Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 25, 1907, Image 6

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    . I . . " - 1 8M. . . .
. . . : : : - _ . . . . . . . . .
How n Veter ln Was Saved the Ampu.
tatlon of n Limb.
D. Ft'nnle Doremua , veteran , of
Rooaovclt I\venue , Indianapolis , Ind , .
sn 's ; "I halt been
showing symptoms of
Iddney trouble CI'om
the tlmo I was mun.
tored out or the al'my ,
I but In all my lIre I
no'or suCCerClI as lu
1897. HOlUlacheB. dlz.
zlness nrul sleopless.
r no ! ! ! ! , I1I'St , and then
dropsy. I waa weult
nml hclnless. havJnJ :
, . - .
run down fl'om 180 to 12G pounds. I
wns hnvlng torrlblo pain In the I"d.
IlOYO , (11\(1 the secretions ll Ssed almost
in volun ta "lIy. My left leg swelled un.
tli It WIlS 34 inches around , and the
floctor tallped It night and momlng
tlntll I could no 10ngcI' stand It. and
then ho ntlvlsed amputation. I 1'0'
tused , nnd began using' Doan's Kidney
Pills. The swelling BulJsllled grndn.
( lily. the urlno became natural , and all
my 11OIn8 and aehos Illsappeared. I
tavo ( been well 1OW COl' nine years
fllncoIsing Donn's Kidney Pilla.
I ol' r.ulo ; by nil donlm's. liO conta a
box. l osl l' < l\IlIburn Co , . Buffalo , N. Y.
Prize for the UnmarrIed.
The Intest novelty In baznr attrac.
tlons Is lhat Introduced by the Spring.
cillo Wslo an chapel , nawtonstall.
r n1lnnd. A wedMng cake WIlS cut up ,
and In ono section was concealed a
mal'l'lnge corUncato. It wnrJ announced '
that the bachelor or splnstor socurlnG.
( ho "chunl , " containing the document
1. ) cl the opporlunlty offered to bo mar-
rI ( ' ( ] Creo of COMt within the next 12
10nths b ) ' the Hev. J. BennoUs.
Laundry wotTe at homo would by
milch moro RuUflCaclory If the right
Starch were tlset ! , In order to rot the
desired stICfnesn , It Is l1sually noce- !
8arr to U80 GO much starch that the
bet\uly IInl1 flnoues ! ! of the fnbrlc Is
hldd\n behind a Imsto of varylns
thlt'ltl\'ss , which not only lIes.roys ! thO
ttppeal'lInce , ht t IIlso affects the wear-
tn quu lty of the goo s , Thin troublQ
tan be entirely 0\01'1'01110 by using Dc-
flnncc Stat'l'h. ns It cnn be ap1111011
milch more lhlnly hl1l'.au80 of Its gl'eM-
( ! r Rt"C4\glh tJlIln olhor mnltes.
I 1m vo IIvod to Iwow thllt the gl'oat
aCl'rct of human happiness Is this :
N\'t'I' surrer Y01ll' onct'gles to stag.
nate.-Dr. Adllm Clarlw.
- - - - - - ,
- - - - - - - -
. y'onlng upthc Blood and NerveD Patient -
tient P.cco'Crcdoloht , Strength
and Coed Spirito.
Whcll the 110rV0\1S r ; ' l m If ! broken' ' I
down from ovol'\'OL'Ic , or wlmtovorca\1so , i
lif" lost's it jQ's. Not ouly i the Iler.
"OIlS victim II. sulr rt'l' himself ut ho is
u \1ally u. trial to the wholo' t'amily.
lYOUS brell"lo\\'u ili often gmdl1al ,
' :1 JcarinJ.t nt first to \ > 0 Jllorol au nuu.
mlll fl'ClfulucsJ. : Dr. Willi uua' Pink
j'JUR tOllO up the neryes in the 1Il0at
thrGct , vay Illul. not o ly C11ro minor
tnm lcs bnt sorioul IUsordorR as well.
