- II _ _ . . _ _ . . . . . - - : - - - ; : = " u t r 'ount1 ' ! OpUbUOilnt ONlt DOI.'LAR PUR WAR. - ADVEHTfSlN < HATES. One calamn , p r nlOuth , $ ; .00 , One.half GOlamn , } .cr monlh , f I.OJ. QUl.rt r columr. Vllr montb , f..ro. ! LeAl than quarler column , r.o . unt. per Incb per montb , C4rd8 on fiut pallo 60 cent. per Inch per montb. L AI adnrtl.lnll ! centl par line ( 'ach Inler. \loa. Notice of churcb fain , loclables and enlor. talnmcnta wllero mouey II cbarl/ed , on . a1f tate. . Society notlc " an' " I ollitionl , on haH ' , ' .e ! . Weddlnlr nollce ! fre < ! , half price for a : 1 of pretenl. . Death notices fr e , half r' ' . { "r publl hlnlr obituary noUcCl. Card of 'thanks. ro , . . . . I.clral notl 1 at rat IlruTJded by stailltel uf ebralka. D. M. A MSUERHY. . . . . I'ubllshor CHA " . CASSETT. . . Assoolnto , Thursday , Feb , 28 , 1907. - - - - . . - - . - Having become tired of paying for a mixture that threatens to destroy their farms , the tillers of Nebraska soil witI begin a , crusade f"r pure seed. Hundre s i of instal1ces are cited where farmers have received seeds of evastating weeds when they ordered grass and grain seeds. Not only were they cheated out of the value of their Jrftjney , but what was still worse they were sent seeds that produced crop , destroying weeds that overrun the land and cost hundreds of dollars to eradicate. Next to the wretch who selts poisonous and adulterated foodstuffs to ruin tile he .1lh of consumers , the dealers who impose on the farmers by palming off adulterated 5eeds . are the worst. . . . - It's a dull day when a new fad in food isn't thrust upon a longsuffering - suffering world and the latest is carrot eating. If a woman would have a clear , fresh complexion , says the theorist responsible for the idea , she must eat a raw carrot - rot every day. In a school just outside of Boston , which is noted for its pretty girls , the young ladies are expecte to eat a carrot - rot daily , just as they might eat , an orange or an apple , and they don't make the sligtest protest either. But then , what woman wouldn't suffer in order to be beautiful. The 'l'exas lelisla ture has whitewashed Senator Bailey and sent him back to the upper branch of .congress with the endorsement - ment of his actions as attorney for the oil trust. Senator Burton of Kansas was less fortunate- when he pr cti ed law in addition - dition to his official duties. Should the defense in the Thaw case succeed in corroborating the testimony of Mrs. Thaw given on the witness stand , the jury will free Thaw. No woman in American history ever made a greater sacrifice for her husband than has this young woman in making public her shame. It is reported th t while in Washington recently Colonel William Jennings Bryan stated : "I stand just where 1 stood four .years ago. " Correct , colonel , and you'll continue to stand in the same position for several times four years more-outside the White House. The appropriations of congress threaten to reach two billion dollars for the session , practically , a third of the cost of the civil war. ' It will be up to speaker Cannon to double the statement made by Tom Reed when he said this was a billion dollar country. That Philadelphia man who secured a marriage license and then notified a strange young lady tho. t he was ready to marry her , beheved in economizing in the time that many foolish people waste in courtship. Someone has suggested that a dollar will 110t go as far today as it would ten years ago but he "seems to forget than ten years ago many of us were wondering - ing where the dollar was coming - ing from. "Thirty ways of nursing a. cold" is the title of newspaper article. There are more ways than that if you believe all that you are told by your friends and neigh- bors-when you have one your- self. . .Railroad people cannot see the justice of the same rate for send ; : ing mail matter 3,000 miles , and both male and fcmale only one