Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 18, 1907, Image 2

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DItOK N now , . . NEnIlASIA
- - - - - - -
" -
ThIs Nola , , ' World ,
"Thl' ' t hal ( ) \'t'I'1I I ht' lIIoMt , " B'llth :
tohll St'ldt'lI , foJlowlll MllrellA Allrel"
, liS , " 1II1I1 < e the 1t'II"t noIse , " POI'II1\IIH
, \'O 11I11) ' HII ) ' 10 ( ) JII' legl"lutOl'8 , I hey
' , hilt /OVJ'II / hellt IHJ'lIIlt the 10llRt ofl
llneccsiul'Y ! 1I0lse , 'I'hm' ( ) hnB hm1l1
OIl1C omclul I'IH 111I II HI' to the detnullelH
Jf wlllwful clLlzellM IIlItI their lh ) 'RI ,
lnl1H thntllightill Iho clLlf'fI RhollJcI ht'
leslS rackeel by Iho dill oC whistleR alld
ellB , A few elLlml hnvo IIUIIIIl'eMflCI !
chimes IIlIeI ellgillo whistles durill' ' ;
Iha IIlght.wutchell : , In MafllluchusollH'
the I'allroad COlIIlIIlHHlollers hnvo for.
/llIhloll / whlHlIltlr. ; III. cer\lIln \ rnllroad
proRsllIgH O\'l'I' a hll'ge pal't of Ihl'
Inate , 'I'hn orol'tI of J\1rH. IHanc IUco
to 1I\11nl' : the \'olcl's of the tughoats
hnvo hI'11I ! IHIlIIO fl'lIlt of 1III0llce , She
IB lit the ht'nd of n "Society (01' ho
SUl1llrC'Rsion of UlllleCeSSar ) ' Noise , "
! .urgel ) ' III 1'0/lil0llHO / to the delllnnds of
this society , ( 'Ollgl'eBH haB recently em.
IlUwerOI ! the hoal'c ! of BIIIIOI'vBlng ! III'
spectOl's of thn steu mhont II1BIICCLloII
servlco to eHtahllHh I'egulallonll gov.
el'llillthe / liMo of whistles aB slgllals
by steam " 't'RHCIH alld prohibiting IIse.
leRH and ullncco/lllnl'y : : whlBtllng , 'rho
bonrel hns alt'eudy fJ'hlthlenIIU1eCCH'
Hal' ' whlHlIln In cerlaln hnruors , nnd
IH consldorln the IIOBslblllty of HIIU'
sllllltlnj.t melolilouB whlsUes for HIICIt
us tortlll'o the nar. VurlouB blllH to
SllllvrelJS 1I0iso hnvo been IlreBcntecl
In 8tate leslslulllreH and elt ) . COIIIIClls ,
bllt leglllnlllll ! hus not gene far , Bays
YOllth's COllllmnlon , It will tnl < e tlmo ,
for the Idea to BllI'end , Anyone who
CUll undorRtalld why tnn.lmrle Is In\cl \
on the street nuur 1hOIlBO whem 1\
) lcrlion lIeB 111 , mny In time learn that
oven when we n1'O allll ronlb' In , ; oed
henlth we may HllrrOl' grlovollsly from
The Woods tn Old Violins.
1'he old mutltors used such cure In
lho lIolectioll : or the wooda for theil' 111.
Hlt'umollts thnt , having ! oUlul a pleco
of wood of IIrol10r fluor and vlbratloll'
III IIOWOI'S , they trcuBllrcd every rrn .
lIIellt , Ilo multet' how HmaU ; and ,
1 athCl' than waHto even n Imrtlclo of
BIICh a strlll , they frequently con ,
strllcted the bnclB and bellies of
IHltches ao dollcutolY 11l1t together that
"tho seems nre' only discoverable uy
II1lcr08col1O , so perfect Is the cabinet
worle. " It WUH over the aim of UIO
old mastol'B to "mal'ry" the back ot
hn1'd a'camore , which producoH the
quick \'lhl'nlJolII ; und .thq bell ) ' of soft
wood , IlI'odllclng the slowOl' 1-(11I1Id ; (
waves , In slwh I111111nOr as to , ; 1\0
the mellow hut i'oedy tlmhro of the
10 "orfect InslrllnHmt. , nutomlcull ' , a
VIOIl 1I11ulo h ) ' an old l11ustor IB I\ .
mil' , cle of Cllnstrllctlon , remarkB 1 1IG' :
aue I 1\1Itchell S ) ( llhenson , In Ch'cle
Mngnzlno ; it CUll bo tal < en to p1eces ,
Imtchod. II't.t to ether , repulred Indefl.
nltel ) " , 111111 IH ulmost IlIdesll'ucUhlo ,
Repulrln ! ; hus heen the \IIeUnB of ex.
IH1131ng lIIany clevet' forgct'ies , 'rho In.
