Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 18, 1907, Image 8

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    . . - . . . - " -1
. . . : :
, . .
We arc now nbout ready for
having cleaned up entirely on fall and winter merchandise.
New g ods arc now arriving daily and our many lines will
soon be complete. When you arc loking for
Good Val ues and Honest Prices
the year 'round in dry goods , clothing , hats , caps , shoes , rugs.
carpets. mattings , lincoleums , notions , etc. , don't fail to look
our lines over.
. , .
- - , . - - . - - -
Send your Abstract Orders to
: Bonded Abstracter . .
Office In Security State Bank B'ld'ng
" . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . , . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . , . , . '
' . \ . " ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ,
. . . . .
" :
" . " ' ' ' . ' !
. .
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" ' ' . . . -m"Yi"jg ; , 1 ; ; " . II'I'.Ij'1. . . . : , ; . . " " ; . . > t.'ilO" . . . , ' l ' ! 'I\j/.lbi' \ . . . ' " ' ' 11I" , ' l : 1 . . . I : " i . j'i " . . l _ : . ; ' ' . ; . : ' i
'M jl ; i .iI.U,1o' ' t. : ii. : ' " : : JLe : : ma. : : uJLe : : : : : : "IJII' 'tW.iL : : : :1t. : & ;
: When desiring to figure on a bill j
I of Lumber call on the. . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . . . .
: " 'V
J M C L T u r n e r L U rnber C 0 i ! t
[ f . l
: ' W e carry a 1u 11 stoc k ' ! f L um b er. i
m 1' Sash , Doors , Moulthngs , etc. t i
: , \ Agents for the Nebraska Central 00
t Building & Loan Association. . . f' ! : ,
P'I rrfiA'i'O : : : ' ' 'r ; : : f ; " : ! K ; ! I'li 'J:7r'Imrr : : : : ; : : tQtro.l'J'ti ' ; : : : t : : ' / . : . : Wrtt Po ! ; :
J.r1ijI ! # 'JUr ; ; : ; ! liI:1Jm : : l r.jimsfji1 fJ : : ; Y tl'Ji ! : : ; il : tr.i : i : . . , JLIi : 1i
- - ,
S EI : B : I : ) S
All klnds and all fresh
The Turkeystan Alfalfa is something new
and is especially adapted to this climate.
ICersion and Green Hussian seed oats.
Oome here for your seeds and you'll be satisfied -
fied with the resnltt.
South SideSquare , Broken Bow.
' - -
We have some very fine gilts , bred for
April and fay farro.w , to Crimson ender
Jr. , Custer Billy K. and Custer Ohio
Chief , for sale at prices that farmers and
breeders can afford for brood sows.
Eight milcs west of Brokcn Bow , Nebrnskn.
- :
to }
Embalmer and Funeral Director ,
Business phone , 301. Residence phone , 334 B.
Don't run away with the idea all lumber is alike or prices
I ) the same. Before you build consult
80uth Side Lumber Yard , Droken Dow , Neb.
. .
. . . .
- - -
. .
- - "
' G ) _ -
I' r fiHfp \ .
Before You Build , Consult
c : ; : . . . e 0. : P a pin. e au. ,
Con.tractor a1d ! BullJer. Estimates
FurnIshed free wIth plans and specifications.
( Q . -
Berwyn Breezes.
I If it keeps tbl9 kind 01 weather very
, long the fruit around tbis pnrt of old
Cusler county wl11 be somewhat scarcc.
I The dnncc last Saturday night catled
out quite n crowd. Everybody reported
pleasant time.
Mr. and Mrs. , F. Oxford and 1\Uss
Jessie Watcrbury spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. 1. B. Brown in
Broken Bow.
JaUles Lce was n passcnger for Brokcn
Bow on 39 Saturday cvenlng ,
Mr. Earl Pirnle of the firw of Cookslcy
& Plrnie of Weissert was In Berwyn on
business Tucsday.
