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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1907)
" . ' . . . . . .I\.r..w"I. : u ter ijaun y QPuhUcant ONIt DOr.t.At rIm \7.AU. . Jnlered , al I1roken How. Nebrnaka , ( or Iran . minion In Ibe UulUll RIHes mnliR nl Itccoud clalls rales. ADVERTlSINt. HATES. . One colunln. per nllllllh , $7.00. One.hnll column. p'er monlh , I.W. Qunrler colunll. per monlh , ' .50. LollS Ihan qunrler COIIlIllO. f > O coni'cr Incb per monlh. Carda on filBl pallo IJJ cenls per Incl1 ! Jur 'monlh. ' 1.ocl\l navorllhllr 5 celllH per . line each IIIRur. lion. NOllcu of churcb ( aln. suclable , aUlI euler. tnlnmenU where lIIonuy I , charlled. Olle-I. nil ra les. S1clctv ! nOllcellllnll H1ulullunR. une.ha t. J .es Wctldllllluolicell hee. hall urlce ( or . ! IIo ( preRenl' . D. M.Al\tSDlumv , - PUDLlsmtH ClIAS. K. BASSItTT , - ASSocIA'fn Thursday , April 18 , PJ07. . - - - - - - - - - - - - It has been rumored for many years tbat a person who is running - ning down at tbe beel in the matter of health can fully recover - cover by imbibing fonr quarts of cold water each day , and now COUlCS a rather authentic statement - ment that such procedure will actually land health in large sized chunks. It seems that the interior department-more commonly - monly lcnown as the stomach- of William Goodman , of Jacltson , New Hamphire , was worldng slonshways' a part of the time and at other times acting like a grass widow in a trance. A physician told him he'd go bang Into the earth within a couple of months , so he arranged property matters and set him down to wait the grim reaper , but insterd along came an old maid aunt and told bim of tbe four quarts of water a day cure , and cautioncd bim that it must be exactly four quarts a day-no morc , n less , not even a gallon. 'rhcreupon he proceeded to drown his bowels with the result that after two ycars , having drank 2,920 quarts of water in that timc , he iR "weller" than he ever was in all his life. One Colon. 1 W. J. . Bry.a n is still undecided a o whether or not he will be a candidate for president of these United States , and he will .probably remain in that state of american a dementia until it is definitely decided by the people if tbey will be able to force one certain Hoosevelt to become a can idate. Colonel Bryan doesn't hesitate to say that this man l oose e1t. is no good as a president , yet at the same time 'th colonel will not place bimself on the preHidential track if the T'cddy fellow is entered. After sutTering two defeats the colonel Imows how it feels. and he does not want Roosevelt to feel badly so will not get in the race and defeat him. But if the Repubhcans . name any oth'r than Roosevelt , then you'll see Billy Bryan groommg bisself. The law providing for denatured - natured alcohol is getting results without creating the disasters its opponents predicted. Less than three months since the final passage - sage of the bill , denatured alcohol is coming into general use. 'l'he Standard Oil interests have not suffered , as the price for high grade gasoline bas been advancad. The wood alcohol people find the demand for their product increas. ing. High grade denatured alcohol is now being. sold in Ne\v York at 35c to 40c per gallon i1 five barrel lots. Later on the price will be reduced to half that sum-when tbe manufacture 01 denatured alcohol becomes more general nd ItS use will increas ( as the price is cheapened. - - - - - This is the time of y ar a mal' wants to forget the medicim bottles , hot flannels , liniment ! and other