Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 21, 1907, Image 8

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    . - .
- .
i E.Y. . COLLAH.S. PJD'rERS snogs.
f We are now about ready for
having cleaned up entirely on fall and winter merchandise.
New goods are now arri\ing daily and our many l.ines will
soon be complete. When yon arc lolting or
ctooct IValues. and Honest Frices
the year 'round in dry goods , clothing , hats , caps , sh es , rugs ,
carpets. mattings , lineoleU111S , notions , etc. , don't fall to look
our lines over.
CRITERION Cf-401'lliNG. IlUN'l'gR OVgRAf.4LS.
f ' (1\ ( \ RI'W'1"r ' - _ . . - - _ . . . - - - . . . , _ . _ . . . _ _ . _ . . _ _ " . . . . .
'r. Send your Abstract Orders to
f' J. G. LEONARD ,
: : Bonded Abstracter
t Office i Security State Banle. B'ld'ng
. _
" . " . . . " " , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . - . - . - . . . - . . . . - . . . . - . ' . .l.l . - - . . . . . . . . , . . . ( . . . . . . - . , . .
-.I' ' # 'I".oa : : rl 1" ; r.-r" ; : " .1" . " 't ; .m ; : ' . . ' ' 'iii ' 'I. ' ' ' ' . . . ' : ; : 'ifi Ib ; " 11.i . . . ' . . . ; ' ! . , , J . , & : " ' ! , . ' . , : .V- : " 1"7.-1. : : .LIi'-fo ' : ; . . . : . . .I. IIfiii : ! . , , . ; .Iij.Wi.i'.1m ; : : : : p 1i.7.i f ij . iti
m : :
. . When desiring to figure on a bill tiJ :
I . . . . . . . . . . 'j , )
. , ' of Lumber call 011 the. ( " : : ii . , .
: : : C. L. Turner Lumber .Co. 1
, 'We carry a full stock of Lumber ,
' .
! ! Sash , Doors , Moulding's , etc. : It
" I !
I I : , Ag.Gn s for the Nebraska en ral ij
iI'1. ! Bm1chng & Loan Association. fh. . . , . ,
{ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . { ' . : t. :
. . . .t@ : . , . _ ! E"-"or" . : , . . ' i : 0I..1 : i , . : ' : 1-- : r ' .IiP. i , . . . . . ' .Q.5.II / ' :1. : ! . . ! ( : : . : : . : : . \ .8\ } . : . . ' .CI. : ' ; . ' . , . . . . . . . . . . . , , I. . . ; . t- . ' 'IL i . ' NI. . . . . , ' $ ' \ . . . . . wI7' .1" : .
/ - ,
1 It may seem early , but not .
to about early to begin thinking S E E. D S I
I for spring planting. I wi11 have an absolutely full line of
Field and Garden Seeds of ever ! description which will be
sold on a very small margin.
See me before you purchase.
I have about a half
T C 0 ST . 1 of c.rockery
which IS betttg offered -
fered at absolutely wholesale price. Do not fail to supply
yourself now.
South Side Square , Broken Bow.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
J.IOO : .Q.rJ".r""M . .Q.ocf. . : r.I : ; o : .r..rJ"J".rJ"
Ja : a : . SJ : ? .A.IJ'J ,
.tI. . _ . - PROPRIE'rOH.
W n1t ! .
, I rilLIVERY and
' : , . FEED BARN
Remodeled and repaired throughout. Goollivery rigs at reasonable rates.
AccoUlodntion . for catlle and range horseR. lIay nll dny , 15 cents ; over . 8
mg 1 lt , 35 cents. Call and see me ! - !
' . ; o : J.I :
. . . . , .
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
. ! , 1
o. VV . . : BoVV' : : .
Successor to BOWMAN & ANDERSON.
. Real Estate. City Lots and Property bought and sold.
Farms rented. 'l'axes paid for non-residents.
Will buy some good paper. "
Call and see me.
- -
c. VV. : : : : .
. - .
on Furniture. Carpets , Rugs , Mat
tings , Shades. > Carpet Sweeper
rictures and many other things.
O. C. Konkol
. . . . . , . , . " "
Trulh and Tariff. -
Continued Irons Firat I'lIlle
they would consist of the combined -
bined force of all trusts. And
having a plant In each leading
country strong enough to force
any men or concern to the wall ,
they woule } . be absolutely independent -
dependent of any tarilT law.
Would this he the curbing of
the trusts we want ? Would it be
such a result as is contemplated
by those olTering the scheme ?
