Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 21, 1907, Image 2

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Good Roads.
The good cause of hIghway tIn.
Jlrovomont Is malting sloady advance.
ment In thlf ! COUI1t'y ! , and sllll there Is
room for morl' . i the same sort. 'I'hls
fs a big nallon , with a great torrltory.
nnd 1I1uch of th : ! land Is con1\larallvely \
now to the bUBlness , Dut when II
atato IIko our own voles $ OOOOOOO I
for good rands IInd othOl' MlntcH IIro
( Iultlng forLh crolllLllblo efCorts In lho
same llirecllon the ultlmato rOHlllt
JUust bo sallBfacLOI' ) ' . And wo neell
not bo above bonowlng IIrncllcnl1l1ellB
from oLhOl' source8. AmerIcan Con.
suI IInulm. wrlllng from lIull , tells
of the l'UIUls In thl1t vicinity atHi whnt
the BngHsh 110 to keep their famous
hlghwa's In trim. 1.01' 1Ol1 ! miles of
road In Yorlshlro Illst year the tolnl
or $910,760 was expCIlilell-$832.i0 [ per
mllo. 'fho consul aIIIs : "It Is 11 rare
sIght to Bee a rulty or mulllly cl > un'
try rOUlI In this neighborhood. Most
nll of thorn lire mnclldamlzed , well
llralnell nnll Iwpt In gooll repair. As
cOllsequence ono horse cnn draw
a loat ! which would requlro two or
three horses over the usual country
roall In Amorlca. " 'l'hat last sentence
speaks a volume. Gootl roalls , de.
clares the 'fray ( N. Y. ) Times , mean
economy , because .when they are fur.
nlshell the weal' and tear on horses I
nnd vehlclcs arc reducetl by many per
cent. This Is a phase of the subject
whIch Is not Iwpt In vlow as proml7
pently as should bo the caso. The
owners of ) Ight pleasure "rigs" and of
automobiles 111'0 not the chlet benen.
clarlt's or good roads. 'fho greater
good 10 that which comes to the far.
mol' and teamsLm' In lessening the
cost of hauling loads ever the hlsh.
The way to keep chlltlren In school
Is to make the school the most vahm.
blo place to them. 'fho school must
bo made attractive. Wo must change
Cront and recognIze that the school.
room Is mallo for the child antl not' '
fqr the teachel' . At present only the
nppurtenances of the teacher are
placed In Il anll whatever may bo
: Jono tor the children Is done only be.
cause the teachor's Interest can best
bo served by such. The schoolroom
must bo made for child ron , declares
Arena. As the business room Is made
attractlvo and nxed up for customers
and whatever Is done for the salespeo.
plo Is done only because thereby the
bosl Intoresls of customers can bo
cared for. so In the schoolroom the
Intorestl3 ot the children must bo can.
suited and these thIngs done for chll.
dren which w111 make the schoolroom ,
next to the homo , the most attractlvo
II' The wlndfnll at bononconco to
, American education natlll'nlly arouses
somothlng akIn to envy on the purt
of foreign InsLltutions whIch are not
so well favored by privati ) munln.
cence. The tlulO or Devonshlro. chan-
collar of Cnmbrldso university , Issues
an appeal for $7,600,000 , which ho
says Is sorely needed. DrItlsh nows.
papers support the nplleal , antl In
artlclos on the sUbject allutlo to the
poverty ot Ensllsh colleses and the
splendid sifts oC AmerIcans , and _ also
lament the Intlltrercnce of J'1ngllsh. '
men ot wealth. ThIs Is U matter ra-
sardlng which outsillers shnuld hesl ,
tate to comment. lJut It Is not
whollY out of order to note that some
of the largest benefactions to educa.
tlon and charity In lho United Klns'
dom have come from AmerIcan cltl ,
If an 'ono Imagines that railroad
, oxpanslon In thIs country bas reached
Its limit , or that there Is an ) " sign 01
a check ullon A1II0I'Icn11 Inllustrlal
growth , ho should not summon JameE
J. Hill as a witness to support hi ! !
pessimistic contention. Mr. lIlli , one
of the foremost railroad men of the
age , Is out with a lleclul'II.tlon . that the
congestion of tl'll.filc . Is so great from
one end of the union to the othCl
that the only certain wa ) ' out Is te
construcl now traclt on an enormous
scale. Ho says $5,600,000,000 could
bo spent to advantase for thIs pur.
pose alono. Add to this the cost of
a corresponding equipment , and ono
may term some concoptlon of the
pub11c need as aeon by this Itcen and
practiced observor.
