, - . . , - ' . - : . . . - . . . . - . . . , ( Copyrhht , hy Joseph n. IIowlf/I , ) ' 1'wlllhl ( was falhng through the uutllmn o\'enlllg whell wo pushed out the black IlIlIIt nlld sct forth ncrOIlS the luke. We were gliding through the twl. hht 01111 the creOlllll ! ; IIIlst away to. ward Clnclmll nnd the coUngo there , In which Dunlol WIlS to lJrovo himself llOfOl' ( ) us nil. I Danloll How well wo rOIllOl11llOrcd hlll1. How short fL lIlIIo It seol11lJll 11II1CO the dnya when hI ! hnd snt among IIlI III the school h01llw there alllong the tr'pcs. Anl1 now hovns hacle fl'om ( : ollogo ; and every ono wns 111'01111 of him , and WO , his old IllaYlllntes , were 'going to hoar him , Ireach the Word. Wo III/idu / a gOOtty ! cOIl1IHlny. From , flU' anl1 near , Ieoillo had gathered to do Dal1lol hOlloI' . Clnclml1 filled llOlf the 1'00111 : GOI'loel1 gave Ils hest aUll 'wllfI ! ! ) ! . In the second row [ rom the tnble sat 1\Inl' ) ' , Daniel's sweetheort , Iher fnther on lIlls lIillo , her mother on jthat. I verywhore 0110 Imw familiar fucc , ateI'D nnd 1'llggcd , bouton with 'rain ' 1\nll whlll-faces that In the morn. Ing hnl1 loolted UII at the mlllistor fl'OI11 the Ilews In Dorryvad , and now .wl'rc . tllrned IIpon the door wntchlng fur night uf nun lei. lIush I The 11001' olellel1 ( , and a lit. tie Ilrncesslon came In-tho preacher flr8t , Dalliol next , tbo family following I aClol' ono by .one . to thoh' plnces on the fJr t form. ' 1'hcro followed 11 h 'llIn then 11 chap. tor [ I'om Isaiah , read well and Ceol. In/Iy / : then 11 thh'd h'mn , and a I , sho1'tcl and 1111I1'0 personal pra > 'or , In which God was aslted to bles8 the preaching of his word : then 11 min. ute of hustle , followed by a dead hush ' Ufl Daniel rose. Ills fnco was Oushed , his lips trom. hied 11 IIttlo' ; slowly ho road a text : " 0111 thlnbrH are IJUssed away : hehold , all things are hecomo now. " Ho re. Ileated It I1S If to Mary ami hlmsoIr , /lnd thcm closed his Blblo , laid It on the table , and began. I lie opened confidently , wllh the uurety of yonth and the fiuency of ono well III'CJlIlrod. ' 1'hero was no halting : hI n breath ho was whlle.hot , brim. mlng with words. They ca1l10 1IIco a torrent pouring down 11 mountain , so < Iulck Umt one might hal'dly tollow thom , 130 Insistent that one almost felt them wh.r ! ! . I sat amazed , whohned ( you have Boon willows bent toward u stream , 01' a weed bowed towal'd the sun ) ; Ilnd already Daniel was deep , and frowns had gathered on the hrows of many , when of 11 sudden the glantour wont , and 1 hnd plain see. 'lng ' , Whnt Daniel said I have long fargot. ten ( though Ulon at Clackan will ) 'e. Ileat much of It to you oven to.dny ) : hut gven : ! the text and the occasion , und you may oaslly guess the fash. Ion of Ills dlscuursos , It was just what you might eXllect of 1111 ambl. tlous youth girted and not without Cll. ucnUon como fl'esh from the llasturos tlf cUltUl'O to shed light upon the dlll'lmess of his natlvo hills , Three years ago Danlol had letlS , filled with these old things ; now , havIng IJrowsed halllll1 ' , ho had como bnele IIhlnlng with now things. Clacknl1 "was a. dear place , Its Ilooplo worthy : hut time bad moved on , leaving It bound In Ignoranco. Such changes It/HI como Ullon the world ; such won. lIel's been revealed of late In the do. 