Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 18, 1907, Image 5

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( " i : News -of.a .Local
I . Aft.A..A. _ AAftftftftAAAAAAAAAAA _ \
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Nets' Anderson has returned
from a severa'l weeks sojourn in
the 'Black Hills country.
John Keating , of Dunning ,
was a ity visitor Monday , as
witness in final proof of Miss
. Bertha Ashley.
Willis Cadwell returned Tues-
( lay night from Texas , where , he
has been the past month engaged
in the real estate business.
Frank Luke , residing in the
Ash Creek neighborhood. looks
pleased when he reports the
arrival of a son last Monday.
Judge Cook , of Lexington , was
in the city the first of the week ,
looking after legal matters in the
II istrict court now in session here.
I Dr. B rtholomaw was called to
. . . . . : Merna last Sunday in consuHa-
t ion with Dr. Morrow in the
cases of Dr. Downing and Mrs.
Geo. Davidson , who were very ill.
1 J. B. Osborne , ex-county clerk ,
II accompanied by Mrs. Osborne ,
, came In from the farm near
I Mason City last night and are
i visiting friends in the city today.
I Boyd Steele , of Fremont , was
, i 11 the city Monday an filed
I homestead papers on section 18 ,
I town 24 , range 23 , near a section
\ on which his father receptly'
, Mrs. Bartholomew and Miss
I Flora Crumly entertained the
teachers of the city schools last
Ii'ridayevening. A very enjoyable -
able time is reported bv . those
I present.
Harvey Sweeney a.nd wife , of
oS Merna , were city visitors Tues-
I ( lay. 'rhev were accompanied
hy Miss 1\lattie \ Foote. who
, rClen tly com pleted a term of
: chool at Weissert.
! Dr. H. C. 'l'albot , who has been
\ gidng his time exclusively to his
) . , . tock'ranch for the past two or
I three years has returned again to
I Broken Bow and will resume the
\ practice of medicine.
' Thos. brgan. of Fremont ,
was in the city Monday to file on
ection 24 , township 23 , range
24 , a section which the government -
ment recently cancelled , in the
south part of Blaine county.
C. H. Holcomb went into re-
tireJJlent , after church services ,
Jast 6ijnday with an att ck of
la gnppe , bijt is today able to
perambulate the streets and avenues : -
nues , of the co nty sellt of CJ1stcr.
C , R. Iuce , one of th clerks
of the State senate and who has
r-pent th winter at Lincol , returned -
turned home last week. He reports -
ports hav111g enjoyed the work
very much and especially the new
experience it gave h m.
The new steel bridge over
iuddy creek on Fourth avenue
is now in and ready for traffic ,
both passenger and 1reight , and
excavating for a similar bridge
on Fifth avenue will be commenced -
menced at once. 'With cement
walks from the depot to the
square these avenues would be
< J.uite respectable in appearance.
Mrs. James . : eUey and children
stopped oyer in t e city lflst
) uight on their way froJU Mason
! jty to Hemingford , to esta hsh
I residence on government land
1 Mr. I ellcy homesteaded last fali ,
Mrelley and pre eded his
) famiy } with his stock , farming
l utensils and household. goods
whicQ were shipped thr "gh on
the B. & M.
An election has been called at
Callaway for the purpose of
voting on the question of issuing
bonds in the sum of $10,000 for
the purpose of building a new
baick school house which is badly
needed in that growing village.
'fhe Tribune says that from the
gen ral sentiment expressed by
townsmen there is no question
about the bonds carrying.
\ Harry E. Henderson. of Cheyenne -
) enne , Wyo. , was in the city last
week. visiting his sister. Mrs.
Effie Doddsj clerk of the U. S.
land office at this place. Mr.
Hendersod is tate Examiner of
Wyoming , a position which he
has held for the past eight years
and was reappointed the first of
January , by the governor , for
another term.
H. A. Watts finds his business
increased so materially that it
has become necessary to enlarge
his salesroom , which is being
done this week by removing
partitions , thereby adding 24x24
feet of floor .space. Mr. Watts
has sold a larger number of
pianos this spring and as the
demand is steadily increasing he
, . . will now be in a JJosition , to carry
. a larger number 111 stock so that
a purchaser will have more of a
variety from which to select.
. . - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The County Sunday School
convention will be heM at the
U. B. Church in Broken 'Bow on
Thursday and Friday , May 16th
and 17th.