mile. Coroners and others are so busy "fixin' the blame" for railroad accidents that it is difficult fOI them to get to church on Sundays , - - - - - Swettenham no. . ; ' says It ( : meant it all in a PickwickiaI1 &ense. Tije Dickens he did. - . - - , . . . . . . - . . - - - - " " - - . , . - - - --111" ( - - I"J - ' , rrAlt : rt' 'f Ask our OwnDoctor If he tells you to tnke Aycr's Cherry Pectoral for your severe cough or bronchial trouble , thcn tnIte it. If he hn anything beuer , then take thnt. But we I now whm he will say ; fOi doctors have lIsed this cough mcdicin ( over GO ycnrs. . , I " ' "O1 1"I'r' _ I''I' ' ' ' ' } ' ( > ctor\1 : for hnt.1 cllhb. " ' 1 "UlI , . " " , I'ltnll ' lIrn , 't ' "nil " , , , , ,1. :11111 I " . .Hovo It II the " " 111" ' " 0 rrl t " : . ' . . .1 " . .nh IlItIII " ' " 111 II. . , , , "oth' ' { or nil , , , , . " . . . " ' . ' , tltro t " " ! ' Iroll l.4" 1'.1 : C. RT II' lIih'ny.llr"oS'oll. . , . . . , . . . .aos 'O' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'tTtr'r. : _ 11 " . .1 1. , . \ "C" , Lowell , : ' 10" . . . , "J I" ' " i , ' , . t\lrcr' or ; , -1 qlliAPAIIILLA. : , n \ ' f r1 \ ( - - I'.LS. , . . . . J..cp' l- " . . to . . : > Ilr\1rt VIGOR. . : t.I\I'13..t. , .lI.'I . : : ' . . . . I ( 'r' , t'H' In. . . . . . 'h ' ( Jucn with 0110 of A. . . ' . . I\ " -.t I'ndtlmo , Jut 0110. ; _ i Samuel Thom l Clean up 11 Neat Sum. S. A. 'l'homas , a young man who commenced business for himself six years ago in Custer County with cash in his pocket to the amount of five dollars and an indebtedness for the same . : amount , sold out last week with a net balance of twelve thousand dollars. He commcnced by buying' land on the installmcnt plan and engaged - gaged in farming to make his payments. He soon tound himself - self farming on a large scale and he continued to add to his real- estate posscsscssion and continued - tinued to increase his indebted- ness. ness.He finall.v leased his land and cnga/ed / in other lines of work as opportunity afford.ed bu m.ade realestate deals Ius pnnclpal object. He had got coutrol of about 2000 acres of land and it was the sale of this land to R. R. Ryerson for $21,000 that dev - v , loped what he had made in the six years. Twelve hundred acres of the land was home farm which he had gel together in the vicinity - cinity of Ash Creek , southwest of this city anrl the other 800 acres were in Lincoln county where he had been dealing in realestate the past Year. In the ' deal he got the l j'e'rson residence west of the Globe Hotel , which his father and mother will occupy - cupy as soon as he getd posses- sion. Out of the $21,000 , he haste to his own credit , with' all his obligations met , $12,000 . to the good. " Not every young man can expect - pect to succeed quite so well , but let it be an incenhTe'to young men to start in with a purpose and to add something eac.h year to their possessions , instead of spending more than they make and in a few years the chances are , by industry and economy , they will have a fi'.1e balance to th ir credit. , ObituaryWhite. . David R. White was born in Perry count ) ' , Penn. . Julv 29 , - 1833 ; died at Broken Bow , -Neb. , February 23 , 1907 , aged 73 years , 7 months , 23 days. Hemoved from Pa. , to Davis county , Mo. , in 1873land from there to Neb. in 1887. \Vas married to Sarah A. Long pecember 29 , 1859. Six children survive : Jerome C. White , John A. White , Mrs. Cora M. Derris , Mrs. Mary Eggleston , Edwin M. White and Mrs. J. S. Kenoyer. He was converted in early life and united with the Methodist , church. After his r moval to : Missouri he united with the Adventist church. He has led an exemplary life as citizen , neighbor , friend and Christian. A kind husband , a father , whose children rise up I al1d C'.all him blessed. Everyone who knew him was his friend. Marriage Ucenlel. Clinton G. Heuring' , Marquet. .23 Huth M. Nicholls , Merna. . . . . .16 Chas.V. . Kelley , Broken Bow.22 Bertha Brand , Ansley. . . . . . . . .21 Herbert A. Nelson , Ansley. . . .21 Elsie McNulty , Ansley. . . . . . . .19 J. A. Campbell , Emerson , Ia. .24 Grace It Cox , Broken Bow. . . . 