Albcrt Smith has just cOUJpldec1 hli
new burn In the northwcst part of town.
lawcs Dav llson shipped three car
loads of fat cattle Monday morning to
Omaha ,
Pete Goveart shipp.ed , a car load of fat
cattle to Omaba Tuesday.
14. C. Morris made a busincss trip to
Broken Bow Monday.
Miss ou Waterbury spent last : Satur.
dny in the Bow.
E. S. Fretz mnde business trip to tbe
county Beat Monl1ay.
Charles Betts spent Llast Saturday at
Broken Bow.
H. M. Coble is hauling material for
the fine residence which he intends to
build on his farm. I
} r..G. PerkIns is hauling cement for
his new house.
. . .
Weissert Warbles.
Amy plrnie has been staying at John
I'lrnies the Inst two wecks.
Mr. nUll Mrs. Jobn Mills are tbe proud
parents of twin boys , born Friday the
12th of April. .
Seho : > l closed in District 17 , Fridny. :
Miss Mable Mills , the teacher ga e a
very interesting program. I
Hilton Bros" sold n load of potatoes to
Mat Steiman Saturdny.
Miss Mattie Foote dosed n successful
term of school in the Dry Vntley district
Wednesday and returned to her home at
Merna ,
Zumbrota Zephyrs. .
Mr. VanAuken has beeu papering W.
W. Bishop's house , which is helng reo
We see Miss Bertba Koozur has' a new
huggy and harness , thanks to ber brenk-
down one or two weeks ago. '
Dave Dewey has moved on Thomas
Adams' place.
Charley IIatl and John Triplett are
reaking sod for J. E. Wilsou northenst
of town.
Oscar Tappan's were 'visiting at Stuart
nnternlan's last Sunday.
John Triplett an wife were visiting
Johu Koozer's last Sunday
Tree planting seems to be the order of
the day. We notice Ralph Johnson and
Buttler LSands are putting out quite a
numher , also Koezer and Cnllen , but not
so many.
Th Musical Wizard of Wall Street.
Manager Great has secured
the above excellent attraction for
the Oper house , April 25th.
It is one of the most successful
musical comedies ever written ,
iu three acts. for laughing pur-
pose3 only , and is tilled with
musical numbers throughout.
Included in the cast of this
pleasing comedy is the Brownies
( Charles and Bessie ) who introduce -
duce singing , acrobatic dancing
and the wonderful singing dog
"Hoodoo" . The Powers ( George
and Louise ) is another strong
specialty that adds very materially -
ly to the general excellence of
tbe entertainment. The Hhine-
! bart Sister is a well known sister
team wbose songs and dances
never fail to elicit much merited
applause. Mr. and Mrs. Huse
N. Morgan are perhaps two of
the best known nmong professional -
sional people who have been
before the public for years , their
ability both dramatic and otherwise -
wise being most firmly estab-
lished. When you add to the
above features the fa ( t that this
performance is presented under a
positive guarantee as to its excellence -
cellence , with i pecial scenery and
magnificent wardrobe , you can
rest assured of receiving not only
your I money's worth in the way
of an entertainment , but really
something better in the line of
musical comedy than you have
' 4 een in the habit of witnessing
outside of the larger cities.
An Awkward Situation.
Germany is chiefly desirous of
selling to us her chemicnls and a
long list of manufactured articles.
She takes from us a large amount
of raw cotton and considerable
pig iron , which she does not tax.
But the application of her
maximum taritf would put stiff
duties on many of our food stuffs ,
and that is where the shoe would
i pinch on this side of the water ,
I and it would also hurt in
I Germany by raising t he price of
i food. The situation is awkward
on both sides , and it is difficult
I to see that anything of importance -
ance can be done without the
I action of Congress.
, - ' - . - " ' ' . ' ' 'lO1:1 : . . - - , " ,
. . ,
c. - : : .
Successor to BOWMAN & ANDERSON.
Real Estate. City Lots and Property bought and soM.
