Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 07, 1907, Image 6

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Peach Cocktnll Properly Put Together
Will Delight the Guests-Fino
. . Combination of Frults-Ico
Cream and Peach Souffle.
In propllrlng a ponch cocltlnll re.
member thllt. nnythlng having Il chor.
ry ( JIlVOl' will comblno well with the
flavor of peach OR. anLt eIther Idr8ch ,
mlu'llschino or CIII'nCl'l or nny chorr '
eOl'lllnl mny he usee : . Plnco the cnn-
IIOLt Ilcnches on Ice for some hours RO
thllt they mny 1I0como thoronghly
chilled. 'rho slices , which should not.
he too thin , 111'0 tJwn cut. Into amnI/or /
onllO. almped IlleceR , Ilnd the gl'l1ln of
the fruit will show ; add a little 8ugar
to the fl'IIIt , fJllrlnltllng It. thoroughly
from a "Iovo nne ! tossing the frllit
ahout. with a fJahlll forlt HO as not to
IImls ! ) It. 'flw fruit Hhould not. bo
ovor.sweolened ; IlOur ever the 8weot-
oned fl'ult n few Hpoonfllla of S 'I'III )
from lrctlCrvod ma1'1'On8 , 01' add a very
IItllo of the s 'rllli from prcsorved gin-
gal' , Ihnn ndd the cordial according to
laHlo ; flI/ / Into tall atemmed glll fwS
or Into IIherbot. CIIIIS that. have been
chilled Ilnd serve at. onco. YOllr gUOHta
will think YOII'ro giving thom the hot.-
hOllllO varlol ) ' In .lnnIlI\I'Y , and bo 111'011-
orly Impressed.
Peach Combillatlon.-'fhen , thoro's a
doI/clollR / pench combination. For this
IIHO hannnlU ! : , oranges and IOuches Imd
Il few whlto grulles. Pro pal'o b ' cut.-
tlng the cllnned frllit. Into smull bltR ; '
11111'0 and semI the oranges nnd cut. '
thcRo these Into Rmall bits , first dlvld-
Inr ' the orange Into ca1'llola and cutting -
ting anrOHS them ; cut the bananas In 1
mnall cuhos and remove the atones
from the gra\ICH \ ; all the fruit. should
ho thoroughly ch1l10d by bolng kept on
Ice for hours hoforo servin ! ; tlmo. Add
n lIttle sugar , sprlnltlod evenly over
.tho fruit. nnd if the ( Javor of bUlIanus
IIlnot. deslrod , omit these , substituting
"llIcnplllo cut Into IHnull lileces or
ahreddel ( ; a few preserved chestnuts
also cut. up , and a few maraschino
chorrles I11I1Y also ho cut. up and added.
1"111 " these Into the bottom of tall
glasses , and then fill the glasses two-
thirds full of veach Ice cream ; on top
of all Illaco It small slOonful of whl pIled -
Iled CrOIlI11 , 111l1Od on In a pretty do.
algn , and sprlnltlo over the top chop-
Ilod liistacho nuts , or place a chestnut
or a maraschino chorr ' on top In t.ho
mldd\o' \ ( the doslgn.
Ice 'Cream and Peach Souffle.-For
the Ice cream vropare ono pint. of
peach IlUlp , Il11sslng It through a fruit
stralnor ; sprlnklo over It. the julco of
ono lemon and ono cup of sugar ; fold
III It 111nt of cream , which should bo
whhlllOd , meusurlng It. before whip.
[ ling , then turn Into. a freezer and
freeze till firm.
. " '
Bed Sores.-Thoso are l1ablo to occur -
cur In any long 111ness where the pa-
tlont. Is much omaclated or where
there Is paralysis of the nerves that
Ilrovldo nutrition for the bacle and
limbs. Whllo not. alwa's the nurso's
, fa\1Jt , ' eslloaldng neglect , It fs usually
cQlslderod ! so. To lrOvent the sores
tha. . undo l' sheot. must bo ltept porfoct-
Iy smooth , no crumbs must bo pormlt.
tor to got. Into the bed nnd the bony
lromlnoncos whel'O the trouble boglns
must ho hathed from five to . dozen
Umos a day with alcohol and water ,
haU and haIr. Pnt dry with 11. soft
towel , then powder. li'lnully make a
cushion 01' use a circular all' V1l10w I
covered with linen or cotton and vlnco I
the SOl'O spot In the con tor. If you
make a circular 1)1I10w , fill with curled
hall' or otton. If these sores are
nbgl 6led tlloY become Inll'ple , mortln.
cation sots In , the fiesh sloughs off nnd
loaves an ulcer.
