Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 21, 1907, Image 1

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    L\\fM\I\U : : : \oolctV \
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# . . . .
' 1 " _ VOL. xxv. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER GOUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURD8AY , MARCH 21 , 1907. NO. - - 41.
I ;
, -
I" ,
Aecn"ey in selecting the l'"l'e'
, ( fra mes.
: I f ! Accuracy in fitting thc frames to
" 'II , the face.
. , . ' Accuracy in placing thc lenscs
. : : . so the eyes'ill look directly
. through the optical center.
" Accuracy in choosing the Rize of
' . " 1. J ' - lens , most becoming.
\ Accuracy in diagnosing the def -
_ , & - " . fect. i
. / . Accuracy n ' ! - defect. ! I
r : . . . 1 Accuracy 111 ) olunc1l1g the eyes , i
. ' so they will work togcther har-
. ' moniou9ly.
Accuracy in advice givcn ,
fi\II \ Accnracy is what I promise 3mI
rgUll ran tee. _
There is no place where occurj j .
acy and skill are morc .1t premium
than with the Optician. We make
a searching examination' exercise -
cise the m st painstaking care , in
tle : IIdjustment of every pair of
glasses we sell.
IIQI _ ' &I > 1 - k _
23 and 15 Years Ago.
- -
I'rolll the HRI'U LICAN ! I1c . March 20th , 1884. )
The grass-hopper .plows had
arri ved.
W. 1-1. Osborne , Sr. , was hard
at work on his new residence.
Mnjor : mtlison , then of Alger-
non , now : t\.nsle.r , "shook" with
the editor , the previous Saturday.
Mrs. Jess Gandy entertained a
number of young folks a
residence. t 1 , ( > , -
124 chairs for the new M. E.
church had arrived ancl dedication
services were to be held on
Frost was nearly out of the
ground an everybo y is making
preparations for big spring work.
'rhe railroad surveyors were
about ten miles northwest . of
town and still going on.
'l'he bO's had been enjoying
fine skating on nature's rink , on
the 11at southeast of town.
Virgil Allyn , of the South
Loup , made these' headquarters a
pleasant ca1l.
'l'he contract had been let fet
the grading of ten miles of road
in this direction trom Grand
Island and parties represeuting
the B. & M. company are secur-
AU Kinds of Plants
in bloom. If we haven't
what you want ask tor it
and we will get it for y
L- ,
' 1f'
- = for plants. Leave , Your orders
. . - p- --e-
" C2 : ) now for Easter. These plants : : r'
. will arrive here on Satday , March (
. ; _ _ [ ; 23 , and be on sale on that date , ' : . . . j . .
c , : ) H
j Saturday , March 23 !
W OJ r-I : ; - _ . . .
0 Azaleas , " 0 - '
Ceneraria , " '
-cs P-I Hyacinths , 5'
/ . . . c : : : : . Heliotrope , c.n .
, '
; ; zj , Rhododeudrous , 5' C" ' ; )
: = = Primula Obconica , ( t ) gg
: . r C1. : ) M Spirea Mctrosiderous , - +
: . iZ Cyclomen Pealargoniums- . . . . . . CO
; . , Palms and Ferng. e ; -c =
t , . .g ; Z American Beau ties ,
: . . H Mme,4Caroline 'festout S-cJ
< . ; , cc 10.- : HOSES { J-Ia 11 rance , . .
, " . ' t : : : ) Gen. Jocqueminot. .
/ . , : : s-
I : ' . \ ' . . . . CarnatIOns . ,
" " Begonias , rct
i : : : i ! : Fusch ias. c'E ' ; )
. -
r : JDI CM Bowen
, , ,
" I , TRADE . .
. ' Pure Old MARK -tdt.r "I"Clrar
, . . . , , , , , - , , , , , , - - , . , . .
. .
. ,
"To.'j..I'Pp ' ' ; ; ; ; yrr : : : : : : : : : : : > > ' ' ' ! l'P"P" ' ' ' ' ; ; ; ; " ' ' fT'I. " ] ; ; " " ' ' ' ' ' ' % ' ' " ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ; ; ' ' ' ' ' ' ; ' ' ' ' ' : : : ; ; : : :
, . . , , , . , .