IIldo of \'Iolln mlldo b ) ' Stradlvnrl ,
Gual'llCrhlll , or othol' old IUIUltOl' Is as
Ilorfeclly finlHhod as the outsldo , und
the clumsy IntOl'IOl' work or a forgery
betr'l\'s un hnltutlon at onco.
I..ndles wbo weal' algrotte phm\eB or
othOl' feathered udornmentB would do
well to nscertaln whothcr B\lch Ilrac.
tlces uro contral' ) ' to law. Some stutes
forbid lito 1dlllng oC ll' < 1B or the \1110
of 1lumage , In the 111 IIn 1101' sllggested ,
Ono of these slates Is LOlIllllano : , and
o stO\'l1 JUdge down that \ \ ar has Just
imposed on ( \ Now Orleans 11101'chunt
a sentence or $60 lIne or GO da's' 1m ,
Ilrlsonmont for ! lellIng plnmes , Of
COIII'SO , the Honthel'll jlldge " , all : too
gallant 10 make n firBt oxa1l1111e or
ladies who uought the fel1.thors , but
ho WlII'nll them Ihat the pructlco If !
Illegal. And douullesB the tendoI"
heal'ted Ilortion of hUl1Ianlty will now
110 11I'Omlit to SIlII)1re813 ) a cllstom which
has IlCell jUlIltinlly : II1'onOunce(1 in ,
hUlllane ,
- - -
GIfts to education continuo on 1\11
hUllrcssl\'e scale , 'rho tr\lsteel3 01
'fenchel'H' college , a training school
conllected wllh Columbia unlversltr
tlllluJUnco the cOl1l111etlon or a fund 01
$1,000,000 as an endowment fund , to
gelbel' wHh a donation of $400,000 fOI
the erection or u ull < lIng and e < 1u111
nlt'nt. In Cuct , the endowment hI\ !
l'l'achcd ; 1,073,000 thl'ough the gift 0
\'arlous IUIlOlllltH nggrt.gaUng $500,000
'fill ! WJ'lt or the uIII\'erllllleo : , collegei
allli tochnlcal schools Is on 11. con8tnnt
Ir eXIHlIlllln scale , bllt American gen
( H'OJ > It ) ' HtallliH 1'eull ' to meet all lInan
cia I del1lunds ,
lUehard lIal'tholdt , congreBsmal
fWIII1Issourl : , Is one or the row mOl
who nlt'ead ' ha\'o bronze
) \ tublets erect
ed to tholr momory. The hOllse II
which he was bo\'l1 In Ger\11nn ' II
111arlOd with a tablet showing the III
terestlng o\'enls In the IICo or the doc
tOl' , tOlethOl' with n statement to th
orrect that 110 wont to A111erlcu 1m
there hecamo fa mo 111:1 : , becoming
memhel' of the lIutionul la w.mnldn
bodr , aud a IlI'omlnont IIgnro in th
\\'or\l-wldo \ movement looklnl ; t.war
disurlllament und universal peace.
, . "
Lincoln Letter
Current Gossip from lhe
I.cglslnllvc and OthcrwlBo
'I'he thirtieth g'RRlon of the Nebral ! '
1m leJllIluture : hils 1II'IIctlcnlly gene Into
hltllm'y , liS Ilt this , \\'ILIng the hour or
IInlll Ildjoll\'nmont III neilI' nl , hand. 'fhe
Illst dll ) ' wall Rpent In IIstcnlng to the
r'llOrta or conCorenco committees anrl
u gentl'al jolllflculon ! IInd goodbye sel"
. . 'Ico which begun IInd ended a8 the
mood of IIny certain memher dictated ,
A gl'Ollt mnn ) ' of tht ! member > > or both
hOUBt'H ! t.rt 'I'hul'lItny ! evonlng , but 21
(11IJ'lIm Wilt ! prellcnl nil dny l'rldllY ;
Ilntl Cllithfully'oted on the conference
comllllttee l'ellorl9 , l\I1d town reI evonlng
It was only , n waiting gnmo-wulting
COl' I he enrolling t'lcrltS to get ullls on ,
1'011(1. I.ato In Iho I venlng it becl1.TJle
IIllplll'ent lhe enrolllllg clerlm could not
flnlHh thelt' wCJ'I , hefOl'e morning , nnd
nH there wnH no ImslnellB to tran/llwt
ulIllI tlwlr Illbors were compleled ,
hoth hOlllles look a recells until Satm'-
dll ) ' 11I0rnlng , 1'rldllY WitH spent mO/lt-
Iy on the all11rolirlution blllH lUll I the ;
( onfol'\lco connnilteo 1'ellOl'ls which i
'Wert ! Ildollltd ! cut out the $20,000 up.
proprlatloll for the now orthopodlc hOH'
1)1t1l1 at Lincoln , cut out the RlIlllry
fOl' a chief clel'le In the ofllco of the
lalmr commissioner aud ndcletl and sub.
trucletllomo mitIor amounts , leaving
u grllnd lolnl or nil appropriations
Ilgllinst the ge\11'I\1 ! fund of $3,589,217 ,
1Iot counting the 1 mill levy for the
university , 'I'hls Ilmount caps the ap-
pl'olJrllltiOlIH of paBt IcgtHlatures , but
membt't'S of the nuance committee of
both housell jusllr ) ' the Increase by
the Increased needs of I.ho alate. The
1 mill levy fOI' the unlvor"lty , or
which $ JOOOOO goes to the state farm
Cm' new hulltllllHB , will Ildd not leliB
than $ l liIat : to the Ilmount the tax.
