Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 02, 1907, Image 1

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    - . -
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, , " , y
: , Your Watch
t .
; ; Contains 160 separate piencc9 , rc-
I. [ 1
I , qui ring 3750 distinct operations in
- the production. 'l'he balnncc runs
, n utile nn hour , 24 miles a dny.
; .s One wheel re\'ol\'e 4,730,450
. .
times n : yenr. The bnlnnce makes
157,680,000 vibrations every twelve
months , and keeps it up for years.
Is it not a faithful servnnt ? 'Are
YO\1 a good mastcr ?
! ,
' '
( .
r. . . LII- , -
. . .
. . . . .
Compound Prescription is
Expert Work. qnl y a
trained pharmacist can prepare -
pare medicina properly. I
'l'he properly trained druggist -
gist is not a common laborer
or even a sldlled laborer
merely. lIe belongs to a
highly bonored. profession
which works togeth r with
the profession of medicinc'
Permit us to prepare 'your
doctor's prescri ptions.
Op'n on Sundays from
8:30 : to 10:30 : a. m. . only.
. .
. _ _ _ _ _
' 11m'
, I I
( , . 41 I i I
r. \ , . .
. :
" ' . . ' .
; . How to load with Side-Boards. ,
\ . . ' Did you c\'er see a Manure fip.cmle ! " usinJ { side. boards ? Cottle to ,
. our warehouse and we will shu011 h.w it is dUllc with a I. lchlicld
' . Sprcmler.
) 1 It requires an endless conveyor to (1) this work an . { ls the Lilchfie1l1
, . Sprcader has the one successful endless com'eyor on th market we do
\ f 1I0t hcsitate to assert that thh is the only machine capahle of hauling
extra high loads a long distance and oing it in a prncticalmauncr. ,
, It looks fuuny to us sometimes to see a man going two or three miles
{ : , with..lload of liJht nl nur just Icvcl with the top of his box when he
' ( . could , as far as the weight of the load is concerned , just as wc11 handle
three or four times as much. lie can 110tloa(1 higher , however , on the
average machine because he can not distrihute it when he gcts to the
The Litchfield Machine will stand loading just as high as yon want
, to , putting on two or three.side-boards if you see fit , providing you do
1I0t o\'cr-load the machine it ! weight and this is the only limit.
Oftcn times light hulky material is to be hauled 11 long distance ,
. from one farm to another or from town 1\1111 the ordinary sprcader makes
t . it an extensive job ,
Come and see us and we will show you how the Litchfield does this
. and if it docs not appeal to you strongly there is something wrong with
y'our constitution. Haven't you observed a man sitting on the average i
spreader and drh'iug for miles with a IOtul that:1 pony conld pull , jnst
: hecmse his machine would not unload it if it was pilell1uy highcr.
, t ; I
I \Vc don't furnish side.hoards with the I.itchfiel(1 Sprcader hut if
I. you wl1nt to put them on whcn you are haul nJ { light wcight manure ntlll
, ' , hauling it a long distance , there is nothinJ { to prevent our doing it.
\ This is only one of the dozens of valuable points about this modern
, , / ttI sprea er a11l1 we will te11 YOl } next week something I1bOllt the five year I
I guarantee on th 1907 Ulat1une , .
( . I C. 8. MARTIN , rolen Hov. I
I If ! ' ' ' . .
, 'Ii _ = = _ " . . ; . . . . . _
11111'1"I"'I""I"'I"I"I'tl'II"'IIIIII''I" ' " " " ' " " " " " " ' " " ' ' " ' ' ' " " " " " " " " ' -
7 I - _ Slepparc1. ] & Burk I -
. r ; = = 'tV ant. to call your attention to their elegant , line :3 :
. . , : = of Fresh Oanned Goods as follows : :3 :
- -
F - -
\ . - = - ' = Meats. . Fish. Soups. = - - =
I - - - -
- -
- : : : : Potted Chickcn Sardines Tomato Soup : : : :
E Potted Tmgue _ Salmol1 Chickcn Soup = =
: : : : Potted lImn Shrimps l\1u11igatavon ) ' : : : : : :
E Veal Loaf- Star I.obster Bouillon :3 :
: : : : : Dried Beef Russian Caviar Beef Soup : - : : : .
