Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 02, 1907, Image 11

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. . . - -
Good Thlno to Get Away from Mo.
notony of SnmeneD3.
" 1'horo nre hundreds f women who
clean house nnd ever ' nrtlcle , even
down to o.n luslgnlficnnt IIttlo Illn
cushion , Is put right \.mck \ in Its old
accustomed ) lInce , 'I'here Is nothing so
monotonous us a 1101ls0 forever proI I
sontlng the sumo nPllearance , It Is' '
pleasant to make n cheerful change
In every room. There is n , woman
who mnlos n [ I. rule to alwn 's change
Ro1 lO of her l1lctures. She Ims anum.
bel' of be11uUful frames , so she se.
Il'etS new prints for them. 'fhe best
masters are copied nnd it Is po slblo
to securo. benuUful pIctures for oul ' ,
a little monoy. Then the old prints
. : lIIay be 1)\1 ) uway for ( utureISO. . It
has a grent deal to do with JUnking
homo look 11 little more cheorful.
. Women"have learned thnt a few good
: ' articles In. a room are mal'O arUstlc
: than 11 great : \mount of gaudy Curnl.
' ture , and thL new roglme of house.
hold afCalrs is responslblo Cor less
: work , too. In this age , when there
\ ' Is everj' convenience imaglnnblo , It
really seems strange tho.t allY well.
regulnted household would neet ! the
] ; assistance' of servants 0030' ] on SIJe.
+ , cial occuslons , But it seems the
women ha\'e to work with , the
less able ar many to do e\'en a little
' ; ' ' ( ) J'k wIthout havIng the assistance
oC. a hIred girl. To propcrly man.
age a hOl11e every woman must use
! her IJrnlns to save her strensth , and
j . _ IlJany do , lJut there are a great manj'
, : \ who merely , exist in houses amI do
; not live lu 110U1US.
: ; . : Good HoU/ekecper Pays Much Atten.
" tlon to This.
The Idtchen department should re-
. . elve the . .snnIC careful attention that
is lavished OJ } the more . showy table
, " 'rhe home.1y things of the kitchen
. " ; maynot lJa qulto as upparent to your
, . " . guests as the nap1tins and doilies , lJut
i there Is a Ercnt peace and scIC.reslJect
' for the housclcepor In the knowledge
of neat IJlles of towels und dusters ,
A dozcn crash towe1s o ( two grades ,
I conrso rOl : Jdtchen utensils and finer
. : . , for china ; a dozen glass towels for sll.
'I " " \'er. glas ! ) ' and porcealn ] ; a haIC.dozen
. 'I > hcavj. crash oor cloths ; a haIC.o7.en
'v' dish cloths ; a dozen dusters of ehoeae
_ . ' cloth , or , as some great1 . preCCl' , silk.
( ' " alceu ; a half.dozen roer towels ; two
01' three canton lIanne ] lJags to pin
. . .1 ' over the broom In dusUng polished
/ floors. and three chamois skins for
If/I' polishing silver or brass-all these
( loIemmed bj' machine if need be , by
. . hand IC possible , and marl < ed with red
" cross slltch in a uniform manner-all
, these are essenlla ] to neat work In the
kitchen ,
She Made Pretty Portieres.
It Is not alway ! ; casy to secure ma ,
terlal for IJOrtleres that are at once
j pretty unll inexpensive. One woman
who has ) jean searching the town
, " o\'er fOl' a fabric combinIng the two
01 :
a friend. a decorator. suggested that
she get mocha canvas for hel' sleep.
, , doors and velveteen In a
, 80ft roseda sbade for her IIbrnry dOO1"
j' way. As tilO walls were green thc
I. colors harmonized charmlngl ) ' . and
all told , did not cost more than $12 for
the two vail's.
'I'he ( 'anvas Is loosely woven atul
resembles , burlap In apllearance
though much softer. and hanEs muell
nlOre g"a cfu1lY , It costs 50 cents :1 :
) 'ard , aatI Is very wide , 'fhe velveteen
. teen , whic11 Is also doube ] width. car
be ohtalnetl ' III 11 number of soft c010r
In s. and 'whilo handJome Is not se
rIch looking that It kills everythltH
cise In the roolll. It Is especially l'f
< fectlyc with mahogany or dark oal. .
anti with Clrcasslan walnut.
Rhubarb Pie.
