. . . : " , , ' l 'A ' SOCIAL LEADER . OF I < ANSAS CITY I , I At/riblltn lIer Ertdlmtleall" to ' . I Pe-ru-tta. I I . . . ! . . . . \ . , ' . W. H. SIMMONS. MRS. w. n. SIMMONS , 1119 E. 8th St. , Knnsas City , Mo. , lDcmbcl' of the National Annuity Association , writes : ; 1My hcalih was cxccl1ent until about 1rcnr : ago , whe11 I had n. complcte col- In'p5e from overdoing socll\lIy , not gct- ting ihe propel' l'et , nnl\ \ too many late suppers. My stomnch wns in n. ( hend- { nl condition , and IUj' Ilcrl'CS nil UlI- strltng. II I wns advised b ' a frieU1 to trj' Pc- ! I'una , nnt ! c\'entualJy 1 hought a bottle. . I took it and then nnothel' , and'kept using it ( or three month : > . . . A t the cnd o that time my health was restored , my nerves 110 longer troubled me , Dn I felt Ulj'self once mot'O aud able to nssume Inj' social position. I cedainly fed that Perulln Is dcscrl'Illg of praIse. " l'here Ilrc many reasons why societ . I women bl'eal , down , wIlY theil' nervous . 6 'stems fnil , why thej'lmvesystemicor pelvic catllrrh. Illdcetl , they nro espe- clany lIable to thcse aihnentH. No won- , del' le ' ' require the protection of Peru- , na. It'is their shieh1 and safeguard. : ' . POPULAR APPROVAL OF THEFT. , nglllh Writer Sees Significance In Glorirlcatlon of Robbers. . , . . . . . The Idea of prh'atc property has never been fuBy accepted by the masses of lhe people , and never had their cordial approval as an Instltu. tlon , says a writer In the London r-ews. The most popular songs and ballads of our nation In nil ages , It may be noled , have been these which . descrlb d sympathetically attacks on I private property , from the Robin Hood cycle to the broadsheets In which Turpin and Sheppard were made beroes , Even nowada 's the literature that reallr tou hes he people , the .lItera- ure th . t the educated classes seldom so mu.eh , as coe exposed for sale , the I literature that Is sold In the small II I I "general" shop In the back street , and costs fewer pennies than the novel we know costs shlllings , stili very largely t deals with the romantlc- exploits of the robber. He Is never a vlllaln : he Is noble and generous to a fnult ; but he Is conYlnced ot the Impropriety of , persons. having too much money. BABY WASTED TO SKELETON In Torments , with Terrible Sores on . . , Face and Body-Tore at Flesh -Cured by Cutlcura. , - "My IIttlo SOil , wIlen about a 'ear : nnd a half old began to lmvo sores come out on his fnce. 'fhey began toI I J come 01\ his arms , then on othCl' llal.ts ' of his bed ) ' , Dnd then one came on his chest , worse than the others. At the : ' end of about 11. 'ear and a half of suf. ( 'J ' ferlng he grew so bad I had to tie his ) ands In ClOU1S at night to Iteep him , ( ' from scratching the sores and tearing " the flesh. He got to be a mere slOle. : , j ton and was harlIr able to walk. I' ' . sent to the drug store and got a cal\e ' / ) of CuUcur . Soap and a box of Cutlcurll I , J Ointment , and at the end of about two I I' monills the sores were all well. He' ' , bas nevcr 1md any sores of an ) ' lelnd 6lnce , ane\ only for the CuUcura 'Rem- t. eilies my precious child would have died from these tenlble sores. I used . only ono cal\e of Soap nnd nbollt three boxes of Ointment. Mrs. Bgbert Sheldon - don , R. F. D. No. 1 , Woodvllle , Conn. , April 