Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 14, 1907, Image 7
" ' ! ' " : ' " ; ' ' : : : - ! ' " . . "i. . JV'i3"'V'- . . " , . " r AdmIred Statesman' . Stature. , 1"r A German journalist vIsiting In . ' ' ' . Washington. hlmsetr n man ot stal. 'f'\ ' wart proportions , was rather Inclln"ll ,1. I to look with somethIng like contemlJt on the many undersbcd statesmen he ' " saw In the II ntlonn.l leglslaturn. Dut when Secretnry 'faft bOl'O dovu upon him ho gasped In wonder. They wcro - " Introduced and acter n. sllort chat the " , secretary d pnrtel1. Just as ho dlsap. . peared Crom the German's admiring gnzo the towering term ot Congress. " man SUlloway hove Into vlow. The German looked at the Now I-Iampshlra mlln long and earnestly. " 110 Is big. ger than any man In his Imporlal ma. . jesty's Uhlnn guanls , " said tTlo Cor. elgner In n. tone or chagrin , ' "and I shan write ono whole letter nbout him. " CHILDREN TORTURED. Girl Had Running Sorea from Eczema : l . . -Boy Tortured by Polson Oak- , Both COred by Cutlcura. , "Last ) 'car. acter having my little ' . girl treated by a very prominent phy slclan lor an obstinate case ot ec , ! ' zemo. , I reso ted to the Cutlcurn. Rem. . . . . K edles. and was so wen pleased wIth , ; , the almost Instantaneous rellet afford. < . " ' - ed that wo discarded the physician's , ' , prescription and relied entirely on : . the Cutlcurn. Soap , Cutlcurn. Oint. - ment , and CuUcurn. Pllls , When wo commenced with the CuUcurn. Reme. dies her Ceet and 11mbs were covered , with running sores. In about six w eka we had her complet 1y well , and th.9ro hau been no recurrence of the trouble. "In July of this ) 'oar n. little boy In our tamUy poisoned his hands and arms with polson oak , and In twenty. tour hours , his hands and arms were n mass of torturIng sores , 'Ve used only the CuUcurn RemOllles , washing f his hands and arms with the CuUcurn Soap , and anoIntln ! ; them with Ule CuUcurn Ointmont. and then gave hIm the Cutlcura Ue olvent. In. about three weeks hIs hands rind arms healed up , So wo have lots at cause for CeeItng grateCul Cor the Cu. tlcura. Remedies , We find that the Cutlcura Remedies are n. valuable household standby. Hving as wo do twelve. miles from a doctor. Mrs. Liz. zle Vincent Thomas , Fairmont , Wal. den's Ridge , Tenn" Oct. 13 , 1905. " HEREDITY IS NOT ALL. ' PhysIcians Now Believe Less In Tr-ana- - lsSlon Dlliease. l- I - iJ MedIcal men are coming round to the vIew that It Is the persona ] his. tory that Is of primary Importance , or , In other words , that a man's own man. ner of life , hIs record ot health , and his circumstances should be more carefully considered than the IJInesses that his ancestors died ot. Dr. Rabag- Untl , n. medica ] examiner Cor Insuran o companies , who Is well known In the profession which he adorns , and ot high repute In the north of Engand ] , ' . has devoted much thought to this question of heredity from n. ute Insurance - ance point of view. In his opinion It. " Is not so much dls..ase that Is trans. mltted from one generation to an. other , but organization , or "human- - . ! ty , " as ho expresses It. Any member , 0 of the human family may suITer from any disease to which humanity Is subJect - Ject , and when n Indlvldua ] so suITers It Is the cause ot the ailment that must be Inquired into. Exposure to . this or that set of conditions brings . varying results. If the body Is exposed to one set of conditions It w1ll take ' " on gout ; It to another , consumption ; , , It to a third , cancer ; and so on. ; ' Company Withdraws from Canada. " Consul .John EJ. Hamllton , at Corn' wall , Canada , states that the Amerl. - can company whIch has been erecting a $3,000,000 tlnpate ] and Iron.worls at Morrlsburg , has abandoned the enterprise terprise because the Dominion govern. ment roCused to lrant any protection In tlll ) ? ew t r1ff If. . : Runabout-"Reggy's new automo. bile blew up with him on the firs1 , trip , and he sued the firm that aod ] him the machine. " Speeder-"Dld he re over anything ? " Runabout- "EverythIng , I beHeve , but ono fingel . and part ot an ear.-Judge , COFFEE THRESHED HER. 13 Long Years. "For over fifteen years , " writes n patient , hopeful little Ills. woman "while u. coffee drinker , I sufferer. from Spina ] rrltatIon and Nervom ' . . . . , trouble. I was treated by good physl clans , but did not get much relief. "I never suspected that coffee might be aggravating my condition , I wa , downhearted and discouraged , bu t prayed dally that I might find some thing to help me. . ( "Severnlears ago while at . oj . . friend's house , I dmnk 11 cup at Post. um and thought I had novcr wstea anything more delicious. "From that tIme on I used Postunt Instead at cotroe , and sooIi began t.c Im rove In he lth , so that now I can walk half a dozen blocks or more with ease , and .dQ many other things that I never thought I would be abe ] tc I do again In this world. "My appetIte Is good , I sleep we11 , and find me worth Hvlng , indeed. A lady of my acquaintance said she did not Ilke Postum , It was so weak and tasteless. . "I explained to her the difference 'WIlen It Is made right-boiled accord Ing to directions , She was glad to know this because cottee did not agree ' with her. Now her folks Bay they ex. . ' 'I pect to use Postum the rest of their ! I lives. " Name given by Postum Co. , . . Battle Creek , Mich. RealI the little . . boole "The Head to WellvlJIe " - / , / . , , IQ . . . . . . " ' : , pkgs. "There's a reason. . STYLES IN T ABtES ROUND ARTICLE IS TO. DAY THe : MOST POPULAR. Many Chol es-Qffered.the Housekeep. er as to Design and Materlal- "Crown of Japan" Is a New Vegetable. In the dining-room the table Is the cenlor of nttrncUon. 'rhe mission strles : are the simplest In construc. tion ; the Flemish or English oak are elaborately carvell. The round table Is the pop\llm' one of to.da ' , aUtI the chalco of wood depends upon how much ono can lmy. Mahogany Is hand. , somo' ; but It scratches easily , and Is thereCore not so durable as oak. A 8ervlng .lable Is qulto necessary , and ' may match the dining tabe ] , 1\1 an ) ' peOlJlo Ilke n bright red din. ing-room , but n colonial ) 'elloyi paper , with' whlto woodworl { and Oobelln . blue hangings , Is charming. 'f'here are also man ) ' sofl tapestry effects. The color , however , should depend largely on whether the room Is light : II' darl. , The houselweper who Is looking Cor something new In the vegetable line , might try n Japanese vegetabe ] known us crown of Japan. It is cooked the sarno as asparagus or cuuHfiower- about : :0 : minutes. or unUl tender. Serve with the uS1)al cream sauce malic of fiour , butter and milk , and seasoned to the tasto. This vegetable can be 'Counl ! at the best grocors' and Is 30 cents a DouDlI. Oreat enl'e should bo taken In l < eep. Ing tl1e kitchen slnt ] clean , whether new or ] d. It shoull1 have n thoI" ough scrubbing dQwn with boiling wa. ter acter ever ' dish washIng. An oc. I casional flushing with a solutIon oC soda 01' copperas will ] { eep even the oldest one