Chicago suffraslsta announce n
meeting on the sarno day that 69 of
their sisters In London are sent to
prison. From them the mon may
learn a lesson In devotion to convlc.
Andrew Carnet.e ( writes to an ac.
qualntanco : "I mlsht have been n
rIch man , It I hadn't resolved lIot to
spend an old aso In the pursuit. " let
It Is painful to see a man quit a race
when so near the mark as Mr. Car ,
neslo was.
They've fouuq the mummy ot at :
EgypUan queen who was burled It
sheets at gold. Had to do It prob
ably because all the other sheets wor <
tacked down on the noor to save th (
carpets at thl ) funeral.
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Lincoln Letter
I .
Current GossIp (1'0111 the .
Leglslntlve and Othcrwlso
J ( .n. 2G1 , h ' McMullen of Gage , ap.
( IroIII'laUn ! ; ' $180,000 from the general
( uM of the Rtaln for the erection of a
WOIIIIUt't1 hulllllng , Il hortlculturnl
tJulllIn ( IInd other tltl'llctures ut the
'lSrJcultural farm , was vlaccd on gen.
ri1 ; nlo. Inasllluch an the commlttce
13 not favol'ahln to the IIpllroprlatlon
jr $100,000 for the erection of 11 wing
it the Kearney normal school , there Is
IIl1blo 1.0 ho a hlg fight on the approp.
Intlon fnr the unIversity. It Is snld
there will he less than 350 pupils en.
mil cd lit the ngricultlll'al farm next
) 'car8 , while thcl'o Is IIllblo to be 1,300
o l the Kearne ) " normul IIchool. Irmll-
much ntl there IR over $1,000,000 to be
npproprlaled for the Lincoln Instl tu.
tlon , there If ! some feelln ! ; that an even
dlstrlhutlon Is not helng made. Sarno
contend that no approprlalfon for the
unlversltC should be lIIndo out of the
general Cund , as the ono.mlll levy will
be 8ufficlent under prOller mnnogemellt
to meet all Ule requIrements of the III'
. -
The house on } "rldn.y rccommended
rcl' llURHngo the join t committee prl.
mal'y hill. rushed It throngh commltteo
or the whole and thcn llUlIsed S. Ii' , No.
6 , by Glhson , the emplo'ers' liability
bill ; Indofinltely postponed Harvey's
leglslatlvo annoxatlon nnd l'ecollllDClul.
cd the J e annoxatlon bill for ) J1\.8sage ,
whllo the senate slde.tracltcd the joint
commltteo antl.pass bill and recom-
montled the King antl.pass hlU. with
amendments , for passl1ge. ' 1'ho also
amondmentR , for passage. They also
oubmlt to a vote the question at a
conHtltutlonul convention.
Arter devoting two sessions of the
committee of the whole to It the senate -
ate In commIttee recommended for
pasRl1go King's antl'llUss bill as a sub-
stltuto ror the joint 'committee bl11
rccently passed hy the houso. As fill'
! Lily amended the bill Is not qulLoB
stringent as the house hill , but Is
much more severe than the KIng bill
was orlgillull ) ' . As It was Introluced
It was modeled after the national law
on the 8ubjoct , tlllt as the senate fin- .
Illly recommended It , It 111 maI'o etrln.
gent than the IIIltlonal Inw. 'I'he house
measure , , , as not considered.
'I'he state conventions of next year
probably will be confronted with the
propoHltlon or Indorsing or turning I
down amendments to the constitution
onlarglnK the memborshlp or the supreme -
premo court to seven member , nxlng
the salarIes at $ ' 1,500 and of district
judges nt $3,000 , and to IICI'mlt the legIslature -
Islature 10 deslgnato mothod8 of appeal -
peal to the SUl1rome court. Slnco the
: leclslon of the supreme court that
ameudmonts mny be votetl on by
straight parly bllllot the greatest dlffi.
cUlly of umendlng the conatltutlon hUll
been done awny with.
Some objections have been raised to
H. R. 432 , 11. bill to Impose a license
fee on nil cOl'pOl'alions doIng busIness
In this slate which are orsanlzed un-
dol' lho laws of Nobraslm or under
the laws of IIn ) ' other sLale. The IIn-
nU1I1 IIcenso I'Ilnges from $5 to $200
and It Is belloved bX the frIends of the
blll that It wlll ralso $ HiOOOO annually
to help pay the expcnses of the stn.te.
