . . . J\lahell\letcall
'l'he heneflclal Inllllcnce of the
Sunllay school. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .1\11'1'1. Youngl\Irs. Walkel
An' our Humlay schools mcel\n \
their opportunities. . . . . . J. 1\1. l'o g. .
1 : :10 : p. 1I1.-Slnglng.
Hellort from Sunl1a ) ' schools.
lIenelltHoll1c Department. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \V , 'V. lIarne
Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! \Irs. Foresl
'l'he IIlble anl1 how shall wc teach
It. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H. Loma'i
Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I..aura Barnc
Suul1ay school a I\Ilsslon I orce. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . W. D. Hall , Perry Mctcalf
, Sun ay school an II1lsslons. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hev. I rencl1
- . . . .
Sunday School Convention.
Thc Tweny-third Annua ]
Custer County Sunday School
convention will be held at the
United Bretbern church I in Broken -
ken Bow on May 16th and 17th.
Following is the program :
II : OO-Devotloual l\Ieetlng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . w. C. Howlanl1. Broken Boll'
11 :30-Alhlress : \Velcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. 1' . Johnson , Broken BO\1
Hcsponsc. . . . . Hev. Jas. Huncle. Calla wa )
. \sslgnll1ent of Delcgates.
'l'l/UUSUA / y A 'rlmNOON.
: .J:15-Song : liCrvlce.
: .J:30-How : to get the S. S. Scholar to knoll'
\111' \ 'I'rllth . . . . . . . . . . HeIIcintyre , Ansle )
2:10-HolI' to keep the I'nllllln UIC S. S.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l\Irs. Atkinson. l\Iern ;
IJIscn : . lon. lell by. . . . . . . . . Jas. Workll1l1 :
: .JW- : Value of 'reacher ' 1'ralnlng. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . , James Whlteheal1 , Broken Bo\ '
: I : 10-Heport of Home Department. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .Supt. : 'tfrs. r.omax. Broken Bo\ '
: I:30-Uencllt : of HOllie Department. . . . . . . .
. . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Prof. Stelllley , I.lncoh
II : W-Mlss Haines 'l'eachlng Primary Class
'l'/IUHHUA \ : VKNIN ( ) .
7 : I5-Pralsc ! > ervlce. . . .11. D. Allen. ComstocJ
8W-telatlon : of the S. S. to the Home. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! \II' . Hanley , 1.011
Dscussion \ , lell by Hev. J. H. 'I'eaganici
8:1.'O-How : I'Ihall we teach ? . . . . .prof. Steidle )
OW-Sunrbe : Prayer meeting , Presb } ' .
terlan church.lell by. . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 > avlll McUugen.'alwort !
OOO-Sunrlse : 1Irayer IIIceting at lIalltllit
church. led by. . Hev. Willis 'l'ubbsArnolc
1O:00-Pralse : Service. . . . ) V. ' \\'omly. . I.ollla :
10lHow : to . Solve the 1'lnance Pr'blelh
In Count } Work..Clyde Walters. II. IIlH' '
nlscu lon.
I SO-Primary Star lianneI' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . : IIbs lIalnes. State Primary Worke
10 : 15-HellOrts of Schools.
, I'lcctlon : of onlcers.
'HruA \ AI'TtHNOON. :
: .JW-Devotloual : meeting , led b ' . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hev. Shank. Mern
2I5-How : to make the most of the S. S.
1I0ur. . . . . . . . . . . .Hev. IIruly , IIroken 110\
: .J:35-Slate As oclatlon , Its l'Ul'lose1111 \
w hat It Is accolllllllsh Ing. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .II. Lomax , IIroken 110\
. : .Jr.-uoes : It pay to alteml the t\te Con.
ventlon. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Prof. Steltlle
HO\l1\lI'l'able. \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! \Ilss lIalnc
' / IIU.'KNINQ. .
- 7 : 15-I > e\'otlonal meeting. It'll by. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .lIeBaumganlncr. . IIroken 110'
B : OO-'l'he lIenelit of Coolleratlon In
County Work. .Sa le Whltchead. n. 110' '
8:10-Houml'.l'ablc. : . . . . . . . . . . . . .Prof. Stelllle
8:30-lIow : to sa'to the Chilli. . . . . . Mis' ! lIahll
' ' . . ' ' ' ' ' .
