Mrs. Julia Ward Howt : _ o" . eO ! 0 II . o /Z'.r , ' . . X . . , fltL . I I - - - - 11- II Irrom .terroarlllh , eOI'lrlsht , bl Underwood .t Underwood , N , Y. L tcst portrait of one of the most famous women In America , taken at her home at Newport , R. I. HAS THE' OLDEST PULPITo DESK AT ALBANY , N. y" WAS 1M. PORTED IN 1650. to-- Is Property of First Reformed Church Built In 1793-Preoldent iI Mem. ber While Governor of the State. Alhany , N. Y.-'fhls ell ) ' has the honor oC ownln ( ; the oldest 1IIII111t on the contlnont , alou/ / ; with thal oC bolnJ. ; the oldest ohm.tor ll clly In the Unlled Stutes. 'rho Jlulpll RtnndH 111 the First Hoformell chllrch , which WUH bllill In the ) ' 0111' of lho blllhllnJ ; of the old Cnll. fornla mlsslonH , 17n3 , bill , ul1l11w them , It Is aa 1I11'0l1g un 11 In us good I'e I 111 h' us It wns whcn the bnlhlOl'H loft It. ' 1'ho (1II1111t ( was hl'OlIght o\'er Crom . 1I01lnnd hy the Dutch In 1GfiG to stund In their now chnrch , which wus just bulldl lg. 'fwollt.l1vo heaver tllth18 Moro sent to Hollaml 1'8 Jlal't payment , but they lJCcnlno dnmaed ! In t1'l1nslt , \10 the 1I\IIIIIt was d011l\led hy the Dutch West India COm\H1I1Y. 'l'ho Imlhllllg erved as It fort aa well ns n church , cannon belllg mountClI UJlon the roof , LUul whllo the son'lco wus going ( In fvllhln senUuels wntched fOI' IIlgns of 'n foe. ' the 0111 hour gluss nnd an. clent Dutch lltble nl'e still In theh' nc. 'Customod pI act's , whllo In the oldea tlmo the pows In front of It wel'o oc. cupled ' b ) ' Col. Peter Schuylol' , AI. 'ban"s ' first mnyor ; the 11l1tron8 oC the Van Hensselael'B , who m..ned 11'\111 Inlong both shol'es of the Hudson rl\'er m' 2.miles. \ . ulId Gen. Phlllli Schu'ler. ( Jno of the first three majol' generals rin the rovolutiollnl'Y al'll1) ' . u1Io firHt 11nlloll Stutes sonatol' Crom Now YOl'le , Within Its shndcTw the CIUlHHlII Iro. quols chloftaln. King 1I011llrlclt , who .wlth Sif William .Tohnson defenled the li'roneh and Indlnns In the hl1ttlo of l.alw George , wus convorled to . Christianity nud Col. Anr < lu Burr. Unltoll States senntor from New York and vlco III'eshleul. undol' 'I'homull .Tof. forson , WIlS murrled to 'l'hoodosla Pro. , os I President Uoosovelt sat hoforo It uull IIstenel\ \ tllolreacllCl"S wortls ns IL memhol' of this chmch when gOY' < H'nol' of New YOI'le state. ' { 'he old Ilulpit Is rich In ) 'ollrs anll hOllers ; Its hlstor ) ' I ! ! Albl1n"s hlstor ) ' , the church' ! ! IIHHUhol'S hl1 vlng talwn Jlart In all lho evmll ! ! oC Interest thllt have hnl11ICnod In "yo oldo towno" IJlnce Its founding , FEELS PAIN IN BURIED HAND. Rellcf Comes When Flngcrs Arc Ex. humed and Straightened Out. GalllllOlIs. O.-'rho calle of Hobort \VoU oC Couch. W. VI1" III anothol' IInle In the thool'Y that the several mem. bel's of the huml1n body do not rest IHllnlessly In the grave unless put away In a 110rfectly nlltmlll position. MI' . WoU. whllo out hunting , shot his IlI\nll , mangllug It balll ) ' . Doc. tOt'1I from Point Pleasant were aum. monoll nnd nmputated the hand above the wl'llIt. 'rhe memher WIlS burled , hut fol' some tlmo aflerwllI'd the In. jured ml1u was restless and could uot slcell , and was wOl'l'led. 110 did not complnln abput hit : ! arm hurting him , but auld thl1t hili hl1nd IlIllned him vel' ) ' much. lie showed hi ! ! rclatlves with his left hand the IIhapo his right I huud wus In when It Wl18 hlll'led. i The pain Increalllng , IUlII 111'Volf I still C01l1111ulnlnl , 1\11' . Phillip Wolf , a hrothm' . und I1nothel' went to the pll1Co where the hand wus burled , dug up the 1I0x. I1nd found the hand CI'IUUllCd In exactly the Ilosltion descrlhed b ) ' 1\11' . Wall' . 