, ( USTfR ( OUNT' ( RPUBUCAN [ 1 _ _ . _ . _ . i By D. M. AMSBERRV - - - - - - - - DROKEN now , . . NEDltASICA - - - - A People's University , The mUHnlficent hulldlng or the Cur. negle Inslilute oC PIUshm'g , which hus just hccn dedicated In the presence oC ropresentnUves of Corelgn govern. ments nnd men oC leamlng Crom nil OVOI' the world , Is IL momorlal IUIII tl'lbulo to human nsplmllon. Il If ! not nccldont , hut 1HI nlficllnt nnd nutUl'nl thing t ul thla II'cntIIColllo's unlvl'sl. , ty shollid rlso III the heurt oC the ronI" hlH , grllll ) ' Blrmlllghnlll oC Amorlcu. Hero the gl'eut fortune of the donor wns In IIII'I-to p l't 11111110. Here are the mOil who' hohlCc1 hllll mnko It (101'0 ( he , 100 , In his youlh , WOI'IOIl wllh hond alld hundH , mill CoUthnt humllalo thirst fOl' knowledge IUIIl light which the IIOW Instltuto w1\1 \ hol11 to snllsC ) ' . ' 1'0 this duy 1\11' . Cnrllo.tlo ! hohls In : ' the ' who gl'llleCul mellHlry 11C1'JOIHJ Iwillell hllll hy such 8mull fllvOI's liS the IOlln oC a olngle book. 'rho Cnl" neglo Instltule omhrncos Ilve grent do , Imrtlllonhl : the IIhl'ary , with 11 fluurlur of II million VOt11110g ; tIle IlIUSOUlI1 con. talnlllg ono or the finest nutural his , tOl'y collections In the world : the art glillOl'y , with Its unllllul Intel'llntlonal jUl'y IInd genel'UuH 1lI'lws ; the music hlll1 , w'llero the host worle oC great COlllll0lerS has an adelluato prosentn. tlon ; nllli ( ho J.rolll : gl' ( > IIll of technical 13choollJ , fOl' allmlsslon to which 10,000 stullunts hllvo IIlronlly npllllJl. It would he tlnjuBt to overlook the COUl'- ago and the CIlI'.slghtoll gonoroslty or the city or Pltlabur ! ; In bulllling Ull the InHlIlutH , SIIYr. the Youth's Com' 11:1111011. : N\'UI' ) ' error whIch MI' . CI\I" 'to le hUH mallo hils hoon lIIet hnH.way Jjy UIO IIIltnI cilmllly , nnll every Htep his Ilhllanthl'ollY liDS allvanced has huen lu'omllUy } Inrallelod by the clt ) ' . Sid lied workmen anll the grent Industries - tries In which they are ongngor1 l ave , mndo PlltsbUl'g ono of the great Amerlclln cltlos. 'rho CU\'l1oglc \ Instl. i tuto w1ll help to 111nco It nmong the great educational 111111 artistic nnd musical con tel's. Allhough Its ph'slcal atmosphel'O Is dark nnd smok ) ' , Its 1II0ntni outlook Is bound to be clear , wholesome allli Invigorating. . Ol'ont prInting worl.s are ostalJ. . Jlshell nt Nartang , In Thlbot. A tl'll' " 0101' says : " 'I'horo a1'O thollsnnds and thousands or blocls nt Nllrlung , com , i . p1'lslng mnHor In typo equivalent to numerous dlltCl'ont volumes , Each wooden block Is about : H Inohos long h ) ' 12 Inches willo , ono faca havlnb carvell upon It a comllloto Iinge or leUol'lng. The 1II0thod or 1ll'Intlng Is Ilrlmllivo In the extreme and consists of Inylng the l1ap9r on a fiat surfuco . nnd 10vCI'lng the bloclt upon It with a long hU11l\lo , much IIR the v1lln.go blaclsmlth wOl'ks Ills bollows. " Ono of the gnn-est perils which flro fighters lire l onstanUy facing Is the flerco heat. After successful trials , 1\ nowly.lnvented "hout voll" has been In troduced Into Ill'actlco at Cologne , Ocr , many , whcro : ! OO men have been sup. IIl1ed with the alllllll nco. The voll Is . made aftel' the 11rlncl1110 of a safot ) lamp , with double w1l1l10ws. It Is com. posed oC flbors of cune , which )10SSeSS the peculiar 111'0)101'1) ' of rotalnlng wa' ter Cor a conshlernblo length of tlmo. The veil Is made damp before being fastened to the Hroman's ordlnnr ) ' brass helmet. . St. l..azlu'c , Ilellor's hosllltul In ) nrls , hulll at the close of the ( 'Iovenlh c'cntm' ) ' , Is to tie razed and . . . . . its slto clni\red