- . " ' . - _ . , _ . . .ow , _ . . . _ - - - . _ r &u & ter ijQunty' Gp\tbUD'ant \ ' ONH DOI.r.Al linK VItAU. . .ADV R'I'fSINC ; nA'rl S. Olle col 11111 II. pc1II11111h. . $7.00 , Olle.lm ! ! colwlln. Iler lIIulilh. $ ' 1.1" . Qllarler collllln. Ilor mantb , fl.ro. : LeHII thall qllarler cuI II III II , r.o ceat ! ! Jlcr Illch per mOlltl ! . Carol. un nrat palle W cellI" I'er Illch I'er month. Local aolvertllllllil 5COlltil per II lie each IIIRer. tlon. Notice uf chllrch falra. 80cln"lclI allo1 ellier. talnmelltH wlleru lIIulley Is chnrlled. ollL""nlt " rntes. Suclety notlcelault ! " ! OlllllollR. oIlL..hlt . , I , CR. Weddlllit 1I01lcell hoo. halt price for . . , , of prceenls. Death lIotlce" free. half 1 I" " . ( "r Jlllbllshhlll' obituary lIoticea. Carol of 'J'hnukH , ro cr 01. l.elfal nOllccR al rat lruviliell h ) ' Hlallllel uf Nebraska. D. M.AMSlJItRRv , - PUHI.ISIIUH ClIAS. K. BASSU'f'I" - ASSOCIA'fJt . - - - - - - - - - Thursday , March 21 , 1907. - - - - - - , . . . - - - - - - - A new comct has becn discovered - covered in the same old way , just as comets have becn discovcred before , and it is to butt up against the tarth and Imock It clear off its regular kerwhirl and probably burn us up as all cometR that have ever been drncovered have done-or would do accord. ing to sky ga ng theorists- except that all comets heretofore have been of the dusive or deceptive - tive breed and faih d to connect as predicted. 'fhis newly dis- vered firey ball is headed righ t for the path in which the earth is traveling , and at the rate it is coming will want to cross the I earth's path at the same time the earth OCCUPies - that particular point , the -latter part of this month , so , according to an astronomer with an almost unpronounceable - pronounceable name-Matteucci , of the Vesuvius abscrvatory-old mother earth will soon be smashcd to smithereens b.y a broadside from this comet in a verv few days , maybe even before an ther issue of the Rltl'UBI.ICAN , or anyhow before Easter , and just think how malJY ladies will be disappointed and how sad they will feel when thcy see all the beautiful Easter bonnets knocled I into a cocked hat by a mean old measly comet that might just as well have waited till the first part of next 1110nth as to come tearing along the latter fJart of this month. But the scenc is too sad to further contemplate. . President Hoosevelt has canceled - celed his order reg-arding the making of final proof by home- steaders. The original order required - quired that proofs be held up till special examiners could investigate - gate the exact conditions. It see111 d to place all settlers under suspicion of being crooked , and , to that extent. . was resented by honest claim holders. Further irritation was caused by the fact that gseat ; delays would result from the red tape necessary under the order and because homesteaders - ers would be subjected to more or less annoyance by the examin- ers. The president gives as his rcason for the cancellation of the order of Feb. , 12th the fact that congress failed to make an appropriation - priation for the p'lymcnt of the number of special examiners that would be necessarv to have maele the investigations. He adds that the secretary of the interior will havc as complete im'estig-a- tion made as can be done with the number of men now engaged in the work. 'l'he provisions of the law regarding the revocations of the patents after final' proof -when fraud is discovered-arc broad enough to take care of the crooked cases and the honest settler can continue to make final proof in the good old way. The advice to town lot and farm owners in Nebraska to plant trees has become time-worn from its annual repetition. It is a I subject , howevert on which it is difficult to say too much. 