For the F ver Thlrst.-ln nearly all I
feverish conditions water Is now given . .
freely. It must , however , be belled or
distilled. ' NovoI' put. Ice In the water
the Ild't.lont. Is to drink. but cool t a
rofreshlng temperature by laying the
: ! Jottles containing It next to the Ice.
: Milk or beer bottles with the patent
.corks are convenient for coolIng In the
refrigerator. 1\IInerai waters , vichy ,
.nlpollnarls or soItzer are generally ai-
.lowed If the pnllent. likes thom.
Dutch Apple Cake.
trhls Is another favorlto dish In the
'c oldng class. It Is sometimes made
' \Vlth soda and crenm of tartar , and
19a1n wIth yeast. For the former sift
'toget1lel' two CUl1S nour , a haU tea.
I IJOonful of salt , a haU teaslJOonful
\loda and a teaspoonful cream of tar.
\ar _ Add two tablespoonfuls hutter or
oed dripping and rub In with the tips
of the flngors , Beat ono egg light aud
I\dd to It a scant. CUll mill , . 'l'hen stir
( nto the dry mlxturo. 'rho dough
1hould bo qulto soft. 'l'U1'11 Into a shal-
.ow Iml < 1ng tin. Peel , core and sllco
dlreo 01' foul' tart. uPllles aud arran go
1y.mmctrlcnlly on top of the pan , lot.
Ipg t.ho slices overlal ) . Put. the sha1'l1
'edgo of the slices down - and } ) ress
, slightly Into the dough. Sprlnldo wlll1
ivp . 'tablespoonfuls sugar and nutmeg
pr cinnamon. Balto In 11. hot oven. At
hopn as done brush the top lIghtl
with hot water.
f Boston Cookies.
Ono scant CUI ) butter , three eggs
ono Ilnd a half tablesloons cold water
' .11l1C te1\spoon salt , ono cup chOlpe (
walnuts , half Cup chOlllOd raisins , 011 (
and a balf Cups sugar , ono lcaslOOl
SOdll , tbroo cups of Oour , mall ten
'ilpoon cinnamon , half cup currantE
: ; 'roam the butter and add the suga
aL\d tbe eggs wo11 beaten. Add till
sOda dlssolvod In the hot watol' , tIle ]
ldd the walnuts , currants , raisins anc
l e last CliP and a hulf of OOU1' . Dro ]
In 8mal1 spoonfuls on buttered pan aUI
J _
. .
Prof. Brashear AnnoUnces Dlocovery
Which Portends Storms.
Plttsburg , Pa.-Professor John A.
DrasheuI' of the Allegheny obsorvutory
hils announced a discovery of ono of
the greatest slln SpotA over called to
the attention of astronomers. lIe saya
olectrlcal dlsturhances will bo oXllorl.
enced throuJhout. the cOllntry soon.
These dlsturhances , ho furtber declares -
clares , lIlay talto the form of [ l display -
play or the IUlrorn borealis or telegraph -
graph and tolo\lhono \ communication I
may bo scrlollflly affoctod.
' ' Is that It
1'110 preBent SIJOt so largo
can bo aeon through sl11oke < 1 gluss Iln < 1
the nclontlst suys It Is ono of the most
active or solar IIpotS. III his statement
of the dlsco\'ery Profosson Brashear
says :
"A very Inrgtl I1n < 1 hoautlful sun spot.
or solar dlsttll'hanco Is now crossing
the face of the SIIIl anll Is aplroacblng
the central lIIerldlan. ' 1'hls Is the largest -
est spot. that has heen seen for sov-
ornl years. Ita approxlmato length Is
118.000 mllcs and It. Is 30,000 miles
wl < 1e , covering an area of about. 3UOO-
000 square miles. 'rhero Is consldora.
