Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 25, 1907, Image 8

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    'R ' , . . . . . . . . . . , , - r 11 . . - - . "
. . , ' . ,
, _ _
- We are now about ready for
having cleaued up entirely on fal1 and winter merchandise. ,
New goods are now arriving daily and our many lines will
soon be complete. When you are loking for
Good V lues and Honest Prices
the year 'round in dry goods , cJolhing , hats , caps , shoes , rugs ,
carpets. matting-s , lineoleums , notions . , etc. , don't fail to loole
our lines over.
_ _ _ . . . .U. . " " ' r.- _ _ . . . . . . , _ . . . . - : - . . - - ' . - :
! { ; : ! . i ; : i m 1 ,
IgiiiJfB.r \ : : ; , ; to : : ; 1 : i
1 of Lumber cal1 on the. . . . . . . . . . rl . ;
C L Turner Lumber Co i
. . . . . . /
: . .ti We carry a full stock of IJumber. d
! ! i- Sash , Doors , Mouldinrs : : , , etc. :
Agents for the N ebraska Centra I !
! i Building & Loan Association. f : !
. II . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . , . . . . . . . , " . . . . ' . . . . . . . ' ' . :1. :
" ' '
tf" " ' ' ' ( ' " 't--- " . fJ. . . rJ' t"'rr'"11 : : " frzJ : ( , 'twrt\ : : ! \
tf ! it1 : ; ' ( , iS : ! 1i ! J -I \l : ; ; .pr .i 1 . : } fi1 ! : iii ; : : y iifiJ ! lit : { liI. : :71 ! ! tijm ;
- , . - -
- ,
S : B : E.1 : J : > &
All kinds and all fresh
The Turkeystan Alfalfa is something new
find is especially Hlnpted to this cHmnte.
ICersion and Green Hussian seed onts.
Come here for your seeds and you'll be satisfied -
fied with the resultt. .
South Side Square , Broken Bo.w.
. " - ' - - - - : . - . . . - - : - < ' - - . . . . . . . . . . . - - - " ' - --:4 ' ! _ - . . _ _
- -
Succes s or to } and GEO. . . , WILLING ,
Embalmer and Funeral Director ,
Business phone , 301. Residence phone , 334 B.
Don't run away with the idea all lumber is ke or prices
. the same. Before you build consult
H T. BRUCE )1. CO.
. . . South Side Lumber Yard , Broken Bow , Neb.
' -
. i mm = ri
ore You Build , Consult
C * e o. : J ? a pin. : e a " 'l.1 ,
Contractor and Suit : fer. Estimates
Furnished free with plans and specifications.
t WW H
, . . ,
. - ' . , -
- " - - - - - q -
- -
- - -
o. . Bc > "VVnu : : :1
Successor to BOWMAN & ANDERSON.
At the OLD STAN D.
Real Estate. City Lots and : P.roperty bought and sold.
Farms rcnted. Taxes pah1 for non-residcnts.
Will buy some good paper.
Call and see me.
0. . . : J3C > : : .
r rJ HS rA ; : J1
Rfi - PROPRn 'l'OR
I 1r.IV ' 'l'J\ij . .
- " , , .I LIVERY and I
il- . , . : FEED BARN I
Remodele anll repairec } throughout. GOOl\ livery rigs at reasonable rates.
AccolUodation for cattle and rnnge horses. Hay all day , 15 cents ; over. Is
, cents. .
" ( night 3S Call nd see me .
f -
' : ' -
t- tJ ' i'
, .
- ' 1 1 . , ' . . . . . ' . , , ' , .
, , . .
. .
- ,
' W cisscrt Warbles.
[ Mr. ull Mrs. George HlllolJ vlsllell at
Arthur Goodncr's Suuday.
Carl Wnltc , of Broken How , wilt work
I for R. D. C.1Il1pbCII this summer.
The Wclsscrt ho's havc organizcd a
basebalt tcam and will accept challenges
fro III all teOlIlS iu thc couut ) ' .