clenn , and Creo the pipes and trap from grease , All wood should be removed Crom the sluk. Modern pumbers use iron insteal ! of lead pi po almost enth'ey ] , . Itamburger steak 18 appetizing when served with IJOPIJOrs. Flatten' the meat out Into Il largo oval shape about an Inch and a half thicl { , and broil , As an accompaniment to this , quarter green peppers , remove seeds Ilnd veins , und Cr ) ' quIcldy In a little putter. Serve this around the stealc , A round table Is always effecUvo. If the color scheme Is to be pink , have one of the new pierced silver baskets with tall handle , filled with pink 1ose& . This may be encircled with a wreath of roses carelessly arranged , The table should not be overcrowded with flow. ers and blossoms of heavy fragrance are to be avoided. Two candelabra with pink .candles and rose-leaved slJIc shades may be placed opposite each other. When high decorations are preferred a tall gass ] vase Is used , Some consider that cut glass Is too heavy Cor flowers. How to Make Toffee. Toffee Is an almost - . , . unknown , sweet over here , but the small EnglIsh chil. dren thrIVe on it and usulllly Imo" how to maw It , It's n. quite different thing Cram OUI butterscotch , which Is jolly good , but not as "joll ) ' good" as toffee. Hero's n recipe for It : Tam ] three pounds at "coffee , " or " 0" sugar , butter to the amount oC a pound and a quarter , with half a teaspoonful - spoonful of cream oC tartar , First dls- salvo the sugar in just as much cold water as may bo required for that pur. paso , then mix all the Ingredients together - gether and boil them without sUrrlng the mlxturo until It will snap when dropped Into cold water. At this moment - ment remove it Cl'on the fire , add eight or ten dl'OPS of lemon extract , according to Its strength , and pour the mixture Into well greased pans , to bo cut Into squares as it cools' . Hints on Serving' Potatoes. Nothing adds more to a mea ] than a pretty or unusual way of serving the ever useful potdto , A plain potato salad ( which Is always much bettor in texture and fiavor when the potatoes are baked Instead oC boiled ) seems far more tabornto when served In the po. tate shells , and these are really pret. ty when properl ) ' prepared. For any sort tJf stuffing , the potatoes should beef of uniform size , and large rather than emall , since the larger ones are easier to handle ; the novice had best practice on a few first (1IItil ( the fingers become dert In handling , for the first Cow are apt to be spoiled In removing the in. terlor or In rotllUng the shells , Banana Compote. Malto a s'rup at four tablespoon- tus ] of water and four tablespoonfuls ot sugar ; add the rInd of one-half 10m on , two cloves , ana Inch of BUck clnna. man ; cook ten minutes ; then drop Into the syrup six bananas cut into fourths It Is best to cook just enough pieces of banana at a time to cover the bot. tom of the sauce pan. When th fruit becomes trnnspprent and soft take It up careCul ! ) ' , ] JUt Into a pretty dish and pour over the syrup. Coo ] and serve with w ipped ream slightly sweetened and flavored with ] omon. VermIcelli Pudding. Doil one cupCul broccn ] ItalIan 'vcr mlceJll In well-salted water to cover for ton minutes , then add to n. pInt and n halt boiling milk. Simmer 20 minutes In a double boller , then take from the fire and pour over tour well. beaten eggs stirred together with ono cup sugar and a largo tabeSlJOonful ] butter , Flavor with a teaspoonful va. nllla. turn Into a woll-buttored pudding llsh and b ke In a