Farms rented. Taxes paid for non-residents.
Will buy some good paper.
Call and see me.
c. - : : .
r . . , - . . PROPRIETOl I
R 'S \
W l1.
\ LIVERY and D
I' i ;
, .o !
RClJlodcl d and repaire throughout. Good livery rigs at reasonablc rates.
for cattlc Bnd rauge horses. Hay all day , 15 cents ; over '
, night , 35 cents. Call and see mc'
.r.M4O" " 3I'r. C .Y.XXXO'O" ' # a-J.r" . : .
Queer Allortment of Married Coup I. .
In Hungary.
After being employed for 40 ye&rll
all yalet to the male companion of hU
own wire , a man Ruzlzka , once
wealthy. but now penniless and im.
'beclle , has been received Illto the municIpal -
nicIpal workhouse of the town of
'Agram , In Hungary. Ruzlzka , left aa
orphan with a o dea.l of property ,
marrIed In 1863 Cam11la OstYle. a professIonal -
fessIonal sln er. Returnln from the
church , the bride Introduced her hus.
band to Dr. Theodor Sparcek , a law-
yer. Sparcek brushed the brldeKroom
asIde and walked on ahead , onjoylllS
a tete.a.tete with the bride. In a J1t.
tie while he , turned to the brldeKroom
and Informed him that he ( Dr. Sp&1' "
cek ) and the brIde were goins ou a
honeymoon trIp. The rJrhUul husband -
band mlEht come , too , if he acted a.
yalQt. The husband's poor wits 8ee.
to have been scattered foreyu by the
announcement. He was helplelg , and
accompanIed bls lfe on har elop. .
ment. In this manner all three lITtlll
uneventfully until 1885 , when. th.
Troman died. Dr. Sparcek then 10lt uo
time In find In , . a uow "wifeaut
seemed I&lncllned to marrT himself.
Under threats ot dllmlslal from his
yaletshlp , the ImbecUe was oblilled"te
go , through the marrlago ceremenT tor
the second time. Anotber 21 Teal'll
passed quIetly , when suspicIon " " . .
aroused by Sparoek selllns Ruahka' .
properties. The cuUtr law"8r the.
ded with the second Mme. Rudzka : ,
leaTlng' hIs unfortuna "valet" ab.o-
1utely pennilesi.
Maid' . Queer Idea ef Provldln. In-
ureu for Firemen.
The thlnls people do wh. . the , .
hGve a ! ire In the house would mak8
a book full of cxceedlnllr funQY d.
inc ; . The other day there wu a are
O\lt OIl Woltmlaster place , and the
.mald , AS Is 1IIIual with maids , t Tery
much excited , . . . .s jhe 8t. Loul.
Globe.Democrat. After the ftro Wall
exUaKulshed ahe wu relaUnr ; Incidents -
dents and deol-.d that her ftret
thousht was to open all the windowi.
"I wemt and threw up every willdow. "
she .ald. "But , " re1l10nstrated the
lady of the house. "whr did you 40
that ? " "Why. to let tbe' firemen In , "
said Marr. "But couldn't they : ot la
tbrough the door ? " alked the ladT.
"Oh , the , . neTer doe. , " said MarT wUk
oODv1ctlonj "they Illyor walts to 10
to the door , but jump. In througb the
willdows , " and she smiled In thlnklnc
of her own proO:1e : : : cf mind III r. .
zemberlnc tko ngarl. . 81 r.mea.
I . .
, ,
B. & : M , Train Schedule
No. 39 local passenger. ex , Sunday. ar. 6:20 p 01
41 coast passenger. dally , leave..6:56 am
43 coast passenger. dally leave. . . . 12:2.1 am
. .7 local freight , arrive. . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:10 : p 01
No. 40 local pallsenger.leave. . . . . . . . . . . .9:30 am
. .2 coast passenger. leave. . . . . . . . . . .6:21 pm
44 coast passenger , leave. . . . . . . . . . .5:23 a 01
4SIocai freight arrive. . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:10 : p m
3'J and 40 do not run west of BroKen D w.