A matched gamc of balt betweeu
Westerville and ! tHou was to 1 iwc hceu
plnycd Suuday but for 60mc reasou the
Westcrvlllc bo's failed to show up.
h1er A. II. I.uthcr prenched a po\\er-
ful serluon to the Church of God Suuday
cvcnlug. May each melllber take this
serlllou hOllle aud abide by it.
Quite a numbcr of farmcrs attended
the railromlmceting at Westervitte lnst
Dry Valley Doings.
Mrs. Heury Worlcy returned home
last wcck aftcr a wcek's a scuce , visiting
ucar COlllstock.
'fherc was somc douhts cnlertillucd as
to whcthcr thc fruit was lujured by the
rccent freezts , but lu all probability they
will comc out alright.
C. R. Haugh , who WIIS forlllcrly lu the
employ of II. B. Glovcr aud wcut to his
hOllle at lalrlllout for a wecks' visit , Informs -
forms us he will let the Scuator crush his
own clods as he luteuds doiug thc same
as dell the Seuutor-euter the fiettl of
Mr. nnd Mrs. O'Neil had the slork
visit them last week IIUlI blcssed them
with twl\l ! , a girl amI bo ) ' . Mother aud
babies doing well-allli father recovering.
l\Ir. Copsey and 1\1lss Anulc AUlOS
were married last week. We exlclIli
cougrntnlatlous to the youug couple for a
long aud happy me-together. .
The wluter wheat looks fine and if
IJOUC ; warm weather will presei1t"ilsetr
will 800U cover the grouud.
'rhe stlrrlug for corn has progressed
very well and by May 1st sOUle will be
ready to plant corn , if condltio 's are
The carpentcrs werc putting on the
finlshlug touches on J. 1' . Arthur's new
house last week find Tom hlmsclf W S
wielding the paint brnsh with the
dexterity of an expert.
Berwyn Breezes.
Joe Wlnn has retumed to Berw'n. after
spending n few days in Ansley. '
l\lisses Ethel Johnson. Emily Robert ,
son. Dessie Orr. Erma Wilting ami Leona
Flulen , of Droken Bow , were Derwyn
visitors Monday. .
E. S. Fretz enjo'e a short visit from
his brother , A. H. Fretz , of Comstock.
MilOs' COllier spent Sunday at las011
Gus C. Taylor. who bolds a posltlo1 :
In the Register of Deeds office. spenl
Monday in Den\'n.
Chas. Detts and Roy Harle ) ' spent Sun.
day at Westerville.
Elmer Cannon shipped 3 car loads oj
caitle to Omaha Sunday morning.
George Outzcn shipped a car of cattJf
to Omaha Sunday.
Lee IJlcket , manager of .the Central
Telephone Co. , was in Derwyn Tuesdl )
looking after the wlrea.
Quite n number of Derwyn people an
Interested In District co'urt at BrokclJ
Bow this week.
Prairie Hill Happenin'gs.
The farmers are busy with their worll
this season.
A surprise party was given at Mr. ant
Mrs. Dave Coulters , on West Table , il1
their new house. Several. of the youllH
people from the Hill were there.
Tbe ladies aid society wi11111cet al t11 (
home of H. E. Hoagahoon uext Thursda )
arterno n.
Tuesday of last week Perry MorfonI ,
was on the windmill tower at : Mr. Knlpe
from which he feU aUlI was hurl qultt
badl ) ' .
Elvin and Goldll : IIoagahootl spent Suu.
day at Mr. Neth's.
Misses Dtanche and Frankie Schur ]
returnell to school .It Merna 011 Monday
Arter being confined at home with al
attacl : of me sles.
1\Ir , Huffman and son , Roy. returuc <
homc ltriday evening , having heen bl
their claims , near Gandy. Nett1 und family , of Anselmo
spen1 SundRY at Wesley Thomas' .
A Commendable Act.
Snake Run , April 20.