KNTJIt'I'\INMi > : N'I' COM I1'I'I'
_ HcJ. . D. IIrad ) ' Mrs , Deming ,
Mrll. I . Shcllilanilion. 1111'11. J. II. Prelt'mal
1111'11. L. I . Uaumgarduer.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
t'ftII"U''ft ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
G'O -
Speoial to California :
140w rate Summer tours to
San Francisco and Los
Angeles , about half rate until -
til May 18th , also June 8th
to 15th ; June 22nd to July
5th. Slightly higher daily
commencing June 1st ; small
extra cost via Portland and
Big . -Iorn Basin :
We run personally conducted
i.olUeseekers excursions : May
7th and 21st , June 4 and 18th
under guidance of D. Clem
Deaver , General Agent
Landseekers' Information
Bureau , to assist settlers to
secure an early hold at cheapest -
est rates of magnificent irrigated -
gated lands in the Big Horn
Basin ; write about tbese
lands. Round trip S20.00.
Cheap Rates East :
To Jamestown Expositi n
daily low rates ; via New
York slightly bigher. Dur.
ing the Summcr low excur :
sion rates to Atlantic City.
Saratoga Springs , Phil .
delpha , also to the Seashore
and Mountain resorts.
Rooky Mountain Tours :
To Colorado , Utah , DIacJ.
llills. Cody , Sheridan
Yellowstone Park. Dail )
low rate tOllrs after June l >
H. L. OHJ\lSBY , 'ricket Agent
L. W. W AKIn.HY , G. P. A.
Omaha , Nebraska.
- _ . . . . . . .
- - . - . . . . . - .
DR. C. B. JOB ,
Physician nd Surgeor
Officc and rcsidencc enc block south 0
Ryerson & Georgc's store.
Eye , Ear , Nose , Throa1
I and Ch ronic Diseases
Fitting of Glasses.
Office in Realty block.
Attorney at Lav.
Broken Bow. Nebr.
HavillI ! ' JURt h\l1 . ; elll'hi yearR practical expe
Ie lice aR Douut ) Jlld.e. . wlllll'lve Rpeclal alte
tlou to the drawllll : ' alllilrobathll ! ' of wills all
the adl11ll1lRtratloli of eRlatc ! ! of deceaHed pel
BOIIR aUIIIIIIIIOrf : . Write . or phOli1l me. I ma
ave you IltrlJl.
Consult him If you want Water.
Phone 112 , - Broken Bow.
" ' . . . . . ' " . " -
F. W. HAYES , _
ij Jeweler and O tician
West Side Square ,
M Broken Bow ,
" " < 'Io'Y-'It ' > O"
} ' Anyone ln < lInlt n kl'lrh IlIId deacrlptlon may
' 1'1 quiCk I , IIlcerlnln our ul'llIlon ' tree wbolher au
Invenllon II probably J"'Il'u ahlo ommunll'IL'
Uonaelrlcllrr0l1u"enllnl. \ NDB DK on l'aten18
lent tree. Ohlot ujoncy tor aocurlujf patentl. .
. I'ateut. tukou tbroullh J\lunu .t. Co. recel..e
\ \ I rptclaillotlce.Vlthout cbnrllO , lu tbo
: Stl tttific Jlm I.I an.
: s A hapdaomol , IIluatrnll'dVpcltly. . Vlrllet elr.
enlnUon or IIny clontUlo juurnal. 'I'erml. ' 3 a
, M : Nrf &o 3 B : : N wd e
IIraucl1 omco. Cl5 r Ct. . Wublt IOu. 1 > . c. ;
B. & M , Train Sclledule
wtS'I' lJOUND. '
; No. 39 local p39 enlCer. ex. Sunday. :11'.6:20 : p nt
I 41 coaRt IJa9Selllter. dally , leavc..c.:50 : am. . 1
4:1 : coallt lIasseltlCer. dally leave. . . . 12:24 : a'm
47 local frchrht , arrive. . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:10 : p m
No. 40 local pa'lsellller.leavc. . . . . . . . . . ! .9:3O : am
! ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . : pm
44 coaRt passelllCer , . . . . . , . . . . . : am
48 local frehcht arrive. . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:10 p m
3' ) and 40110 not nlll west of BroKen Dow ,
Schedule of Broken Bow Mail. .
