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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1907)
, " ' . . . . . , "A . / , > ' USTER' ( JOUNTY ( , 'EPUBLICN ' "VOL'XXV. . BROKEN BOWJ CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAYJ MARCH 7 , 1907. NO. 39. - - - . - - - - - . . . . - ! A Watch's I business Is a ver ) ' exacting one. . It ! ; hours are from 7 a. 111. to 7 a. 111. sevcn day& a week : It I lUst do this ycar in and year ont for years mill years. . . And a GOOD watch will kecp u.p this gait for a surprising length of time without missing a .tick. Abont once a ) 'ear it will need a . If little cxpert attention , and that is where WH comc in. Whcn ) 'our watch shows the least sign of varyin , the quicker f you get it to us the better. t : Our at.lention will be EXPERT ' . ; . . g- - ' " & ; ; : J - Ric Red Blood If you are suffering from want of new rich blood , if .your strength is failing , or is not what it should bc , if Jour stomach is tired out , our advicc is to U5C . SPRINGS SARSAPARILLA a splcndid preparation for purifying' and cleansing old blood , for enriching and strengthening the blood , for toning up and strcngthening thc cntirc muscular systcm , giving health and strcngth to the' entire body. 35c. Opcn , on Sundays from 8:30 : to 10:30 : a. m. only. I ED , McCOMAS. I : ( . a8 J. C OWEN. 1907 i . FISH FOR L'ENT 'i. CODFISH , LENrr ONLY * - . OV ] R PICKLED SALMON , , r ; t HONEr.ttss AND 'rIlE BEST Y Jirf } " , " AND vttHY FINIt , ; ; 'f > { + SIIHttEDUP , ro Co.l\IE. l2Yc ; lb. , / ' VERY 'OnnEH NOvV , 41f ! FANCY . _ _ CANNED SALMON , . IN OIL t , IIPPERE HRBRIN , 1216 c 15c . . , , , , - " ,0 C . . : : IC , " 2" ccan , . ' per can . . _ _ . , , SALT ' - - " ' ! ' - . . . . . I. SALMON. MUSTARD SARDINES 12c lb. 3 for 35c V ery re d and fancy. . . . , OIL - SARDINES . ALT i MACKHEL ! Sc 15c 20c ; . ' , WHITE FISH _ per can " HESS STOCK FOODS , THOU1" SHHIMPS HOG RBMEDIES , ] 5 c can _ ' 3 fur . .Sc " y MIGHTY GOOD 140BSTER3 " . Seed Potatocs THIS TIr\lE Oii' YEAR. 30e can \ . " , I . J. C. BOWEN , , TRADE North Side . Pur. : Old "Ider VIIICK'ar BROKEN BOWNE R. MARK - . - , _ or . - - - - - - - - . . . . , . , , , . , . . . . . . . . . 1rY"nI'lilii' ; ; ' ' lfl.IiIi'rr..IiIi'q.J' ' ; ' ' ' . Ii"pIIiIiIj.i"IiI'iiIiIi'IIr..I'IiIlr.IiIi"i'PIi'pIiIl'rm' " : ; ; ' ] ! ; ' ! ! " ' ; ; ' iIi'IIPIiIi' ' ' ' j' ' ; .IiIIir.lili' ; ; ' ' j' ' ; ' ' ; : : : : : : : " " , , . . . . . , , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , , . "I" " ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ! " ! ! ' " ' : ! " ! ! " " ! ! ' " ' ! " ' " ! ' ! " " ' ' : ' " : ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ' : ! ' " ' ! ! " " tr'Jo ! ' ! : : : : ! " : ! " " ' < , . ! I Harness ! Harness uIru"Jc"'i ! ! ; ; : ' . ; ' \ We have a larger assortment of HARNESS this } ' I } I\i spring than we ever had and , prices of good leather 'j ! { : considered , we are selling" them cheaper than we ever { ; : clid. You u1us sec and examine the goodd to appreciate ( ' thc value wc glve you f9r thc money. ; ' f ij Wc will meet 'and undersell any competitor we i . we will compare gooels an' ! meet prices. : \ ( 1' } < } \ i Farm Implements , , . : We have everything that . is good , such as , { " 1 \ \ r Good Enough Riding Plows \ < ! i \ Good Enough Gang Plows ! { : { Sure Edge Drop Corn Planter } : \ The Gr tchen Edgc D op Planter , 32.0 \ ,14xl6 D1SC Harrow at : : ; 24.00. See lt . ' - : I. ! \ : Many k111ds of cultivators. > { If in doubt of value of goods , tr ) ' us. } ' i , { " , " ] } I ; 'G. W. APPLE. ; " (3 rtL . 