Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 02, 1907, Image 10

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    I . . . T _
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Now York.-'J'he WilY lu a lIIatl' "
I hl1.rt-thl'ollgh hili IItolllalJh-lhat'lI a
( I ( 'ad lollm' nnw. 'I'ho now lo\'o rOlltu
, , I it ! I1lrollgh his I1ngerIJ ,
" If YOII donhttho Hllggclltlon r ( > ad the
I facll ! .
: All the III'elly lIIanlcllro girls IWOlll
to 110 whllling hlllihlllllll1 .Il1l1t tlOW hc-
ClutSI' Lhoy call ) /ulllh / alld ) Il'llIk UII
the flllgor IInlls of the I'leh YOllllg mon
who wOllldn't duro to ho HlJUU nt : IIIY
dmce or dhlllOI' after calldlellght. wILh-
ollt tholr ' ImmaclI-
having flngol'lmllf : ! -
lately groollled.
The Iutost caIlturo Is Wlllillm A.
DllllluJI , son and holr of the million-
nlre morchnnt-"Bllly" Dunllll ) , nil he
Is ImowlI arolllul whew mOIlnhout-
) \'t'n.rnost do COli grl'ga Lt. , says Luo
.Tusl hefore N1l31or I.hol'I was Il tell-
1nUvo anllollncOIHJllt of , hili engagement -
ment 10 l\1lls l.avOIllltll' 1I 't'1'R , the
Ilroltiost gh'l In It fllllhionahlo mlllll-
< : uro cstabllnhmon t Oil 111'01111 wn ' ,
which Is cOlldmtod : h ' l\11111 Mary I'J.
Ponrt. And1\1lall Byors III not the IIrst
, vho hns Iwen won frolll that rellOI't
o ( Ule YOlln ! ; mOil who fool t ha t It I
nhlloilltel ) ' essential to have thC'lr II all I !
carefnlly tonded.
' 1'\\0 other Ilrott ' YllUII WOlllell
have a1roadx IlIlt uHldo the nnll II\Hlo ) \
i und the IIollshOl' fOl' Iho IllellfJllII t 01'
dulles or t'lInnlll Homo rich 'OUII I
man's home. ' 1'wo Otht'l'R or tlIIH I
Pearl'li I\taff have hocolllo the wl\'es of . 1
wNlllhy IHit rOils.
Tried to Keep It Quiet.
or COllrso , Inuslllllch as Ir. Dllllln)1 )
hUI ! hc > en divorced once UIIII suoll fUl'
brcach or promlso b ' anothOl' YOIIII ! ;
, \Yom/Ln / , ho made O\'OI' ' effill' ! to have
I the ongagolllen t. I < opt Il HLrll't secl'eL.
But sOlllobod ) ' tolll It. to sOlllehod '
( 'Iso , allel thal aOlllebOlh' ( ! Ise Inll1 Il
: ' 0 : \ thIrd tlm'son-lInd there 'Olt are !
Finally 1\hs. Byors had , to to1l1t to a
few of her 111l1nmtos , Ilnd then OVC'IT-
bed ' knew.fothOl' and Ilall hler
UIlVO gene to Chicago , 'w'hm'o they hl\\'o
mot. Mr. DunlllIl , jllst. from N ( mlla ,
where he has beoll Jllllidar alllclnllH or
mOllOY , 'rho roat. Is ous ' Lo uosu.
'thoy were marrloll In Mllwaukeo last
YounL ; MI' . Dunlap , who has been
Bround town now thono flfleon 'ears ,
I 'I'hor'o WIIK 0111' 1)lltu'rol ) arlol' au-
olheJ' . 1"IIIIlII ' aftel' II ) lIlrtlrlIlnrly : rH"
rOIlS ! 1'lIptllre , the YOlIII wlfo lofl hl'r
huuhulIlI , anel lalol' tho'e ! wal ! II Ilf.