Schedule or arrival anll departure of l1Ialls
from Droken Bow post office.
PoucheR for ca9t cloge as fol1ows :
'l'raln No. 40,9 a. 111. ; No. oil , 5:45 p. nt. ; No.
4 , 7:45 : p. nt.
I'onches for weRt cloqe as follows :
'l'ralll No. 43,7:45 : P. I1I.J Nil. 41,6:30 : a. 111.
Oftke honrs. 7 a. 111. to:30 : p. 111.
Uftice open . SUlIlla , , ! ! froIJI 9 to 10 a. nt.
I. . U. JU\\'I > TT. 1' . M.
I H S TR U C TORI. , 0 F PIA H 0 . FOR T E J
Classes in Tbcory of Music , Harmony
and Kindcrgartcn. . I
Piano lessons of 40 minutcs , 50 cents
per lc son , payable monthly. .
In Gleim & Mycrs block.
llrokcn B9w. - - - Ncbraska. '
. I.
o.f.1 OUNRAD. . .
. . . I10lllerln . . . _ -
. ,
Pnml'l. WInd. ; \ 1111Tank" . FItting ! , G Doll11ft .
Englnlll'l. : ' oto. etc. J
Broken Bow. Nob"ka. .
Registered 0.1. r. . Hogs !
ClIAS. T. WRIGHT , llroken Bow , Ncb-
Practioal Undertaker
Lionsed Embalmer , f
Business phonc , 301. Residencc 334B I
roIlcl1 : w , Nab. . \
. .
Physician & Surgeon
in charge of .
I Oity Hospital
Officc 260. . .
loncs { Nights , ( hospital ) 61
All calls promplly attcnded.
. ,
Legal Notices. :
COUIII ) ' Court , CusicI' Count ) . . Nebraska.
'rho credllufs of the c..lale of GeOfl/O 'V.
Allen. deceased.
'rake notice. 1'hat 1 will sit at the County
Conrt room , In Hrokell Bow. In Brult'u Bow. .
Iu said Coullty. on Ihe 11th 11:1) ' of 1\Ia ) ' . 1'.107.
. au 011 the : ! ltll da ) ' of Oct. , 19)7. eacU at 10
o'clock a. m. of each da ) ' . \U receive and
examlue all clallllR a ahlsl saldl'sIate. with a
. view 10 their adjuHImellt an allowance : aud
that on the I1rst date above the pellllous of .
willow 11'11be \ heard for homcstea , exellliltlon ! !
allowallct. and other Statutory rlE'ht ! ! .
The time IImlte,1 for the prcsenlatlon of
clall11s a.alnst . saltlcstate IH six 1II0nths from
. . the 11th tlay of April , I'J07. ami the time Iltulte
ill for tlayment of , Iebt" III enc year front said
Dated April 10th. 1907. .
A. R. HUMI'IIIUlV. County JUdlle.
J. A. ARMOUR , AU' ) ' .
Plrst publ Apr ll-4t
' 1'0 whom It may concern :
'I'he Commlssioncr appolntcd to view , and ,
If lIecmc for the ImtJlIc gool1. to locate a
roall llctltlonell for b ) ' Levi Pringle , et aI ,
commencing at the southwest corner of thc
_ nW4 ! of the sw ! { of section : I , thence C l&t tQ
thc south cast corner of the neJ4 of the sw . (
thence north to the southeast corner of the
nW4 ! thence cast to the south cast corner of
the ncH , all In section : I , town 15 , rangc II ! .
Custer county , Nebraska. has re lOrte In
favor of the establishment thereot , and all
objections thereto , or claims for lIamagcs ,
must be Itlcd In the County Clerk's onlce on
or hefore noon of the 15th l1ay of Juuc. 1007 ,
or such road will be establlshc without
reference thereto.
In Witness Whereof. I have hcr unto sct
my hanll anll 6eal of sal count ) ' , this lOth
day ot April , 1\101. \ .
ISKAI. ] Jos. PIOMAN , County Clerk.
