Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 25, 1907, Image 3

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. r
Financial In tituaons Are Robbed Every
: Day , Says Expert
. . I _ _ '
High. Living , Fast w.omen and Speculation -
tion Chiefly to Blame
- -
I -
; HURton-It Is only a defalcation of
111ugnltudo that attracts more than 10'
I . .cnl . attention ,
When the wrongdoln or President
; I
'f ! ' - Franlt IlIpple caused the $7,000,000
I r .crash f the Real Estate Trust com.
_ " IJimy. of Philadelphia : , when PaulO :
Ii , " . Stensland wrecked the Mllwaukeo
Avenue state bnn ] ( of Chicago through
- ! \ . bls mltapproprlatlon of $1,500,000 nnd
. wht'n. more rocontly. 'rreasurer Wil.
: , , ' " " *
r1bls P. Walker Ill : > : 'Ieared with
( , l. , $ G65OOO or secUl'lties bolonglng to the
' " , Savings Bank of New Britain , Conn.-
J . In a big case or this ] dnd the bus '
w r1d IJI\uses to gagp at the enormity
of the crlmo and to bestow a fieetlng
" pity upon the victims ,
Now nnd then a remarmbe ] ] thell
attracts mal'O than ordinary alten-
tlon because of the dlfficu1t1es overcome -
come , Only a shari. thno ago it was
nnounced that $173,000 In c\l1'cncy
. . had been Dlolen from the United
States sub.troasUI'y at Chicago under ,
clrcllmatance'l ! ' that barned , score of
. , . , keen-wlttcd secret service mon , ,
" , Dut , as Pierre Jay , commissioner or .
II ,
bnnklng or Massachusetts. has pointed -
ed out , there uro many embezz1ements
that are never known by the pnbllc ,
, . The amounts h1\01vcd are made good
by relntive and friends , or are quiot-
] y charged up to profit and loss ,
"Thero nt'o thrtJe embozzements ]
where ono Is rcported , " said the header
, or a suret . company tbo other day. .
- "PersonaJiy , I boHovo financial Instl.
tnUons are being robbed every etay. "
. . .
j . , ' , _ _ This Beerns serious : It Is serious ,
hut ono should remember that there
arc a grcnt number or InsUtutions
handHng the peopo's ] monoy. '
Did 'ou know that on Sop tom bel' .
1 ] nst th6re In the United States :
, - -f'- 6,137 national banks-an Increase or :
4,065 slnco 1880-8,862 state bans ] ,
' 142 loan and trust. companies , 1,319
" Bavlng ! ! banks and 929 private ban1s ?
, Causes of Dishonesty.
But what causes dlsbonosty among
employes and OmClaD ] . of Ilnanclal in- ,
sUtutions ?
\ Why do mlD , occupying positions or
trust and honor , who are generally re.
spected , stand high , orten In the
church , are morany c1enn , so far us
Imowll. with famllIcs and pleasant
homes-why , do they become tbleves
and purloin thousands of donars not
their own ? .
From Inve3t1gatlot.J of t > be cases of
men who have betrayed tbelr trust ,
. . . - . -
t , . J' . . IJ'P/J'C ' 7TtltSEOF -
, I
fiYIJEZZLEl ? " , Wt
- - -
"In every < lase which I hU 'e Inves.
I tlgated , " said an officer of a surety
company , "I 113VO found a woman nt
the bottom. Although the UlJUl stoo ]
the mone ' to gambo ] or speculate ,
when searching inqulr ' is made we
always found a woman , vho was ex-
tra\'agant , with whol11 the man hnd
become InCatuated , or n wife who
nagged him fa I' mOl'o than ho could
" : \ren fl'equentJy ombetzlo : to Invest
In scholl1CJ1 which the ' are led to be.
Hevo will tum out woH. 'fhey are
probablY mnrrled nnd desire to got
nhead Boclal1 ' . 'fhey need U1ono ' to
do it ,
"Theil' homes must bo well fUl'
nlshed , tholr wives beautifully dressed -
ed , The situation goads thorn to taeo ]
the rlsl. . Without aD ) " bought 0110 -
Ing dishonest they U ! the lIlUlk's
money for personal Investments.