blo activity In the spot and there maybe
bo some eloctrlcal dlsturbancos on the
earth soon , but. this Is rather dl111cult
to lu'edlct. on account. of the position
of the dlstUl'banco In , relation to the
earth :
"Desldes this great. group of spots ,
there are three pthor groups to the
west of It , and a fourth Is just. leaving
tbo sun on the eastern side. 'fhls
great. spot. can bo roadlly seen by the
nalted eye with a pleco of smoked
glass. Indeed , my attention was called -
ed to It by a gentleman who saW It
through the morning fog. Wo bavo
been observing the spot. with great
interest , measuring It and estimating
Its slzo. It. la a gl'oat spot , stretching
an eighth of the way across the sun.
It comes at a Umo when It. Is not
usnal to eXIOct sun spots Ilnd Is of
greater Interest. for that reason. Why
It now appears Is not oxplalnod. "
Plan 'Adopted by Empire Statc to
Supply Needed Help.
Now Yorle.-Tho Imreau of Informll-
tlon and statistics or tllo Now York
alato department of agrlcultmo estimates -
mates that fully UO/OOO labol'ors w11l
bo requlrod on t.ho farms of tbo state
this spring , and through Its office In
tills cIty Is putting Into Qxocutlon 11.
novel pllln , which , In a smaH way ,
proved highly snccossul In SUPllylng
the demand last year _
The departmont. has advertised ex-
tonslvoly both In New Yorie and 1n
Europe for agricultural laborers , and
as n. consequence Is In dally recolpt
of 10nny applications from mon , both
slnglo and marrlod , who are anxious
to work on the fnrms of the stato.
Many applications have been received
from HoHand and ether European
countries , whore whole fam1l1es are
wlll1ng to emlgrato If assured of farm
employment hore.
Many Immigrants reaching , Now
Yorle are at once engaged by the bureau -
reau of farm omployment. Last year
the bureau placed 4,171 farm laborers ,
and hopes this year to Increase the
number to the UOOOO which w11l glvo
the farmel's of the state a chance to
sleep nights. Dut an Investigator who
a day or two lIstened to 28 appeals
'for asslstanco In two hours spent on
two bloclts on Fourteenth street , aH
of thom from men "out of work , " and
then recalled the mnny appeals of
philanthropic and charltablo organizations -
tions for funas with which to assist
Now York's army of unemployed , wonders -
ders why It should be necessary to
advertlso In Europe for laborers to
rellovo a situation within ten miles or.
Broadway which Is little bettor than
that of Kansas at the tlmo of the
who at harvest.
Animal with Tassels on Its Ears
Makes Attack on Men.
Momlhls , ' 1' 0IU1A n animal wolgh-
Ing GO loUtuls , with tassels on Its ears ,
yeHowlsh strIped fur and a stubby
tall , was shot the oUler day near Port
Jarvis , Sulllvlln county. The old Inhabitants -
habitants say that the beast Is a lynx ,
and the eldest of them swears that bo
has not. seen a l'nx In this section
slnco ho was a boy , 78 years ago.
Since then , ho says , with a chucitle ,
they have been "missing lynx. "
\ James Cooley and Andrew Van
Dylto were hunting for fOXM which
they supposed had robbed theIr hen.
nerles. They came acrons queer
itmclts on the snow , then the lynx
'cnmo aCI'oss them.
'rho beast jumped from 0. tall stum1 ]
and landed on Van Dylto's baclt. II
ripped the heav ' clothing from hiE
bacle and lacerated his fiesh. Afrn1 < 1
of shooting his comrade , Coole )
lclOd ( the lynx In the hend with hIE
heavy boots. The beast turned or
Cooley , fastening Its teeth and clawl
In his thigh. Van Dylto jumped Ul
and , plnclng the muz&lo : of his ( Iun tc
Its head , blow Its brains out.
Reflection from Ore DeposIts.