'mains oC Imowlodge ! There was this wonderul theOl'y of ovolutlon , 'rhol'o were these oxtraordlnul'y dlscovorles In IIclenco : 'rhero were these mar. velous doings of the hlghor crltl. cism. There wus this now slllrll of , the ugo moving across the fnco of the , wllters. Uuclt tllero lay these old d uel things ; hero among us were Ithmo wonderful now things , quick , 1m , peratlve , claiming , anld Daniel , in 11 Iwhlrl of words , fullest consldorntlon of all Christian men. ( ' 1'0 the consld01'l1t1on of thego. thero. forc. , Daniel 1'llssed ' : and beloro him I we Ignorant loughslder8 sut dumb , Out I fuces Bel and hard. Doldly ho tramp , 'illed on au\ , Ignorance ; bOldly woul ; lea < 11S 1 Into light. All his leal'nlnp ' nd readlnlt ; ho drew upon , striving t ( glvo Uli true Imowlodge. Wo wer ( 1Iarrow , projudlced , Intolerant : boholl tlllsncw"splrit ; of the ngo wblch shoul ! make. U8 treo. All mon were bl'oth : era : . 'O'u'o Christi un soul wus as gOal as anothor. Our Ideas , ot rollgiot were antlquuted. Our concoptlon 0 GOII was childish. Wo had vain no tlon8 of heaven and hell : wo read au Blblo Ignorantly : wo had novoI' grnSl1 od the renl splrJt of Christ's mCBsag' ' to the world , Hall Danlol stood In some city Jlu : lIlt , doubtless everything ho sal , woukl have won approval ; but ho wa preaching In a hlllsido parlor to an I nm'nnt UttIo cOllllllmy , and ho dl , foollahly , aUlI wo mlaunderstood hln and sot. our faces against him In plt 'ing scom. Thle our Danlol ? Thl the lUan wo had trusted aud Jovcd 'rhls the result of education an 'tmowlego [ ) ? Ah , the shame , though wo ; and Daniel , reading our thoughtl maYb closed wltb a rush , and su dO\ro. ' A stir passed through UB , lIke th gplng of wind nmong rille wheat ; the iaifang Into commotion at UIO soun of ono rlwng behind us In 1fnr co nor. With ono uccord wo SW\1I1 nround , aud saW Henry Marvin hltl so\-ho \ the shlnlnga light of wlsol Gorteon-t1taulng ] by the china cu .hourd , ono hand behlncl him , the OUlI hooked by a Ummb In 1m arm.holo c ' 1lls walstcont. and on Ilis taco thl which trillers hall learned to 1Il'ead. "You'll excullo mo fOl' mlnuto sir , " said Henry to the ! , reachor In that dry WilY of his , "hut I'm anxlouf to ! , ut a question or two hoforo we go. " Ills oyeH loft the ) lrcachel' and turned Ullon Daniel. "You'vo been l1ayll1' sOllIethll1 ahout hell , " said Henry , his volco harllns nn east wlnll "Am I right In tlI111ersllll1dln' yo tc bollovo thoro's stili sllch a place ? " Ah ! Al' IlII ( ] went. we , eager tc have sight o [ Dllnlel. 110 was still Oushell. ' 1'ho llrellchm' was whisper. Ing to hllll. 110 IJhook his head I1nd rose qlliclely. "Corlalnly , " ho Ilntwored , wlthollt hesltat101l. " 1 ItI1ow. Bllt 1IIee ever 'I1tlng elflo , It's changed of late , you'd ho thlnkln' ? WO'd bo foolish , you'd suy , " druwlod Henr ) ' , "lo call It a pit. filled wlt.b fire an 'bl'11I1stono any longel' ? " "Call It. that. , If you wish , " answered Daniel. " 1 think oC It as s01l1ethlng qulto dlfCerent. " "Just so. WolI , It's YOllr word ngalnst the Scrilltures ; but Sllre , ' If you'ro right , dyln' lI1ay CU1l10 easier. " At this Bomethlng ! lice a Inugh ran alnong us ; hut 1I0nry went on , 1m. Illacably. " ' 1'hen , thoro's this . now heaven , " BollI he. "Toll l11e , have yo road the hoult of 'Hove lations ? ' " " ' ' " 'Rovolatlonu' 18- "Answel' lI1e , " saW Henry. "Cortalnly 1 have. " i "An' yo thlnl. It. Coollshness ? " sllg. gested 11enry. . " 1 thItlle It wondertul , " answered Danlol. "But , IIko much else In the Bible , It hus been misunderstood. Men have read Into It what. Is not there , " "Ah , yes : that's hecauso wo'ro poor , Ignorant folk , only able to talco God's word fOI' whut we helleve , " Honry's eyes narl"U\Vod. " 'rhen 'ou'd dlsbo. lIevo the Blblo ? " sliid he , polnt.blank' . "I bellovo It. wlt.h 1111 my heart , " cried Danlol. "I Ilrotest- 11l'otest.