'l'he advantages of tree planting in this state have been so thoroughly - ly demonstrated that no arguments - ments are necessary to convince any resident of the practicability of the plan. The continued suggestion - gestion of the press of the state will assist in getting many to 1t alu a start. Now is the time to select trees. Plant a few around the lot and the farm building tu beautify the property and for protective purposes. Don't put it off til1next week. Do it today. Some physicians in the east ba ve been carrying on an investigation - gation to discover if men had souls and have decided in the affirmative , going so far as to fix the weight of a soul at from half an ounce to an ounce. Prcsum- ably-and it's a pretty safe bet -the half an ounce ones are of delinquent s bscribers who order their copy of the paper discontinued - tinued without paY1Ug the editor 4 the amount due. . , , / . . - . _ . . - . ' 1 ( ' , r au Pale , Thin , Nervous ? - - Then your blood must be in n vcry bnd condition. You cerlninly Itnow whnt to tnkc , then toke it - - A yer's Snrsn- parllla , If you doubtt then consult your doctor.Xeknow whet he will sny about this r:1I1d : old fnmlly medicine. Sold for OVCI' GO years. Thh h thn I1l'St IJnr tI"n ynnr . ! nctor 'l'l'olllt ! 001 , "Am Y'"fr IoUWII' ' " rrllllnr : ? " 110 ! I\III\V . IIII.t , Iallr IIclioll IIr tII' , ! Hmol" b lllosIIllItol , "sol'lIlIlIl tll rN'"vcr ' . It"/ ' y"nr liver lIelivlI 11111' ' ) 'IInr Iollwel" lellIlIlr / oy 111111111 : laxnllvo closes o [ A'er's I'll Is. _ _ _ . . . _ . _ _ , . , or I. . . . . . . , L l _ _ . " by J. C , Ayol' Co. . Lo""U. Ma88. Alee lIIanurAoturers or 1M"dO ' IIAIR VIIJOR. , e r S AnUI ! CUll ! ! . y CIIElmV I'CCTOIIAL. Utrnc.oo.- . . . - - . . . . . . - --ft , . - - I There is a jolly go d fello - ship about the carly plOnecrs In Central Nebraska that other and later rcsidents do not and nevcr , have cnjoyed. ! 'he enterprising mcn who camc here in prairie schooners w < ; re of a rugged type and t "pical fron tiersmen. They werc clrawn into a closer relationship - I ship than those who followed them after the railroad came. Thc best is none too good for the mcn who were the pioneers here a quarter of a century ago. . 'rhey blazed th < : way into the most fcrtile regIOn of the west and builded even better than they anticipated. 'l'he Commcrcial 1.ssociation of Chicago is planning a mammoth corn exposition next fall. Circulars - culars have bcen scnt out rc- questing the co-opcration of farmers all ovcr the United States. It is planned to have special fields of corn planted , and I given particular attention so , that the choicest exhiBits may be sent to the l'xposition. A fund of $50.000 has been subscribed and cash prizes will be offered. As between the railroads and the state legislature the common people are in a dilemma as to where arc they at. A "Plug for Oconto. " 'l'he Ocon to Registert wh.ose motto is : 1 We. . Plug for Oconto , " "tales a fall" outen those in charge of the burying grounds at that place by plugging them thusly : "Now is the time to commence to clean up our cemeteries , so they will look as if we had ot forgottcn thosc we have laid to rest. The present condition of thcse places do s not look well for a civilized commumtvt in fact it is a shame to think- that intelligent people will neglect the g-raves of their loved onas. " . More " 800ze" Captured. A bunch of consternation has again been thrcwn into Broken Dow b1ind pig circles by a seizu re of.seventeen C. O. D. packages. each c ntaining one gallon of boozcrine co nsigned by the Harvest King Distilling Co. , of Kansas City , 1\10. . to scventecn Brokcn Bow citizens , none of whom , according to the records at thc B & M depot , have re- ceh'ed less tnan 30 packages of the same kind duriug the past twelve months. while one of them received as high as 62 packag-es. If it was used for a medicinal purpose , then that man is ailhig very much and ough t to recd ve hospital attention. City Attorney Gadd learned last li'ridaj' of the arrival of this consignment and he straightway placed the strong grasp of the law upon and now holds it subject to an order of court. He also filed complaint against each of tbe seventeen persons to whom it was shipped and if it is shown , upon trial , it was ordered by them they are subject to a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $100 , or imprisonment in the county jail for 90 days. Citj' Attorncy Gadd declares that the laws go\'ering