IlILyel'H will have to cOlltrlbute during
thu next I.wo yelu'H , Ilrovldlng , of
course , Governor Sheldon dut. ! not. get
husy with his pl'unlng knlfo , which it
III ( reel ) ' ) lrecllctecl ho will do , 'rho
totnl or all approprlullons two years
IIg0 , including the unlvo1'81ty appropri.
atlon , amOunted to $3,621G04.01i , addIng -
Ing the cRthnated amount which will
KO 10 Ihe unlvursll ) ' will make the in-
crouso thll3 biennium approximately
$ G17G1:1 : , 'rho Lancaster delogatlon
mucic a hiil'l light to save the new
building fOl' the orthopedic hospital ,
but the legl/Iaturc ! could not see the
ufed or It jUllt Ilt this time ,
A teahll'o of the leglsll1.turo In Its
closing hO\l1' " was the prosentalion uy
the membera of the ROllUto to l.Jouton.
nnt Governor Hopcwol ! or \leauUful
fohl.hClHlocl ( 'nne , In IIccoptlng the
"nmo he ImIJ : "I hl1l1 not e11deavoi'
to CXllreSR my reellngs at this time ,
bfJclLIIIIO I could not It I Nhould tt' ) ' .
I can only Sl\ ) ' 1 Blncerely thauk ) 'OU
from Ihe hollom of my heurt , not ror
the cnno , bllt for the sentiments that
Uw slel1.1wr ) hus oXllrensed In present.
lug It. 'l hls 80slllon : hns ueen very
) lleaHllut. We bave made ma11Y uc.
QuulutancolI and friends thut we will
I'emomutl' ! ati long aB we IIvc , I thlnl {
I' can any thlo Is a memorable bed ) ' ,
a good deal abuvt ! the average , It we
take the word or those who hl1.vo been
nCIUnlnted with leglslatm'ell ror years
Iln/lt , I believe this Is the finest. uOlly
of uwu I have come In contact with ,
'fhere mny be a better body some-
whm'o , bullr so I have uevel' seen nor
heard or it. "
'rho tltntn uulverslt ) ' won $1i0,000
from the Nebl'aslm leglslnturo lu UIO
closing hours , However , this will afford -
ford little rnllef , ucco\lIng to the r '
Ilort oC the university auUlol'ltles , 'rill !
conference lIreemont ! conuuuntls that
$100,000 be diverted from the 1 mill
lov ) ' proceeds Ilnd bo expended on the
stutf ! fnrm , In return the genCl'nl
fund qf the IItute : Is to rurnlBh $60,000
to be expeuded as the regents direct ,
This Bum 11:1 : lI1suffielent , It Is stnted , to
make un ) ' progress on the civil engl'
noorin ! ; building so bndly needed by
U\e unlvorslt ) ' . On the other hand , It
18 feared thut the oxpentlturell at the
state farm will nocessllute the \11:10 : 01
the $50,000 for the malntenallce oC the
university IU011el' ,
1I0UHO roll : ! G9 wus hulennlttt10Ht ! ,
pone(1 In committee or the whole , 'rht
bill lIouhl ! to pennll1.o teachnrR " "hOII
the ) ' broke thalt' cOlltmcts , SenatOl
Kin ! ; ofillolled : the hili. Ho Iloclarell
that the 8chool teuclwl's of the stat (
wore hOllo\'l\blo Ulhl hOllellt. ' 'I'he '
dOHcrved the utmost cOIIHldel'l\tlon. ] I
they damllHed a Hchool hOlll'll , thel' (
\\'I\B all action lit 111'1'0' ,
Don C , Despain , CIOl'I , III the lab01
buronu IInd letter writer oC much re
nown , hns bt'ell worsted In his Cl1lll
Imlgn fOl' the 1I01'1Ietllution of hlR Pil ,
checl" 'rho conCerellco commltteo or
the genel'lll 11I1lurll's hili ellmlllntt'd hl
snlrtr ) ' of $1,200 a ) 't'ar fl'llI' I ho list 0
perquisites. In the II'O - ,
-Jesentu :
tlve McMullen Illul Uw Item 8trllel
out , nlleln ! ! ; that 1 > ( 'Slllllll rolurl1 < 'd nc
lIo\\'lce : thorefor ,
A'Om 1II co wus OliO of the feature ;
oC the clolJllIg dar oC the lIelluto. ]
ltmked out Ihat Scnlltol' B , B , OIOVOI
olle or the barhulOl' mcmuC\1\ \ th ,
aCIIllte , ami l\tlBa COI'dollu , JohnHon 0
Lillcoill were to .be n1\lrrled III th ,
oVllIlng ! , ' 1'hoh' IIC < IUllllltlinco hegan 1\
ono or tllH recelltlOllB held IW 00\'el'110
811l'h10n , 'fhe ) ' mt.t fl'eijuentl ) ' at th
sllmo funcllon ullcl WOI'O logotlwr mucl
oC the tlmo d\ll'hlH the tllBHlolI ! , Th ,
lIuptllllll were Upped err 1111 < 1 Selluto
Glor waa the sUhject oC COIIHhh'l
able " "
"joshing ,
. . . . ' "
TJlO conference commltteo report ont
the ] 11I1'0 food bill was adovlcI by the
hOllso and RenlLtc , mu11ln ! ; the IIIll qulto.