nostrums and get ou into the open and enjoy the pun air. It means more that all t1l1 opiates and sedatives that can b parcelled out by pharmacists Get close to nature. It's a poor g-uesser who can' sclect it presidential ca nclid a tl from all the men now anxious tl serve in that capacity , therl being thirteen republicans willin , to receive the nomination. I will be unlucky-for twelve 0 'em. , Traveling men are Idckin { against the roller towels used il some of the hotels and want 111 dividual cloths on which to wi pi their counten nces-just likl some church members wan separate cominunion cups. - - - - - - - The Ainsworth Journal is ou floating the name of W. H. Tafi of Ohio , for president in. 19m That settles iti Taft will b nominated and elected , now tha Bro. Cotton has declared . in hi favo -4 .LL _ _ A Hunch for the Improvement Club. I Why woul n't it be a good move by the Improvement club to otTer prizes for the best Jeept la wns and the finest flower gardens maintained by prcperty owners or renters in the city ? 'l'her'e are many citizens who would enter such a contest and tale pride in endeavoring' to Wlll the honor. ' 1'he value of the prie need not necessarily be large , as the honor of winning will be almost sumcient , the article for a prize being of enough value to preserve it as a souvenir of the occasion. A silver cup or a banner would probably be desirable and a set of rules could be fixed regarding the terms of the contest. Such a plan would stimulate interest in civic improvement and create a friendly rivalry between property - ty owners and at the same time aid materially in beautifying the city.rl'he awards could be made at an . .greed time by a disinterested - terested committee. 'l'here is no reason why Broken Bow should not he a heautiful as well as a busy city. Tltey Will Rcmember. 'l'hc taritT IS about the only thing on which our Democratic friends can agree-and of course they can't exactly agree on that , but they are all willing to pretend - tend they can if it promises to get them back into omce. And Grover says it will do that. Nor will the Hepublicans discourage t hem from reu10pti ng the chit d. It surely ollght to be perfectly safe to trust the American people to rememher what has happened every time the Democrats have had a chal1c ( to do partly or or altogether as they desired with the tari IT. Dry Valley Doings. c. R. rmgh dcparlcc ) for his hOlllc in Pnirlllontlnst wcek to visit for avc ( ' } : . Thc lIt xllllecling of the Pnrlllcr's clnb will he hclcl { lilhe Tcuiccnce } of our sccrc. tar } ' , l\Ir. Vntlllcnhurg , tie : thinl Salur. day of lhis 1II0nlh. Thc rcccni coltl snllp has chcckcd cvcry thing in thc .vcgcllliion linc and carl } fruit lIIay have ! mcn seriously injurcd. Corn slirring' is thc work 01 the farm. ers these day/ / ! and although the sprin seclllcd 10 have opcned up carlier thllli usual , howevcr the work is no farlhel [ theml than usual'y ! at this timc of tIt ( year. year.A A collcctor from lhe cOlinty treasurer'f office uppcarcll in these parts 1ast wce\ \ . : I soliciting for "long green" whiel the forgetful had to "dig up. " Severnl hunchcs of fine feclt'ing cattle remain unsold' in lhe Vatic } ' which , it : ' all p'robrihility wil1 be fed a monll1 01 twc yet. Potalocs urc scarce and selling at 6sc to $1'.00 per bushel. A largc amount of small grain is put out in this vicinity anll if all things arf favorablc a large crop will be harvested. Some of our mcrchants arc jumping on lhe cululoguc patrons. We shall nol dwell on the suhject hut let everyonf . find out for himsclf. Marriage Licenses Issued. During the past week Judge Humphrey bas issued licenses to wed as follows : James Hird , . Pilot , Neb. . . . . . .29 I Etbel F. McGinnis , Sumner. . .18 L. J. Johnson , Gothenberg. . . .25 Grace Luna Cox , Gothen berg. . 