"Wlth a man who becomes Infatu-
nted with a dashing woman tbo end
comes marc lulc1\y. \ There Is n rapid
pace , with motaI' cars , theaters , cares
nnd othel' paees ] of entertainment. He
loses his head , loses all 50nso or discretion -
cretion , RecentlY an olliclal of a large
Chicago bank throw $20 bills to a ballet -
let dancer on a thenter stage , Tbls excited -
cited suspicion. His accounts were
Investigated , and to-day ho is 6ervlng
In prison , "
Thcfts of "Big Mcn. "
The majorlt " of bank thefts , according -
cording to bonding concerns , are by
employes of the Instltutlon-cnsblers ,
tellers , clers. ] More money , however ,
Is usually stolen by dishonest llresl-
dents or otber officers. Tbe aggregate
stolen by emp10 'es Is comparatively
small compared with the tremendous
thefts of the "big men , "
Da.nk embezzlements during 1906 ,
according to figures supplied by a big
bonding compan - of New York ,
amounted to $12,835,215 , This tota1
was the greatest since 1894 , w.hen defalcations -
falcations , fonowlng the Imnlc of 1893 ,
amounted to $25,234,112. 'rbe average
amount of money which surety companies -
panies of the country are cnIled upon
to mn1ee good Is said to be $400,000 a
month ,
An embezzlement , according to the
representative' a sUl'ety company ,
Is reported In PhlJadephla ] every two
weecs. ] The average Is said to lJe
proportionately larger In New York
and Chicago.
f" ' > . . , .
' " ro-- : ; , '
c' Y . .
, t
} I
. , ,
- thrlo Ke 11 C1 \ ] 1 ( \\IC:9 ; : have been
tound : _
Slioculntlci : .
1\ 'VIII\U\ \ ! ,
Sooln ] 1I.:11bIUOD ,
' In' noal'i' ! or'y ! lostanco one 01'
' mal'O or tllc'JO I'oasons h s caused the
I' dowln1 ! ,
] ' ( nt ; of :111. It 1:3 : lIe desire to sot
' :
:1 'Icb ! which. IIII'OU
" , ] quck men to thell'
t , : faJl. Gnmhn ] ! , whether It bo on.lJ\Q \
to- . rf.COJ ur. In the r.tock murlctsjf hall
' , beenO cause ( It man ) ' a niuu's' ruin ,
Having , s , , = ( ; e < : s to money , the bank
. pre la mt "I' eIl\po ] 'o who hns gotten
\ hlmwJf : Inlo lmclJlt ' talws a 13111'1'011-
tltlous : oal1 , rllH ' Intending' to pnr It
, / f\ back111 ; \ : ' \ ) follows Callure , loss
\ cOmt3 ntter loss , until at last there
rf , , II the llcvltnb1o I1lscovor ) . .
\ ,
% I'LIlWIIC TilE .Pt'HIEJ' . "
/ { T Rllk L ( ) r tP
' 1 :10 : fascination of stalelng money ,
Ol ( ; ! zest or uncertainty , as well as the
possibility of winning big stalces ,
tempt cors ] to Blleculate , While the
bank president may he taltlng plunges
In stocks and IHistalnlng heavy losses ,
the employe may ho paylng ] the I'aces
01' taking chances III the Imcket shops.
Both load to ruin.
Mctlods of Peculation ,
l\Iethods 'of
peculating are , many.
One or UIO most
common among em.
plo 'es Is to fullJlfy deposit slips and
deposit boolts or persons who ha0
dormant accounts amI to falslCy en.
tries of cnsh taltou In.
Men "hlghel' up" can make loans on
bogus securities and substitute
"mems" or notes showing false loans.
. . -
. .
. . I
. . ,
Thc ' usual1 ' ha\'o
\ access to the
"aulls wllt'ro mone ' and bonlls J\ro
del'osl tod.
Allhourh U\'ro Is usually some ap.
) larent reMan why meu bl'col1lo do.
faultors , sOIU lImes It Is Imposslblo to
Ilnd the CRUSOj It seems incomprehon.
sible to the moh themsol\"cs.
Concerning such cascs , the preDI.
dent oC a promlnont surety COI11 JI\I1Y
has mnde an interesting statement :
"Prcshlents of banks mid trust companies -
panies who somolilUes Involve lholr
institutions for larso sums are otten
comlel11ned for dishonesty wl\m tholr
rt'al fauIt Is bad Judgmont. It maybe
bo that the preuldont has conducte1 [
his bnnk on conson'atlvo IIn09 until
ho Is iml'lIeltl ) . trultod. 'Vho honrd of
directors gndl ] ) ' Intruuts Its own 1'0'
Dponslbllltfes Ipon his shoulders and
lea\'cR him to run the business.