- " "You mellll the now Bible ? " "I me un the Bible as It Is-as God meant us to bellovo It. It's wondor. ful : nnd novoI' BO wondorCul ns when J" " . . - ) / . . . "Answer Me , " Said Henry. road al'lght. I want you to undor. stand , " said Danlol to us all , "that In " no wuy- "Keep to me , " Heur ) ' brolco In. "Isn't every word In the Dlblo God's own truth ? " "Modern research has 8hown- " "Answer me , " demanded IIonry , "r reCuso to answel' , " cried Daniel , Booing at last where Henry would lend him. "I refuse to bo placed wlllCully In a Calso 110sltlon. " Ho sllread his arms. "I appeal to you all for jus , tlco. Have I suld ono word 10 " you"No "No : but you'vo said 10,000 words , " salll Honl'Y , mlslng his volco. "An' ' If you'ro not asl1llmed of them , tholl I'm bol'o tollln' , yo that I am. Yo m fuse to answer ? Ayc , because ye dare not. Yo pretest ? t , Yes , nn' eo do I. Fifty years I'vo IIvod , an' novel before heard a minister of God lDak ( light of GOl's [ word. You nro to com ( here proachln' uthelsUnn' boresy tc UR ! You to dare to 11\atch your lit. tIe knowleelgo ngalnst. tbo , truth pi heaven I You to talk a now Dlblo an a now rollglon an'- " "I protest ! I pl'otest ! " cried Dan 101. "Oh , this Is torrlblo ! " "Man , the tOl'l'lblo thing Is that I'VI had to sit IIstenln' to yo all thll tlmo , " answered lIenry. "No , sir , " h said to the preacher , who hnd risen "no disrespect to yo , but nothing mOI'l Is needed 'cept to go our ways. All mny Goll forglvo us It wo'vo slnnol this night. " 1'hen Henry toolt his hat and wen out , and ono by ono wo followed hill' leaving Danlol standing mute by th table , witb Mar ' , his swoothearl , hell Ing him by the hane ] . I am glad thot Mary stood by l)11l 101. I hl1vo often thought that w treated him harshl ) ' . Stili , In thos days-and later , It. may be-tho l 111aln things were qulto sufficlont'1 ( our slmplo needa , and teachers ( now Ullngs wo hold In scorn , An surely there waS truth In what t11 preacher said to Danlol that nlgl when wo all hud gene : "Young ma ! 'ou have begun climbing the hill the top. Go down to tbo very bottol and bogln ugnln. " f t . . . _ . ' . " _ ' . . . ' " , ! " - , , . , ' " , T"T'.m.4.q. . " ' _ 'MIIIIt" _ - I Where the Emigrant Lands - - - " , " " f ; V'.t. . ' - . From Ateroogra"h , copyright , lor Underwood ; Unduwood , N. T. Magnificent building at Ellis Island through which all aliens must pass ant' where they must undergo a rigid and thorough Inspection and examlna. tlon as to their qualifications before they are allowed to land In the United States. PROFITABLE TO FARMERS. BENEFIT GREATLY BY WORK OF AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. - - - - - ' - - Ahc < ld $231COOOOO Each Year , Accord. Ing to Estimate-Bureau of Ani. ' ; ' ; ] 1 Inductry First-Showing . Hens Their Duty Valuable , Washington. - ' 1'ho people profit $231OUUUUO annually by the worle of the agl'lculturul depurtmont , nccord. Ing to the estItnatos of the hureau 011I. clnls made [ luhllc In the reJort of the commlttoe on expondltures In the ag. rlcultural dOllllrtlllont , which has spent the entIre session InvestIgating the delllll'tment. I The bureau of animal Industry leads the list with an annual valuation of $50,000U O , of which $100,000 Is be. cause of the experiments malting hens lay maI'o Illontlflllly. Chlo' Willis J , Muore , of the woath. 