18 Milton Copsey , Westerville. . . .23 Anna Amos , Comstock. . . . . . . .18 , 'r. Ii' . Crough well , Tavlor. . . .2G Mary COO'lCYVest U ion. . . .22 Leo Dufi eld , Merna. . . . . . . . . . 2 = Mary A. Admunds , Merna. . . . 21 Real Estate Transfers. . . Nicholas Gleim anll wife. 10 Charmc Nublc. lot 15. In hlock 5 , original cltr 0 Brukcn Bow , 1f1500. Prank UUHhc aUli wlCe 10 V. Allyn , ! iW I , nw . ( nw . ( 20. anll e . ( nc : ' > 7.15.ZOJ.iI'IOOO. I Gerlrude Great , hushand and I.llIcola : ! lIngle , 10 Ina Belle ' 1'ooley. 101 10. block 1/1 / aruat al1 lllun 10 Brokcn Bow , 1i0. Pred I.cllihert , single , to Clyde Hnach n' IIW ! . ( . w . ( IIW ( r. , ncM ! leH 0.1\1.11:1. \ : ifl000. John A. Hoacll1111 wlfc to Hal\lh S , Hobert : nH liW ! " . s\\'H tlW . ( , ntH. ( hCJ. ( O.I\I.II : ! , iflOOO. Benjamin P. Jlrkcr allll wlfc , to Mott 1 \'anllcnhcI1 , net ! SW ! a.1\I.11I. \ Ilarcc1 In &c ! . . ! oW } ! a.JU.I ! ! , t7W : , . Unlun Pacltlc Hallrn.\ll . Co. , (0 Swan J 'l'urnllulst , ne . ( :1.11'2if1'O. : \ : : . W. 1 > . GIllin :11\11 wife to Swan J. 'I'unlllulsl nc ' .2:1-11.25 : , iflOOO. WJ1l1am A. Siunlevant amI wife 10 W. . \ Gcorge ey. nc :10.111-\\1 : \ , if-IOO. ' J < : llwanl ' 1'obe ' ami wlfc 10 O. J. , Polle IiCJ Ht.U , faOOo , P. H. Marlay aUlI " , Uc. to William 1 > .8"1\1 ] CUlt allll Gco. B. Hwancutt , SII'J.e ncH , nll' ! . IIl'.e , nc ! ! hWJ. { , IIC ! . { nWJ. { 20.11.1 ! ! , 11'1000. ' William . \ . Oshorn anll wlfc. 10 Iva C Johnson , n liWJ" Ii'J nwH 11.1:1.21. : IOOO. J ul1na H. Mc < "I'ear ' anl1 husbanll , to It , " Bregalot 11 , block ro , rallroal1 alll1ll1un t Callaway , if . I aac Dcanlorf alllt wife aUlI Chas W. Dllk allIl wlfc , In Gcurgc 1\1 , 'I'alloll , se ! ( 11-1 HII an ne ! ! IJ.lH8 , 1f12jJ. ( Charlcs J111"Il'y anll wife to Susie M. I > a' . - ny. nh 1/.18'2I / , , ' Leonard 'I'homall. slnglc , 10 Ohay. I. . Kaull 'Iols oj :11111 51n I.IIocl. : : ! , Jcsse Oan ) 's Brokc lIow , ftO. Wllllalll I. . C'raham aUlI wlCe 10 Charlt l aul1J1 , lot 11 , Llock : ! . Jcsse Ganl1y's al1l1ll1o 10 lIroken Buw , ifJO. : JamcIIM. FOI\iea wife 10 Susan I. : I Browncll. a l1ar din oJk :1III : \ J.P. Gallll alltlillon , fao , . ( , harles J. : . OIbhon anl1 wlCe 10 Oscar , Sllvcrl. ey. liW ! ( ; 1.1l ! 'I'll , lieJ ( 12.16.11. :11200. : Lcvl'I' . Wllkillhon a 1111 wlCc. to Mar ) ' 10 Wilkinson IIW ! ( 21:1-16,18 : , tooOO. William Nelson anl1 wlCe.loCol1rad Valle 111'0 nw , ny. IiW } { 2H 21. flSo. , Major A. V. Davis anl1 wlCe. to WJ1l1a1 NuwcolUb ueJ ( 4-111,18 , 12000. .J it . , . . . . , J " - - - - - - - - - - For the Childl elz _ No _ _ . -"I.t - To succeed these days you must have plcnty of grit , cou , ' . n e , strcn th. I-low is it with the children ? Arc they thin , pnle , dclicate ? Do not forw.t A yer's Sarsaparilla. You know it makes thc blood pure nn rich , an builds up the cnernl health in every way. 'J'II' ! rhll/lrrll rnlll.1I1 . 1"9 lhlv lIa , . . vn/til III-hllh 1IIIII'n Ihn 11I1.fel. 111 ( ' III "tlllll'r " 1'/111111 tllIlI. hl "I"h IIvrr : \ " n 1'111110'/1 " " ' , 1:1\1" 1"111"11'1 10".1 1ol'lInlh. , 'nllMIIIIIII" ' , , 'wrl. ( 'nrtMI' " " " ' , 'J . ' , IIlvhl 81111. II hxnllv ( ' .1"8 IIf . ( r's J'III _ All \ " ' ; \ ' . " " ! ' ! < I' c'"n'I. , . . . , . _ , , , . .1PJ1"-- ' " " " " " "on7'-.r7 ' dO bvJ. C. Avnr : On. , LowrJIl. MaS ! : . Al.o mnnuf.