and ) l\Irged ot foulness b ) ' the 11IIml8Sl011 of rrorh air and long.oxctuded sunshine. A plaeue COl' centltl'les the of Sllot , scone many " a ul\mcless , Iltlrocorlled trllgedy , us wol1 I1S of many that stain with blool\ the orchlves of mCllloval l"rllnce , the slto o [ this ancient hosllltal will bo glvon to ollenall' slJaces nd mOllern buildIngs ; Immlgl'atlon Comnlssloner ! SurSl'nt 111\13 staterl thut the law undol' which It Is unlawCul rOl' 1\ state to 1111) ' the passage of Intondlng Immigrants 01' to assist Immlgrutlol1 except by all. vel'tlselllcnt , docs not allilly to Ha. wall. Undel' the IUlBllcl's ) of the 'I'el' . rltorlal Immlgratlon soclel ) ' Imml : g1'auw UI'O beIng brought to the Is. land from Europe anll the Azores to tnlee the 1.ll1co . of Japancso laborers upon the sugar IllnntatlollB. Gell. Bat'lInolt , a Husslan naval offi. cer , Is quoted IIU l1eclarlng'that thd American shillbu lding ) 'ards can tl\1'n out In t ' ' ' Eu wo 'ell1's as man ) ships as rOlCan ) 'a1'l1 : . cun tUI'1l out In Ih'e ) 'ears Ho accordlngl ) ' recomlllends that the czar lel to Amerlclln bulldel's a con , tract. COI' cCIIIstl'lletion of a Car eastern squndron. A b'aml new l1 iscr IlI l ! como to tcrrl ! ) ' humltult-SIIl\1'I(1I Crom the wlrolol > s telegraph. 'I'll ( ! Ilrlnclllal cause fOI' alarm Is thllt ( lrl' Il1Imranco companies mur talO It as u lIre text Cor hll'thOl' hoostlllg mtcH.-Kausas Clt ) ' Journal. , A Chelsea girl who houghl COI' her father to hung In hlil : ofllco a Crllmed molto , "Do It Now , " was ahoclwd to .1ea\'l1 next da ) ' that , acter long hoslta. tlon , ho hacl married fOI' hl second . wife It slrl three ) 'ear8 ohIoI' lhou her. self. I. 1 ' . . . I I Lincoln Letter I I Current Gossip from the STATE CAPITAL LeglslnUve und Otherwise Sheldoll csthnated the recclJlts of . tecs b ) ' the vurlous u lcos as follows : : Oovernor , $ J 70 ; 1lI1I1I tor , $210,000 : aec. . rotary or slatc , $ GuOOO ; IlInd conllnla. slonor , $10,000 : hunldng department , $30,000 ; Coed COllllnI8sI0Ilel' , $5,000 ; boaI'll ot Irrlglltlon , $ liOO ; 011 dopnrt. meent , $10,000 : board ofcmfwYllcmCw mont , $1 ! JOOO ; lIullonlll 11111 for thq soldiers' homes , $72,000 ; Intel'ost ofl dOpoHItS , $16,700 ; convIct luhor , $ G8 , . 000 : Imcl ( tuxes , $100,000 : 1\ total re , cellt ) , Incll1lllnK the genel'al tllnll 10vy , of $ :1-176,370 : , Prospecls for a gool1 state fnll' thla YOIII' are looldllg lip lIud the 1lIlIlca. tlonB ere the oxhlblts of 11\0 stocle and other Centures which will go to maleo a good fall' will be fal' In excess In number nnd flnllllt ) ' of pl'ovlous ) 'em's. , Just at thIs limo Sem'etary MolloI' haH hoon notllled that SImco hus heenasled for 82i ! pens or hogs when the aecom. 1110llatlonu will talcc care of only 442. A Ceatm'o which wl11 be mhled this year Is th\ contest for 11 111'1 e Cor the beRt ShOl'thol'l1 ml\lor. \ Stllto Superlntenllcnt McDl'len went to 01'l\nd Inland , where ho tal < es llUl't In an ontertalnment given In honor ot SUl1el'Itendent n , J , Darl' or the Oranll Ialand 8chools , who hns served In this capucl ! ; ) ' for t\\'ent.fivo yem'l ! . No , other school toachel' In Nehrnslm has ever heM onto a job that long , JUdge A. ? II. Post , the referee up- pointed by the Nebraslm supreme court to talw teftlmony on the nllegccl lumber trust , malle his report. He ( lnda' that the NebrnHkn Lumber Dealers' ns. soclatlon , as now maintained , la not contrary to the stalu trust laws. ' 1'he Invosllgatlon made by the rotereo cov. orell n period of sovernl months , In which practlcall ) ' nil the lumber deal. ers of the stahl were made dofondants. It the supreme court suslalns the rof. eree It means the dismissal of the suits. Ol'aln dealrs of the slate doing busl. ! ness along the line ot the 1\IIssourl Pacific - cific ranwny fa I' Homo months ) mst have exporlenced conslderublo trouble In getting Cars In whIch to ship tholr crnln , Some elevators have been able to lIeO\11'O \ Iml ono 01' two cars In an euth'J month. 