: " ' ' ' 'I''I'I.'l'.l'l' ' ' ' ! : ! ! ' ' ' : : ! ' ' ' : ' ' llr' ' ' IIII'rJI' : ! ' ' ' 1I-rJI" : ! " " " " 1o11l.iI'1 : ! ! : ! ! ! < I'III " " - ' " " ' : : : : JIII
/ . fi
ft. l r4 . ' u ,
H arness" narnes's. I
1 : : ' { vye have a larger assortment .of IIAI NESS this J <
. ; . Ii } sprtl g than we ever an (1 , pnces of good leather \ :
, - ) consHlered , we are selltng them cheaper than we ever i ;
f. " } . did. You must see and examine the good : ; to appreciate ( :
t ! . . the value we give you for Jhe money. i\
. " ( \Ve will meet and undersell any competitor we . ? } j'
f , ! know of. I l\ \ .
. ) I ! you ha\'e a cheap catalogue bring it with you , (
[ we wIll compare goods and meet prIces. , ( )
Farm Implemen'ts
. \Ve have everything at is good , such 'as ,
i .
1\ , ' ! Goo gnough Htcltng Plows i - (
- , Good Enough Gang Plows H
) ( \
Sure Edge Drop Corn Planter \
' 'rhe Gr tchen Edge Drop Planter , :32.00 :
) ! 14x16 DIsc Harrow at S24.00. See It {
Many kinds of cultivators. ' -
[ < If in doubt of value of goods , try us. '
t } !
f ; G. W. APPLE. i' t
( v
. r.r.m . : . : : , .1 . , . " " ' ' . . . . . , , , , . , . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . I
: ' '
fr . .1' .ij ; " ! : ' ' ' 1p,1 : , ; j-.r.p.Jr.r'r. ; : : : ; : ; " " : ; r.'tJ' " ' ' '
, , , , + 'N..T'
: , , ,
1"- ' " , , .1l""r"-1"III . : : : " ! ' " II1 ! > " , , .1'r' ! : ! ! ' ' ' " " ' " , , , ' , , , , rJ : ! , " : : ! " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . : i . , " " . , , . .
ing the right of way through
Custer Center reported corn
about alll1usked at last and that
farm hands are in good demand
at $20 per month.
Bids were requested for the
wood work on the Catholic church
at Dale , which edifice was to be
built of brick Plans and specIfications -
fications could be seen at the
Ii' . E. Van Antwerp , of Lodi ,
a regular subscriber , was a calh.'r
in company with Wm. C. Jolin-
son , of the same place , who
ad vauced t he price for t wel vc
Postmaster Gandy had received
notice from the depart men tat
Wasl1iugton that increased speed
had becn ordered on the mail
route between N Kearney and
Brolien Bow. 'rhe new order
established a daily mail service
for Broken Bow , leaving Kearney
in the morning at 6 o'clock . and
arriving here at 7 p. m.
l nr'l'lmN'JtAHS . AGO.
( 'rolll uie HltI'UIlLlCAN lIIeM. March 1 ; . 1I02. ! )
District court convened Tuesday -
day morning and among the
attorneys presl'nt from out oP
town were : Hon. A. R. Hum-
phrey , of Lincoln , and J. A.
Armour , of Ansley.
J-I. E. Colc's horse broke loose
from a hitching post on Cedar
street aud ran away. The buggy
which followed the nag was not
badiy damaged.
Broken Bow qnd cotnn unity i
ad at last awakened to the
importarJce anc necessity of
securing the Dululh & . Pueblo
railroad. 'l'he city council was II
called in special seSSIon to consider -
sider the propiety of giving the !
righ t of way through the city , !
and it was decide ( to GO so.
Dr. J. G. Breni cr , of Merna ,
was a business visitor in the city.
He had purchased the paniel
Hiberger place on the l'1orth side
and stated 1'hat he would move
to the Bow about April 1st.