The writer of this article whili
on a visit with Austin Loyd and
family , witnessed a sight on thl
19th which goe' ) to prove that thl
world is not half bad , and th 1
the people are not all swallowe (
up in the greedy strife for gain
Austtn Lo'd , who but recent1J
: moved on the Joseph I-Iolcoml
farm had the misfortune to 100 1
two valuable marc and one col
and , to add to his ill luck , had
on the 16th , a runaway with fou
horses and a disc barrow. Onl
marc received quite a severe cu
on the right hind leg and a mare
valued at $150 , was struck by th
disc on the right hind leg at th ,
ankle joint , severing the lei
leaving only a shred of skin
completely ruining her.
With this heavy loss thu
usstaincd and owing to sicknes
in his family he was behind wit :
J his work , but on Friday aftel
noon , the 19th , he was agrecabl
. . "
y .
. . . ' . . . , ' , . ' I.
. . . . . . . . - - . . . . . - , . . , .
! : : ' " : : ; : : : ; > ; = ; : '
Send your Abstract Orders to
: Bonded Abstracter ;
Office In Security State Bank B'ld'ng
r _ _ _
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
surprise to sec the teams flock-
il1lr to hi place and taking
things by storm.
When , in the evcl11ng , they
scattered for their homes they
had sowe , double disc'ed and
harrowed in between 45 and 50
acres of grain. There were at i
work thirteen disc harrows , two '
seeders , two drags , sixty-four
horses and eighteen mcn.
'l'he neighborR participating
in the worlc werc : 'fed Sanford ,
Alfred Larsen , John Wooters ,
Carl Holcomb , Floyd Ho1coll1b ,
Earnest Cole , James Marshall ,
Ed. Chip , James Martin , Earnest
Hipsher , Jos. Loyd , Walter Loyd ,
Earnest Balcer , Herb Smith ,
Herbert 'l'ye. Arthur Stewart ,
and James 140yd. I .
Such kindness nd neighborly.
actions ought to receive the
praise of th COlll1llUllit ) ,
' and Austid Loyd and wife join
in sincerly lhanldng their friends
and express tbe hope that none
of them may be al1ed to pass
through such lroubles as thcy expericnced. 'l'RAvnI.JtIt.
bituaryWolford. .
Paul \\T. Wolford was born in
Knox county , Ohio , Oct. 18 , 1834 ,
and died at his home in Anslev . ,
April 20th , 1907.
Mr. Walford W1S a well known
and highly respected citizen of
Custcr county , having bcen one
of the early settlers in the vicin-
ityof Wcsterville. He lcaves
b hind , his wifc , three sons aud
threc daughters. Of the sons ,
the oldest lives on the old farm
east of Westcriillc , the other
two 111 Ansley. One daughter
lives in Grand Island , one at
Walla Walla , Washington ; and
one at Ashland , Oregon.
For a number of years Mr.
Wolford had been a member of
the Methodist church , and Ih'ed.
an honest , consistent Christian.
Funeral sfrvices , conducted by
I ReH. . M. Pinckney , were held
Sunday afternoon , April 21st , at
I the Methodist church in Ansley ,
which was much too small t" ,
I accommodate the large number
who gathered to participate in
showing resp ct to his memory.
Quite a large number of members -
bers of the G. A. R. were present
r to pay the last honors to their
departed comrade , Mr.Volford
having been \'olunteer in the
121st Ohio Infantry. H.
Sunday School Convention.
The rrwenty-third Annual
Custer County Sunday School
convention will be held at the
United Brethern church in Broken -
ken Bow on May 16th and 17th.
Following is the program :
11 : OO-Devotlonal Mcetlng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ' . C. Howlan , llroken BoW.
I 11 : : JO-A llres'l \Velcomc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. P. Johnson , Broken Bow
Hespon&c. . . . . HcJas. . Huncle , Callawa } '
Asslgnmcnt of Delcgates. .
' ' ' ' . .
2I&-Song : service.