1"0a \ tllllt' the ) 'llIlng mall ( Il'voted
hlmHelf strictly to hllHltlCSS , Ills
fathl'I' IlIcll , 101lVIIl ! ; II largo nutate , In
whlcl } ho Hhat'od VOl'Y t-olwroul\ly , 110
Illvelll'bi hoavlly In Nevada IIIlnln ! ;
proPUl'tlos , III HI hl jUdglllOllt IH'ovod
sOIlIlIl. Ilu tlll'lIoll over the money his
fnlhOl' 111111 lefl hllll with HIIOh clII'e
that. he lal' ely Incroused hla own
welllth ; Iw hecnll.lUtI . . . : :1' the mo t
) /rolllllwllt / 'Ollnl ; lIIen In the \Vurllol'l1
mlllln field.
Of COllnJl' , he couldn't. lit/I / ) ' In Ne.
vada I\lwa 'H ,
110 h01ll'11 the call of the Great
Whlto WII ) ' IIl1d 110 I\nswm'od It. SOllie
monthH IIgo ho rUlljnvOI'land fOl' a few
weole ! ! In Now York , 111111 of courlO he
111\11 to hn\'o hili nails flxod 11)1 ) anol' 110
lIIany 1II0nlhH III the wilds of Nevada
alld Its IIIlnlll CllmlH\ ,
'I'hlll wall onIm'ch : 7 last.
By chulHeIIHII : ; B 'I'I's wall I\HI ! ll'd
to talw can' of rOllllg11' ; , Dunlap's
II ngot'l ! , 110 founrl hlllllleH fl\ellI a
tall , Glbsolll'III\1I0 \ young glt'l , harolY t S ,
wllo tl'l'atod hili lIalls so dofll ' that hI'
was 1IlltI\'atl'll. ) at onco. 110 glancerl
for a secolIII 1111I0 al the ) 'ollng woman
who held hlf ! hlg halll1 so IIghtl ' In h'I'
OWII , II lilt he was IIIIUen , vel' ' , VOl'y
hallly. '
Bec < lme Reoul < lr Visitor.
110 palll his fee anrl went away.
Next Ilay ho wali haclc again. Ills
nallll HeemOll to ho hothorlng him vOI'Y
lIIuch , thollgh the IlolIsh which J\IlsH
Byors IUIII ( luL IIllOn them had hl\relly ,
WOI'l1 off at all ,
'rhero was allothm' ) IOIIHhlng and 1111.
olllor t 1'1I1I1II11Ig , Ilnd the 'oung 11I11-
lIonalro went. aWIlY'nolther heart
whole 01' falley fl'eo , In fnct , he WIlS
very milch In lovoId so l\I1SH
Pearl's pal'UI'H ) lIaw the 'onllg million. :
all'O there evCl' ' llay. .
Hnt there WIIS a lIy In the ointment
-not the nail olnlniont , whl < Jh was II'-
l'olll'oachable ,
Il WUH a IIIl1ch more Herlons 1'1'0)10. )
IIltlOII. , hl t alJOllt the tlmo thllt the
young lIIun got I'early to lay his heart I
anrl his fot'Luno at the feet of the '
{ ! : ,
I It I I \
IL I t
M'c5c5 ffill/iE
19 Just 36 years olJ. 'l'bls will be bls
fi cond matrhnonlal vont.nro , 'l'w01vo
) 'tmrs ago he mot , ( lIId lIIarrllH1lIss
I.ulu li'recr , of MOI/tlcellu , N , y , 'It
wall U romantle cOIII'tahl ) > , ' and so
quIeti ) . did Mr , Dunlap go abont hln I
\Torle oC wlnnllll ; the yonn lady's
hcul't alld hU1I11 that Il wasn'l for
months nrierward thnt nny olle klWW
thnl tbey .I ad boon luarl'lad.
" '
RQmance Soon Ended ,
lj'uL th" rOn\allcu'dldn't last long ,
ty manlcurc , there CIUllO n lawlHlIL.
Ho had alrelUlY had so\'erul with his
Curnlor wife , but this 0110 wus the Bld :
dest blow of all.
Breach of Promise Suit.