In fact , we believe that the
primary motive which prompts
thc agitator of this measure is
not to curb the trusts , but is -
really free trade at any cost.
It would be "radicalism that is I
dangerous" and such radicalism
was denounced bv . Grover Cleveland -
land himself , recently in
Chicago in his Washington
Birthday address.
So in conclusion let us again
emphisi7.e that the adoption of
such a measure would result in
either the survival of the fittest ,
which are the trusts or the
formation of men trusts ; curbing
in no manner and remedying I
no evil.
If we really do w'mt to curb
the trusts why not adupt some
one of the more 'reasonable
methods which are proposed hy
leading men [ Democrats as well
as Republicans , ] who are in- '
tcrested in curbing the trusts I
and all corporations for that
purpose alone. . A. \1 \
WlIItJU M ; , It hath pleased our Heavenly -
ly Father to call from among us to the
Great Beyond our esteemcd neighbor
Zeda Grant-Wehling nnd
WlIItRltA , In this we mourn the loss
of a kind neighbor the parents a dutiful
df\ughter , the husband a loving wife ,
the sister and brother a dear sister ,
therefore be it ,
RnsOJ.vED , That we extend to the
I bercaved family our sincere sympathy in
I thIs their hour of great sorrow and commend -
mend thcm to the Great Sympathizer for
comfort , and be it further ,
RHsoIvlm , Thatour charter he draped
for a period of sixty days , and
RHsoI.vlm , That a copy of these resolutions -
solutions be sent to the family of deceased
neighbor , copy printed in the local
papers and a copy spread upon the
miuutes of the camp.
CARRIlt l . PnNNING'1'ON ,
CORA B. l\IcCOl\A ,
- - . .
Real Edate Tran.rcra.
Atwoo < l Sloan an. ! wife tu Richard lIall. lot > l
2J and 4. block Ii , orhrlual town of Anfllc } ' .
$ l OO.
gva A. RubcrtRun a\ll bURbaud to A. G.
Moyers. Re26.162.5. ! . lWO.
Henry I.lnder an. ! wife to Prank A. Johnson
wi ! eI. , eH w . lots 1 , : ! . 3 and 3.7.13-21. $ lJO.
L. A. Whll1t to A. G. Hagley. parcels of .Iaud
In > lectlon 17.18-21.22-2.1.1 : and 2 . townRhlp 1' ) .
rallitu 25 , i175.
lIenry h. Crawfunl. slnltle to Pcter Hurton
> lwX 1.13-1'J. $1400.
1I11unle R. McKenty an. ! busballli to l rnest
W. Pester lot 1 ( , . block II } lu Ausley , $1S00.
InvcstorR Securlt } . Compauy to Joseph
' 1'amlrean II" ' ! 2WO.
The 1\laRon Clt ) . BaukhllrColl1panyto Charlcs
I. ' . Bramer nwM 1O.13.1 : ! , $ liOO. .
Mar'l , Shamms. a wlduw. tu A. J. Murl > lb
sw 10.13-17. lirO.
Central Nebra > lka I.and allll Iuvestml'nt Co , .
tu Albcrt Bcllke e se . IlVa neJ . 8eJ. { nwH
2-13-18. $ $000.
' 1' . T. Varne } ' and wlfc to 'Yllllam Broler.
ReJ , eVa wI. and lot 1. 7.H.1I ! , $340U.
Hcnry G. Stoke > ! a 1111 wlfc to Robert A.
Shafer. neM 2 . He : ! ( , .I'J-18 , $3000.
, Harvanl I.omax anll wife to Charlc > l W. Jlow.
man , \II\1l1vlllell luerest nwX 4. n ne . seH
neJ 10.11.19. $3500 ,
J. G. Brenlzcr and wife to Charles W. How.
man , neX and el. se :1.17.20 , $4801) .
Ralph S , SeTcrance and wife to Hcnry G.
Stokes. wM nw } 26.10.18. $ l ; ( ) O.
Sarah M. SImkln8 aud hn > lband to'lIemllllnil'lI
Cottlns amlllenry G. Stokl's md \ nel-'a , nYa
nwX. > lw nw 34.1'J-18. $1000,00.
Central Nebr\ska I.aUlI allli Investment Com.
pany to Jacob 'fhul1 cM wl-'a aUll lut I. 8e . ( 1 ,
wI , w 8-14.18 , $ iHJO.
R.I' . Scsltsmlcr. shtltlc. to Cbarles I . Bates
sc 5.18-:10. $ 'J\oo. \
Ralph S. Sevcrance allli wlfo to lIcnry G.
Stoles , e ! . sw , . seM nw . BW } ' noX. nw 60
34-10.18 , $4800.