'I'he I1ngers were carofull ) ' stl'nlghteued out nnll the hnud Illaced hucle In the box In such mannel' that thOl'o , ' 1111 was no lreSSIll'o nnywhoro a reburied. 'l'ho Injured 11Iau nt ouco hecamo en81el' aud snld that his hn\1l1 did not hUl't him OXcollt 1'01' a slight feollng nbove the thull1h. Physlclnn8 eXllll1ln that the sensa. tlon oC a lIo\'erod arm or foot being In )1ll1ce ) , when lu fact It Is cut err and burled Is cl1l1ti)11 hy the norve8 at the end of the wouud. 'l'he ) ' .do nol ex. plnln , hOWOVOl' , how a ml1u 111 a ) ' thlnlt his ' hurl him whou ho ngel'l : ! no longer has the11l. 1111 For a New State in the Northwest. ' Idaho , Washlnoton and Oregon May Be Asled to Contribute Counties. , 1101mno. 'Wash. Uesillents all ever 'Cas lorn anll cOlltral Washington , 110rthol'l1 IIll1ho. Includl1l1 ; the Pnn. 1mndlo and northeastern Oregon , ( \1'0 "Ovlnclng Intor08t In the llI'Oposnl to ronto a new slate by tnltlng 2G coun' ties , with IL popnll1t1on of 400.000 In the tOI'rltory boundell on the west 11) ' the Callcado range , on the cnst by tbo Hlttor Root mountains , on the north by the Intornatlonul holltlllnry ! lllil on the BOllth by the Blue 1I10UII' tahl" . [ 11u ] , jlldglng from the heart ) ' oupJort uecordol , there Is every rea. Mllnble Ill'OSllcot thnt the Ilroject wl1\ \ bo carrlml out succossfn\1 \ ' . C , Herbert Moore , ehl1lrmnn qf the city hoautlful commltteo of the SIlO' Imno chamber of commorco. who Is at tilO hend of the movement , mgoB the aHsombllllJ ; of a cOII\'ontion at an early dnto , nt which the now stllto vIall cnn bo thoroughlY dIscussed by l'oprcHonlutivo mon of the three In. torostoll stntus. The proposed aotloll to cruato tbo now , I\luto hy tnl.llI ! ; 1IIII'ts of three ad. jolnl" , ; commonwoallhs If ! without n llrocodont In the hlstOl' ) ' of lho null on , An 'I1PII1'Onoh to It , however , wns fur. nlshed In Wesl'Vlrglllln.'guulzoll III cOllsUlntlonnl manllor In 1861. 1'romlllont. Il1wyors In the northwest declare that provision Is made In the conlltltutlon of the Ullitod Stales Cor the croatian of now stut08 , and they llOlnl to section 3 , arUclo 1. as the . The text rol. of proceduro. JnQtbod . . , . . . . " , . . . . . : If- ' ' ' : If.If'Ir. 10\ 'f. " ' " , 1/ / : . " " " " . . - , I" ' . . . .f' ' " IItatos ' bo b ' "New mn ) admitted ) congrcss Into the union ; but 110 new state shn\1 \ ho formed or el'ected with. In the jurisdiction of un ) ' olher state , liar all ) ' state bo Cormell b ) ' the june. tlon of two 01' moro stales or parts of slateH , without the eonsenl oC the leg , Islntul'os or the stntos concol'nod , as wol1 as of the congress. " ThIs wl1Invol'o \ n lot of worle. It means also that II "c0111mulllt ) ' 01 sontlmont , " ununlmous a1l10ng th ( people , must ho cronted In the thre ( state log slatures to secure tholl united uctlon , Heir to Vast Mexican Wealth. Helrells allllllrent to $200,000,000 Sonom Creel , wlCo of the 1I0W l\Iexlcm IIl11hallsndor , Is the richest wOlillUl 0 the dlmplomatlc sot In Washington where n1l\ny are rich. Enrlquo C Creel , the nmbasalldor , Is far Cron pOOl' , but his $21,000,000 dwindles tl palll' ) ' Inslgnlficl1nce when 1'I\nsed b ( side his wlfo's hugo Cortune. She I the dnughter of Gen. l.uls Terrazaz u Chlhunhun , owner of gold mlnos nn brolld ucros. Send Music by Wireless. Now YJrle.