RhulJnrh is nuw IJlon1lfu ) In all mar
IHltR , anll the head of the falldly 11
pretty s\l1'e to ask for tile s rt a
rhubarh pic "that mother used it
maltC' , "
Two aJut'one.halC CUllS fl a11' , one
naif CUll lIuttOl' . one-half CUIJ lard , OIl ( '
llalC CU ) ! water , one.quartel' teasnO ) [
tH\klng 110\\'dcr. Sin 110\11' with pow
del' ; rub In lard and butter cold ; all
the water ; mIx Into a smooth dough
One mill 11 half bunches rhuharb , anI
nnd a half CUJlS sugar , Cut fruit it
small 111l'l'es aHer strippIng off skins
. eel , It'CI' ' fast In shallow ste\\'lmn
with sugar. Line pIc IJate ] wIth till
IJal'tC : wet rim ; add rhubarb. cold
lay thl'oc hal's paste across , fastenln !
entls ; laj' thrcl' mal'O across.'ol'lnin \ !
I1lnmond.shulJed spaces ; laj' around I
1'111I , wash over with egg. aud bake II
u. quick even 15 minutes ,
Oven Suggestions. _
' 1'0 have the oven ut just the l'lgh
dosreo of heat is one of the most In :
110rtant IlOlnts In cool\ng" !
A RlllIllle and eaHY test is to put
pIece of whlto IIallCI' In the over
flays n prllctlcal housekeeper ,
If the vupor becomes dark hrow
the heat II > at the IJrOpOl' temlll.1'utm' !
Co I' Illes , If It is n light brown . \0
can cook tl\rts ,
FUl' hl'ead. heln' ' cakes IIko IHllln
ai' fruit. meat Illes 01' roast meat. th
pallel' should turn n dark j'eIlIH' '
" while If It Is just tinged with colt'
the oven Is II t for dellcnte cookll' :
" : iuctt ns kluses , merlnlIcs ! oC ull sort
lI\ld \ spouge cake ,
Mnltre d'Hot. . ! Butter.
Put a IUIII'tel' ( pO\lIld IJllttul' . tli
juice or two lumens , tYo tllbleSIllJOI
uls chollllell parslej' , suIt IInd IIUllpl
In a hllSlu , mIx well and stand 0 '
Ule Icu unW needed , 'rhls will klC !
almol > t a week and Is lllcl s/l'eall / uptJ
a juicy IJOrttoChouso st ak ,
( From The ( 'hINIIO Trlbuno , )
Noted Physician Tells How to Prevent
and Cure Rheumatism , 1 < ldney
nnd Bladder Troubles.
( D ' Gco. l dl1\und Ploolt , : 'If. D , )
If you would avol Hhcul11ntlsm nud
Kidney and Dladder ' 1'roubles , be mod.
erato In the consumlltlon of heavj' ,
rIch Coeds , substitute as far as possible
50UPS , broths , ( l'osh l tlllt antI drink
wnter-ots ] of wntel' . Talto plenty of
time to eat , and don't eat after 'ou
have had enough , oven If it does tnsto
good. If 'ollr work Is confinIng talte
I a moderate amount of exercise each
day In the open air.
Of course , neither dlot , water , rest
nor exercIse will cure these alllictlons , .
I advise them as pl'eventlves only. I'-or ' ,
the benefit oC the renders of this artl.
cle who are now afllictell with Rhou.
matlsm , KIdney , Dladder or Urinarj'
trouble , atHl deslro to bo cured qulcdj' ] ,
I give below , complete in every detail ,
the famous IIl'esct'lption which has
made me so successful in the treat.
ment of these diseases , It is the most
certain cure Co I' these diseases that 1
have ever used. It is pleasant to talw ,
il is not expensive , It can be filled bj'
any druggist , and I believe it Is the
greatest prescrll1t1on ( or RheumaUsm ,
Kidney and laddel' Trouble ever writ.
ten. It is also a , valuabo ] spring tonIc
and blood llUrlfier. If ' 011 nre a I'\\lf. '
CereI' , save thIs , tate ] it to your drug.
gist and have It filled , or get the In.
gredients and mix them at home ,
Fluid Extract Cascara Aromatic , 'h
Concentrated Darltola Compound , 1
Fluid Extract Pricldy Ash Dark , *
Aromatic Elixir , 4 ounces.
'Adult dose , talro ono teaspoonful
af er meals and at bedtime ; children ,
one-Courth to one.halt teaspoonful arLer
. meals ,
After you arc curell Callow the ad-
. . . .Ice 1 ha\"e given ) ' 011 in regard to
diet , exercise and water , and you will
not need the servIces of a physician
again for these aliments.