2:30-How : to get thc S. S. Scholar to know
the 'I'ruth. . . . . . . . . .Hev. MCIntyre , Ansle } '
, 2:10-How : to kcep the Pupil In thc S. S.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mrs. Atkinson , Merna
Dlscus'llonlc b } ' . . . . . . . . . . .Jas.Vorkman
2:50- : Value of 'l'cachcr 'I'ralnlng. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .Jamcs Whltehcall , Brokcn 1I0w
3lo-ncport of Home Dcpartment. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .Sullt.l\Irs. J.omax , Broken 1I0\f
r 3:30-lIcncUt : of Home Department. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Prof. Stel ley. Lincoln
.1OO-I\II&s : Haines 'rcachlng Primary Cla ! > s
, 7IPralse : f > crvlce..B. D. Allen , Comstock
8:00-HclaUon : of the S. S. to the Home. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mr. Hanle ) ' , Lolli
Discussion , lell by Hcv. J. H. 'reagar cn
8:20-Howllhall : we teach'.Prof. Stclllley
OOO-Sunrlse : Prayer mectlng. Presby.
tcrlanchurchle by. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Davlll McOugenValworth
OOO-Sunrlse : Prayer mcetlng at Baptist
church. lell by . .He\.WlIlls 'rubbsArnohl
IOOO-Pralse : Service. . . . W. ' .1' ' . Woo y. Lomax
IOIlIow : : to Solve the Finance Problem
In County Work..C1y e Walters , U. lIow
IO.30-Prlmary Star lIanner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . ! \Ilbs Haines , State Primary Work er
10t : Hcports of Schools.
1 lccUon of otUcers.
t'lIlII\ Al'TlmNooN. .
2:00-Devotlonalmcctlng : , le by. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hev. Shank , Merna
: I1)-How to make the most of the S. S.
1I0ur . . . . . . . . . . . . Hev. Brall ) ' . Brokcn lIo\\ '
2:3.8tate : Association , 1t1 ! llurpose allll
whatltls accomllllbhlng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , H. J.omax , Broken Bo\\
2:5-DocsIt : lla ) ' to aHem\ the State Con.
Ven tlon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prof. Stcl lc )
Hounll ' ! .a ll : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Mlss lIalnes
l'lUUAY Y.NlW. .
7:15-Devotlonal mectlng.lell by. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . , BaUlngarl\ner , Uroken Bo\\
8:00-'I'hc : lIenellt of Co.ollcraUon In
County Work..Sallle Whlteheall , U. 110\ '
S 8:10-Hounll : ' . . . . . . . . . . . . .Prof. Stcldle
,5 , I ! ! : : JO-lIow to save the Chlhl.\Ilbs lIalne :
I .
' ' ' ' .
: - nev , J. D. Urady , Mrs. Deming ,
Mn. E. ShcPllar son , ! \Irs. J. 11. Prctt'wan
y Mrll. L. E.llaulU\ardner. \
. , s
_ wm _
'SEE .
Special to California :
Round trip rates to San Francisco -
cisco and Los Aangeles ,
about half rates , April 25th
to May 18th. Be sure to go
one way via the Shasta
Route and Puget Sound-
only$12.50 more. Stopovers ,
variable and attractivc routes.
Cheap , One Way West :
Daily during- April one way
rates to Utah I California ,
Oregon , Washington , Idaho.
Montana and Big Horn Basin
-ncarly 50 per cent reduc-
tion. Daily through stand-
anI and tourist sleepers.
Homeseekers' .
Excu.'sions . :
Frequcntly each month from
Eastern Nebraska to Eastern
Colorado , Wyoming and Big
Horn Basin.
Landseekers' Dnforma-
tion Bureau :
Irrigated lands along the :
North Platte River , ill the
Big Horn Basin and Yellowstone -
stone Valley on terns : cheaper -
er than paving rent , and ,
money paid on a watcr right .
is money saved. Send for
new descriptive folders.
H. L. ORMSBY , Ticket Agent.
L.V. . \V AKEI.EY , G. P. A.
Omaha , Nebraska.
- - - . .
- . . . . . . - - - - - -
DR. c. B. JOB ,
Physician and Surgeon
Office and residence one block south 0 :
Ryerson & George's store.
EyeEarNose ,
and Chronic Diseases ,
Fitting of Glasses.
Officc in Rcalty block. .
A. ARMOUl\ : ,
Attorney at La , , " .