'rhe RHl'UBLICAN predicted that
-Dr. Brenizer and family would
be valuable acquisitions to the
J ames Peale was in Broken
Bow and ordered the DAILY
'lh l'UDLICAN sent to him at Calla-
way wher he hal arranged to
open a grocery store.
W. T. Cannon was in the city
from Garfield townsqip and reported -
ported th roads in an almost
impassable coudition.
John c. M ulick returned from
a trip to D nver , stoppingat
York , where he purchased an
interest in a set of abstract
books , to which he intended
giving his attention in the future.
G. O. Joyner generQlsly !
donatee } two fine eyetgrQen : trees
to the county which have been
planted in the court house yard.
Trusts and Tariff.
Em'ran IhtPUBLICAN :
As to whether or not the abolition -
tion of tariff on all trust made
goods would in any way curb thc
trusts is be'st seen when we reason
out the devlopments as they
, ould appear. We have already
seen that a Qerce C01llpetition
would SOOI1 begin after the opening -
ing of our ports !
This competitiQI1 Oan result in
but one of two things , namely ,
the survival of the fittest , which
are the trl1sh , or further cotn-
binations , which means new
trusts ,
In competition , prices are
always fixed at the lowest price
at which the market can be supplied -
plied , and the trusts running on
a larger scale with all the
economic savings of a larger business -
ness can supply the market at a
price below that at which the
small concerns can produce.
Prices are cut until the small
producers must fail or sie e upon
the only other alternative which
is open to them , that of forming
combinations among themselves.
that is new trusts to compete with
the old ones. Should they choose
this , rather than immediate ruin ,
the competition will last longer ,
being much more disastrous in
results and in the end the least I
powerful and efficient will be
driven into bankruptcy. But I
here ag-ain , the losses to each by
such fierce competition may be so
great that they will combine
, their concerns , already trusts ,
into one all powerful trust to cope
with foreign competition for
their own existance.
'l'he first apparent result from
this international competition
will be the immcdiate bankruptcy
of every American producer ,
trusts and all , which are cngaged
in those unprotected lines of
industry which are not self-sup-
porting in Amcrica. 'l'his is true
ecausc foreign producers can
supplv the market at a price
mucli. below that at which j
American producers can , since
they get raw material and labor
cheaper and would have all the
advantages in our markets which
the American himself enjoys.
After we would have thus entirely -
ly killed those industries in
America and were at the mercy
of foreigners , what could we < 10
but again re-erect our tariff wall
of protectiod ?
In thos lines of industrr
which are sdf-supporting here ,
the weakest trusts hle small concerns -
cerns wouhl fail , as a result of
.international competition from
free trade , which in turn increases -
creases the strength of their
survivor. Should this survivor
be an American trust we would
then have a "World's 'I'rust" to
handle instead of such as we now
, have , and it being within our
borqers we coulct in no way
control it by tariff.
Should this survivor , now a
world's trust , happen to be a
foreign trust , which is very probable -
bable , it would amount to adding
the pOlvers of former American
trusts to those foreign world
trusts , wh ch woultbe \ bevond
our control and which onld a more arbitrary control
over priqes than has hCJetofore :
, cver been known ,
' 1'0 Ineet this. condition we
must either submit , boycott or
erect a new and higher tariff
barrier than we have. ' 1'0 submH
would be unbearable , to boycott
would be absolutely tupossible
and impracticable be ause we
tul\st have the goods , and still we
an not \focll\ce \ thenat honw in
the fa e of this foreign free
COtu p ti tion ,
We are there ore brol\ght back
to tar ff and compeU d to erect
s-rch tariff protection as is
necessary to 'restablis tJlC , lo t
ind\1stri s in A nerici\ . I
Bitt insteaof \ thes world
trust being th s fen ed it is ,
quite likely th.1t the co peting
trusts of the different nations
would combine am ng the sel vest
before competiti9.n became dis-
tru tive al d form what has been
termed "International trusts , "
agaInst which tariff wottld , be of
no avail. These trus.ts wo1.1.ld
form the most powerful organi.a- :
tions ever known , or conceived of ,
in the industrial world because
( CIJI\th\ \ \ ! Olll:1 < ; t 1)lIrc. )
. . . . I I I
H. . A. WATTS ,
Broken Bow , Nebraska.