22 , 1905. " Town Belle Crltlclsed. . A to\'n belle got ort the train at n small town between Atchison and To. , peka last night , sa 's Ed Howe. She ahook hands wIth her left hand , were . a IIngel' hat than the girls who IDet her , wore pretty loud clothes , chewed cum and when ahe hit the cinder platform - - form of her home town a 10t of people ! ; rlnned at her and said' "I1ello there ! " T'hls town belle ws not bad looking , but she couldn't keep her mouth closed e\'en when she was not talklng."I < : ans3s City Journa1. The extraordinary popularity of fine J whllo , goods 1111s snmmor mnl\Cs the choice of Stureh a mattel' of great 1m- " IlOrtance. Defiance Starch , being free from all Injurious chemicals Is the , . only one wl1leh Is safe to IIS on fine fabrics. Its great strength as n surr. . eneI' maltes ha1t the IIsual quantity 01 Starch necessar. ) ' , wllh the result a ! perfcct finish , equal to thal when th@ , aoods were new. - - - - - - Priests at Humble Lab r. " The Disholl of Dlene stated rccenl. Iy In the Pat'ls Ga\llols that , whllo / . - + - - some of the pl'lests are now living on their savings , otherl1 arc supporting , thenu : elves b ) ' mending wl\t.ches , make " 1ng beehh'es and knitting Jcrsc'e. I' . ' . r * ' : ; . ' " ' ' . . . " I - FOR THE LIVING ROOM A little Care In Decoration Brings Good Rcsults. H the lllull ) ' sitting 1'00111 m\lst be furnIshed with the discnrded dmw- Ing.room furnitul'o , much will bo add. cd to the aUl'nctiveness of the ro0111 If cretonne In lll'ett ' 110wel' { 'ITccts Is bonght and a slip covel' made for cach artlclo of fUrniture. An old 11nlrcloth set of chairs and sofas wus by this moans con vorlCll Into a " ( ! l'y charming U\'ln 1'00111' ' set ; the sUps c0111pletely disguising the native ugllncss of the chnlrs. Cretonne of lho same pnttorn wns . used fOl' window valances and hang. lugs. , In the 1'oom montloned the wall paper and 11001' covcrlngs were plain In tono. When those are figured It. h , scarcely possible to Introduce figured urnlturo covorlngs and hnnglngs. 'l'he effect Is too eon uslng. It will bQ found Ilossiblo , howovcr , t dye 0111 carpets and ' \lgs the colol' of the tone prevailing In lhe chintz. 1'hls Is not expen ive. An aId marble-topped table was covered with this same plnln tone , borderm1 by tIlt ) 110\\'erod crotollne. It wns a sunny room , with a bn ' window , the cushioned scat o which was also done In the cretonne , and the whole effect was delightful. WITH PEPPERS AND GRAPES. New Salad Warranted to Surprise a Jaded Palate. If a genuine Slll'll1'lso Is wanted let .Iho. hostess astonish her guest with a combination o pellpe1'S sluffed with grapes. ' 1'0 prelU1re this comllositlon tal\O large green l1ePllers , cut err the tops and carefully remove nIl the seeds. ' 1'hell stuff tltem tightly with malasn grapes that have previously been hah'od , seeded and 1110lstened with 0 light llHI.'onnalse dressing. " When the peppers 11ave been filled ho tops are replaced thnt the ' mil ) ' tct ns covers , and the peppers are then 3ent to the Icebox to' remain or ' 1bo\1t two hOl1rs. when they may bo 3Cl'ved on a bed of watercress.-Do , hemlan. Diet for Invalids. That 'all soUd foods must be of a Idnd to bo verr easny digested Is what a doctor means when he ardors the diet to be Ught. Eve1'ythlng rich ! lnd heavy-such as beef , porI" goose ; salmon , etc.