Ml" 'V. W. Munroo , of 16 Hnd : Park ,
] \'crott , l\IrIGR. , saYH : "About. fom' years
ng 1 thi' ! S\ptombol' I hl'cllmo 1\11 r11n
down from o\'m "orl IInd from confine-
I out to work during warm wrathor.
1"01. t.wo moulhs I gl'OW HtIIIUJ ' worse.
1lo-t in wei/.tht / and strenRth IInll had 110
1\1potHe. \ 1\1) ' 11\'mory failed 1110 quito
I"IIl'idiy nml I became in fL wry low
. 11tat < . ' , bolh physicall ' nnd montally. I
took no iutorcst in hfo , 11oithor ill busi-
UIl"8 " 1101' rccreatIon. In my position , us
foreml1ll in fL lnrgo manufacturing'
chomlst's esinblislllllont in Boston , n
Homi memol' , } ' is IIbsolutely essential to
fmceC3S hecauso of the immense amount
of dotnil thnt. must c ( ' ( lrried in th head.
"I. g"OW"C1'Y dOSlairin , eonld not
hoar to ha\'o pcoplo meet mo lIud my
fl'iolHla romu-Ited : on my eoucHtlon.
About the middle of Dccomlmr friend
tolelmo ono IIay ; that ho hlld tried Dr.
Williams' Pink lills and found thom
reliablo. 1 cOlllmonl'elltllking' them and
nt tha oud of two wcelts the change for
tJI.O otter was romul'kctl b ) ' friondtl. I
eouLinucll using the pills until I waa
thoroughly recovered. I rc ard them as
u.l1n ( ) 1'Cmody tuld mllko tillS tateml1llt
voluntarily in gratitude for the benefit
I recoh'cd from them. "
Thcse lills nctn.\lly make now blodd
I\ud have cured such diseuses as rhou-
UllLtIDl , noryous nnd general delJility ,
: UlIlIgOiltiou , 11ervous Ilcaducho , nou1'lllgin
t1d o'on partiallarnl > 'sIs fIlllllocomotor
utasin. : : . As" touiu tor the blood and
iDCI'VCS Ihor ; uro nnl'qunllcd.
If JOU nro R\\fl'erer \ from any disor.
.acr of the 1Jlood lIud nerves write for
Irmo ! of what DI' . Wlllimns' Pink
! \ ) Jlu 1111.\0 ncC'omplishcd in cases similar
h ) yonrs. E.ery tC\timowal utied by
t hiC'ompm.y ! : . is carefully iuvt'stigatcil
lJ'foc lein published "nd is nuthcntio.
nr. Williams' Pink Pills are field by n11
t1rugfstlJ : ; { , or direct b ' mail , postpaid , on
tCCQipt of } 1rico , liO cents pOl' hex , six
hOJtos for $2.CiO , by the Dr. Williams
h'\i.licine Company , Schenectltdy , N. Y.
Vou cnn Identify
Alaba5 tlno by
the trade mark , but you
can't fully apprecfate all the
rcnsons why ) 'OU should
Identify It unless ) 'ou
Wrlto t.rtlIlY tror bOc.Iet . and tuu
InCormnUun alJout how Tnu can ml1ln
Tour 1101110 more I.Jcauurul tit muo
cXPClIsot'l U'11I1r It.
AJabnsllnnll tI eanllllr , wnll OOTf\r.
Inll' I at lIocurel slmpl , lvundodul
rll ull8lu tI wondortully hnrlo "aT.
The AlabasUaQ Ca. .
-10 GrarvSU. . Ayt. Ol'lJld
"lpld'l 1clt . . orlO11 Wattr
"tuct , a. . r"ar. Ct .
_ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' _ _ - _ . " , , . ! . 'ft"F' ! , ' . 'rr - ' ! . r - - -
1 .