Schedule of Broken Bow Mail. .
Schedule of arrival alld departure of lIIalis
from IIroken Bow post ollicl ! .
Pouches for east close as follows :
'l'ralll No. 40. 9 a. 111 , ; No. " 2. 55 P. 111 , ; No ,
. . . . .7:45 p. m.
Pouches for west close as follows :
Tralll No. 43. 75 : P. 111. ; No. "I , 6:30 a , m.
OlllcII hours. 7 a. JU. to 7:30 : p. IU ,
Ol1 ce open Sundin's from 9 to 10 a. m.
I. . II. JEWETT , 1) . M.
r .
! 't F. W. HAYES ,
Jeweler and O tician
West Side Square ,
Broken Bow ,
) ( ) ( ) C ) (
- -
Special to California :
Round trip rates to SanFran-
cisco and Los Aangeles ,
about half rates , April 25th
to : May 18th. Be sure to go
one way via the Shasta
Route and Puget Sound-
I only $12.50 more. Stopovers ,
variable and attractive routes.
Cheap , One Way West :
Daily during April one way
rates to Utah , California ,
Oregon , Washington , Idaho.
Montana and Big Horn Ba'3in
-nearly 50 per cent reduc-
tion. Daily through standard -
ard nd tourist sleepers.
Excursions :
Frequently each month from
Eastern Nebraska to EasterIl
Colorado , Wyoming and Big
Horn Basin.
Landseekers' Information - ,
tion Bureau :
Irrigated lands along the
North Platte River , in the
Big Horn Basin and Yellow.
stone Valley on terms cbeap.
er than paying rent , and ,
money paid on a water righj
is money saved. Send fOI
new descriptive folders.
H. L. ORMSBY , Ticket Agent
L. W. W AKELRY , G. P. A.
Omaha , Nebraska.
. . . . . . _ -.oK -
. -
Eye , Ear , Nose , Throa1
and Chronic Diseases
Fitting of t11asscs.
Office in Realty block.
Attorney at Lav/ .
Broken Bow. Nebr.
avlnlZ" jnst had eIght ars practIcal expe
lence as Donnty JudICe. will give special attel
tlon to thll drawlnlZ" and probating of wills ani
thll administration of IIstates of deceased pel
sons and millort : . Write or nhonll me. Ima :
lave you P trln.
Consult him If you want Water.
Phone 112 , - Broken Bow.
Anon'lendln a Iketch and delcrlptlon ml ,
quick I' ascertain our opinion tree whether au
10nllUon 'I ' probabl , patenlabllCommunlca -
tlonl .trletl , conDdentl&l. HAHDBUOIt on I'atenta
unt tree. Uldelt alleuc , tor lecurID jJatenti.
l'ateotl taken tbrough MUDD .t Co. recal" .
Ipltla ! nollu. wltbouL cbanre. In tba
S I ntifi Jlm ri an.
A band.omel , lIIultrated weekl , . J.anrelt elr-
culatlon of an , Icientilio Jouro&l. 'J'ornll. 13 a
M INPrio 3 : : N wdf rk
l1n.D t : ; 'moe. Q' ' JI' IU. . Wa ou. 1) , b :
, 'r
. .
DR. c. Bi JOB ; 1
Physician and Surgeon J fJ
Office and residence one block sonth of
Ryerson & George's store.
, !
I ! '
Clnsses in Theory of ltiuslc , Harmony
an KinderJ1arten.
Piano lessons of 40 minutes , 50 cents
per leeson , payable monthl ) ' .
In Gleim & Myers block.
Broken Bow , - - - Nebraska.
o . fl. CON RAD ,
. . . DeAler In . . . ! ,
( ) ampl. Wind , Mill' . Tanke. Pitting. , Gasolln.
