Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 28, 1907, Image 7

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    " .
" '
Miscellaneous Items of Interest Bear.
Ing Upon Many subjects of
General Concern ,
An overall factor ) ' Is about to bo es.
tabllshed at Crete.
A good deal of pneumonia Is prevalent -
lent In Gage county. '
Peru Normal has selected debaters
or the state contest.
Some cases of smallpox have been :
reported In Gage county. .
Methodists of Humboldt have decld.
ed to build a new church.
\Vorlt has been resumed on Ulo Y.
M. C. A. building at Beatrice.
At Suntherland Frank Durland had
his leg mangled In a ha nress.
Telmmah will hold n. bond election
to provldo for an electric plant.
An attempted jail deUvery In Ha6'
tlngs , wn.s discovered and foiled.
Farmers' Institutes hero and there
. , _
. . _ are generally quIte well attended.
J Hnstlngs Is now enjoying the grent.
: iJ \ est prosperltYllmown Sll1CO 1887 ,
' : \ F.V. . Taylor , a bralteman , fell from
, the cars near Rusldn and was bailly
Johnson county mortgage record
shows a decrease of about $15,000 tor
, 'Vertz & Johnson have just completed -
ed the purchase of 2 O town lots II } .
Now buildings of the Nebraslm Normal -
mal college at 'Vayne were dedicated
last weelt.
The home of Ed. Gibson , just across
the river from Nebraslm O1ty , was
t. , " ' .1estroyod by fire. ,
The larmers' institute of Washington -
ton county had the attendance abbro.
vlated by bad roads.
J. H. Crow , an old settler of Nance
count ) . , loll llown stairs , recclvlng In-
jurles from which he died.
The Standard Bridge campan ) ' has'
been gh'en ilio contract to l'epnJr all
bridges In Burt county this year.
W. W. Butler , livIng near Belgrade ,
got his hand so badly mashed in a
creamery that ainlmtatlon became
Alfalfa meal is much Bought atter
around Superior by stoclrnlcn as a
feed and the manufacture is growing
. L enormously.
, " C. E. Smart , a former resident of
Beatrice , suicided at Davenport , Iowa ,
Ho had two wIves , and even then life
was not worth lIvln : : .
The Clay county farmers' instltuto
which closed its session last weel ! ,
adopted resolutions declaring against
federal seed distribution.
Miss 01110 Morrow , a teacher In the
pUblic school at Red Cloud , ' , lIed from
, the efIects of a surgical operation to
relieve her from appendicitis.
A school election was held In Lou13'
vllle for the purpose of voting $7,000
bonds for building an addition to the
pUblic school. The proposition was
" defeated.
: Matt Lief , who was accidentally shot
at a wolf hunt near Utica , died trom
his wounds. Ho had lost too much
blood and nothing could be done to
save bls life.
\ The elty council of BeatrIce , decided
to close the Palldoclc Opera house on
the 16th , unless In the meantime the
additional exit Is opened as ordered
BOmo tlmo ago.
I Ro. . . . John Madley , a popular pastor
and an orator of aclmowledged abll-
. I has - of the
If. Hy , resigned-tho pastorate
'Presbyterian church at Oxford to enter
J . . . . 3 wIder field of service ,
. ; . ' An elopement epidemIc struck CuI.
borlson recentl ) ' , four couples having
taken their -departuro In one week.
'f ' .Nono of tbe girls were over 16 and the
' , boys averaged about 20 years of age.
Directors of Ule Seward County Tel.
. ephono company held a special meet-
ing. It wn.s voted at a recent meeting ,
. i of the company at Beaver Crossing
, to Increase the capItal stock , from $50-
. ( ) OO to $100,000 , and the board Is ar-
Tanglng for the building of a lot of
new lines.
I \ WIlliam Boch , one of the orIginal'
; ; members of the German colony from
\ Wisconsin , who laId out Norfolk In
" . 1866 , died recently and carried with
,1 .hIm to his grave the secret of the
. hiding 1Ilaco In which he had stored
' .
