' 1 . r \ - VALUE OF FRUIT SOUPS. lit : ( Food Value In Dainty Dishes That , " , May Be Served. " . . , _ . , ' , , 1/ / 1IIr , Riley M. Fletcher Derrr , In hIs. , ' " book , "FruIt Ilcclpes" ( Doubledar : Pase & Co. ) , sa's that lrult soups are usually 8erved colll-whero convenl. ent. chillell on Ico-In VOl' ) ' small chilla or glass bowls or 'bouillon 'cups , WU& this daintiness of service , how ever , It nta ) . tJe lorgotten or not real. hcll that such aoups mo not to the . . stolllllCh mel'o empt ) ' , Introductory , flourishes , whatever the Intent. Fruit soups arc leeds , and us such are usel1 in man ) ' countries by even the pens' Hnls. thoush the ) ' may Inck dellcato , tab ! ! ! 1Illllolntments. It Is true thut n fruit mny bo used which It not of ll. seU substnntiul ( though the opposllo I mil ) ' hold , na wIth prunes ) , but tho' ' f3ago , arrowroot , or tapioca used for thickening furnishes a certuln amount of heatprol1uclng material , and where wille la uddel1 this Is Increased , so II IIm ) ' I'eadlly be understood whr : , when Iwed In quantity , such comblnutlQns lna ) ' approach , of themselves , substan , . tlal meals , or why , even In small mt'asurc , emit soups , with tJut slight ndrlltlons of foods containIng other balanch1/ / ; clements , may urrlve at the right to bo chief "dish" of a luncheon . (1/ / ' light SlIllper , Ii As a general 1'ule , stewed fruit , I , lmsserl thl'olllh a sieve , mnY' have I lidded to II. an equal quanUt ) ' of wa , tel' . aud to each pint a heaping tea. l spoonful ot' scant dessert spoonful of sago , nrrowroot ( for which cornstarch I may be slbatltuted ! ) or tapioca. Some Ins ! ru'clars give the rule of a level I , tahlespoonful or cornatarch to each 11111 t oC clear , pressol1 fruIt juice , which , however , lUay be sllghtl ' e1ll. uled. ' 1'he arrowroot or cornstarch Is . a qllCICCl' ! process , and should be dls. \ solved Ull smooth In a little cold wa , lei' , added when the fruit juice Is nt I boiling point , then cooked till clear ; ' meantime alldlng sugar , and later a hlblespoonfulof lemon juice or wine. It lIago or talll 11 Is used , It must be coolced till thoroughly tender and tralUJllccnt , A soup made or raspber. t- . . > rles may serve as example of a lighter : ' fruit BOIIP , Severnl recipes for fruit I soups a < 1 lUuch information valuable to tbe hous leeper are wso given. ! THE HOT WATER BAG , . Simple Precautions That Will Pre. serve Its Usefulness. Boiling wat r should ne\"er be put ) into a rubber bag. Do not mnch more than hnlr fill the bag , then place It In ' 'he la 1 before pulling In the stoppel' , f 'J Jmd carefull ' 11ress out the steam. This malws the bag softer. as It 15 , I ( 'Heved or the pressllre the steam , ma1es If left In It. : \ Her uslug the bag drain out the ! wa Ir : ! I' , let It hang hottom up for a little' while , then take It down and with thE. I mout.h blow a little all' Into It , jllst mlOlIgh 'to I.eep the Inside from com. Ing together , as It will often do If therE Is 110 nil' In It , In which cnse the bag Is almost sure to be ruined In pulling it aJart. ) If the hag eVer should sllcl. , put Inte It flome bet water with a tew drops of , fuunlOnla. let It remain a few minutes I then with 1Ulln , dulledged sUck , tr ) t to selmrate the Inside carerullr , : \ \ ' folel 1tJng after It has oncd 'been ' uSd. A flannel bag covering tor I the rubber bag Is very useful. Care of Shoes , An excellent preservative or shOe ! ! leaUlel' Is vaseline , If a small quantlt ' be 3.1)lll1e < 1 to new shoes' It will softer the leather , and If enameled leathel' " ; \111 Iecp It sort much longer than onll narltanI ! render it less liable tc craclc If worn shoes are cleaned and black ) . ened. and then rnlJbCll with the vase , line , thell' appearance and wearing , ( Jnalltle8 wl11 he much Improved. 