'rhe grain men doing business on the IIno of that roal1 , In : this state , mot to organlzo and do' ' what they could to\\'arlls gottlng aftol' the railroad. \ 'rho COI'lIS or janitors at the state cnpltol have l1 en busily occupied In moving the tll'operly of the various atate o lclals who have been naslgnClI new quarterby the atnte boal'c.J oC pUblic lamls nnd , buildIngs. .011 In. apcctor Church was the first man to change his office qnarters. 'fhe bureau ot labor has so tm' rofllsOIl to comply with the edict that It move from the first to the third fiool' . Its officOI'H do- c1l\1'o thnt they moan to secure leglll ndvlce before they glvo UII the room occupied for twenty yoars. Oovornol' Shclllon has IInlshed his , , "o'rlc on the bll1s plIssod h ) ' the legis. latul'e and ollt of the various nppropl'l- nllon bll1s he cut. It total ot $249,411. 'I'hls leaves the tolal approprIations of the leglslaturo $3,2.1'1,780,90 , The cllts m/uo by the governor were as follows : Wolf bounty , $3u,000 : defielenc ) ' wolf bOllnt ) ' , $22,411 , tand a deficiency on the lIeficlency , $2,000 ; fOl' a wing to bo buill at the learno ' Normal school , $85,000 : for n new hulllllng at the Deatrlco Instltllto for } ; "oeblo 1\111\11. od , $30,000 ; for YIlIOn-AIIISI\l\1I expol. ! tlon , $15,000 ; for a gymnuslum Cor the Instltuto for Deaf aud Dumh at Omll' 1m , $80OPO ; for an englno unl boiler at the Peru Normal school , $ [ jOOO : Cor It buildIng at the 01'1\1111 Islanl1 Sol. diers' Homo , $2C , OOO. All the other apIlI'o l'latlon hills thal plssel1 : were algnell. Nebraslcn bas a 11\11'0 food 111\1 lit last. AftOl' all sorts of nmondments had heen made , thc ) were 1111 ovor. turned and the bill male lwen mol'o drasllo atlll sweolllng than the national law. Neal'l ' twont ' ' ' ) ) ) 'enl'/I ago United States SenlltOl' Paddock chamlllonod , a ) lIII'e food law In tbo U , S. senate , but , ns he then thought , without avail. It wns the Hood that was sown then that hus slowl ) ' grown and Is just now boarlng fl'ult. not only natlonnlb' , but In his . own state IUHI In mml ) ' others. - Attorno ) ' General 'fhompson has recommcmded to COllnt ) ' Altol'llc ; ) ' Ronch of NOI'th Plalto , 1.lncoln cOllnt ) ' , that he begin pl'osecllllon or the Union Pacific Rallroal1 comllUny for violation or the 2cent l1assengQl' ruro law. Count ; ) ' Attorno ) ' Honch clUulllnlncll to the attorno ) ' gonOl'al that the Unlou Paclfio couthluea to charge nt the mto of a con tH per mlle rOl' IIclots bet woon North PJatte and Sidney , notwHh. stundlng both cltlos m'o In Nebru'alm. - Au Ineldenl of the waltlug IUIII , worr'lng o\'el' the & overnol"8 acllon on the approprIation of the Kearne ) ' Normal school 'WIIS ' the ml'otlng or the State Normal hourll at the otnco of the state SIIIJel'lutendout. 