Miss Conley , of the Broken
Bow Hospital , is at Callawa ) '
taking care of C. C. Beckwith
who is suffering with an attack
Hev. H. H. Thompson , of the
M. E. church , will go to Alliance
and preach next Sunday. Services -
ices will be held in the church
here. as usual.
A number of our citizens have
signified their intention of gOing
to Westerville next Saturday to
attend the railroad meeting
which will begin at 1 o'clock.
Townsman Eastham is still
confined to the house entertaining -
ing an attack of plcurisy , some
daJs feeling better and other
days ! lot so welJ , but improving
The frame for Mrs. A. D.
Bangs' residence , east of the
south side school building i up
and being inclosed. The plasterers - .
erers will be ca-lled in to perlorm
their duty next week.
The "Business End" is subject
of the Litchfield continued story
to which we refer our readers
t his week. It is to be fo nd on
the first page and the other
articles of this series will follow.
Ditrict court for the trial of
equity cases , convened Monday
with Judge Hostetlcr presiding
and a call of the calendar incH-
catl..d that about two weecs will
be consumed in hearing the !
The RUPUBLICAN said last
week that C. O. Jones. formerly
telegraph operator in this city , I
would become agent for the B.
& M. company at Berwyn. We i
should have said Anselmo , instead - :
stead of Berwyn. :
At the M. E. church next I .
Sunday Rev. H. M. Pinckney
will preach at 11 o'clock a. m. ,
and N. 'f. Gadd will deliver an
address on the subject : "Our
Home" at 8 o'clock p. m. The
public is cordially invited to be
Hazel Swick , aged 10 years ,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. L.
Swick , went to Omaha yesterday
to r c ivc hospitl treatment !
She was one pf thQse who suffered
an atta ! = k Qf spin l 111eningitis
last summer a" l she nas not
recoyrrcd from .t5 blihting
Two splendid theatrical com.
panies are booked for the Opera
house. "The Girl from Chili. "
Saturday night of this week and
"The Wizard of Wall Street" on
Thursday , the 25th. Both are
comedies of high order and
Manager Great is fortunate in
being able to secure them.
We publish this week on first
page another article of the
series oi continued stories that
the Litchfield people are publish-
ing. We think it will interest
our readers generally and that it
will nay tqem to inyestigate and
follow carefully these weeks to
weeks arguments , which are
based Qn facts and figqres.
It is gratifying to note how
quickly every citi en responded
1'0 the call of "clean up the
premiseslt this sprit1g. All went
to wor ! ! wah a vim and the res\.1lt \
is that Broken Bow presents a
more beautiful am ! inviting
appearance than ever before.
And this condition is certainly
inspiring enough to cause citizens
to continue the good work year
after year without being im-
purtuned to do so.
John McGraw left yesterday
morning for Omaha wher he
will lay up in a hospital and
receive treatment. His stomach
has not been performing its
duties in a satisfactory manner
for quite awhile and on account
thereof he was confined to the
house from the 1st of the month
until last Saturday. Mrs. McGraw -
Graw accompanied him and may
remain until he returns-fully
recovered-his many friends
The $55.00 Laurel range ad vel'-
tised to be given away by S. P.
Great & Co. , last Saturday , fell
to the lot of W. M. Bishop , resic1M
ing 9 miles northeast of Broken
Bow. He had purchased $11
worth of wire fencing , which he
had to have , so it was just like
finding the range. Mrs. C. U.
Richardson was awarded the
$17 leather upholstered roclcer.
Eight . ranges were sold during
the. week. A large number of
persons were present when the
articles were awarded.
! , , : ! . . . : . . . . . '
' 1'r ( : " . : _
A. H. Vanlandingham andMis
r Myrtle Lyell lcft 'l'uesdav for
Omaha where the latter is han \ ' -
! n her eye8 treated by a qpec-
Governor Sheldon has pro-
claimel Monday , April 22nd , as
I Arbor day. This should be are-
! hinder to every property owner
In Broken Bow that they should
not let the day pass without
planting one or more trees.
Lon Davis , who resides uear
the fair grounds where the ostrich -
trich should have cut up capers
last fall , was visited ycsterda } '
by the stork which l ft a boy
baby with him and today he is
feehng quite chipper , thank you. I
E. B. Nee ham , one of the
pioneers in the vicinity of Calla-
way , was visiting with former
acquaintances in the city yester-
day. For the past thirteen years
he has resided in Colorado , but
is contemplating taking' up his
residence again in Ncbra ka.