' .
. . '
, .
- - - - -
Arrowroot Wat r Jelly Properly Made
Is Dcllc/ous-Old.Fanhloned / Pa.
"ada n Favorite with the Chll.
dren-Chlcken Jelly.
Arrowroot Water Jelly.-hntll'lmla.
-Do not let 'ol11'60IC bo delulll'(1 ( Illtu
hurlllg allY hul the ! Jest 111'I'II11111a : 1\1' .
I'owroot , I ot 1111110 CI'OIll \'HInRlhle )
dl'U mI8t , nllcJ III 811I1111 I'llclUigeH ' , KeolJ
It In a dl' ) ' 1IIIIcn , 8th' two taillo.
sJoollfula [ Illto two talJleHIIIJlIflllH or
collI WlIlol' lI'btll It Is 611100th. IlavlJ
I'eud ' OVCl' the CII'o a oupful oC
llOlIIn Wlltet' 111 which 'Oll IInvo dla.
solvoll two tellRJoonfulH oC whit"
nnglll' ullil a Illnch oC Hnll. Add tho' '
dls80lvell al'l'owrool allit cOlltlllUO tn I
11111' ulltll It is clollr , IwutllllJ ; the
wutCl' III a hell 1111 the tlllle. Adll a
teaHpoollful of strained lelllon jllico
ulld taleu dlt'cclly f'OlII ! the Hro. 'film
Int.o alllull lIIolds wel wlth c01 < < l watol' ,
and whell cold , aet all Ice. ' 1'0 Ill'e <
IInro fOI' enUng , Olllilty mold UpOIl a
saucol' : all'ow wHh CIne HU I' alld
dl'ollch with CI'eUlII , Shollld the 111'
valid IIIw the navIII' of 1'0Sowlltel' , Hea. ,
son dellclltely with It. 1C wino lie al. :
lowed h ' lho phralcfall , 'OU mil ) ' Muh. I
stftute It small glaSH'oC It fOl' the 1'IJae.
watol' . III thIs cllae. . hellll the tell'
SIlOOIl with 1I1' ' anowl'oot , 111 mea ! ! :
111'lng , ItS the IIlulll ) will malto the
jolh' less consistent. Both of thew :
propuraUoll8 nre dellclolls Ilnd 110111' .
Isl11l1g. " -
Arrowroot Custard.-ThIB ill n.
hon.vlm' . IJI'elll1rntion UIlln the JollY
nnd blanc 1I1L1Ige , hut nourishing ulld
palatable , Wet three tabl slHlonfuls
oC nlTowI'oot with COUl' of cold mille ,
nnll HUr smooth. IIoat It Illnt of mill ,
to Bculdlng' , nddlng' a pinch of Hoda :
sth' In the ul'I'owroot anll cook three
mlnutos aClel' the boll b(1 lns anew.
'rum into a 1I0wl. Bent In nn cgg
Which hM been whlpl1cd light with
two talJlcsJoonCuls ) of whltn sugar.
Sot the howl In a SlIICOlll1n ! oC hollln
watOl' . IJIlt lJ1cl ! on thu fil'n and HlII'
fo1' two mlnules aCtel' the wuter In
the SI\UCOlll1n begins to boll ugaln.
IraI'm In small mOhiH. SOI'VC ala no , 01'
with creum , IlS desired ; Forbear to
muleo 1U1 ' of these light COO Il too
sweet 01' the pallen t will talw a Ills.
lIIw to thom.