11:1\6 a box of oats handy and whOl ; It the sltoes are tal < en ort remove all mnd and dirt , lace 01' button them , till half full with onts and sturt the tops with crumpled Imler ) , When nccessar ) ' to wear the shoef empt ) ' them and the ) ' wl11 be round tc ha\'o kCllt their shnpe , and will not be drawn If they were In the least dnml when tnl\On off. Cleaning White Silk , To wn.ch white taffeta and ethel , white sill , ; ; , 11roceed as follows : IIavlll1 ; mn e strong suds by tJoil Ing castlln soap In soft water , allO\\ It to cool to bloelll heat or 100 de rees , anrl wash the silk In It b . . ! 'wlnlllnt ; It about und lI1htly press Ilig lIlIt Ill ( > w..ter with the hands. OJ (1 ( .tho goods Into suds of the samE kind ; IlreSK the water out once more ulIl ! hung in an air ) ' , snnless lllac { , ! I ulltll almost < 11' ) ' , IlIIlIIng ut al . " , nnlles f'Om ! tlmo to time. neB the Hilk carcfully o\'er a board , anI ! let II lie wraIllletl In a towel until thcr'c II (111) ' a lr.lc { ' of moisture left. 8mnntlt II IllldCl' a nllO , white cloll wllh a moderatnlY' wal'm Iron. If I ( 'IPar tone of white Is deslreel , ade hluelllg tll the water ; If an Ivon 8h tlo la I1referred" use the clear suds - - - - - - - - - - Torn Wall Paper. When n hule hllK been made III thl wall Ilnllel' In movIng a piece or fur lI U1'e. If ' { Inn has no 111Iler like till .ono on tlw wllll , a judicious uao ( \ watl'r colors will work wonders. Tht tn1'll IHillor houll1 be IIrsl straight Illed 11 : > Ilea tlr aslossl / ble alld gluol -dOWII. Tholl touch lip the "ncnn , SIIIH'Hg a 111\ \ the scams with paints tilt .colot' . of the pallel' nt lhat place , sa ) ' ! 10111 ( ' Chat. 'l'he lJrenk will be almos nvlslhlo If the waleI' colors are usee 'carefllll ) ' . ' 1'lnr tubes or wuter eolo .11alu15 can be bought at any artists supplies shOll , TIRED BACKS , I The lcltlno's ha"o n. great work to I do In ltceplng the blood 11\11'0. When tlley gel. out of order it cnuses bnclmche , hendaches , dizziness , lau/uol' / nnd distress. : ; urinary trouble9. Keep the Ie i d n c ) ' s well anel all these sur. ferings111 bo saved ) 'ou. 1\Irs. S. A. Moore , proprietor of n res. I h taurant at WatervUle , I I lito. . saYs : "DeCoro , using Doan's Kldn ) ' 1)1ils I sufferee } . everything Crom kidney troubles for a yenr and a llal ! . I had Imln In the I back and head , and almost continuous In the loins and felt weary all the time. A few doses of Donn's Kidney PlIIs brought. great reller , and I kept on taking them until In a short tlmo I was cured. I think Doan's Kidney PlIIs are wondorlul. " , For sale by ull dealers. 