-should bo carefully cs. chewed , ami only short-gralncd fiesh- sl1ch as that of chlelmns , game and rabhlt-allowed. No "ony" fish-hor. rings , muclmrel , etc.-como Into the categol' ) ' of a "Ught. and nourishing" lIet , nor an ' plnl.fioshed fish , such as salmon. White fish Is lhe only ldnd permlttod , and pf these lho whlUng- the "chlcl\On o the sea"-Is lhe best. 1"01' very deUcate people It Is better stewed In mille than fried. Borax for Roaches. In Idtchens where cockroaches are found , borax Is Invaluable. Powdered borax should Ue sprlnlled round thd fireplace and nbout the corners and cmnnles Infested by these troublesome Insects. When the borax Is swept away It should be replaced with more. at once , and If this remedy Is steadily persisted In the Idtchen will bQ free of the pests In 11. . surprlslngl ' short i time. Of course , It Is wise , even after' ' the house Is elcar , to occasionally usl ! the borax again. for there Is no fie' . curlty against a new colony of cocle , . roaches being brought In at any time. To Store Winter Clothes. If one has sufficient closet room , II Is bettor to store the winter clothe : : away on hangers than to fold them In tl'lmls 01' dl'awers. A dust and motb proof co..el. should bo made to envelor them , hangel' and all. Cut out a largE bag of unbleached muslin and pili drawing strings at top and bollom 'rhen seal , the bag In strong turpen tine , after which It should be aired until the fumes have evaporated. Ad just the bag around the clothes amJ hanger and draw the strings tightly Fill'S may be preserved In the samE manner.-IntOl'lor Decoration. Medical Helps. If cholelns , get down on all fOUTE and cOllgh. Artm' the use of a mnstard 110ult1cf on anr 11art of the bodr rub that pari with caml hornted 011 to avoid the JIOS' slb1l1t . of taldng c01l1. At the first Intimation of . ser ( ' throat trr a gargle of one teaspoonful of salt alld one of carbona to of sodn to half a glass of water. If sltlllg or bitten by an Insect , malf a Imste of starch Ilowder with chIaro fOl'lll and eau de cologne and apply tt' the affected 11art at once. Velvet Muffins. Cream together two tablespoonfulp each butte1' and sligar. Add the beat. en jells of two eggs mixed with one CUll sweet mlll\ . Next add ono quart wheat fiout. sifted three times ovel' with t.wo teaslloonfnl8 : ' .JdnJ. ; powdel' nud a half teuslloonful salt and' beat IIntil .the batter bllstors. This point should not be ovcl'loolwd. Now fold the stUll ) ' whipped whites of the two eggs , POUl' Into hot IIUlI well greased Irolls and balw In a hot oven. Chocolate Whips. - Scald one 1111It of mlll ( , bent"'olls of from three to foUl' eggs slight ! ) . : add foUl' tablesloons ) SIln1' ! , ono of chocolate , one.half sallspoon of salt , Ha..ol. with vanilla , p01l1' on hot mlll\ IIlowl ) ' , cOlIIn ( d ublo lJOller ul1tll It thickens (1I0t ( too lIlueh ) . Set away till quite cold. IIn0 road ' onohalr Illnt or cream , whipped surr. Half Ull six ! ; Iusses with cnstard , mount \yhl1lllUd .crenm un tOll wl1en ready to . . . " . . , SOI.