KuglnoR , eta , etc. It
Broken Bow. Nebraeka , f ;
Registered O. L C , Hogs
CHAS. T. WRIGHT , Broken Bow , Neb
Legal Notices. -i'\ \ . .
In Connty Conrt of Custer flounty , Nebraska.
To all persons Interested In the estate of
Sadie A. Chesley. deceased.
Whereas. JameR J. WOllch. of said count7.
has filed In my office an Instrument pnrporllnlr
to be the laRt Will and Te tament of Sadie A. 1
Chesle ) ' . late of Bald county. and a petition
praylnlZ" to have the KaJUe admItted to probate. I
which Will relates to both real and versonal
estate. wherenlJn I bave 'anpolntel1 the J4th ?
day o ( Anrll , 190i , at 10 o'clock In the forel eon I
at my ollice In said county as the time and
place YOU and all concerned. way appelr and i
COli test the probate o ( the same.
Dated April 2ntl. 1007.
A. R. lIUMI'IIKEV. County Judge. . .
'Irst pub April 4-3 t.
County Court , CUBter County , Nebraska.
The creditors of the estate of George 'V. .
Allen. deceased.
Take notice. That I will sit at the County
Court room. In Broken Bow. In Droken Bow.
In said County. on the 11th day of May. 1907.
and on the 21th da ) ' of Oct , . 1907. each at 10 .
o'clock a. m. of each day. to receive and '
examine all claims alZ"alnst said estate. with a
view to their adjustment and allowance ; and I
that on the I1rst date above the netltlons of 'i I
widow will be heard for homestead. exemptions .
allowanct : and other Statutory rights.
The time limited for the presentation of
claims alralnst said estate Is six months from i.
the 11th da , of April. 1907. and the time limited . '
for payment of debts Is one Yelr from lIald 'f
date. \
Dated April 10th , 1907.
A. R. IIUMl'nREY. County Judlre.
J. A. ARMOUR All' ) ' . ' . -
1 < 'lrst publ Apr 1-"t 11\ \
Unlt\'d States I.and Ornce. t
Broken Bow. Nebraska. March 20..1907. r
Notice III hereby given that AI.ON O J - - <
CASON. of Broken Bow. Nebraska. haB filed ,
notice of his Intention to make final commuted .
proof In support of his claim.1:1 : : : Homestead
entry No. 58tH. made Jan. C ; 1906. ( or lots 2.3.4.
section 2. towllshlp IS. se sw\- \ ( section 35. . . .
townshln 19 N" ranlCe : n W. . and. that said ' "
proof will be made before Register and Recelv. . .
cr. at Uroken Bow. Nebraska. on A pr1l26. 1907.
lIe name the followlnlC witnesses to prove hl
contillnons upon and cultivation of the land.
vlz : David H , AlsnaulCh. of Broken 1I0w.
Nebraska ; Jesse Albrlllht. of Droken now.
Nebraska : Albert Swick of nroken Dow. Ne.
I braBka ; Richard Wearlnll' . of Broken Bow. I
Nebraska. JOUN REESE.
41-46 R llIter. '
In County Court of Custer CountY' ' . NebraBka.
To all persons Interested In the estate of
Skiles W. Kinkaid. deceased.
WhereaB , EUlCene A. Kinkaid. has filed In my
office an Instrument purportlnlZ" to be the last
will and testament of Skiles W. Kinkaid. de-
ceased. late of Custer Connty. alld a petltlol1
pra'lnll to have the Kamll admitted to probate
as the last will and testament o ( said deceased.
and that execution thereof and administration
of Bald estate be ICranted to said petitioner.
I have appointed the 20th day of April. 1907.
at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at my otlice luthe
court house at Broken Dow. In said county. as
the time and place of provlnlC said will. at
which time and place all persons Interested In \
said estate may appear and"contest the probate (
of the same.