1:1'JII : : ! , ' , . . "I1j.1I''Un . : > .lill' ' , , , UrrU'.illHlI'i'P''U'1l'n , ; ' ' ' ! : ' . . . . . , . . . ' ' . . , " " , . , , , ' ' ' ' ' : . . . ; . ' ' - . . , . . . . III" , , , , , . , . , . . " " " " _ _ > ( _ . " " . . . " ' ' . . " , " .I ! " , , , , , . , , .01.I ; ! " " ! ' , , , ' : J ! " , , , , , . . , , , , ! 'Jo'Jo.i'J'.I'I' ' ! ' ! ' ! , , , ! : ! ' ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ' 'II' ' ' 1 ' " , . , tI : ! : , " " " , , , , , " " ; I"'Jo.1 , ! ' : ! , " ' ! ' ' , , , " , , ' 1 " " ' , , 1I11fJ"J' , . , . ! 'Jo" ' ! ' " " "n" ' " " ' " & " : tj CUST R COUNTY CORRESPONDEN CE I We.t Union. 'J.'hc roads are gcUing heUer. John pfrehm wcnt down ncar Sargent to do SOIllC carpenter work , W ller 1Iillmo\'cll onto thc sallie place with August Pfrehm , near Sargent. I Oscar Gun'1crson is hauHns the lumber I for his new house , which is lo he a large I one , 28x40 , two story. The writerul1l1er : : &looll him to say th'\t the hill is fourtccn hUIIl1rcIl do11ars. Ther must still be cattle dying by the allloullt of hides still bcing brought to town. I\Ir. 1Iarolel , fath r-in-law of Clarcnce Williams , was in lawn Saturday. He says he is going to Ohio. COrti gathering will soon be of the past. George l\fnrsh : exchanl ed work - with Zeka. Marsh hauls COrti to Sargent for Zeka mill : l.eka hauls goolls hack for . Mnrsh. James Abernathy alllI Pliu l\Ietc.-l\1f went to Sargenl Saturday night. Atic Nelson went to Sargent Saturday , ' with his son , ntul slaYed - to the il\le-1 pendenl telephone mecting. He will cOllie home with J. R. Rutton. Georgge Ai1shie has moved to town , occupying Grallllma l\IcClures house. Their daughter , Anne , has gone into the employ of the Indepcndent 'felephone compauy at this place. The outgoing opcrf\lor , Mrs. Auslin , has held thc position - tion three years wilh Ilot too good pay. The way the work was let out this year is hettel , namely. for bids. There was a lIIeeling ea11ed for Saturday , February 23. and at that IIIccting therc was a bid made by Mrs. Wm. I'frehlll. That would have been the best , but the tine or the differt representatives could 1I0t see that it waste to their benefit to do , so an adjourtlment was taken to Tuesday , February 26. At that tillle Miss Ai1shie's icl was accepted and Geo. Mnrsh elllployell to make the change of central. Dry VAlley. Fred SlIIith hDS rellloved to his I inkaid homestead anel will soon comlllt'nce the erection of a cOUlmodious frame house for which he has thc lumber on the ground and only awaits the pleasure of his carpenters. . It is. rf'portcd that lIarry Rittenhouse has solel his farllt to 1\1. P. Jarvis. This is a good farm and adjoins Mr. Jarvis present farm. Considerahle conlplaint is heard aboute the amount of freight the country patrons of the Sargent freight office ha\'e to pay. ( .ften extra freight is charged on the hill and again the weight is increased - creased and again storage is chargel1 on freight that the patrons have Qot been notified that is there. Thi will prohahly $ top some day , very sudden , See. : ! \Irs. II. Dunbar is quite poorly at the present writing , with jmeumonia. We a11 hope she will soon be arouud again. The Dry Valley church will hold a box social at the school house soon. George Miller is visiting in Indiana at presen t. South Side. Mr. Wool1 went to Sargent