the highhanded - handed sale and distribu hon f intoxicants were not made for the purpose of filling space in the the Rtatute book , but rather to prevent its sale wh re thepeople have declared by their votes it shall not be sold , and as an officer sworn to do his duty he will vigorously prosecute all violators , anel that be will be cOllunende br the bettcr clement of the community - munity is assured. By a provision of law the city is at no expense in prosecuting these cases , even if the city loses , so the argumeut of some"'that the city is often put to a useless expense in prosecuting liquor cases-falls flat. - . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . : . : : - . ' \ - - . - . . - - - - - = > To Buy Medal For HArry Thl\w. Cleveland , 0. , Mar. IB-Harry 'fhaw will receive a medal for Idlling Stanford White. 'l'he funds for the purchase of the token will he raised by con- tri bu tions from all over the country , each contribution being limited to one penny. . 'rll s is thc unilUe purpose of the 'J'haw Penny Medal association - tion , organi1.ed reccntly at Mt. Vernon , 0" by the travcling' men the state. O. Joncs Dorsey of Canton is president , and II. I4t Kilt of Cleveaud ] is secretary and trcasurcr. 'l'hc plan is to place penny mite boxes in prominent hotels all over the clluntry , the proceeds to b < ; used l'xclusively for the purchase - chase of an elaborate medal. Whcther the medal will be given only to Ttaw or to his wifc , also , will be dctermined by vote of the mcmbers of the aS50ciation. IDvery pcrsons who contributes will bc a member. While the primary purpose is to purchase a Thaw mcdal thc officers announcc that the association - tion was also formed to recognize the righ t of every man to protect the honor of his own familYt even if it is necessary to kill the man who violates it. . Obituary-nangs. Clara Jane Jillson was born August IS , ] 843 , at Ottisfield , Maine. United in marriage with John C. Bangs in 1867. at Mechanic Falls , Ma111e. Died Friday , March 15 , 1907 , at Broken - en Bow , Nebraska. Deceased came to Nebraska in 1883 , stopping' in Saunders coun- tv a few months and then settled i this .county an the family ha ve res1 < led here since then. Mrs. Bangs was taken sick J an. 25th last and w s very ill for about three weeks. Her con- diton ; then improved and it was thought recovery was certain until - til ten days ago' she was again taken ill , the cause being diagnosed - nosed as Bright's disease. Husband - band and one son , I-larry , survive her , Arthur , the oldest son , having - ing died last month. li'uneral services were held last Sunday afternoon at the Presbyterian - terian church , conducted by the pastor , Hev. A. A. Mitchell , attend - tend d by an unusually large number pf persons. Dunninr Doingll. Rev. LlunUl occupied the pulpit Sunday - day evening. IIis theme was "Freedom" which he hamllcd " 'ahly. showing how few are free from bad habits. Jones' new building is nearing cow. petion. ] Mr. Jones will give a frce dance the comming Friday evening foJr the sake of dedication celebration and genera ] recreation. _ I Saint Patrick's day was gcncrally observed in Dunning. Some had a good time obscrving ; others had a goo 11 time observing them oMserve. The wedding dance of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hanna was highly enjoyed hy all , the only draw back heing the lack of room to accomodate the crowd. George Sigler , of South Dakota , visitell his son , Ed. , north of Dunning Saturday - day and Sunday last. Duck'shooting is quite good around Dunning in the day liutc. Duck picking - ing is the main sport of the evening. - - - - - - Zumbrotll Zephyrs.I Genn ] Richanlson coutmenccd husking corn for W. W. ishop last Tuesday. S. D. Grant has hecn putting t. tin roof on J. J.b I'oo : : r's new kitchen the last few daY2. \ J.l\st Thursday cvening A. I. Routh a 1111 family were givcn a snrprisc by about sixty of their neighbors. A very pleasant time was had with music recitations etc. , after which supper was served. Aftcr supper more Ulusic amI I gaUlcs' allll all returned hOllle at a late hour fecling