1\111311 1101'011':0 ; ' : Pitt , of Stamforll
COIIII. . sued 111m Cor hronch oC IlI'om
Ise , 'rhls mallo all sorts of trouble
and 1\11' . DUlllap mHI his mother \"er \ (
very much worried , lIss Pitt , wh (
Is rich In her own right , declared h
I legal pallors Hint in SOlltombor lasl
, . . .
MI' , DUllllql llromlrlril to 1II111'1'y h(1r ,
hilt thlll hl' ( 'vC'ntllall ' told 111'1' thut lie
I oulclll't. Ho HIt ( ! IIUlJd. UnlosH the
Hull , IIIIM 1)1'1'11 Hlm' ( ' ! wttlCfl III H'CI''t ,
just IItI11' ; \ , nllnlull'S Illvorl'l' WIIS oh. .
LIIIIIl'fl , thl' CUW : III 11U1I11I1IJ ; 'ut.
Hilt Ihl ! ! IIIIln'L IIl'I tn to U/Hut ) / th
) 'OUII WOOI'I' , } h ! told nIl nnd 111'0'
) /OSP-11 / 10tlIIS 1 ! 'orH. Hhl' COIIIJSRlHl
hm' loYI' tholl IItlll thnl'e , lIud IlrcIlIIlscd
10 IItnrl' ' the young IIIlIlIonult'e an ) '
limo III ! choolle , 110 IIIl1th.I' whnt callie
of 1I1l ! hrtlIch ! of 111'011I1110 Hili t.
It wall 1111 a whlt'lwllld cOIII'lshlll. .
'I'horo 'WIIH II dully tnanlclII'lng IIl1d
dlllltel' 01' the thelltOl' lit. u"ht ,
'I'hl'n the YOIiIltIlooplo told 1\1 \ I'll. H ' -
< 'I'S. She was lakell ( : olllplelely hy
lilll'III'IW , Silo hllrrlb' ! ( now the mall
all ) ' IIIOrl' thllll thllt ho son1l'llrm'g
_ _ _
CillO or an anllt In NC'w OI'leans , Wl10
moved toiI'W Yorlc ,
Wlwn she wall 0111 enough to sup'
Ilort hel' olr Mias McDonnld became n
IIIl1nh'llI'o IItHI wI'nt to worlc in a bar-
hel' ! ihof1 , Hilt Rhu won't. have to ml1n-
Icuro lIallsU1 / ' ml l'e , and Rhe will
hl'lngthe young mon-hls name nho
won'.1. tI111-JIOllgh dowry to keep the
wolC frolll hoUI the frollt nnd the huck
loorR ,
'rhl'lI there wlla daillty little lIss
lJaunuh Be klr ! , who wOI'kcll nil Il man.
ICIII'e InL , John street. aholl ,
Sohmer Victim of Cupid ,
'I'horo came there olle duy ) 'onng
J dwllrd Sohmel' , Ron oC State Senator
WIIIIIIIII Hohmol' . lIe wanted his nnlls
IlolI h lI and Mia ! ! Becker waa assigned -
od to the tUHk , lie was 21 , ! ; oed loolc.
/IReS fOWIlRIJ " \ \
Iollghttlss : Byerfl home after the
theatol' , But so persuasively Illd her
daughter plead aud so ably dlel 'oung
Mr , Dualap aid and ahet hm' that1\Irs ,
n 'el'fl read II ) : gllve III.
Went to West to Wed.
1\11' . Dunlap Wlll\ suddenly suntmonod
Wost. lIe wonl to Nevada , leaving
worll fOI' 1\11'11 , Byers and her daughter
to meet hll1In Chicago , The : , ' were
there 011 time ; so WHn he. Bvon then
the two 'oung pcoille tried to Ieee ) ) the
ongngoment IL secret. In fnct , hoth de.
nled It , and so did Irs , Byel's. But.
the 110werH 1U1I1 the notes thal were
conlltantly going UII to 1\1Iss Dyer's
allUrlments told tholr own I\tor ' . So
l1Iothm' and daughter qull Chicago ,
and so did Mr. Dunlall ,
That didn't Iccop 1\lrs. ll 'ers alld
1\1lss Lavender from going to l\IlIwau.