'rho boal'd cOllvonell to dlsollss cullIng Jown their plnns to I' n $100,000 build. Ing to nn $8u,000 bulhllng , ns that. was the wn ) ' the bill feU 11 whcn It pasEell the legh1ntll\'o. Suthlenlr the board 1''memhel'OII thllt the govcrn01' I had taken 110 aclilln , so ) ll'ocoolllng8 wore stollpcd for the tlmo being. f ' , . , ' " - - . r 'rhe toglstnture ) llssellltolnt or % 21 bills , or whIch nlonty.slx were sonnte filell nud 12 were hOl1ao rolls. Oov. erllOl' Sheldon signed 204 bills nntI vetoed fifteen. ' 1'\/0 blJ1s became luws wlthollt his netlou. or the bills vetool ( clovell wJro house rolh nnd Cour sen. ate mes. 1'oJlowltlK nro the reasons assigned for thc vetoes of the governor : II. H. 112-Approprlatlng $8&,000 to crect two wings to the Kearney Nor. mal sehool. In vetoing this bill the go\'ol'Jlor says : " 'rhe apIlroprlatona ! for the coming hlennlum must 1w leept /lnfely within the ntatc's-lncoll1e. In my judgment the nocessltles of thIs In' stltutlon nu , ) the ' ) Ircsont condItion or 0111' fluunces do nol wnrl'ant this ex. 1I01111ltlll'e. " . 1'01' the sa1l10 renson l1m governor hns voloell II. R , 100 , 381 , 478 and 491. III veLoln H. H. : Hm , nmel1lllllg the hllnl < lng IIlW , the governor says : "The acctloll or the stntutl's whIch section :1 of this act would umend has already hoen 1Ihnllarly : amended b } ' II. n. lOG. 1\IIIny of the couut1'Y hanks tIe not ful. 1111 the reclulroments of secllon R of this act. It does not exemllt banl(9 now doing busilless under' thol1' III'e8' ont chnrters. In my judgment lin nct 111(1 this which would l11'olmbly ' , llsturb these bllnl ( g1'eul1) ' , should not bo llItsscd by the emergcnc ) ' clauso. " II. R. 53.J , the doflcllJlH' ) ' clalma bill , waf ! aplll'oved , with the exception ot the Collowlng Items : Bounty on willi Ilnlmals , ullpald claims Nos. auG38..co 3G,300 , Inclusive , uncI Nos. 5 G to 3G41 , lucluslve , as recorded In the auditor's reco\'ll , $22,411. O , nnd estimated (10' IIcloucles tor the p\'ment : of nnlmal bounlles , $2,000. In vetoing S. Ii' . 2GG , by Durns of LltllcaslO1' , a hili Cor the al1pomtment of 1\ board or oxumlners of plumbers fOl' the city of Lincoln , the gove1'11or flays : " 'rhls b\11 \ Is amendatory. The original net as llUasClI In 1891 ( sessIon laws 1001 , ehupter xxi , plIgo" 321.326) ) IIndel' the tltlo thol'oof the enactment was restrIcted to cltlos havIng Il popu , latlm. ot mOl'O than 50,000. In 1903 the leglslaturo attemptell to amend soctlon 1 , so as to male this act apph' to cities havIng a 11opulatlon or moro l1ulI1 40,000 , but the title of the amen. datory act referred alone to section 1 ot the original HUe so as to apply to cities hQ.v.lng less than UOOOO In)1t bl , tantH. ' 1'he amendment or 1003 , . makIng - Ing the act appllcable to cities bf\Vlng 11101'0 than 40,000 Inhabitants , was not within the tltlo of the orlglnul act , whIch referred ulollo to cities bnvlng 1 OI'O than 50,000 Inhabitants. The amendment of 1903 , therefore , was not within the tltlo of the OI'lglnnl nct and Is unconsUlutlona1. 'rhls void provls. Ion Is It part of the act as It appears In chaptel' x 1artlclo 3 , complied statutes of 1903. This S. P. 2GG con- IIlcts with the constitution und cau not. bo approved. Bosldes , the l'opeal- Ing clause In S. l < , 2G6 Is a general one , 1IlII'porting to repeal all conflicting pro. visions In oxlstlng statutes , 'rhls fOl'm of l'elleJ llnH clause In an muen.l:1t I'Y act does not meet the requlremCilts of that l1urt or the constitution which dc , clares that. the auctIon or soctlons 50 nmondcd must In express term bo re , poaled. " Within n rew da's the offices In the state house , with the exception or those occulled ) by state officers , will nil be changed and It will tal , ea dlrec. tor ; ) ' for any ono to find an ) ' one , ' 1'he state Doard or Public Lands and Buildings met 'Vednesda ) ' anll altot. ted now i'ooms , It being necessary In the opinion ot the board to chlnge practically over ) ' office to mnlw room Cor the State Rnlh\'n ' commission , which Is the only