H was further orderetl In said canse that
notice of the time and nlace of such hearlnlC be I
given to all persons Interested by publication as
reQnlred by law In the Republican. a newspaper
pUblished and of general circulation In said
conntv. for three c nseutlve : weeks prior to
- the day Bet for said bearlnlZ" .
Witness my hand and the seal of said court
hereto affixed. this 29th day of March. A. D. .
[ SEAL ) A. R. lIUMI'IIREY. County JudICe.
1 < 'lr8t tlub Anrll 4-4t
' 1'0 whom It may concern :
' 1'he Commissioner appointed to view , and ,
. If lleemed for the IJublic good , to locate a
road petitioned for by Levi Pringle , et ai ,
conllnenclng at the soutll\VeMt corner of tht !
nW-4 ! of the liWi of section 3 , thence cast to
the ! > outheast corner of the neof \ the swJ. (
thence north to the southeast corner of the
nw thence east to the southeast corner of
the ne\- \ ( , all In section 3 , town 15 , ran e 18 ,
Custer county , Nebraska , has rellorted In
- favor of the establishment thereof , and all
objections thereto , or claims for damages ,
must be Illed In the County Clerk's onlce on
or before noon of the llIth day of .JUl,1t , 1001 ,
or such roall will be established without
refertmce thereto.
In 'Vl1ness Whereof , I have hereunto set
my hand and seal of said count ) . , thll. lOth
day of April , 1007.
[ SE..u. ) Jos. PIGMAN , County Clerk.
f.'lrtit pub Apr lI-4t
' 1'0 whom It may concern :
' 1'he Commissioner appointed to view , and
If deemed for the public good , to establsh and
vacate a Imbllc road petitioned for by W.
I < , " 'arren , et ai , commencing at the south.
east corner of section H , township III , range
23 , and running from thence south , one half
mile , thence west , or within 40 rods of due
west , to or near the center of west line of - ; :
Ir section 22 , township 10. range 23 , thence In
a northwesterly direction to the southwest
. corner of section 11 , township 19 , range 23 ,
r. and Kotn through sectlon1 : ! and 20 , town.
y ship III , range 23 ,
Also \'acate a road commencing at the
_ southeast corner of section Ii , township III.
range3 : ! and running from thence \fest to the
southwest corner of tlectlon 11. township III ,
range 23 , has reported In favor of the es ,
tabllshnlent and vacation thereof , and all
objections thereto , or claims for damages ,
must be lIIed In the ' '
count ) clerk'y oOlce on
or before noon of the : : ath da ) ' of June , 1007.
or such road will be established and vacated .
without reference thereto. .
In Witness Whereof , I have hereunto set
m ) ' hand and seal of said county , this 16th
da ) ' of April , 1001. JOH. PiGMAN ,
- [ SEAL ] County Clerk ,
1.'lrst pub Apr 18-4t.
' 1'0 whom It '
ma ) concern :
'l'he commissioner appointed to'Iew , and
If deemed for the ImbUe good , to vacate and
establish a road Iletitioned for by Florian
Jacobs , et ai , commencing at the southeast
corner of the northeast quarter. of section 0 ,
townshll 11 , range 21 , and runnlnK thence
west on the half section line , one half mile to
the centcr of section II , and thence uorth IO !
rods to connect with road No. 155 , All tbe
road to be located on the ne section II.
townshlll11 , range 21 , Also to vacate that
part on road No. 1M bctween the Ilolnts of
beginning and cndlng of abo\'c described
prollOsetl road , has rellortetl In fa\'or of the
establishment and vacation thereof , and all
ubJcctions thereto , or claims for damag lI ,
must be lIIed In the County Clerk'il ontce on I
or l1 fore noon of the : : ath day of June , 1007.
or such road will be established aud'acated
without reference thereto ,
In Wl1uess Whereof , J have hl'reunto set
my hand aUlI seal of salt ! county. this 16th _
of AprllIOO1 , JOt ! . 1)IQ1f N , - - - - , - -
rSII.A.L ) County Clerk.
Io'irst pub Apr 18-&t