Iceo , and UIOI'O the roung mllllonalro
mot thelll. l\lr. Dunlap 11romptly went
to the 111'01101' authorities and got IL
mal'l'la o license , ' ] , hen he went to
the circuit. co III' I. and indncod ono oC
the judges there to ! ; l'ant a Hlleclal dls-
11Onsatloll 1'1'011tho flvo dar's limit.
In II. few I1\llIutos the young ) leOlllo
were mnl'l'lel1. 'rhoy toolc the I1rst
It'alll for New \'orc. ) '
Bride Is English.
\lrs , DunlaJl No , 2 Is conllidered ono
of the hnndsomest gIrls who haH eyer
been a nlllnlcuro III Now Yorle. She
Is tall , s1endor , wlLh Ilerf'ct polae and
C' : qulslto carrla e. She was born at
I1actcney Downs , a suuurh of London ,
11m' family lost tholr mouey and canto
to this couutry whelllIss Lavender
was only a IIttlo gh'lln pIgtails. Whell
she GI'Oup she found It neccssar ' to
sUPl10rt hO'fwlf. !
She will have to do so no mOl'O ,
. Hight 011 the heels of this coml'S the
< lnnOUnCl'111ellt of the mUl'I'lage of i\I1sH
Annlo MoDonald , who has Inht'l.ltcd
$25,000 , and now Intends to marr ' a
poor Y01l11g man 10 whom Hho hnd
1lven hOl' hl'art IOllg before IIho'l'I'
th'l'lln1C'd of h hJt ; Ull heiress.
101' ; foul' years : \1Iss \ McDonald 1101.
Islwd nails at No. 57 West 'rwoaty-
third strt'ot , harbm' shop , wh01'O she
was lho olll ' WOllll\n oml1l1 } 'o. 1.alll
wool , she received a "or ' fOl'mlelahlo
looklllg legal document from Duncan
& Fltzul'\lel ; : , solicitors , the Stl'llnd ,
London , It hal'o the comforting nuws
thnt Ihe had Inhel'lIell ( iOOO } 1u1\I1I1a
slol'lIng 1'1'0111 her gl'llndfnt11C'r , Anus ;
Klblo ! , IUlll thnt t\IO \ money was walt.
Ing for hOI' upon Ill'oof of Idontlty.
'I'hls tlldn't take IOIH ; , '
To M < lrry Miln She Loves. "
"Now I can marry the IIIl1n 1 love , "
I ul1lounrcd1Iss lcDonnld to the head
- barboI' as IIho resIgned her IloalHon.
Bohhul all thIs , ton. Is a romance ,
'l'"ont ) ' , Ii\'o 'ears ngo 1\IIss lcDon'
alII's mother olopel1 with a 11001' ' ( } llI\g
, atmlol1t , 1l0l11' ' McDonald. Old11' : ,
- Klhbo IJI'Oll1lll1 ' disinherited his I1nugh ,
, 101's for hIs gl'anddaughtel' , IH !
110\01' laid o'cs upon her , IIol' fathot
dlel1 heoro IIhe was horn and hOI
1I101hor followed him to UIO grave B00\1
afterward , leaving tbo IIttlo gl1' } to the
" 'JY. ,
. . . EOWIlRO
r5 fH R.
lng , rich. She was 2S , good looking ,
pOOl' . Wasn't that enough material
for CUIII1 to work uDon ?
Dlsparlt- age ? Fiddlesticks !
Wnsn't she the prettiest girl In Now
YOI'kUwl Is , If yonng Sohmer's
ollinion cOllnted.I I 'VeIl , nt any rate ,
he fell hand over hcels III love , and
ho aslcctl the IreUy manicure to bo
hili hride. She said t.he "Yes" ho
craved , hut then there was the sena.
to .
But with him the roung man plel\d-
ed 4\ls \ suit equall ' well , and the fathel'
capitulated , Ho summoned his famlI ) ' ,
toolc them nil to the "Little Church'
Al'ounl1 the Corner , " and there Dr.