O'hr JaJlrs art' J"it.i1ttt1 { 'oj ; .
Ten years ago a. farmer put hIs inl.
1I1I.s on a. dollar bill , 'l'he next day he
went to the nearest town and spent it
with a merchant , Before the year was
out he got the dollar' baclt. Four times
In'slx years the dollar came bacl , to
him for protluce and three times he
heard of it in' ' the 110clwt of his neigh.
The last time he got It bacl { ( OUT
years ago , lIe sent It to a mail ordm
house , He never has seen that dollar
since , and never will. That dollar bill
will never ] lay any more school or
road tax ( or hIm , wHl never build 01
brighten any of the homes of the com-
munltj' . He sent 1\ , entirely out 01
the circle oC usefulness to hlmsel ( an
hIs nelghlJors.
Patronize ) 'our local merchant who
helps you to pay YOllr taxes , support
your schools and churches , and lends
n. hepln ] hand in times o ( slclmess
and trouble.
Out of His Line.
A. man livIng in the country ra ]
from any physician was taken sud
denly ill. His family , in sreat alarm
not knowln what to do , sent for r
neighbor , wno had a reputation COI
doctorIng cows ,
"Can't you glvo father somethin
to bep ] him ? " asked ono of the sons
" 'Va-al , I don't lenow no thin' abou
doctorln' people , "
"You Imow more than wo do , fOI
you can doctor cows , Now what dl
'ou give them when they are sick ? '
" , " 1 allm's give Epsom salts
You might try it on hIm , "
"How much aha l we give him ? '
inquired the son.
" \ , 1 glvo cows just a. poun
Your father Is a quarter as IJlg as :
cow-give hIm a. quarter of a pound. '
Not nt All Necessary to Operate II
Many Cases.
Automobiles and AppendIcitis scal'I
some ] leoplo before they lIre hit.
AppendicItis Is often caused IJj' tal
much starch in the bowels , Starch i
hard to digest nnd clogs up the dlges
tlve machlnerj'-also tends to fOrn
calws in the cecum. ( 'I'hat's the IJllnl
] louch at entrance to the appendIx. )
A N. H , girl had appendicitis , bu
Hyed on milk for awhlll.--then Grape
Nuts and got well wIthout an ope I'D
She sa's : "Five ) 'ear8 ago whllo a
I scho'o ] , 1 suffered terribly with constl
I' ] latlon and Indigestion , " ( Too muc ]
starch , white bread , ] Iota toes , etc
11 which she dlel not digest. )
J , "Soon arLer I IQft schoo ] I had an 11.1
tack or appendicItis and ( or thlrtee :
n weelts lived on mill. and water. Whe :
e I recovered enough to eat soHd fee
u there was nothIng that would ngre
. .Itll me , until a frIend recommende
Ia Grape-Nuts.
n "When 1 hegan to cat Grape.Nuts
I' , welghedl8 ! IlJs" but I soon grew to 11
II' IlJs , The dIstress after eating left m
s. entirely and now I am Hke a new lIe :
.s "
( A 1ItUe GralJc.Nuts dissolved In he
water or milk would have been muc
belter for thIs case than milk alonl
11. for the stnrchj' part of the wheat an
H' barley 18 changed into a form or d
'n gestablo sugar In malting GrapeNuts ,
Ip Name given by Postum Co" DatU
'n Creel" Mlch , Read tbe little boo ]
"The Road to Wenvllle , " in pks
"There's 0. Reason. "
Tello a Story of Awful Suffering and
Wonderful Relief ,
Mrs. J. D. .Johnson , of G03 Wcst
1Ilcltma1) St. , Columbln , Mo. , anj's :
"Following au operation two 'onrs
ago , Ih'opsj' sot ,
ancI m } ' loft sldo was ,
so 801ll'1tho doctor
said ho would hnve to
tal ) out the water.
There was constant
pain and n gurgling
sensation arounll my I
heart , nnd 1 could not. .
rnlso mj' nrm I\bo\'o
n1j' hend. 'l'ho Itld.
" 'CG' " nej' nctlon was lUsor.
dCl'od nnd passages of the secl'eUolls
100 frequent. On the ndvlco of 111j'
husband I begnn using Doan's Kltlnej'
Pills. Since usln two boxes 111j' trO\I'
be ] Ims not roapponrel1. This is won.
derCu ] , nfter sufferIng two ; . 'el\rs. "
Sold by nn deaers ] , GO cents n box.
F'ostor.l\tIlburn Co" Buffao , N. Y.