tollay. : ! \Ir. Stephens is husking corn. lie has upwards of twenty acres to husk yet. I have found several that will vote against county division I1nl1 I believe when the voling is on some of our ncigh- hors will come with us. John lIargin will bui1d a very large fine housf' in the spring. lIe is hauling pressel } cement hlocks for the foundation. . l'ett'r Jansosky is hanling prcssed brick to huilll a fine framc house in the spring. This country is bound to he somcthing in the ncar future. Tite Buckby has rentel1 the John Whillcnger place at1l1 will farm there the cdming year. Ira Dye was visiting with the Charle IIowlal\l peoplc. lie must finel SOUle , thing hetter and wiscr there than at som ( other placcs. Charles 1I0wlanl1 has 11 two ycar 0111 colt that is rf'gisterel1 to make a 200 ( poun horse. lIe is a Percheon. Say carr , can't you drop that Tha\\ jnry a poinfer aelvising them to clem 'fhaw ELlul recomlltcncl the court to a vise furnishing Thaw a gun to watch and ki1 : every fellow that casts sheeps e'es at h ! wife. George Brown is wanting to hire man to work for him , hy the ycar , ! Mr. IInllen has left to take a prefernhh job. Our school is out mill Frank J.ovejo } is sending his two eldest children to Wes1 Pnion to school. They have a good school at Wcst Union. ' t'ncle lien Predmore's health is not S ( very good this winter. lIe stays close t ( thc house anel takes care of his stock. I Ernie'Howland has hired out to Bel Stephens , to husk corn the rest of tIu winter. . . Union Hill. Drown Scver is moving on the l mma PCrehln place. I.c r.eep bought SOItlC cattle from Mr. Deetlcf. - W. l'frehm shc11ed corn Itriday of last week. Mrs , O. S. Pulliam was calletl aWa } ' 'I'hurwlay : of last week to attcml the funeral of a departcl1 Eister. Mrs. Pul. lIam has the heartfelt s'mpathy of n11 her friends /lnd neighbors. T.awrence pfrchm (11111 ( Henry Dot ) . wcnt to the dauce at Round Vallcy last Saturday night. Merl Dotys horse broke his leg last wcek by a fall on , the ice. Dell" Sturms and a frienll from Ohio visiteel with George Orvi'l and wiCe W dnes < 1I\Y of Inst week. ; 'Valler lIillltlo\'ed to Snrgcnt Saturda } ' of lasl week. Mr , 11\141 \ Mrs. Pense , of W'oming , visltcIl with : 'IIr. and Mrs. Wilt. pfrehllt two days last wcek. Itrnnk Doty took in the sights of Dro- kcn Bow last week. Jessie 1\1111 Gertie Marsh also went to Brokcn Bow last wClk. Will J. pfrehm hauled lumbcr for Wm. Shittwechler lnst week , There was quite' rcunion of old neighhors and friends at Will. pfrehm' last Sunday. The names of those prcscnt are : Mr , mill Mrs. Yctter and fami1) ' and 1\Irs. Skinner , Mr , and 1\1 rs , Beager ntlll family , Grandma Beager , Mr. Dnd Mrs. Henry Pointer and family , Mr. and " ' 11'6. Henry Pfrehm , of Sargent. In the afternoon Mrs. Phelps and Mrs. Peters ca11ell in and Itred Peters , Mrs , Tarleton and manch. Most of the afternoon was spent in singing and visiting. All seemed to have a good social time. Weinert Warble. . Quite a number of Weissert's young people allendell the hasket supper at Coburg Friday night. Rev \'al meetings arc in session at Rosc Valley this week. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Goodner of Creccnt City , Iowa , arrived here Wednes. day and will work for S. Powell this summer. Grandpa 1I0rnheek , i ! ; very sick this week. Earl Pirnie expects to leave for l\1sS'o ri 'next week. lIe hal1 not de- cidcd whether he will return or locate perlltantlr in the eeShow me" state. Dr. Pennington was called to see l\1rE. I rwin Jackson , SUUl1ay , morning. Mrs. Jackson's health has heen very poor for some tiUl ( . 