Houghton tied the lenot , 'I'hen In a
shower or rico the IJI'oUy hrille went
away 011 a hone'moon trip to Atlantic
City anti Hlchmond , Va" where her
people live , fiy t.hls time the CamlJy
must know weB the : roung and ardent
bridegroom , who carrlell his suit by
storm from manicure tahle to the very
altar. When tiley como home Mr. and
1\1rs. Sohmer will live at No. GO West
One Hundred and Twenty.elght streot.
"If she can malw biscuits as well as
she can mnnlclII'o my nalls , sho's the
girl for me , " laughell the 'OIl1\g brll1e-
groom. as the ) ' Hlm'tell on their wedding -
ding journey.
. ,
' ] hen there WHII Spencer G. Prime ,
just graduated from the University of
SyraclISt' . Ai soon as he tot his sheep.
slcln he married 1\1lss .Julla Bllrt' , who
had manicured hili nails throughout
his college courso. Some da ' th'o
'Olmg man will inherit the millions of
his fathcr , S , W , Prime. But whal
yotmg PrIme did was in no way different -
ent from another of his classmates ,
Homer " 'heaten , who lI1al'l'lod a dainty -
ty IIttlo malllcul'e , IItiss Florence Car.
We < llthy Brewer Smitten.
'fhen there wns I1ss L'dla C.
Mool'e , manicure girl or the famous
lIotel Belluvuo-StratrOl'd , Philadelphia.
Hors WILS a romallco ! ruleed , P. 'V.
I Schmidt Is ono of Phlladolphla's mil-
1I0nairo b1'0'OI'S , and Is regard ell as
ono of the hest < < lrossed men In the
clt : , ' . 110 lUot lIssloOl'e : at uno of the
Clover t1l1nces-nmong the smarlest
nffalrs In the slow city by the Schuyl-
Imaglno his S\ll'III'IIo a month after
when ho' wont to the Hollovue.Strat-
f rt1 to have hili lIalla I1xell UI' to Hnd
that his cotillon ) lartner was nothing
but. a manlcurl' , 'I'holl ho became In-
I torested ,
Ho foul1d It n'ceas/U' / ) ' after that to
have hlu lIalla manlclII'edvory day.
J\ml so deftly did Miss Moore do Il
thnt flnall ' she eamo Into the hotel
ono dny with It hl diamond solltalro
on tllO third finger oC her leCt hanc1-
she wus ol1g-aged to Mr , Schmidt. 'fhat.
very urternooll she gave ILWIl ) ' nil her
manlcuro Imillemonts to the other
irts nnd nnw she Is lrs , Schmidt ,
wlCo of n mlllionull'o IInd mistress oC n
I 8plondhl country estate at Hadnor ,
Phllllc1olllbla's smartnllt suburb ,
And who'll deny IIOW' thut the way
to a muu's heart Is not thrllllsh his'r tips ?
" . . . ,
0 , the "Ulah , , . , And 0 , , , . , " Preacher
lo.l'rlgllI : , lW7 , 101 tile o\uUor , , w. H. E < bOD , )
ScrJpturo Authorlty-Judges : chap.
tel's 11 nnd 15.
: : ' > : m > : : < m : < 1 > : : , : rr , : , ' : , : ' : : > : : ' : r : ' : : : " :1:1 : ' : : :
Ct =
t SERMONETTE , : ; : . <
2 "Teach us wh < lt we shall do
S unto the child th < lt shall be
born , " S < lmson had the adv -
: :
: ; ' : . v < lntage of God.fearlng p < lrents , r.
E and his tr < lfnlng began before he g
r.'E .W < lS born. These are two cong - . : : :
g dltJons which exert a lifelong
. : : C Influence upon the char < lcter and [ :
destiny of a life. It Is the her-
It < lge to which every child has g ;
S right to I < lY cl < llm , but oh I hoVi . :
seldom docs It come Into Its
C , ' right _ r.
j The coming of the child Into g
= the home Is too often the unwelcome - . :
come < lccldent to be followed by
' : I : haphaz < lrd rearing , with no posl- E
tlve religious trainIng. ]
in ; God has a cl < llm on every life , : , , '
1E and that ct < llm should be recog-
) : nlzed by the parents of the unborn -
) born child , It should Inspire
: : them to the faithful discharge g
of the parent < ll obligations , and ' :
" , .hould guide them in plannIng 6fi . . . '
> ; tr future of the child , r.