In Tolls of Promoter.
"ProsentJy a10ng c < JU10S a promotar
wlt1i more nudnclty thnn jUdamont.
- - . , .
o. y Into cash and Invested ' 0,000\
For n limo the now InatltuUol\ seemed
to nourish. that one tllorninc ft'u
rOllnd that' 'prosldent Wtsttaln. . .
In the vRult "wero ow ) ' 3o o In cash
and pnper worth 1018 tbnn $ GOOOO.
The banlt bultdlna : watl round to be
mortgag1 ! to its full "ntue.
ClevernelS Demanded.
'R. > w long an empoyo ] Cl\'t \ continuo
tapping the funds dopcn1 ! : upo : . ! : :
clovorness. Onl ) ' c10ver mod can It&-
cure money In financial InsUtuUoDB
under the modern system of keepIng
accounts ,
Sovernl years ngo tbe llrosldfnt of a
bn.nk In an Eastern city beoame serl.
ol1Bly Ill. Examiners arrived whUo he'
was detl\lned at homo , nnd upon 0Jr.
mulnlng the books and BccuriUH
found tlillt ror , period of len YOAr.
bo had boon robbing Ute bAnle. Hla
thefts amolUlt d to $24,000. Ho 'Was
tlO shrewd in manlpulnUn hlB .c.
counb. that If ho b1\d remalnod w ! 1
Tll F'J'T
. /
, . ; { ' "
t. , , .I. , , ,
' ' , .f . , . .
" - . ; : " "
Ho presents .11. scheme that Is daring ,
but sUII within boundfl , offers the
bank extra high Intel'est , nnd perhnpfJ
a bonus lJesldes : he gets the loan and
payll It.
"ThQ yenture Is repealed unUI the
pl'esldent Is dazzled by .the brlllianco
or the promoter's genius , At last a
note canllot he taOn ] up when duc ,
The-yentul'e may be legitimate , but III
Judged , It III necessary to advance
more 1I10noy to afeguard tbo orilnul !
"Here the presldont malces his fatal
misstep , Instead of laying the , whole
matter before the board and confess.
Ing his original mlstalw , ho makes an
nddlllona ] Joan 011 his own responsl-
blllt . and Is stili more de lll ' Involved.
n ' this lime he Is nshamed to toU
the board of directors , nnd so he goes
all getting deeper /lnd / deeper In the
mll'e untl ! the Inevltnb ! ! ! crash , " .
How to Prevent Looting.
Orson Smith , one of Chlcago's ! Jest
] [ I1own bankers , after the Stensland
exposure , declared that a new law of
Incorpol'atlon wns necessary to prevent -
vent tbe looting of bants. ]
" 'fhe state bUl1k examinations ure
a11 right , " he said. "No law 'ou can
frame wJl1 prevent a thief rl'om stenl-
Ing If you gl\'o him II. chance , Place
your money In his banda and he Is
sllro to run awa ' willi It 1r the way Is
open ,
"Suppose you are carrying In your
\'lI.u\ls \ a Jot or fraudulent paper , which
on Its face appears to bo all straight ,
how Is any banl ( examiner goln" to
discover It ? It Is absolutely Impossl-
be ] for him to prove the gonulnen ss
or faseness ] of every signature on the
paper that Is showl1 him as securities
held by the bank as co11ateral for
loans , Ho must Dimply taO ] them to
be what they nppeal' to bo on the raco.
"The state bank examination law
Is a11 right , and It Is just n.a emclentJy
administered as the natlona1 banle
law. It Is 110t so much a. c1ango In
the ] a w I'egardln examinations we
want as a Jaw rogardlng the Incor-
) Ioratlon of Imns ] ,
"It Is milch too easy to Incorporate
banls now , 'rho ] nw shollid bo partlc.
ular regal' lng the 111C01'loratOl'8 } nnd
the nature or the securities they offer
111 the first Inaranco. On co they get
started It Is too ] ate to correcl the
ovllu whleh should be prevented at
the beginning , If 'ou want rerorm ,
that la whel'o It ahould begin. "
I ! sy to Start Dank. . .