The fee Is based on call1Lal stock of the
corporation 10 bo tux cd. 'rho blll
was Introduced In the senate hy the
Bel1l\to jUIUclnr ) ' committee aul a du-
pllcato was Introduced In tho. house.
In the s\llt of the state agllinst The
State Joul'l1al company to recover $8 , -
000 allegel 10 represent the llrlce of
court reports which the defendaut Is
charged with selling , the supreme
court denied the motion of the state
to nmond lLs petition. Twd former do.
clslons wel'o against the Htllto In thIs
sut , the court holding that the court
reports wel'O not the Prc > IIOI'ty of the
state , thnt the report or oC the court
rlells copIes of the opinIons to varlo\la
pUbllcations and that an'one Is privIleged -
Ileged to publish them.
ACter two 110urs of strenuous tUS'
cusslon the sellato In cOllunlLtee of the
whole recommcnded fa I' pnssllgo the
judIciary commltteo suhstltuto fOI' the
Durns p\ll'e food hlll , 'rho only attack
on the mellSUl'e was In the Interests of
the drugslsta. who were resented \
on the floor of the senate hy Senator
Luco of lIarlun , who Is In the busIness.
The principal difficulty came In amend.
Ing section 9 , which orlglnul ) ) ' required
all patent and IlI'oprletary melllclHes
cent lnlng poIsonous suhstances to bo
labeled 110lson III 1I11'go red lotters.
GovornOl' Sheldon has sIgned S. F.
I 114. hy Thomlls of Douglas , Imown liS
thu hulh : sales hill , an IIct to IlI'ovont
merchants from solllng theIr slocls 01
goods without nollce to creditors. Tht ;
blll haR 110 ell1trgonc ! ) ' clause ,
hO emplyoye iJlllt ) ' bill as In
troduccd In the smmto hy Glbsoll lint :
passed by thl1t branch or the leglsla
ture Willi pllssed III the house IUIlI h
rMdy for the gO\'OI'nl"s shlIaturo
There were three hllla of almost Iden
tical wordIng on this lIuhject In tht
legislature. Ther were b ) ' Gibson h
the sellato and hy tc'lulfen nnd Cent
In the house. 'rhe Glbsoll bill depart !
. from the III'ovlslon8 of the other tW (
In thl1t It applies only to rnllroad mOl
engagell III the olleratlon ot tornlns. I' '
Is the fellow ser\'Unt act almost the
same all : pllssed h ) " congress.
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. -
't'1w 2n t fllre hili , slgn'd by the
Iovcrllor L11111 now 111 cfCpct , wao draft.
ed by IL joInt cOll1mlttl'o comprising
fJC'llIltorli I1l1d mClllhUl's of lho lellsla.
turt. ! . SClluLor WlIlso of Ccdar WIlS
0110 who IllIt In a grollt deal of time
looldng UII lho legality oC the prol10sed
IIlClIsurt. ! . 1'ho hili 18 merely amond.
atory of the prcllcnt stlltute , whlcb
tlxe the pllsBellgel' rates tit a CCIlt. 1
mlllo. 'rho bIll challges the word
"threo" to "two. " In addition , there Is
IlIlIertell a cll1use which stutes that II (
mllroatl shllll ho required to sell .
tlclwt for leas tllllll 6 centl ! . 'fhls was
put In 10 aplll ) ' to Interurban lines anll
to the lIale of tlclwts on roads where
stations 111'0 less limn ono mlle apart.
'rho bill chllnges the ago at which haIr
fllro rales shull upply from chlltlren
IIl1dt. ! ! ' 10 yellrs to children under 12
years , which Is now the rule In force
on nil I'oadll hi thlll atate.
An arsulllont which has been Industriously -
triously clrculaled to deCoat the termInal -
mInal tllxlltlon bill has been the decla.
mtlon thut It would Impose donblo
taaxtlon 11\1011 \ the railroads In counties
under townshll ) organIzation. and
therefore be unlawful , or else Imocl {
the townships out of thoh' proper sh 1'O
ot tIlXHS. ' 1'hat statement Is effectIvely -
Ivoly met with a decIsion or the BU.
lIremo court of Indlnnu , which wlll bo
ofC red h ) ' ClarIta of Dougllls 1n his
nght fOI' the Illuisago of the termInal
taxation' ' hill. 'l'he court holds Ulero
with resllect to a sImilar law that the
fnct that prol1erty Is taxed In a town.
ship cllnnot release the railroad from
paying Its just share at tllxes for mu.
nlclpal purposes to the town which
IIII..Y ! llo wholly within the precincts ot
thllt township.