60 cents a box : , Foster.Mllburn Co. , Duffalo , N. Y. - - - - - - - WOMAN HAS FINE RECORD. - - Keeper of Lighthouse , Shc Has Saved Eighteen Lives. Ida Lewis recently celebrated her fiftieth year as keeper of the Lime Island lighthouse In the harbor of Newport , H. 1. As a girl allli womnn Ida Lewis has lived a remarltablo Hre. Her bravery and skill In handling a boat are well known and her fame Is aecuro as the great woman life saver In the world , for she has lho credit of havh g saved no loss than 18 lives , most of her rescues having been effect , ed in the race of extreme danger and In winter. As keeper of the J lme island lIgbthouse , to which post she was appointed In recognition of her bravery anel record as a life saver on the death or her father , 1\IIss Lowls has shown herself as earerul and em. clent as a man could be. Sbe Is one of the tow women in such a position , - - - - - - SARSAPARILLA TIME. Make Your Own Sarsaparilla or Spring Blood Medicine. o Mix one-half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion , ono ounce Compound Kar. Ion , three ounces Comllound Syrup Sarsnlmrllla. Shale well In a bottle and tal\O one teaspoonful after meals and again at bedtime. Any gooel drug. gist can supply these Ingredients. This is said to be a splendid Spring Blood Tonic and system renovator because - cause or Us gentle action In restoring the Kidneys to normal activit ) ' , forcing them to tIIter from lhe blood all 1m. pure matter and acids , destroying micro-organisms which produce 111 health and SOUl' tJloorl. Everyone should tnlce something to cleanse the tJlood at this time of year , and the above shnll1e prescription Is the mosl highly Indorsed of the hun. dreds of home remedies generally IIsed. Mix this yourself , then : rou will Imow what YOIl are taldng , Refuges on Mont Blanc. Losing one's self on lent Blanc will soon be counted among the vanIshed - Ished IndustrIes. In I'ecent years a number or fine refllges have been built In various parts of tIto mountain by the Alpine clulJs of England , Franco and other countries and by prlvato Individuals. These have made it almost hnposslblo for a man hav' Ing a bump of locality of average size to be lost , In spite of heavy mists and blhidlng snowstorms caused by sud. den changes of tom perature. Day of Guillotine Ended. Since the 1II'Ison of La nochette , whore the Prench guillotine useel to bo kept , has been IlU1Ied down , the machine or death hns been Iept In a sned lJclonglng to the state execu. tloner , Since there Is no place in Paris wbere It seems deslruble to put up the guillotine , no more executions take plnce there. The presldont or tlte republic gets around the difficulty by , commuting the death sentence to 1m , prlsonment. Read Slowly. The Now York Medical Journal wisely remarka : "The colon bacillus I Is usually ranked In the saJrophyUc group of bacteria rather than placed among the organisms distinctly patho genic tor man ; but we know that It 11 far trom being devoid of vlrulenco and thnt It Is callable under certalI conditions of gaining Increasel pow era of Invading the organism and 0 : , manifesting very definite pathogenic errecta. " FIND OUT The Kind of Food That Will Keep You Well. The true way Is to finel out what II best to cat and drlnlc , aUlI then cultl vate n. taste fOl' these things Insleal : I of poisoning ourselves with Improper indigestible rood , etc. A conservative : \lns9 , woman writes "I have used Grape-Nuts ( j years fa the 'O\mg nnd lOl' the aged ; In slcli neSE ! and In health ; at l1rst followlnl directions carefully , later In a varlet : of ways as my taste and jUdgment SUI ; gested , "Dut Its most flllCclal , personal bene fit has been a substllllte for meat , ani served dry with cream when rhOl : maUc troubles made It ImlJOrtant fo mo to glvo Ull the 'coffoo