aH Hlt'llIgenl 11.8 when It ll'ft the senatc.
' ] 'ho ( ommlltoo was at work over the
mt'IIIII'O ' a good portion of n whole da ) '
anti lho rellorts were submitted In
tilH'h hOllhO just h ( > fore adjollrnmont ,
hohlIIC001111"d / without (1I80us810n ,
] \1allY or the IlrO\'IBlon8 objected to by
the dl'UgglHts were placed in effect , blt
the "rovlHlon which the jobbers object.
od to with r'gard to label" on cnnned ,
goolls WOI'O cbangecl to meet their 1'0-
( Iull'omonls In IL buslnoBs war , In brief , '
the conferellce committee cut out tbo'
provision for mont InspecUon nd leW
thin to state Inllpoctors : , 'fho provlBloI
thut 1111ckagetl muat benr the net
weight I1nd mellsuro of their contents
WUH pul back In the hili , as waa wso
the provision that paclmgea must ben.r
the Ingredlentl1 slamped on the outsldo
under certain condlllonB , 'fbo dairy
provisions or the bill wore lltU\
chan e(1 aB the ) ' were a1lored by Ult
hOURO , with the oxcelltlon that Instea (
or IOllvlng the dnlr ) ' commlaalonor , to
decldC ! IIpon the proper test , the nil.\ ) .
'I'ho Glbsoll bill to prohibit brow' ,
erleR from engalng , III the saloon busIness - '
Iness IHlBHCd the hOUIIO , Its paBGugol
waK forollhllclowed : by tll0 indorsement :
It received , Introduced by Its author
Cor the alieRed purpose or revenge nnd , :
ILccOl'dln to common report In the
101181atlll'e , .lIsowned ancl dlsapprovc < l
by him the bill wns taltenlp by others ;
and pU8hcd with a vIgor such as thnt ,
Jivon tormlnal taxation and some or
the ether big bill" of the acsslon , Ono
feature of the bill which wns approvcd
or h ) ' many who voted aga.lnst It 1a
that which foruldl1 breweries or their
IIgentB to own or aid In Becurlng 11.
quor IIcenllos , 'fhe otber feature
which WIIS denounced by a number
who voted for It Is the provision toro.
hlblUng breweries or their agents from
renting pl'oporty ror saloon purposes ,
- .
' ] , he Humer ulll amending n 'hill
which 111\IIsed : both houses enry in tho'
seBsion nnd became a law , was passed
uy the Benate after an Ineffective fight
to It III tt by Epper.son or Clay. The
leglslllturo pusBed H , R , 81 early In
the 8e8Blon , tatting away from clUes ,
villages and preolncts the power to
vote bondR in altl ot rail ronda , , UnUl
after It became a tn.w very few POI' ' '
80n8 know the imporlance or it , At
the request or members from th9
northwestern part of the atnte , an-
oUlor bill correcting the "joker" wus
introduced , the new bill allowing
bonds to bo voted for steam railroads
only. Senator Epllerson , who bncltod'
the firllt : bill , fought the second one ,
uut was unnble to kill It ,
Rodmond oC Nomaha got through n.
rCllolution : In the hou8e to elenr the
tlUe to eight acres of land belonging
to 'I' . J. Majol's , by allowlng Ule cot. ,
onel to sue the state , When the state
bought sixty acres of land for the Slnte'
Normn.1 school nt Peru It was In. two
tracts , By a mlstnlw the elght.ncro
traotV S not properly described and
Instead ot getting what Ul0 state
bought the deed roads eightncres belonging -
longing to Colonel Majors , However ,
the -atato has been using what It
bought fol' forty years and the reao-
hilion Is only tor the purpose or a } .
lowIng Colonel 1\Iajors to get his UUe
cl eal'ed liD ,
Senators Ashton nnd AldrIch fOllght
a two hours' oratorical uattle In regard -
gard to the Mllrord an(1 Grnnd Island
homes for old RoltHers , Ashton won
his fight , Ho pulled house roB No :
.UIl through , thlll measure apropriat.