additIon tp the 11I'es- ont number of otnccs In the stale houso. Il foil to the lot of Chairman Eaton and Seeretm'y , TunIcin to cal'r ' arounll Ihe 1110VO out notices and S01110 of the laugllllgo used by theRe to be ejected from pleasant fluartors was uulquo and eutlrel ) ' original. Offices wel'o allotted as follows , 'rho 0\1 \ otnco moves Crom the Ih'st 11001' to the lieutenant gO\'e1'l1ol"s room on the seconJ Iloo ' 'fhe state voterlnnl'lan will office with the State DOliI'd or Charities on the third fiool" 'rhls otnce has hean on th second fioor. 'rho labOl' bureau which ' ' ' , fUl' 'O:1.1'S has been -on the first fioor , 1110ves to the house el\gl'ossln 1'00111 on the thll'l1 fioOl' . 'rho A1'glcultU\'l\1 soclet ) ' moves from the 111'8t fiool' In the nOl'th centOl' ot the building to the labor b\1l'eau \ room , 'L'ho glll11e wl\rllen moves Irom trle second 11001' to the senate jUlllcltu ) ' commlttoe room on the thl1'd 11001' . 'rho IrrIgation boal'cI movcs from the nOl'th cel110l' oC the build In ! ; to' the sennto eUl'olllng room on the third fiool' . ' 1'ho Staib Rullwar c0I11111lsslon talws the rooms now occupied h ) ' the State Doal'll of Inlgatlou aull the Agrlcul , tural lioclet ' . 'I'he SU)1l'omo ) COIII't commission talws the two rooms of lho secrotal' ) ' or the scnate IInli when It wauts 'It will ulie the Henate chamhel' . , The litute supel'lntenlont talOB ou the I'oom "ncah.1 ! h ' the 011 oll1ce and malws It It 1IIII'l of hIli all'l'nd ) ' IUI'ge otncc l'oomli. The Doat rice Tlmos lIIIIJe ! ! the tlmu will como bofor mlln ) ' ; ) ' ( 'a1'S when the state will feel wananted In gl\ ' . Ing Its cupitol an e\lenlvo overhaul. Ing nnd l1ullI'ovln1 ; . It Is a'el' . ) ' com' monplaco hulhllng In cOlUparlson with the ono In lown1111 mtl1l'r of tdl ! ! , credit to a state UtI..t . hus grown In wealth 111(0 Nehrnslm has dlll'lng the Ilust ten ) ' 01\1'8 , Peollle lihouhl not taleo the narl'ow vlow that rebuilding nn,1 Imll'ovlnJ ; the litato hauso will holll Lincoln chll'fi ) ' . It ,11elonls to Neh"uslm , oJ" . . . _ " I , Once n Forest King. ' ( # . , - . , . . , ; ' , . , , " . : . 'f " . . ) . " . , 'j . . > : . . ' , . , ' , t . ; . . - . ' , < - : " . "f ' . ' . ' . " ; " . . , , " . . ' ; Jjo\ . , ' ' JjoS S . ' : " . " . , : , , , J'rOIn atereolttA h , co yrfgnt. by Undenroo < l & : Underwol\ , , . Magnificent lion recently presented to the New York Zoological Gardens by Andrew Carnegie's little daughter. It was stuffed and mounted In the New York ' luseum of Natural History. . . . _ . : . : . . . " . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = _ . _ = " - - - , - _ . . - - = - . . , - - - - - - - - - - - A MASTODON ON ICE. PREHISTORIC MONSTER , PRE. SERVED INTACT , F'OUND. - ' - - - Will Be Taken from Resting Place In Al ka to Yuko.n Exposition at Seattle-Big Beast to L ok as If Alive. . . SeaUle , " 'ash.-When warm woath- 01' comes again a lIart ) ' of men with wene'eloped domes or thought Is ! ; o. Ing to Lal\O out of colli storage the , largest and the oldesl 111ece pf mcat e\'el' Ilrot5cl'vell In this manner , 'I'hey wl11 be strengthcned for tholl' wOl'lt br roasts Crom this wonderCul bit of cold. 6tol'nge preservation , and wl11 bring back to clv\1lzatlon \ enough to prove the .almost unbIlIemblo stories the ' wl11 tell. The pnl'llculur ) llece of meat , which _ . . _ . - - - - - - - --1 c.