\oturorD or A'T , IIm VHiOa. I ,1,0\1 \ [ CII ! : ! ! . 1 J r. e rs : rl ) , . . . . . . . . . . = , - - . . - - - - - A Costume Social. On the evening of Ap i1 23 , 1907 , at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. McCandless , in southwest - west part of the city , a Hard 'rimes social will be given by the Epworth League l ig' tit > your old clothes and come look- ing' common. No white collars allowed. ' 1'he more rags you wear the lUore fUll you will h\Ve. ; The ad mission will be 25c at the door . .ud refreshments wiI ! be served. . . . - " ' ' ' ' ' = - - - : : " " " . . < . 1''Jo' .r. . . ' . ' ' " ' , ' ' . . . . ' ' . . ' . . ' . ' " ' ' , ' , 'f' _ ' .I.'u . . " , 'v.'l' . . . . . . . , _ " ' . " 'Y' _ . . . ; ' . ' .k\- ' ' ' ' ' ' ' > ' < ' . * . : ' ' . . ' . ' . " . , . . " ' 1' OUSINESS POINTERS. f ( : i : ( : ; J : r-Ji aJtii.Ji'1tr \ ! : : : : ; , < < ; : { .j ! . . . , . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - J. C. Moore , ahstractinJ ! . 2U _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ New line of couches at KOl1lcl See thcm bcfor purchasing' . We sell the Kirlc ( llIlHlI shoes , 43-t f \1 HVI & Co. Dr. Bass , D ntist. Ovcr McComas' drug stem ! . New rOC ! < rs at 1\onkeI5. : , Prices rigb t. - - - - - - - rl'he Kirkendall shoe is the shoe for you. MEVIS & Co. Dr. Heaclrick gives special attcntion ; to c1eafness and catarrh. I Wi11 vjsit Broken Bow , Monday . . , April 22nd. It's the real thing' , better than I the best. White Star coffee at the Advo. " . . . No kicks coming on the Kirk- endall shoes. MnvIs & Co. . Refrigeratorsl best in town , at Konkel . See \ tbose refrigerators . at Konkels. The \Vhite Star cotTee has a fine flavor you can't forget. At the Advo. Hammocks , best and cheapest. at Konkels. \V AN'l'ItD-A good steady man for farm work. Good salary. Applyor address Ferguson , 8.0 miles soutbwest Comstock , Neb. Dr. Headrick's practice is limited to cbronic diseases. Consultation - sultation and examination free. Will visit Broken Bow , Monday , April 2211(1. . - - - - - - - - - - - Hammock frames with canopy , I at Konkels. FOH SALH-A bran new rubber tire run-about , with parasol top , single barness and leatber nets. 44-45 Ii'ImD H. l JtAll. : Los'r-A ladies gold watch and cbain , on Tbursday , April 18 , in the vicinity of Northside School bouse. Phone Mrs. Lilly King. 'rJUws ItOH SALH-Have about 100 very fine shade and orr.amen- tal trees , for sale cheap. Call at S Advo Grocery. 14inoleum , cheapest and best in .town , at Konkels. 24 head of heifers and calves and 16 head of steers for sale. . . Phone 2721. DANim. MAuK. 2t See those new samples of Axminister and Beacon velvet earpets at Konkel's. Go to J. W. Scott's for un- adulter ted flour-pure , just as the wheat growed. Don't wait till you are ready to hitch on , bnt taJte your discs to Johnson & Ream and have them sharpened now. Do it today. W AN'rltD-the year around , ten men , with or without families. HUlrUS G. CAlm , Doris , Nebraska. . - - - - - - - - - - - I m making farms loans at 5 per cent interest. JAlIms LltDWlclI , 25tf Broken Bow , Neb. . . , . . . _ ' _ ' " _ _ AOBIA _ { - ' , ! 