they had spcnt a pleasant cvening. The corn stalk discase is still in cvi- dencc , M. D. Callen losing two grade heifers and a thoroughbred short horn bull last Sunday. The farmers are once more in the fields preparing the ground for the coming season's crop. Some oats will be sown this week if weather remains good. Ral h Johnson started to Fremont } : rhlay alter his finc shorthorns which he purchascd somctime ngo. Sheriff amI 1\Irs. Richardsou , and I daughter , Mrs. n. 1\1 , Thompson , with I . ! \Irs , Geo. Palmer. spent Sunda } ' nt. ! \I. D. Callen's. ! J. J. . Koozer and family spent Sunday with Joc Coles. Mrs. W. II. Parker hns heen vcry sick , but is much betterMr. . Parker's sistcr , Mrs. ush , hils been caring for her. Ulllt o1 Slates 1.ano1 Offico. t lIrokellllow. Nebraska , March : :0. : 1'Ji. ( r Notlcu Iii hereby ICh'en that ALONZO J. CASON.o ( Brokell lIuw. Nebrallka , has IlIe,1 uotlcu of his Illtentioll 10 mnke I1l1al CUII'III111ed tIWO ( III IIIIPI'Urt of hiM clallll.'It : lIumeHlead ellln' Nu. S IH. m,1Ile J311. 1II'IO , ; for IUIH 2-3-4 , hccllon 2. towlI hhl I ! ! . tie 8w } hectlOIl 35. 10WIIHhh' III N. . ralllCU : ! 1 W. . ami that lIahl \Ireof wilt be made bdore RelClHler ami Hecel\ ' , er , at IIrokenllow. Nubraska. ou April : : . lY\17. lie lIallleH the followlnlr wltlle81ell to prove hili cOllthluolla UIIOU nlHI clIlllV\llou : uf the laml. , 'It : Ua\'ld 11. Alspaulrh , uf Brokell lIuw. Nehraska ; JeHHe Albrllrht. of lJrokeu Buw. Nebraska : Alben Swick , uf Broken Bow. Ne. braska ; Richard WenrlulC. uf IIroken Buw. Nebrallka. JOUN RRUtm. " 1-46 Re.I\ler. , , ) : - , . , ' , r , . . . , " , ' . . . . ' , , ' / " . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . , . _ ' . , . . . . . . . . I--- . . . : . . . . .QL.-l , ! : . ' - . . - - - . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , , " " ' ! < ' . . . . , - / . . . _ . " - - - - - T : J. . . . . . . - _ ' - ' A1 f"W-- II 1'1 , , , ; , : - " " " " - ' V"I'----- : : - . "fI ! ' : T' - ; Summary of Collections , Disbursements and Balances of Custer Co. , Nebraska , for the Half Year Ending December 31 , 1906. . ' ) J. E. CAVENEE , COUNTY TREASURER. / . C01.I.I C'1'IONS , Amouut. DlsnURHI ; N'l'S. A 111011 Ill. UA1.ANCES. Amuunt. 't'p 188 ( , ' ' Culll cleo1. . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10 IS 11 Slale 'rreas. Hecelpl No. 47494. . . . . $ 4323 tl3 Slalo lIeneral fuml. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5432 59 i'x . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1449 . . . . . 1 1I7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . II 117 ' II 47765. . . . . 3b6 76 Slale Slllkllll ! ' fllud. . . . . : , IH ! , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ) ' )4 II . . II to It 415UI. ! . . . . 46UI 29HlaloRchool flllld. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ( ,4i34 j. : : : . . . . . . . . . . . : ' )3 . . . . . . I:2MJ . . . . ' ' Slale University fIlIHI. 1 ) . . . . . 17 .1' . . . . . . . . . 07 117 Co. nell , 'VarraulY Redeellled (1'JQ4) ( ) to : ' ) ( , : : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7313 andllrlur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71937HaleredeIllIlUollfund. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IlHII4 to (1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1491J lIyCu.nen.'Varrantsredeemeo1I905) ( ) S04H07HlalorellefulUl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 ( ; . . 11192 . to It \ . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. ! tJO (1'J06) ( ) 5133 57 tapilol blllllllutr fllllo1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 II 111'1,1 II . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32068 lIyColIrI01Ilewarralllsreo1cellleo1(19O-I ( ) HcforlllEchuol hullo1lnll' fuuo1. . . . . . . . . . 63 " r It , . . . . . . . . . . . :1-1631 : . . 44' ) 55 IlIstllutefeeblemhllled fllllo1. . . . . . . . . . . 4. I : ! . . I ) . . . . allllpriur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ' to . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 41 lIy Co.llrldKe warrallls , \ ' ) ) 7 1I'I ' 112 I.he slock Indemnity fund. . . . . . . . . . . . 