Captain L. Harris and wlfu to J' ! l'h W.
Smith. lots I. 2. 3. block Ii In Saril'ent. $ UU.
JameK A. lInc and wlfc to David I. . AdamR.
Be } ' 29.'ZO.18. $63 ( ' ( ) .
WlIlI\I\1 G , 1.'orwanl and wife to C. Mackcy
anll 'I' . T. Varney HWJ' ( nc ! . KW nw . ncJ- (
KwH' . nwJi seJ , { ; : 17.1 ! ! . .
'l'heOllore CohlchoIT allll wife to Joscph
Schmitz wnwH , n ! . KwH 15.13-21. $6400.
'I' . A. Monc'j'enn } ' . unmarried , to Leon G.
lIulla no ) , ( 1.19.19 , 15' ) acres. $4800.
Marr.A. . " 'orth. a whlow. to I.awrcnco " 'CIRh
ne } ! : > . .li.1500 ! ,
I.'rank H. Mycrs all. ! wlfc to Bcn Jounsull n
13.H. , $ HSU.
flenr } ' C. 1.'lower allli wlfo tu Charle. . Hlpsley
6. acres III lIectlonR 5 a11l118 , tuwn II } . ranlre : ! 3 ,
Rectlons 3 ; : and 33. 20-:4 : : : Kectlon 9 , IH-24 and
&e.tlon 19 , 19.:11 , POO. : !
Oliver G. Smith ami wife to Amelia J. Joneo ;
10tR 3 amI 4 In block 3 , 21111 alhlltlon toIcrna. .
Jamc > l R. I.anlt ami wife to Georll'e Shcrman ,
I. . Knox and William 11' . Davis lots lU and 11.
block 10 of Mason , Nebraska , $300.
I'zra Slocnm aud wife to I. . \\'alworth. .
se ami cl'a 8WJ2 .ltI.17 , $ IIX\J.
Johanna I'rambenr. ct al. to Jnrll'eu Kaiser.
IIwH 3I.13- . $ a:110. : :
IIarlu } ' Wiltllon aud wife to I zra Slocumb.
e ! and e sw } ! 25.15.17. $ : NOO.
Sara I . IIenteman and husbaml to J. P.
l\1arouc } ' . lotH , I :111115 lu block 10 , 1:1 thc tOWII
of Allselmo. $ ; :000
Oscar II. Arey aud wife tu Norman C. Grclr-
. . Ilory IW ! 1f1.1 ! ! . OO.
Lincoln IauII Comtall } ' to Oliver G. Smith.
lot 3 alld " In block 3. 2ud addltlou toIerua ,
Stcphenlladl'r , a widower. to Albert lIader
s\ sHH ? : : lJ. I. $ IOUO. i
Juhn Jelinek aud wlfu to Wlttlalllllurtoullc l
11.13-111 , $1000.
C. H.Iark aUII wlfu to ! \ Irs.Iar } ' EUIrIlsh ,
lot 8. block 7 , oflaRcu , $600
Gracc Gra\"cs ami husbaud lo A. ' 1'heodurc
Stewart IIc } : : ' ) .13-:4. : : $3:00 : :
I. A. JohuRtonltd wlf\l to 1Ianlel R. Rock.
wull IIw l31.IM-IM$5000
Daulel R. Hockwel1 al1l1 wife to E.lwant O.
: \lart1I ; sH se 2 au. ! ue , { 35.1".111 " , : f5OO
Christian Saml > au. ! wife to Prclt SalllP ReJ- (
22-13-18 , : fWJO
Olof AI1IIur8011 aUll wife to ' 1" T. Varney.
s H 1 .Ic..l0 , $3200
Charlcs II , AI1n an. ! wife to Ho e D. CoIT.
lIIan uw : .1515OO : : !
' 1'he Kennebec I.and CUmI1an ) ' , a corporatlou ,
tu Milford U. I'lIu. HWJuw ! and nw swt 35 ,
flel ( ne . ue ! se ! ( 34.H. . : f ; ! . 'O
William Rltu ' and wife to Geonre Man' ul
lIe ! ( . eH seM I7.14. : ? . $ .3:00 ; :
_ Georll"Iar ! } ' and wlf" to Josct'h II. JIIalr. u5
. nu ) , { al1ll c ! ijeJli.H. . : ? ' . ! . f-3Ml'O '
A\Jha \ Morllan nnll wife and 1M. . ' kltImali
al1l1 wife to Hay I' " Stucke } ' aud Geurlrll 1- : .
tucl < e.lIu ! , { ne ) ! anll u ! HUamI ! 6WJ 8u i
, 25-11 1 , $ ' -\J
) haac 1Iuar.lorf al1l1 willi to I'mit : J. Rtrahl
, wl swJ5li ; \ , $ SiJIJII "
Alia 1" . lIalIah and wife to John 11. Sallluols
lI 5. neM ue ) , { 7. 11" ue ! , se } ! ne ) ( , n nw.t' .