halJlt. ' "Sorveel In this way with the add : tlon of a CUl of hot water and a IIltl frull 11 has been used at my mornln : meal for six months , during whlcl tlmo my health has much ImprovcC : nerves have grown steadlE'r. and gradual decrenso In m ) ' comfort. Name given by Postum Cereal Co Ltd" Dattlo Creek , Mich. Head th lIltlo book , "Tho Hond to ' ' 'ellvl1le , , In pl'iS. " 'fhere'a Do neason. " , t J ' . . - , . Curious Maps. Mnps ( or mllltar ) ' nnd onernl flehl I use are produced by Dr. O. H. F , , Vollbehr , ot Halensee , 11el'lIn , as mi. ! croscoplc trnnsparencles , each about : one nnd one.half Inch by two Inches I In size , These term slides for the mlcro.photoscope , a slleeial Instrument I having' handmlrrorshaped frame , to whIch Is attached a alleleholder , with a movable Ions over It. TI1e lens slides In two drectlons ! , about 70 square 111l1es being shown In each po- sition. SLEEP BROKEN BY ITCHING. Eczema Covered Whole Body for a Year-No Relief Until Cutlcura Remedies Prove a Success. I , "Par a year I have had what they call eczema. 1 hnd an itching all over my body , and when't would rotlro for 010 nIght it woulel Iteep me nwalw half the night , and Ule more 1 wou1l1 scratch , the moro It would Itch. I tried all Iclnds or remedies , but could get no rellet. " 1 tlsed ono caItO of Cutlcura Sonp , ono box of Cutlcura , nnd two vials or CuUCUrl Resolvent Pl1Is , wlllch cost mo a dollar nnd twonty.five cents In all , and am very glad I tried them , for I was ompletely curecl. Walter W. Paglusch , 207 N. nohe ) ' St. , Chicago , Ill. , Oct. 8 and 16 , 1906. ' : Increasc In Savings Depoelts. In 1906 the reaources or the savings banks or the stute of Now York reached $1,465,000,000 , an increase or $59,000,000 In only ono year. In a Pinch , Use ALLEN'S FOOT.EASE. A POWdCl' , It cures painful , smartIng - Ing , nervous reel nnel Ingrowing nnlls. It's the greatest comfort dlsco\'cl'y of the age. Malecs new shoes casy. A certnln cure Cot' sweating feet. Sold by all Drulglsts , 25c. Accept no sutJ. stlblte. 'rrlal pacl\nge. li'H.EE. Ad. dress A. S , Olmsted. 1.0 UO ' , N. Y. New York Blrths : and ( ? eaths. 'fIlere Is 11. birth n New York cll ) ' each five minutes In the day anel a death ench seven minutes. Garfield ' 1''a , the Mild L.1Xative , ill a ) lure , Jlractical household remedy ; goo.1 . fot' 'oung ! lnd old. To he taken fOl' constiJlu- tion , in igeJtion : , , "ick.hencbchc , colds IIml diseascR ari8inp : from impurc hlood. Jt elenro the comple ion. There are numerOU8 toll gates on the roael to success. Lcwls' Single lllnde1' straight 5c. You pay 101 ; fOl' cigars notso good , Your daulel' 01' Lewis' I"a.ctory , Peorln , Ill. - - - - - - - When a tall man Is broke that's the long and ahort of It. oJ . . . . . IIlr . 'Wln.tow' " RnnthlnJ : Rrnr. For rhlldreo .0tt1'01 the NldUl'el tcelblol : , Itlltol. bto Illtoul"lIon , an"rllalocure. WID.IOlIu. . a botUo. - - - - - - - - - - - It'n 80 much cRsler to teU a 110 then It Is to make peol1\o \ bellevo H. ] I'1lit apitll ! will 1I0t tn In Itooll. . dycd with J'U'l'N\ 1\DEI.ESS UYE , ! lnd the colors arc IIl'iht ! IIIIlI fnst. - - _ -0- _ _ . _ _ . lIe who Is firm and resolute In w\11 \ molds the world to hlmself-Goetho. o. . . _ u Lewis' Singlc Hinder costll tIIorc thnn ollwr fie ci arll. : : ; llIoke 1m ow why. Your IIt a'r or Lowis' Fnctol' ' . Peorin , ilL _ _ _ _ . _ 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E\'ery lruth that comes home to us In n moml ( all , bidding \1S rise 10 anew now Ilonlllon.