41 II1"i'J7. . . . to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 36 \ I90 ) 3774J6Uospllalforln : ane.fuUlI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . U9\J . . 7 It II . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jt57 ? ByCo.luallwarranls rellcemc,1 (1'.104) ( ) I'rluclpalunschoollallo1s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382437 , , : ' / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " , ; .JH alld prlur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,10 00 Inlelestollschoollanlls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1271116 to , to . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . lIy Cu.Ho,1 warrallls receomed ! (1'1115) ( ) 1112 6. ' ! Lealie ou school laud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1St6 ! 1/1 to } to " . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ( l1JO ) 7427Co.llelleralfun,1 (1906) ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ! : ? o30 II to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIy coullly 11I8auo warranls redeullled , 200 00 Cu.lteneral ? allo1l > rlor ) 'C.'Us ) ZH 77 . . l to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 3 lIy HoldlerMHellcfwarranls rcdeemed. 600WCu.lCelleralfuno1 \ 1')05) ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2425011 " . . HIlIJ II to . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 J H5 lIyCo.Clalnll1hehlfortax. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33204Co.brlllircfllndIl1tJ ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510 ! ! ! ! . . I' It II . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ B'lownshlp "und fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SJrI 77 Co. hrldltu \ \ ' and Jlrlor years ) . 31711 I ' II to . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Hy Rchuul bOllds auo1 cOIlIIOnY. . . . . . . . . . 365jj 12 Co. hrllllCe fllnd 1905) ) . . . . . . . . t't. . . . . . . . . 8511 911 to IUO < ; II to . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4'J'J500 11) ' schuol j Uo1l1'melltH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 ( , J ( .u. real hllll\ (11)061. ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 71 - - . By schuul urders palll--Io.allax. : : . . . . . . 32658 bO Co. ruall fUUlI ( IDo. allli prior ) 'eanll. . . 98 11 , [ . olal , l'ax..S 924D4 64 11 > ' Rchoulurderll\lalll-Slaloappl. . . . . . 5210 2'JCo. ruao1fllnd (190j ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6208ri ' [ 'u Schoul 1.alld-l'rlllclpal Collecleo1.S 7432 00 By special ruad recelpls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351200 5uldlen Heller fuuo1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 G.i . . IIlnlereH1C'Jllecled. . . 173341 Jlypulltaxrecelpls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : JSOSOOllltrhRchoolfund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 . . " to -I.oalle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351361 : ! IIVlll\YIIhhllreasurersrecolpls. . . . . . . 522500Cu.judll'ml'ntfuuo1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3709 II Jail' ' App'l Rcc'd or Hlale 'l'reas. Stll8 'Jl II ) ' cllY or vlllalle treaH. recelpl. . . . . . . . 3UO IJ ( ) Hpe.lal ruad dlst. flllld. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609 52 . . Mlscellaneou ) Collecllulls-Cu. II ) ' cllY or dllare bUild fllno1. . . . . . . . . . . 1241 44 'l'owlIshlll lullll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7064 2li ! ! 20700 lIylrrllrnllonbullo1sandcollpuUB. . . . . . 141600''OWIIHhlpbomlfulld. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ! ! : ! 31 Ger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "MlscellaneollH lulleCllunH-.Cu. II } ' relundeo1 tax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404:1 : ] LaburallliIull tax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1766' ) [ IIrldlre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5..1 00 By redemptlun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIlJ. ! 43 VlllalCe buull fe ml. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6335 : ! 