Oerman observers recorded as Ion 1
ago a's'1747 that a luminous omanatlol
of varlablo shnlle w11l appear In tli
dark at points on the surface or tll
eart.h below which there 111'0 extensh'
ere deposits. Immediately before 0
I , during a thunderstorm these phenon
ena are oa1 < l to bo especlnlly stl'lklnl
Slml1ar ob ervations have moro rc
cently been lUndo In North Amerlc
In the neighborhood of ere deposltl
rho electric emanation given oJ ! fro 1
1ho 8Ul'taco ot the carth has been rc
peatedly ascertained ph ( ' togravhlcallJ
' - - , .
. . . . .
. .
1- , -
, , . '
In the Land of Famine.
. , . , . . . . . , . . . . . . .
r \ . ' " < > I ( t. . ; To" . . . 1:1 :
. .
' .
, . , . .
, . "
- .
: < < : ; : ; : ; < O',6" : . , .t , , / . . ' . "f . . ' ' ' ' ' . . , " . . t'2 l < :
From Itereograpb , copyrIght , by Underwood & Underwood , N. Y.
As a result of the great famine and plague now ravaging China , It Is said
that over 1,000,000 natives have already perished. The accompanying photograph -
graph shows how some of the bodies of the victims are dIsposed c.f.
. : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . ; . , : - . : . , : . . : - , : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : - , : - . : - . : . . : . . : . . : . . : - . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : - . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : .
- - - - - - -
One Feeble-MInded Boy Is Walking
Dictionary , Another a rylarvelous
Speller and a Third Has a
Fr aklsh Memory.
Omaha , Nob.-'l'he Iowa state Institution -
tution for the feoble.mlnded children ,
located at. O1enwood , has several
"Idiot savants , " who are regarded as
remarlmble. Ono used as
a calendar and date record , another Is
utilized as a dictionary , another Is employed -
ployed as a ready raptd calculator and
others show the marvelous but unex-
plalnablo traits of the "learned Idiots. "
Dr. A. n. Schier. assistant superintendent -
tendent of the Institution , hn just
made his report , as required by the
Iowa law. The most astonishing case
ho reports 18 that of John S. , talten
Into the Institution when ho was 12
years of ago , and who has been there
23 years. He Is the mental booltlwep-
er of the home.
When the date of any occurrence
about the Institution Is desired as Information -
formation ,10)m S. gIves It. Ho recalls
without 01'1'01' the date of the employment -
mont of any now band or the entrance
or dlscllllrgo of nnr : Inmato.
If ho bas seen a visitor at the homo
bo cun recall the exact date of the
visit , the condition of tbe weather at
that tlmo and some of the Incidents
connected therowlth , oven though It
occurrell 'ears before any question Is
aslted him concerning It. If given t.he
( Jay of the month , tbo month and ) 'ears
of any occun'enco as far bacle as 35
) 'ears John S. w1l1 , without. hesitation ,
toll upon what day of tbo weelt the
date fell. Aslted how ho docs It ho
replies that ho does not. Imow.
Marvelous ability Is shown by a boy
Inmate about IG ) 'cars or age. lIe can
nelthOl' read nor" write , ) 'et he can
readll ' spell any wOl'd given him. and
as Dr. SchlOl' sa 's : "Ho has been
trlell with uncommon words tlmo and
tlmo agatn and never falls to spell
them correctly. Ho Is constantly
called ulJOn to settle spelling disputes ,
and Is as rollablo as a dictionary. "
Doth his parents were insane.
G. F. H. , aged 18 years , of Danish
descent , cun multiply three figures by
three figures as rapidly as they can
bo written down. He novel' falls In
his multiplication feats , but his addition -
tion , subtraction and division are not
A 17'ear"0Id boy , R. O. L. , wIthout
education , Is able to mold the forms
of animals with almost miraculous lIer-
tectloll. Other figures he cannot malw.
Ho was found one day mixing sallva
with dust and molding the l1gures of
animals , which from his first. attempt
were lJOrfect In almost every detail.
- -
New Profits of $40,000,000 May Offset
$32,000,000 Benefaction.
Phlladelphla.-WIUl the announcement -
ment of the proposed gift by John D.
Rockefeller of $32,000,000 to the Oonor-
al Education Doard comes notice to
tbo oIl denIers and consumers aU over
the country of an advance In the prlco
of 011 which w11l not the Standard
011 company "about. $40,000,000 additional -
tional in a slnglo yoar.