-IIJ WILL SELL JOHN D.'S HAIR OIL. Rockefeller Refuses to Pay Duty on Wonderful German "Restorer. " Now York-A bottle of hall' 011 whIch a celobrlttell phnrmaolst of Dol" In 1Ient to , John D , HoclwfcllOl' some time Dgo Is to bo sold b ) ' the government - mont because the 011 Idng failed to pay.thC' customs duty on the Ill\clcago , John D , at the time the preclons 111'011' aratlon renched this city alread ) ' had given up hope of growing his own ! ' hah' on his hcad , and had purchased' a wig from a French artist In that line oC endeavor , It Is claimed that If Mr. Hoclwfel. 101' had used the contents of the bottle - tlo from Derlln ho v"ould now have a luxmlant growth of hair two Coot Ion ! ; and also a 'full set of whiskers , The 011 Is guaranteed , It. Is said , to grow a beard on . wax image , A box of lozenges which a Scotch. mun forwarded to lr. Hoclwfeller' from 1 lllnburgh for Iho ClIl'e of' his In lgestlon Is also to bo sold h. ) ' Uncle Sam' for the nonl1ayment , of dut ) ' , It wns novoI' clalmell b ) ' the Stundal'll on magnate. Ono lozenge , according to the modest IIccouut of the Imteutco. would have enabled the founder oC the Unlvcl'slt ) " oC Chicago 'to cat with ens and comfort un'thing hut a hall' mnttress. Other thlugs IHldl'eHsed b ) ' cranks to MI' . Hockefellm' UI'C Includel1 In the sale. PROTECTION OF CHILD LIFE. Congress fOI\ . This Purpose to Be Held In Brussels Next Fall. \\'nshlngton-Tho depllrtment of state has received f'Om the Belgian mlnlsto1' IlIlUouncoment of the second Intel'11atlollal cong1'OSS of ' ) ; outte3 lie lalt'l ( protection of child liCe ) . which wll1 ho helll at Brussels from SOllt 12 ' to 16 , 1907 , 'l'hls con1ross Is to ho huhl In IIC , COl'dHllCe with l'eSohltlonli IlUssell at tbo enel't\1 'lpeetln of the fimt con , Sl'ess of "souttos do lult" lit Paris In 1905. 'l'hero will he t wn sections , 'I'ho fil1lt wll1 bo concel'llolwith \ Ilhllan , throl1lc and soclul questluns. the sec. oud with the sclcntlfi - pl'ublems of In , fant hrsleno. 'I'he CC11lgl'OSS will con. 51st of Uelgilln unll fOl'ol n members wlill have subscrlbctl befcII'chanlthe \ sum oC 20 francH lUIG : , All ) ' Institution - tion fOl' the Ilrotoction of chilli lIfo ntH ) ' bo l'olll'esonted hy II doleguto In whoso nlllllO the Buhacl'llItiou should . bc ) laid. All lxhlblUutJ of Infant h'glol1o will I bo orgnnl1.l'lI an , { U\lenell during the congr'ss. Is to .be tal\Cn out of cold stomgo shol'tly after the l'ob\1\8' \ nest agalll , Is a mastodun , which was dlscovorell In. caRed in Ice In the Clear ) " creek roglon of Alaslm late lust. summCl" The prop" osition Is to induce this mon3tel' to ) 'Ield up Its hide , hull' IInd hones for exhibition at. the AIHslm-Yulwn'Pllclfic eXllosltion. to he helll III Scattle. Wash. . yoa1' after next. ' } 'he f e11 ! will be caten , as it. Is not consldorod practicable to III'eSOI'\'o It with embalming lIuld br the process 1II'I\ctlced dlll'lng the late 1l11lllensant. . ness with S)1I\1n ) in the 'caso of roast hoef ) lrOllared COI' the fighting mon , Skeletons of the mastodon ba vo becn reconstructed 1'1'0111 scuttel'ed . bones and exhibited at former Cah's. , but no oXl1osltlqn has had the big heas.t , just as he looked when ullvo , ' } 'ho Aluslm.Yulwn'Pllclfic eXllosltlon . . d _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . u _ _ . . . _ _ _ . . . . _ . . 't ' . ' . / - - , will be III1 < lprlmnr\1y \ for the CXl1loltn ; Uon oC AlaslU. " _ Late last HUl11mer , whl10 Prcslden4 ' { , T. E , Chllherg of t.ho exposition was uU / - ' Nome worll was b'Oughlln thnt n com. ' . II10to sllOclmon of a mammoth Incased - In Ice hud been dIscovered by W , 'B. - ' 1'homuH on Clem' ) ' creel , . h' . ChUbel'g In\'estlgated , and leal'll' cd that the slleclmen wus practically . < . ill'I'fect. the lIellh : and hll1e being Intact , excelll In ono smnll place , which tho. melting Ice had eXtlosed , where ' some " animal had eaten away It 'pOI'llon rt . : , ' the flesh. Asldo' fl'01l1 the smal1 hole In 'Its , bacl , . the anhnll ) was In oxcellcnt . shape. H Is Ilrobahb' the IInest ex. nl11)llo oC the )1l'oservat\ ) \ ) Jowers ll [ ' .cold st01'l\m \ ! extnnt , Cor the animal got eaught long before Ileoll1e lenaw eVen how to leep Ice I\lIrlng \ the sununm" months. Pr1.81tlent Chllberglearnell also that the IUlIstol on 'coulll be 1'omoved from r the Ico. I lI'e so 1'\1.