5 to 1'llIes allli I.lcellsu Collecleo1. . . . . . . 215 00 JI ) ' tn asu rer's fee' ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 70 Ah'erURIIIII' Iund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535 01 to Inleret on Coullly DepuYlls. . . . . . . 97 GO Hylreasurer's cOlumlsslun. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ? : I 42 IlIleresl Oil county depuslts.)0 \ ) IIi to HedUlllpllons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UI720 - - - School boml lulld. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21105 : ' M'I " IlIlereSl on Cu. saleM aHsllln d. . . . . 101 17 'l'ulal o1lsburscll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $117,49 42 Schoul judll'emellt luno1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1397 71 It II II city II \ . . . . . . . 53 O' } . Schaul dlHlrlct fllml. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34454 21 II . . II to . . redeemed. . . . 5310 ! : ! ITEMS CAHIUhD AS CASII. School dlst. stalu allP'1 hlllll. . . . . . . . . . . H72 9.1 J' . . I.ees-I.eeboo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4tiJ 711 School warranls lIalll Irum SlllkllllC Connly superlnlelldenl.sacc'l. . . . . . . . . . t34 ! 5:1 : : , . . to -CII v sall'H asshrncd. . . . . . . . . I UO fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 873:0 : : Villall'u jlldllment IlIlul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 50 ! to II -City sales redeemed. . . . . . . . . 350 CUUlllY warranls palll from Slllkhl/l / Special school fullo1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193J1 ; flllld. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; jJHOIIHSldewaUclax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :11631 : I Irrhrallon cash orders on tax. . . . . . . . . . 41:1 : 06 Irrlgallonlax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .554875 _ _ _ ledell1ptlun cllecks un hand. . . . . . . . . . 190'216 Hedemplloll accl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'10215 . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 57 00 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3221 'JIJ 'l'olal collecleo1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12. lib 10 POslage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to City . ur villall'e. 'l'u Balance I'.urwaro1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HI 512.50 By balallce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105130 29 1'.ee ! ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528 47 - - - - - - $265 7 ' 1 ( ,0 $2,570.11 > 0 Caqh alld cash Ilellls all haml.H8O9 18 I , J. ' E. Cavenee , hereby ccrtify the foregoing' report to be true and correct as I verily believe. , J. E. CA VENEE , Couut ) ' Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me tblS 18th day of March , 1907. [ SEAT. ] JOS. PIGMAN , County Clerk. - I Rubber Goods , When you buy them be sure and get the kind that arc serviceable and strongt made ot the first quality I rubber that is durable and I lasting. We handle only those kind and gladly quote you prices on them. li'ountain Syringes Combination - bination ( hot water bottle and syringe complete ) up from $1.50. Rapid Flow Syringes , a good one for $1.35. Hot Water bottles , $2.25 to $1.35. Hot water bottels flannel covered , $2.75 down to $1.50. These articles arc all of good make and guaranteed. S.R. . Lee The Busy Druggist. HOAD OTIC . To whom It may cuncern : 'rile CommlHsloner appointed to view and If deemed for the \llIblic Irood to eSlabllYh a challl < e In a pllbllc road petitioned lor by W. E. Willi" , et aI , cOllll11enchl1l at slallon I , of old survey of road kllown as road No. Si6. on old l'al [ book lollowlnll' ohl aurvoy to staltlun H. lhence ROlllh and weMt. on same anlrle as ohl sllrvey to as near 8tallou 9 as posllble ! to luclude ICrao1e. 