, . . - ( USTfR COUNTY REPUBUCL\n \ - - - - - - - - Dy D. M. AMS8ERRY , _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ . > on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I , DROK N now , - - NTIJItASlCA. ] ! L. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . _ : Arising from Uta. j It wns Wellington who snld thnt , b \ when n Jllnlt turns In bed 110 shou1l1 18 turn out : It Is tlmo fOl' him to nrlse. Should n moth or who hils been kept nwn.lto hnlf the night y : L toethlng In. I fnnt turn ont wlJlIo\'or she turns , or n lIlernry Jlll\tl who IIndn thnt hln best Ulollghts COlno to him the hour b& toro ho rlscs In the morning ? Cor. I talnly , If one expects to rlso early ho ohould go to bed enrl ' , for it Is tulso economy of time to doprlvo oneself of neceRsnry slecp , Dllt whnt la nec. II caanry sleep ? 'I'll lit depcnda UJlon i . , I.our nge , ) ' 0111' health , the worle you do , nnd the WL ' you sleell ; fOl' therp I Js qllnllly of sleep Its well ns qllnntlty , and ono mun wJII sleep as milch dreamless sleep In IIn hOllr liS an. I ether will III three 01' fOil I' who fleCR disturbIng vlfJlon8 or Is attactwd by \ nIghtmare , Wo two , , whnt Is luld down as the reglllution q mnUly oC oleop. It Is fJlx hOllrs for n man , Boven for n WOl1lan , nnd eight tor n Cool : bllt mnn ' of us uro foollsh In this respect. When stu'lng nt n ho. . . . tel ono mny uotlco ) 'Ollnl ; mcn . . .110 , \ thollgh thc ) ' nro neither nt worle nor I nt play , hilt drowslug In 11 cbnh' In n crowded smol\ngroom \ , wJII not go to I bed until ono 01' two o'clocle In the morning. It loolts as If they hnd \ bOllnd themselves under n solemn I vow not to do so. This Is 0. sure wa ) ' of crentlng a hnblt of sleeplessness , aays Now Yorle WeeltlY. Sleepless. I ness JB 0. hnblt , nnd one thnt Is pro , I1l1ced by Into honrs putting us pnst our sloop. It Is nonsense to sny thnt wo cnnnot go to "sleep If wo retlro unrly. Ruther , it Is harder to do this If wo tnl\O rest so late nnd ent the brend of cnrelessness In the shape of an Indlgestlblo supper. Do not excite ! . .our brnln with mento.l worle just before : rour usunJ thno Cor sleell. hnve 11. good consclenco , nnd nt least an hour of benuty sleep boCoro 12 I { ) 'cloek , and you will be nblo to rIse , ! If not with the lurk , certnluly long 1 before the sluggnrd has nerved him. I . I self to tnke the o.wlul plunge-out of \ I bed. I I CandIdates for ndmlsslon to the con. I sulnr servlco w1ll horenftor have to : 1 ' 3ubmlt to nn examlnntlon Into their , ! conversntlonal nbllltles , saya Youth's. t CompanIon. They must know ono I ( i modern Innguago Msldes Englllh : , ' ' ; Jomothlng of the varIed resources of ' i the United States , b ( ) familiar with 't' political economy and the elements of : International , commercial and marl. I t' Hmo , law , and have Imowledgo of mod. ern history. Their fitness In these re. apccts will bo tested by 0. wrItten ex. amlnatton. Then they will bo exnm. Ined ornlly to dlscovor whether they I1S0 good English In convorsatlon , r/hot-hor they can maintain tholr end of nn o.rgument wIth courtesy nnd tact , nnd , In short , to ascortnln whoth. Dr they will do credit to tholr coun. try If Bent abroad to represant It. The oral test w1ll count for na much us the written teBt In determining the ollglblllty of the candidate. These \ who pass will have to be good nil. round men , .i Helen Ieller's heroic struggles , un. : Ja.unted Ilorsovcranco and wonderful achlevementB nro now ubout to fur ulBh