-Gocthe , ' " 'in"I l1arlirhl ' 1'ra-tl e s ) lc laxativc ! 'j'akc it" , the Spl'in ! ; ; It lI111'il1eM the hl'1I111 , denIm' ! ! the SCIII , ermlientclI diFen c , It Is tJlulie whnlly IIf Nlllllilc l1'rhll , Oltarnn. teed IIndcI' the 1'1110 I'ood amI Drug'l ] .aw , - _ 0 _ _ _ _ _ . Chlnesc City Waking Up. Nnnkln , Chinn , Is to ha\'o n11 elcc. trlc light system of the most mOdeM ) kInd ; also 1\ now wnter work ! ! . . - - - - - - - - - - - Bewnre of Ointments for Cntarrh thnt Contnin Mercury , II mrrcury will urel , dutro1 the .tQ'1I of Imell and coml'lelcl , detatl 1I Ihll " , holll when entering U IbrOlllb Ibo IIIUI'OU' Iur lllelD Buch arllcle. Ibould noor he Illed escol'l Oil I''rl. . . lIonl rrum rrl'ut"hle I'h'llelaol , na tbo damaRII the , will do II len rold to I hll good ) " 011 cln 1'0UIbly de' the from tbem. lIall' , Clltarrb Cure , 1II110llfaciured b1 r" . J. Cheo" , , It Cu" Toledo , 0" cOI\IIIln. 1\0 mer. curro anlll takrn In1oroall ) ' , torlln" tUrrelly ul'on tllo blo",1 atllllllucOUI Iurr.ces ot the IJltem. III buyln ! ; 111111'1 Clilarrh Cure 1111 .Ilrll Jon Ifet trill genulno , H II taken Internlll1y nod \IIado In Totodo , Ohio , by F..J Cbeocy & Co. TelUmoolal1 trell , flold hyllrullhU , l'rlell , 7 o , I'er bollie. ' 1'akllllall'l } " . 1'11I1 tor coollIl'aUon. lIe enjo's 111uch who Is thanklul ror lIltle ; a sraterul mind Is bOUl a great and a happy milld.-Secker. , . - - - - - INVENTIONS NEEDED 1".loJ' wr rk. ' 1\11. . . . . IRbor on r.nn. . MAfUN. . ' . : I ; 'VHJI''v u I' NII. : r..t La..1. . . . . 0. . , " ' . . I..I.D.U. - C. & : al. 1161. II. . . . . , rro. ! . Onl. . . . . . . . . . . . - , _ . W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO. 15 , 1907. - - - - - - - - - - You save money and avoid failures in your baking if you use BAKINC KC POWDER ( 25 ounces 'or 25 cents Here is true economy . You cannot be sure every time or have your food dainty , tasty and wholesome - - < . some if you pay less or accept a substitute. .JAQUES MFG. CO. , ChlcDgo THE ONLY' Sanitary Durable WALL tlAl1NG ALADAS'rINB COIllCS in dr , ) ' powder fol'lu , rcndy for UIoO by mixing with cleal pure cold Wa.tCI' , Hn.fcguar a health an llIulrt'S hOIllt's beautlfnluud livable , Easy to mix , You caIl apply it YOllrst'1 . . ! with an ordinary flut wall brusll. Insist on goods in pac1m ! . cs lahclC'c1 Af.AHAS'l'INW' and that your work men bring Alu.bastlne in uno.pen paclcu es Ilnd use on joll. H your d aler doeR not hllve AlabllsUnc wo will . . IIlIl'ply'OU. ' ; . Write for fre. . color suggestIOns and send us 10 cents tur book Dainty Wall Dccornt.ions. " l' ALADASTINE COMPANY . , Grand RapidJ , l'Uch. New York. City - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ I _ - _ _ . , Women Avoid' Operations When n. . womnn suffering from female trouble ill tohl that. nn operation - ation Is llcccBsnry , It , of course , frlgh tens her. 