-'l'hrough a slight acc dent to IIn oleclrlclan In the oll1plo of the Do l orrest Wlrolos8 ' 1'010g1'l\11 c01\11mny on the roof of the YlIlo clu It boca1l10 known that Dr. Do li'orrm 18 att01l111t1ng to t1'l\nsmlt lI1\1sl through the IIII' without the use ( wireR 118 ho now t1'l\nsmlts me sage : 110 Is working In connection wllh tll Cahill . . 'l'olohnl'monl . CI11\I\n \ ) ' , whle , U l9 lUuslc by wlro to .au ) ' , 110lnt , , . . . . . - . . . - , - - - - - - - - HAULI G fARM CROPS FIGURES ON TRANSPORTATION BY WAGON. Interesting Statlstlco Prepared by Department - partment of Aorlculture-Average Cost of Carrying Wheat 19 Cents Per Ton Per Mlle. WUllhlnglon.-At nn ( Jnr y dulo the United Stlltes dopllrtment oC agrleul. tlll'o will Isslle Bulletin 4n of the bu. relll1 oC Htntlstlcs , prepared by Prnnle Andrews , lrnnllpOl'lation export oC the division oC fOl'elgn 1I11lrlccts. 'rhls bullotln I ! ! lL report on the cost oC haul. Ing crops from neal'1nOO \ counties nnd covel' Ill'Ilclically the enUro fllrm. hlJ. ; area oC the cOl1ntry. 'rho ILvernge cost to the farmer of hauling wheat. from fnrm ! ! to ship. Illng points 18 given ns 1I1ne cents per 100 Ilol1nds. the a vorago dlutanco hauled Is U.4 mlloll , ILnd the avel'age wugon load oC wheat weighs 3.333 1101111(8 ( , thus contnlnlng about 65 bush. els. 1"01' cotton the uverago load Is 1.702 l10111111s , dilltance from shipping IlOlnl11.8 miles , ulId cost of hauling 16 cent ! ! lIel' 100 1101Ind8 , Ue uced to torma of cost 1101' ton lJOr mlle the ruto rOl' wheat I ! ! 1 n cents and for cot. ton 27 cents. 'l'ho hlghollt cost of haul Is for wool which Is cnl'1'lod , on an nverago : lf.8 ! miles Crom fllrm or rauch to ship' Illng llOlnt ut a rate of .J.I cents pOI' ; 100 1I01111d8 for the on tlro distance. 'rho lowest cost for uny one product Is for hemp , which Is hauled froll1 farms to shlplling Ilolnts at an aver' ago cost of six cenl ! ! Iler 100 pounds. the dlstanco hnulell being 5.2 miles and the Ilvorngo load of hemp weigh. Ing aan3 IIOIll1l1 ! ! . } 1'or the ontlro distance from farm to ahl11111ng 1)Jlnt ( corn. oat8 mid barley 111'0 each hauled at an nverngo cost oC 8even cent8 pel' 100 11011nds ; hay , fiax. Heed , I'yo and timothy seed. eight centa ; wheut. Ilotatoca and beans. nine cents ; tobaccu und ltve hogs. ten cents ; rice. hop8 and bucltwheat , 11 cents ; ullples and \Ieanuts. 12 cents ; vegetables ( other thnl1 potntoes ) Ilnd cotton seed , Hi cents ; cotton and fruit ( olhOl' thUl1 npilles ) , 16 cents ; and wool , H cents , Excollt In the cllse of wool. practically - tically all costs rcpresent the expense IncUlTed b ) ' farmers In hauling their own produce , Wool Is hnuled In the Hocl _ ) ' mountains largel ) . by regular freight wllgons , and the wool growers pay for the hauling at vllr'lng rates lieI' 100 Ilolllllls. 'rho total tonnage oC farm products hauled on country rends In the United States Is not Imown , but oC 12 leading 111'oducts It Is estimated that l1earl ' 50,000,000 tons were hauled from farms durlns. the crop year 1905.6. at n cost of aboul $85.000,000 , 01" more thl1n five IJCr cent. or their yalue at local marlccls. Of this traffic. 40.000 , . 000 ton8 represent the weight of corn. wheat and cotton , and the cost of hauling these thrw products was $70.000,000. CURFEW LAW HITS WOMEN. Indian Territory Teachers Rebel : at Nine O'Clock Order. 1\1uslwgee. I. 'l'-"Wo won't stand It ! Lut them go and get 0111 maids If the ) ' wnnt old maid school teach. ers , " lIald a ) ! etlto 'oung school teaehOl' to n grou ) ! oC her fellow tench. ors , a 1\11 she stamlwd her foot when she said It. 