\.O. . . f . . . . , . . . . . t . . . , . - True to thc Sex , tJn swept the a111l1zons. SUlhtonlY the 10ng line of fomnlo warriors halt. ed on the brink of bnltlo. "What are they waiting Cor ? " skClI the war cor1'cspondont. "PoWderl" repllcd the commandoI' Inconlcally. "Ah , tbe ' are about to put solt powder In their guns ? " "Noj they 11.1'0 about to lJUt Bomo powder on tllelr noses. Just. becnuso they are wnrrlors Is no rCAson why they should bo nny dlfforent from olher women. " And then there was II. movlng.plc. turo sccne of nnlmnted purrs and nashlng hand mirrors. u _ _ _ _ . , _ _ _ _ , _ 5WIss Womcn Demand Suffrage. Women of 11.11 claeses In 00110\\ have formed an I1ssoclatlon to seCure tor themselves the suffl'ago In every department at publlo 11(0 , and espe. cially the right to votl In 11 : > .rllnmen- tary olectlons. The vice president and the secretary of the assoclution 11.1'0 membero of th chnmber of deputies , and several university professors hn\'e accepted minor omces. 1\1any public mOll are & ; Ivlng their SU11110rt. to lho I movetljont.-London Trlbuno. - - How's This ? Wo alter 0110 Uundred lIoBRn newllr , ' tor IIn , cale ot Catarrh ( bat canuot bo cured by Ualt' Catarrh Cure. F. .T. Cl1l EY & CO" Toledo. 0 , We. tbo nndorslned. buo knQwn 1" . .1. Cheney tor the last I yeau. and 1I0lieTo him \ > erleuUy hon. orablo In nil bUllllou Iraluacllon ! IInll nnallclallT able to , carry out IIny ohllgatlool wade lIy hlA firm. WJ.LnINO. KINNAN k MAnTIN. Wbolellle DrUilllll,1'ulclo. O. . nail' . Catarrb Cure II takell IOlernlllly , IIl.tllli : dlreCtlT upon tbe 1I100d and wuconl lurtarel oC tbo 1llom. 1altlmonla11 .ent tree. l'rlco 7canlt : I'or lIotlle. Sold by RIt lJrUIf"lu . Take Ualt'l " 'alUlI ) l'lII tor conltlpatlen. . - - - - Peculiar Brazilian Ant. In Drazll there Is a I1II'ge ant which Is regarded by the natives as good to eat , when roastod-a dellcac ' as choice , Indeed , as snails are rated by the French. Sometimes the ' dress the tiny creatures up Blcc 'little dolls , and put them In boxes to sell lo tour. Ists as Braz11lan curiosity. In it Pinch , Use ALLEN'S FOOT.EASE. . A } Jowdm' . It cures painful , smn1't. lng , nel'VOUS feet and Ingrowing nails. It's lho greatest comfort dlscovel'r of the ugo.Jllalees now shoes eu ! : ! . ) ' . A certain cure for sweating feet. Sold by aU Druggists , 26c. Accept no sub- stitute. Trlal lJUclm e. FREI . Ad. dres'l A. S. Olmsted , Le noy , N. Y. Horse Was Fastidious. A cOclmey cabby who had just af. fixed his horso's nosebag , turned to the driver of a brokoll.do..u motor 'bus close by and shouted out : "Now , then , clear ort with YOU1' 011 box , 'C03 the smell of It spoils my 'orse's lun eheon.-Tlt.Blts. That an article may be good ns wen ns cheall , nnd give entire satlsfuctlon , Is proven by the extraordinary sale of Defiance Starch , each paclcnge COll- talnlng one-third more Starch than can be had of any othcr brand or the samQ money. Energy will do anything that can be done In this world : and no talents , no circumstances , no opportunities wfll make a man without It.-Goethe. , . . , . . . - : Cnrpal" C'nn 11c C'onrClt ! 011 the floor with PUTNAM l A Iml.ISS : vn : : : ; . Aa ) : your drujri ! t. 10Q per 11l1CkACc. , , , - - " ' - - - - SIICCNIS sp(1l1s fnlllll'o ( or Ramo and falluro slllile SUCcess for ethers , " - - - - You alw.