'l'ho very thougl1tof thehospltnl , the operating tllc nml the ImlCo slt'llrclterror to her heart. . It III (111110 trl10 that. these troubles - les 11Ia , ) ' rCllch II , stage where an operation - ration Is the ouly resourcc , but. n groat.lUauy wOIUQn lmvo be n curce\ by Lydia. . E. 1)lnlchnm's Ve otnblo Compollncl after nn operntlon hns br.en dl'ehled upun as the ouly cure. 155 ROSE MOORE 'l'ho st.rongest. nml most grateful Rt.ntcmonts posslblo to 1unlQ como from women wllO by tnldng Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Con1pound' mndo from natlvo roots nuell10rbs , have cscaped scrlous opornt.lons , us eviclcnccd by MIs8 Uose Mooro'llcaso , oB07W. 2GUl t3t. . N , Y. She writcs- : Dent' Mrs. l'inldl1\D1-"I 'dla. . E. } ) Inlham's Vegetable Compound hnlf' . cured 1110 of UIO vm'y , vorst. form ot fClnalo trouble amI I wish to cxprc.os. to 'ou my deol1cst. grat.lt.mle. I suferedln1ousc1y for two ycnrs so that. I was \11l1\hlo to attunel to my duties t11ulVtlS 0. l111rdcn to m f1\ml1y. I doctored tll1l1 ( Iootorcel with only ttJmporary 1'olicfmIC1 constnntly 01Jjccling to nn operation which I WtUI ttdvlsed \lmlerlro. . } dccldcel to try l.ydln. E. Pln\chnm's \ Vcgotnhlc Componnclj it curec11110 of the terrIble trouble nml I am 1I0W in bott r heulth tltnn I Imvo bccn tor Uluny ycnraU This nncl otho1' such cnses Sl1OU1ll cncournlfo oVtry , WOlDllU to try Ly. dia E. Pinlchnm'fi Vegot.nblo CompouIld beloro aha submits to n . ! 1pcrnUou. Mrs. Pinkhnnt's Standing Invitation to women Women suffering- from nny forlU of tomnlo weuleness are inviteel to promptly comlUunlcuto with MrR , } 'lnlhal11. nt f..vnn. Mn81i. FrolU the symptoms given , the t.rouhlo wny bo locuted nnd iho qulc1cest nndsurest. wny of recovery advised , . - - - - - - 10c TEDDY BEARS 10c T Every Every T E Ohild Child E D WANTS CIN HIVE D D D . One One V V B Make Your Children Happy B It will cost but TEN CEN-rS E E This TEDDY BEAR is printed on strong , A durable muslin in soft tans and browns. A A few stitches and TEDDY BEAR stan s R complete , a Bear Baby 11 inches high. R will be loved as dearly and cherished as ten- . derly as the imported $5.00 Bear. S Sent Postpaid on Receipt of 100. THE SAALFIELD PUBLISHING COI , AKRON , OHIO 10c T EDDY BEARS 10c W. L. DOUCLAS . . . , t $3aOO AND $3.50 SHOES 'XJkE JNLD ' - - . - - W. L. DOUGLAS $4,00 GILT EDGE SliDES CANNOT OE EQUAlLED AT ANY PRICE. SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT ALL PRICES : , , t , . 1Ieo' . 8hoo" , 81 > to 81r.0. JJnya' Aho" , , II.'J ! ! to 81.2 . 'VonH'n'lI ' ; 8hoo. , 84 to St.liD. 1\ll8a"a' & Chllllrcm : a HhuCA , " : : ,21' to SlOO. W. l. . Vou lalIlIo05 ! are roco jnlzoll by ox port j l1g0i : of foohvoar to bo the b08t III 8tylol1t aUlI wcarrrodtlCcd In this country. l < ; aoh part of the shoo aJIII every Ilctall 0 the lIlaklnl : Is lookclI aCter nad watchc.1 . over by sklllcd ellOcmnkors , wlthopt r glml to UIUO or cost , It I ( 'ouM take you iuto my laro ; fnclorles 'at rooktoll , 1\1aslI" nnd 8how YOIl 1I0w carefully 'V.I. . VoUg1:11I ol.1oos uro made , you wouh ! thcn 1I1111orstanl1 why they lIold tholr IIlJapo , 11t batter , wear 10llgor. nntiliro oftreator / vll1no than allY other IImlt09. W , I. ] lolIRlu "amealll\ > rlrell . IIAmpl'd , Oil Ilir. bollom. . , , "Ich . \ ' Ihr. "I'"r . . .plntt blgh rlr . llnet Inlo'rlflr Ih04" , 'I' " " . N. . " , , " .IU..t. . Nohl " 11 rrotc\'tft , hoI.I..rt " " , rail " 'OWl' f.'lIt'N / t.rc/ulirtltl. / ( 'araloQ ml"/cd / ff'tt. 'V. J. . ) )0 V G JA/i ' & "Trrl"brr . . , _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - 0 _ _ _ _ _ - . - . - - - . I To oonvlnoo nny I woman that Pax- FREE tlnC ! J\nU"cpUo will improve lIer hC'nllJl and do nU wo clnlm for It. Wo will , send her nb olutcly frco largo trIal box at } ) axtlne with book of Instruo ( tlon9 nnd cllulno testimonials. Ii 0 II d JOur naUio nlld 11I111ress on poHtal card. PAXTINEclcnnscs ; I ; brano nf. fectlons , sitch n8 IIMnl catarrh pelvlo catarrh nnil In lWlmation caused ( IY feml. nine Ills ; 801'0 eycs ! ! jore throat ntlll moutlJ , by direct local ue.atmflllt Its cur- ntlv power over these troublc : ! Is extraordInary - ordInary nnd glve8 immedlntc reUcf. 