'fhls WILS all because the school board has alllilled the curfew law to school teachers of l\1uskogee. 11'1'0111 'l'ulsa and McAlester comes Informa. tlon that the school board at each \llaco \ hus mndo I' slmlrar order. The hoards of educntlon In these towns hn\'e decided that the teachers In the Il\1bllc schools must cut society 11\0 nights out of the weele at least. 'rho hoards hnvo given It out that they do not expect to sco the teachers out uCler nine o'clocl. ILt night through the school weele. nnd they do not add that the teachers are at liberty the other nights. 'rhls order h s created a storm In the towns mentioned. Some of the teachers 1'1'0 In open rebellion , and say the . wl1go \ whore the ) ' please and when , nnd some oC them have llano so , but It Is noticed the ) ' arc waiting with some al1prehensloa for the next meeting of the board. GIRL BARBER IS BUSY. . Young and Old Men of Ohio Town Are Acting Real Giddy. Hamilton , O.-Artor completing n course of stud ' In a tonsorial acad. omy 111 Cincinnati. 1\lIss 1\1Innio oone , aged 23 , a ) ! repossesslng ) 'oung woman of Maud's Stntlon , But. IeI' count ) ' , ro\urned to her native \'l1\ago \ Inst week nnd opened up a neat tonsorial Imrlor In the staid old nulloI' county hamlet. Success marked the first da"s busl ness , und 1\IIss Doono hI's mndo a ton atl'lI\O. It Is oven hinted that UII ] men oC Maud's Statloll love to IIngot 111 the comfort of the barber chair. . and the run 011 hnlr tonics made h some of the bachelor residents 11fi beellL / mntter oC commont. Sea foams are all the rage , n.nll UI ( old tlmo shampoo Is being rovlved l'nclnl massngo Is ILl so growing 11011\1 Inr , and Instoal1 of the hlthorto wcolt ' ' aClol'nooll . . . .Isit I ) Sntul'Iluy to UII mnll burber of the \'l1lago of Maud'i It la 81'111 that some of the ; > 'ouths atu "old buclts" Il1\vo tn on to havlnj thoh' faces sll1\vOlI 1'1111 whlskor : trimmed two and 0\011 three tlmos I week : " ' . . ' . , r > ; t , . ' , ! . : I MAIL-ORDER W Itl ) A DAD ADVERTISEMEr4T FOR CATALOGUE HOUOES , AT SCHOOL OF EXPERIENCE - - Sooner or Later It Te lcheB Every Mall Order Patron the Error of Sending Hla Money from Home , The methods of the mall.order houses are tholr worst advertisement. Sooner or later there wl1\ \ como n tlmo In the oxperlenco ot every purchaser of their goods when he will wish "ho hadn't done It , " when he will wish ho had spent his money with his homo merchants. This Is not only because ho will see the ruin wroughl In his own community by the neCarlous prac. tlco of sending the money of the com. munlty to the city , but also because of the prnctlces of the mall order con. corns. The story In the catalogue sounds wel1. It sounds IIko you would get the Identical thing you wanted and at a much lower ) ! rlce than you had 1m. aglned It could be bought for. and you order It. 'rho purchase arrives and when opened you ( eel that some mistake - take has been made. that the concern has sent you the wrong goods ; It Is not what 'ou orderell. Ah. but It Is ! The dlCference Is boo tweon the way It actually looks and the way It sounds In the catalogue. You explain that the goods you 1'0' celved Is not what you ordered and Bsk for an accounttn , and are told that It Is ) 'OU that Is In error. that you got just what you ordered. and then If you are wlso you buy of the I _ V- bettor to calll on our local dealer and Joole OVO'l" his slock where wo cnn see the goods beCoro buyln , There are then no error9 In change or 1'0. funds to bo hagglClI ever ncross a 300. mlle stl'etch. Yes , It Is b'ltter to trade at homeo , Our homo morchant's guarantee upon an artlclo means somethIng , ns ho wants our good wl1l. Keeping the money at homo benefits homo Indus. tries and thUD. Indirectly , us. 