rather slow but steady oven tor halt an hour. Servo with crelln , sauce. , . . , , . , , " . . . , , - TWICE.TOLD TESTIMONY. - A WomU1 Who Has Surrered Tclls How to , Find Relief. The thousantls of womell who suffer bnclcnehe , languor , urinary dlsordors aUll olIler khlno ) ' Ills , . ' will flnll comfort In , the words of Mrs. Jane Farrell , of GOG Ocean Ave. , J ersoy City , N. J" who sa's : ' /1 / reitornto all I "hnvo said before In " pralso of Doan's Kid. , noy Pills. I had f heen lmvlng heavy backaches , and my general beaJtll was aetected when I began using thom. 1\1) ' feet were swollen , , my eyes puffed , and dIzzy spells were frequent. Kldne ) ' Rcllon was Irregular anll the secretions - tions 11lghly colore . To-dny , how. cver , I am a weU woman , and I am onfident that Doan's KIdney Pills have mndo me so , and are lceplng mo well. " Sold by all dealers , 60 cents n box. Foster.Mllburn 00. . Buffalo , N. Y. , SOME WIVES ARE DIFFERENT.- Quiet Cynicism , or Good Honest Row -Which Is the Better ? "Most men , " said the man of experl. ence , "think It must bo aWfully nice to : " , " a wICe who talces things as cooll ) ' as Da vo Pottor's wICo takcs them ; but others , more dlscrlmlnat. lng , preCer need / honest row to her style of quiet c'nlcisl1l , The way she behayed the other day when she found 11 ] etter in Dave's pocket Cram a girl fs an example ot her method , " 'I don't lice , ' wrote tIlls girl , 'how on earth I can ever lIve wIthout you. ' "Dave's wICe read that gush , and a lot more just like It , without ever turnIng - Ing n hair. " , . \Vell , ' she salll , quietly , 'that girl Is a Cool. It she knew you as well as I do she would bo wondering how on e1\rth she could ever 11\0 with you. ' " , And that , In the opinion at the dls. criminating Cew , cuts a whole lot defper , ! than a common , ever'da ) ' rum. pus. " A Big Bargain for 12 Cents Postpaid. The year of 1900 was one of prodigal plenty on our Beed farms , Never before did vcgetable and farm seeds return such cnormous ) 'ields. Now we wish to gain 200,000 new customers - tomers this year and hence offer for l2e ( loRtpaid . 1 pkg , Garden City 11eet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c 1 " Earlicst Ripe Cabbage. . . . . . . . . . 10c 1 " Earliest Emerald Cucumber , . . . Inc 1 " I"a CrOSIIC Market Lettuce" . . , Inc 1 " 13 Day Radish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10e l " nlue lood Tomato. . . . . . . . . . . . Inc 1 . . Juicy Turnip . , . . . , . . . " . , . . . " 10c 1000 kernels gloriously beautiCul flow. . . er aeeds ; . . . . " , . , . . . , . . , ' . , . . , , , . . . " In ! ! . . : - - Total . . . " . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . $1.00 All for l2e postpaid in order to intro. : luce our warranted seeds , and if you wiH scnd 16c we will add one package of _ Berlincr Thrliest Cauliflower , together with our mammoth platAt , nursery stock , \'cjtetlble and farm seed and tool catalog. 'I'his eataog ] is mailcd frec to all in- : ending purchasers , Write , John A. Salzer Seed Co" Box 'V , La rosse. 'Vis , I Where It Hurt Most. "Young gentlemen , " sgd ( the college president , notwlthst.