- : : : : : : Corn Beef Consomme : : : : : :
: : : : : Vienna Sausage : : : : :
- - 1.- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
Fruits and Fresh Vegeta'bles :
- -
- - _ . - - -
- -
- -
- -
Phone 125. South Side Square
11i 1111il1il111111111'111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ' 1111111
- -
If Producers Join in the Movcment
and Stick [ the Chanccl ! arc
Good for Dollar Whent.
The campaign being made by
the American Society of Equity
to raise the price of wheat to one
dQllar per bushel is being- fiercely
waged and if the man behind the
guns-the wheat raisers of the
western statcs-will stand pat
with the proposed plans the
battle will be won and Instead of
the measlcy SO or (10 cents per i
bushcl , one dollar will be the
figure. Of great importance will
l1c the INational Gram Growcr's
convention at Omaha on June S ,
( j and ' 1. Appropria tely the call
for this gathering eminated from
North Dakota. Omaha promptly -
ly extendcd the glad hand and
the Commcrcial club of that city
will stand sponsor for the con-
vetl tion. All grain growcrs-
whcther mcmbers of the Society'
of Equity or not-are invited to
participate. 'fhe convention wifl
indorse the system of selling
g-rain Idirectly to mills , and exporting -
porting wheat in grower's hands ,
the object bcing to exclude the
It is intended that immediately -
ly afterward the campaign in
the field will be prosecuted by
fifty picked organizers , with
assistants , to cover a period of
forty days ; thesc organizers to
secure pledgcs to hold wheat for
Sl per bushel on the basis of
Chicago prices.
This rcsolution , ac10pted by
thc Norl h Dal\Ota State Union ,
will uc prcsented lo the nalional
! , ( 'athl'fing for approval :
"Whcreas Thc ' of
, prescnl s'slem
marketing farm crups IIIl1la s it possiblc
for a s'Hnl ! ellS"Jf : people lo JAmble in
the IIIccssarics of li fc , the systcm IIlso
IlJllking possihle grain exchange , whosc
I-lll11bling : operntions upcrate t ) the great
cltsad\'lllltagc of IJroluccrs , 11I111 con-
sllmers alikc , 111\11 will continue as lon
as farmar perpetuatc thc prescnt s'stem ;
"Whereas , A plan of marketing is
now alTere(1 . ( b ' the American Society of
Hqnity , desIgned to climinate the
spccnlator and 'rleprh'c grain excahges of
the price making powcr ; thercforc , be it
"Resolved , That the plan of the
AmeI Society of Equity be adopted
with such amendmcnts as may be deemed
desirahle. "
J. A. Everett , of Indianapolis ,
president of the American Society
of Equity. is quoted as saying :
II All , he great trusts havc their
methods of controlling priccs ,
but whcn the grain grower gets
thoroughly organized he will be
in control of the most stupcndous
volume of bus ' 1ess the commercial -
mercial world has ever seen. We
do not propose or mtend to make
a yoke that will gall the con-
sumcr. He will not be required
to pay more for bread than at
present. Thc man we are after
is the speculator , thc manipulator
of prices , a parasitc who draws
his illegitimate sustenance from
producer and consumer alike and
a frtctor in trade which both
victimized elelwmts ought to
" .
. . . . .
I Have for Sale
Two of the choicest A sm3Jll block' of
pieces of res ide n c e Eliptic Mining Stock
property in town , two at an specially : low
blocks from the public : price until May 1st ,
square. . ' 1907.
\ u
E C HOUSE Broken Bow ,
. , Nebraska.
. . . . ' . ' " . ' -n''r/ : : ' ; ! kf..f. . . . . _ -.J. _ O'ito. ' ' . "t. , t , . ' " . . ; " ( f. . . . _ ' . . . . . , - " ' . '
worlc hanl-in-hand to relcgate tea
a back scat. With our. plan in
IfTcct he will have nothing to
speculate in , hecause thc price
wil1 be predctcnnincd , removing
it entirely from the phere of
manipulation. "
Other efTorts have been mad (
to elevate the price of wheat to' '
Olll ! dollar and failed becausc of
a lack or interest by the producer -
ducer , but the great army of
grain growers is now thoroughly
arouscd to a sense of duty to
themselves , and the Rnl'UIJI.IcAN
sees no good reason why this
campaign should not succced if
they stick steadfast to their
Illegal to Sell or Serve Wild Game.