In the case of Samson his g
f = career was definitely indicated . ; : . ,
g by Divine revelation before his
: . birth , a privilege not vouchsafed r. : :
to m < lny , especl < llly In this day ; :
5E . but notwithstanding this , there
should be the definite consecra.
. : tion to the Lord < lnd' the seeking : :
r. to follow the Divine will in the
! tr < llnlng of the hlld so that
eventu < llly he shall come to fill
liS the place b'1st suited to his < lbll.
' : : ' Itles Lind the needs of the world : : ; 1
in which he lives. ' : . <
[ : :1 "The child grew < lnd the ' : : <
him.-Does this
g Lord blessed -
' : : sound like Divine favoritism ? I : : )
Has God those he picks < IS par- i ,
: I tlcul < lr recipients of his bless. . .
Ing without conslder < ltlql'of \ : l
. : _ , the individual merit ? Perhaps 1:1 J
It would seem so from the sue [ :
1:1 : Perficl < ll and Imperfect knowledge - . : : .
: edge of man , but recognition of ' :
' : ? . the perfect love and perfect jus. t . : : . !
ro. I . .
' : : . tlce of God compels t h e conv I c. 1/ /
tlon th < lt God always Iesses [ ii ,
where the conditions of life < lnd ' : :
heart make it possible. !
Some children are allowed to
'grow up like weeds of the me < ld. :
t : ow , and it Is only by < I mlr < lcle :
liE of gr < lce through the s < lvlng Lind
' : : : cle < lnsing power of Jesus Christ 1\ \ : ;
; , th < 1t sometimes such lives are Lit i j
r. . . . . I < lst brounht " Into h < lrmony with ' : : '
I : : 1
; ; : . God's will < lnd in the way of . , ,
divine. blessing. ! ! 1
: The development of the child [ tj
? E should be Godward , so that it : j
E may receive God's blessing. The . : : <
upw < 1rd walk always finds the J
, ; descending blessing. What S < lm. ;
= son stood for In the w < lr of 0 : : .
: rlghte usness < lnd truth ) n Is. . : ; .
E r < lel W < lS the result of the early J
: : Influence of that Godl ' home In lul
: . which he was reared. lfti
_ . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 't..1.i :
" , , ' T " < --n' 'iT.'iT. , , ' oU' " . . . . 'iT . . . . . . . . ' ' . . . . , .T. . . . . . . , .V. ' , , " h. ' . ' , , . ' u " . . . . , . . . . , " , . . ' . . " ' , . .
l his earliest recollection Sam'
FIlO hall been Imbued with tbe am.
bltlon to become It great gmerul like
Jephthah , or Gldeoll , or Oarak , With
his mQther's milk IIH a babe ho had
drunle In all Intel1le slll'It ) of patriot.
Ism , alld as ho hall grown Into man.
hood and hnd IIstenod. to the storIes
of the mighty mell of valor whom GOl1
had mlsed UII 10 deliver Ismel from
hel' enomles the ) lurpose haiL grown
within him to sOl1le day march at
the head 0 [ ' a. ronlluel'lllg arm ) ' as
these other men had clone ,
Ills mothOl' told him ever and again
the story of the ullgol's visit , of hll3
birth , amI of the Iu'omltw that ho
should he It delh'l'rN unto. ' rsrael from
the ) lower of the Philistines. She
had told of the lIzarlte vow anll
had by hel' falthflll mlnlstr3 ; Inspired
him with the f1an1l' RIII'It. ) of lo 'nlty
and devotion which had moved her
own heart and Iwpt her IlIIl'O and UII'
spotted from 1II0ral ani ! Hplrltual de.
cline which was manlfl'st among her
people Oil e\'er ' hand , Ami In aB
this eurl ) ' trallllllg and dlsclIllIne , the
fatlter , 1\1unoah , 111111 11Ibly seconded
the GocIl ' womall ,
In such an ulmoslhorc ) It was that
'samson hacI been reared , and IlS he
Jo\'eIO1od [ Into youn manhood , and
felt the vigor of hllJ strong Ilhysique ,
ancI the I1nllolllng motlvo of hlf ! deep
spiritual life , the ft'I'\IHtlhlo : Impulse
mo\'ed him to go out amoag ' his Ileo-
)110 ) and seek to arCIIISO th'olr IlI1trlot.