Inspiration to many In a far. distant land who are struggling to Gnln o.n education under difficulties. The Chrlstlnn Literature Boclety of Madras haB just added to Its "annn Ubrnry , " conBlstlng of books sold for ono nnna , or two centB , nn nbrldgCll Ufo of the blind nnd deuf studont. This Indian vorslon closes with the beautiful thought written b ' Miss Keller In her diary In 18)4 ! ) , when Rho Was but 14 yonrn of ago : "I find that I ltavo four things to learn In my school life here , and , Indeed , In lito : to thInk clenrly without hurry or con. fUBlon , to love over 'bod ' slnceroly , tenet net In ovorythlng with the highest motives , and to trust In the dear God unhesitatingly , " 1IInny wonderful things hnppen In this country. One of thom Is the recent election to the United Stntes senate trom a western stnte of the son of an Immlgrnnt who came to thlB country In the steerage In the middle of the last century , nnd later mnrrled n fellow steorngo passengOl' , Dut this Is not so wonderful as the presence In the sennte ot nnothor man who came over In the steerage hImself , and has risen to 0. pOBltlon pr power nnd Influence. Piko's Peak has been rc-survoyefi , and the survo 'ors say that It Is only 14,099 teet high , Instend or 14,147 , ac. cording tD the former calculatlo B. The dlfforenco , however , Isn't notlco. able to the tourist who goes up on oot. An Ohio mnn pushoB a button 111 the house and dumps hIs horBe's teed 'n ' the mnnrer , The dovlco , howevcr , ppears to be Jncomplote , Why not 'have ' another button tor the hors'o to Drcss In case It wants some moro ? , II . . ' " . . ' ' I . . , , . ' I .f..U ! . ' .f..f..tuU U ' .U..t , ' U..u . .u.f. . ' . .fU..tt.UUft.J'.t OUR LINCOLN LETTER ' = ( jossip from the State Capital , Legislative and Othcr\\'ise \ , . . . . . . n . . . . . . . " . cr. . , . . .A..A.n . .r , , . . . . . . . . . - - - 'I'ho hOUBO hUI ! mlldo the 2cont rnto hili 1111,1 the untl'IIIlS hili n fl : iJclnl order for 'rulI.lny I1ft0l'l100n , allll the action of the rO/lllhlhn.n8 / : on t his mea. Imro will ho full ) ' detormlne hy IL rul. Ing hefol'o the UIIH. ' . 'I'hnt the rOllllb. IIcallll IlItve ot thomllelveH Illto nn omhl1l'I'l1sllln ' this 2cont , ; IHllllIon o VOl' rote hili no 0110 don leI ! . gnch memlwr of the joint commltteo which drafted the hili ngl'eed to sllp/lort / It und to fight uny anll all umclIIlmontH to It. When the anwlllllllOnt tolormlt / the ralll'Onels to o hcforo the 1'I11h'Oul conlllllHHllJlI 011 the mntter WIIH offel'ell , few of the majority Imow It wnH com. III IInl hence It WILR lost. Now Homo uf the repuhllcalls hellovo to cnrry the ul11011111nont w1ll bo to pln.oo In jeop- ard ) ' nil the uthol' joint cOIllmltteo h1llll , fOI' the 1't'lLlun If OliO cUIllmlllee bill Is ILlI1ellllod oPPOllontll 01' the llllLt. form menSIll'OH w1ll hlLVO I1n excuse to attempt tu anwll\l the uthel' commltteo hills , A hlg fight will bo the result , nnd Il ml ht tOl'll1lnnto In the slale. wIde llrlIllurr hili bclng tm'luuRly dam. nged IUlII It. might hurt the tCl'mlnnl taxutlon hilI. - I . Profcfsor ; lJuwnl'cl of the slnlo unl. vorsltr , hend of the clelmrtn nt of In. ! : Itltutlonal hll lor ' ILnd , Roelology , was ono of the Hlllmlwl'H hol'oro the Honato commltteo on jll\lIclnry \ , In favor of the IJaHSIIKO of II. It No , 9 01' S. P. No. [ ill , the chillI Inhor IIl11s. Scnator Wng of Pollt Ilrcsilcd ! ns chalrm.an of the commltl c. 1\1nn ) ' men IUIII women , IjOIllO oC the lattel' clull women of Un. coin , were IlI'CSOllt to favor the bill , A large nllmbm' of mcmhers of the scnule Ullcl Homo or the hou80 listened to the uddl'ossefl , 'rho Hpeech of Pro. fesHOl' Howl rd made a IJrofound Im- I . Ilrosslon , He rovlowed the history or legislation In favO ! ' of chlllh'en , be. ginning In 1 S ( ) , In liJnglnnd , to Ule Inst hili of the Idnd , one that wns llaSIJCd In 1903 , lie told of UIO condl. tlons thnt once existed , told halr.rals. In slorles of uhllso IInd torture , und narrated the changcs thnt had been brought abont hy 1I1Ihllc fientlmC1 t anl Il\ws , some or the laUor hnvlng heen In force In MnssachulloltR , New York nnd Illinois for many ' ( 'm's with mnrltcd SUcceSII , i GO\'lH'nOl' Shollion's scheme for the local taxnllon of m01tgnges , cltoer domestic - mestic or fOl'elgn , scored a slgunl vlc. tor ' In the hOlllle , when It wns 1'0. portell hy the commltteo of the whole for third I'eaclln h ) ' II. doclc1ed major- Ity. 'rho hili IlI'ovldeH fOl' the tnxntlon of all real estate mortgugeR In the countr whm'o the land on which the mortgngo Is helll lies , At the IJresent tlmo mortguges n1'O taxed ns personal property HO long ns they are recorJed In Nehmslm aud not assigned to Rome. ono olltsldo tho.ltllte. : Hepalrs on the capitol building amI grollndB are to he the sUbject of In- (11111' ) ' h ' the hOllso commlttbo on pub. IIc Innds anll hlllldings. A resolution by DOdge of Douglns con,1emnlng the war t.ho bullellng Is helng Iwptup , was passed and aulhorlty was given the comn tteo to aHcortuln the cost of needed rOllulrs , l\lr. Dodge said the capitol wns a disgrace to the state In Its pI'csent condition. lIe wns not In favor ot Imlldlng' nnow until the structure - " ' turo foil 'flowlI , but ho said ho was In favor of doln somc repairing , A movement to revive the county option bill , Idlled In the senate , hus conlO to light alld Is Iwlng aldoJ and nbetted b ) . some senatol's who voted ngalnst the meaRure , 'I'ho plnn Is to hnvo the house amend 010 measure providing for election once every four or five years Instead of every two years and Il1'ovlcllnl { that the county eloctlon 8hnll govern the onUl'o coun. ty until the next elecllon. Ai ! the bill was drnwn It allowed cities und vII. Inges to vote no IIcenso ovcn actor the county hud gene wet. A bill of , ImJlortanco to the scllool I distrIcts of that section of the state In . which UIO revenues do not I1ermlt of : 0. sovonmonths' school 11 year WIIB Introduced - troduced In the houBo by Dornn , Henry , Hili , Motzger 1111Wilson. \ . 'rho bill provides that the Btate sho.l ! come to the Onnncial nSHlstanco of these school districts which , though lovylng the maximum rate or taxes , cnnnotI I mnlntnln u seven months' school , so thnt over ) ' school district In the stuto mo. ) ' hnvo school each year for lhat length or time , A measure lmporta.nt to all the pea. plo of UIO state WIIB Introduced In the house by 'Vllson of Cusler count ' , 'I'hIs bill provides the state board of nssessment shall use the unit R 'stom 111 asscBlng railroad prol1ert ' and the asossmont hall ho distributed nccord. In ! : to mlloago without regarJ tl > main IInos or brul1ch IInos , Shouh\ the bill bo signed by the goyornor uftor the tOl'lulnal tnxatlon hili Is shUlell , It Is thought b ) ' some the measure would nnlllf ' that ' meatl1l1'o. : - 'I'ho rnllroa s had their Innings ho- fore the house committee on railroads on the 12th on the 1II'llOsed 2cel1t lIas. sengor rate hili : and of the tour cor- 110rnUona represented , each nrgued Ulat the rote woul\1 \ not bo compolllm. tory and each said uot only would IlUch a 1'I\to bo dotrlmental to the rov. enueB of the l'onds , but hurmful to the state In gonornl , whllo P. S. Eustis , vassonKer traffic mnnager or the Dur. 1Ington , tohl the commltteo UIO first stop hlB rOIlc ) would talm should UIO bill become n law would ho a test In the courts. I 'rho : It.n.to wille Ilrllnllr ) ' Inw llll'dgl'd to Iho people b ) ' the reI1l1hllr.