He with his family w s a pioneer -
neer in Montana in 1864.
John Youngdale , of New
Helena , was brought to the
Bartholomew hospital a week
ago , sutTering with dropsy and
indications that he could not live ,
being "nable to walk , cat or
sleep , . but yestcrhty hc was up
and ate a hea1'tl dinner and the
prospects of IllS being a corpse
111 the near future are not as
brilliant as the Brolcen Bow
gas ligh ts.
Judge Sulhvan is of the
opinion that cattle die of cornstalk -
stalk disease only when they feed
on stall8 where the corn was
Ih ed and bases his opimon upon
actual experience. He turned a
bunch of cattle into a field where
be ground was plowed and
planted and none died. From
this field into one listt d and they
begun to die , them turned into
another nol listed and he lost
none. 'rhey were taken from
that to another listed field and
again they commenced turning-
their toes to the sky. Since then
he has kept the stock 011t of the
listed corn stocks and there has
been 110 more obituaries , hence
no card 01 thanks which are very
inappropriate for either beast or
man , the custom being a decidly
back number in this day and age
of the world.
Furniture for Sale.
Some almost new f\uniture \ ,
chairs , beds , table , range etc. ,
for sale cheap. Inquire at Lee'
drugstore. . '
N Wolf.l1oqn y h ! Y { lr ,
The associate n the t < < 1'U\LI-
, \li' staff hac1 almo ! : t pl.trsu d.ed
himself that be could acquire
m 1ch needed fresh air and a competency -
petency by engaging in ldlling
wolves and coyotes , but bis
ambition along that line received
a severe chill upon reading the
following letter.
Lincoln , Apri116 , 1907.
Broken Bow.
DEAR SIR : Answering yours
relative to the payment of wolf
bounties , permit me to advise
) 'ou that the appropriat\p.1J \ , for
the p3yment of t es la 1ns has
been y to d by tlW governor and
there will be no pa'ment on like
claims until some legislature
makes provision for the same.
Very truly yours ,
E. M. SEAHLU , JR. , Auditor ,
This means just what it says
and there's no rieed , uf bringing
or sending wolf scalps to the
cuunty clerk and eJ pecting a
bo"nty either this veal , " or ne t.
Another session of the legislature
must pass an appropriation which
the governor approves' before any
more bounty w111 be paid , and
there's no necd of writing the
county clerk about it because he
can enl } ' tell ) 'on the facts as
stated in the above letter from
State Auditor earle.
- - - - -
Will be at Broken Bow Chautauqua.
The York Hepublican in its
issue of April 10 , in commenting .
upon the fine program b ing prepared - !
pared for the coming Chautauqua
tn York has the following to say.
"Probably the greatest feature
this year will be the lecture by
Captain Richmond P. Hobson
late of the United States Navy ,
but now Congressman from
Alabama. Captain Hobson has
won for himself a place high up ,
very high in the hearts of the
American people.
We are glad to state that Capt.
Hobson has been secured for an
ddress during the co'ming
Broken Bow Chautauqua. He is I
one of the greatest orators on !
the American platfornl. As a
mem ber of Congress he will be
heard from as he has a mission
in life. A mission for the sake
which he retired from the
Navv. Evcr.ywhcre he goes he
is r eived with enthusiasm and
his address in Broken Bow will
be worth a journey across the
state to hear.
. . . . .
District Court ProceediDI"
District c urt in and for Custe1
county , f r the trial of cquftJ
cases , convened last Mon daj
morning , and th.c large nl.tmbel
of cases disposed of is evidence
that Judge Hostetler does nol
permit the proceedings to drag.
Caus s have been tried as follows :
Chester J. Beach vs. Alice
Be ch Thompson. Partition for
division of pr perty. Case di&-
missed upon application of plain-
Geo.l4' . Dodd vs. John L. Do d.
Partition. Sale confirmed and
deed ordered.
James Hayes vs. Gladis F.
I-layes. Divorce. Court founl
allegations of petition true.
Almony against plaintiff in sum
of $300. Custody of minor clHld
ordered to plaintiff. _
Chas. E. Gibson vS. Charles
Hammond. L1'arm mortgage.