Ease with which n hank mllY he
started was llIustmtod at J\Uridleport ,
Ohio , last fall , 'l'ho president of an
Institution there dls\llpenrOI [ and
$115000 ; of the bnnl'sIIoney was
found mlsshH : ,
Thl ! ! man , It was statcll , at ono tlmo
started a nliliollul banle In that town ,
bllt this was clos 1l ancI Its accollnts
liettled. : Then the banker Induced 1\
retll'ed clcrg'man to enter bu lneiJ. .
with him and open a private banl [ ,
' 1'ho ( ) ] erg 'man converted his prop.
I ' { (
A' ECULI(110t'.fldK - - /1,11.0 '
j t1IEI ( Caf , IR W : W 1
$ CtA'f' Qr B Ir'k'ERJflff PA'M
EI1I'LYEE filCH } 1C'ALP :
- - - - .
It Is 1I1Oy ] ho 'wou1d not been
lscovercc ! . The case was hushed up
aWl nove ! ' made public.
Dhcoverles of defalcations seem to
1'1111 cose ! ) ' nfter each other. Fd 110 wIng -
Ing n big e1\I : > OSllro will bo tbe dlaco-
Cl'y ofIInny minor thefts ,
"Wo account for this , " said the heaa
of a surety company , "by the fcel1nlf
of fear which fills mon who have been
qlllety ] stealing , 'fhey bear of a do-
fallUCI"s arrest and they loae their
"They make up their minds to fiee
to safety befol'o they are found out.
Usually If any money Is handy they
talto It and Bdp. ] You will find that
In the same month the Hlppe ] and
Stensland embczzements ] 'wore made
known thel'o wor many exposures in
smaller banls , "
Fcver of Getting Rich.
"What l'eU1ed ' would I suggest for :
the dishonest mun In bans ] 7" said n.
mnn who hils made n study of finan- ;
olal conditions , "Thero is one remedy I
among the big mon-an unfaUlng
senile of honor , Integrity of character ,
pure , clean , moral lIvcs.
"Dut the rever or getting rich ha ,
Inflamed the country. Men are Impa , .
tlent to got money : In fact , they do
not clro to wait tor good. Inventmonts
to work out slow ! ) ' . ' { 'hey wish to
Illungc , to go headlong Into any prom.
Ising scheme.
"It DUst be remembered that at-I
though tbo amount of ban ] [ thefts I
have been Increasing thla docs not
mean that the } 'orcentaC at suoh
crimes Is Increning ! : per thousand of
110plllaton. ! Beslde . there Ii II. great
deal mal'O money In banka now than
20 'oars ago.
"Tho stupendous figures of deralc
tlons In this countrty , however , indt-
cato , atate of very loose morala In
our buslnors lite , 'rhon , too , with thQ.
deslro to get r1ch there Is a growlnw
d slro for expenslvo hobbles and ex-
\lensl \ va living , The rising financlall
Cever Is accompanied by II. tever ot
correslwndlng ga .oty. And a gay lito
costa money. "
Proportion of DClfaultcra.
About one mnn In 1,500 defaults.
This showH a high standard among
em\lloyes \ or financial Institutions.
' ' 'rwo of HIlt tronge8t deterrents
from dlshonosty , " s d. the .presldent
of a surety company , "aro the surety
hand and the home. A nlan who do-
fanHs Imows the Burety company w111
punish him. It makcs no dlfferonce
to us It wo ha\'o to .nil five or sl.x
"Hom9 ties are perlll\pl the bcst Inducement -
ducemont to honcst ) ' . A man wlU
think many times before ho wlU commit -
mit a crlmo which \\111 disgrace him ,
hcfot'o hll1 wlCo and sepnrate 111m fl'-om
his homo. Another iltrong influence
for keeplns mon sltaght ! Is the prcss.
lly ImbUahlng exposures , both or high
and low , a mnn , knowing the dls&TIlCO
oC exposure , will stop before ho
steals , "
eneralltles Are Meanlnsleas tl the
Publlo-Why the Mall.Ordor Man
Wins-Try the Plan , .
- I
If you , Mr. Merchant , would compete
with the 1UIIIlordor houscs thol'o are
throe main ossontlals to sllccess-the
goods-lhe prlcos-allvCI'tlsln ( ; .