31' bnreau , says his bureau nnnually 1 > ene11ls the pcoplo $30,000,009. I . _ , , _ _ _ _ 1'1. _ _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ -v uOiIJu.P . > lVII"\j 4,000 HORSES EATEN IN A YEAR. ; Consumption I ncreases Fast In Paris < lnd Is Aided by Doctors. Parls-Accol'lling to official statls. tics , 40,000 hOI'SeR were eaten In ParIs last. > 'ear. This rOllresents ahout 11,000,000 Idlogrnmmes of horseflesh , as compared with the enrllor figures or IS ! ) ! ) , when a total of anI ) ' 5,000,000 was oaten. 'rhls hl'unch of the butch. er huslness In Paris 8eoms to bo growing l'IlllleU ) ' In fa01' , so that the horse blltchOl' Is nssumlng the ) losi. tIon of qulto a I'cspcctable comllotltor with the bee [ hutchOl' , Hol'so hutchers' signs , with a gild. etl horeshoad ahovo the door , are numerous In certnln quarters of the cltr , und horse butchers al'o rapidlY preompllng spaces In the marlwt halls , ' 1'hls Is pal'tIculal'h' the cnso In wolHo.do sections , and the fact al. most prQ1l1pls the suggeRtion that the doctors are In league with the horse l > l1tchers , Doctors are mOl'e and moro recom. mending for cortaln patients who are In need of lmlldlng up their shattered systems a bit at horseflesh , and for persons whose constitutions are thoroughlY run down with wealeoned stomachs the ) ' proscrlbo the jllico of horsoOesh , pl'ol1Ured under certain slmllo ) conditions , Instead of the fresh meat Itself. At the marl < ots during the early morning honl's euch day men and women stand In lIne waiting tholr turn to bo servcd 11 > ' the horse hutcher. The ) ' call fOl' a nlco steale or filet , and , being well versed on the matter of Quallt ) ' , are vor ' particular In tholr solectlons. Some butchers malte a specialty of mule meat , which con. talns more faltr matter than horse , meat. No Cemetery for Cats. Boston.-Tho bill [ or the Incol'llDra. tlon of n cemeter ' for the burial of pet cats , which had been aclvancell to the third reading stage In the legis. laturo , WIlS Itself conslgneel to the graveyard when Ropresentntlvo Mock , of Boston said : "I tbought this measure wus a joIce , but I really begin to be1l0vo Ultlt some men are talelng It seriously. First , we hl\\"o the burial gl'ound [ or these Ileta. 'rhon , of course , wby not funerals ? Then the decoration of the graves at these [ lots , for t1O ! decoration at graves Is entll'ely proper. And who knows but ono ot the mlnlstors of this house might not bo called on to officlato at the burial aorvlces. " 'rho house I'o\"orsed Its IJI'evlous ac. tlon and killed the bill , 62 to 71. England's Navy Cheapest. LOUllon.-Great Britain has the cheapest naIn the world , according to the report of Admiralty Secretary Robertson , It costs $ H5 n ton , Rus. sla's cost $465 a ton. In ten : ronrs 1,132,205 tons ha\"o been udded to the navy , whllo Hussla , Germllu ' and Franco together only added 1.10S,2S0 tons. ' 1'wo ) 'oa\'s hence Great Britain w111 hnvo comuleted six now baUlo. ships , Including three at the Dread. nought class ! lnd three armored cruls , ors of t o In\"lnclblo clnss , while ill noltller Franco nor Germany will hr.ve 11 slnglo ship of tllOIlft t 'pes comllloted. 'rho bure11n of plnnt Industry places Its \:11110 al $29,000,000. Of this , $100 , . 