II Is esUmated from the figures at
hanel that fully $12,400,000 of the additional -
tional annual tax mllst como from the
homos of the working class where oU
Is used for light and fuel.
Notice of t.ho advance In the price
of Slandard 011 products was receIved
by dealers Thursday , the sarno day the
announcement of the great glft"was
made. Although the advance quoted
to wholeslliers Is one.half cent a gallon
on 011 for domestic use , the public will
pay ono cent add1t1onll ! , as the rotall
dealers have raised the prlco to consumers -
sumers from 10 to 11 cents pOl' gal-
The yearly cOIlsumptIon of 011 for
domestic purposes In Phlladolphla 18
about 15,500,000 gallons. So this city
alone w11l pay an additional sum of
$155,000 annually for the cheap grade
of 011 used for light and heat.
" " " " " " " " " " " " " .r .r..r..rJ"
J".r..r..rJ".crJ"J" . . . ; ) . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Rebuilding of San Francisco.
Structures Costing Over $40,000,000
Erected Since Earthquake.
San Francisco , Cal.-Tho sum of
$40,128,753 represents the aggregate
of bul1dlng In San Fmnclsco for which
permits hllve been applied slnco the
mlddlo of last May , when the building
I InspcctIon bureau resumed Its opera-
Of this 21 new office l\I1d other
buildings represent $3,050,000 ; roen-
forced concrete and otber class B
construction contrlbuto $2lH,100 ! ;
hrlck buildings In general contrl1mto
$14,198u49 ; frame structures , $1G-
387,902 , and the altoratlons of buildIngs -
Ings gutted by fire add $ ' 1,298,202.
The roport. showing the above totals
has been presented to the board of
public works by Building 1nSIector '
Horgan , The number of buildings
taken up each month and tholr cost Is
segregated , and the rapid rebound In
bnlldlng olloratlons Is shown by the
monthly totals. . I
For Ma ) " permits were Issued forall .
\ - classes of buildings to tbo amount of
$795GID. Juno allowed 11. great gain ,
$1G8D,288. 'l'he subsequent Increases
b ) ' montbs were as follows : Jul ) ' , $2-
38DuOl ; August , $4u48,551 ; Soptom.
bel' , $6,30D,013. October , sbowed a
slight docrl'aso ever the previous
month , $ G,04G,3GD. November made a
decided gain , $7,233,7G5. The rains of
the past two months show In the
final totals , for December , $5,915,290 ,
amI Januar - , $5,201,357.
Popularity of Vehlclo Shown by F..II-
Ing Off In "Tube" Passengers.
London.-Artor all the abuse that
was hoalJOd on the noisy , evil smollhl
and nerve destroying autobus a few
months ago , It Is now Intorestlng to
note the effect the autobus has had on
the underground ral1ways and 'what
It means to London.
' 1'ho "two penny tubo" " which , only
the other day , was regarded as almost
the last wonl of locomotion , hns lost
1,000,000 pnsseng rs during the year
and the reslOnslbll1ty Is laid on the
'rhls Is not. an Isolated , Instance , for
the same story has been told at almost
every ral1way meeting hero urlng the
last. few weelts. It Is wonderfully
eloquent. of the hold which the huge
and uc.wleldly but fast moving vehicle
has gained hero. and the ngltaUoI1
which only a few months ago , wae
raised against the motor seems ludicrous -
crous In the face of such a flguro nE
that numtloned at. the meeting of the
"tube" company tbo other day.
, .
. " ' . . .a. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . .l X"
Impulsc Prompted by Owner's Nobleness -
ness of Heart.
Courtesy Is a quallt . of . the heart
and suggests a forgetfulness of selt , n.
refinement and delicacy of temperament -
ment t.hat prompts the charming act
all Impulse.
