Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 28, 1907, Image 2

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I _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ u'
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nROK N now , - - NEBRASKA
j . - - - _ . _ .
; More Wholcsomc Sport.
. 1'hroughout the middle west , as In
'I other Ilnrts of the country , Ilthletlo
condltlolls 111 the high schoolM , collogeM
alld unlvJrslties had reaclHd 11 state
of dIsgraceful and sordid nrroga.nce ,
whell , two years ago , a cOllferenco of
the gon'rnlng boards of nine of the
! I'adlng InsUlutlon8 of the Intorlor
took the matter ullder consldoratlon.
They found boys who had
been Induced to Icave school 1yenr or
two ahead oC time In ( ) I'dor to enter
. ' : Iomo college which was wmln ! ; to
1I10oth the Intellectual pathway In
I'eturn , for athletic aerVIC ( H. ProCes.
, 1110 nail 811\ was rife , and lIot only
: wlnlccd at , but I1lntost olwnly encour-
I' , ged : and rivalry was BO leon that
, ovcn mlddle.aged professors Cound
d Iholr relatlolls with proCessors In othOl'
, .J olleges strained by thO hostllo foollnlt
I' { IJOtween the undorgraduatos. 'rho do.
alro to win , ntHl the hope of making
\ money b ) ' wlllnlng , had killed the tnlO
slllrit of sllort. The governing boanls
of the nine colleges which met to con'
\ sider the matter toolt radical stops.
I Professlonl1l1slll was prohibited by the
most stringent regulations , all contest.B
: between certain of the florcest rivals
were discontinued , and a uniform date
for beginning trrlnlng In the Call was
fixed. The lIew rules hlLVO IIOW had a
year's trla , with \ the result of clearing
the air nud establishing co11ege ath.
letlcs I1lIon a saner and maI'o wholo.
aome footing. A second conference
! was lately held to consider poslblo !
clmngcs In the rules. Although great
pressure was brought by some oC the
Htudent bodies , the mombero ot the
athletic conference committee stood
firm. Onl ) ' one change was made.
'rho rule fixing a UnICOI'D1 date for be.
Ginning IIr ctlco was reclnded. ! Even
that may bo restored. The colleges of
the mltldlo west , therefore , says
. Youth's Compaulon , are to have all'
other year of cleanliness and decency
and manliness In sport : another
chance to learn thut to win Is not the
main object oC athlotlcs among gen.
tlemen , but that "tho game's the
thing. "
Wo Incline to bellove that llio capl.
tal punishment Idea , wheUler It be
right or wrong In any conceivable
Cl\se , Is likely to bo done away with
In tlmo , although that tlmo Is evident.
Iy not yet , says the Lowell ( Mass. )
CourIer. ' 1'ho gradual whittling away
of death ,11I.'f
no one , of course , and the chances are
that oven the taking ot human life ,
de11b'erately and with mallco lIre.
Ilense , lUay ono day bo punished
without exa tlng the extreme penalty ,
oven where It might Boom that no leBs
llenalty fitted the crime. IIutnanlty ,
whether right or wrong , Is coming to
revolt Cl'om It. Juries are harder and
harder to sccure. Death sentences ,
cven when rendered In strict accord
WlU1 law , commonly meet with a
atorm of Pllbllc protest. Murders do
110t decrease. Is It not , on the whole , .
IIkoly that In tlmo the death penalt )
\\111 bo still turther decreased until It
ultimate ) ) ' disappears through the
\'anlshlng lJolnt , save perhaps In mil-
Itar ) ' cnses of the most outrageousl )
treasonable kind ?