000 Is beclluse of the suvlng by Intro. duclng lho I'eslllent cow pea. DI' . Ilal've ) ' W. Wlle ' , of the bureau of chomlstr ' , t.hlnks his office does $10,000,000 of good. lIe 111 aces the In. vestlgatlon of sorghum syrup , the sav. In ! ; [ 1'0111 the Investigation oC the sugar heet and the utilization o [ waste In mal\ng ! denatured nlcohol at $1,000 , . 000 each. I Ie estimates the vahlC of his "polson squad" experlmonts In de. tel'mlnlng the effects on health of food preservatives llnd coloring matter at $5,000,000 , Dr. Wiley thinks his Inves. tlgatlon of tbe "sweet" or "hot" corn Industry Is worth annually $250,000. 'I'ho bureau of blologJ' " which In SUII' port o [ Its estlmato that It annually benefits tbe people $3,000,000 , submit. ted beautiful ornnge-colored maps la. beled "Skunk area of the United Stnte , " assorts that $ l , OOOOO benefIt - fIt was derived tram Its work among "coyotes and wolves. " The biological - - - - - . , . 1III1. . . _ , . . . w _ _ . _ .15 < 1 _ - survc ' appropriation was lort out 011 the agricultural bill for the reasonj that the money asked was to bo ex. ponded In "mapping districts In that United States which would malto ! doat homes for frogs. " 'rho bureau at entomology thinks It saves the jleoplo $22,000,000 a yeur , at which $5OOO 00 Is because It was In. stl'umental lu the "Introduction of the Austra1llln lady.blrd beetle. " ' 1'he bureau of IlUbllc roads Is the most modest of ull and only aSl3erts It heneflts the people $873,000 n. year. 'rhe report sevorohol crlUclses Chief Moore , of the weather bureau , for his cxpendlhll'es on "Mount Weather , " the research Institution which ho estab. IIshed In the nine Rhlgo mountains at n. cost oC $ lG1,000 , for .whlch Comptrol. Jel' 'l'l'I1cewell 6n 's under oxlstIng law there IH no authority. ' ' Wilson of the Secretl1l' , department of agl'lculture , Is crltlclsed for oxceed. ing his authority In 'expondlng the ape prollrlatlun for the new department of agrlculturo building. Instead of comllleting a structure Cor the entIre delJaI'lment ho spent tbe money In bulldlug a Dingle wJng , DEAF WILL ENJOY MUSIC. French Doctor Declared to Have Won. derful Invention. Parls.-An extraordlnnry InventIon allllel1l'S to have been 1I1ado by a French doctor , l\I. Dupont , according to a com. munlcatIon rend to the Academy of Science by M. D'Arsonval. Dr. Dupont Intended to In\"ent a process by which the sensntlon of music could bo con. voycd to Ileaf mutes. Ho devised an apparatus by which the number o [ vibrations In each mu. slcal note Is conveyell through electrIc wires with alternating curronts. The apparatus Is attached to a microphone and musical sounds are transmitted to the body with extraordlnalJ' distInct. ness. The foellng produced Is said to bo more dollghtful than wben the notes are heard and not only deaf mutes but , persons with good hearing declare that the sensation Is posltlveh' delicious. A guy waltz produces unwonted hilarity nnd every ner\"o and muscle In the body seems to dance frqm the ef. forts of what might be appropriately described as a muslcnl tlclellng ma. chine. Ono may look Corward , thel'efore , to the tlmo when ono can feel as we ] ] as hear Mozart's operas or Deethoven's symphonies. Ju-e II"P'V " Official Seal of Jamestown Exposition - . . . . . . - . - - Buffalo Heads Expensive. RELICS OF DEPft.RTED BISON ARE BECOMING VERY SCARCE. Few of the Mounted Trophies of AI. most Extinct Monarch of the Plains Are Now for Sale at Any Price. Kansas Clt ' , MO.