IIwM nwH. uw"l swJ8 , nw ! ( 9.H. l , $ 4UI10
Alozo. II. Copse } ' and wlfu tu Wlttlam II.
! \Iauk nwM 4.1U.'ZO , f 500
ClarunceIncke ! } ' . a wldower\ to B. 1 , , , Crouch
wl swi ! 23 , n I Q } . ( 2.15.18. ; U-IOO.
'I" 'I' . Varny ! aU11 wife to Johu N. Trout wli
heM 2 , n ne } ( 1t.l 18. ttJOOO
Chatl. II. lIal1 aud wife and Thomu C. lIall
aud wife to William R. I.ohr u nwJ , w ne ) , { .
II" \ . 1tI.ISII wI. 1518f14SO !
I A. S. Sands aud wllu to A. I. , 2utavern ; ue ! (
( ) .jH. $500
. " . . : "
Successor to } and GEO. WILLIN < ? ,
Embalmer and Funeral Director ,
Business phone , 301. Hesidcllce phonc , 334 B.
- . . . . . - - . . - . - " - . _ . . - . - - . - - - . -
Don't run awa.y with the idea a111umber is ke or prices
the same. Before you build consult
South Side Lumber Yard , Broken Bow , Neb.
- - -
Ir J@1iffi Tlu : iii
II . Before You Build , Consult . I.
.GreOm : JapiJ:1ea-u. : : . , 'w
Contractor and Builder. Estimates . ru
Furnished free with plans and specifications. W
_ = 'r = _ : = r = = : - r = _
t = ; ; "ER eOU TY HE - OF
'tV e have some very fiue gilts , bred for
April and l\Iay farrow , to Crimson Wonder
Jr. , Custer Billy K. and Custer Ohio
Chief , for sale at prices that farmers and
breeders can afford for brood sows.
Eight 111i1eR west of Brokeu Bow , Nebraska.
- - - , . . ,
. . . , II . - '
- - - - - - - - "
Johll P. WC I.Ott allli wife to 'VI11. H. Dowse
W'1 swalltl ! "e ' of sw i : ' ' 2-18-li. SiOU
Silas C. Waldron alltl wife to Hcujl1uhl J.
Iall Irh II II. "w - 32-16.21. S2i O
. .tIIco R. YOlllllt. a widow. to Arthur Lelgh-
wanI lie ! . ! 2:1.18-2 : ; : , 6000
: 'Iltltoll HUllllealld wife to Gardncr HOllflel.
llYo fle ! . s\j lie } ! 21.15.18. s5UO
William 'I' . B. lawRon and wIfc to JamcR
Anllerson. cv. l Yo 3-15.IH. SWOO
Mattie R. R'erROII a 11I1 R. R. RJ'crsou. her
hu band. to lIan9 O. Bahde. w sw . swX
IIW' 14 , > I' ' > lw ! II. n uwH 14.10.20. 2.-0 acreH
Henry A. Kosters an. ! wlfo to J.'rank H.
Myers cswH \ lot > l 3 aud 4. 31-1.25 , $1800
Edwin S. UplII e and wlfc to William g.
Wardrobe > I sw4 ! 2O.1c.2J. ! $ iOO'
Juhn' : ! . Urb:1I1 and wife to No\'IR D. ROllcrs. , $4lJOU
Charles A. Dndlcy and wife to Wl11lam II.
Gibson. parcel In 2\1.1I. I , $4500
Jess 1\1. Christensen and wIfe to Mcllnda
Moody uw4' ! : ! J.I7.1IJ. S25QO
. . . . . . . . . . , D _ - , . . . . _ . . . . . . .
. -
A T T RAe T 1 V E !
March 5th and 19th , cheap
excursion rates ; also , daily
low tourist rates to the' ' Gulf
country , Colorado , Oklahoma ,
Arizona , Old Mexico , ; New
Mexico. :
A Good Chance to Visit
Pacific Coast :
March and April one-way
rates to Utahl CaHfornia ,
Oregon , \Vaslungton. Idaho , .
Montana , Big Horn Ui1sin-
nearly 50 per cent reduction.
Daily , through Standard and
'l'ourist sleepers.