Prof. IIondorson of the Unlverslt ) .
of Chicago said to his class recentJ ) . :
"Chicago Is a largo city , IIko Poking ,
but It Is not great. People live here
only until they can go to Ncw York ,
I..ondon or ParIs on their way to
heaven. " That Is almost as bad as
what , lack London said of this city on
his return to England. "Chicago , " he
said , "Is a sort of cross between a
civilized city and a western mlnln ( ;
camp , except that things are done in
Chicago every day with impunity for
which In a mining camp a man would
bo shot on sight. " Dott1 of th.ese
crItics may be right , but , remarks the
Chicago Chronicle , It may not be
amlas to Inquire whether the University -
sity of Chicago Is great or only large ,
A Persian ] Jrlnco who Is traveling
In this country SI1)'S ho Is too bus ) '
to think about matrlmon ) ' . If he is
required to do as his illustrious rela.
th'e , the late shah , did and take unto
hlmselC 80 wives , ho cannot be
blamed for postponing the thing as
long na possible.
A splrltuallstle medium sa's Mars
Is nngr ) ' because her signals are be ,
Ing Ignored by the earth. Buslncss
must bo dull on Mars when she goes
so fas' out of her way to pick 11. quarrel
with hel' neighbors.
A link with the past hils lately been
hroken. 'I'he dowllger Countess de lu
Pen-ouso do Hourels , who died In Ab.
en-Provenco the other dny , Wile the
godltuughter of Nupoleon Bonnpl1rte.
lIe \Vas sponsor at her buptlsm In Sl.
lIelena , where she was burn In 1816.
A towel' which wut be 700 feet blgll
, Is being erected at Cone ) ' Island. 1'hh
Ghould not be lJormltted. People wh ,
go to Coney Island ( Hlgh nlwayu tc
\.remain al nOAr tbe ground as possl
- - - < ' - ' . ' . . " -,11I.-- . , ' " . .
'f '
. " .
- . . - -
, . .
Lincolll Letter
- -
CUI'rent Gossip fr : > tn the
Legislative nnd Otherwlso
. .
'rho pnsslLgo of Ule antl'fll\8S bill h : ;
the scnato blLs ClluRod Homo t l1e
alnong the house memhcro ahout the
disposition of the measure when It
reache the hOllse. ' ) 'ho senate evidently -
dently Intend ! ! that the hOlISO shl\lI
pass tbe senate hili. Membern of the
hOURO hnvo tew ( ) bjecllon to this , but
they \Viti make IL strenllolls endelLvor
to amend the bill heCore they wltl I1I1S !
It. 1.01' il1stnnce , the provision thl1t
bona fide cmplo'es mny usc pnaBes Is
not sllitlsfnclory. Sarno prominent
hOllso memhers wish to Insert the
the amendment "whoso time Is principally -
cipally employed hy their duties with
the rallroadll. " ' 1'hc ) ' think this provision -
vision will excllHlc the slIrgeons ! Lnd
nttornoys who are not spcclficl ly
mentioned In the senate bill , but
whom the house greatly dlslres to see
prohibited from uRlng transportuUon.
The Cear has been eXllremed : that the
rallroada wl1l make some small mono-
lar ) ' arrangements with this elMs of
persons thal will stili permit them to
use transportation unless the bill Is
mndo moro stringent.
The senlLte spent nel1rly an entlro
'day conslderln the pure Coed bitt , S.
F. No. 64 , by McKesson of Lancastm' .
The reBnlt ' 'fns tllI\l the bitt was re\1-
ommelHlod for passage n.s first approved -
proved b ) ' the committee or the whole ,
WlU1 010 exception of secllon 9 , wlllcn
WILS stricken out and n lIew ono In.
nerted In Its place , giving immunity
to druggists from prosecution 1C they
can establish n guarant ) ' signed by a
wholesaler or manufacturer tram
whom goods IIro purchased that .thu
l1tnO Is not adulteratetl or mis-
branded. 'l'he liquor denIers and manufacturers -
ufacturers who sell goods containing
alcohol or containing' , certain poisonous -
ous or harmful drugs 'did not got oIY.
They must give Cutl wolght and mea-
fltlre Qnlt If the goods sold contain anv :
of the drugs named In flection 8 , the
packages or bottles must contain the
names of such drugs. False or misleading -
leading statement.B on brands are
made unla"ful.