Old.Fashloned Panada.-Gct. six of
the sqllare , olll.Cashlonod Bouton'
cl'aclccl's alii' 'lmhleH IIsed to ' ut thoh'
tooth IIpon. SI1l1t them and In ' In II. .
dOOl1 lJowl , sJrlnltllng ) salt scantily
and HUgnt' rnthOl' lJountifully am on" " ,
the hlyorR , Co\01' with wntOl. thllt Is
freshly boiled. Olll' 1I10thor6 anll
nurses laid stl' sa upon thIs laRt con.
dltlon. ' 1'he WI\tel' must COVl1l' the
crackers two Inches doep. Fit Il oloN ! !
covel' on the howl anll set In a Hllllce.
pan of 1I01lln watol' Oil the range. 11 t
the cud ( ) C an hOIll' you should have a
bowlful oC It jellIed cOI'eal. It should
bo eaten CI'om tlto howl wllh muro
Buga1' anll a very little mace or nut.
meg dllsle OVOI' the IJl1nalla , Con ,
yalollcent. chlldl'ell nt'e usually \'or '
fen ' ' of this dish , IC It Is IJl'ollerl3' made
It la' VOlT good. Coif mothers of lJalJlCH
lindeI' n month old , 'rhey generally
IIIto It , too. IIlwl1)'s IJ1'O V III Cll It Is
panadn , IlU not mush. Not a Cl'aclor
ohouill ho dlslntog1'llted.
Chlcl < en Jelly. - Clean 1tondor
chicken , wnsh well nnd split down the
lJacle as for boiling' , Set one-half awny
to bo lJolle anothe1' da ) ' . Pound the
otlter hnlf wIth a wooden mallet , craclt-
Ing every hone uUIl reducing the flesh
to n. paat . Put Into a SlnlCel1an with
n close co\'oI' and coyer with a fIIIU't- (
of cold watel' fot. two pounds of the
chlckon. Sot WhCl'O It will 110t C0l110
to the boll In less than [ In honr. Then
let It sltnmei'-novo1'
- actually bolllng-
for three hours more. It must lJo so
closely covered that the steam will 1I0t
escape. Do not uncover until It has
boon off the fire so long as to bo qulto
cold. 'l'hen strain , pressing hard ;
through n cheesecloth bag , getllng out
every droll oC nourlshn1ent. 80ason
the liquid to taste , retmn to the fire ,
bring to a quick boll to throw Ull th
SCU11aud dl'op In the whlto of a raw
eg. ! Boll ono minute , strain again
amI sot away to cool. ' 1'hen leave In
Ice until 'ou are read ' to BOrye. galen
with unleavened wafers 01' with thin'
breall aUll butter It Is vor ) ' goorl and
full or nourlshmont.-Plttsburg Dls
A good dlshcloth Is made of sevornl
thlclmesses of cheese cloth neatly fin'
A gooddossert Cor luncheon Is wanu
glngerbreall served with whlplled
cronm. Cut the b1ngorbrearl In gonol'
OUB plee s and put a slloonful of the
wbllped } CI'eIU1on each llieco son'er ]
on a fanoy plnte.
A prett ) ' wa ' to sel".O frcsh r1'Ult for
dessert Is to cut nno orangos. banllnae
and grapes , sw oten aUll serve in hall
n. banana sldll. ' 1'ho largo red banana ! :
malw the boot "frult.hoots. "
K"OII the following articles In lhe
kitchen. olthel' hung on the wall 01' on
a low shelf : Cloelt , scissors , ncedlo
Lool , with largo needles Cor trussIng
small for mallng baga , otc. . ball 01
whlto cotton 'arn. strlng.ball and
strlng.bag , pin cushion.
Pleasant Perfume.
A 111easant pertllmo for clothes Is
m1.l10y mixing ouneo oaeh of
cloves , carnWIl ) ' seed , nutmeg , clnna.
mon , and ' 1'onquln beans , ground or
heaten to 0. powdcl' . Put this mlxtul'o
In n number or lIttle bagll , anrl llltca
thom l11110ng the woolen clothes that
ar Il11t away Cor the BummOl' . It Is
said to bo an excellent moth'1rOvou't , .
Ivo also.
' " ' " ' : ' " ' " -
. . .
. . ,
- - ' - " ' -
. -
Man' . Queer Jumble of Worda War.
ranted the Inference.