1Ihtllit : Foote vis.ited Satunlay and Sunday - day at Walter Bense's. Mrs. Elix Roy , who has been visiting at George lIi1ton's expecls to rcturn to Missouri this week. S. Powell expects to leave for the West soon. He intends to visit in Washington , Oregan and California before he retnrns. - I Ryno Ripple. . Riverside school district rejoices In the possession of n new frnme school housc , which is n decided hnprovement and takes the place of " 01 < 1 soddy , " which has slood for ycars at Ryno. It was here that for se\'crnl } 'enrs was hcld the I primaries for both political partlcs of Cnster prccinct. Geo. Herrick Is stm rell hot nfter thc co'otes. lIe bagRcd thc thlrtcenth lasl Saturdny , but wc don't miss 'cm. nvcrybod ' is Illls ' . } } Dhucking COrti. George Logan. who has hecn on Ash Creek , husking corn , wcnt to his hOllle near Cnll'a } ' , Sund"x last week nnd fonnd that during his /lbsence SOIllC miscreant had cnterell ntul punched all his tinwnre full of holes , rendcrin thcm absolutely worthlcss. Just what kUIIl of a devil entcrs into the make-up of some curs who are called men is beyond all \\IIdcrstnmUng and the whelr.s who perpetrated this lIIalicious work would recei'e no sYlnpathv frolll the comlllunity shoul < 1 his idcntity'be discovered. Dunninr Doing. . ReLalllltl is again ublc to be nround. lIe occupied the pulpit Suu ay cvcning. Mr. WilsOl1'S brother , of Lincoln , who has becn visiting him , rclurned to his home a few days ago. _ lIss Eva lIellock left lnst Thursday morning for Billings , Mout. A ttulllbl'r of her frlcnds escorted hcr to the depot , aud none coul < 1 east of dry cycs a9 the train pulled out with thc one which thc Dunn\ll people truely admired for the past scvcn 01' eight \\IontIls. E'er ' . body wishes her a s fe trip and spee ( y return. Ray Robison left lust Saturday for Anfchuo. Ray has been in Dunning but a short time but won many fricnds whi1e her and his schoolmaster will etlpccially miss him. A dance was givcn ot the Pauline hall , last Itriclay evening. A good tillle is reported. Tne next dance is annonnced at the Robison Bro's hl\ll on March J5th , ccle. brating St. Patrick'say. \ . Mrs. Hcllock has bought some lots in Dunning and will build u residence. - , , _ _ I - - - " - - u Zumbrota" Zephyn. Nine McComas' daughtcr , I hnira , has heen quite sick with pnctttnonla , but is some better at present. Zee Bishop was visiting a fcw days with J. C. Moore's this week. Our peoplc arc trying the corn stalks once morc. Jack Martin lost one steer last Saturda ) ' , bnt we.1lopc to hcar of no more dcaths ns lIIost of our farmcrs nre gtlling a little short of hay. Butler Saus ) nnd fnmily were visiting nt Dan Prcdmorc's 1ast Snnda } ' . . Messrs and Mesdames Merridith , Dowcll and Callcn , Mrs. Norcu t , 1IIISB 11 moe : 1 Norcntt , Cheulcy anll Edwanl 11 all , werc pleasantl } . entertained lost Itriday evcning with music Elt Jonu Kooler's. On Tuesday M. D. Callen and wife were f ; \'en a gcnuine surprise when some of their neighbors drove in , bringing their ditlners with tItcm. They were a happy crowd ntlll their visit was thoroughly eu- joycl1 by nll. Those present were , : : .tessrs and Meslll\Ulcs Koolcr , Sand ! ! , Johnson' , Bishop utlll Cole , Mrs. Routh . and Charlcy 1Ia11. Jay Koozer left last Thursday lIIorning for Kcncsaw. Nch. . to engagc