I a quantity of gold. Some of his fam- -
fly believe it to have been $2,000 , and
. It may have been more.
At a masqueraJo ball In Pender ,
. given by the citizens In general , two ,
. " cola rOd men , Franlc Shepard I1nd Sam
Minns , coolrs at the Commercial hotel ,
disguised themselves , as did their
white neighbors , and danced with the
cllto of the cLly until a late hour ,
when at one of the saloons they un-
maslted , and by so doing nearly pre.
- : & \ clpltated a smalll'ace riot.
, II A system of manu\l : training for
boys of the seventh and eighth grades
oJ Genova. with work benches , tools ,
material , etc. , in connection with do.
mestlc sclenco , is to bo inltlateJ In
the school , which Is declared to have
a. p rfectly cqulplJed kitchen tor the
latter study. The Geneva Equal Suf.
frago club Is to assist materially In Its
Institution and support.
Friend will soon have some bonds
to soU as last weel , the vote for bonds
for an eloctrlc lighting sys1em was
overwhelmingly carried , only 3 votea
belns cast against the proposltlonl
WUllam Buchanan , who ropJ'osented
Otoo county In the house of represen.
ItaUves In 1861 , died at Nebraslt8. after
a lingering illness , principally caused
old age. He was one of the best
' 'known pioneers In that portion uf thE ;
.oounty , wn.s born In Monroe counly ,
, Ohio , April 28 , 18J3 : , and remained at
' " " . UJO homo until he 22
) - " " place was yeartl
old and then started for the west.
' 4
Macerate It In Water and Bake Good ,
Wholesome Bread-Tho Pine
Keeps the Blood Pure and
The Body Healthy.
In Kamschatka the people lIve In
earth.covered pits. 1\11' . Kennan com.
pares the sound of their language to
that of water running out of n. narrow.
mouth jug. Their bread Is made from
ho Inner bark of the 1'111.0 Tree , mnco-
rated in water and baltClI without fiour.
They are a hnrdy race , the Pine keep.
ing the blood pure and the various organs -
gans of the body In n. healthy condl.
tlon. Consumption Is unknown among
A noted specallst ! In throat nnd lung
trouble , who established a camp for
consumptives In the Pi no Woods of
! \laine , and whoso l'emarlmblo cures
there have attracted great nttontlon
from the medical world , says that one-
half ounce of the Pure VirgIn 011 of
Pine , mixed with two ounces of 01)-
: : orine nnd one.half pint of good Whls.
lty and used In teaSIJOonful doses , will
} leal and strengthen the lungs , break
up a cold In twenty.four hours , and
cure any cough that Is curable. The
Ingredients can be secured from any
prescription druggist a1 small cost. I
Inquiry at the pI'escrlption department - i
ment of a leading local druggist eUclt-
' .Jd the Information that the Pure VirgIn -
gIn 011 of Pine Is put UI ) only In half-
ounce vials for dispensing. Each vial
Is securely scaled In a round wooden
case , with eugraved wrapper , showing
the name-Virgin 011 of Plno ( Pure )
guaranteed under the Food and Drug
act , June 30 , 1906. Prepared only by
the Leach Chemical Co. , Cincinnati , O.
-plalnly.printed thoreon. There are
many ranlt Imitations of Virgin 011
of Pine ( Pure ) , which are being put
out under various names , such as Con-
centrate.d 011 of Pine , Pi no Balsam ,
etc. Never accept these as n. substl.
tuto tor the Pure Virgin 011 of Pine , as
they will Invariably produce nausea
and never effect thl ) ' desired results.
Match Twins with Twins , Was the
Fond Mother's Idea.
A little woman entered a drug store
and asked the proprIetor If he had "an-
oUler picture. "
"What kind of a plcturo do you
menn ? " the druggist asked.
"One like this , " said the woman ,
holding up an attractlvo advertising
"I may have one or two of them
10ft , " the proprietor said , "but I
haven't many of them. "
The woman said she only wanted
one , and her tohe Indicated that she
wan anxious for that one. She ex.
plalncd that the ono she had with her
ha.d been given to one of her children.