The stnto senate retraced Its trail
at the request of the governor by reconsidering -
considering the vote whcrob ) ' the nnU-
lobby bl11 , H. R. 18 , was Indofinltoly
postponed. 'rhe bill wns returned
from tI1Q house , beCoro the reconsldor-
atlon was tl wn and after some discussion -
cussion it was committed to the judiciary -
ciary commltteo Cor amendments. .
Kine of Polk doslred It t.o be advnnced
to third rellHng without delay , but
McKolIson of I.anclUltcr , nsl < ed that Il
bo sent back to a committee tor
nmondsnunt BO that ho could vote Cor
It. This action ILnnuled the amend-
mentB'that had been proposed by the
commlUeo of the whole nnd also annuls -
nuls tIle recommendation of the committee -
mittoe of the whole that tbe 1\111 bo
Indeflnltely postponed.
Governor Sheldon has signed the
employers' liability bill. 'rho bill as
amended by the senate judiciary com-
mltteo was pnRsed by tlle house without -
out amondment. It repeals what Is
known as the follow servant lnw of
this state and permits juries to decJe {
as to tIle comparntlve negligence In
case of accidents which result In Injuries -
juries to employes. It applies only to
rat1road men engnged In the operation
of trains. It provides that tllO con-
tra.cts Issued by U1e Durllngton relief
department mlLY stili remain In Corce ,
but that such contracts shall not be
a bar to suits In court [ or damages
Ilnd that the amount that may be paid
to nn Injured emIJlo'e on such neon-
tract may ho deducted Cram the judgment -
ment rendcre.1 by the court.
Ono of the Imllortant Ilmendments
to the 1-ml11 lov ) ' bl11 for the slate
university WM thnt providing 11. revolvIng -
Ing tund of $5,000 to bo used for the
purpole oC bU'ing text boo1 < s for tl10
students at wholesale prices and seB-
Ing them to U10 students at. this price.
MnnT students have bees trying to ,
C llio regents to do this for a number -
ber of yenrs , as the cost or bool < 8 In
Lincoln was so high It made it hard
tor working boys to get llirougb school
at nll. The new arrangement will snve
students much money.
President Saundos'R of the senate
won a battle and ohtalned the revor.
oal of the report of the commltteo on
soldiers' homes , which recommended
that nls bill S. 1 ; ' . 43t } , he Indefinitely
postponed. lIe explained that the bl11
not enl ) ' permits the go\'ernor to np'
point the commandnnt of the solJlers' '
bome , but glvos him power to nppolnt
I the employes , 'rhe commandant mAlst
I be an oX-Boldler. Aldrich of Butler fa ,
vorod the committee rOllort on thE
ground that the 8CllILto'had pnssod onE
of bls own bills.
Arter 11 detormlned fl bt In thi
hOWle the bill which pro\'ldea for go
Jog back to the old llreclnct IIYlltot. ! '
at aasC660rshlp WIlS recommonJed bJ
tbe committee of the whole tor pa
sago. The bill Will Introduced h :
Johnflon of SaUne and abollshtl
county IJISeslor8 In counties of leoS
I than 10,000 population. In eoer : :
I ( 'r-unt" whether there Is a county as
" SBor or not , It provides for t e eloc
> >
tlon of precinct assessors Instead 0
I tor their appointment by llie count
aaseSlKlr as at prcsont. The effort t. .
.trlke out section 8 WI1/J defeated.
. .
- - - - . . -
The flnnl futile nttncle on terminal
tllxatlon In the ftcnnto WM made on
the l U1 , and rcsultlng In n double
victory Cor the hill , which was passed
by IL vote of 23 to G , Sibley of 141ncoln
tounty I'd In UlO fight ILgalnst the
hill , as ho did when It was lip Cor
conslderntlon III committee of the
whole , hut after ho had been deCeated
he voted for the bill , cXillulnlng ho did
so because o ( nn amendment ho un
derHtoo1 [ would bo made In tl10 houso.
'fhe hili will be sent to the house ,
HO tsnt : It mlLY bo read the nrst tlmo
Monda ) ' and may ho considered In -
noctlon with the Clarke bl1t , which
In a dupllcato of It. The failure of
the railroads to carry the senate was
n dlsapJlolntment , as It had boon open.