Landseekers' Information -
tion Bureau : .
Valuable , free information
to seekers of Government
lands and to. prospective
purchasers of all kimls of
deeded lands along the Burlington -
lington Route.Vrite Land-
seekers' Information Bureau ,
1004 11'arnam St. , Omaha ,
H. L. OUMSUV , Ticket Agent _
[ .4. \ Y.V AKnI.RV , G. A.
Omaha , Nebraska.
- " " 1----
- -
ClasseR in Theory of MURic , Hnrmol
and Kindergarteu.
Pinno lessons of 40 minutes , 50 cell
per lesson , payable mouthly.
In Gleim & Myers block.
Broken Bow , - . - Nebras1 :
Attorney at Law.
Broken Bow. Nebr.
HJ.vlull' : jU8t had eIght } 'cars practical ex {
cea > l Doltnty Judil'c. wlllilive special aU
don to the drawlnil' and probatlull of witts a
the admlulstratlon of estates of deceased p
SUUB load mluor ! : . Write or phouo DIe. Ins
i f JL'I'C ' felt p trip.
Consult him If you want Water.
Phone 112 , - Broken Bow ,
DR. C. B. JOB ,
Physician and Surgec
1 Office and residence one block south
Ryerson & George's store.
: : : r.rJ"J-r..o.I.O : :
ii AR TRU'R. ; DOWN :
g will do your LA1'UING and guar-
R 8ntee gClod work. Good recom-
" . mendatious. Call at th Advo
Restaurant or write me at Broken
IA Bow , Nehraska.
'fbclO" ' " : O : : O-
Legal Notices.
- . . n _ _ _ _ _ _
, gS'I'A'I'I .
Whercall , the lion. II. O. IIuRteUer. jUlllre
the 'l''ctfth Judicial District. In and for CUI
count ) ' . NebraHka. dill on the : 'Otil day
Jo'ebrnao' , 11)01. at charuber ! ! . In the Clt } '
Kearner- . within salll Judicial district. a :
Illvhllr ; r,11 parties Intercsted due and Ie
lUoticc and after hearlnll the evlllcncc and Ii
' :1111' : that the factlllltated In tlte petltlou arc tl
tt Is therefore ordere.1 b } ' the Court that the
oI\h'ellntel'\'tIt \ o ( the mluor child. 1\Iarllaret
iintchlll on be. by her guardian , W. H. Hul
Ilison , sohl for cash at the front door . , f
cUArt houRe In IIrolocn Buw. Custer COUI
1 tr skat at \3'clock 1\0 m. on the 15th da } '
Ap.ll , IIKI , . to tile hlll'hcst bidder for casll
'rkcrefore. uotlce 1 > 1 hcreb } ' Illven that
I > ur"anco of the alloyo order. tlte undcrslll
IlWlr41an 01 the minor heir. 1\Iarllaret } ' . lIn' '
Insun. wilt , at Hald time and Place 8el1 all
utd I1dnor's nndlvlded Interest In and to
, north lulf of block one ( I ) 1\1. I . ( ; audy's
dltn to Jlroken 1I0w. Custer couut ) ' , Nebra !
aud al1 < ( ) f salll minor's IIIlIlh'lded luteres
and to lott ; thrco (3) ( ) and four (4) ( ) In block
. ! eweU'w : . .Mltlon to Druken lIow.
lIated March lSI'ti.
W. H. nl'TCIIINSON , Uuardlal
D ) ' R. A. Mool < lt.
1 8tate of Jane U. Klump. Deceasedl
, Coullty Court of l'lIster Coullty. Nebraska.
I'ho State of Nellraska. 'fo a11 per80llS In
.e1Itedlu said estate , take notice. that a petl' '
I hl.1i been I1led for the appolntmcnt of Jaco
' : KI unl > , ali admlulstrator of said estate , wI
'I .haa bcen set for bearlnll' herelu , oulllh
I .of Aprll. 1907. at 10 o'clock a , m.
D ed March nd , 1907.
A , n.lIUtolPJUIEV.
:19.t ( SEALI Collnty Judu
- x- : : ' ---1. LT 2 [ c . _
- -
In District Court. Clliter county , Nebruka ,
Washlalrtol1 F. Rankla , plalatltt ,
Fred II. Dalley , ct III , detendauhl. "J
'fo } 'red II , Dallev. JanscB II. 'Voo. ! . Mrs. .