Another child , she stated , was sick ,
and was crying for 0. picture Buch as
bls brother had.
"That's a ball way to bring up your
children , " ventured a woman customer
In the store. "Do you try to give a
child everything he cries r just be.
cause his brother Is moJ'o fortunate ? "
"But , " said the mother of the children -
dren , "you don't lmow. The children
are twins and what on has the other
wants. "
"Suppose , " objected the moralist ,
"when your chllllren get older , they
fall in love with the sllmo girl , what
will the ) ' do ? "
But the mother was ready. She
promptly replied :
"Finll twins and tall In laTe with
thom. "
Gold Coinage of the World.
United States Is coining annuatIy
about $300,000,000 In gold ; Great Brl.
taln , nearly $60,000,000 ; Australasia ,
a lIttle more than Great Britain ;
France , about $35,000,000 ; Germany ,
about $25,000,000 , and Japan , more
than $ .30,000,000.
A Quaker Couple's Experience.
How many persons dread to eat thefr
I meals , although actuatIy hungry near.
ly all the time !
Nature. never intended this should
be so , fol' we are given a thing called
Jlppetlte that should guldo us as to
what the s'stem needs at any time
Jlnd can digest.
nut wo get In a hurry , swatIow our
food very much as we shovel coal into
the furnace , and our sense of appetite
becomes unnatural anll porvorted.
Then wo eat the wrong kind of feeder
or ent too much , and there you nrc-
Indigestion and Its accompanying
A Phlla. lady said , the other day :
"My husband and I have been sick
nnd nervous for l or : JO years from
drInking coffee-feverish , Indigestion ,
totally unfit , a good part of the time ,
for work or pleasure. We actually
dreaded to eat our meals.
"We tried. . doctors and patent medl ,
cines that counted up Into hundreds 01
doUars , with lIttle If any benefit.
"Accldentll ) . , a small pack ago 01
I Postum came Into my hands. I mad (
I Bomo accorlling to directions , with sur
prislng results , We both lilted It ant
I have not used an ) ' cortoo slnco.
"Tho dull fcellng after meals hal
left us and wo feel better every way
Wo are so well satisfied with POStUII
that wo recommend It to our triendl
wbo ha\'o been made sick and ner\'oul
nnd mlserablo by cotree. " Name glveI
by Postum Co. , Battle Creelt , Mlch
I Read tllo mtlo book " '
, 'rho Road t <
'Vellvllle , " In pklS. "Thero'lJ a nea
lOll. "
1I1n. 'Vlnltow'/I Soothll1 ! : R1rnl"
For tblldren ! teetblng , lotlonl the lllItul , reduceR Ia-
tlammauon , allal.paln , curel'In < 1 collu. z'Ca bolUe.
. _
- - - - - - - -
- - - -
Flattery Is like frlelldshllJ In show
lIut BOt in frult.-Socratoll.
- - - - -
Monc rdunllctl { or each package of
l'U''NJ { [ FADELESS DYES if 1I111'8ti8'
factory. .Ask ) ' 0\11' ruggist.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
A good housol < cepor keeps her k.ot.
Ues and her temper from boiling ovor.
'Take Garf rld 'fca , the mild Herh lax.
ativc , to purify the hlood , erndicah , dis.
el8c , mill maintain Gooll Hcalth.
The soubrette has the la\1gh on the
comedian who lOots nono.
- - - - - - - -
Lewis' Single Dindcr Ci al' has n rioh
taRte. Your calcr or I..ewis' Factory ,
lcoria , III. '
Clothes do not mnko the mnn , but
they have the first crack at maklnr ;
Impressions of the man.
. - - - - . -
. .
I.IIER CUI l J ) IN 0 ' 1'01 J.H.
I'AZO OIN1'MIC-'I' ; 18 Iullrnnte.'d In curn nn _ rll e
of Hellln. . : . 1II1ml. IIlt'CIIlII ur l'rutrudln& & : 1'lIe III
IItoHdnyaormollo ) ' rcfUlalcd. LOe.