The gentle spirit of courtes ) ' betrays -
trays Itself In the manner of addressIng -
Ing a servant. or 11 weary assistant behind -
hind the counter ns well as friends
and acquaintances. A lack of courtesy
often results from a mlstal < cn idea as
to one's own Importance. The Ulought
Is born In the ; but. a false Idea
of Independence presents action. It
merely Is an act. of courtesy and a
marlt of nobleness of mlnll volnJ1tarlly
to roslgn ono' : " right In favor of an- :
othor. I
It Is the Mme mlstalten Idea that
confuses frankness with rudeness. It
Is a vlrtuo not to resort to the many
pctt deceptions that mar our soclnl
system. While wo t.urn with disgust
from the woman wIto bids her friend
an affectionate farewell ana moment
and breathes a sigh of rollef nt her departure -
parture the next , wo can bnt admit
that a truly courteous l eart will refrain -
frain from speal:1ng ; : an unpleasant
truth without Imperlllng Ule person's
- - ' - - - - - - - -
Editor Had. Good Reason for PublishIng -
Ing Name of Contributor.
. .
- - -
For six months or more the dnlg-
I'lst's ; aslsstant had occupied his leisure -
ure moments by wr1t1ng versos for the
vUlage In the " ' "
paper , "poets' corner"
of which publlcaUon they nppenred anonymously -
onymously every Thursday. On
opening his copy of the Weekly Bugle-
0110 morning , and turning first , as was
hl regular habit , to that particular
comer , he was surprised and gratified
bpyond measure to see his name In fun
arpended to his latest poetical uut-
He hastened to call at the office of
the Bugle. .
" 1\11' . Stires , " ho salll to the editor ,
"I want to thanit you for signing my
nnme to my poem In this week's pa-
per. It encourages a f.cllow when he
gets proper credit for his work. "
"Oh , that's all right. Johnson. " responded -
sponded the editor. "We thought It
was about time to place the responsl.
blllty for tbat poetry where It be-
longcd-Youth's Compnnlon.
Stimulate the Blood.
Drandreth's P111s are the great bloo
purifier. They are a laxative and blood
tonic , they act equally on the bowels -
els , Itldneys and skin , thus cleansing
the system by the natUral outlet of
the body. They stimulate the blood
so to enable nature to throw oft all
morbid humors : lnd cure all trouble3
arising from an Impure state of t.ho
blood. Ono or two taken eVery night
w111 prove an Invaluable remedy.
Each pili contains one grain of saUd
extract of sarsapar111a , which , willi
other valuable vegetable products ,
make it a blood purifier unexcelled ,
Drandreth' Pllls have beeIf' in use
for over a century , nd are for sale
everywhere , plain or sugar-coated.
Danger In Salt Baths.
BaIt wllter , so strengthening ordin-
arlly , Is most. weakening when too'
, warm. On most ocean boatR there Is
nn abundance of warm water In the
bathrooms , and the dally salt bath Is
a great tonic , but beware of getting It
too hot. It w11l turn you faint If you
do , oven If you are accustomed , to an
equally high temperat.ure in fresh wa.-
ter at home.-Travel Magazine.
Deafness Cannot Be , Cured
brlocal appllcaonl ( , al they cannot rcach the dls.
eased portion of tha ear. Tharo II only ono way to
cure deafness. and that Is by constltutloual remedlu.
Dcarne.1 Is caused b ) " an Innamed condtlon ! of the
mucous linIng- the Eustacblan. Tube. Wbcn tbls
tube Is Intlamed JOu have a. rnmblln" lound or Imperfect -
perfect bcarlnA' . aud when It I entirely closed , DCllf.
ncu Is the unleaa tho. Inl1alDlD atlon clln be
takcn out.llnd. tb I tube rcltored to Its normal condl.
tlon. bcarlnj ; ' will bo dostroycd torever ; nIne calCI
out of tcn are cauocd by Clltarrb , whlcb h uotblog
bnt an Inl1amed condition or tbe mUCQUS lurfllces.
Wo will give Ono IIundroll DoUara for any case of
Deafnesl ( caused by catarrh ) that cannot be cured
by llall's C&tLrrh Cure. . Bontl. for . .
1'.1' . CllENEY 4 ; CO" 'l'uledo , O.
601 < 1 by Dru lsU. 'j c.
TAke llan'sl < ' "mllyl'lIIs tIJt cOWlUpation.
California's Prune Crop.
Callfornla.'s prune crop In 1906 , Wall
185,000.000 pounds , against 62.500,000
pounds In 1905. This has only been
exceeded once in 17 yoara. That was
In 1DO : ? when the crop was 191,000-
rmportant to Mothors.