'Vo can. not expect to sell our products to the local merchant and do our trading In Chicago. It Is all one.slded and sarno tlmo wo would hl1vo no local merchant to do our buying. Catalogue houses , I have Cound from biller experiences , are trlcley. It these who are dealing with them will watch tholr lUrchases , the ' will find It so sooner or later. Our last deal , had It occurred hero at home , would have been straightened out In five minutes and without foellng , but with you It talees me all winter to get my money baclt when the goods are not satlsrac. tory. and even then I get only a credit card which Is lost through studied carelessness upon the part of someone In your concern so that I have noth. Ing to show for my claim. Every man should trade at home It condltlonB admit of purchasing 11 good artlclo at reasonllble prices. It nnt. then ho had hetter trade at the next town or city thllt his money may go to build up the country IlrOlmd him. Ho sends It to Chicago that It may go Into profits of some big mall.ordor house until there , Is enough suclter mone ) ' to build and endow some great cll1\rltable Institution as a monument to the greatness of the mall.ordor man and the guIllbleness oC the easy pub. lIc. lIc.I I ha\'e alread ' asked that you adjust the matter of our last deal. I want my money returned without further _ . . - . The one sure method cf : : ! : : : th malllrder : gimt Is to bind him with the thongs of hem patrcn.g _ Ar you h l ; = ing in thIs work ? Are you spending your money at hem : and hI ; = in'3 your town to grow , or are you lending it to the city to S"Hen the fc-un.s of th maillrder : man ? home merchant next time. a..d I o-.r what you get when yea ovct1l ' money fo' : ' IL HI : maj ; : at 00 abt ! : to sell you what } -OU tlK > ugM JOO ; ; ro-e buying from the mall-oderhousp. at . the catalogue price. but he can Sp.U you , If he bas It , the same goo 13 jOt ] gel tram the mail-order houses at an equal or less price than they sk to : ' It , and what Is more , he can sell you what you really want at as reao able , a price as ) 'OU can get It tor el o- where. The ( ollowlng lelter. written by a Michigan Carmer , oxplalns In a clear and unmistakable way the danger of buying of mall.order concerns. It was nddressed to one of the largest of this class of Inslltutlon In this country : Baldwin , Mlch , . Jan. 12. 1907. nentlemen : I hl1.vo your favor of recent date , ILnd also your catalogues and accom. panylng circulars offering premiums for distribution of the same among my friends , I have no doubt lhat , aH you say , I will thereby confer It great fa. VOl' upon you. but I am compelled to take Issue with you on the statemonl that I will also confer 11 fa"lor upon my friends. In 111) ' dealings with you , extending over some tlmo pnst. I have received no Ca..ors from you-I paid for all I got , and the length of tlmo I traded with ) 'OU , Instcad at establishing friendly relations and gaining me ad. dltlonal fnvor as It would In a homo store. gave you the opinion that. un. I I IIko a. now customor. to whom 'ou give your . . . .ery best , so they will como Ilgnln , I was 11 steady comer and any old thing would do for me. Our last deal opened my eyes and convinced mo of 'our pollc:1' : . Your catalogues orrer some apparently great bargains. But let us draw