8ret Harte's Great Poem Result of an
The war correspondent , l'-I'el ' erlc
VIUlers , has recorded a lalk wIth
Bret 11arte apropos or the POeln ,
"Dlclwns in Camll : " "We all Celt hIs
loss most keenlj' In the States , " salll
Harte : .
"On hearing or hIs death ( I ) sut
down about three in the afternoon to
wrlto an editorIal on the ; ; roat au.
thoI' . I wrote one and then taro it
up , 'fhen another , after much Imlns ,
was written. 'rhls did not Illoaso me ,
so I toro It up. I wrote j'et another
and threw It into the wU1te IJllper
basket ; It would not do. It wus getting -
ting late , and I was now Iweplns the
) \aper waIting for press , I was drum.
mlng on mj' desk , nbsolutel ' without
IUlotheJ' thought iit' my head ; I had
run dry. Sudtlenl ) ' I meehlmlcall ) '
1egan , to write and , the result was the
thing yon seem to 1I1.l. so much , Well ,
1\11' . V1I1lers , you are not far out. I
lIke It. too. "
Gives Advice LInd Tells of Simple
Homo Mixture. . _
At this time of j'ear , sars a well
1m own authority , the I\ldne 's becon1l
wealt , clogged a11l1 Inactive , falling tl
fiUer out the poisons and acids , whlcl
sour the blood , causIng not only facia
and bodily erUIJtlons , but the wars
I Corms of Rheumatism , Nen'ous ani
i Stomach troubles , Baclmcho IInd llI1ln
( ul , anno'ins Urlnarj' allllcllons.
It is worth rmj'one's tlmo now to ge
from some good prescription plH\l'mac :
the following ingredients : I'luld gs ;
tract Dandelion. one.haH ounce ; Com
pound Kargon , ono ounce ; Compounl
Syrup Sarmpurllla : , three ounces , : \11 :
bj' shaldng wen in a lJottlo and I ult
in teaspoonful doses aCtel' j'Ol\1' \ meal
and at lJedtime.
'l'hls : dmplc home-made mIxture wll
force the Klelne's to normal , health :
I action , so they will 1Iltcr and strain al
uric acid and IJoisonous wast { ! malte
from the blood , and eXile ] this In th ,
mine. at the sume time restorln tll' '
"full blood count"-thut Is , ! Iii lieI' ( 'ent
' is ulJsc
red blood COl'IJUscles-whlch
lutcly IndlspcmHlble to Ilerfeet healtll
Never Would They Lay Anything bu
the Freshect of EggD ,
There Is a German dair 'mun f1l1' '
farmer , whose place is not far fror
Philadelphia , who greatly plumes hill
seC upon the absolute sUJlerlorlly a
his products above all others In th
On one occasion he personally 11.1
. IJlIed to a Germantown housekoepe
for a transfer of her custom to hln
se ] [ . "I hears dot j"ou hnf a lot c
droube ] with dot dairyman or j'ours ,
he said. "Yust you gir me your gUi
tom and del' v1l1 bo no drouble , "
"Arc your eggs alwaj's Cresh 1" usl
ed the woman.
"Fresh ! " repcatetl the Germqn , I
an indignant toae , "Let me de ) ) j'OI
madam , dot my hens llefer , nefer la
anything but rresh eggs ! "
Spent $300 on Doctors and Remedle :
but Got No Rellef-Cutlcura
Cures In n Week.
"Upon the lImhs and lJl > twl ( n th
toes mj" sl.ln wns l'ou h and sore , aa
also sore under the nrms , and 1 had t
stn ' at home sevel'lll limoa' hecause (
, . this affection. Up to a weel , 01' so ag
1 had tried many other remedIes an
several Iloctors , and spent ulJout thre
hundred dollars , without anj' succws
but this Is the seventh day tilt
" I have been using the Cutlcurn 1l ( 111' '
dies ( costing a dollar and a half
whIch ] Iave cUI'el1 11\e \ cOlllIIeteIY ) , E
that 1 can agalu atteud to my bus
ness , I went to" worl , utaln to.nlgh
I had been sl1ffol'ing ror clght yoal
aud have now hcen cured by the CI1
Icura RemedIes withIn a weelt. Frll
IIlrschart ] , 24 ColumlJus A . . . .e. . 1\0
Yorlt , N. y" March 21 ! aUII Allrl1
1 ! lOG. "
Important to Mothers.