The home Insurance companies ot
the stnte won their battle In the senate
when they sncceeedd In kIlling S. F. '
No. 212 , 11 bill by AldrIch of : gutler
county , lIrovldlng for IIn annual accounting -
counting and apllortlonlng or the surplus -
plus or life Insurance companIes doing
business In the state. The home companies -
panies contended throughout the Inspr-
a11CO fisht that this b111 would bar
them from competing with eastern
COlli panics 111 other slntes becuuso of
the reciprocal Insurance laws whIch
provellt an Insurance company writing
In any state a policy not pormlsslble
In Ule home state.
Without gIving It a bearing before
the conunltteo of the whole the senate
1lIled II. R. 175 , which provided for
the assessment of real estate mort.
sages I1S a part. or the real estate and
not ns personal prol1erty , and fixed the
statuts of the mortgage for taxation
purposes liS the count ) . within whIch
the mortgage Is located nd not the
resldenco oC the owner. The revenue
commltteo reported the bill for Indefi.
nlto postponemcn . and McKesson , who
has u sImilar bill In the senate , made
11 fight to h vo the bill placed on gen.
ral HIe.
EfCorts to rovlve the defunct pro.
vIsIon or the GIbson antl-brewory bill
IIn Incorpornte It In unother measurt !
pondlng In the senute were promptly
sat down upon by a majorlt ) . of thG
scnators , 'rhe provIsIon was to llmlt
the numbel' of saloons to ono for every
1,000. 'fhe bill under consideration
WIlS S. Ii' . No. 216 ! , by Patrick , to IH'o-
vent the location or saloons within
three miles or military reservations
'rho onlr amendments adopted were
ono to Include Indian resorvatlons and
to exclude I.'ort Omahn. from the provIsions -
vIsions of the act.
Govo1'll0r Sheldon pOl'mltted H. R.
No. 116 to become a law without hIs
sIgnature , 'l'ho bill provIdes that reporters -
porters In distrIct cOllrts IIhall receive
10 cen ts 11 page for lUaltins transcrIpts
In crImInal cases where the detendlUlt
maltes an atll avlt or poverty.
'rhe senalo In committee or the ,
whole recommended for passage Sena' :
tor Sackett's bill rellltlng to the con. '
nscaUon of coal In transit by railroads.
'rho bill roqulros the roa s to par the
value of the coal within sixty da's.
'rhe scinate In e ) ) ' postponed S , I
Ii' . No. 403 , iJ ) ' Hamr of Chorr ) ' , an I
act to I > ormlt precIncts , townshIps ,
cIties OJ' to Issue bonds In aid
of steum railroads.
A bill byInrsh : of Seward to compel
ChrIstian scientist healers to report
contagIous diseases to health auUlol"
Itles WIlS recommended to pass after
11. sharp COli test In the house.
Patrlclt's hill providIng n new trIal
Rhall not bo granted In OI'lmlnal caaus
ftJr error of the court where It Is shown
there has been no mlscal'l'lage of jus.
Ilco was recommended for pn.ssage III
the senate ufter a lively fight against
It led br Klns of Polk The hill Is In.
t ( > l\tlel to I > revent the reversal at cases
for mere technlculltles which do not
Iffect the merIts of the caso. King
r.oltO } IIgalnst It lice luring It was PN'
judicial to the Interests ot the defend-
"nt In crImInal cases and vlrtuall ' alI -
I luwed the jUdges to say who thoI' jus.
tleO had heeu dOllo or not.
A IlI'ohlhllloli al1lel\tlment to the
. constitution will not bo suhmltted to
the ) ( ! ! for l'allt1clltlon at the polls
next ) 'oal' . 'l'he III'ohlblllonlsts were
. IInsucceHsful In tholr efforts to res us.
citato S , F , No , 31 ! ! ! , provlously 110st.
Iloned ,
. . - -
I"orclblo annoxullon of South Ol11ahl1
and Omaha Iliod without strumlo In
the 110use. At the sllmo tlmo the bill
tolilt \ the que Uon to a vote of the
people of hoth cities was advanced by
the commltteo of the whole to third
reading and will probably pass.
. . "
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Light , Cheerful Rooms , wIth Plenty of
Sun , a Requisite-The Proper
Furnishings - Utilizing LeftOvers -
Overs from Dinner.