Broken Dow. Nebr.
lIavlnl ! ' jUflt h1I1 ; ullht ) 'uarH pracllcal expel
lence afllounty Judle. wltlllve ! flpeclal alter
tlon to the drawlnlC alld IJrobathllt oC wills alii .
lhe adllllnlfltralloll oC clllatcfl of deceallcd per
flunR allli IIIlnorr. . Wrlle or vhon" me. . I ma ]
wave you IJ trip.
Consult him It you want Water.
Phone 112 , . - Broken Bow.
. " . . : o.r..crJ.c.o : :
FJJ".r 4
t o
t .
. ,
s .
F. w. HAYES , i
Jeweler and O tician t :
West Side S'quare , I
Broken Bow , ! f '
I Nebraska. I
. ! , ' ,
' t '
L 'Y : , . , . , , ) ' ! : or-/WY > . ' . .d
COPYRIGHTS < < ic. .
An.ono . sendlnll n skelch . alld description ma ,
quick I , IUcerlalli our . ol.lnloll free wllellier au
InvenUon Is . probabl , pnlenlnhlo ( ; ollllllunll' ' ' '
, UOlllllrlcll , conOdeutlal. IIANDBbDK on "alentl
lent free.lhlelt 8l/enl' ' ' for leI'UrlulI'J"teull. !
1'lIlentll tllken through Muun .t. Co. receive
tptclal noller. wllhout charlie. In thor
r Sti lttifit Jlm rltan.
Ii A. bandomel , . Illustrated . weekl , . r.Arllest elr.
cuh&lIoli of an , sl'lenttllo journal. ' 1'erml , fa .
I , M INrr&O o:3 : ; D : : N wd erk
lIraDb Oalce. ) tt. . Wuhlllaton , 1) . b :
. . .
B , & M. Train Scbed , ule
- WST DOUNQ. ' " ,
No. 39 local passenll'er , ex. Snnd:1) . ar. 6:20 : P IU
41 coast passen/l'er , dally. leavo./SO : a 111 1
43 coasl vassenll'er. dall.leavo..I2:24 : am , .
47 local lrehtht. arrive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 1 : 10 P 111
No. 40 local passenll'er.leave. . . . . . . . . . . .9:30 : a" ,
4Z coast IlaMen/l'er.leave. . . . . . . . . . . /:21 : pm
.14 coalt passenlfer. lea"o. . . . . . . . . . .5Z3 : am
49 local frelll'ht arrive. . . , . . . . . . . . . .2:10 p IU
3' ) and 40,10 not run west otllrolCen 1I0w.
Schedule of Broken Bow Mall. .
Schellule ot arrival and departure ot lUaUs
rro llrokenBow post office.
PoucheR Cor cast c1o e as Collows :
Tralu No. 40. 9 a. m. ; No. 4Z. 5:45 : p. m. ; No.
44.7:45 P. m.
PoucheR for west close aR follows : :
'I.'ralu No. 43. 7145 p. lII.j No. 41. 6:30 : a. IU. ,
Office hours. 7 a. m. to JO p. m.
Office open Sunllays Cron , 910 10 a. m.
1..11. JnwRTT. P. 1\1.
I H S TR U C T 0 R ' 0 F PIA H 0 . FOR T E . . .
Classcs in Theory of 1\Iusic , lIarmony , ,
and Kindergarten. '
Pinno lessons of 40 minutes , 50 ccnts
pcr le son , payable monthly.
In Gleim & 1\I'ers block.
Droken How , - - - Nebraska. t
O.f.l CON I"D , , ) .
. , (
. . Hottlor tn . . . - :
o !
Paml" , Wind. Mill' . 1'.nk. . . Fltt1bj.l' ( . GQ ol'n. . }
Kngln. . " . I\to. etc. .
$ '
Broken Dow. Nobrlllllra .
0.1. C. f
Registered . . . Hogs
CIIAS. T. WRIGHT , Broken D.w , Neb
I. . . ' . . - . . . - ,
Legal Notices.
County Court , Custer Couuty , Nebraska.