r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
ttttttttttttttttt'tt'tt1tt1t"t1"t'tt1""t'J1"'tttt'ttt"t1tt ' ' " " ' " " ' " " ' , ' " t" " '
- -
1lt's G oed I
- -
- -
- -
- -
- ' -
= = to know a good drug st.ore wherc = =
you can depend on getting good 3
E service and good materials , with1 3
E out paying too "good" u price.
Our trude keeps on increasing. 3
- -
E 'Vonder w y ? = =
- -
- -
I J. 8. & J. F. Baisch I
- -
: : Dr"U..a"gis-ts , 3
- -
Broken Bow , - - - Nebraska.
- -
lil1il1il1il1il1111111il1111il1il1il11111111111111111il111 1111111111111
- .
tttt't"J"ttt1"1t1tt'ttttt'tt'tt"t'1"tt11"'tt'Yt1""t11"'t" ' " " " ' ' ' " ' " " " ' ' " " " ' " " '
- - -
- -
: SUIQPPA : D & BURl\ . have the freshest and finest line :3 :
: : : : : of BREAKli'AS'l' FOODS in Brolen Bow. = =
E - Shamrock Oats , 5-lb package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . 30c = - =
: : : : : t1'ores t Ci ty Oa ts , 5-1 b package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . 30c :3 :
E : Shredded 'vVheat Buscuit , lSc , 2 for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Sc
: : : : : :
= = Malta Vita , 15c , 2 for 2Sc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Sc = =
: - : : : Egg..O-See , 10c , 3. for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . 2Sc - : : : : :
: : : : : Petti-John , lSc , 2 for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S'c : : : : : . .
E Quaker Oats , lSc , 2 for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Sc : . :
: : : : Cream of Wheat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l c = =
E : Vitos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lSc = =
: : : : . Quail Oats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c : : : :
-DP' : : : " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 0- : : :
: : : : oasted Corn Flakes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOc : : : : : :
- -
: : : : I'UQN . _ NUMlIgR . SHEPPARD . & BURK : : : : : : :
: : : : : O.Nll\VO-1 < 'lVI = =
1 11111111111111111111111111111111il111111111111111111111111 ! 1111111111l
_ 2Bjj1 ( S1I- : < : < 2 : ii-WsS ll ( aMio ; ; > atI ( ' . : .EIiIC SEjjK : : S1ta : ; ? - : : ? iI-CS ll (
: DC > W t H t-
" "YOU an . a erne I
- p'
. . _
0 ? < l - -
" Flva "re Tr ct with -room house , barn , coal shed , city water ,
'd - \J , ol'chal' , shade b'ees. One of the nicest pieces of 1'es- T
idence property in the city. Will tl'ade for good fal'm laud or sell for caRh.
a-room Resic1.ence with b rn , chicken house , well , outsi e cellar , two
. 1 , lots of ground. 'Nell located. \ III trade for W' '
horses and cattle or for good farm land , 01' sell for cash.
7room Residence o o or the ol.lOicest location . Olose in. , Plent
, of shade. Ulty water. I wIll trade for a goou
farlll or sell for cash. . . '
t 5-room Resid.ence rl'lme ! bal'n , , ehieken hOl1se , good well and Wind-
- . ' mtll , outside cellar , orchaL'd. A whole block of
ground. , f lIst the place for a retired farmer. [ will sell for half cash and
balance in monthly payments.
. Olose in.VUh lot of
New 6 . . rOQ"n Fr me ReS.lc1ence one
( N ground. Nice shade trees. .
Half cash and balanee in monthly payments.
' < 'i1 )1
E . C . HOUSE , Broken Nebraska. Bow ' I I
, h' , " ' : . ,4..r l.