-Mounted buffalo heads are hecomlng scarce , A burralo head In good condition \'flll sell read. lIy for $400 to $1,200 , according to slzo nnd condition. And only 30 years ago thouslUlds of thorn were lert to rot upon the west. ern plains. Not man ' wcoks ago Frank Roclw. teller of Clovelnnd brought a buaalo bull to Kansas City from his ranch In Kansns. lIe sold the meat to a butch. er. Out the hend and bide ho sent to his home. Il was a magnlficont s'pecl. mono "Mr. Hockotoller valued the head nnd' ! hi do nt $1,200 , " said A. Weber , Ubut It was not. for sale at any prlco , ' 1'ho old bufCalo weighed 2,500 pounds , Think of It ! A bulTalo bull weighing mol'O then a ton. A long board hung tram his chin nnd his coat was shag. g ) ' . But the buffalo was 27 ) 'oars old. " Along In the IntC ' 70s officials of the Kansas Pacific rnllroad bought 38 buffaloes that WOI'O shot on the plains of Kansas. A burralo head was the rand's trnde-mark. These 38 sllecl. mens were handsomelY Ulounted and distributed throughout. the towns along the length of the road. Some ot theRe heads are stili seen In th" olUces oC the Union Pacific railway. lOne Is In the Kansas City Uckot oillco I at Ninth and Waluut streots. "I do not Imow Its value now , " said Thomas A. Shaw , the assistant ticket agent.UDut 1 should say $1,000 would not buy It. " In the museum at the public IIbrar Is the heud of a big buanlo bull , which has a history , The animal was one which roamed the plains In the Pan. handle of , Toxas. the leader of a herd. lIe was a surly brute when captured on the Goodnight ranch , In 18D9 , and loaded In a car for Kansas City. A butcher , who wished to supply some fancy meat for hla customers , bought him and sent him to II. packing plant to bo killed. Dut the buffalo taught. the butchers a lesson'In "buffalo. . . . olog ) . The old bull was driven Into the lillling chuto. The man with the nx : steadied hlmsolf , and swnng a torrlfic blow squareb' bet ween the animal's eyes. But the old bull shook bls 8M ! ; . g ) ' head nnd bellowed. Again the oxe- cutlonor swung UtO ax. This tlmo the hull objected to such tiring torment and leQped [ rom the chute , "HI'lng a 1'100 , " ordered UtO chief ex. ecutloner , uand wo'll shoot him , " The 1'100 wes brought , but the bul. I lots rattled err his hi do IIko shells I from al'I110r plato. "Lasso him ! " was then orderod. When U10 bull was down , ho was I1galn shot , but Ut.Uo damage was I done. The buttntJrs In desperation then wound the lariat about the old bull's. neck ami cbolwd him to death , But ho died gaNo , fought until un. conscious. ' 3ulphur Yellow In Vogue. London.-Accorcllng to the Drapers' Record sUlphur yellow , which alrcadv has n vogue In Pal'ls , will bo the flOp- \lIar ahado this ) 'cnr botlor ! wOm'n'9 frocks and for hmsohold : decorations. . . . .J : A..I > . . . _ _ . . . . _ _ _ " , , i I = -'J'"JT . . .ArJ.r" } j LUMBAGO i AND \ \ SOIArICA ( i fi . . i ST . I r I JACOBS I I H OIL H j Penetratcs to the Spot 6 I Rhlht on the dot. I N 8 H Price 2ac end 50c & " .J'.r..r..r..r.r .r..r . . . . . Purely Experimental. "Why In the world did you order a : Welsh rabbit In this French place ? " ' they asked her. "Ot course , the cheese Ij Is about the same as you get every. 11 \Vhere , but bow can you teU what a I' ' French Welsb rabbit will do to you ! afterwnrd ? " ' "I'm not afraid , " she Informed them , : placidly. "I just want to see what Ij sort at ragtime nlghtmaro Fren ! 