\nding the fact hllt he was addressing the students , 'youns gentlemen , hazing must bo ptopped and stopped at once. It has Injured the college more than any at you ever could guess. Only last week a gentleman declined to give us $1,000,000 because there wn.s so much hazing , Hazing Is a b\d thing financlaHy. " "How about morally ? " asked the student. "Aw-aw , really , there may bo some. thing In that , but-aw-the-the point has never come up , and I-aw-am not prepared to answer. But the point Is worth conslderlng--Chlcago Jour. nal. ST.A.TJI : OJ' OBtO. CITY 01' TOL1CDo,1 ' Luau COUTY , f' FR.A.NIt J. CnsNBY' makel oatb tbat ho II Ie , . lor partner ot tbo IIrm ot r. J , CUEIIEI' & Co. dolol : bUlloen In tbo City < If Toledo. County Dd 51:1to : aforosald. and tbat laid arm will pay the lum of ONE JlU lJltED DOLLAHS tor caclt and cvery calo of C.A.T.A.RR tbat cannot bo cured by the UIO of U.A.LL'S C.A.T.A.BIIU COilE. FRANK J , CIIENEY' , Swam to betore me and lubgcrlhed In my prelence , tbll 61b da , ot Decembar , A. . D. . 1886. j - -l . W. GLEA.SON , 1 f NOTARY' POnLto. nall'l Catarrh Cure II taken loternally and aeU directs , on Iho blooll and lnueOUI lurfa < : 'OI ot tlia Irltem. Send tor tC5t1munlalg. tree. F. J , CIJENRY & CO" ' 1'oledo , O. Sold b , all Dru\glstl , 7 c. Take Uan'IFamlly 1'1111 for conlUpaUon. "Warfare" In Africa. In the nelgltborhood of LI11ce Tchad , ACrlcn , the other day , six negro troopers - ers , commanded by a corpora ] , armed with carbines only , successCully de. fended a uttle mud fort against GOO warlIke Tauregs , and when the Tuu. regs gave up the attempt anti retired , the troopers sallied out and "pun. Ished" them. Emigration from Norway. The number of persons who emlgrat. ed from Norway in the calendar year 1906 was 28,274 , of whom' 11,290 sailed tram Cbrlstlaala. In Dally Consular Reports tor February 1 the numbers were erroneously placed at 31,158 and 14,174 respecthely. - . . . . Rings Round Ey s . m , IIfrl. WlnKJow' " floothln Flrrnfl. } 'or chlhltcn tcethlnlt , ottt'1IA the RIIIUI , tedUCcR ( no CammaUonallllI1"ltncUtel , a bottlo. A toaet-May the best you wish for bo the worst you get. I'UTNAM \Dm SS DYHS J.'Irodllee the bri htcRt nnd fastcst cl > l rs'Jth leu " , 'ork nnll no mUlls. Some men outlive UlClr usefulnc89 amI some others aro. born without an ) ' . YOII nI\\8 get full \'nllle In Lewia' SIIl le llinder straight fie cign. : Your dealel' or Lewis' I"netor ) ' , ! 'eoria : , Ill. . - ' " - - - 'Many mnn's Idea ot hospitality 18 to bring other men homo l1ud hnve hlr. . wIfe cook for thom. I'II.F.R OUJun IN (1 'ro 14 u.'l ' , . l'A1.0 OIN'r II N'r h 1l11IHnlltCl' < t 10 emll nllt c.oo hllth 1Ia : . 111111I1. IIleCIIIlI1 : or i'rolrudlnlt l'llu In II to 14 ILU or mOllCT refunded. Wo - - - - - It Isn't nlwa's poHcy to bellovo the mnn who tells you what he would do If he wore In your placo. Panthers nnd Grlzly Bears. Shill Furs Pt'ltR 1\tc li1Ian I'ur & Wool Co. , MinllcapoliR. Minn. Write for prices. According to statistics nine-tenths or' the men who commit sulcldo nro married. Comment Is unnccessary. Garfiehl ' 1'ea , an nh olutcly pnre and e- fcctivc la'at'cI : Mnde of Herbs. Tnko lt to IJurif ) ' thc ] ooll , to o\'ercomo constipn' lion anll to eradicatc l'hcumatism nllll chronic discas s. Idleness : lnd IJrlde tax with n heay. ler hand than lungs nnd ImrJlnments. If we cnn gel rid of the former we can easily bear the latter.-Franldln. . - - - " ' - GIve Denanco Starch n. fair trlnl- lry It Cor both hot and cold atnrchln ! ; , and if y u dou't thlnlt you do better worle , In less tIme and atsmnJler cost , return It and J'our grocer will give you bacl' your money. . - - - - - It Is not enough that we swallow truth ; we mU8t feed upon It , as In. sects do on the leaf , till the whole heart bo colored by Its qualities , and show Its teed In every llbor.