20 Chas. L. Bowes , Cumro. . . . . . . .33 Iva Myrtle Abbott , Cumro. . . . . L8 Samuel S. Pelley , Anselmo. . . .26 Mildred DonaldsonBeemanIa .17 Gordon G , Beal , Ansley. . . . . . .22 Lottie Sims , Broken Bow. . . . . . 26 Bjorne Erickson , Gothenberg. .21 Nannie Petersonl Gothenberg.U : ; Ward W. Henman , Broken B..2 ( Merle N. Brakcman , B. Bow. . .1/ Hay Baleing and Com Shelling. I have purchased the O. E , ' Eggleston bay baler and will de 'bnleing and corn shelling a1 popular prices , Phone 356. C. E. PROUTY , 38-46 Broken Bow , Neb. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - _ - - - c , _ _ _ - - - - - - I On Thurtd-y , March 7 , O A. Hidcnour will bold a public sale at his place , 7 miles south aud half a nll1e west of Brolccn Bow commenciug at 10 o'clock , a t which will be offered Horses , Cattle , Swine , Farm i ng 1m plemou ts , Wagons and Harnc 9 , Household and Kitchen Furni- ture. ture.All All who attcnd will be well fed at noon. On sums of SIO and over a r.redit of eight months , interest at 9 pcr cent , or for cash 2 per cent discount. Col. Jud Kay will preside as yelper. E U J. 0 0 Y . To t.he melllory of Dnyhl H. White , b ) ' hlY 10\1nl : friend and nellrhbor , Dr. O. Pickett. . "Ami Enoch walked wlt.h Oed IInd ho WilY not. for Oed took hllll. but. ho hlld the evidence t.hat. ho plellyod Ootl. " 'l'hly lanuulo muy well uppi ) ' to o'no whom Oed hath taken away fron IIlIIonl : ' uy IInti who aillo had t.ho wlt.nellll that. . he pleased Ood. "Uaddy" White. as wo fl\lIIl11lu' ) ' IInd loylnlrly called hllll , Is dead. 'l'ho kind IInd 10\'lnl : hellrt. Is IIlllled. t.hroul'h the halls and carrledors of which t.ho brcllth of Oed had ffently swept. IInd made It. hit ! own temple whore dllli ) ' and hourly worship wnll performed. Our hearts beat. /wllvll / ) ' IInd Horrow pierces' boln ! : when wo know t.hat. we thllil lIet. ! him no mut'c. If 1 could cOlllll1and't.ho lanl'ulIlo to pal't.ra ) ' the heautlell t.hat clustcrell around IInd adorned t.ho charaot.or of 111) ' denr friend , I would be ! : llId , but. denicd this. 1 must. cont.ent IIIYlleli wIt.h onlol'lz. Inl : ' at ! best. I 111 a ) ' that character and holdlnl : ' It up as ono wort.hy of Imitation. Ell'hteen years of the closest frlondshlp hall Ilyen the wrltor IIn opport.unlty to st.udy the lIIan for ho wall In nil that Iroes to lIIako up a man an "Isreullte In wholll there wus no Iulle. " He was an Advcnt. 1st , dllrcrlnl : ' in bollof frolll ono pnrt d thllt church. In what pllrtlcular I know not. nor do I caro. for ho IIvod out the IIplrit. of t.ho lIormon on the Mount. nClirer than an ) ' man lover knew. ' 1'0 sa ) ' that llovcd him would not bc wronl : . for to really know him Willi to love hllll. What. over hIs belief ma ) ' hayo been on rellion ho belloved In t.ho "Fat.herhood of God IInd t.ho brotherhood of man. " His . . . .Iewll WOl'O optimistic. flr the 8unllhlne of his nature would not IIlIow him to bo II. pcsslmlst. His look \\11.11 . forward and upward while on his brow "there fell the duwnlnl'of II. . ! : rnnder duy. " He believed in the Imlnonco Of God while man's Iosslbllitlos was the I measure 01 his faith. He saw enl ) ' the I'ood In his f llow lI1un while tholr mistakell to him were ever ulways open to those In distress. Ho sat qultely in the evenln ! : of his lifc and feared not the morrow. for to him " 'l'he harp at nnturos advent strunl : ' . Had never ccusod to pIa } ' ; The sent : the mornlnl : ' stars did slnl : ' Had noyor dlod aWI1Y. " Ho recolrnlzod that thouthts ure thlnts and he knew that If ho on ! ) ' sent forth I'ood thourht.s they would benefit othert ! and return frehrhtod with the olive leaves 01 peace to hlmsolf. He rcallzod that If this world was to become II. hcavon , us John in