There are some poInts which "ro cs.
sentlal In the lIurser ) ' . It flhould be !
light und cheerful , with plenty of
Slln , I1nd wcll ventilated. ' 1'ho floor
should bo 11 hardwood one , and If
that 111 too expensive. have the noor
paIn led. Hugs are better thlln car.
pet , becau80 they can be tllltcn1p
ortell and thorough 1) ' cleaned. 1\
thermometer Is quite necessary to In.
sure the right temperature. Whll
few American chllllren nro brought U11
In their own flulto of rooms , after the
gngllsh fashIon , It Is becomIng moro
nnd more the custom to Slvo the lit.
tlo folks a place of theIr own.
Up-to.llalo nursery furnishings and
decorations are made In various
styles , and always with a vlow to the
pleasure or the children. l\tlnlaturd
furnlturo In mIssIon and bent.wood
Is most attractive. Where the nursery
Is just ono largo room , It may be
furnished with a dinIng-table , desk ,
book.shelves , beds ant ! bureau , all of
just the rIght heIght. Each child may
have his or her own chiliI' . Rugslcar
be hlld with approprlato deslgns.llnd
wIndow draporles with pictorIal fig
ures.Vnll papers are made with
Mother' Geese and Dutch scenes , alII )
the frIezes wIth pIctures of "Llttl
Do-Peop , " "Jack anll Jill , " "Dllby lJunt.
lng , " etc. , are most fanclnatlng. 'fheso
numerous illustrations made the room
llUl'tlcularl ) ' attractive. 'fhcre are 1I1sc
'specIally mlldo toilet nrtlcles Cor the
little folks.
The "left.overs" from a turlwy dIn.
ner arc worthy of attention. After
all the reall ) ' fine slices or the Cowl
have been removed , the bits of meat
picked from the bones may be used
Cor several appetizIng luncheon
llishes. One oC the best Is made by
heating the pIeces In a cream sauce.
or In the gravy , If any has been left.
Serve on thin slices or buttered toaet
with broiled mushrooms on top. It
the mushrooms arc 110t suitable for
broiling. break them In plnces , and
fry In butter. 'I' lO meat may be encircled -
circled with poached eggs If mush.
rooms ara lllsllked.
Creamed fowl surrounded with rIce ,
which has been balled In the broth
made from the bones , Is also very
gooll. Turkey salad Is another way
In which toISO up the bIts of cold
For a luncheon llish tomato rabbIt
will bo found appet1zlng. Cut four
whole cannetl tomatoes In slices , lay.
Ing them on slices of toasted whole- ,
wheat brcad ; then sprInkle with salt
pepper , dry mustard , nnd a few drops
\Vorcestershlro sauce , coverIng
thlcIly with grated American cheese.
Arranse the toast In a shallow baking-
pan and place In a hot oven long
enough to melt the cheese. Serve ImmedIately -
medIately with a poached egg on top
of ench slice , nnd sarnlsh with crIsp
It Is almost Impossible to serve a'
second Jlortlon of Welah rabbIt on nc.
count of Its becoming tough liS sOlm
as It cools. 'fa prevent this , sllr II.
beaten egg Into what remains , cover
It closely , and reheat over a small
fiame , usIng the hot-wnter pan , If sUr-
rud up and cooked Ii moment , It will
be fOllnd qulle as good as when first
Right Way to Boll Milk.
lany mothers lire very careless tn
the matter of boiling milk before they
gIve It to chlltll'en. One of the , shn-
plest melhods of boiling It Is to pOUl.
the milk In an enameled saucepan ,
plnclng this In IIn Iron sallcepan of
cold water. 'rhls watOl' should then
be brought to the boll. Without re.
movln ! ; the lid of the saucellllll con.
talnlng the mlll { the watel' should bo
Itopt ut iJol1lng 110lnt for four mInutes ,
nnd then removed I1t once. coollns he.
Ing accomplished as l'UJlldly as possl.
ble by stundlng the milk saucelll1n In
several successive changes of cold
water , the COVOI' beIng , howevClWllt
closed until the mllk Is cold. 'rho
milk should ahva 's bo aerated be.
fore It Is gIven to the chlltl , by SUI'
ring It rUllldh' with u spoon for a few
For the Children.