"Irst pub April-It
! tOAD NO'l'ICE.
' 1'0 whom It may concern :
'l'he Commissioner appointed to view , an
If lIeemeli for the llUblic good , to establsh and
r vacate a public roall petltlonell tor by 'V.
n I . Warren. et aI , commcnclng at the south.
d ealit corner of section II , township III , range
" . : .JI. : anll running from thence south. one half
y mile. thence west , or within IU rolls of due
west , to or near the center of west line of
bectlon : ! ' . township III , range 2:1 : , thence In
- a northwesterl ) ' lIlrection to the liouthwest
corner of section 17. township III , range : .J3 ,
allli golni : through section 21 and 20 , IOwn.
ship III , range : .JI. :
Also to vacate a roa,1 , conllnenclng at the
southeast corner of lIection U , township III ,
rangeJ : : an running from thence we.t to the Ii
soulllwc ! > t corner of section 17 , township III ,
range : : :1 : , has reporte In favor 01 the es.
tabllshment allll vacation thereof , allll all
objections thereto , ur claims tor lIamages ,
must be IIlcllln the county clerk's olllce on
or before noon of thc 20th lIay of June , 1007.
- or such roal1 will be establlshe and vacatell
without reference thereto.
In Witness Whereof , I have hercunto set
my hand anll seal of sal county , this IUth
ay of April. 1\101. \ JOr..1'IOIAN.
IHIMI. ] County Clerk ,
"Irst 1mb AlII' 18-.1t.
. '
- - - - -
! tOAD NO'l'ICE.
' 1'0 whom I t may 'concern :
'l'he commissioner appointed to view. and
If eemell for the lmhllc good. to vacate an
estahlish a roal1 petltlonell for by I lorlau
JacotJs. et al. commencing at the boutheast
corner of the northeast Iluarier. of section \ .
township 17 , range 21. a 1111 running thence
west on the halt bectlonllne. one half mile to
the center of Hectlon \ . an thence north 8U
roll ! > to connect with roatl No. 755. All the
t'oad tp he locatell on the nes ! > ectlon II ,
towns111p 17 , range : .JI. Abe to vacate that
Ilart on road No. 755 between the points of
tJeglnnlng allli enlling of above Uebcrlbcll
Ilropo tI 1'00111. has rellortell In fa VOl' of the
e tabll hment anll . vacation thereof , an all
otJJt.'Ctions thet.eto. or claims for lIamages ,
mUbt betIeli / In the County Clerk' olllce on
or before noon ot the : 'Olh ay of June , 1007 ,
_ or such roa.11 will be established al1ll vacatcu
without reterellce therelo.
In Wltnelis Whereol. 1 have hercunto set
lilY ha.nll allli : .eal ot liald county. thl 16th
ot AP111 , 11101. Jos. 1'IOMAN.
1SKA1. ] Count } ' Clerk.
"Irlit Ilub ApI' 18-1t
NO'I'ICI ' ' '
, , coUUI ) ' Courl , Custer Connt ) . . N braska.
lito creditor. . . of Ihe eslate oC Skiles W.
Kill kalIl , Ileceased.
'l'ake ot.tlce. 'l'hat I will set at 11m County
Conrt roolU. In IIrollen Uow. In sal,1 County.
onth 10lh da ) ' of JUlie lWl , an on the Jlst
, lay \II O I. . IW7 , each at 10 o'cluck a. m. . of
each day , to receive allli examine all elallUs
alCalubl said eSIale , wllh a view 10 Ihelr atlJust.
meut allli lIowance ; allll Ihat on Ihelrst / date
abo\'u the I.elltlons of widow will be hear for
lolUe..lead. ! . exemptions , allowance aud other
Siatuloo' rllrhts. J I
'l.'he time IImitell for the presenlatlon of .
claims a.ralnst l ald estate is III x lIIontll8 front ' .
Ihe tJtll tla ) ' of A/lrlll007. / au the lime limited ' , '
for /laymeut / of lIebls III one ) 'ear from 8al0.1 . ,
dale. "
Dated April : ! tll. 1007. J . . .
. A. R. llUMPI1KIt\ . County Jud e. j
'Irstllub. May Ht
: r
t " , .