Jarnefl II , Wood. ( wife of said Jamelll. ! Woo..1
Charles G. Green nnd Mrs. Charlc'l G. Grecn ,
( wife of Bald Charles G. Urcell,1 nou.resldent
defeadants. - -
You and each bf you will take 1I0tice that 011
the 4th day of Mnrch , 19Ui , Washlnlltou P.
Hankin. plaintiff. filed his petltlou In the
District Court of CURter conuty. Nebraska.
allaillst YOII allli cach of you. the objcct nnd
prayer of which sahl lotltlon lire to foreclose
two (2) ( ) certain tax sale certll1catcR upon the
flonth.eaRt Quarter south.west Qnarter aud
weRt hlilf flouth.cast quarter amI southeast
lIuartcr south'ell t IInarter nectlon I. township
2\1. ranllc 21. In CURter county. Nehraska : one ,
( I ) of said certificates for the taxe' ! of 11195to
I ' ) I ) ' "clllfilve ami fur sllbscqucllt taxcR Iald
: In. ! the other of said tax sale ccrtilicatefl Issned
npon said Ian. ! ( or the } 'cars 1 90 alld 1S91 ! and
for the subsequcnt ycarR of 1802 , 181)3 anll 1894
all,1 that therc IR duu p'on two ( :1) tax salu
certificatcR at tltls tlmc 18.4r. .
Ami also te , forcclo'e a cortalll 1II0rtfalle
made upnn Ralllalld on the Ith da ) ' of Sep.
tcmber.IMM' } . by I.'rcd II. Daile } ' to thu Iowa
l\1ortltaltu company and which flald mortll'allo
Is now owned b } ' the plaintiff , saltt 1110rlltage
havhlll' been glvcn to securc the paymcnt of a Q
note of $3 : > OOU and IntercRt , no parl of which
haA bcen paid al1l1 thcrc Is 1I0W due UPOII said
nlOrtil'ago Inllebledncs'l the slim of O.OO , no
l > art of which has bcell paid allli therc III duc hI
thc IIltltreltatc UpOll two (2) ( ) tax Rale ccrtlficates
1111I1 for flubseQuent taxcs palll amI UPOII salll
uuto nnd 1110rtllail'e. tlte total lIum of $113A5 : for
which said SUI11 with IIItcrcst from tltlfl date.
the plaintiff l > raYK for a dccree of foreclosure
of lIald tax sale ccrtll1cateR allli of 8t\1t1 mort.
! fage aud that salll premises be solll to' flatlsfy
amount duc to thlfl plalntlIT thcrcoll.
Yon allll each of } 'OU are rcqnlrcll to anRWer
flald petition UII ur before Monday , thc 15th day . . . ' .
of AIrll. 1907.
Dated thlll "tit day 01 . Marclt. 1')0 ; . 'f
11y C. I. . GUTTllRSON , his Att'J' . 3'.42 ,
. j
UnltclI StateR Land Ofiice , t
Brokell How. Nebra > lKa. I'ebrnar } ' 18. 19U7.1
Notice 1 > 1 hereby gh'ell that AI.BER' ! '
GRUBII , of AIIRelmo , Nebraska. lias mcd . .
IIotlce uf his Illtentioll to make final coml11uted
prof In lIuPIJOrt of his clalrn. , 'Iz : Homestead i
ntn' No. : ? 81 made Jul ) ' 2' . 1002. wH nc.
IIW su Rectlou25. towIIRltlp 20 N. , rallgc . : : 'V. ,
alld that said proof will be marlo before Hcgl > l.
ter alld Rccelver at Iltoken lIuw. : 'Jcbraska , on
March 2M , 190i : lie IIame'l the fol1owlnl ! ' wit.
IIesscs to prove his contiulluu > I reldellce upon
allli cultl\'atloll of thc lalld , vlz : 'l'homas J.
Gl\1hran. of Milburn , Nebraska : Calvlll 1\1.
I.a'man , of Anselmo. Nebrallka : Wl\1lam II.
lIalrd. of AURClulO , Ncbrasl < a : William Mc-
nalltbc } ' . of Ansclmo , NcbraRka.
3i.42 JOliN Htmslt. Reglstcr.
, . . . .
United States Lall. ! Ol1icc. t
Jlrokeu Bow. Nebra > llm. l < 'cbruu } ' H. 190i. f
Notice Is hereby Itlvcn that MARION S.
I DAILY. of 1\lIIbllru. NebraHkaLha ! ! med IIotlce
of hl > lllltclltiou to make lIual : . ycar prnof 111
SIIpport of his claIm. "Iz : Homestcad glltry
No. 11121. made April 0. IIJIIO , for lot 9 flI1CtlOll b.
lot 3 alld > lwJIIc scctloll 8. township 20 , N. .
ranlte 21 'Y. . and that said proof wl11 bu made
before Reil'lstcr alld Receiver. at IIroken Bow.