'l'he recent session of thc State
lcgislature passed a law which is
now in full forcc and effect which
prohibits the buying , selling or
barter of any wild game witlun
the state. It provides a pcnalty
for hotels or restaurants that
serve wild game at any season
of the year , and it is prescribed
as unlawful for anyone to have
game in their possession five
days after the season closest
'rhe law also includes fish , but
only applics to fish takcn from
the pubhc waters of the State ,
and docs not exclude fish that
has been shipped in.
. - - - -
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. . . . , , , . . , , . . . . , . ,
. . .
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. .
' ' " ; " ' " ' ! " ' ' " 'iIr.I"'Ir.r.llmlliIP'ln ' ' " ; u'iIr.IllI"liIr.IllI"r.Jr.iI"I1111P""iIPlIlIliIr.III"liIP' ; : ' " " ' I mr.mrrr.r.w : ; : : : " .
, , . , , ,
. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . . .
< " ' " 11 ! ! " : ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'UI : : ! ! " ' ! ! ! ! " ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ' ! ' ' ' ' ! ' ! ' ' ' " : ! ' ' ' ' ' : : ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " : ' . it
r "r : : -
II Harness ! Harness ! I
H Wc have a larger assortment of HARNESS this > 1 .
\ . spring than we ever had and , prices of good leather )
IJ c nsidercd , we arc selling the n cheaper than we'ver \ . (
.H. the value we give you for the money. , - ;
L We will meet and undersell any competitor we ? >
) know of. i ( )
; IF you have a cheap catalogue bring it with you , (
J we will compare goods and meet prIces. { }
Farm Implements
\Ve have everything that is gOGd , such as , \ ;
\ Good Enough Hiding Plows ) . :
. Good Enough Gang Plows > )
i Sure Edge Drop Corn Planter ; < : - ;
l ' 'rh.c Gr tch n Edgc D op Planter , 32.00 !
I' 14xlC1DtscIlarrowat . .
{ 't.OO. See It
: t ; > <
: b < Many kinds of cultiva tors. ; \
! .r : If in doubt of value of gooc1s , tr ) . us. > \1 )
, , . \ . ,
I ( 1 - .
i E . ; G. W . .L'-tPPLEo \ . ]
: . . , r.'L . ' . , , . : ' . . . . , . . . . . . , . , , ; r.-o.V " . . : . . , 1Iij..To..iJr. : ' . . . , . ' . r.rp.r.r. : : . . , , ; . , , , ' ; . ; . . ' . , . : , ; . , . . . , . . , . , , . , . . . . . , . . ; : : : . " : : : ; Jj . ,
" : " : 1 : : ! ' ' ! ' '
' " " ! ! " " ' " " " " ' : : " " : ' ' ' " ! ! ! ! " " " ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' " : ' : : ! ' ' ' ' ' ' : " " ' : ' ! " " "
- "If
At the
Bale na Lettuce
lOc a pound PUR E F 0 0 0 and
Al ways good 1 . - r .ea d < 1 uar t 01'8. Radishes .
D .1 V .
. .
o u OLIVE SAI4ID , at 21) ) cents I .
. a bottle , worth 30.
The genuine , pure OLIVE OIL ,
the Idnd physicians use , only
30 , , : a bottle.
CORN FLAKES , toasted , for , only lOc a package.
Grand Canon CANNED PEAS ,
delicious , lSc a can.
. , .
3 dozen CLO'rHES PINS for Sc ,
cheap enoug h for kindling. '
LOUSE KILLER , for chicl < ens ,
price 2Sc , SOc and hOc , it's a
wonder. . ,
at 40c a gallon , best on earth , '
will stand the test of all pUl'e . . .
food laws.
Chila.Sauce J C Bowen Bacon .
A hot one . . Lard / '
It's pure Dam'
. TRADE . .
3Sc a bottle I.ur < < . OUI 'MARK " .wt'r "I"Clrar The best . I
Experience Costs oney
If your house needs paint let the expericnce of
others more than half pay for thc work by using
Best Prepared Paint
First-Iast-and all the time.
The use of inferior paints is expensive experience.
J. S. J ; J _ F. BAISCH. .