A pl'Omlnent Illtyslclan clatms thllt
there will be no dlllhUlCrla or sCRl'let
fever for children If the ) ' ellt 111'lntl'
fully of onions ever ' dar , eSlleclally
wIlen there Is Il scarcity of rresh
Amen ! ; the various causes for crossJ
ness of chlldron are some vorr com.
mon ones , such ns hunger 01' tl1lrst ,
Il11propel' aleell , overeating , uncomfortable -
fortable clothing and the Ilernlclous
feedIng of sweets ,
Old.Tlme Remedy.
" "Put small one.half CUll best mo-
In6ses. tableslloon cldor vlnegnr , Illece
of butter slzo of I1n l ngl1sh walnut ,
and red IlellllOl' enough to tnsto well ,
on In an ngato dIsh , IInd lot shl1mel'
down qulto thlclt. 'I'nle It out berol'O
going to hed , und see If It will not
helll a cold. It Is nno tasllng , ul\d \ ,
1I1 , "Olh'OI' , " 'ou will bo IIllt to wnnt :
Homemade Underwalsts.
lTnderwalsts for children ma " 03
nmdo lit homo and bo equal to tl16
bought ones , If cut froIII heavy drill.
Ing and flnlshcd with bands stltclwd
liD where the buttons are to bo BOWOI ! .
. ,
. , . . \ ( . ' . , . . . " y- . . . . . . . _ . " - . . . . .
" :
_ , . ' _ . _ _ _ , _ - : : - : : : . . : . " " " , , - : , ; : ; -
"BrIght Sunshine All Winter , " Is What
a Western Can < 1da Lady Says.
Maldstono. Sasl { . , Canada.
l"eb. 1 , 1907.
C. J. Droughlon , Esq. ,
Canadian Government Agent.
ChIcago , Ill.
Dear Sir :
Delng so well 111ease with Canada
I wo wIsh my father and brother to
. como here. Will 'ou please send them
readIng matter on Cnnadn. .
, Yo have bten hero nearly a year
and are delighted with thIs country.
Wo have lived In IlItnols , Iowa. and
1\IIchlglln and wo find Canada. away
ahead of any of them. Wo have had
bright sunshine all winter so far , only
two nice , easy snow storms. It It was
nol all rIght 'ou Imow I would not
want my father and brother to como
here , but we thlnl { It III grand.
Yours truly ,
( Signed ) MRS. ED. TROUPE.
Had No Idea of GoIng There to Do
the Cannibal Act.
An officer of the army tells how
Maj. WhIpple of the Second Massa-
chusetts. regIment , a veteran of the
civil war , hastened to WashIngton
when the SpanIsh war broke out and
offered hIs servIces to PresIdent Mc-
nut all officers , as well as men , had
to undergo a physical examination ,
and It was stated to Maj. Whlpplo
that ho would have to place hlmselt
In the hands or the examining lloctors
at Worcester.
N"ow , Maj. Whipple , while a. man ot
great bodily strength and pcrfect
health antI activity , was a little deficient -
ficient In the matter of teeth. An examining -
amining surgeon proposell to exclude
him on that account.
Whereupon the major waxed wroth.
"Gentlemen , " said he , "I'm going to
Cuba. to ahoot SpanIards , not to eat
'em ! "
The major went.-Harper's Weekly.
GIves Simple Homc Prcscriptlon ana
Directions to UGc.
A well-lmown spcclallnt Is authorIty
that Kidney and Bladllcr 'l'r lubles oC
all klnlls are In nearly ever ) . Instance
readll ) ' relieved by talting a few doses
of the followIng slml > le home-mallo
mixture :
Fluid J xtract Dandelion , one-half
ounce ; COl11pound Kargon , one ounce ;
Compound SYl'uII Sarsaparilla , three
The dose Is a teaspoonful after meals
and nt be tlme. 'rhene IngredIents
can be obtaIned at any goo pharmacy.
and are mIxed by shaldng well In Ii
bottle. VIctims of Kldne ) ' , Bladder
and UrInary diseases of an ' ltind
should not hesltatc to malte thIs prescrIption -
scrIption up and try It. It cOllies highly -
ly l'ecoIllmended and doesn't cost much
to prepare ,
High Prlccs Paid for Pets.
A spInster with money to burn reo
cently paid $5.000 for a bulldog. A
man In lassachusetts has just bought
a cow for $8,000. Waltel' Garvey has
a hog for which he refused a cash
offer oC $4,000. James Keene refused
$200,000 for Sysonby , a race horse.