\ ) ' " Rat filII "alne In J."VI9' intle IImll'r F < 1I'11lltht 51. ! l'i nr. Your den lei' or I.cwis' Fllctol' ' , l'eorht , ] 11. - - - - - - - - - - - It Is CUI'IOIlS thnt nctors "who lese their hends" don't ntivertlso fQr thom. . . , - - - - - Garfielll Ten , " , hil'h I. . gtlllrrlntcrll IIlIder the I'lIl'e Fee IInli nrllct , III the blIt . .rc.lllcd ) ' for con { lp\tioll : , tolck.he\dnr.hl' ; , IJnlt Indhlclltion. It 1I111' ne the \11001/ \ / and clcamc9 the IWfltellJ. , . - - - - - - - - Automobile "Toattersalls. " A great. mart , to bo devoted wholly to the Ralo of nutos l\1ul acccsBo1'lc9 Is to 110 bllilt In Loudon , It. Is to bo I\n : l.utomoblle "T1\ttcl'salls. " Detlauce Starch Is the Intcsl hlvcn , tlO1In thnl llno IUlll 1\11 Impro\'cment on all other mal es ; II Is moro economical - nomical , docs helloI' WO 1'1takcs less limo. GeL It from nll ' groeor. - - - - - - - - - Calfs for Interpretcr. , A tradlnc fIrm I\t Pe\tlnE \ ; ' hns received - ceived the following communication : "Dear Sl--'fho ! Chinese cnlel1llnr In your coml1an ' Is glance In looking , to bo SIlI'O surpnsslng nil the otheru ; and also It Is glantlc ! bc 'ond example In connexlon with Its Clno upectaclo , whllo I look at It. I shnll be very much obliged , tf 'Oll will klndlj' s1\'e mo SOIDU pieces , as I have l'ent dcnl of Interest or it.-London Dally Mall. p - - - - - - ' - - - - SICK HEADACHE , ' Posltlvely cured b , . these Little I'ml. CADTlr.R'S 1B B L ' 1'l1ey nlso reUcyo DJs. trollS trom Dyspcpsl:1 : , Ia. ITTLE lUscsUon nnd Too ncuty I V E R EnUn ! : ' . A llCrtcct rem- e y tor DIu.lncS3 , Na o. PH LLS. Dro\\'slncss , Dad Tosto tn tllo ! louth , Conted Tongue , Pain In the Side. T UPID LIVER. Tbay telrU1nto tbo Dowcls. Purcl1Vegctnble. SMALL PilL. SMALL DOSE. SMAlL PRICE. - , CARTERS Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature . aVER d , I PilLS. / .AP. I REFUSE SU8SrITU1J'ES. i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , . BACKACHE AND , DESPONDENCY1 { \ . . : , . ' " . . FAro Are both "j'mptol11s oC orgnnlo < 10. I ' : fi ; ! mngolllcn t , II.UlI 1111.turo'li wlI.1'ning to < , , : ' : : : : r V 5 ; women or a h'ouhlo which w111 soon. : : ' : Y : ; ' . . . : : : : ' : .i'v : CI' or ll\ter dt'clnro Itself , . . . . . . . . ' . . . , ; : :1 : t : : : : > ' : : . : i : : li lIow often do wo hell.1' women SlI.j. , : M ; : : . . . : . : : : ' : : / ' : , : " 'v'i' : . ; . Ax' . . . : : "It Reoms n9 though my bue ! ( would : r . , tF : ; : : ; ; : ; : : . . , : > . / realc. " Yot. they continuo to drag ' : ' ' ' ' h' nlong 11.11(1 suffer with neheR In the p. . I1mn11 of the \lItolc , I1I11nlow d wn In ' the shlo , drngglng seuiaUo1lf , l1crv- : \ . ousne8S nnd no II.m iUoll. Ph I\ . ' \S \ ' ' . acle b L > 'I'hey do not. reall o that the LJ < > Is the tunin.sprlng or wmuan'sorgan- ' NAG'E L ism nt1l1 ( ] ulelc1Y 111(1ell.t08 [ by nehlng MISS LE NA n. discnsotl com\iUon \ oC the lomiuluo orr.ans or lchlnoY8 , Dnd that Dcbcs II.1UI pains will conUuuo UlItIl the 0:1.111:10 : Is removcd. Lydia E. Pinldtatn's Vegetable Compound Ulolo f1'om nath'o roots nnd her ! ! ' hn9 been for 111nn1 'enrs the most succcssful remedy In 8uch enscs. No other mce1cino [ hila sueh n rec rl Qf curcs of f minino 1119. Miss T.ClllL Nagel , of 117 'Mot'gnn st. . u1n10 , N. Y. , wrllea- , vas eotnplctcl ' worn ou t nnd on the vcrge of 11er\'OU8 prostration. My boclc nt'hcd nll the time. 11u\(111l'eadCul periods ot lIninVua subject to fits of cryintr 1I.1\loxLt'emo nel'vousnellAnl1t1 wns always wenle anll llrcd. T.j'Ua h , l'inlchum' Vl'lfetn111n Compound completely curcd ' 1110. " ] , 'dil. . B. l'inlch1l.111'S VCltohl.blo Compoum1 cures I'c11lnlo Complnlnt 1 such D.i lInemchc. ! } n1l1111r nm1 Dlsplncemcnt.OJ , 1I11d u11 Organio Dlseascs. Dissolves 111111 expels 'l'ulUors nt. nn cal'ly 'Itnge. It , st1'cllRthcns tones the Stomoeh. Curcs llcn ncho 1111(1 Indlgcs.1on ! nnd l11vllfOt'nt s the wll010 leminino systcm. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women W0111en suffering fro11nny orm ot foma1c weolmcss nro Invlteel to write 1011's. 1'Inlehn1l1 , I.j'nn , Mass. nel' advice is free. , , . _ , . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. THE SCIINTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUN1ER-IRRITANT. CAPISICUM - VAS ELI NE 'EXTRACT OP THE CAYENNn PEPpnn PLANT A QUICK , SURE. SArI ! AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN.-PRICE ISc.-IN COLLAPS1UL TUnES'-AT ALL DRUGOISTS AND DEALERS. OR 13Y MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15e. IN POSTAGE STAMPS. IJUN'T WAIT 'f 1 L I. T II D PAl N COM IHI D D . . A 'f U n D 11 AND Y. A subslilute for nnd supcrlor to mustard or any other plaster , and will not blister the most delicate sldn. The pain-allaying and curative qualities 01 the article Ilre wonderful , II will stop the toothache at once , and retlev Headache nnd Sclallca. We recommend It as the best and safest external counter-Irritant known , also as nn external remedy for pollns In the chest nnd stomach and all Rheumatic , Neuralgic Ilnd Gouty complaints , A trial will prove what we claim for It , and It will be found to be IlIvaluablClln the household and for children. Once used no family will be without It. Many people say "It Is the best of all your preparations. " A ept no prep.ari\\lon \ \ 01 vaseline unless the same carries our label , as otherw\o \ Ills not comllne. SEND YOUH ADDnnSS AND wn WIll. . MAIL oun VASE. LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTnnEST YOU. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. 17 STATE STHElr , flEVI YORK CITY . . - W l. DOUCI.AS $3aOO AND $3,50 SHOlES ! rIlli 'WJlb w. L. DOUGLAS $4.00 GILT EDGE SHOES CIII/NDT / OE EQUALLED AT ANY PnlCE. . . SHOES /FOR EVERVDODV A. , ALl. PRIOES : Jlleu'8 t'lwr'l. 8 In 81.1m. Un" . . ' hnrll. s : & tn SI.I'I.'umt'Il'I ! Shtmll , fill. ! , lu 81.110. JlllhhC/I'.t : 'Chlltlruu'lHhnn , 1f.2.G ! to 61.00. 'V. J. , Jou ln9 shoes are tocognlzelllJY , jUlljtoJ : ollvotweu : to bo 1110 bcst III style , fit nn.1 . wenr 11tOIlucCI \ In this country. Each Ill1tt or the shoe nll c\"ory dotall o [ the mlkln : IsIQokclI nHcl' nnllVttclllII ever by IIkHle11 r.hoIJlJlnkerll , wHhout rOjar to " , t : . 1 ; , tlmo or rest , H I could take 'nll Illto lilY Itr..o raclorlclI nt " ' ' , Droektoll , Ma ! ! ! ! . , amI IIhow\'OIl : lallW cl\ferully "t' . } . . ) ) uu la . I : shocs am ml1lIo , 'nu wtllIl,1 then tutIrfslm why they hol their 8hullo , tit better \yctr ) olljur. : 1111111\m or J:1'rator value thllll IlIIY other mnkr. ! ! . ' w.I , > l1Il"la namll 1111 < 1 I'rlre I. etnlll".d Oil 11011 lIoom. "hl..11 , rol..rll lion " "arr IIsmlnn hl h Ilflt'tIRn'lll1lrrlorlhop < . " 'Ak. . 111. . , . ; "I.III"l"10111 . . , . ' . . . ' . . . . . ' . . . . .dca''fj''h'r ' ' . } 'a" CulJr f.'tll , ! I.d t.rtulfrl"II"Ii" ilia/It'd Irtt. " ' . I. . 