'l'hence to slatlon . Nu. II ) 80 al > to III- clllole Ilralto. thence to slat.n No.13 , thel'lce to a poillt 14 feet sonlh alHI e\8t of station .Nu. IS. tllellce 10 statlou No. 23. tl1encc 101l0wL\1I' [ \ slIr. ve } ' of old road No. 1000 to the sOlllh.weHl corner - er 01 the sc i of IIcctlon2. . lownshh' 16. raulru 21. thellcu lIuuth all uhl i urvey of road No. 51 to Inlersect road No. 10SIJ. ha ! ! reportellln1avur u ( lhe eslabllshlllenl aud chanire of Halo1 road aM pra'Cll lor In sallll1ell lIeu c.xcepl as cllallllcd : by Hahl cUll1mlsloller which chaulles HU made by lhe commlssluuer arc fully showlI b ) ' the plat allli field lIuteM ma"e a part uf Raid reporl alld IIUW on file In thu office ul the coUnl ) ' clerk. 1\1111 all ubjecllon ! ! thereto. or clalllls lor dalll' aile" " , IIIl1ht hu iii ell In the cuunty cler's ! ufiice un ur before noou of the Sth da ) ' of May. lWi. or such roall will bo e tahllsllell aud chaulled whhout rcfereuC > ! thereto. III Wilnesq Whercol. I 1Ia\'u herellnto Ret III } ' halld ami ! ! eal ul lIal" cUllllty. thIs 16th cia } ' 01 March.l'J07. ' JUS.I'II1:1I\N. 41.H ( SIAI.l CUllllty Clerk. ROAD NO'l'ICI' . ' ! 'u wholl1 It may CUllceru : ' ! 'hu COIIU ! ) ' "oard of SlIplrvlsorH uf Cllsler CUUII ! ) ' . Nehra..kOl , dltl al their I1wellull Oil Marcil 15th , lO7. declare the lollowlllil sectlull line to he a IllIblic hlchway. cOllllllenclulf at Ihe sOllthwest corner o ( secllon : U , towulblp ! 10 , rallile IH alld the nortllweYt corner uf sectlou 5. towlIshlIS , ralllee ! R. and rllnnlul ! ' tbeuce east 10 the caYt Hide uf lhu railroad rhrht of way. ami all ubjectlolls thereto or claims for dam- alCeM lIIust be filed III tbe cOllllly clerkY omeu of said couuty 011 or belore the 21st day ul May , l1J07. or KliCh real will be established whhout rufHeuce therelU. In witness whereof. I haTIJ hereunto set lilY hand alld seal of said couuty this 2111t day uf March , 1907. Jos. PIGMAN. 1.44 hmALl COllnly Clerk. ROAD NO'.rICE. ' 1'0 whom It ma ) ' concern : 'l'he COllnt ) . buaro1 of SupervlsorH. of ( "IIHter cOllllt ) . . Nebraska. dill at their tlleethlll' all March 13th. 11)01 , declare the fullowllllC IIccllulI IIl1e III bu a I1l1lJllc hhrhway. cOlllmellClll1t at lhe sUlltheast corner of secllon 10. lownshh' 19 , rallll'eJ : : : aUII rllunlnll' thencu cast twu miles , lU thu'liolllh\\'l-qt corner ul sectlou 13 , tuwnYblp 19. ranll'e 22. Ancl all ubjectluuH therelo or claim ! ! for damalCe'i mllst be l Ied III the cunnI } ' clerkll UmClt uf snltl cOlluly on ur belore thu : Hyt day of May. 11)01 , or SlIcb road will be eHlabliliheo1 wllhollt reference therelo. In whiles ! ! whereof. I have berullnlo ReI m ) ' haml alld Ileal ul lIal,1 CUllllly this tile 21Yt day ul March. 11)\J7. JOy.I'IOMAN , 41.14 hmALl CUllllty Clerk. NO'l'ICE OPI"INAI. HI POn'l' . ! ! late uf Matlle JI.onlC. . dl'cea el. III COlin. h' CUllrl uf Cusler cOllllt ) . . Nebraka. 'I'ho Slalu of Nebraska. 10 all \ler UnH IlIler. esh'd III lIald elate. take notice. Ihat IH > > ac Wllllalll8 Imll fillo1 a tInal acconut and report of hlY adllllullllratlou , ami a petltlOIl lur Uual settlell1"nt and dh.cbanre nil linch , which ha'e b'en het fur hearlnll betore lIahl COllrl on April 13th , IIJi7. al 10 o'cluck a. m , . when yun lIIay al" ! > ear aNd contest UIU Kamc. DatellMarc b 20 , 1')07. A. H. lluMl'lIl < h\ ' , I."J [ HRAL ] Couuty JudICe. NOTICI ' 1'0 CON'I'RACTOnS OJ. ' G } MEN'I' WOHK. als Nollce IH hereby ICh'ell tbat Scaled l'rollOs will bu received at lhe umce uf theCulluty Ulerk of CIIIIler Cuunl ) ' . Nt'braska. III' to uoou of I'riliay. A\lrllllJlh. IY\l7. for fllrnlshlull all ma. lerlal and cOIIslrllctlnlr a cellleut side walk. on the norlh and MOUlb ! ! I"ey of the Cuurl 110118e bloCk , In IIrokell Bow. NobraMka. Said walk lJu couslrllctell accoro1ln. . 10 1Iaos and sped. Uca\lous now on file In tbe oOlce of the cOlluty cleric. ' 1'ho rl.ht tu reject any aud all bids reserved. I March 191h. 11107. I 414 Jo . I'IOMAN. COllnt ) . Clerk. J We handle and are gen ts for the , : BEST PREP ARED ROOFING on the market. N one better than pre- pined roofing. I Dierks lu In ber & Coal Co. H. CONI AD , 0. . . . . . . . Do&ler In . . . hmp. . Wind , MlIlp. Tanke , Ftttingp. G aollIv , . . En QolJ oto. etc. . , BrokoD Bow. Nobrs lift : Registered O. 1. C. I-Iogs roOR SALE : ClIAS. T. WRIGHT. IJroken Dow. Neb _ _ _ - - .J. . . . . . . . . . . Fee Accoun.t -OF- J. E. CA VENEE , Treasurer of Custer CountYt Nebraskr , for the half year ending December 31 , 1906 : , DR. To Balance reporleo1 Jnlle30.11J06. . . . . . . . $ 520 35 School ano1schoollalHI IUlld excepleo1. . . 