Isin uncI bl'sln the ol'gunlzatlon of an
Ilrmrd force that nhouhl drlvo the
Phlllstftll's from limon ! ; thom UI1\1
break the 'ol\O of their o I)1resslon. )
But 1IIIIrltual eondltlons wQro Ilt low
ohb , allli peollo [ did nut seem to feel
the tll'd ( or or cnre for IIlIrtlllng dlf.
fcreonAIIII \ whllo tlwy felt the burden -
den of the Philistine I'ult. , there were
comllOnsatln fentul'j , auch as pro-
tl'ctlon from ether enemies , ancI certain -
tain fJommol.t'ul ! and social adTlln.
tagl' ! ! , which nl)1cIIll'cI [ ) to theUl , and
which rencIorcll tilt ! l.ffortn f Samson
practlcnll ' without U ct ,
What IC he dill perform deeds of
prowess before them I'll\'ealhlg hIs
pow.-al : ph'slquo ? What if ho did
recoullt. the hlst.orr of the ) last in
which God had given dellveranco to
'I .
' .
hla Ileople1 Only 1\ mere handful or
men were gathered to him , and ho
Celt that it were worse than Coli ) ' to - \
uUlmllt the work of deliverance with J-
snch a force. tI
. .
Disconsolate and well.nlgh dlscour-
aged , he wnnderctl fortb one dar
alono. Questlonlngs flIlC < l his helnl.
1IIId he nrtCl' nil been set for the de.
IIverance of Israel ? IIow was he to
bogln when the people were not with
him In splrll ? No , 110 did not even
have the 300 which Gideon hall 80 ef-
fectlvel ) ' used.
' ' he hnd
1'hus occupied In Lhollghl
not noted whither his Cootsl pfI wel'O
taking him unlll some voices at. his
etbow cnused him to IQok up nnd he
noted thllt. ho was jusl within the outskirts -
skirts DC Tlmnnth , I . town 501\10 thr\l ,
miles dlotant froll1 his own home. Before -
fore him he saw two men slL'uggling
to 11ft heavy hurcIen from the Imclt
of II smnll uss , that , overladen and ,
weary from a journe ) ' , had fallen aud
was now crushed to the earth by the
wolght. of the merchandise which he
had been cart'yillg. 'I'hc exhausted
animal hnd fallen In IItlch . mannm'
as to make the fastenings by which
the bnrdon was strapped to his bacl : _
' "
Inaccessible , and the men were curs-
Ing and swearing and IH111111g al curs11 : 1
helpless beast. In an unsuccessfu1 eC- "
forl to raise him and loosen the "
thongs. . '
Samson took In the situation at a !
glance , arid beCore tllC men Calrly ,
'reallzed what hall hnplwnell ho had !
lifted the ass , burden and all , willi ORe
hand , whllo with tllO otuer he quick ,
Iy unfastened the thongs , and lightly
throwing the hurden acrosn his OWII ,
shoulders , he Indicated to the men - . . J .
that he would I1nlsh earr 'lng the lend I , (
If they would lend the way.
Such wns the odd processIon which
passed up the ono main street. or Tim.
nath that day and moro Umn ono pOI'- ,
son came to the door to see the ma.
wnlklng along with light quick stop
currying an ass's load , while the pa. ' , ;
tlent boast trotted on by hIs side ,
, .
and the t.wo mon led the way ,
'rhe novelty of the situation Cor. the
mOl1lent. qulto drove from the mind of '
Samson the thoughts which had been
troubling him , but when he bad de. ,
) loslted his burden nl tile door of tbe 1
house where the two mon lived and _
had tUl'lIed to go , havlnL ; reflllicd the .
hosIlltallty which the mon were urg. r
IlIg Ullon him , the whole IInl1nllIIY
train of thou hl returned , Ho re.
sented those Philistines being in the
land he their ' ' "
; desIllsed oTcrbearlng ' -t'1'
aud sUlercllious ) aIrs ; and he turned .