Continued by agreement.
H. G. Moore , trustee , vS.
Clarence R. Bristol. Defendant
gi ven leave' to file an amended
J. G. . . Brenizer vs. S. M. B.
Duncanson. Farm tax lien.
Decree of foreclosure and order
of sale.
Wm. S. Andrews vs. Grace
Andrews. Divorce. Case passed
for term.
Herbert M. Cram vs. Betty
Cram. Divorce. Case dismissed
upon application of plaintiff.
In the matter of Irvin D.
Eaton and others , minors. Passed
for the term by agreement.
Morris B. Bunnell vs. J. W.
Shea , et al. To quiet title.
Decree granted as prayed. I
Application of Mabel Waters ,
guardian of Anna May Moore ,
to' sell real-cstate. Granted and
court found that property is of
less .1ue than $500.
Application of Hattie V.
Johnson , guardian of Donald R.
Johnson , to sell real estate. Sale
con finned and deed ordered.
John Ostergaard vS. Trina
Ostergaard. Divorce. Decree
gran ted.
Pless a M'rtle Watson vs.
Hampton Watson. Divorce.
Decree granted.
Anton Abel vs. Jennie M. Mc-
Culley , et al. Farm mortgage.
Decree of foreclosl.\re a.n.c1 order
of sale.
Application of guardian of
Spen er D. and Catherine Boblits
to sell real estate granted.
Adelia Ra'les : vs. Jacob Rayles. I
Di VOrce. Court found no valid
grounds f lr divorcc. Costs taxed
to defendant.
Annie Nekuda VB. Frank Ne-
kuda. Divorce. Decree granted.
Custody of minor child given to
Martha E. Fales vs. heirs of
Henry J. Lewis. Partition of
sale. Sale confirmed and deed
Charles M. Moody vs. Hester
Moody. Divorce. Continued on
application of plaintiff.
Ii' . M. Rublee vs. York Investment -
ment Co. To quiet title. : P c e
as prayed.
Olive E. I-hpggood V . Adel-
bert C. HaVgootl. Divorce. Decree -
cree granted.
Josephine R. Bulls vs. George
R. Bulls. Divorce. Decree
Mary J. Burton vs. Geo. W.
Burton. Divorce. Temporary I
alimony in sum of $50 alloweby
agreemen t.
Emma , Cunning VB. Daniel
Cun111ng. Divo\'f ' Decreel grant-
Centra ! Neb. Land Co. vs.
James E. Robbins , et al. Farm
11l0rtga e. Court found $459.50
due platntiff on note. Decree of
foreclosure and order of sale.
Central Neb. Land Co. vS.
David C. W tson , et al. Farm
mortgage. Court found $459.59
due plaintiff. Decree of foreclosure -
closure and order of sale.
Gilmer Meriweather vs. James
n. Jones , et al. Farm tax lien.
$31.60 found due plaintiff. Decree
of foreclosure and order of sale.
Marshall S. Eddy vs. John D.
Abram , et al. Injunction. Case
dismissed on application of plain-
Eliza Ann Beal vs. Charles M.
Beal. Divorce. Decree granted.
Victor H. Coffman vs. Mary
Crewdsol1 , et al. To quiet title.
Prayer granted.
Viola M. Kimball vs. Willis G.
Kimball. Divorce. Decree granted -
ed and custody of minor children
given to plaintiff.
W. F. Rankin vs. Fred D.
Dailey. 14'arm tax lien. Decree
of foreclosure and order of sale.
W. G. and Emma Newman vS.
John L. Murphy. To quiet title.
Decree as prayed. Costs taxed
to plaintiff
James A. Owen VB. Dakota
Mortgage Co. To quiet title.
Decree as prayed.
Bertha Armbruster vs. Adolph
Armbruster for divorce occupied
the attention of the court al1
yesterday afternoon and is still
being heard this morning.
, .
" . .
' " . I , .1 _ _ _ _
r Save Time nd
r '
' Energy
'Vould u spend an hour
or two scr bb111g and rub-
: bing.durin . " . your house-
c1ean111g when 10..or 15 cents
: ould help you do the ork
111 one fourth the tune ?
Surely not. We have sever-
allittle labor savers at this
store and we want to make
life's burden easier fur you.
May. we ?