\11 , dOlm- C1'Iltlc nncl 1IOIIIIIIst al1\to convonUona , will bo Inll'oduced Into the I'glslaturo the first of thlH weol ( , 'rho 411I hILS bo'n hloclO(1 ( out by the subcommlttoo nnel Hent to Uw joint committee. 'rhl. ! hili ns IlI'olHlI'ed In the rough pl'ovllle ! ! thllt the ln01'll1 ! election officers shall ho the officers of the prhnur ' , the sumo milch hI 01' ) ' hohl' ' ; use lit OUI oloctlons. It hns bcon tlecl.led thnt In steall of ( 'Iccllng the IlI'oclnct IUIlI county committees thnt task will fnll to the lot of the nomlnoes , It hnvlng' heen ugl'ecd thut11HH' ) UIO laUor plnn IlCoplo will ho Helccled for th080 1m. portant plnces who will hnv some In. ' tOl'eBt In the election lurd who will not leave all of the worle to the chnll'luun IIntl Hecretar ) ' , - Senator Glbson'n onwlo'm's' 1111. . blllty bill unJ SonntOl' 'rhomas' hili al. lowIng Htrcet rallwl1 > ' c0l111Jt\nlos to own securltloH In nnd own , operate nnd loaHo Interurban ( :011111l1.nles and inter. urhan lines lJtlSWd the sennto without dobato. 'rho GlhHon hili did not re. I , celve It negative voto. It relatcs onlr to the lUore hazarclouH ocoulllltlons on railroads 1II1c1 IlI'ovldeH negllgenco by I IL follow scn'unt shall not ho IL bar to . recovOl.y b ) ' I1U Injured employo or b ' relatives of un oml1lo 'o 1 > llIed b ) ' nc. cldent. Contrlhulor' ' ) nogllgenco 0111 the Il1\rt of the Injured Is loft to the jury , which Is allowed to scale the danwges In the ver.lIct nccordlng to the 1)I'OlOI ) tlon of negligence. It ulso provIdes the ncceptance of InslII'unco moncy or rolieC depllrtment pollc . hereafter tulwn out shnll not be IL har to recovery fl'om the company. - ' 1'ho child lahOl. bill was reported huck fnvorably to the senate , but 0. lIght Is scheduled In fuvor of the fnrm" : ors. 'I'he bill was umended In the com- mltteo changing the hours during whleh children will be permitted to worl < , from 7 o'cloclt In the morning unUl 7 nt night , to G o'clock In the momlng until 8 at nl ht. 'rhls was done to pormlt the mlllting of cows and to do the chores on the farms , -I Mr , } . 'rle8 of Hownrd , a member , oC the mlnorIt ) ' pnrt ) . , succeeded In getting - ting re mmended for pnssago his' bill IJl.o..lcling a tux of $3 to be levled1 ngnlnst llersons entitled to vote who do not avail themselves of the oppor. tunlt ) ' . ' 1'ho bill was amende to exempt - empt from the luw those who 0.1'0 kept n way from UIO polls b ' unavoidable circumstances , though II. statement to this effect must be filed WWI ute count ' trensurer or tllo tax will ba levIed , 'I'he senate on the 12th spent three. quartm's of an hour listening to a spe. eIal program In commemorntlon oC LIncoln's birthllll ) ' and then ndjourned out of respect fo.r the 'Ja ' , Rev , I. F , Roach of Lincoln dellverml the ad- dl'ess before the senate and eloquently eulogized the life and Infiuence of the mart'red lll'esident. 