Ing $25,000 in state fllnds for a build.
ing at G\'I\nd IBland. : Milford was al.
lowed $ l , OOO and then Grand Island
came In Cor $9,000 for rel1lllrs ,
Throngh the provisions oC a bill
which \\'nll IIIlSsetl In the house , and
which hud already 11I1.ssed In the sen ,
ate , the sheriff or Douglas county will
rocelvo Il salllr ) ' of $4,000 year aftCl'
, Jnnuar ) ' 1 , 1908 , . Until that time he
will drllw his present sulary and will
recelvo : J'I ! cents a. dl1.Y ror feeding
)1l'lsonO\'s ) \ , Arler thut date the feeding
of countr prisoners will bo done b ,
House 1'011 No , 328 , to allobonll
to bo vototl for rallronds , IIUppe
thl'ough the sennte uy IL vote of 25 te
7. llllmol' lutroduced the bill In the
! houHe , Senators Hnnna and PhlllipE
wOl'kod COI' the bill , clnlmlng tit (
NOI'th Plutte countr ) ' nee.1ed railroads
The legIslature has repealed 1slmll 1
law at the pl'osent seslllon : , The bit :
I reRtOl'eS the statute as Cnr al "stenII
1'Il1ll'Oacls" al'o concerned ,
S nntOl' Hancillll made a fight to in
t'rease tiw $ lIiO : ! appropriation for r
monument to General Tha'el' to $5 ,
! 000 , He declul'ed the larger nmounl
would be nec llsar : ) ' to erect a shall
sultaule to commemorate the memorJ
of ono of Neuralllm's : lea.ling eltl ens
. 1IIs amenelmullt wns "oted down ,
'fho gO\'OI'nor slgnell S , p , No. 7G , b :
Span toGlullon : , a ulll to ollminntl
brewers Cl'om IIctlve 01' Indirect Imrtlc
Illation in the I'etail lI < 1uor buslnes
. Dolc'allon IICtOl' delegutlon ot brew
el's called Oil UOVCl'nor Sheldon , but
J despite theh' III'otests , he signed th' '
bill ,
Both lIonute : I1n.l the house adoptol
the l'Ol10rl o ( the conferencQ commit
tpo on amendments to the 11111'0 r004
bill wllhout Norlollll : OPllolllllon : , the OJ
pected fiht ! not DlatcrlalhlnJ : ; , ' 1'h' '
t'onfo1'1co ( ommllteo amended HOC
tlO\1 8 , OVOI' which the hi ! ; fight oc
c\1I'1'ed , to 1II111w It I1ructlcull ) ' the SUID
I' nH It'UII : wll(1\1 the bill loft the set
ate , It r ( ' < 1ulret ! the III\.1UOI > oC Ingr (
cllonts , hut \1ot the quantities , to
i 111aced on boltles , a\1d requires th
I' < 1UIn tit ) ' to bo 111aced on al1 boltled II
' . quor exc'pt that us11 ror medical PUI
poses ,
. " . , . .
- - - - -
- - - - -
Social , Agricultural , Religious a
Other Matters Having Reference
to This Commonwealth Alone ,
The Union Pacific hi auout to l'e.
lIIodol Its pUBfwngel' depot lit Norroll { ,
Prof , 1..1LWI'enco Bl'uner of Iho slute
\1nlverHll ' will lecture 1\1 Deatrlctl
April HI , on "NebraslUL LIII'ls ! , "
'fhree Htock tmlrlH have left BeavC\ \ '
City In two days currying ever I3lxty
curH of Hlocl ( 10 mn.rlwt fl'om the
pltJaver vlllle ' .
'I'he J elcl' ] lostolllco wua I'ouhed
of botwec\1 thirty Ilnd thll'l.y.five . dol.
Il1.l's In < : asl , together with 11 few
slumps , No clue ,
So far as heard Cl'om Governol' hel ,
don has not yet appointed the bonrd
oC five to lool ( aftel' the enforcement
oC the < : hlld lahor law.
A nUlIIhel' of rU\'Incl'lI : living near
gill ! ! huve fOl'med an organization fOI
the plll'llORe oC IIIIlrovlng ] the I'oads
by the IIse of the King .Img ;
The A venue hotel , Auburll , which
has fm\ Rome time been conducted by
W , . Dungnn , waa soltI to P. b , An'
dm'son oC , BrlBtow , Neb" Cor $24,000 ,
'rho ) ) lIst fO\ll' months hayo been fat
oneH finnncllllly for the state govern'
ment , the Indeutednells : of the stute
ha vlnl ; ueen redllced $370,851.13 In this
tlmo ,
'rhe Nm'foll { club il3 mald\1g IIn effort
to secure the lIext stnto meeting of
the Young ! \len's Christian association
and 11:1 : rulslng IL fund of 25 ( ) f I' thut
Snm RosenbCl' . a lad or 17 ) 'eurs ,
was Hoverel ) ' Injured by.II. . hea'/y CUHl.