up our I chairs Ilnd see If there are not a few things . . . .ery essentlill to the rural cllI. . zen that are not mentioned wlthla Its voluminous built. For Inst.1nco , there Is no reference to paYing cash or exchanging goods for wheat , oats. corn , beans. butter. eggs al1l1 ha ) ' . How much will ) 'OU pay ror cattlc , sheep and hogs , f. O. b , . at Baldwin ? How much will you pay to sU\1lwrt \ the Lal\O count ) ' schools and educate our cl1l\dren \ ? How much Cor Imllro\ " Ing our roadR and bridges ? POl' sup. porting the pfor ? For the general public oXllCnse ? On what Imge do you orrer to con. trlbuto U1one ' to the support of our church os ? What lIne oC credit will you extend to mo when my ! Donoy 18 low because of slclme8s. or poor cro\ls \ ? What do fOU llrovhle In the way of entertuln. . mont for the \1I\bllo \ and In the wny . of pro\'ldlng these thlngR thnt mnlto n town deslrnblo ! lnd thus Iwoll UII the ) \'nluo of my Jlroporty ? 1 I As a matter of fllCt , do you do IIny. thing to hel11 locallr. or do ) 'ou 1I101'ely Ilalw the mono ' out of com1l1ul\1ty \ , B roturnlng nolhlng wlmtovor , be'ond 11 , I the yalllo of the goods Jlousht ? Thlnle. . Ins It ov'Cr carofully. I bollo\'o it Is - dde-f : = g a..d t : = .Iess I get It I shall c " ; ! ' ! 'ry- get f"t..3 equf-aJ.ent In a.dver. tl.3t : . ! ; yet : af : ! : YOt : = ' methods amons e ) ; < ' : : c k c. ( Mr CO'tltyo . \ waU ! : : y re-plT. I am , Yours truly , CARL SCHULTZ , WaIf Lake , ! lfchlgan. P. O. Baldwin. lIcb. Can you , Mr , Per-chaser. not profit by the . ! Jxprrirnce ot others and turn your monry Into 110me channels by trading with home merchants where you wIll get a dollar's worth for II dol. lar. or mURt you follow the mall-ordor man's lead to trouble tor yourseIr and dostructlon Cor your community ? Do not walt for that evil day when you have learned wisdom In the exponslve school of Ilersonal experience , but Ilront by that purchased by other8. You wIll find It far cheaper and maI'o satlsractory In the end. A Turkish Hcalth Report. 'rho French govern mont , wishing to obtain dellnlto statistics on polnt& relating - lating to certain 'l'urklsh provinces recentl ' sent hlanks with questions latlng to certain 'rurklsh pro..lnces. to bo answered to the ProvincIal gOY. ernors. The replies recelvod from the Pasha , of Damascus are worth quoting : Qucstlon. What 18 the death rata In your provlnco ? Answor. In Darnascl s It Is the will of Allah that all shoulll dlo , Some dlo I young and some dlo old. Q , What Is the annual number ot hlrths ? A , God alone can sa-I do not Icnow , al1ll hesllato to Inqllire. Q , Are the sUP1111e ! ! of waleI' Buf. ficlent and ot gooll quality ? A. Ii'rom the ron10tcst period no ono has died In Damascus oC thirst. General romurlts ns to the local san. Itatlon : Man should not bother him. self or his brother with quesUQns that conco\'l1 only God. A Squelcher. "I gave that oliious Mrs. Dough. purse somethhll' ; to think of this arter. noon , " says Mr8. Bankfull to her hus. band , who was amusing hlmsolf by 10sRIng $ : ! O gold Illeces Into the nrtlll. clal lake In the drnwlng room for the IllImsuro oC hearing the gold pl ces plunk as they sunk. "Whnjja say to her ? " asked Mr. Banltfull , ro11lng hhnsolf a clgaretto In a hundred-dolinI' bill. "Sho was hOI1Rtlng about the Bolld. golll rudlntol's the ) ' 1'1'0 having } Jut Into their now houso.Lnd / I told her wo thought sleum hent watl so old.rash. lonell that wo were goln ( ; to heat our hou80 with rnillum horc.'lrtQr.-Judge. - - - Minister Discovers Comet. 