in the well business W Ul ht ! ; Mr. nnd lr8. VnnAnken. have lIIo\'cd to Btokcn Bow where he expects to engage in painting and is at prcsent painting Mr. Groat's new house. Ahout twcnty youug lleoplc gathered at John Koozcr's last Saturday evening to engage in pulling taffy unl1 playing gallic ! ; . A general goml tillle was report- e by all who attcl\lled. Mr. Dowell , who has bccn living on the Adams places , has been quitc bndly tloublell with heart diseasc and is goiug to York , in hopes that the lower ultitude will bring rclief. . _ , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tt"t't"tt'tt'tt""t"tt't"tt""t"'tt1tt't"t'1t11t11tt't11t11" " ' " ' ' " " " ' " " " " " ' ' " ' ' " ' - - - - IFOR BREAKFAST I - - - . - = = SHEPPARD & BURl { have the freshest and finest hue : : : : = = of BREAlFAS'1 FOODS in Brolcn Bow. = = - = = Shamrock Oats , 5-1b package. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30c - : : : : = = l orcst City Oats , 5-lb package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aoc = = = = Shreddcd Wheat Buscuit , 1'5c , 2 .for. . . . . . . . , ' , . . . . . . . . 25 : : : : : E Malta Vita , l5c , 2 for 25c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c : : : : : : : : Egg-O-See , lOc , 3 for. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c = = : : : : Petti-John , lSc , 2 for. . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 25c = = : : : : . Quakcr Oats , 15c , 2 for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c : : : = = Crean1 of Wheat. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c = = = = Vi tos , . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . " l5c : : : : : E Quail Oats. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c : : . = = Dr. Price's. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c = = e : , Toasted Corn Flakes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 10c = = = = Puffed Ricc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c : : : : : = = Steel Cut Oats , per pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05c : : : : - - = = PIlONI NUMIII . R SHEPPARD & , BURK : : : : : : : : : : ONE-TWO-J.'lVE. : : : : : - - - - 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 d d - - - . sSMi ( E3M ( a'se CJtIQ. JWQB.aI ( a ( : ? BaI ( : ? a.a" ; sw- _ . . . QI I u Want a Home I . I HAVE FOR SALE Flve . . cra Tr ct with -room house , barn , coal shed , city water , _ , . 'aj ( " " " ' , orchard , shade trees. One of the nicest pieces of residence - idence property in the city.Vill rade for good farm land or sell for caRh. i 8 - room 1i . . esidence with barn , c'hicken house , well , outside cellar , . two : -.J , lots of ground.Vell located. Wil1 trade for . horses and cattle or for good farm land , or sell for cash. : . 7room Residence one of the cl.lOicest location . Close in. , Plenty : ; " " , of shade. Uity water. I wIll trade for a good J , farm or sell' for cash. l \1 I 5-room Residence fr me bar1 ! , chicken house , good well and windmIll - - ' mIll , outsHle cellar , orchard. A whole block of . " ground. .J t1st the place for a retired farmer. r will sell for half cash and balance in monthly payment.s. ' I "Tew 5 , . Fr " 'es.ldence . Close in.Vith one lot ofW . ! I . . . - room. me .Lv . groun . icc shade trees. : W. Half cash and balance in monthly payments. . . YOUHS ] 'OH BAHGAINH IN HI AL E8TArl'l OF ALL KINDS AN D j ) I HCHl prl'.1 ONS ' . > I . Broken Bw , E C. HOUSE 1 . . Nebraska. rnt , . . . . .