The ] nst of these Ilf quite as '
tlal as elthor of the othors. osson'l
In the great tllajorlt . oC CIISCS the
local merchant has the gooda , and ho
makca the prlccs , hut In "ory Jnnny
cases he olthor raUa to do the ndver.
tlslng , or what ho dooa do la not offec.
tlvo In the 111\1110 way thnt tha mall.
ol'der man'a ntlvertlalng III offoctlve ,
The writing of effective advorUslnc
Is not nn art , It Is not bllsln089 that
I'oqllires 'enl'S ot stlldy to ICl\rn , A
Cow hours of stully and cOU1parlson
wltI glvo YOIl OVOI' ' essontll\l dotall
that 'Oll wltI necll ,
It Is COmIH\raUvel ) ' safe to say thnt
71 1101' cont. of the advortlslng carrle < 1
by local merchants In the locnl ) Il\pors
Is word 011 In gonoralltles only. Such
ad"ol'tlsolllents as the followlu& ; are
found in every pallor :
Ha.dwa.o , StOVQS and
1'110 mall.ol'dor '
man's advorUulng Is
dltCoront , It Is specific , alld whllo the
Klowlnlt doscrlptlons glvon al'e orten
, .
By the aid of the editor the home merchant can rIde the mall.ordor
magnatc out of the homo community on the rail of publicity. The moral
Is advcrtlsc ; advertlso systematlc llly and persistently. Tcll the public
whllt you have to offer , and tell It so they will undcrstand.
mlseadlng-a ] thing which Blnnk's ad.
verUslns should never be-thoy at.
tract the attention of the reader and
possible purchaser beclluso they tell
abollt some ono thing that ho JURY pos ,
slbly want.
The mall-ardor man makes a run
011 a few things which he Is wl1llng to
sell at a coso marglll or proUt In ardor -
dor to attract trade In his genera ] IIno
on which heavy profits are mado.
Blank shoui ! ! advertise In
much the sarno manner the mn.1I.order
man advertlscs hardware , and ho hus
this advanlage-he can Invite the pea.
plo or th\3 \ community to visit hln store
aqd see the goods themselves so
they will ] mow just whnt tbey 11.1'0 buy-
1111 ; ,
If , Insteud of expressing meaning.
Jess generallUea In a two.lnch apace ,
Blank had uued , J1ttlo moro Apace
and properly dlspayed ] an advortlse.
ment something IIko the tonowlng he
would have bcen sure to have attracted -
tractod attention to his store , and In
aJ ! probability woulll have boon surprised -
prised at the drawing power or hl8 ad.
vertlslng :
During Thursday , Friday and
Saturday of this week
$3 . 79 for a 5 : reuuarareed best Quallt ,
Clothes WriDKer , lb. Kinof Wrinll-
ers. Solid rubber rolls , steellprinll aDd pateDt
lIuld. board ,
$1 48 for a iood American clothes " 'rlna-er ,
to Inch rolls , barlllTood frame ,
for lIenulno "No Sail" Curtain Stretchers ,
74C Center brace and will not sa& , _
98c for eltra heav , cOPPI'r rim aDd bottom
wash bollen ,
for d UD of Iho fint quallt , . Clot be ,
18c for so foot whit. Cotton Dralded Clothes
89C for hardwood foldlllil Clothes Dar of ex-
COPIIOII.ll . sin for Iha mOllOY ,
: for rull sized very best quality Wash
: l2C ! loards , .
tor medium . ! zed \llvanlnll iron Wash
75C 'fubs ,
tor u.qt. hllav , ialvanlzod Iron \ute.r or
24C I rub pall ,
J : C tor h st quail I , fiber Water Pall ot CJ : .
4 -.I certlon ll merit. .
for all elcellent quality of Iroollll bouds
79C tbat will not warp.
' . C for an ntr" IlfU buVJ wlllo" Clotbca
5'.4 Jjas IIot ,
'l'he llrlces , ; Iven here are of courl\O
more fiotlon. but lho vrlcell Dh'nk
. .
. .
IIhou1 < 1 quote In hl8 adyertlsement'o
IIhould show the public Ulnt he Is
I'flnl ' ( bar&'nll\J ! they 8ho\l1 < 1 bo prices
thl\t would compare tavorably with the
prlcoR of the mall.order cataloJucs ,
and ho should Impress fl upon the
puhllc thnt ho not only show9 thcm
what they are buying beCoro they pay
tor ft , but thnt the purchnser han no
frelghl to pa ) ' , anll doen not lmvo to
walt an Intormlnaho ] time for the
good A ho bu 'I.1 , as when or < 1erllll ( of
the mnll ortlor hOUlIl'S ,
It Is Rlloclfio atlvorllslng that draw9.