The creditors of the eslalu 01 GeOfirO 'V.
Allen. deceased.
'l'ale notice. That I will sit at the County
Court room , In 11rokeu 11ow. In Broken 11ow.
In sal County. on the 11th dav 01 May. 1907.
and ou the 21th llay oC Oct. , 1907. each at 10
o'clock a. m. oC each dav. to receive and
examine all claims a alnst said estate. with a
view to their adjustment and allowance ; and
that on the first ate above the petition ! ! of
willow will be heard Cor homeslead. exenlptlous
allowanc. . and other Slatutory rlll'hts. ,
' .1'he time limited Cor the presentation ot
claims all'aillst said cstale Is six months froll1
the 11th day oC April. 1907. and the time limited
lor payment oC debts Is one year from sal
Dated AprlllOlh.I907.
A. R. llUMPIlREY. Connty Judire.
J. A. ARMOUH Att'y. I
I lrt pn l Avr ! 1-4t
Unlt\d Stale ! ! r.anll Office. l
Hroken Bow. Nebraska. March : . ! O. 1907. r .
Notice Is hereby II'h'cn that Ar.ONZO J
CASON.oC Broken Bow , Ne rask . has filed . -L. . . .
1I0tice oC his Inlentlon to make final commuted - T.
proof In sllP"ort " , of his claim. vlz : l10meslead
ento. No. 591 > 1. malic Jan. 5.1'106. lor lots 2-3-4.
section 2. township 18 , seM swM scctlon 35.
township III N. . ranll'e 1 W. . and that said . . . . . . !
11roof will e made belore RelClster an Recelv- "
cr. at Uroken Bow. Nebraska. on April 26. 1907.
lIe names the Collowlnlr witnesses to prove hili
col tlnuons UIIOII and cullI\'ation oC the lanll.
vlz : David II. Alspaugh. oC I1roken How.
Nebraska ; Jesse Albright. oC Broken Bow.
Nebraska : Albert Swick oC I1rokell Dow.No >
braska ; Richard Wcarhlil' . of Drokell Bow.
Nebraska. JOliN REESK ,
41.46 Reilistcr.
. .
III County Court of Custer County , Nebraska.
To all IJerSOIlS Interestell In the estale oC
Skiles W. Kinkaid. deceased.
Whereas. EUlrene A. Kinkaid. hafl filed In m ) '
office an Instrument I'urporlhlll' to be Ihu last
will and teslament of Skiles W. Kinkaid. de.
ceased. late oC Cusler CouIIH' . and a 1'ellllon
IIra'hll1' to have the same a mltled to probate
as thu last wl11 and testament oC said deceased.
and that execution thereof and administration
oC Balli estate be I'raUled to said pelltloner.
I have appolnte the 20lh day oC April. 1907.
at 10 o'clock a. m. of lIalll da ) ' at my office Inlhe
court house a ( Broken How. In said c'ounty. as
the time and place of provlull' lIalli will. at
- whlclt time and place all persons Inlerested In
said eslale may appear allli contest the probate
oC the Ime. . '
It was further orderel lit sahl cause that .
notice oC the time alld Illace oC such hearing be ' \
II'lven to all personfllnterested by IJu llcallon as
requlrell y law In the Republlcall. a newspaper
pUblisheli and oC lI'eneral circulation h , flald
. countv. for three conseullve weeks prior to
the da ) ' set lor said hearln . t
Witness my band and the fleal oC said court
hereto al1ixed , lIlls 2'11h day oC March. A. D. .
[ SEAL ] A. R. IIuJI\1'UHEY. County JudICe. ,
1.'lrst pub AIJrIl4-1t
To whom It may concern : "
'I'he Commissioner appolntcl\ view , . n ,
If ( Iccmcil for the pUblic good , to locate a
road pctltlonell for b ) ' J.e\1 Pringle , et ai , .
commcnclng at the southwest corncr of the ,
r nwM ( If the sw ) ! of s ctlon : I , thcnce cast to
I the ! oouthcast corner of the ne } of the IIwJ ,
.1 . thcnce north to the lIoutl1east corner of the
nW thcnce east to the southeast corner of J.