Ing failing 011 his Coot while h'lplng
Jlul Ul U IlI'eHS at the Times . office al
Beatrice ,
, John p , Bridges of Otoe county , ar. ,
J'eRt J In It'ehruaJ' ) ' on the churge ot.
Incest with his 14'elll'.old daughter ,
was sentenced to the penltentlal'y ror
ten yeurs.
Secretary , I. II , Rodgel's of the
01llaha & Neurnslll Central Rullroad
company , 1311.111 that u contractor woul
hegln grllellng for the Interuruan roa
( , I1I'ly In May. .
,101m 'Vurd , county treasurer , ha
been apI10lnted rccelvel' or the defunct
thumuerlaln : bllnl , of 'recllmsetJ. , T. It ,
Pierson was acting In that capacity
but resigned the place ,
Paul I.llno of Fremont , uged twenty
years , IIn employe of the Fremont Gu
& 1ihcll'lc : Light comIJan ) ' , wall : Idlleo
by II/1 , IlCln suffocated In II tl'cnch
In which he WIIS lit worl"
1 < 'rell.A. Murph ) ' of Plntlsmouth de
IIl1rleol fOl' NewJlol't News , Va" and
will sail from there to Havllna , Cuba ,
where ho has heeu aJipoln ted II cIerI ,
In the AI'I11) ' depal'tnout. !
A I'ogulnl' term of dlHtJ'lct COUI't. fOi
CumlnH count ) ' will OJlen AIII'\1 \ 29
'rho docket contains forty-five cases
rour criminal 11 1 civil. SI > :
aJlplicatlons for I'ItlzenshlJl are Iwnd.
, lames H , Bahl'et , agcnt fOl' thf' gOY'
fJrnmenl , Is In Nehl'aslm City fOl' the
11I1I'JI08e of IIscOl'talnln ! ; sonH ! Cact
about the divorce an.1 1111\1'\'llIge lu
Otoe t'ount ) ' . Ht' hns found that the
Illvorce laws have heen0 \ ' ) ' Inx In the
( ' ( ) JIIII ) ' ,
A lIull1hel' of the mone'oll l11en 01
" 'alrbur ' hllve suhscl'llJPd fOl' Hlocl ( In
II glove fat'tol' ) ' to he located III that
clt ) " Iinough : Htocl , has already heoll
ImllllCl'lbecl : to IlI1l the ] Il'omotol's In II
Ilosltion to IlI'oeeetl with the WOl'I , of
O'Hanlr.utlon ,
, lIenrv Burch died at Ihe Nurfoll :
hORpltni fOl' the Insane , Mr , Burch
; wn.s 81 ) 'oars old alld had lived In
thnt flllrt of the state nfl-oue ) 'eaI'S ,
He was lost In a snowlltorlll : In 185G
lIud had both feet frozen off , lie lenve ! : !
three , laughters a 1111 I.wo sonH ,
Superinlellelent tlll'simil has all ,
lIolllJee,1 thai the next t ( > achol's' hlBtI ,
tute will he held at Nlohl'lIl'U the IIrst
weol , III August. The tulent engaged
Cor I.he lecture COIII'SO amollnts to
m'oliOO ! IInd Inchules SenntOl's I"a
I'ollllle ! and Doll\\'OI' \ and I atheNu ,
Hent , beRldes uoted oducatOl's fl'ol\1
\'arlolll3 ) lu\'ts ,
Nexl ) 'eal' nOlHeHldollt stlulellls al
tlw Unlve\'slt ) ' of Nebmslm must IIUY
tuition fee of $30 1YCII \ ' , according
to t he decision of the board of 1'0'
- gents ut their l\1eethlJ ; last woelt 111
L Chaul'cllm' Andl'ow's ofic ! ( ' , 'l'hls 1'(11 ,
. lur. ; will apJlh' to all delHlI'lments of
the unh''I'slt ) ' , t > xceJlt I he law collcge
and the ll1elIca1 college , whOl'o n tul ,
tlon 'Cee of $ .16 Is uow chnl'lcd.
Julge W , H. KellIgal' or the .John.
sou t'Olluty dllltl'lct : COlII't hU/l SUS'
talned the will or the httl' lrs , Sarah
B , l'llIUloll of 'l'ecul\1seh , A IIrothOl' '
Qr till ! deceased , ElmoI' g , Bliss o ( AI ,
. hU < 1l1el'llI(1 , N , M'l II1Htltllte contest
I. ) I\'ocpelIl1gs , ohje'lIng to two 0(1 (
' . ClIl'ml > of , lohn80n CO\lllt ) ' Innel Iwlllg
HO wiliell that e\'cntllall ) ' they will
[ ) /-0 / to the Tlnll ' : ) ' HW'Icllt ' ! 1I0llw 01
Omaha ,
J.'rlendH 111 Humboldl havt ! I' < 'CI'I\'I'j (
word thnt lrll. : Mutlln OIl\'OI'.Pa'lIo ,
' , \ formel' I'uflhlont of Ihal. . clly , uow
living al Orlando , 1"ln" with her hUH'
e baud had nl1l\\V CHClll1t' from < leulll
In the SOlltlW\'U Paclne w\'l'cl , lit Col.