Impatiently from the dool' anti has.
tened down t.he street. . . - ;
"llut , " he asked himself , fiercely , !
"how Is It to be changed ? What can Yl-
I do ? The men of Israe1 will not
staud with me against these Ph1ll8' '
tilles , "
He was looking into the door\ya's
he was ) lassing as ho slwe. ) fol'
the who had 1111th.
) leOIle thronged . .
( , I' had not yet withdrawn , and he
noted the eXllresslons of wonder and
admiration as t.holr eyes followed him.
His attention was eSleclally ) df1"lcted :
to one 'oung woman who had eae 1 }
' '
IHlshed herself to the fronl or a gr ul ) ' - , "
of people standing In one doorway , '
and UR his eyes met , hers a blush ,
overspread her face and in cOllfualon ;
she retreated within. :
The Incldenl started a DOW line of
thought. and ro he had hal [
his steps toward his homo he had
made up his mind what ho would
"I I cnnnot raise an army lo fight
against the Philistines , I wJJl force a
quarrel with them. 1 will take TIIC U
wife of the Philistines and will 'ot
have occasion agnlnst them. " .
But when he hnd spoken to his pal"
ents con corning the maller , saying :
"I have seen a woman In Tlmnath of
the daughters of lhe Philistines : now
therefore get her for ino to wlfo , "
they chided him saying : "Is thel'o'
never a woman amonL ; the danghterH
of thy hrethren , or among all my Ilco ,
) lIe , that thou gocst to take n. wife of
the unclrculUslzed Philistines ? "
But Samson was deat to his fatht'I"s
cntreatles and his mothor'l ) 1e.s. ; .
making rOllly alwa's to tbelr repeat.
ed nleals ) ) : ; . , .
"Got her fol' me ; fOl' she seemeth' ,
right In my oyeg , "
And when theY' snw It was useless
: IIIY longer to try to restrain him In
hff. ! resolve , for they did 1I0t understand -
stand that It was of the Lord and that
he sought. an occasion agaInst thH
PWllstlnes , the ' did as he desired , So
It came to pass thalln tlmo the youn
woman of Timnath became the wife
of Samson , but ere the week of Cestlv-
Itm : ; had ended there bad transpIred
these events of which t.ho SCrhllul'O
sJeaketb ) In detail. and which ! ; ave to
Samson the occasIon whlr1l 110 soughl
of Int1lctlng l1)10n ) the Philistines the
punishment they so rlc11ly doserved.
anI. ! uf turning the hearts or hlB IWO- (
) lIe back to the ser\'lco of the trul'
Cormor < lnts Tr < llned to Fish.
COrlllOl':1nts : are familiar enongh oh.
jects 115hll1 [ ; nn the outlylag 1'oc1(8 bE- ' .
low the ollern whereon they nest , 01'
seated Ulon ) the ) Jests which utLrJt : the
< ' . 011\60 oC the channel In a tidal : I nt' ,
her , their hrl llunt emora1d oye. ! ! c-'er
on the watch for I1sh ,
Out few )1001110 ) am pel'haJs ) aware i ,
that these great hiacle ullcouth 100eItH ! _
hlrds were at ono tlmo tl'l1lnod In ElIg ,
laud to catch I1sh for the amuscment
of ro 'all ' . 'l'ho SIIOI.t was Introduced
Into the country from the court ot
I'rance ; In the tlmo of I.ollis XIIl. , the
l"ronch cOUl.tlcrs hud heen taught thu ,
metholl of taming nnd tralnln thmw
blrlls by a Dutehmnn , whoso COltntr '
1I10n hall already lcarnod It. dlll'ltu ; .
thuft. Yo 'nges In' the east. I.'vr It Is
to tho' Chlneso and JUlmnose Usher'J. . . .
lI1l'n thnt guro)1enl1 ) nutlons were 1lrst
indebted Cor u lmowledge of the sport.