Oil March 26 , 1907. lIc IIames the fo11owlnll
wltucsseR to provo his cuntlnuous re > lldence UI"
Oil. and cultivation of tht. land. vl1. : 1 < ' . R.
Sn'der , of Milburn. Nebraoka : 'V. S. Peters ,
of Milburn. Ncbraska : Robert I arlc } ' . of Mil.
burn. NcbraRlla : Athc } ' . of IIrokcn Dow.
Zebraska. JOlIN Rumm.
3-42 ; RClllster.
In the UI > ltrlct Court. CURtcr county. Ncbrallila.
Ccntral Ncbrask:1 I.aud & InveRtmcnt COin-
pany. ' 1)llucorporatlon.
James E. RobblU . et al.
'fhc dcfeudants. Jamcs E. Robblus and hili r
wife , MrK. James C. Hobbins. Th llla'l Cum.
mlUlr8 and his wlfc. Mrs. ' 1'homas CnnllnlnlrB.
Hert lIall ami MrR. Bert Hall , hlR wife , lOeorll'c .
M. Uc11lnrer aud hlR wlfc , 1\1rs. t.lmrlle M. . "
I1e11lulrer. will take uotlce that all the 9th day -
, of Jauuar } ' . A. D. . 1901. the plalntiIT HIed Its " ' 1
petltlonlu the IHstrct ! Court of Cnster Cuullty.
1'ebraska , the object aud I.raycr thereof bel nil'
to foreclosc a ccrtaln mortil'altc now owned bv
_ tbc plaintiff and Illvcn b } ' William ' 1' . Allen
; . . and wife. Emma t. . . AlIcn. to the Iowa 1\1ort.
gagc Compau } ' ou the 28th day of January. IfJO. !
upon thc west half of the Routhwcst quartcr of
Rcctlon four. uorthcast Quarter of thc northwcst
_ quarter and lot four of section IIlne. towushlp
I ' twcnt } . . uorth. rallge wcst of the 6th
1'.1\1. . CU8tcr County , Ncbraska , to Rccure the
, payment of the enc ccrtaln natc of said William
lY 'f. Al1cll aud wife. Emma C. Allen , of100,00 of
cvcn date therewith. aud duc and pa'ablc
Its Pcbuary lRt , 1.95. ! time of pa.mellt of which
Is cxteudcd to March 1st. 1905. 'l'hat there III
no" due on said note the SUI11 of f-IOO.OO with JO 1
per ccnt thereon froll1 March ] st. 1905. /
: a. Plaintiff prays for a decree that you be reo
_ qnlred to pay the same or that Bahl ] 'rcmlRcs
be sold to satisfy thc amount fouud duc.
You ale required 10 answer said pctltlon . 0.1.1
or before tlte Hth day of April , 1'J07.
Hated thl > l9th da ) ' of January. 1007.
Dy Its attorue } ' . AI.PIIA MOXGAn.
Attest : GEO , B. MAIR ,
Clerk of thc District Court. [ SEALI 3B-H
> er
. Unltcd State > l Laud Office. t
I.1ucolll. NebraRka. 'ebruary 25. 19u7. fay
ay Notkc Is Itereby gl\"cu : that SARAH 'itA.
CUSnMAr . nee Coovcr. of Brokcu Bow. Ne.
braf ka , Itas filed notice of his Intention to ma"e
- J ual five ycar proof In lIupport of his claim ,
vl1. : Homcstcad ntl' ) ' No l'i7 1 , made March I
4. 19 : : , for the wY : . sw . w'o ! uw . section :23. : '
townRhlp HI N. . ranlreO : W. . aud that Raid proof
will be madc before A. R. lluwphrc } ' . connty
judllc , at llrolcn Bow. NebraRka , ou hprll1. \ .
194n. He names thc fottowlnlt wltucsscs to I
pt'ove Itls coutluuous residence upon , and sultl-
ration of. tltu land , vlz : Charles T. Wrlll h
l-'ra.nk Mauk , Carl Burdick. Wl11lal11 J. Wlud.
nutelU of Droken Dow. Ncbraska.
M..j.l : CIIAII. P. SIIItDD , Rell'lstcr.