1\l\nlsterlal \ lIulios do not 1I1'0..ont the Rev , Joel II. MotC'alf , oC Taunton , 1I1a8s. , from \Hlrllulng astronomical In. veullgatlons. 1118 slud ) ' or the stars hnK resulted In the dlsco\'e11' of a now cOll1et , which Is now bolng closely ob , served by 118tron01l10rl1 throughout the worill. It 1IUs boon named l\lctcalt's I comot. . . ' . . , . " - - - ' . : : . : = - - : . < . : : . : - = : : : : : - - - \ DOES YOUR BACK ACHE I Cure the Kidneys and the Ptln Wilt \ Never Return. \ I - Only ono sure way to cure an nchlng ba.ok. Cure the cause , the 1d neys , TllOusands toll of ' cures mndo by Doan's \ Kidney Pills , John C. Coleman , : L l1rom1 non t merchant of Swa1nsboro. Ga. . says : "For several yen I' s my kldnoys were affected , and my .back ached daj . nnd night. I WI S . languid , nervous and lame in the morning. Doan's Kidney PHIs hOlpod mo rJght away. and the great rollef that fol1owed 1ms been permanent. " Sold by all dealers. 60 cents : L box Foster.\Ulburn Co. , BuCCalo , N. y , Burro Drivers Carry Candles. ' In Moxlco al1 vehicles , bo they ) handcart , automobile , or anything between - I tween , must carry n. l1ght at night. I ThIs rule or law Is rigIdly onCorced. E\'en the drivers of the poor lIttle burro or mule carts , on tholr two wheels , must carry a light. . - : So. rather than buy lanterns , whlcb cost money , they take a dip candle , ) nnd wrapping It In a bit of newspn.- per to shield It from the wind , carry I It In their lert hand as they drlvo along homeward Crom work Ilftor evening has Cllllon. The effect Ie \ strlldng , as the light , Calling strong ! ) ' on the Indian driver , throws the face of the man Into strong relief against the durlmess. II I , I I Clover & . Grass Seeds. ) Everybod ) ' loves lots an lols of CIO\'Cl I Grns eB for hogs , cows , sheep /lnt ! swine. . ' , ' ' , ' " - . \ : : . t ' ' " I.\t \ 'lb' ( JR'ljif ; ! " f6 , 'r.r . Y'if ' 1\\\\ \ \ \ \ I LWN ' , ' J'\t\ ' ( \ ; : W/Z / ' 11ft , , , \ 1' \ " .Jr. ( . . . t. "hijv' . " ' \ 'JJt/l " . / . . , . . . . . . . . . . . : " " ' : . . s.-- = - . . . . 'Ye are known as the largest growers ot . Gr.\sses , Clovers , Oat ! ' ! , Hnrlcr , Comb Po. tatoes and Farm Seeds in America. pel" ate o\'er 5,000 acres. \ Fltr.n Our mammoth 14S.pagc catalog if ! mailell free to all intending bu-ers ; or sen Be 1 6TA\U'S and l'ece'c sample of "fJerfcet balance ra. tion gm s seed , " togethcl' wilh "Foddcr 1)1.-111ts , Clover , ete , . etc" an big 1)ll1nt nnd Sced Catalog frec. , Tohn A. Salzer Secd Co" Box 'V , loA Cl'Ossc. " 'is. , Pcstage Stamp Papel" . AU the paper for the millions or postage stamps used In the United - - j States Is manufactured at : Mechanlc Falls , : \10. Once a month the firm I'e. . . . . . : : el\'e8 a requisition for 1.000.00G sheets of the paper. and each sheet _ will make 361 stamp.'J. - - - - - Espec alh' worlhof notice iil Garfield Tea. Xature's rcniedy for constipation. sick-hea aclw , ! i n ! I' aIll Ihlncy demnge- mcnts. U i" ma e wholly of 1Iel'bs. Affection consIsts not In use of carefully prepared utterances. I.ewis' Sintle ; mnller Rtrai ht 5e cigar 3 good lJuality all the lime , our dealer or Lcwil I ncto1)e Ill. : \ ) . r a. _ / An opinion carries conviction only . when expressed with Corce. - - - - - - - - to JlJrn. Wlnslow'/I Soothlnl ; ' Syrap. For chUdren teethln , ootleDS tbe gurao , reduce. In- IlAmwaUoD. 11110)0 paIn , curc wln < 1c01lc , 25c I/o bolUe. All thy virtue dictates , ojare to do. -Mason. - 1 I , ) I .iJ , . ' . . . . . . . . , , "