his vision saw it. we must make It so , and he done his pnrt faithful ! ) ' . No ono could bo lent : in his company without foollnl : ' t.hat ho was in the presence of II Irood ml1l1. While neurlnl : the w stern Iuto of life feollnlr that hili shudow WJ1S fall1nl : far to the onllt. he wished to lIyO to make 1I10n bet.ter b } ' boint : bott.er ever ) ' du ) ' hlmsolf. Ho never wished to 1II1poso u burden Ion another thnt ho WI111 not wlllInl : ' to IIharo In carl'ylnl : ' . lie believed in water baptism but ho felt. that the spirit. of God II1USt run throulrht us before Jordun could tuccossfully run around us. ' 1'0 him a ho ! ) ' Jle wus the "houso of Oed and the Iato of hea"on. " 'l'ho lIat.h of the rhrhteous IIhlnos brilhtor und bl'hrht.or unto t.ho perfect dilY. I1nd in him this sllyinl : ' wus lIt.erully fulfilled. Once when one Imd hellrd thnt ho had done a t.hinl : ' that Wil.li . wl'ont : . 1 snld frIend you are badly millt.akon. he Imld wh ) ' . 1 nnswored that I had not heard It but 1 knew it was not correct. for it is not like him and It so proved. I think it. WIlS u case of mistaken Ident.It.y. 1 know enouth of the probit } ' uml uprilhtness of his character to know It could not bo truo. 110 lived so that hili life made the com nunlt ) ' better In which his lot. was cnst. Ho wus not Iift.ed wlt.h Illrte ability for the ucqutsltlon of woalth. but ho Willi honoHt. vOl"'Indust.rlous and com- lIlendabl ) ' Irnlal. He. lIke vor ) ' many of us. was poor. but if his fl\I1II1) ' o\'or suffered it waR throulrh no fault of Ihls. 110 uilen helped to roilove the dlstrcss of ethers askinI : ' that his nnmo might not appear in the caso. So was for mnny years ut Icast blcst wlt.h Irood hcalth for which he never fortot to ! rh'e thanl < s to the Ilvor of every teed and perfect Ilft Whllo he never assum ed to toll ot.bors - . - ' - . . - - - - - - - WORKS WONDERS. A Wonderful Compound. Curel Piles. Eczema , Skin Itching. Skin Erup. tion. . Cutt and Bruite. . Doan's Ointment is the best skin treatment - ment , an l the cheapest , because so little is required to cure. It cures piles after years of torture. It cures obstinate cases of eczema. It curel all skin itch- ing. It cures skin eruptions. It hcals cuts , bruises , scratches and abrasions without lea"in 1scar. . It cures perina- ucntly. Grateful testimony proves it. Mrs. Mary York. of 340 North Topcka avenue , Wichita , Kan. . says : "I still ha"e the same faith in Doan's Ointmeut that I had four ; years II O. I lII ed it occasionally and find that It ah\'a's gives the same satisfactory results. OfT and on for thirty years I was anuo'ed "ith tetter or salt rheum. as some call it. on 1Il } ' hands. They would scale over aud thcn break out , little bunches appearing - ing and the itching would be so intense I could 110t resist rubbing the parts. and , this irritated them aIH11llade them worse. I I tried nearly ever'thing recommcnded to cure such alltlo'ances. and consulted doctors , but in spite of all I ohtained little if any relief until I lcarned of I I Doan's Ointmcnt I\nd procured it. Its ) use promptly stopped lhe itchin and r hellled the sorcs. When cold weather sets in I often notice a rcturn of the trouble , hut I can always rely upon Doan's Ointmcnt to ive positive relief. , I am. indced , gratefnl for the bcnefit ) I ha"e recei"ed from this preparation. " t Ilor salc by an dealers. Price 50 cents J Fostcr.Milburn Co. , Dulfalo. N. Y. , sole agents for the United Statcs. Remember the tHulle-Doan's-nnd take no other. J. tAN t r AN UNSEEN DANGER 1 IN FOOD . . TO GUARD'SHIPS against the unseen dangers at SUI , . the United States Government maintai.ns lighthouses. . 