Iy honRtcd that n majority of the sen ,
ators hatl promised to vote ror Sibley's
motion to recommit the hill to tbo
committee on revenue. Wh n the roB
was called on this proposition It stood
11 to 18 and victor ) ' for 010 bill was
Msured. The measure was at on co
placed upon Its IIllflllage and went
through as before Indicated.
II. R. No. 132 , permlttlnl ; the official
haBot at elections to he printed In tWJ
or moro columns , Inntead ol In IL slnJ
gle column , was Indefinitely postponed
after a thorough debate. It was urge : )
that the hili would glvo country prill-
tera IL chance to print Ole ballot : n"\
Htead of giving the metropolitan printIng -
Ing o lcea n monopoly on the "shoe-
string" typO of hallot. Aldrich , one
who op"osed the bill , said the conven-
lonco of the prlntor was not the solo
lIuestion. He Hald the "eople had become -
come used to the present Corm oC bnl-
lot and a change should not bo maJe
uuloss Ita ILdvocatos were able to show
thnt an improvement would be the 1'0'
suIt. Saclwtt , who moved to Indefin ,
Hely postpone the bill , belloved that
UUl.ny votera would stop nfter voU1J ! ;
the first column of the proposed banot
and would neglect to va to the second
A quietus was put on the Sunday
base ban agitation In the leglslaturo
when Aldrich's bill , S. 1 < ' . 230 , was Indefinitely -
definitely postponed without so much.
as 11. ' discussion at Its merits In com-
mltteo of llie whole. A weele or two
ago the house killed Its Sunday base
ball bill and the nctlon of the sonnte
enJs both the bills , wblch were Intro-I
duced to enable the plnylng of the na. . '
Uonal game In Lincoln on the first day
of the week W1UlOUt the nld or consent
of anyono. The senate bl11 had been
changed by amendment , but was sUIl
acceptable to tile tans who were behind -
hind the movemont. The summary action -
tion beaded off what promised to be II.
lively debate on the merits of the
Williout n. slnglo dissenting vole tIl
railway commission bill passed the
house. 'l'en members being nbsent ,
the vote stood 90 to 0 on tbo b1ll. As
the , 'oto was being taken the announcement -
nouncement was made by fusion mJ3m-
bers in the Corm of nn explanation of
tholr votes that they belloved the le -
Islatura should enlLct 11. . set at commodity -
modity maximum freight rate
Cor the purpose of bringing Nebraska
rates down to the sarno basis ns those
eharged shippers In the noighborlnt ;
'rho senate decleared It.selt In favor -
vor oC the enactment of a child labor
law by recommending Clarke's bill ,
H. R. No.9 , Cor passage. At first
some oC Ule farmers opposed the bill
for fear It would Interfere wltb children -
dren doing chores ILbout the farm _
Amendmcnts to exclude agricultural
pursuits , willi the exception of beet
gl'owlng , removeJ all objoctlons , however -
ever , Rnd brought about a favorable
report on the measure.
'rhe Inabl1lty of the supreme court
liS now organized with only tlnoe
members , to clLro for the big volume
of legal business In the state , has received -
ceived nUention nt the ha.nds of the
son ate. That body has pMsed Senatol'
King's bl11 catting Cor seven supreme
judges at IL sallLry or $ . ( ,500 IL 'tJar ,
and also Increasing the salar ) ' of the
district jUdges from $2r OO to $3,000 Do
Chairman Burns or Lancaster of the
Insurance commllteo reported three
bills to the senate with the recom. '
mendatlon that they be Indefinl h'
postponed. All three relJorts were
overriden by the senate and the billa
were placed on general file , after con ,
slderable discussion.
After so'eral lengthy hearings on
the jail feeding proposition as It ext -
t Ists In DouJlns count ) ' , the commltteo
on fees a.nd salaries of the house has
I decided to recommend 11. bill which
will allow tIle cOllnty board of Douglas -
las county to let the contract for teed-
Ing the prlsonol's In the county jnll to
the best bidder.
tate Superintendent McDrlon and
the various educational Interests of
the state have begun a hard fight
agaln t Ule house roll that Is Intended
to make the free text book law of the
stnte ollUonnl Inlltead of mandatory.