-Oole. rIdge. In : t Pinch , Use ALLEN'S FOOT.EASE. A powder. It cures painful , smart. lng , nervous Ceet and Ingrowin ! ; nnlls. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Makes new shoes eas ) ' . A cel'tain cure Cor sweating Ceet , Sold by all Druggists , 2Gc. Accept no Rub. stltute , Trial llUclmge , FRI E. Ad. dress A. S. Olmsted. Lo Ro ) ' . N. Y. It Is said of homo-mado troubles that tIleY 3re very like home.made clothes , they never fit well , and they generally last longer than others.- I Spurgeon. . . . - I , _ .1' . . . . . , , . . . . . . ' . . ' " _ - - ' . . . . It" : , ' , ' " "t- . . : . , Promotes DigcslionChccrrul- ncss and ncstContnlns ncUller 9Jlium.Morpl l\c nor 'Hincr l. ] SOT 'NARC O'.1'IC. - . . . . . " .t 0. ' Olll.arotYlJO.rmJ1EIl . /1'fV1 ! , . . stJ- Alx.f _ . &xIo.lf S.fI4- AnUe , fNd , . I JJi wroIftilJI - o . } n I' PJ' J - Use ' , For Over 'I , Thirty Years CASTO RIA tM COPYCFWR PP < R. TKC OENTAun CO""NY. fltW YORK caTV. . , . _ - " . . . . - . . -.1 : " ; , " _ ' ! " " , , , . _ . : . . , . . _ - . , - _ : : . . . - ' . " . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ A _ _ We l. DOUCLAS $3aOO AN [ $3a50 S UOES T \ JllLD ; . ; , - . W. L. DOUGLAS $4.00 GILT EDGE SliDES CAlltlOT BE EQUALLED AT ANV PRICE. . " SHOES FOR VERYi10DY ill' ALl PRiDES : ; : , , ' . " { ! ) 1\lcn'1I8ho"'H , t./i / tn Itill.I O. U.fI' ShllOHI $ :1 : tll SI.r. : , " 'IIIIWIl'S } ( /J I1hlle ! ! , $4 tn Sl./iO. / J\llSNCS''i : Children II toihlllN ! , 0:1 : : > t I ) 61.00. 1. " 'V. 1J' DOllr.las nhoas lUll rccognizol , ly eX\Jllrt JulgOi : or IootwlIar1 \ \ " -to bu the bust In IItylo , fit ntul wear IlrollIccl , \ III this country. Each ' \ "i " , J.\ \ 11n.rt or the 8hoo nnd every datall or th maldnr. is ] ool.ell nCtor , . : ( Ir- 111111 wI\lohc,1 over hy 8klllct ! P1oclIIll ( Ortl , without regard to . , . If I COIllr1 take into ) factories At , tlmo or COllt. you lilY Ar/-o / : . ' \ : ] Iroektoll , 1\nRII. , 1\1 II Rhow 'ou laow cnrorll11y " , . I , . Douglas . . , ( \ ' shocR are made , you wlluhl then l' ndorntanrl wIlY they hohl thetr shullo , tit better , wear lon or , 1\1\\llu'o oCreator / valttll than I\IIY other makcR. , v , IN j , " " ln' nl\m HIIII"I ( ' 'I ' Ilnllll'l'l 011 Ihe hollOlll hld'lrOh"'U IheTenrer a1:1\1t111111 h I'rll"'l "nllntl'rleor , , ho . . ' & ' . .1" . Nit hlth.IIt" . " . "Id 11,110 , " " 1 .ho dulNS . . I'all ( , ' % r BrUltt' u td e.rclll'rtiv. ' t'atalur/l1Iallc.IJrte. . J. . lJOUCU..U I < , en.rlwhtl " . It amlcted wIth I ' ' \ ! Unexcelled Corscncral farm. lOrD 01el. UIO' TI tOmpson 'E yc W ater CHl'IA 'A\DS IIIII' , .Ioek. dAlrllIlI' , frlllts , truct , , _ . . et.o.1 conTcnltn' to 11161'61'7 ' n"ul..t5 and \ranopo ! ' - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - . . . ' ' ' . ! ! \ WrI6nel\\'cotone"rol'lhtsanllpuJ \.4t.lOIl racHItic. \ " > . . . , . . . . . , , , . . Vnlellard. . ) and - lIeatlon. )1. Inllll-IrlaIAgon. W . N . U " OMAHA , NO . 10 , 1907 . lIollth na It , . a"Ulohll" , ( Jhlo It. It. . Waahlllglon , n. 0. * CJ. B. Chal.Velt. . Al&t..IJ2&CIi.mlcalllldl,5t. roullllo. The General Patent of an injurious character , which indulge in extravagant and unfounded pretensions to cure all manner of ills , and the Nationul Legislation Enacted to Restrict Thcir Sale have established more clearly than could have been accomplished in any other way The Value and Importanc of Ethical Remedies. Remedies which physicians sanction for family use , as they act most beneficially and are gentle yet prompt in effect , and called ethical , because they arc of Known Excellcnce and