'YT : " ' _ Go-Carls at Koultels , _ _ - _ u _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d Drs. l'arnsworth ; & lleck- i ? eutists. . _ _ I If you intend to purchase a wheel , investigate the Raycyc1c at Fred Heam's. In comparison tl bycyclc is a back number. I Kirl < cudall shoes custom made atIHVIS ! & Co. 43-tf . . . . - - - - - 1 :1111 l1 aking farm loans at 5 per cent interest. JAMHS LHDWtCH , 25lf Broken Bo . . . . , eb. - - - - Lawn chairs and swings. Where ? At Konkcls. Don't wait until you are compelled - pelled to use the lawn mower to hrve it sharpel'ec1 , but bring it to us todaj' and then ) 'OU will not he delayed se 'eral days. JOHNSON & RHAM. _ _ 11' _ _ , . _ _ _ . . , . _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . : : : : : : : : : = - - - - - - - - - - - - . T4cavc Jour orders for sewing . achine repairing at Konkels. I Your discs , if sharpened by Johnson & Ream , on their rotary maclJ ne , will stay sharp longer and give better satisJ.ction : tha n sharpening by any other method. . - \Ve are still rece \ ' 11g and selling - ing- carpets and rugs at rig-ht prices , at Konkels furniture store. Don't wear your life away pushing - ing a c1ull1awn mower wh n , for a low price , Johnson & Beam will put it in easy runing' and splendid - did cutting shape on their idea\ \ sharpener , a J11 \chiue.that sharpens - ens each bla e even. I am making farm loans at 5 per Cl'nt interest. ' JAJ\ms T DWICII , 25tf Broken Bow , Neb. nN1I\.o . ta-.w _ tEa. . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ .Jf b.II . . . . Kirkcudall shoes best n the market. MnvIs & Co. R. B. Mullins , M. D. , D. D. . } S. the Dentist. 37tf I Dillolution of Partner.hip. ' 1'0 WIIOM IT MAY CONCERN : Nollce Is herebY 11'1 veil that the co-partnershlt , exlf\\lulI' between I..D. Geurll'o : J.ntl Georlfo } . Um } ' . cOllduClhl1l' busluess at Broken Bow. : -tebmska 118lte J ; lIfle Grocery CO. . 11M tills dabeell dl olvel1 by mulunl cousent , Geo. J. " llray retlrlnll' . - All ob1l1l'1I110119 of the I1rul' ' 111'0 n991uucd by L. D. Geunfe alld 10 hllll all . Accounls due tl10 firlllllre payable. ; ] Jilled April ) . 1907. . . I . 1 > . GHOIHHC. ' GRO. } " BRAV. . - - - [ : GEO : F. BARTHOLOMEW" . Phy icinn & S rgeop. . . . . . . in cluirgc of - O'ity Hospitaf . \ . ' ' Office 1\6 , : o. 1'1 10llCS { Nights , ( hospilal ) 61 All ca1\s \ promptly attell cd. . . . . - - - - . . - . . : : : - . f ; j _ . - . TlBCJEI : : JVO : , I ! EaR just received a lurge supply of fresh goods especially'I I , fo.r the 1907 spring trade and at prices commensurute with. . good goods und pure , Invites the investigation of the I i d purchasing public. A square deal to e'erybody. ' . i . _ , / . - - . - . I . I Garden Seeds. I \ in package and bu ll all " . ' ftoesh. , . - - - - - - - - - - - - I \fiH1ite Star Coffee , the kiBd that neyer fails to I satisfy , in foul' grades , 25r , 30r , 3 e and ! Oc _ _ . . I . , Loose-Wiles Confectionery , " the finest 0.11. the market , in packageR , will please you. - - - - - - Fru its , all kinds in their seasons. GoodOil : , especially for incubators. Highest Prices paid lor Produce. Aclvo 'Grocery ' iff Brolren Bo\v , Nebraska. _ . _ t i- _ " . . - _ ' : _ ' . " : ' . _ ' _ ; . - , . - - . - , , , : : i"n.g agenl.eJl. : : : 1 ; : xtr : : : - .A. . : Ft. . . A.Ls Th/1JSIC.A. : . CC > : t\I.IEJ : : : ) MI . Ecl'\Tin Patterson Presel1 ts the Musical "WIllARD OF WALL STREET" " ! I A. Comedy Cocktail in 3 Acts ! - OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY T H U R 81) Y , APRIL I 25 C , The Morgans The Brownies 'l'he Powers The Rhienehart Sisters The Cowboy Girls ' ; The Irish Maidens . The FaruJer . . . Girls . 15 l\tUSrCAI. BIG 15 NU\IB1mS . - . . . Evcry ticket sold upon Positive Guarantee that the Performance is r G uaran t aa d A tt rac t- lOn. First Class in cvcry rC5pcct . and Exactly as Rcpresented , or Your Monc } ' will be Rcluudcd.