GibBon's bill to prohibit browtr15
. and 'JlsUllerll rrom havlnlJ any Intereot ;
I.n salool1 or l1alool1 Ilconses recolvod
favorable action 111 the 8onato committee -
mittee of the wholo. The bill pre-
yonts manllracturors from having an ) '
Intor06t , direct or Indirect , In nny SI\o
loon or laloon IIcon50 or from ownIng -
Ing , or le1\Btng Ilroperly for lIaloon pur-
poses. 'l'homns of Uougla5 tried to
- have t11e latter provl lon 8trlcl < en out ,
but his amond'mont was voted down.
Gibson declared thlrty.slx of the
eighty-sIx saloons In South Omnhl\
were owned by 11. . browlnl ; company ,
' \ , .
- ,
One of Solid CtIlor Will Always Give
Delt Effect.
The dMrest , daintiest , most artistic
wan Is S' solid colored wnlt. It Cur-
nlsheRJerCect bacltgrollnd Cor u11
Iduds oC pictures , It throws them out
In their correct } Jwportlons , and does
not detraot from their artistic valuo.
'rhe solid colored wan Is also much
better ns n background for furniture ,
ntul harmonlzeB much more artistically -
ly with carpets nnd rugB than any
otller method of wa11 treatmont. The
less breaking \lp oC color on 11 wnll
the 1II0re artistic It Is.
The most successful form ot the
solid colored wall Is an nlabastlned
wall. ' 1'here Is as lIIuch dlfforence between -
tween tinted walts , as there Is between -
tween shoddy and a11.wool gowns. The
shoddY gown holds Its color Cor a few
days , whllo the a11.wool keeps It'3 color
to the very last thread , so also In solid
colored wa11s , there are shoddy walls
and permmenU : ) ' colored wa11s which
retain their color down to the very
last particle. ' ) 'he Ideal wa11 coating
never rubs ofr , never fialeeB nor chips
oIY and Is always ready Cor a Cresh
: : oat. If there Is wallpaper on the
wall , soak It oIY with warm water ,
then go over the plaster nfter you
have removed the paper with warm
watcr to remove every trace or paste.
Have the wall thoroughly clean for 0.
clean wall cannot bo built on an unclean -
clean Coundatlon. If there are any
particles of foreign matter adhering
to the wa11 scralle them oIY with 11.
putty knife. ' 1'hen If there nro any
dlscoloratlol1s on the wall , size It with
a material made from cheap varnish ,
thinned down with bonzlno and japan
added Cor a drier , then cover your
wall with 'our tinting material.
Be sure your lIIan uses a tinting ma.
terlal mlxod with cold water. If he
comes to 'ou and asks Cor warm water -
ter , 'ou can malw Ul 'our mind that
lliero Is glue In the materlnl which ho
prOIJOSeS to put on ) 'our waU , nnd you
can be certain that you are going to
have a shodd ) ' wall , Cor glue means
shoddy. Gille means that It will hold
Its color long enollgh for the man to
collect his bm and uot llluch longer.
Insist on ) 'our tinting material being
mixed with clenr. cold water. Be sure
that YOllr waB Is made from pure materials -
terials , then 'ou will have a permanent -
nent , artistic , sanitary waU. A wall
that will be a "thing of beauty and a
joy forever. "
_ _ . _ . _ _ h _ _ _
StingIng Message Sent by Farmer
Worsted In Business Dcal.
In the old colony town of Scituate ,
MaBs. , once lived Deacon J- , who
bad a yoke of oxen h desired to
sell. The news reached the cars of
Farmer T- , who lived In another
portion of the town , who was In want
of a pair. So he visited the deacon ,
who met him with a gracious smile
and led him to the oxen , whleh were
chowlng their cuds and to all appear-
.ances ready Cor an ) ' amount of toll.