' . tou , Cal. . II few wI'IIago ,
111' , W , A , Ul1sl < 'l" deutiAl lit Aubtll'll
haH a whllp hllll do ! ; whu j't'ceull ; !
hl'ol1 ! 1toot h whlll' blllll II Rloue ,
o YJ'ht' Iloclol' Iou } , the aull1lal Into hlh
o lomcn and succeeded In 111lltluJ ; II golcl
I. . I ( 'rown on lilt' bl'ollOn tooth , 'l'hlR h
bt'lIt'\'rcl to 11 ( > tlw enl ) ' dog In the
atatt' ; \ \ ith It gol.1 looth ,
. .
Above All Things the Walls Should
De Kept Dry ,
When the bedroom becomes a slcl (
room there Is 1\11 adtled l'eason why extreme -
tromo precautions should ho used to
keep the room in 11 thorough ! ) ' 8mltar : ) '
condition ,
Above all things , the bedroom should
never bo damp. 1t should htJ nlco and
dry , always wnrm nnd comfortnblo In
winter , cool and airy In Bummer , and
brIght and sunny aOl1le llal'ts of the
dny ,
If thel'o Is any suspicion or damp.
ness in a bedroom it Is probably dlle ,
If there is wallpaper on the wall , to
the absorption or wnter by the paper
which frcquenlly acts as a blotting pa.
PCI' and bolds quantities of water In It ,
'rho Use or wallpaper on walls Is to
bo deplored ; It means disease , ill
henlth and unhapvlness , It Is fre.
quently the cause of lung troub1e , not
only because ot Its dampness but nlso
because ot Its powel' to retnln Infec.
tlon ot mnny kinds.
' 1'ho desired method or tl'eatlng a
bedroom wall Is to tint It fOl' the ala.
bl1stlned wnll Is a perfect wall. It
novel' flnlws err , chlls ) 01' Ilcels. 1t au.
sorbs molsturo and expels It , It opens
the pores of the plaster and makes a
room lIvable and ul'euthablo ,
The floor In the bedl'ool11 should
have light , cleanaule , dainty rugs that
can b easily shalwn nnd a nool' that
la thoroughly oiled \'arnlshed , that
will not absOI'b molstUl'e. ' 1'he Cl'ucllS
in the floor should bo thol'oughly r11lcd
nnd covered.Voodworle In the 11Od.
room should bo attended to careCull ) ' ,
wIndow sills should be thoroughl ) ' val"
nlshed or waxed , and the window casings -
ings lept in perfect ol'der , 'rhe dool's
ahould be wiped off fl'equenlly as also
should bo all the standing woodwork
in the bedroom , ns the ) lresenco or
dust on woodwork Is a menace to
henllh ns well as an evidence or poor
housekeeping ,
Arizona's Copper Production ,
In 190G Arizona had the largest in.
crense in ) lroductlon ot copper of all
the copper states , The utput was
284,228,252 pounds , against 239,848,000
, pounda In 1906.
. .
- - - - - - - -
Important to Mothers.
Enmlno carefully OTery bottle of CASTOntA ,
n lara and lure remedy for Infllnt. IInd cblldren ,
and .oe tbat It
Dearstbe /7I ' / /
Signature at
In Use Per Oyer 30 YC1Irs.
1uI Kind You nll.VO Alwa.s Dou' : 1t
- - - - -
Study of theatrical stars has noth.
ing to do with astronomy.
Convincing Evldenco Supported by a
Guarantee That Must Convince
The Most Skeptical.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills lU'e a doctor's
prescriptiou , u.ced ; b ) " au eminent ; prac.
titioner , and for uearly generation
known as reliable household remedy
throughout the United Stutes , Need.
less to say , no ndvertised medicine conld
retain popular favor for so loug pmiod
without having great merit and it is the
invaluable curative properties of the pills
that have made them a standard remedy
in every civilized couutry in the world.
Added to this is the absolute gnnrnnteo
that the pills contnin no hnrmf\ drug ,
opiate , nnrcotio or sthnulaut ; . A recout
evidence of their ef11clLcy fonnd in the
statement of Mrs. N. B , Whitley , of
Boxley , Ark. , who say" :
"I hud sufl'ercd for u. good numy years
from stomach troublo. For a. loug time ;
I WILS snhject to bad Hpells of faiutue 'i
and lack of breath accompanied by IUl
iudescribablo feeling that seemed to
start iu my stOlwwh. Whouover I wus
little run.down or over.tired , thesl'
spoUs would come ou. They occnrred
frequently but did uot last very loug.