There are -several roosters at fashionable -
able blood priced as hIgh as $800
each. You can buy II. fine lion fa : ,
$300 and a tiger for $700 , Dy and by
wo shall have II. craze for breetllng
fishes , and a fine mule salmon , educated -
cated to pond llfe , might be worth
$1,000. The $8,000 cow has one caU
II. year , worth $4,000. ' 1'he female salmon -
mon may become the mother ot 300-
000 muo fellows in t1.e : same tlmo ,
worth In tl10 aStregato , possibly , as
much a:3 : tbe calf.Y. . Press.
- -
Worth KnowIng About.
It you neell a first-class laxative ,
there Is nothIng better nor safer than
that old family I'ema y , Drandreth's. .
Pills. Bach pill contains uno grain !
of solid extmct of sarsaparilla , which , .
with other vahll1ble vegetable products -
ucts , maleo It a blood purIfier or ex.
cellent characLer. If ) 'OU are troubled
wIth constipation. ono pill at night
will afford great I'ollef.
Brandreth's Pllls 111'0 the same fine
laxatlvo tonic 11111 ) 'our grandllarents
used. The ) " have been In use for over
a century , and are for sale everywhere -
where , elthol' ) > Ialn or sugar-coated.
- - - - - -
Obituaries of Noted Men.
InterestlnJ ; comparIsons lire sup.
plied b ) ' Il cllllllns ) bureau regard Ins
the articles p 'lnted In the newspapers
about the deaths of promInent men.
No other mlln In Amorlca had so
much printed aiJout hIs death In the
newspap&s as lcKlnley. Carl Schurz
has l'ecelved thus far 12,000 obituary
notices , 11101'0 than an ) ' othm' man
since l\lcKlnloy , John Hay and Jos.
eph JeITerson hlld 10,000 cach IInd
Mark Hanna 8,000.
- - - - - - - - - -
"She has a fine mind. haRn't she ? "
"Remarkable. Ono uf these minds
that , when YOIl 111'0 wIth her , you can't
decldo which makes you the moro
hall\1y--to \ listen , or to reallzo that
you nro not marrIed to ! ,
OXI.Y UNJ } "uuo , . . . . ( UIl..INW.
Tbn I I.AXA'I'I\'IC 11110310 Oolll.n. . . . 1 > 'lIIlIorl ' ,
hUIUI'I1 n""cdleij OIllOtlC. \ . ISl'cul.u ' 1'110 IIr..L alll1
I orllCllIlIl Cohl'l'lIhlcL . I.I WIII'I'l l'AlJlAUI wltll
IIl0l'k 11"1 r. < 1lolterlnl ! . IlIllIJoun Illu all/WHUrllvt
I ! : . W . U 110 \ ' IC , 2 : > 0 ,
When doctOl'1I dlsu\rc \ It III wull fOI
the patlont to got 1111 IIlltl 1108 If ! lay"
thing really ullll him ,
- - - -
Panthers and Grizzly Dearll.
hill Fill' " 1'1.1t" l1.lillllll 111I' & Wool
( . ' \liuIIUlillOli" : , MIIIII Writl ! fOl' I'I.ICO ,
- -
- - -
No cord or cnhlo can draw flO
I wrclbly or hInd uo rUllt a8 love cun
do with a IIlnlle throad.-lJurton.
- -
Y .
bC . .
' "
- -
Tone Up
With l'
, ,
It is good
business to
keep prop-
crty "toned
up. "
A coat of '
Lead Paint I r
not only - I
makes -
things -100I : , -
better and
gives them a , higher selling value , bu . < ,
It makes things wear better and gives 'I
them a higher value for long wear.
Pure White Lead gives an opaque ,
durable coat that protects and pre.
scrvcs from thc ravages of time
. I
and weather.
Prospectivc buyers of Pure
White Lead bave beretofore
been wbject to much attempted
fraud in a ullCfation ; and sub-
stitution. YOII are now pro- ,
tecled by the Dutch Doy tra e
mark which is found on the si e of " . .
kegs containing only Pure White
Lead , ma e y the Ol Dulch Process. '
Look for the boy.
"A Talk nn Paint. " ,
1111'1'0 , .alual > lo Infor-
motion on the pRlat I
8ubJect , I-Il'ut f roe
upun rOQue.I , )
ill fIfht flJl/ulO'
ina c.tlu t. htar.r ! lUU : I
No. . York. HOltnD. nulf"lo. 010.olanl1. '
CIncinnati. Chllago. tL. : ! Loul. , l'hll"dol.