- - - - - - - -
Decslon ! of character will orten gIve
to nn unfair mind commn.nd over a
lIuperlor.-W. Wlrt.
Panthera and Grizzly Bears.
Shir ) 1"11111 PCItRh.lillau : : Fill' & Wool
Co. . : MinneuIJoli" , Minn. Write for prjcc .
Often do the SIlrits of great events
stride on before the events , and In today -
day already wallts to.morrow.-Colo-
ridge ,
Important to Mothors.
Examlno carefully every bOltle or cAsTom.\ ,
uro nnd l urB rome y ror Intnnts nnd children ,
nnd [ ee that It
Dcnrelhc ' /
In Uw For Over 30 Your ! .
The IUnd You nATO AllVaa lIoUlht. :
- - - - - -
Much Arid Land Reclaimed.
During the four ) 'ears since Its or.
ganlzatlon , the reclamntl n service
has rendered productlvo 280,000 acre8
of desert , being onefourth of an area
that has been mapped out for Irrlgo. .
tlon under 22 projects.-Harper'lI
'Vcekly. . _ "
fio'w's This ?
'We ottcr anD Jlundro < 1 Dollafl Reward for nn :
caao or Calarrh Ibat cunllot bo curcd hy llall' ,
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY - ' : CO. , Toledo , O.
'We , Ihe undonlgncd , ha\'o known lo" J. Chency
for tbo la8115 . and bclleve 111m perfectly hon.
orAblo In all ualnos8 Irlln811clloll8 IInd I1nanelally
able to carry out nny obllgutlon.mallo by hll I1rm.
Wholesale UrnJ'18tl. ! Toledo , O.
Hall's Calnrrh ClIre 18 tnken InlernAlly. ncllllR
directly IIpon Ihe blood and mllCOII. lurfacel of Iho !
syslem. Testimonlll.l sent free. l'rlcD 75 cel ll per
bottiB. Rold bv all DrtlKlllt. ,
'J'ako JIlIlI's f'amlly 1'11fur \ consllpatlon.
Lord Iveagh hns one of the most. cu.
rious hobbles In the worlll. It Is
the collection of o\d silver potato
rings , which are large sllvor sockets
In the form of rings , Into which the
wooden bowl used for potatoes used
to be fitted. They are much prized
by bric-a.brac hunters ,
- \
One of the Important Duties of Physicians and
the Well-Informed of tbe Warld
is to } l'arn as to the relntive standing nnd rC'linbility of the lendinr manufacturers -
ers of medicinal a ents , ns the most cminQnt physicians att ; : the most cm-oiul as to
the uniform quality and perfect purit ' of f'medies prescribed by them , and it is well
l.:11o\\'n to physicians and the \Vell. Informed gcnernlly that the California Fig Syrup
Co. , hy reason of its correct methods and pt'rfcct equipment and the ethical charnctl'r of
its product has attained to the hi h standing in scientific and commercinl circles which
is accorded to successful nnd relinblo houses only , and , therefore , that the name of the
Complm ' has become a guarnntee of the excellence of its remedy.
appeal to \Vell.Informed in ever } ' wnl1 , of life and are essentinl to permanent success -
cess and creditahle slanding , therefore we wish to call the attcntion of all who would
cnjo . f oed health , with its hlessings , to the fact that it involves the qucstion of right
lh'inr. with all the term implies.Vith proper Imowlcdge of whnt is best each hour .