1 it ! I wJl1 speak. " Tin Used In United States. ,1 , The total consumption ot tin In the I l United States for 1906 was 42,800 , ! tons , with 2,132 tons in stock at the close ot the year. The shipments \ from Dollvln show an increase of 3,000 tons , from Cornwall an Increase \ ot trom 700 to 1,000 tons and from Australia an Increase of 1,000 , tons , j making the total European and Amer. , I Icnn supply for the year abont 93G50 , ; , , SCIATIC TORTURE i - \ A Locomotive Engineer Tells HOVi I He Was Cured by Dr. " Williams' ) Pink PIIIG. , I' ' Pain that seems almost , unbearoble ! -"r is n characteristic of sciatic ; rhemna"r I tlsm. In some cases the pain Is I knlfe.lI1ee , s arp Or shooting ; in oth. ers it is dull and acl1lng. Sciatica Is stubborn in resisting treatment and the patieat frequently snffers for years. This was the case with Mr Herbert. Eo Spaulding , 0. Jocomotlvo ' engineer on the CIncinnati , New Or. I leans & Texas Pnclfic Railway , wilose ( homo is at. Longvlow , Texas. I ' . 'WhHe : running an engine somB \ years ago , " ho saya , "I fell at ! and I hurt my leneo and' ' spine nnd I have I always conslderod this to be the cause I of my illness , T"lle sciatica toolc hold ' ot mo from my heel to the back ot my hea.d. The pain was the worst I ever suffered in my ] ICe and my leg and baclt were twisted out ot shape. I was under no physician's care for I several months and for six months could not got out. ot bed. I also went to Hot Springs but came bacle In 3 , worse condition than when I wont , : "It was when I was down In bed I that I heard at the case of a l\Ir. ; , Milson , n. much older man than my , self , who 'had ' been cured of sciatica by Dr , Williams' Plnle Pills. I began taltlng the pills and soon was able to set out of bed. 'When I bad taken six boxes I was able to worlc aoout tbo house and yn.rd. I kept right on with the pills nntll I was cured and I have never hnd any return at the trouble. I 'havo been running an onglno over since. " I Dr. Wl11lams' Pink Pills are sold by aU druggists , or sent postpaid , on receipt - ceipt of prlco , 50 cents pOt" hox. six boxes Cor $2,50 , hy the Dr. WHUnms . Medlclno Co" Schenectady , N. Y. SICK HEADAOHE' ' ' , ' Positively cu.-cd by these Little Pills. , CAR ER' S I 'I'hey also rcUcvo DI3- ' tress trom DJ'SPCpsttl , In. ! ITTLE d.lgestlon nnd Too llonrty E t1Dg. A perfect rem. I V E R . / , edy tor DIzItnc5S. Na.usea , t. PH LLS Drowsiness. Dad 'l'nsto ? , In th Mouth , Coated Tonguo. P:1ln In the Side , TORPID LIVER. Th : ' rcgula.to tbo Dowel3. PurcI1Vegctablo. SMALL Pill. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. . Genuina Must Bear CARTERS Fac.SimilQ SignatufQ IVER .4 _ PilLS. / .Ad. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. " fARMS THAT GROW J' . "NO. I HARD " WHEAT ( Slxty.three Pound ! ! to the lIu9hell. Are . .lIu. nled itl the Canndlnn West where Hume , stead ! ! of 160 acret ! cnn be obtained free by every settler , vlllll1 anll able to complv with the lIomeSINIa ) Ue latious , Durin ! : i ; "Wh ; I' G' ; i ' T orrilory HAS mmN MADl ACCnSSmr.n TO MAR. KIrI'S ny TUlt RAU.WAY CONSTR.UC1'ION thai has been Jlushed forward 50 vIgorously by the : three great railway companies. I lIar Illeralure aud partlcnlarll a\dressSUPIIU. \ INTJoNDltNT ; 011 l\f\UGRATION ; : , Oltna , Canada , or the : following autborlz.cd Canlldla GO\'erlllllent : A el\t : ' W. V. BENNETT , 801 New York We Duildinr I Owaha , Nebraska. 'I Ment on this aper. . : ' -.r' _ _ . _ DEFIANCE Cold Wat.t Starch I makclliaunllry work II pleasure 10 oz. pq , lOG. .