1 To guard your' home against the uno seen dangers of food products , the Government - ment has enacted a pure food law. The law compels the manufacturers of baking powder to print the ingredients on the ; . . , label of each can. , I > The Government has made the label your protection- so that you can avoid alum-read it carcful1y , if it docs not\ \ say pure cream of tartar hand it back and Say plainlp- ) ROU'ALBAKING' ' , 1M POWDER' ROYAL is a pure , cream of tartar baking powder-a pure product of grapes" ' ; aids the digcGtiooadds to the health. fulness of food. _ . . - . , . . . _ _ . _ . . , . . . . . . _ _ _ _ 'A . _ _ . . . . . _ _ , , _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - what the ) ' should do , he desired to know what God would have him to do. He dealt. Justl ) ' . lo\"ed mercy nnd walked humbl ) ' with his God. His chlldron ma ) ' well bo proudofsucha father. Hiswords of counsel and kind aifmonltlon will doubtless be cheriBhoil b } ' them. He mn } ' have made mistakes but ho always stood willlnl : ' and nnxious to bo sot rlht. I have lunrd him often Cluote the sn 'inl : of the leni1est memor ) ' of our world the mortal Lincoln : "With chnrity for all and mal1lco towards nono' " thus he lived and thus ho pnssed through the door o [ an abundant entrance into his JO ) ' nnd peace. How welr-ome must be such a soul Uulted States I.3nd Office. l Lincoln. Nebraska. l'ebrn3r ! ) ' 25. 19u7. f Notice Is hereb ) ' glveu that SARAH A. OUSlIMAN. nee Coover , of Drokell 1I0w. Nebraska - braska , has I lcllnotlce of I11s Inlentlon to mal e final five ) 'car proof III support of his claim. vlz : Homcsteal ! Entry No 17777. made March 4.1' ) 2. for the w ! sw ! { . wls ! nwH' . sectlull 23. township iii N. . ranll'C : :0 W. . al1l1 that salll proof wll' e made IJCfurn A. H. Humpl1rc ) ' . count ) ' judICe. at lIroken Bow. Nebraska. 011 April 0. 190i. lie names Il1e fullowlnll' wltnc ses 10 prove his continuous residence IIllOn. an,1 cultl , "allon of. the land. vlz : Charles ' 1' . 'Vrhdll. l ranl ( 1\1anl ( . Carl Hnnllclc. William J. Wind- nalre all of Broken 1I0w. Nebraska. H-II . _ CIIAS. P. SIIIWU. Relll ter. Neatness Promptness Accuracy These three attributes we claim as our motto. They apply every place and every time in this store. But especially do they describe our prescription service. 'Your prescriptions from any doctor are neatly and accurately filled by a registered pharmacist and are delivered to you promptly - ly , whether you are waiting at the store or at home. s. R. Lee The Busy Druggist. N. B-Two registered pharmacists . for prescription I serVJce. I Why not plaster with 0 MP 0 BOARD We have a car load of it now. cleaner A Plaster durnsigbt than S ee , Dierks lumber I & Coal Co. .I - - - - . - - - - - - . - , . - - - - I ftttttttttttttt"tttttttttttttttt'tttft'tt'ttt1ttttt"ttt'tt , " , , , , ' ' ' ! , " , ' ftt : - - / : : : : Who gets first to : : : : : : = = . . . 2' : : : : : : E BROIEN BOW : ( , = = - - bTEAM BAIERY 4 < : - - I . - ' - j = = . for somt' hp top bread ? . , = = = = We sell 30 1-pound ( when baked ) loaves for. . . . . . . $1. 00 : : : : : : E Cookies , Doughnuts and Cakes , per doz. . . . . . . . . . Sc:3 : " , J , : : : : Three dozen ( wholesale Price\J" . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c : : : : : ' - - : : : : : We make all kinds . of cakes and pastry from wedding = = 1 - - : : : : ca k e t 0 glDger snap , = = : : : : Wedding Cakes from $1 to S50. = = = = \Ve are first class Chicago bakers. = = = = All orders carefully attended to. : : : : : : : : - . . . . - . = = 'reI < < : I'IJ.olto no. 5. . : : : : : : : f7tl1 11111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 : , . .IJ r on Furniture. Carpets , Rugs , Matl. , . tings , S11ades , Carpet Sweepers , D. C. KonkoL- I , - _ . _ - . . . . . . . . . . . \ . . , " . , , - . . : _ . . ) I I Eastham & McGraw : . . , _ . , . . . . . . , . . , . - . . - , - - . , - - . - . . - . t HEAL EsrrA'rE crry PHOPER'ry FARM LANDS l' . INV.Es'rM EN'r S.EC URI'rI ] S INSUHANCE : MONEY ' 1'0 LOAN NO L'ARY IN OF .IrrCE rl'AXES PAID FOR N ON-HESlDEN'l'S CALL , W UI'l'E OU PUONE PnONE No. 48 Office in Broken Bow State BanI : : lJltl'g. , I Broken Bow , Nebr. ' , . - .