The advortlser who describeR In c.
tall the & , oodo ho haa to soH , nnd
quotes the price ho aslta for it will
attrnct the fayorablo attention ot the
pUbIlo far moro orton than the ono
who doas ] only In generalities. It Is
this kind of ad\Ol'Uslng lhat pays , It.
Is lhla kind of mlvortlRlnK that Is at.
trncllng the (1011l\rs from the smaIlor
clUes nnd towns and farms to the 11Iall.
order housetl of the city. It III thin
kind of advortlslng thl\t (1row $200"
000,000 Into the cotrors oC the Chicago
IIII\II.ordor houses none lallt 'ear , and
It Is thin kind of luh'ertlslnc on the
part of the local 11I0rchantA that the
malIordor hQu es CeUl' mOl'o than any
ether ono thing ,
But , Mr. MOI'chnnt , whether YO\lr
Hno bo ha\'tlware , dry goods , groceries ,
clothing or ether commodities , It Is
weIl to go further thl\n your nowli1a.
per ntlvertlslnc , though thin Is the
Counllntlon of aucoess. Go to the locnl
prlntor and hnvo him mao you ! IllIo
catnlogueD or your own , 'rhoy do not
need to bo ] are I\fnlrs , but sl11aH
Col ors of tour , olght or 16 pnges , Put
into these fohlers the descriptions nnd
prices of , the goods you 0.1'0 carrying ,
or lendorll In the line , Do sure that
the prices quoted are right , . then pul
ono or thOBO Into the handa or every
customer ; lcoop thorn elrcuatlng ]
throughout the c0l1111111nlty , nnd mnm
a 11I'actlco of gottln ! ; out 1\ now ono
every few weeltn ,
You , Mr. Merchant , can 11Iulte adver.
Using pay larger rctmns tban the
mall.ordor man secures : you can make
It the Ull\lnstay of YOUI' business , and
you can ml\ke It the means of IdlIlng
1ho malI.ordor competition In your
community. And when you do this
do not begrudge tbo pubIlsher the
reaAon3oblo prlco ho ass you for ade-
qunto apace In his columns. 1-10 wUJ
glvo you better value than any other
commodity you can buy.
Joaephlno Daakam Writes In Trlbut.
of the Golden Rule.
"I boIleyc myself to be notably tor-
tunato In my rolatlons with my do ,
mostlc employes. Durin ! : , period ot
elsht yenrs , In which I have employed
household labor in tour wIdely dlffor ,
ont plllces , I have never once been ad ,
dressed with Intentional dlsl'espect by
any person In my empoy ] , " says JODC'
phlno Daskam Dacon In the American
"I have never boon ] crt a day with.
out DIY regular stat ! of employes ,
whicll h s varied from ono to five
( tha.t 10 to sny , that I have never
been lert BUddenly or without sum-
clent notlco to BUPPy ] the vacancy ) . . .
"I have never had a satisfactory
worker leave me except for wJiat J
conslderod , coed reason ( In the mn. ,
jorlt . or cases un advantageous mar.
rlase ) .
"I hav nevC\ ' lost an unsatlsCn.ctory
one except lJy my own dismissal. ' I
have novel' to m ' ] mowleetge , or even
susplcloll , Buffel'ed the Joss ot n pen.
ny's wOl'lh by theft , nnd my record
for hreakago Is Bucll tbat It produces
IIttor Incredulity.
"III three cases out or four I have
harl servlces wfJlIngly and frequently
olTIJl'ed 11\0 nlollg Jines where It was
1I0t expected or requeste , I have
had extra money offered by me to offset -
set oxtrL work occasioned by 'slekness
I'efused on the ground thllt at such
times all the household expccted to
share the trouble.
"And us a climax I am able to state
that OIlCO , at least , on my offering a
raise ill wages to eXllress my appreciation -
ation or computont and dovotell servIce -
Ice I walot with the nstoundlng BUg.
gestlon that ns my expenses were
benvy al the tlmo and likely to Increase -
crease I bad better not coashler It. ' .