Prot. WIIIJam I.yon Phelp" of Yale
recently told thl story at New lIa.
ven's chamber of commerce bnnquct :
A hard drinker wag told hy hln doctor
1hat ho could bl ) cllred It every time
ho felt that he mllst have n drink he
would Immedlatoly take something to
cat Instead.
The man followed the AIlvlco ahd
wila cllred , but the 'hablt of nsklng Cor
Coorl had become so flxerl with him
thnt onCQ. ho was nearly loclted up aa
n lunatic. 110 wns torlplng ut 0. hotel
nnd , hearing great commotion In the
room next to his , ho peeped ever the
transom to Reo what the matter WIlS.
110 saw , and rushed madly down to
the office and shouted to the clerk :
"Tho man In 163 has shot hlmsolfl
Ham and eg" liIandwlch , pl llsol"-
Lll'plncott' .
- - - - - - -
Easily Prepared at Heme and Harm.
lees to Usc.
This Is Imown as "mooll.Cleanlng
'l'Ime , " eSleclally among the oilier
follts , who always talO something duro
ing this mouth to clean the blood of
ItnpurlUcs and lJullll it111. .
'rho following Is the recl1lo ns given
by \'ell.known allllIOl'ty ! , Ilnd anyone -
one can prepare It at homo :
Fluid Extract Dandelion ono.half
ollnco , Compouml Kargon ono ounee ,
COlUIIOU1HI 8 'rup Saranparilla three
Get these sh1'1plo Ingredients from
any good [ lharmac ' IInd mIx by Rhale-
Ing well In botlle. ' '
a 1'ho dose Is ono
teaapoonCul aCtel' meals and o.ted. .
Everybody should talw something to
holt1 the blood , which becomes hnpov.
orished anll a most sour after the win.
ter season , especially these who are
.mbJeet to Rheumatism , Catarrh , Kidney -
noy and DlndllQr troulJlo. . '
It Is s\ld that one weel's use ot this
mixture will lear the skin of sores ,
plmple or bolls.
This fR sound , heallhy advice. which
\VIII bo appreclate-d by litany readors.
" . ' . . >
Unlucky MalJ's Mod st Request for
Pecuniary Asslstan e.
Ra 'lllond Hltchcoclt , the comedIan ,
whllo In New Orlel\ns a Cow months
ago , took the opportunity ot going to
the races. During the afternoon bo
cnshod several ticleets. the result of
good guesses. lIe was feeling happy
aCter the last race , and Blurted for
the automobllo which was to convey
him back to his hotel. As ho was
about to climb into the machlno he
folt. n. band on hIs arm , and 11 man
shoutell in h1s ear :
"Hello , Hitchcock , how are 'y.ou ?
Hcar' U put a crimp In the . .boo les
. to'day. ' . : . , . ) . : t
'IIltchcock blushed and she k bands
'sheoplshly , I10t recognizIng the mlln ,
and not wlshiug to show It.
"Say , r wll1it to SlJJ\k ( to you con.
I1dentlall ) ' , " said the strangor.
"All right : what Is It ? " aslted the
I ,1 Well , I am up against sarno hard I
luplt to.d ty. 'rlte'y ceaned ) no and I
want to get homo. Now , 1I0n't let
Iln ) ' ono of these people sea y u , bui
811p mo enough for I'ar fal'e , wIll
'ou ? "
"Suro. " said Hltchcocle , } ) Iaclng his
band In I11s pockot. 'rhen ho pausnd
and quorled : "Whoro do ) 'ou llvo ? "
"Vancouver , " was the answer.
IIltchcock took flying leap fet his
machlno , and unless the visitors at
Now Orleuns are more gul1lble , the
Impecunious ono Is still looking for
cllr fnre.-IIarver' Woolily. .