(1 and shipped to So. . aWe at comllllrnt\v \ ly small. cost. It was too lute then to senll a m'ow' oC men to 111'0101'\0 the slleclmoll , hut there was )1l'csent ) the consolation that , the 1IllllI'ot\chlng cold weathel' wbuhl. _ . rl'eoze It solll1 ' anel no harm coul . . ' - como to tt until next summer. - -I. Eal'l ) ' next seuson ProC. Trovol' Kin. , cald , the zoologIst of the Unl\'erlt ) ' of' 'Vaahlut1ton ; , wll1 bo lfont : Into the In. . terlol' oC the nOl'thland to save 0\01' ) particle of the cl'eatlll'O 110sslhle. The , job or IH'esOI'Ylng the monstOl will hC" a bIg one for some taxidermist. . ! PUT PONIES ON SNOW SHOES. Novel Experiment on Mountain Trait. . . I a Complete Success. I Thol'llbm'g"I I Ol'Unlle , Ol'e-To Ehum' Thol'llbm'g"I aud ,1. 'V. 'rabol' of this } llace llrolm- , bly helongs the IllstlncUon of heln ; ; the IIl'st parties to travel ovcr the deep snows of the Blue mounlalns. . with hm'ses eqnlppeel wllh snowshoes. 'l'hel1' Ill'st venture In this way of traveling - eling was so lIuceossCul that hel'cartm- for snch trips they will use her cs lu- stead oC carrying hcavy pllcks on' lhelr hacks , Th tri)1 ) was to the Ben lfarl'i\on mine , ahout l miles from this Iliuce , . In t.he Ol'eonhorn mountains. The roall . for six 01' seven miles this side oC the mine Is hurled tinder several feet or snow , Packing mine snl11111es : uut provision - vision ! ! ovel' this snow on snowshoes. Is It dlmcult III'Ol10slllon , and it was . - 10 IIvolll this that the HXlerluwut ) wlI r 11111110 wit h hOTfes on shoo , ; . 1'ho' horses used were two black 11IJuies ownell hy Grant Thornhm'g , The ) ' - weigh uolween GOO' and 700 Ilollnll8 , ' The mowshoJs were made of 1H > t\l'lIs. I inches square , one oC these heln flnnlr damped to ellch foot of tho. ) ; JI\t"S. ! " ' 1'1m8 fittod. t110 110nies wor ahlo 10. willi.'CI' .tho snow olght feet Ilol'p with JIOI'fect cane. 'rhe ' were hltchell tt , a ! Jeef hide , in which hal ) heen En\\'ell 600 pounl1s oC mine SlIl'lllieJ. ' :11Id )1rovlslons ) , and this was d raged. ! bf'hlnd the team , / , - - - - - " " " " ' -"j\JOrI , " , " " : " " " " O'II\I The Smithsonian Institute. I _ , , : . " . . . " ' ' , . . I"\.t. " , ' , .1'i'.f. ; ' < ' . : , , n , , . . .K- " . . \ ' " ' 1. . . , : .f . . 'i.i.\"it- . . . : , : t.t ; . n'\O . : . " . . . ; i' , , - " . - : " . . . " " ? ; , , , , . . . , " " of . . . . . , ' , . . " , , , .hij.'t , . . . . . . \V.\ . , ' < o'\j. : . , { . " ' , , - . : . . , " 't. . r . : ; . -t . . ti' . ? \ . : rt ) . : 'I ti1 : . f. : < . ; \ ; : . { . : . ; ( . . . , ' . ' . ' . , . I. . " : " \h ' ' : , ' 1A.h . J'\H . . h t < ' " , d' , ' " , ! \ . . . " . , . . ' * d { : ; , . } . Nf , . . : ' : > $ : ! > ( : . . ' . " ' . , . , , . . . . . M < 1 < 'Y' " ' ' ' ' ' A' ' : ; . w. \ . . . . . . . , , , , ; , , - , , " . . . : . > . ' . ' { : < , , ' ' . : t. ' , - : ; : : .j. . . ; : , < " " 'I. \ . , . , , f f , , f : ' . " , , ; . . . , . ' , oc ? , ' ' ' , ' . i : < .j , " , ; , , , ; : : \\o ; . . . , " ' . \ . . . ' ; , . , . , " " " . . ' . . . . . . , . > r M I. ' , , . ' " , - , / . , , " , , ' . . ; J- . . . . . ' . ' . ' . . . " " , " , : " " ' . : . < . .q.'it. . . , ! ' ' ' , ' , i" . . 