IJohn T. J" Droo. Col PlLt burGh
National : Lead 01 < 011 00,1
David Belasco drInks an occasional . ; :
cup or black coffee while at work. '
The noted pla'wrlsht has been known \
to toll steadily at . his deslt tor 2 ( } L ,
lours at a stretch , taking nothIng but
stl'ong co1ee-a largo cup every seo.
end or third hour. . .
Cntarrh Cannot Be Cured
with LOCAL APPI.ICATIONS. as they cannot reaeb.
the .eat at Lbe dbeue. Cotarrb Is a lllood or con.U.
tu1l0na1 dheale. nnd In order to cure It you must Lakt )
Inlernal remedies. 1I0ll'a CaLarrh Cure Is taken In.
ternally , and actl directly on the blood and mucoul
Iurfaces. 1Ioll's CRtorrh Cure Is not a quack medl.
cine. It was pre.crilled by one of the lIelt pllYllclan.
In tbll counLry for and Is II regular prescription.
It II composed of tllo bcst tonics Imown , combIned
with tbe be. 1I100d purlner. , < < ; tlng dIrectly on tbe
mucou. Burface. . The perfect combination of tbe
t\\"o Ingredients Is wbat prodnces suell wondertul roe
IUltsln curing catarrb. Send for teRtlmonlols , free.
F. .J. CHENEY & : CO"l'rops" Toledo. O.
Sold by Dru gllt.ll. price 7 c.
'lako lIall'D : Fowlly 1'1111 tor con.Llp&tlon.
MatrImonIal Infellcl y.
DIvorces are , happily , rare In ro-
clety cIrcles. Separation by mutual
consent , however , grows more fl'-
quent every year. Every ono has
upon his or her vIsiting list husbands
and wIves who never meet It they can
help It , but between whom there has
never been an open breach. Incompatibility -
patibility of temper Is the usual
cause , and the reason for that Is , one
Imagines , the still common custom at
encouragIng the ) 'ounger generation
to marry before they have begun to
approach yeal's of dlscrellon.-Lon-
don Throne. / .
A Condition Which Dr. Williams' PlnlC ,
Pills , the Great Blood Tonic , Have
Been Curing for Years.
There Is no mord pcrplexlng trouble
tor Ii physIcIan to treat than debIlIty
cases , especially 1n women , In which
tthere Is no acute dlseaso but In whIch
the paLient every day slnls lower anti
I lower desplto changes ot medlclno and
sImilar experIments. ) II . 1\1I \
That Dr. Wl1l1ams' PInk P1lls win .
restore health under these- conditions I "
Is no speculation but the fact has been
proved In hundre s of cases similar
to that of 1\Irs. Sarah Ramsey , of 1008 I
St. John St. , Litchfield. Ill : She says .
"I never telt well after my first
chIld was born. I had 11 snawlng- pain
hi my stomnch and could not hold any
food down. My head ached a great
deal nnd sometimes the pain went all I
through my body. I had dizzy spells
so that I could nl't stantl and seemCt ! ' I
to be halt bllnded wIth pl1ln. These
spells would often last for over an
hour. My blood seemed to bo In 1\
very poor condition and my hands and
reet were like Ice. I seemed to bo
growing weaker and. wealwr and coula
not get around to o my worI , In
the house. I was extremely nervous \
nnd the least excitement would brIn ! ;
on a dizzy spell. I
"For a number of years I was under !
a doctor's care but scemed to get no
bctter. I had heard about Dr. WIl.
IIams' PInk Pllls and I began to talct
them. I soon felt beL tel' and gaIned
In weIght and .
My nerves o.k. . . . . .
arc strong nOw an ! ! I am a well woman
In every way. "
Dr. Wllllams' Pink Pllls are sole !
hy nll druggists or will' bo sent , post.
paid , on receipt ot prlco , 50 cents per
box. six hOX8 for $2,50 , hy the Dr.
Wllllams 1\I0lllclno Compl1ny , Schenec-
tady. N. Y. A booltlot or valuable Information - \
formation , entitled "Plain Talls to "
Women , " sent free on request. '
The horse clm drnw the
load without help , if 'OU
reduce friclion to nlmost
lIolhll1 by applying
\1 \ Mi _ : o xl rv 't
1\ \ -Qr-ea8eAl ; _
to the whccls. -
1o othcr lubri-
cant. ever made
wenrs so Ion It
and slLvesso much
horse powcr. Next limo
5tandnr(1 011 Co _
. . - .
, . . . . .