. _ . _
- - - - - - - - - - -
The Land Made Famous by Phllpotts'
Phllpotts has made us familiar wltli
romantic Dovonohlre , In his Casclnatlng
novels , "The River. " "Children oC tbo
Mist , " ote. The characters are very
human : the people there drink coffee
with the same results as 0180where. A
wrltol' at Roclt House , Orchard HUl , '
Dldoford , North De\'on , states :
"For ! O. yenl's I drmilt coffee for
brealefast ami dinner but some 5 'ears
nso I fuunll that it was llroduclng iudl.
gostlon and heart.bum , and was malting -
ing mo restless at night. These s 'mp-
toins were Collowed lJy lJrnln fag and
n. sluggish mental condition.
"When I realized thlo. I .mado up my
mind to quit drinking 'coffeo and
haYing read 0' [ Postum , I conclu od to
try it. I had It care Cully made , accord.
Ing to directions , I\nll founll te my
agreeable surllrlso at the end of a
" 'eele , that I no longer suffered "from
ol111Or Indigestion , heart.bul'll , or brain
fag , UUlI that I could drlnlt It at night
and secure restful and rOfroshlng
"Slnco that time wo have entirely
dlscontlnuell the \lSO of the old ltlnd of
cortce , growing Conller and Condor of
Postum as tlmo go s on. My dlgestlvo
organs certainly do their worl , much
bettor now than before , 0. result duo
to Postum Footl Cortoo. I am satisfied.
"As a talJlo bevornso wo nnd ( Cor all
the members of my f\tnlly use It ) thllt
when properly n1lldo It Is most rofrosh.
in ( ; and ngreealJlo , of dollclous naVal'
nnd aroma. Vlgllanco Is , however ,
necessar ' to secure this , Cor unless the
s n'nnts nro watched the ' nro llIwly
to neglect the thorough boiling which
it must have In order to extract the
. goodness tram the coroal. " Name given
by Postum Co. , Battle Croelt , Mich.
Read the IIttlo boole , "Tho Rend to
WoUvlllet , In IJl gs. " 'l'boro's a rea-
The , Way In WhIch a Swan River Farmer -
mer Became Wealthy.
Swan Hlver , 1\lnnltoba. Nov. 21 , 1906.
'J'wo WeelH ago we gave an account
of the IJrOSllerlt ' of II Carmer In Weat.
orn Canada , and this weele wo ropro.
d uce allother.
"I ho.\'o been aslccll regardIng this
'eu"8 wOI'I , on my farm , and I hore.
with wllllngl ) ' ! ! ubmlt the Collowlng
statement :
"Three years ago I purchased an
Improved farm of lSG acres on Sec.
tlon 9 , ' 1'ownshlp 36 , Range 27 west
of the Firat Meridian-two miles C\'Om
the town of Swan IUver.
I plowed and cropped 122 % acres
of lanll during this year (1906) ( ) , 80
ncres In wheat , 30 acres In oats , and
12'1.1 ncres in hal'loy.
" 'rho coat of putting In and laldng
ocr t1ls crall this season Is as Collows :
Cash paid for blue stone. . . . . $ 1.50
Cash paid for binder twIno. . . 39.00
Cash 1)I\Id ) for hlrell help. . . . . 125.00
Cash I1111d for threshing. . . . . . 176.00
'rotal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,10.00
"Uecelpts fol' the year as Collows-
80 acres of wheat ( 'Iehled 30
bushels per acre-'fotal. .2,400 bu.
30 acres at oats ( 'Iehled 46
bushels per ncro-1'otal. .1,200 If
1 stack of oats In sheaf. . . . . 200 "
12 ! : acres barley (18 ( bu. POI'
acre ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 . .