1 ! d" : : ; , 'i1 ; 1. "i' ' " , I . . . ' " , h . . : ) . . .4 ; , v"f . . , ! , i < ' ; . . . " . . . . ' " ' .4' . . . " ' . > . . , \ ' . ' ' \ Ii' . . , . . * . ' , . : ! " ' ! 't : : ; ; . , < " ( . . . 1.\1'/\ . . \ ; ; . . . . ( _ . , . - , , . . . . , ' .t , , ; ; } 1.x' " ' ' ' ' ' ' f't , . . . . . ' ) ! . , , " ' " ' , . ' , " . ( . ' . : , . . . . . . . , . ' .1 , ! . , " ' " . t , . . \j" . . ' it . \ ' ' , , ' ' " : 'I . . ' , ' . " . . , ' , . 1 \ Lat L Mr. Charlei D. Walcott , the new secretary of the Smithsonian Institute- at Washington has announced that a fresh , departure In research work has- been made possible by the gift of private funds Which are to be applied to 1 particular Investigations. - I IT AL Y IS T A ING TO BEER. _ I Native Brewerle rhih and Oppor. tunltles Awalt American Product. Wllshlll ton-One uutlll'lIlI ) ' ussocl. atcs the Italian , e I1\clllll ) ' In his na. tlvo lallli.lth wlnfIn his 1lI'lnl\ln ; , ; I ho\ll's. \ Yet Glusoppe's I'QndneJs : fol' I hem' anll ol.hlH' mall 1I1'Inks Is railidly , growing. . ! Consul .Iumes I , Dunnin ! ; IIC : 'I1I1un : 'C'IIU":1i : that the Itallau Ilomallli for I heel' Iii 1Jlln ! 'IIpldl ) ' nwt hr.tJw ua. tIhrowol'les. . which 11I'0 Incl'cnsl\g ! \ uUtllhl'I' and outml ) , The cOllsul coul1ulles : . I I " 'I'ho 1I0mllllli 111' fOl'clgn residents . 01' lial ) ' t $ 11I11lIutoh' mel 11) ' OOl'luan AnsLrlun ImlllJl'tatlol1l , There Is no l'l'omlsln IIl'lIl 1'01' Amm'lcau hom'H , hut the sltuatlou a P 111I l'el1 II ) ' olfel's C 1I1Cl'tuultll's fOl' shill ) ' nn the IlUd of AtIIl'I'lcan U l\l\lIfactllrcl's \ of mall ex. trants IUIII olwl' ! tonll's oC that 1111111I'0. "Ton ' ( lal's a 1I fill' the IIscal renl' iRJG.j ! { ) the Itallfln jOVCl'nment tax on lUauuruclltron 'lollh'll enl ) ' $ : :1 : ,000. from hrowl'I'lus : fOl' the fi8 al ) 'el1r ! lO ! , OG the HalllC I'ato rlt'lIlecl. $800- ,1)00 , 111 the lIIuanUlllo II11IHI'taUllns ! I oC foreign heol's grow I'upllll ) ' , 1II'1'1\'alll : rlllll ConuRII ) ' A uull'ln.1 { IIn ar ) ' and I Gwlt7.l1\'llInd \ Hlncp HIOI Iwlng us fol. lows In qultl'la : In 1901 , & .563,000 ; 1902 , 6,105,000 , : 101) . 620,000 1IO-l. ! 7rUif ; ; CC , and HIOG , SlillJUOtl , "Hcnkllnlllg' ! f'Om the tax l'at on 111 1\1I\ll'lIcl 111 es. 111 HH)1 ) there wus" con. r.nmcl ! In ltulr' 30,41,000 ; ; ; flUIII.ts of 110' 1 mCflIn heers lIud ! , f l0,000 qUlll'ls or I' hnllU'tel1 ! heel's , a total of : : fI.lJ7i .OOO . lIuartl ! . III' 1'0111' find one.halC ljlll\l'ls an. nually for the adlllt male population. Thlls the Italllln IIHO 01' bOPI's Is ) 'cl , 1II0dol'lItO , wine continuing to Ill' thu national drink. In 1lOli ! HaIr III'ClIluc , . ' 2,928,02,000 : : Ilullrts of wine. or which 98,225,800 fluarts WOl'O O IU'ItI1. , ! j 'I'he halllnco , 2,83QGJ7,200 ! qUUl'tH , hc. consumed at hOlne , gl"'o a 11U1' I tnpltll cOnSI1lUlltion of : l2 % IIIUU.ts : or wine lIeI' ) ' 0\1' \ fill' each nUUI of vot. .t I In ! ; IIgo , , I "Tho sCl'lous Intention oC the italian ; , , : . hl'llWCI'S to meet fOl'olgu COlIIlIl'lIl1l1n I Is Indicated b ' the fact that thol'c 111'0 uTI'olIl : ) ' ! ) ; j hrewerles lu the lelndom. I all III uorth Itllir. Advcrtlsillt ; Is ( 'on. ' , Ilucted 011 an extl'nslvo scale , I "It mar ho 11101'0 thau suspccloll thnl 110.0 I , nil " ' > 0"1" . 10' A"olcnll I mull oxtmcta aud olhcr 'tollics' or that nature , 'I'ho Hallun Is a rend ) ' . .J' f . tlpplel' of these spoclal1) ' bollled ' I goods anll c0l1111 l'I\S\l \ \ ) ' bo taught thu I henC'lIts of this dass of PI'Olllle'I" _ I \ -