Arter some bargaining a difference
of five dollars remained. Finally the
deacon said : " { am old and feeble ,
and shalt not live long , and five dollars -
lars will be oC no account , " so the
bargain was made. Farmer T- took
the oxen I' Jme.
'fhey proved worthless , could. network
work , and had been heated. He felt
provoked at being sold , and , seeing
a person the next dar who was going
to the part of the town where the
deacon lived , said : "You teU Deacon
J- ho need not live another d-d
mlnuto longer on my account. "
Physiological Mystery ,
According to some curlolls InvesU-
gatlons conducted by Bngllsh scien-
tists. eldest sons tend to bo criminals
and youngest sons paupers. A grent
many thousand school children and
many Camlly histories have been examined -
amined to yield these results. Firstborn -
born children wel'e fOllnd to be , as a
rule. taller and heavier , with greater
ability and endurance than the others.
This Is In accordance with the popular
teellng in many countries that the
oldest child Is superior to the others
and deserving of special 1ll'lvlteges.
It Is a well established fact that
among men of genius an undue proportion -
portion are eldest sons.-Detroit Free
- - - - -
A Doctor's Brothcr Thought Poatum
Was Coffee ,
A wise doctor tound out coffee was
hurting him , so he quit drinking It.
He was so blls ) ' with his IIl.actlce ,
however , that his wlfo had to write
how he Cooled his brother , 11. clergyman -
man , ono day at dlnnor. She says :
"Doctor fOllnd coffee was Injuring
him and decided to give Postum a
trial , and wo have used It now tor
four 'enrs , with continued bonefit. In
tnct , ho Is now free from the long
train of Ills that follow coffee drink-
"To show how successful wo are
In making Postum prollOl'ly I will n. "
Into an Incident. At 11. dlnnel' wo
Cllve , Doctor suggested wo serve
Postum Instead or ordinary coffeo.
"Doctor's brothol' , a Clergymau , supposed -
posed It was old fashioned coffee and
remarked , as he called for his second -
end cup : 'If yon do preach ngalnst
coffee , 1 see you haven't forgotten how !
to make It. ' , . !
This goes to show that well.made-
fnlly bolled-Postul11 has much the
110.vor and richness of good coffee al.
though It I1R8 an Individuality all Its
own. A ten days' trial wl11 provo that
It has none or tI10 poisonous effect of
ordinary correo , but will correct the
troubles caused by coffee. "Thero's a
reason. " Name furnished by POBtUD.l :
Co. , Ltd. , Dattlo Croak , Mich.
. .
And 80mo people ILrc 80 Industrious
that when they haven't anything to
do they proceed to do somebody ,
rAZO OIN'I'\lICN'l' : 18 < < lIluanl rd to cur. . an olUe
of HoblnlUllnd. . 1l1et'dlnl/ I'rolrudln l'lIea lo
Gto 16 dan or lDonOl rofunded. Wc.
When anyone has done you a fayor
how small It lools 010 tlay after.
- - - - -
, ,
The noblest spirit Is most ntronclr
attracted by thl" love of clory.-
Clcoro. . .
J.cwill' Sin IQ Dinl1er etrafg1lt c cigar t
made ot rich , Jncllow tohacco. Your ] I. .
dealer or LewIs' Factory , 1)cori3 , III ,
All philosophy lies In two words-
" " "abstaln.-Epictotull.
"sustain" and . - .
- - - - -
Happy Colors i
You know that there arc colors which sigtify sadncss , oUlers whicl1
indlcato happiness-but do you ever stop to think how often people are
made Bad or glud bccnuso of the colors ? ,
You Imow that children and 110wers thnvc. best 111
the sunshine _ Why not have more sunshine 111 your
own home then-why not let us ahow you how to get "
it In the " nlls by using
U'ho Sanitary Wall Coating
By' having your walls decorated
w1th Alabastine you will make
them moro artistic , moro durable -
able , more sanitnry , and will
make your home a more cheerful -
ful place to live in. Let us show
you how easy and cconomiclll
Alabastine is , and how the different -
ferent tints and stenciled dc-
sibns can bo combined to produce - . ) - ' - "
duce 'exactly the effcct -r
you want. ' Write us today ,
Acccpt no lubeUtutc-losl.s
on gdUng Alabastinc.