110" U ' . . . n. . . . . . " , , , . , It. . . . . . THE FASHIONABLE FEATURE of Ihe leaton' , alylcs is ! he , JAPANESE EFFECT in Waists , Blowes. Jackets , etc. , etc. It's the newest thing , and a complete assortment is found only in the . It up-to-date Butter'ich : Patterns - 10 Conti And 16 Conta Each , A splcndidly i1lu lratcd shcct of these graceful Japanese Style. will be mailed on receipt of two cents (2c ( ) by THE U1TERICK PUBLISHING COMPANY , LIMITED UTfERICK BUILDING - NEW YORK THE DELINEA TOR is the greatest authority on up-to-date fashions for 1081 OVrRBl.OU : t Ladies nod Juveniles. 9931 GUIMPr : 15 Cents per Copy $1.00 per Year . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " . - I FARMS THAT GROW "NO. I HARD" WHEAT 1 ; ldy.thr'c l'ouml to lIIe lJu8ht'J ) . Are , , ! lu. nled III fhe C"uatlrlln Wt'lit wht'ra 110m ( ' . "lends of ] ( , ( ) IIcrell can lJe obtai lie. ' free by every ! leUler , ,1II111S : ' " - I' ! : \1111 able to cOlllply V wllh the 1Io"'sla,1 ILejtulntJoUA. Vurlu ! : lhe pruollt yenr II Inrgo. pottlon of New Wheat Growing Territory ItAS 1II\HN J\I\Vg . . .CCJtSSI I.n TO : lIAR- ItH'l'S II'l'l11 ItAJJ.WA \ ' COolHTltUC1'10N : : thnl hnll b'an pushell forwml so vlgolously by the thrce grrnl rnllwny COIII\ll1l1..5. \ I'or IItt'rnture 0111' putlclllars : otldrt'5 SUI'ItR. IN'1'I NI > HN'r OIt l tltlmtA'rlON , OIlAWI , CRII IIR , or the fnllowlllg outhorlzed CalladlAIl GO"Cfllmelil Alrellt : , W. V. BENNETT , 801 New York LIfe BuildiDr. OmaLa , Nebruka. MClliion Ihl8 Jlopcr. - - - - - - - - - - - t VENTONS ! fJEEDEP : < ' . (0) ( ' " 'rI-l , . ' 1U11" " J..O" . . on tarn. . , I\1. ' ' ' ' ( ) ' 1'c. . . . . . 1.\ \V IU.SCII : . 1..II.u' . . . . . 110" " c.T. . . I..tu..II. c. r.t l Gt. u..Utltt. . . . . , . . ' . . . . , , - - - - - - - - - DEFIANCE STARGfI : : : o : glIke : ' rc - - - - - - - It .ao I : } ThDmpsDn's Eye Wain. . . . - - - - - - - W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO. 16 , 1907. Stren th for' Women Your I Weakness' Mr3. Annie Hutton , of GoUry , Okli. . writes : "I suffered greitlywlth Is almost surely due to some trouble of the womanly or- femlle pllns nnd wc:1kness. I was :0 weak I could hudly : stand. I had gans , which acts unfavorably upon your whole constitution , . cramps : , leg : lches , trembling spells and could not sleep w n. I begnn Women are naturally weaker than men , because of the special delicacy of the womanly organs. to take Cardul and In a week I was much better. You can have no Wine of Cardul's success , In benefiting and curing Idei how much good it has done me , I feel better all over : md recom- sick women , Is due to the fact that It gives women strength where they most need It. mend Cardul to nil my frIends. " Sol at all druggists In $1.00 bottles. It Is composed of certain vegetable extracts and In- , gredlents , which act gently and Sympathetically Upon the Wrltoftoc11Y ! for 11 , frrlof COpy ot 1111\11010 Gt-PI1Xo ilhatrnfcd female nook or WOWCII YUU neel [ Mt'dlcnl Ally-Ico dellc Ibo organs and constitution " regulating strengthening YOU } . . ( , anI , I rllllb'Awlll be leIt ! In prllin FOR IEs "I'll I I'u cnvoloi'r. dlJress : art ea , dvlsory DOllt" 'I'ho and . . All . . these rebuilding. . " are facts. Chatl.\nooca .M cllc n6 Co. , UhatLanOOI'u , 'l'eun. W1 ne of Ca-rd ui I