of recreation , of enjoyment , of contemplntion and of cHort may be made to contribute
to that end and the use of medicines dispensC'd with gel1ernlly to grent advantage , but
ns in many instances simple , wholesome rl'mcd ' may be invaluable if taken at the
proper time , the California Fig' Syrup Co. feels that it iu alike important to prcsent
truthfully the subject nnd to supply the one perfect laxath'c remedy which has won
the appo\'al of physicians and tIle world-wide acceptance of \Vell-Informed becanse
of the excellence of the combination , l\11o\\'n to alt , and the original melhod of manufacture -
ture , which is known to the California. Fig Syrup Co. ollly. '
This valuahle 1''medy has been long' and favorably Imown under the 11ame of-
Syrup of Fi s-atHI has attained to world-wide nccl'plnneo M the most excellent of
family laxativer. , nnd as its pure laxat'e principles , obtained from Senna , arc well
known to physicians nnd \Vall-Informed of the world to be the hest of naturnl
laxatives , we have ndopted the more elabornte name of-Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna-as more fully ckscriptive of the remedy , 'but doubtlcsr. it will always be
qllled for by the shorter name of Syrup oC Figs-and to get its beneficial effects nlways
note , " 'hen purchasing' , tJIC full name of the Company - Cnlifornia Fi Syrup Co.-
plainly printed on the front of every pac1mre , whether ) ' 0\1 simply call for-Syrup of
Figs-or by the Cull name-Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Sl'nna-as-Syrllp of Figs and
Elixir of Scnna-is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. and the same herelofore Imown'tby the name-Syrup of Figs-which has given
satisfaction to millions. The genuiflC is for salc hy 'all lcadin druggists throughout
the United States in original packages of one sizc ouly , the regular' price of which
is fifty cents per bottle.
Every bottle is sold under the genernl uaranlee of the Company ) filed with the
Secretary of Agriculture , at Vlashington ) D. C , ) that the remedy is not ndulterated or
misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Dntgs Act , June 30th , 1906 ,
San Fmncisco , Cal.
Louisville , } \y. U S. A , New York , N. Y. \
London , England.
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
Sheer white goods , In fact , any fin
wash goods when new , owe much of
their attractiveness to the wa ) ' they
are laundered , this beIng do no In a
manner to enhance their textile beau-
ty. Home laundering would be equally -
ly satisfactory If proper attention was
given to starching , the first essential
being good Starch , which has sufficient
strength to stiffen , without thickening
the goods , Try Defiance Starch an
) 'OU will be pleasantly surprised at the
improved appearance of your worlt.
- - - - - - -
Is nelenowlcdged to be the most sue.
cessful remedy in the country Ior
these painful ailments peculiar to ,
101' ; more than 30 years It has
been curing IJ"eml1.1o Compll1.lnts ,
such as IntlamlUation , amI Ulceration -
tion , I'aUing ! uncI Displacements ,
and conscquent Spinal Wealeness ,
Baelcache ) and is pceullarly adl1.ptecI
to the Change of Life.
Records show that It has curt ! < 1
more cases ofIJ'emalo Ills than any other one remedy leno"n.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable CompoumI dissolves anlI expels
Tumors at an early stage of developmen t. Drugging Sensations causIng
painweight , and headache arere1iev ( d un permanently curcd by Its use.
It corrects Irregularitle/J or Painful Functions , Wealmess of the
Stomach , In igestion , Bloating , Nervous Prostl'ntlon , lJeadnche , Oene-
ral Debility ; also , Dizziness , PuintncsR Extreme Lassitude , "Don't ; care
and ' wantto be loftalono" feeling , Irl'itabilltv. ervousncss , Sleeplessness ,
IJ'latuleney , 1\Ielaneholla. or the "Dlues. " 'j'hcso are snre Indications or
femnle wealness or some organic derangement.
I'or ! Kidney Complaints of eitlwl'ex r ydla E. Pinldmm's Vegetable
Compound is u. most excellent rewed } ' .
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of femRle , vcntmcss nre Invi cd to
write 1\Irs PinldmlU , Lynn , 1\ fot'udvice. She Is the Mrs , 1'Inldmm
who bas been advising sick women free of charge for more than twenty
years , and betoro that she assisted her mother-in.ll1.w Lydin E. Pinlclmm
in ndvisin . Tbus she is well qualified to uide sick women buclc to
health. lIer advlco is free amI always helpful.
. - I
You hu.vo novel' gotten that solid comfort which IL good
" pipe awoke" should g'o Do man.