The AI b"atine Company.
Grand RaplcJ. , Mich. . or 105
Water Street. New York City.
SIoa , s / :
LiImelt j
For Cou91 , Cold. Croup. I
Sore Thro t. Stiff Neckr 1 / !
, .Rheumatlsm and 7--t j
Neuralgia I
At ll Dealers. I
Pr ce 25c. 50c : , & $1.00 . . " ,
Senr Free . fi _ , "S--
"Sloan's Book on Horses , j
Cattle. Hogs & Poultry ' -r'
, Address D Earl S , SloaB . . . C
\615 \ Alba > , Sf : Boston.Mass. ' "
You have never gotten that solid comfort which 11 good
It has nn cle ant Aroma. . which no other Iipo tobacco possesses , and
its smooth ) delightful flavor and free smokmg qualities arc the rcsults
of ycnrs , 01 careful study and experimenting ,
QBOID Tobacco is now
on sale almost
everywhere , and hundreds of thousands -
ands were consumed
last year and it is our pur. ,
pose to pillco QBOID in reach I I
of every pipe smoker in this
country , nnd to that end wo
make the following offer :
If your do 301 0 r does not
l handle QBOID 'obacco1 wo
will send you any size nox ,
II postnge paid , " upon receipt of re lar price-viz : Prices , Ii oz. tin
box , 10c. ; 3 ! oz. tin box , 2Oe. ; 8 oz. tin box , 45c. nnd 16 oz. fancy tin
box , DOc , Money refunded to any dissatisfied purchaser ,
Cut out this advertisement nnd send with money order or stamps.
Write your nllmo and address plainly , and address to
lARUS & BRO. CO. , rhnuracturcra. Richmond , Va.
- - - - - -
A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaer ! , and will not ,
blister the most delicate skIn. The pain-allaying and curative qualities of
the article are wonderfuJ , It will stop the toothache at once , and relieve
Hcadache and Sciatica , We recommend It as the best and safest external '
counter-Irritant known , also as an external remedy for pains In the chest "
and stomach and all Rheumatic , Neuralgic and Gouty complaints , A trial
will prove what we claim for It , and It wl11 be found to be Invaluable In the
household and for children , Once used no family will be without It. Many
people : say "It Is the bcst of all your preparations. " Accept no preparation
of vaseline unless the same carries our label. as otherwl e It Is not genuine ,
. .
W. L. DO U C LAS.-H- - ,
$3.00 AND S3.50 SHOES 'r JL - \ . '
Jllon'lI Shoe. , at > to 81.60. . 1101" fiho. . . 83 to 81.lllS _ 'Vomcu' .
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. Shoe. II" tn SI.60. 1IU. ehlldrou'.lIhn. : . , . : : .115 tn 81,00 ,
W. I. . Dough" shoes are reeogahed : y expert judle. of footwear
to o the best In 8tyle , fit anll . ' lu tls { countrr. Each .
part of the 81100 : loud eTer , detail 0 the maklD ! : i. looked afler
and watoholl m'or by IIkUl.d .boewakera , 'Without ffaJd to
thuo or cost. It I could take . you into my lar e tactorl. . at . ' I
DrocktOIl , Malis" aDd IIho" , .ea bllw carerully W. I. . Dou 111I
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, th. , ho d tbe r slll po , tit e' r (
wear lonltor , and are or creat" Talue than ' ,
any other makes. ;
prltel W. L. l &I\d > odSla. , lJ\f.r'.6'Jb. name LIlli . . . , .1' rI. . . . . 11 . . .Iam l'IIo , . ' " . . on . . . . tILe bo1101' ,1& wblcb ' " ne1 .rO&m1 . . ' . w..rer . at&t".t tIIa . _ ' --I
.ral' CtI'rE.IU' "dUlin'CffMGIN / , , , , _ Vx. ; QWQ --1 I .l1aaJ.n ft.IU.M&M enrywk'f\ ! ,
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. ' ,