Exnmlno cnrefully evcry bottle or CASTORIA ,
n uro 11m ! ! late remedy 10 : Inrants and chU fen ,
M : : : " " -
t _ _ # -
Signature or ,
In UelJ 'or Over 30 Ycnrs.
The mud YotUavo Ahva : : ougnt
Some day there mny be universal
peace. If It comes It. w111 bo when one
mun has succeeded la gobbling c\'ery'
thing and at the same time convinced
everybody else that he Is too strong
to be fought.
Defiance Starch Is the latest Inven
tJon In that line and an Improvement
on all ether makes ; It Is more economical -
nomical , does better wOrlt , takes lesa
time. Get It from any grocer.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
The man who knows nothing outside
of his own business ma ) ' have a good
Income , but ilo Is ml hty unlntorest.
Panthers and Grizzly Be rs.
Ship Fill'S Pelts Mc fi11nn Fill' & Wool
Co" Minncnlo1itl ) , : Minn. " 'rite for pricei ,
- - - - - - - -
Sixty-four ba1100n wore sent out of
Paris during the slego of 1870-71 _
( .owls' 8111:10 , Bludel' 6ll'nlght fio. YOII
. mY 100 tor clg tr nnt'lt ! ' ) IOO , Y )111' donlol' ,
r Lowls' } 'uctor - , ! 'C01'IU , 111.
- - - - - - -
You can h3.\'o a mighty hot time on
. cool million. / '
. . ' '
_ . " " " ' :1 : > : ' : ' " ' _ : : ' . .
"I.JJJl"lIIllI"I''i'r , . : : ' ' I'I" " ' ; ' 'J ! " ' " , , ' : ' " _
- Y" '
: . . . . . _ . _ _ _ _ - " ' < o.-t-H. . .
Dcscribes the Principal Ingredients
Contained in
Are wo cJniming too much for Perona '
when we claim it to bo an effective "
remedy for chronic catarrh ? Have we
abundant proof that Peruna is in reality -
ity 8uch catarrh remedy ? Let us see \ 1
what the United States Dispensatory
says of the principal ingredients .of ;
Peruna. ' 1
Take , for instance , the ingredient I
hydrastis CI111adensis , or golden seal. ' . .
The United States Dispensatory says
of this herbal remedy , that it is largely \
employed in the trentment of depraved
mucous membranes , chronic rhinitis
( naSAl cattlrrh ) , atonic dyspepsia ( ca-
ttlrrh of the shomach ) , chronic intestinal -
nal catarrh , catarrhal jaundice , ( catarrh - I
tarrh of the liver ) and in diseased .
mucous membranes of the pelvic organs.
It is also recommended for the treatment - "
ment of various forms of diseases pc- ' .
culinr to women.
Another ingredient of Perona , corydalis -
dalis fonnosa , is classed in the United - .
States DispenSAtory I1S a tonic. So also
is cubebs classed as a stomachic and alt
a tonic for the mucous membranes. '
Cedron seeds is another ingredient of
Peruna , an excellent drug that ha9
been very largely overlooked by the
medical profession for the past fifty
years. The seeds nre to be found in
very few drug stores- . The United
Slates Dispensatory saYIJ of Ute action
of cedron that it is used as n bitter :
tonic and in the treatment of dysentery , j
and in intermittent diseases asa substitute - . , "
stitute for quinine , I
Oil of copaiba , another ingredient ot
Perona , is classed by the United State : .
Dispensatory as a mild stimulant and
diuretic. It acts on thO' stemach and. . .
intestinal tract. It acts. a.s. a stimulant -
lant on the genito-nrinnry membranes. .
U eful in chronic cystitis , chronic. dysentery -
entery and diarrhea , and some chronic :
diseases of the liver and kidneys.
Send to us for a free book of testimonials - -
nials of what the people. think of P "
runa ; aa a , catarrh remedy. The best "
evidence is the testimony oUbose'who.
have tried it.
- - - -
I .
. ' PosltIvely.cured by
' ( these Little FllIs. '
n a\ ThcY' n1sO reUove D1so =
b"c3s trom Dyspcpsla , In- ,
ITTlE d.1gcsUon nnd'Xoo lIolU't7 ,
a EatlDg. pcrt ct rem-
R edytorD1zz1ncsslinuscn , .