It baa un elegant A roml\ which 110 other ipo tollRaco posscsses , Imd
its smooth } delightful 1IIworncl free mnokmg quulities nre the results
of yenrs 01 careful atudy and experimenting.
n ? ' ! obacco is now
nO ) )
U J ! on sale almost
cveryw lero , Imd hundreds of thousands -
ands ofboxcs were consumed
last ycar nnd it is our pur-
_ pOBe to place Q801D in reach
of every pipe smokerill this
country , nnd to that end wo
m ke the following offcr :
If your d 0 a I e r docs not
handle QBOID Tobacco wo
will Ben you nny size box , I
"postage pnid , " upon receipt of regular prlce-viz : PrIces , Is oz. tin
box , lOc. ; SA oz. tin boxt 2Oc. ; 8 oz. tin box , 4Gc. nnd 10 oz. fancy tin
box , \JOe. Money refunllcd to nny dissatisficd purchaser.
Cut out this adverl Rornent and Bond with money order or stnmps.
Write your namu and a < ldrcRs plainly , and address to
LA'RUS & BRO. CO. , Manufacturera , Richmond , Va.
READERS of this paper de-
slrln ! : 10 buy any-
- - Ihlng advertised In
its columns ! hould Insls ! upon havlnll
vhnt Ihoy Elsk lor , reluslnjf nit substl-
tules or Imltallons.
- J
IoooIber ltarel1 s only 12 ounC08aw. . Ilrlce . . . . < 1
. , . .
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - . - - -
! ! ' ! rtY
S EED ( ro
nn.1 wnrranltt ! to be
reliable. . Wrlto tor
new Ca.lnlOillO . I'.IU :
J. J.II. Qucon a lieu. t.1&Ut.tUD. f.fau. .
- - - - - - -
CHl'IA ' LANDS Uncxcollod forgoncrnl fnrm.
iii r . 111ft. .tock , dl&lryJIlIf , frulh , truck ,
tte. , CIIII' 6111PIII III the , 'oryJeol lII&rket."nopo. \ . . .
bUon ( aeUlllo. . Wri Ie lIoareot ome" ( or 11.15 &nllllll > -
1I'aUen. . AI. " .ltIeh , , , " ' . , I.aIHI anel hHllI.trlal Ap'pnt : ,
IIOllth fII It ) . . , , " ,1 31"hU. . , t : Oht" It. II. . Wa.hllljt'on. n. O.
Co B , CIIM. , W.I' . ACt.G21 ; Ch"mlcalllhlir.IJI.oullWo. .
ItIIIO W:87J Thompson's Eye Water
w. N. U. , OMAHA , NO.8 , 1907.
Ardent : e M Of ! te : r :
and the only hope they offered was an operation. for an abscess of
four (4) ( months growth , measurIng about six Inches long , on my
ovary. I weIghed only 90 pounds and was so weak I could hardly
W or. d S walk across the floor. The trouble began by my taking cold at my
. period , which stopped the flow. I doctored lor nearly a year without
obtaining rellef , until , as I dreaded an operation , I began to take
of . ' WINE . Woman's
Of Relief
Truth u ( only used eight (8) ( ) bottles of Cardul. Now I am well , have gained 35 pounds
: md work every day. Wine of Cardul saved my lIfe. I cannot say enough for It and
will recommend It whenever ( can. " Nothing could be more certnln than the fact that
you need Cardul If you suffer from :1Oy of the disorders peculIar to the female
sex. It Is purely vegetable , : : trlctly medlclnnl , hnrmless , non-Intoxicating , and per-
WRITE US FREELY fectty reliable. Cudul regulates Irregular functions , relle.ves unnecessnry female pain ,
and frankly , In strictest confidence , telling all your restores strength and Invigorate : > the system. Over a mUlIon women have been bene-
troubles , and stating your age. Wo will send you fited by Its use. Try It.
FREE ADVICE , In plain sealed envelope , And Ii VAI- r
uable M-page Book on "lIome Treatment for Women. " '
Address : Ladles' Advisory Dep.utment , The A'T ALL DRUGGISTS IN $1 . 00 BOITLI :
Chattanooga MedIcine Co. . Chattanooga , Tenn.