Ixllmlne cllrefully cl'ery botlle of CASTOm , '
a IAfo and lure rcmedy for Infllols IInd ebJldrcl
I'ood lee tbuJ. It
/7f1I -
IJcaro the /
SlgnltnTO of j U4 {
7j1 Ure For Onr :10 Yeul ,
'l'he Kuu1 You Uave A.hv/lYs .LIoDI
- - - - - - -
DIscovery of Alcohol.
Alcoho ] was discovered in the thl
tecnth century.
. .
" , , .
I. . .
: lfn. WlnatnlT'R Snnthlnl : Ryrn , 1
Fet rhlhlrtn loolltlo ! : , lofltnl Ihl' ! : utOl , rtfueu 1110
l1alIlluUOU.lllarl ralu , curol wled eollu , 2lc : a botUe. ,
. .
- - - - - - - - - -
A bird In the bush Is worth three in
the hl\1lll-from the binI's vlowllolnt.
- . . . - -
Oltl 80fBarK. . . of ( , hnlr" " etc , rnn
het ' 'cII with P\JT \ . \ I l"AUldI' : S
Ih " J enllt , hrighl , durable color ! ! .
. .
- - - -
No conqueRt Is 1\0 \ severe ns hIS wno
labors to IlIIbduo hhnself-'r. n l om.
pis. - . - . - . . . - -
I.ewi'l' Fil1 : h' mllllur cignr-I iehc t , most
AAtif\fyil1l ( lIIlIko on the martiel. YQIlt.
dcalt'I' ur l.e\\'ls' F.lclory , Peoria , III.
. . . .
- - - - - - -
' 1'ho I.uthcrnn eltllrch hns recently
Isslli'd t. . call for 1,000 now mlnlstOl'
to 1111 va lclcs In lU lenoU1lnntlo1\ .
Tale 'Gllrlidl , Tca in the II1'ill -lt will
a\'c 'ou mil 1by" ! uf hcadadhlllitu c
nlld J < ellcml ill health. 'l'hi natural 11I.'t1l'
th'o ) luril ( ' thn blooll , cl'am ! , , ' ! th" , 1\\11' '
Ie'm nllli ' lIt1\hliNhel ! II nOl'mal 1\'lIon'
liel' , I.hlncrs 1111I1 howd .
_ .
- - - -
His Occupation.
"What Is 'Olll' OCCIIIH\tlon ? " the
1l\aglstrato lIukell John While the
other dny In the Wesllulnstor pollco
COIl1't , Loudon. "I stenl IlOwtor plt8 , "
rcplled tl10 candid Mr. White ,
Fnmoua Book F're .
E'I'I''I'mlel' of t hi'l papl'l' ( 'an J < ct el'CO
or eluujtc : Olll ! of)1' \ , Colrce' " famoull hool. " ,
which tcllH IIf 1lIew IIwtlllHI hj' which
Jlcr ( ) I1 1\1l1ietl'll with n'afl1e , Heall
Xoi e : < , : ' :01' : " I''e : . FlliIIl1J ; ilht : fmm ony
l'au ( ' , can 'c\lre \ Ihclmch'1j at home nt
! nl111 : l'XpCIW' .
Write Il'ltel' illlml'tillteh' ! to lk , , Yo O.
Con'ce , :100 : ( 'rlltur ) ' Bldg" Ics Moinc : . ' , In.
- - ' - -
Beet Sugar In the Front.
Que hundred 'cnrs ago the 'Vest
Indies KIIIIJlIctl ) 111Iollt onehalf or the
world's I\lIglU' , IJlll the Indllstry is on
the decline. 'l'he wOl'ltl'l : ! crop or beet
sugar Is now about 6,800,000 tons.
. ' \
- ,
Protective Paint
Pure White Lead Paint prot t9
propl'rty n alnst , replacement
nml deterioration. t makes buildings
look better , wear hetter-antl sell hel.
tel' . Use Ollly Pure I.llIseed 011 and
Pure White Lead made hy the
Old Dutch l'ruccss , which Is soItl III
ke s with this Dutch Doy trade mark
on the side.
' 1'hls trade mar ] : protects ) 'Ou
agall1st ramlu.
lent Whlto Lend
adulteratlolls and
"A "nlk nl ) I'nlut. "
IIh. . . . ahlfthl" Infor-
lunllol1 ou tht > 1.lnt
.uhlert , Rrut free AIII"'kf.1 In
upon rOQuest. JM t.tar. tht. IIla'kl
I , . Wl"/IINI' , A , J llMIJo
in(1'iI'u is nlarlll ) ' 014 :
No" Yerk. I1 < > slon. 11I1a"lo. OIohncJ. .