PI LtS.Drowsln . Dad' Tnsto ,
In the : Mouth , . Conted :
Tonguo. Pa1n:1rl.tl1o : Sldo.
TORPID LIVEn. Tl101' '
regulatO UJo Dowels. Purely'Vcgetablo.
CARTERS Ge uina Must Bear
- Signature
PILLS. / " , P . .
onlls ts for four Jcars JOU nit mon of 1I00d
chuacter and sound physical condition be.
twceu thO ages of 17 and2 ! Ls npprontlco son-
1II0n ; o portunltlos for aLlvaucclDont ; PLT
IIn to 110 II. luoQth. Electricians. machinists.
blLcltSmlths. coppersmltbs. Teomen ( clerkl ) .
oarpenters. shlt1rlttors. IIremen , uluslclacs ,
cooks , OIC. . between 21 nnd ; , (0 yeara. antlltca - -
In speolal r:1tlngs : with sultnblo pnr : ; hospital
nppren tlces 18 to 28 Jellors. ItcUrement on
threo-fo\lrths pnT nnd allownnces nfter IU !
reart sorvlce. Applicants wun be Amerlcnn
01 tile ns , ,
'Irst clothlnll' outfit free to recruIts. Upon
I1hcbnrKo tra'l'Ol allownnco' cents per mlle to
1.lnco of onllstment. Jlonus tour months' paT
and Incrcnso In paYllpon re-enllstmentwltbln
four nwuths or dlscbnrge. Ol1lces at I.lncoln
and Uastlnls , NohraskK. Also. durtngwlnter.
I\t lips : 'lolneR nnd 810llx Clt , . Iow . Address
' " " ' Unexcelled torgenernUarm.
CH'-"A" rANDS' lng , stock. dairying. fruits. truck . ,
. ctc.1 conTenlent to the . -err be.t lIIa1'kets and tr"nlpo. .
tl\Uon f..cllltl. . . . Write near".t oftlee for IIsts..nd pub
1(0..Uon8. U. V , Rlehl\Td..1And an,1 Indnstrlal Alen :
, 'Iobllo & Ohio It. It. . " , P.o ;
S""th"rn ny "nd : ' : WUhlnl\"ton \
0. S , Chase. West. AIt.tSUChemlcal : Dld"lIt.LonlsHo ,
Vauc. : ot the Newspape. . . .
Some Republlcan congressmen were-
discussing the presldent.'s suggeBt10n
to shut out from the mOalls such newspapers -
papers as have been printing Indecent
detaIls of the Thaw trial In New
York. Mr. . LittleOeld of Ma.1ne In , .
dwged In a general review of th&
press. Its Dowers , functions and priY. -
lIeges. "U It were not for the vigilant
press. of this country , with Its trained
corps of representatives In Wasbln&-
ton , " he. said , "I don't Imow whether
I would Cllr& to servo In congress _ 1\11
, experience here has taught me that
the newspapers perform a service ot . .
. . . . .
inestlmablo value to the country. I .t
Ji .omoll1nes think that congress would
drift Into many excesses If the press
gallery were not hero to keep us in.
bounds. "
Laundry work at hOUle would b. .
much more satisfactory If the right
Starch wore l1sed. In order to get the .
desired sUffness , It Is l1sua11y necessary -
sary to use so mnoh starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric la
hidden behind a paste or varying \
thlcknesp , which not only destroys thca
alIienrance , but also affects the Wear-
I g qunllty of the goods. Tbls troubta
can be enUrely overcome by using Defiance -
fiance Stnrch , as It can be app11ed r
much more thinly because of Its great- I
' 1' strength than other makes.
In His Father' . Footstep. ,
Allan Sankey , fen of the famous sinK"
Ing revivalist. Is f0110wlng his father'a
footstelS as a composer , and some
of Ills h 'mns are popular In New
England revlva meetings.
- - - -
- - - - -
O1ve Defiance Starch [ l fall' trlal-
try It fOl' both hot and cold starchlngl
nnd If YOU don't. think you do better
work , in lOBS time and at smaller costl
I return it and YOllr grocer will sin
10n back your money. I