' thc neJ . all In bcctlon : I. town 15 , range 18 , ,
Custer county. Ncbraska , has rellorlcd In I
favor of the cstabllshmcnt thcrcot. al1l1 all
ohj ctlons Lhcreto , or claIms for Ilamagcs , 4
must be 1I1ed In thc County Clcrk's ( lnlcc 011
or bcfore 110011 of the IMh day of Junc. 1007 , ,
or such roall will be establlshc without
reference thcreto. .
111 Wltncss Whcreof , I have hcrlunto ! set
my Imnll an scal of sal county. thl lOth
ay of Allrll , 1007.
IHF.AI. ] JOS.PIGMAN , Counl ) ' Clerk.
"irst llub A111' lI-1t .
_ - UOAU NO'.1'ICE. ' ,
To whom It may concern : . '
'l'he Commissioner a polnte to view and
. If deemed for the lJUblYC good , to csta lsh an
! vacatc a llUbllc roa Ilctitlol1C for y W.
.1 E. Warren , et ai , commcnclng at the Houth.
ea.t : corner ( If section H , township III , ran e 1
. . 2:1. : : IIHI running from thcnce lIouth , one ha f .
' mllc. thcnce wcst , or within .10 rods of due
we : > t , to or ncar the center of west line of Ii < ( . .
section 22. towl1shlll III. range : : :1. : thence 111
a northwesterly direction to the southwcst
iJ. corner of section 17. townHhl ! ) III , range 2J : ,
J. amI goln:1 : through scctlon 21 ami : :0 , own.
IIhlp III. range 23.
Also to vacate a road commencing at the
iJ southeast corner of section II , township III.
rauge 2:1 : and l'ul1nlng from thence wcst to the
: southwcst corncr 01 section 17 , townshIp HI ,
range 2:1 : , has rcportcd In favor 01 the , es.
tabllshmcnt anll'acatlon thcrcof , allll all L
o jcctlons thereto. or claims for damages. ,
11 must be 1I1c In the county clcrk's olUce on
ur hcforc noon'of the 20th day of Junc , 1007.
or lIueh roall will be cstabllshcd an vacated
. without rcference thcrcto.
In Wltncss Whcrcol , I have hcreuntoset
UI ) ' halll ! an seal of sal count " thl ! ! lOth
day of April , 1\107. \ . JO'IOMAN. .
11l1 ALJ County Clerk.
"Jrstl'ub Allr III-It.
' 1'0 whomltma } ' concern :
'I'he commissioner appointed to view , alHI
If celllcll for thl ! publiC goo , to vacatc an
cstabllsh a road pctltloncll for by 1o'iorJal1
Jacobs , ct al. commcnclng at the southeast
! corner of the northcast quarter , of scctlon II , "
township 17 , range . 21 , and unnlng. thence 4
west onlhc'ctlon IInc , enc halt mile 10 ; : ; .
the ccntcr 01' : .ectlon II , , an thcnce north 110 > 0(1
ro s to connect with roall N . 75. . . \11 the
roa to be locatcil on the ncU scctlon II.
township 17. roUl"e 21 , Also to vacale that
part on roa.1 No. 75:1 : bctwecn the Iolnts of
bcglnnlng alltl en lng of abo\'e llcscr bcd
IJrOllOScl1 roul , has rcported In favor of the
establlblllncnt allli , 'acatlon 111ercof , anU all
objcctlons therclo , 01 : claims for damages ,
mUbt he 1I1Clt III thi. ! Collnly Clcrk'il olllcc 'on . . .
or hcfore noon of the 20th llay of June. 1007.
or : .uch roall will be esta llbhe an vaeate
without rcfcrcnce thcrcto.
In Wllness Whcrcof. J have hercunto set
111) ' hanl ! an 5eal of salll county. this 10th
01 AIJrll , 1\107. \ JUl. ! PIOMAN , . ,
[ ! lEAL ] County Clerk.
} . 'Irst IJub Apr 18-4t