- -
Unltcd Statey l.aud Officc. t
Broken Bow , Nebraska , 1.'ebruary 18 , 190i. f
Nollce I. . hcreb } ' Il'lvel1 that MAI KLUMP ,
of Merna. Neb. . ItaR 1 1ed notice of bls Intcutloll
to make nllal 5 year proof 111 support of his
n claim. vl1. : Homestcad Entr } ' 1':0. 1661. made
Mny 12. 11OO , for tlto e sw. n' " lOe. IIW lie
lIeclion I. towllshlp 18 N. . ranfC 24 W. anll tba.t
a r IInhl { 'roof will be made before Relr18ter and
Rccelver at Brol < en 1I0w. on March 30 , 1 < JU7.
He uame' ! the followlnlt wltneRseR to provo his
- contlnuons rcslrlence npon , anll cultlvallon of.
; qj the land. vlz : John Multon. of Arnold. Nc.
S ! brallka : William Sbuck. of AnRclmo. Nebra ! ! .
ka : John Knott. of Arnold. Nebraslta : Hard } '
; 'It ; Klumlof 1\1urna. Ncbra > lka.
37.U JOliN RmtSE , Register.
United States Land Omce. l
1.lncoln. Nebraska , March . l1JOj. f
R Notice Is hercby IrlvclI th:1t llUI.B1 RT W
S YCRAl."I" of BerwYII. Nebraska. has 11led
notice of his Intentloll to make tiual cuml1lnta.
! l tlolllroof 111 support of his claim , vlz : 110 III ! ! .
stead I utry No. liM : O , made October 3. 1'J03 ,
for the nw seM section 7. town8hll' 15 11. . '
- raulro II } w. . and that said proof will bu made
beforc A. H. lIumphrey , county j1ldlrel at llro. ( - : . '
ken now. Nebraska. on April 15. 901. He
_ _ nalllell the followlnll witnesses to prove hlw 1
- continuollii resldellCe npon. and cultivation of
tholallli. 1 % : JesRe 1I01lklns , Georllo Stall ton ,
AI . JU > leph lIurnettc. Lewl > l W. Horbert. al1 of
lIerwyn , tI ebraska.
of 40.H CIIAII. t' . SlIImu , Regl > ltcr.
NO'I'ICI Ol I'ROU-\1'l- : 01" WILl. . . .
Iter h hu County Court. CnstlJr counly. Ncbraska.
lI'al 10 all.l'erRoII > l Illterc > ltcd lu thlJ J wtate.If
, lid. Alllla \ \ aUon. deccased.
rue , \\'hereas , Jerome D , Steere haR filed lu IIIV
nn. llfii e all III trumellt purporthllr to be the last
: 1' . \ \ ' 111IId 'l'estament of AUllaValtoll. . deccase" . '
, ch. late of saId cUUllt ) ' . allll a Ietltlon prayhlll to
the have the same admitted to probate which Will
1t\ ' . rclates to both real and { , ersollal estatu. wherc.
of IIpOll I have al/polnled the 4th day of April
I III l1J07 , at lU o'clock III tht : forenooll. at lilY omc
III said County , 8 the tlllle an. ! place you aud
III all cOllcerlled. may aI/pear alld cOllte > lt the l > ro-
ued bate of the same.
lch. Dated March 7th , 1907.
I of A. R. UUMrlll < EV ,
39 . P ( SEAL -
the County Jude. . !
. - - -
all. I
.lea , NOTICI' : ' 1'0 CR1'U'l'OIH' : .
t III .
( I ) ' ) COllrt. Custer Count } . . Nebraska ' ' \
hc creditors of the cRtatu of 1Ilram'M .
IIrowllell. deccaRell.
II. . 'fake notice. 'l'hat 1 wlll sit at the Coullty
' 1.43 ou2rl room , lu Brokeu Bow , III said coullty ' on
t : eS th da ) ' of April , 1907. anll 0" the 16th'day
_ 0 ept. 1907. each at 10 o'clock a. III. of each
day to rccelve alltl examine all claims allalust
6ald eslate , with a view to thulr adjustlIent ;
In alld allowance : anll that ou the IIrst date abovu
I thu PlJtltlolls ot wltlow wlll be heard for home.
ter stead , exelllltlous , allowance aud other Statu. .
tlOl ; torr.rlllhts. .
. 11. 1 ho tlmo limited for the IlreRelltatiou of
Ilch ClalrllS allahl > lt said estate III six months froUl
the 1st day of 1\Iarch , 191.17 , and the time limite. ! ( ,
day for pa'lIIeut of , Iebts III oue ) 'car frolll said ' ' ' ' . . .
date. ' " . : ;
Dated March 1,1907. fJ
. A. R. UUMI'IIRIt\ .
: e. 3 M" [ SUALI
- COUIl'-y JU.IlCt
. '