Crop potatoes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 If
IJa ) ' , tons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
l,168 bu. wheat at G2c. . . . . . . $ 724.16
1,232 bu. whent in granary Ilt
62c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763.84
300 bu. lJarley at 35c. . . . . . . . 105.00
300 bu. barley in granary at
35c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105.00
1,200 bu. oats III granaI' ) ' at
25c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300.00
100 bu. potatoes at 30c. . . . . . 30.00
200 bu. potatoes In root h011S0
at 30c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60.00
1 stach : at oats In sheat for
Cecil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.00
15 tons oC hay at $3,00. . . . . . 45.00
Garden roots and , 'egotablcs. 30.00
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,213.00
Cost oC above. . besilles my .
own labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340,50
Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,872.50
I ha\'o In 1111 , 125 acres really for
crop next year , including 10 acres.
clearell and brolOn this season.
Total Assetn.
186 acres lanll , with house.
stable and outbuildings ,
etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.000,00
Impl monts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500,00
4 head ot horses , and harness 800.00
15 head of cattlo. . . . . . . . . . . . 37G.00
20 pIgs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200.00
Hoeelpts oC this soason's crop 1,872.00
' 1'otal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,747.50
Liabilities , are . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000.00
T9tal assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F,747.GO
I have made the above amount by
farming in Manitoba. 1. tl11nlt it has
paid. ' 1'hls is'my standing t'olIa ) ' . I
am a slnglo mall , a Canadian , and 26
years oC nge.
For particulars how to secure low
railway rates to the free homesteada
of Westel'11 Cannda apply to an ) ' Cana.
dlan Go\'el'll nent agent.
Ono at the things you can't buy on
crodlt Is oxperience.
Dluertatlon on Henpeck.
An Ohio man Is reported to be nt
the point of death from blood polson.
Ing c\used by honpeck. This Is
rather queer. There are many men
In and around Eskridge who are hen.
pecked n thousand times 11 year , and
whllo It mnke the blood boll no
polson Ins haa set In.-Wllb'iunsoe
Whether you bo mon or women , you
will nOTor do anything In the world
without courage. It Is the groate8t
qua1lty or the mind , next to honor.-
James AlIen.
l or constipatIon , billousncss , livcr ItlS'
turbnnccs , nnd dlsctEcs resulting from 1m.
l'lII'o hlood , tnke Nnturc's remedy Gnr.
field 'rea. It is mnde wholly of ( , cnIth.
giving herbs.
Every man ( s Taluod In this world
as ho shows by his conduct that ho
wishes to bo valuell.-Bruycre. '
Lewis' Singlc Blndcr straight 50 ignr. I
Mndo of cxtra quality tobacco. Your
denIer or I.cwis' ' l > '
FactolJ' , col' ! I , III.
Lots of folks do n thins twice In
ardor to get it done once.
- - - - -
: JllrII. Wlnslow's SoothlnJ : Syrnp.
For children leetbloIOtlCl18 tbe Ruml , reduces \no
J1ammaUon. sllays plLln , curea IVlnd collu. 25ea bottle.
Cupid somotlmes grafta a peach on
an old ahrub.
r _ "I LJ.l Uo ! . _ _ I
' . . " . . " . . . . . . . " . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.- . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . " J , . . " . - . , . . . _ ' _ - . . . . . . . .
f RHEUMATISM i 5 ; i
AND - ;
t .
, :
: : . .t. : I
. .
X . . - .
; ST ?
f JACOBS i '
. :
; The Proved Remedy
: * : For Over 50 Y cnrs. X j
h . ; . PrIce . 2ic imd : roc b
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H.JJ. . . .ir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . .dL . . . . . f . s. . , : .
DEFIANCE Cold Water Starch
, , . , . .
I maltes laundry worl pleasure J" " .z pk ! : JOo.
- t.4"c : ; , . . . , - - - . . cJr' . : . . . . - . . fI ; . ' . . "t . . . > , : . _ . . .31.1/0 - ! - - . .r-- . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . . " . . " . - . , . . . ' . - 0 , . ' . . - - .I. - . . _ ' . . _ _ " ' .