UlnelnllaU. UhlcollO. In , Lnul. . l'll \ , , < 1 I.
"hlo pchn T. Lowl. ' " I1ro. . 00 , ) l'ltteburllb
IliBtlunAl Le.d , \ all 00,1
Sensible Advice to Wonlen from Mrs. Henry Lee ,
fIrs. Fred Certia and Mrs. Pinkhaln.
I' Owiu : : t.o mo ern met.hods of Hving I
[ I noL OUW0I1I11.11 in IL thOll/mnd up-
: ( l'l'ullchcs thi perfectly natul'lIl change
without eXJlCl'icnciug u. tl'uln oC very
annoying an sometl1l1es 11 I In f n 1
s symptoms.
'i'his II > U\O most critical 11m'loC ! oC
her wholu e istencu IInd eVCl'"r woman
who ueglcctll the curu oC her henlth
at this time Invites (1scnsu ! n1ll1 pain.
Whcn her systum Is In a deranged
condition 01' she is Ilrcdisposed to
apoplcxj' or cougestion of IIny orp'un ,
t.he tendency Is at this pOl' i 0 c1
lIhey : to become netivc nnd with a.
hos1.oC . nervous Irritations multe life IL
burden. At this time IISO cllncers
IInd t\111101'8 are mol'o liable to form
und begin tlH' l' destruetivc work.
Suoh wUI'uing' svmptolt1 ! ; 118 Slmsc
oC suffocation , hot 'Hushes , headaches ,
bllclmchcs , . meancholia ] , 11'enll , oC im.
pCIH1ng ! e\'i1 , palpitation of the heart ,
Irreg'nlul'itlcs , COI1Sloiplltlon a\JI dlzi.
neBS IIro pl'omptly heeded bj' Inte ] .
ligent w01l1t'n who 111'0 IlpPI'oachlng
thu pedoll oC life when this g l' 0 at
cllllngc may he expccted.
Ml's , FI'ml rl'l'tlll , 1014 So , 1.llCn 'etto
Street , o. Belld , In . , writes :
Deal' Mrs , l'illlIHlII\-
o'rvdla g , Pflll.bmn's Ve ctnblo Com.
II' poullil ii tbo i cull11cdlclno for women who
ere pll.lSln throllgh Chnn o of Lifo. For
I'OVOI'lmonths I ! iUffCrl't ! from h.t nn hl's ,
ClxtrclI\o ncrvouFlIl'SlI , bcnclnebu 1111"Iecp. .
les. ne.S , I ball no IIPI1l'Uto 1\1111 couhl 1I0t
f lecp , 1 hlld made III' lilY mhlll tlll'ro wns
110111'11 for 1110 IIntli 1 IIl'KIlII to U.o ! r. ' 11I1l
g , Plnkbam'lI : VCJflttblo : : ! COlJlpound. 1J1) '
bal , . ' c'l1iooCtl , 11111 ] It hl'Ougl1t mo
Hafel. , . t 11'0ugb tb'J llangcr Iwrlod , built
up 1IIj" "ystelU 11I111 I 11m III lxcellcllt h'lIl1h ,
1 cOlJsltler L.tJlu B , l'fllllIulII'f1 Vegf'tahlo
CompouutIIUUrfl/ll ! ! > . . . . . .1 ( or women Ul'lng
this Il'yll1l ; peJ'iotl of ! lCI. ' , "
1\'s [ , Henry T.lC ! , GO Winter Street ,
New Hllyen , Con II. , writes :
Dear Mrs , 1'1111,1111111- :
"After Rulrel'llI untoItI miscrv for thrco
yeam llul'11I Change of Lifo 1 : Itl'urd oC
Lydia g. 1'1 Ilk 11111 11'/1 V ( ' elnble Compound.
1 wrote 'ou of lilY ( ' 01I1I1t1on , oml begun to
take I.j'diR 1'IliIthlllll'S VCJclnllo : : Com-
pOUIIIII1I1I1 CuIlO\\'C'd 'OIl1' Ildvlco , nml to-tlay
I 11.11well 11.11I1 huppy. I cun now wlllc ! filIY-
wh re11111 work WI1'11 us 11IIyono. nnd (01'
Yf'm-s III'o\-lou'l 1 hllli triell hut I'ould 1101. got
I1roulIIl without ' , I cOII"Iler , yom' tIIcdl-
cine IL sovcrelgn ! In 111 fur 6111rcrillgfOlnCII , "
Womell passing through thiH C'ritlcn ]
pt'riofl bhoultl rely UpOII Lnlill K
l'inlchllln's Vcgetailic Compo llH1. If
tlH'I'O is anyt.hlng abollt " ' 0111' e/lse
' ( Ju don't under tllllli write to I'll's.