1078 9j : ' 1'0 CommlsslOIl on all school funds. . . . . 3'1300 ' 1'0 commission 011 all schoollallo1 fllndH 126 79 ' 1'0 Cash l'eey. ! a.qIer lee book. . . . . . . . . . . 483 70 I $2002 H : ! CR. By salary of ; : ount ) . treasurer ( excess clerk hlreIJi.65 ! deducted ) . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 832 : IS I Uy salary 01 D. V. Joyner. del1ut ) . . . . . . . . 500 1'0 Uy clerk hire. W. 11. Pour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435 00 By clerk hire. W. E. Willard. . . . . . . . . . . . . :10700 : Byexces' ! fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52:1 : 4i , ' 'I - - I U02 8' I hereby certify the forell'olnll report to be \ true and correct as I verily believe. . . . J. E. CAVENlm. Count ) . Treasllrer. " SlIbscrlbed and swam to before me thly 181h . - . ' . lIay uf l\1arch.11J07. JOS.'IGMAN. [ SEAL ] CQunty Clerk. Cusler CUlulty. Neb. , . . . - - - - - B. & M. Train Schedule , j WEs'r llOUND. 1 No. 39 local passellirer. ex. SlIuliay. ar. 6:20 : p 111 41 coasl passenger. dally. leave..6:50 : a III 1 43coaHt paSBelllCer. dally leave..12:24 : am J 4j local Irelirht. arrive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:10 : pm } EAS'.r \ HOUND. of No. 40 local paSSe/lller.leave. . . . . . . . . . . .9:30 a III \ 42coaBt paNBelllrer , . . . . . . . . . . . : p w .44 coast paRRenger. IL-ave. . . . . . . . . . .5:23 am . . 810cal IrellCht arrn'c. . . . . . , . . . . . . .2:10 : Pm .J , . 3' } aud 40 do uot run west of Hro el1 Uow. 7' I . DR. CHRISTENSON. , , EyeEarNose Throtlt ' , , , and Chronic Diseases. ' . ' Fitting of G-lasses. Office in Realty block. 0 ' " ' - . . - - - - - \ IW' , TAKE OFF 'OUR HATS I . I I I g I'l l - I TO fRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS , I This is hecause we are going to give to our general trade som defi- I nite information nnd some solid facts concerning the J.itchfield Manure Spreader. that are worthy of careful consideration. I' ' Per the benefit of our old customers alld those new ones whom we T hope to make , we are goillg to publish a series of statements regarding , the Litchfied ] Manure Spreader. These communications will occupy this Sl ) each wcek and we hope to make them intcresting , as well os usefu . 'rhe J.4tchfielll Manure Spreader Ilillnol "happcn" into existence as SOutc lUach n s do. neithcr was it d..signed and put on the market iu a carcess. ] 1.urricd manner. This machinc is the prOlltct } of one of the old cst factories in Iowa. Its existence today is ( ] ItC to the wonderful care ami large amount of expensc nnd uttention given to its original production. We helieve that because the Litchfied ] Spreadcr has the fewest parts l the ] east repairs , the smallest numher of breakages , the least troubles. \ and because it has the greatet strength , the largest sales , the hest construction - struction , and thc most modern improvements. that it is entitled to morc . consideration thau are other sprcaders. T ' . ! 'II an ) ' entirey ] new alii } strictly original features have becn embollied in this muchine. Wc c1aim for it every point of advantage found in any I other mucl.line. lIcsilles.this. . . we ca show you more than a dozen imp. : that lire vitally esscntla ] I that portmt pomts lUll can hc found in no spreader on the market. These me claims. it is true , hut thc hest cv llence that we know what lather tnking ] about , is the Illtlchine itself. Come and see it. It will he worth your timc and some da ) ' } 'ou will tell us we dill } 'ou a favor when I we sold it to you. , . You can sce the machinc in our warehouse and we will show it to } 'ou on } 'our farm , if } 'ou say the work. uying a Muuure Spreader is . I uot spending mone } ' . it is iuvesting it. Next week. wc will tell } 'ou about the "ony ] one ] ever on this ma.1 cltiue. " Watch this space next , I C. S. MARTIN , Broken Bow. I j OTTUN BROS. & MAR'l'IN , \ I THOMSON & MARTIN , . ; . , . ' - , - . . - - . .