For Infants and Ohildren.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
, ,
of : .
. ' -
- . - : Usa
- . , - For Over "
i Thirty Years.
. . . - " ' - . . . . - . _ ExaC\ . ' - " . " ' ' - Copy . - . . - of . Wrapper. . . - - " 'u- - - . - _ . . . - _ . _ . . . _ _ THICIINTAUCOlot"A"'I' - . h. : . - _ : , , , ! _ . : : ' , r _ . . . . HIW . : . . YO" . " . _ CITY. - . _ . _ - . . 1
Youoantiloon40 . . 1:0 : : or 110 ;
GET RICH BY IRRIGATION norcs or . publlolrrlJt.UO . JI1D IQ
Idabo. , IUobeat , lan.d nd most
. Buoeen,11 . rrJgat trnot I n tbo
. , , . . .world.2IUoc orls Qltledlntwo
yoars. ' , lSOroo open I1BY . payments. . b'1rstopoDlng April 22. . Othorslo toll ow. CbORI ) power ( J'Im ShoshoDe
b' lIs Industries wanted. Ae n.toncoor fOU wlU bo toolate. Wllto 1221 IUrst NntlOlUll JJIUlIt JJld , CbtCAIle.
.q -
'fhe General Condemnation of So = Called Patent
or Secret Medicines
of an injurious character , which indulge ill extravagant and unfounded pretensions
to cure all manller of ills , and the
. . . . . .
National Legislation Enacted to Restrict Their Sale . , :
have established l1orc clearly than could have been accomplished in any other waY' , \
The Value and Importance of Ethical Remedies. "
. .
Remedies which physicians sanction for family use , as they act most beneficially and .1 ,
are gentle yet prompt in effect , and called ethical , because they are of , . r. :
Known Excellence and Quality and 01 Known Component Parts. , I
To gain the full confidence of the Well-Informed of the world and the approval of' '
the most eminent physicians , it is essential that the component parts be known to and f'
approved by them , and , therefore , the California Fig Syrup Company has publishcd for many
years past ill its advertisements and' upon every package a full statement thereof. The per- '
feet purity and uniformity of product which they demand in a laxative remedy of an ethical
charactcr are assured by the California Fig S'rup Company's original method of manufacture ,
known to the Comp my only. I
There are ' other ethical remedies pproved by physicians , 'but the product of . . . . . . . . "
the California Fig 'Syrup Company possesses the advantage over all other family laxatives
that it clcanses , swectens and relieves the internal organs on which it acts , without I
disturbing the natural functions or , any debilitatmg after effects and withont having to
increase the quantity from time to time.
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of .
of Figs , nnd has attained to world-wide acceptance' the most excellent of _ .I .
' family l:1xativcs , and as its pure laxative principles , obt ined from Senna , arc w 1 - ,
known to physicians and the Well-Informed . .of the worId to be the best of natural J
laxat'es , we have' adopted the more elaborate name of Syrl1p of Figs and Elixir of
Senna , as more fully . descriptive of the remedy , but doubtle sly it will always be
called for by the .shorter name of Syrup of Figs ; and tq get , its . ben.eficial effects , J
always note , whell purchasing , the .full name of the Company-Cahform\ Syrup Co.-
plainly printed on the front of every package , whether , you simply call for Syrup
of l igs , or by the full name , Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna , as Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Company , and the same heretofore knowfby the name , Syrup of Figs , whicR ,
has given satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggistG \ , , .
throughout the United States in original packages of on size only , the regular price . t
oC which is fifty cen'ts per bottlc. ,
Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company , filed with nle
Secretary of Agriculture , at Washington , D. C. , the remedy is not adulterated or mm- ' \j \ ,
branded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act , June 30th , ! ) o6. 'i '
; :
San Francisco , Calf I I
Louisville , Ky. U. S. A. New York , N. V.
London , England. .
. . . : p.
. . . . . . . (
. . "