"I was confined to my bed for ten
weeks 0110 time nd the doctor pro.
nounced my trouble ehronic inflanuua.
tion of the stomach and 1 > owels. Since
that time I Imvo beeu subject to the
fainting fipolls IUld.t other limes to flute
tering of the heart and feeling ill !
tllough I was sU1othorin . : My gtn.cral !
hoolth WnB vel ) bad and 1 was weak unll
"I had seeu Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
moutionod iu the llowspapers and de.
cided to try thom. 'Whon I begau tnldng
the pilL > I was so run.down in st.rength
tlmt I could hardly do uuy huusewOI'k ,
Now I could wl k ten milt's if uecessary.
Both my husbanll uwl myself think Dr.
Williluns' Pink Pills the best medicine
made ILnd wo always l'ocommelltl tho' '
pills to onl' friowls. " ,
\Villiams' Pink Pills tt1l ly make i
now bl00(1 aud give strength IUlel tone to ,
every } 1\rt : of the body , They Imvo
cured serious disordol"li of the blootl Ilud
uerves , such as rheumatism , sciatica ,
a1ll lUilL , uorvonsnes'i , hOtldaches , partial
pa.ralYHis , locomotor ataxia. , St. Vitus'
dance uud muuy fonIls of wC:1kuess in
either sex. They IU'O sold by aU dl'U '
gists or will be HOllt , postpaid , ou receipt
of price , 50 cents POI' box , Rix boXf'H for
$2 , O , by the Dr. Willhuns Mcdiciuu
Oompau ) ' , Scheuoctady , N. Y.
- . ,
positively cured by
' ' tb050 LIUlo PUIs.
CAD'JER'S They also reUeTO D -
UC3S from DyspepsIA. In-
lYTLE dtgcsuonnndToo cAJ'Q
Eating. A perfeet rem-
el1y for Dlulnes:3 : , Nause'- ,
PI LLS Drowsiness. Dad 'l'usto
In the : Mouth , Canted
Tongue , I'nIaln the Sido.
rcgulAt the Dowe1s. Purely VegetAble.
'CARTERS Genuin Must Bear
- Signature
I I I I ITTlE . / - .A ? 4 : ;
\ ,
Painting for :
No one .vl11 qucstion the superior
appearance of well.palnted property.
The question that the property.owner
asks is : Ills the appearance worth
the cost ? "
Poor paint Is for temporary appea.r.
ance only.
Paint made from Pure I.inseed Oi ( ,
and Pure White Lead is for Ia , ting "
appearance and for protcction. It
eaves repairs and replacements , co t.
lng many times the paint investment ,
The Dutch Boy trade mark is found "
only on kt'gs containing Pure White .
Lead made by " 1"
the Old Dulch I
Process. I
" I
"A TAlk on PaInt , "
, .
III" uluublo InCor-
matlon . on h. . ralnt
. . . ,
"Ject Rent free .AlIltod pa < : ( n
upon requett. Jm 4' " tlU , fII4ri < ,
( , . "Aithtt'tr Qth . follot .
tng cilltl t , IIta"t I/OU ,
Now Yorkj nnoton , llul1alo. OInfllanI ,
Oln"lnna , Ohl < " , "o Ht , Loul. , l'hlladel.
! , hla ( John T , 1. . < > . .18 & 111'080 Co.I , PtUllbur.h ,
INa\lonal Load .I ; ; 011 00. ,
- - - - -
.1de G ? . _ .
i lO3.d
tnkeB i 111
Clg nn
. te:1111
h t.lle
llcpSt.ean1st.ct. .
' l.'fnclica1\ s J1alf t.he :
. . . { r
frict.ion ; les
ent',110" , b toauo > '
ngo\etroUgthc lite
10 nnu 1 .1 lengthen oJ' " " .Ie. . . . c\C . 1110tl .n. . : . .
bca : u > l
of n bcathcton .r
tl1t.unn1 dca1ctfotfJ1L
bs\t .
GreaSc. .
le GreaSc."I'M
b . "I\'M ?
rot' 01" I\ND tUn' aU. . . . - . . . 04
RaS S Itc in s An
Irritations Of
Speedily Cured by Warm
Baths With
H SDAp. +
And Gentle Anointings Of
The Great Skin Cure ,
whenallotherremedie $
and even physicians fail.
Guaranteed absolutely "
pure , sweet , and wholesome - t
some , and may be used
from the hour of birth.
Jd Ihro\lghou the world , l'pol8 In 0.11 nUes ,
l'ottl'r 11"11 ; : Chem , OIrp" Hulu I'rnpll , . 1 1 ! 'on.
asDook OU TOf\urlnll. malliurlng l1ulllOun.
. - . .
- + '
: DEFiaNCE STiRCH- : : : . " ; , ' : :
-other Ilare1I1' enl , U OllnCelAmQ l'rlcQ In. !