Quality and oi Inown Component Parts. To gain the full confidence of the WellAlnformed of the world and the approval of the most eminent physicians , it is essential that the component parts be known to and approvcd : by them , and , therefore , the CaliCornia l'ig Syrup Company has published for many years past in its adverlisements and upon every package a Cull statement thereof. The perfect - fect purity and uniformity of product which they dcmand in a laxative remcdy of an ethical character arc assured by the Cali1'ornia Fig Syrup Company's original method of manufacture , _ known to the Company only. There are other ethical remedies npproved by physicians , but the product of the California Fig Syrup Company possesses tl1..c advantage over all other family laxatives that it cleanses , sweetens and relieves the internal organs on which it acts , without disturbing the natural functions or any debilitating after effects and without having to increase the quantity from time to time. This valuable remedy has bcen long and favorably known undcr the name of Syrup of Figs , and. has attained to' world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of ' laxatives , and as its pure laxative principles , obtained from Senna , arc well known to physicians and the Well-Informed of the world to be the best of natural laxatives , we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna , as more fully descriptive , of the remed } ' , but doubtlcssly it will always be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of figs ; and to gct its bt.neficial effects , always note , when purchasing , the full name of the Company-California Fig Syrup Co.- plainly printed' on the front of every package , whether you simply call for Syrup of Figs , or by the full name , Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna , as Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company , and the same heretofore known by the name , Syrup of Figs , which has given satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by a11 leading drug-gists throughout the United States in original packages of one size only , the regular price or which is fifty ccnts per bottle. Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company , filed with the Secretary of Agriculture , at Washington , D. C" the remedy is not adulterated or misbranded - branded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act , June 30th , 1906. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. o San Francisco , Cal. Louisville , Ky. U. S. A. New York , N. Y. London , England. . . . . . . . . .d-- . The Ills peculiar to women , take different forms. Some ladles stirfer , every month , from dark rings round their eyes , blotches on their skin and tired feeling. Others suffer agonies of pain , that words can hardly express. Whatever the symptoms , remember there Is one medicine that will go beyond mere symptoms , and ct on the cause of their troubles , the w\takened womanly organs. Wine of Cardui . Mrs. M. C. Austin , of Memphis , Tenn. , writ os : "For five (5) ) yens I suffered with every symptom of female disease , but after using the well.known 9ardul Home Treatment , I was enUrely well. " " Wrlle loJay for 3 free copy of valuable ( ) . .fPOl1lIIuslrated ook for Women , If you need Mea- 1"RlTE U . ] A LETTE no1eOl1 Advlcel descrjbe your zymploms. stating IIcelIn. ! reply will be sent In plOlIn seale. ! envelope. Addren : udlc : ; Advisory Dept. , The C/u1ltanoozn / tedlclne Co. . Ch31tllnooza , 'fenn. , . . . , J" . . . ' : /All