'IhouSl1mls or women are using nnd rco ( ommendluK It every : day. GO C"llts at dru l.o1sts ory inalJ. UemcmbC'rltowcver , 1'1' COHT'l'OU : NOTJIlNU TO 'l'ltY 1'r. TJIl ll. l'AX'.l'ON ( ) O. , llo.ton , MIUIII. , - - - - - - - - - - U. S. NAVY cnllsts ror four Jt'OrA rounl ( IUlln ot Iood ; ennrncterlld _ 011 lid 1llyaleul oOlldllloll be- , , , eoll Lbe Oil"l of 17 011.12 : ' , Ulnl'llrolilloo lea. " 'eul ' ( OpponulI.tlos . rur ' ; pay IIU IU 'iO a 1II0nLIl. muclrlc ons. mllcblnl.la , blllokftUlltb. , cOPIJerallllthl , yeomen cclerka ) . Clupellter _ . IlIlpU\lII'I. IIremen. 1II11llclans , cook , 61e . between/I : and M roora. cnllitell In IIeolal ratlllils with Rullablllpnr ; " appreotlces I IA ) 28 ) 'enn , hOlr"al tbree.lourlbl poy alld Dllowanccu atler : J\J yeau lenloo. Appllcl1nls mUb be American 61t1ll1nl , 'lnL clothlnll ontnt trell to recruits. Upon , I"charlle Hayel olluwallc . ( 'OlliS per mllu 10 lace lit uoll.IUlUhL , HOllua tour lIIontlls' PIlY and Inoflalo In Iay UpOIl reenllstmcnt wllhln lour 1II0liths or dl ehnrio : , Onll'n n J.lncoln I1l1lll1aolllllO , Nuhrn.tll , AIIO , clurinlnwr. ! 1\1 tI"8 Molm" a 1111 Hloux City. 10w\I \ , Addr" . , NAVY RECRUITINO STATION.P.O.llld "OHAII . NEW WHEAT LANDS IN THE CANADIAN WEST 5 ODD additional mlln , of rallwR ) ' Ihl. year 11"11 O III'i1 up a largely Increased te.rrl. tory to the rrqrreniv. farlllt'r& 0 Wt'ltera Cnlladn and tbe , GOY' ernmeut of the.Uowln. Ion continut's IYe ONH llUNDlUW AND SLX'fV ACIUtS FREE to every aeUler. THE OOUNTRY HAS NO SUPERI R I Coal wood al\ll water iu..abuudauce ; churchu and schuols cnI1Vt'nit'lIl ; marleta t'a61 IIr oecru ; laxl'1 low ; clllllote the bCllt \henor\hl"ru tem. petale ZOI1t' . J.aw Blld orderprevaUaeverywhcn. Itor ntlvice a 11I1 Infonnallon adtlru'I tha RUI'nRIN'I'UNIJtI'T ( lit UlllttOR "ION. OUawa. Canlda : , ur allY' lIu\borized Canadian Goverulllt'nt Agenl , W. V. BENNETT , 801 New York We Buildin" Omaha , Nebraska. _ . , - - - - - READERS 01 Ihis paper de. slrinlr to buy an- thlni adyerlsed In 11:0 : columns should Insist upon havlnlr what they ask tor , reluslni' aU subsU- tutus or Imitations. - - - - - - - - DEFIINCE STIROH : rlll - - . ! > Y You naturally would prefer to treat yourself at home , for any form of female trouble , wouldn't you ? Well , it can be done. No reason why you should not H ome be able to relieve or cure your sufferin , as thousands of other women have done. by proper use of the Cardui Home Treatment. Begin by taking WineofCardui the well-known female tonic. " For sale at all drug stores. ment Joe Moorhead , of Archibald , I , T. , writes : "My wife had suffered for years from female trouble. On your advice , I cave her the Cndul Home Treatment , and now she hardly suffers at all , " Sold by druggists. WRITE US A LETTER Write . . today for II f.ee . copy of valuable ( H'l'o1le llIuslral ! ' . ! Book for Wurnen. lr yoU nlll1 MedICAl 1'4 Ad\'k. . dr\nlbe . 'our lIymploms , slallnl ; III' , an. ! rtply willIe \ lIt'nt In plln ; wAled envelope. Ad < lrr s : J.aJin J\'I ory 1 > tPI , . The lbKllanooza : MtJlclne Co , . CblUanoots. Ttnn. .