Household Ammonia , pint. . . . . I5C
I1onscho1tl Amltlonia , quart. . . . 25C
lurnlturc Varnish , original pint
cans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ,35c
I.lqull1 Veneer , ( cleans and
polishes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50C
l lcctrlc Wallpaper c1eancr , !
packagc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25c
Hnalllcls , ( for iron beds , bath
tubs , ctc. ) white , pink ,
bluc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35c Rtul 40C
"Get It at Lee's. . , "
. . ,
rs ; R.Lee
The Busy Druggist.
R _
LOOI { out for
Bugs and Flies
Lct . us scrcen your
Willdows an l
Doors. '
A large assortment
of screcns on hand.
Dierks lumber
& Coal COa
- -
FOR SAL1\-3J Victor 'l'alking
Machine records , in goofl condition -
dition , are offered for sale in lots
of ten at 40 cents each. Inquire
at RUPUDLICAN office.
, -
: '
, . . .
I. T r r ' . ' ; 1
. . . . . . . . .H.rd . . . BJ' . . . . . . . . .
Odm'OD Scoh No. ' 17OJ .
J.G. RENIZER , Ureeaet
Pure Scotch 111\(1 Scotch Topped Sbnrt 1I0rll
Cattle. My hcnt IlIl/llberR 40 COWR. Wltl com-
tlare III breedlllit alllt qllallty wit II alty 'WeRt of
Clilcallo My expcrlellcc IU\R tau/lbt mc tbat to
! lIve ! looltRatiafactioll. breedlllit cattle mnRt be
rnlHcnlu U'I" " , UUUCl. , . I eXl t to
rnlHcUcln I.crc tbe equal of any tll I nl/ : '
ralRclt Inllle U. 'S. I 1I0W lIave2SbullR Rultabte
for tlIR and lIext year's Rcnlce. My cow. I
" 'ehrl1 front 1400 to 2000 t'IOunds. Come and .eo
H rF1iHRSi
We are now prepared
H to handle your cream.
R 1'op prices , corrcct
B weights and accurate
H testing are our particu-
8 lar hobhies. 'l'wo doors
8 south of S. P. Groat's
R hard ware storc.
S Omaha Cold Storage Co.
H E. D. MoOIut , Op'r.
. "AO"
} 'rI\ctlce III State amt Jo'edcral COllrtR , Abe
atmct of tltIea examilled. Real i ; Rtatc and
Mlllllcipal Iaa Rpcclalty. Dealer III Reat
i ; atate. Htrlct attelltlulIlllven tu nil bURhleas
Office III Meyer Bluck. I'liolteKI. lIrokeu lIow
Professor of Psychology ,
Lincolu cdi al Cottcgc. om cc at
rcsillence , one.half hlock cast of U.
n. Church. Chronic discascs givcn
special attention. 'Phonc r47.
We will ael1 anll cu vnt. and turn eve , .
to you Irrigated land wllh It crol' jfrnwtllil' .
Wc will continue to cultivate the land 101"
T parlof lhe crop oryoucan do thnland make
It your hapry home. Is not thnt 8ul1lclcnt
warranty 0 hellovy prodnctlon and II. atronlf'
market ? Cllmllotoohunllhlne ; enll ) cultlvn-
tloniensy I'ayments : Fruit ; AUaUatJlOu\try \ ; ,
IItOCK ; grain ; Wrlle for booJt1ct. CjOOd lIn
l1g\ntll wanted.
107 ! Pioneer l'rollS .u ac , St. Paul , Mlnn. .
tPeale's Bulletin
t C > 1 I. nI.I.A.El.CE3 : : : : t
. . . . . _ . .J _
t . t '
] 'rcsh Vegetables
Frcs hOysters " -
Ouster Oounty I-Ioney
, Buckwheat Flour
t F.'uits of All J\inds : . i
Fine Butter a Specialty il
Everything Good to Eat mP
We guarantee the best at the lowest prices
t J. N. PEALE t
. . , II
Re lty Block , B 'oken Bow. . .1
BJ ) .
. , .
. - .
: aTOTlCEI : : !
have the fincst line of Wash Goods on the
Beautiful thin goods for. the hot weather at
prices from 6t cts up.
Onr Searsuckcr and Gingham stock never was
finer. Bcautiful styles and colors.
W e arc the exclu.sivc agcnts for the l\irkendall :
Slloe RepairiIlg' a Specialty.