Pinlhum , r'nn , 1\Iuss , . fot' advice , It ,
is fl'ce uml haa guIded thousan s to
hcalth ,
" \Vhon u. medicine bas boon successful in restoring to bo lth ,
actually thousands of women , you cannot well say , vithout trying-
it , . "I do not believe it will help moIt is your duty to yourself
and fa ily to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable CompouIl(1.
who believe in qu.ality
' , BAKNC !
25 Dunces fog < 25 cents
Made from pure , carefully tested
Makes all baking healthful.
Why pay more for inferior
powders ?
. . CltlClOO .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
W It ! D.O U C LlI \ !
$3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES TIlE WOHLD I i > ' . . . . . . ' , ; - ' . : o
Jllell'IISIIIH'I , Ioi : ; 10 81.1 > 0 , HII ' ' ' ' Shff' " . : J tIlSr. : . " 'oHlII'II'/I .r.\ I/
" Shn. . . 10 Vl.GO. ! lIIMbt''h ! ' 11 < 1 1'011'11 Shoc1.:1 " : > It , SLl/II. / ,
W.I.lJo1ht"l ! lhoes ure H'eonl1.od ; hy export jl1d es o ( ( oolwear , . . Cl , .
to ho the \'est \ m f.Iyle , fit : mll wcar produced In this coulltry. huch ' ' { . .o'if''J (
) lart of th ( ) , .hoo mul every delall of the lI1altn fnl olcl ( ufter \ . ' \ . : ! " "
I , aul walchlJll over by IIkll\"ll \ shoemakers , wUhout rtard ; : to ' . t ' ( [ 1 .
lImu or ( 'ot. : H I co1\1II take } 'Oll 1ntu lilY IM"O ( 'lOrJcS lit ' .
Jhuckton , Mas ! ! " llU ! > how JIU huw carefuUV. \ . 1. . UoujlulI : \ .
flhuclillru 1I:1l10 , j'll wonld then \lIIler : tantl why Ihc3o' lICIt ! their shal"o " , tit \Jctt01' .
Wuur lonor. , ntHI nro ( value than un ' othflf make ,
: o Jrcuter ]
. : :
l r. w , 1M 111111/:1'1. r..I""n'l lrI. . . . . , .hlllll , . ,1 , olllle , bcI 1uln , , ,1 > I ! I 'ruttt'IIIIII' "I'\r.r : n ' : lIIl'1 hlJh
. . , . . ' ' . . , . . . { , . .
vrl".rI,1111Irr IIr III Oro. 'J' " " " ' .oll.tlt uh' 1'01 < 1 I'll III I"n .I" , , , < lr..lrn . rrl'J7wlltlr.
J.'JUtor / J//rl , " ! lied UUIIU"uIU(1'II'Irol. / ' . / , , , . \ \ ' . J. . JJU U U J.AN. UrucJuuu. uu.
_ 2
For Preserving ? Purifying
and Beaut fying the Skin ,
Scalp , Hair , and Hands.
tlrur" RM\1 \ comblncs dellcAtll mctlIClnililcmol4
IIfnl , . .Boallnnll.plla 11roperll1'8 derive from .
cutlrnrn. lllr IffnlHkln ( ; url' . wllh the IlIIreal ollap.
onacl'UU' Inlrrcllcnt. , nnd 1II0SI rclrc hlng of"lOwtr
odors , lIl'pou : "cnllon.7 ( ; 'I:1fffll01l308 ' : < 1. ; 'nr. : ; '
ti lIu dl' 11Pnl' : A1I3Lrnlltl , II. lo"ns & : Co , . , w'
, , , , ' . , 11 -
ncy : h\lIl.II I { l'llul.CalcUIlI\ : a'13 '
non , 1.1.1. . ' ! : \ ' 'Iown , CIC , : 1105 < < 10. , Co , UUuWl
Ave. " :1\1'0 : & : ( , hem , Corp" , Iolo : : ! reps ,
tlr MnllNI 'rr" . IIn" to l'r\srrYI1. l'urllr. and
DeauUt , 1110 81L1u. SCAlP. lUlr.nnll uiLnd.l.
Ovcr : :00,000 : me rlCR.
fnrllll'rft who hove lei.
the :
oC "heal Crom the hanc 1 of l06 menn ! ! good
1II0llry lolhe : farmers ofVcslerll COllorla whed
Iho : , , , , . hI h : ! ! ! 10 he : Crd. Callie nelshDlry. : .
IlIg 1111t1 : 'lI"llll'lfllllll nlo also profiluhle call.
1111 : , Coal , wuntl RIIII waleI' ' III nhlllllianeel
chllrche : " 1\.1 . . . .chunls COII\'llllclltj ! nukets eaa1
of IICCI"S , 'l'I1"I : ! ! Inw.
1'01' ' 11I1\'lee : IIIIIII"ror11l01l011 ndtlre : , ! ! the : SlIper.
1IIIIIull:111 oC l111mlrmtlol1 , 011 awn , COllollo. or
1111) ' nlll hOlI7o"11 Callotllull Onverllmcllt In"
W. V. BENNETT , 801 New' York fe Buildinr.
Omaha , Nehraska.
- - - -
To convlnoo ony
\ \ oman t hat rnx.
FREE i 1110 J\lItl50l'Uo will
111I11rO\'O her lJeatLh
mltl do all wo clglm
for It. Wo will
IIC)111 her uJsolulely ! frco larro .trIal
htr.t of J'a"Ul1o willi book of 1nstruo-
UOII ! ! and I-I'lluino : tl'sUmonlal ! ! . 8end
your natuu I1l1d atltlrebll 011 II. IJustal card.
. ! '
fAXT . . NEolonnle'
, '
' " ( \ m.
Drane nC.
tcctlons , 1111,11 no na : tl '
eutl111 II nud IlItlaulIl1uUon C:1t1Jctl : : / u 1tml-
111110 III ! ! ; RllfO e'cg 601'0 ' thro \ nllil
lIIoulh , by direct local treatmcnt Its cllr-
allvlower \ over these troublcs Is extraordinary -
ordinary Itnlt glvcs hnmellJato relief.
'l'housuuls : ( If womcn mo using nnd rco-
Olllllll'\IIJng ! It c\'ryday. W cents nt
drtlll IHI'I orb ) ' mall. Jtclllcmber.however ,
1'1' ( ; uwr YOU : ! , : ( ) 'I'UliO TO THY IT.
' 1'I1J 'It. .x'AX'I'ON co. , Doston , 111M' .
_ .
- - - - - -
, .
cnll 18 tor tour Jean YOJn won ot iOQd
IJllluactor : nlll ant/ilil phfatcal con41UoII bo-
WOCII the age. of 171111 < 1 1101 npprentlco lea.
! l1III1 npporLunlilc. fllr nd'l'nllcement ; I'a ,
lit ! to nu n lIIunth , 1 leclrlelu.u wl1cl1lnlH"
hlacklmlLhl , cOI'l'er mlll1l. ) 'eOlnen ( clerkl ) ,
( r.lrl'eOICra , oh1111111011l. IIromon. luualela.nll ,
Cll01l8 , OLe. betwecII 21 1111 < 1 ZI' > ) 'elira. eQIIsted
In SIJoclnl . ralln1/8 WILh lultnblo 11IU'1 bospltal
111'1"1111.\ III to :3 yean , Jtellrcoloul 00
IIlreo.fumllil puy ant ! uIlO"I'oUeCI after IIU
) 'ear. enlco. AppliCODIS must be American
cltlzenli ,
I"rat cloll1ln.r outllt free 10 mClulls , UpOQ
< IM'harl/lI / t'n el ullo"u.nco. conta pcr mlltt0
"laco..1 onllstment. IInnll four IIInntbl' P.Y
I'nt ! i IIcron\o III puy1pon reollllatwOllt wlll1ln
IOllr lIIultb.of dl.cllunle , umoel'u.ll.lncaIQ .
II' ' ' ' ' UL\t\nI/8.Nehrulioka . : \ / Alao , dUrlnlwlnlor.
I't II.lnlIlHM ; nlld tlldllx t:11 : . lo. . ,
READERS ot this papal' ' do.
\ mini : 10 buy any.
- Ihlnl : advortlsad In
I Its columns should Insist upon havlnlt
what Ihey u.k 'c.r. ' rctustnll''c1l1 subsli-
} tules or Imilallcns.
- - - -
i iv i ; ' Wl 1 : , ; ' fS ( . .t r1wt.U :
c.I. . . I.zt. . , U. t , . ' 1 , loG ! , U. . . . I.I 1 , . ; . , u..t , .1. . . . _