'rhe Oberlin quartet - tot sang the "Battle Hymn of the Re. public" anI ! roslwnded to an encore with "Amerlcu , " ' ' 'I'he services were Impressive , though hrief. The joint committee nppolnted to draft a statewide prlmarr law Ims concluded Its worl. : alJl the bill will be Introduced the first of the week , Pat. rlclt , the Cuslon member of the com. mltteo , objected to the filing fee and may malw a fight to have it strlcl\On out b ' the loglslature , The committee gonernlly Is pleased with the measure , 'It Is 0. compilation of the Drown. Dodgo-l\Iclullen bills , Senatol. King's free high school bill \\'ns recommended for passnge br the senate , It allows any child living In 0. district which does not provlJe 0. full high school course to tal\O Ule missing grades at some hh h school In UlO stnto , 'rho tuition , which Is fixed at 76 cents 0. weel < , Is rnlsed by laxation In his district. 'rho senate dlsplayod a CHBlOsltion to 11USh the rnilway commission bill through ns rnpllll ' ns posslblo'hen It voted to tnko the bill trom the stan.l. tng commltteo on railroads , to which It hAd been referred , and place It cll. recUr on gonernl file. This wIll ad. vance It moro rapidly than the regulnr course , - S , F. 227 , by Goodrich of Fillmore , provldill ! ; that persons convIcted or mlll'dor In the first degree shall bo pln'ed In the penltentlar ' and not put to ealh except by order of UlO gOY. ernor , nnd In Iln ' event not lC { 8 than ono yellr after date of conviction , WIlS Indefinllelr postponell hy the senate , 'rho three uniform dl\'orco bills r'c. ommonded lust tall by a meotlng of ( lIvorco experts wore lutrollllced Intd the senate , The main b1ll chllngos the general dlvorco law , mallng It moro stringent. Sontlment for the most stringent null.pass law possible has dovelopecl to such un extent In the houBe that the oxceccJlngl ' stringent bill drnwn by the joint commltteo Is JIIwl ) ' to : : prove inadequute to meet presentJ Ideas , In Its place a substltuto 1111I will be offorelt thllt has been preparel by RelJrosoutnllves McMullen , , Tonnl , son , Humor , Con a anll Quacl\Cnbush. It cuts oft ever 'ono from t.ho free list Ba\'O rnllrond employes , carotnlwrs or I IIvo stocle nnd rnllroall attorneys and I Ilhyalcians , who are on un allnual sal. ary of at least $1,000 euch. . . . . ' . . The rcV'Jallons regarding frnudu. tent paint mnt'rlals which have heen mndo by the AgrIcultural gxperhnent Stntlon or I.'argo , N. D" nlll } llUblished b . Prof. . Ii' . Lndtl , etnto commls. Rloner , have occnsloned nhnost liS much of n st'nsaUon as the eXlosuro of ndulterntlon In food } lroducts dId when the laller first began to uppenr. It hns been shown thnt J < cgs marltcd "Puro Whlto Lend" often contnln other sullstnnces such liS challc , bnrytes , silica , etc. , und thnt 011 supposed to bo linseed often contains petroleum ndulternnts , to sn ) ' nothing of wnter In Inrgo Ilropol'liolls. SometlmeH , so. called "Whlto Lends" contain not nn Iota of genulno White Lend. 'I'ho farmer Is n IlIrge user of paint. No ono Is mora Interested than ho Is , that the 1nhol should ell11blo him to get whnt ho sllPllose8 ho Is paying for. 'rhel'o should bo a InIn every stnto rellulrlng thnt all pulnt pllc1(11ges bo Inbclcd cxnctl ) ' nccordlng to their con. tents. 'I'hnt woulel enable every paint- btl 'C1' to buy Intelllgentl . . SOME NEW FRENCH KNIGHTS. . Queen , of Holland aB Agreed to Rec.l. ognze Vatican Titles , Among the lucratlvo sources of rov. enl10 oC the pope hofol'e the selmrn. tlon of church nnel stale In Frnnce was the toll or tax on titles of nobility and decol'l1.tlons. Since the rUlturo ) I the } i'rench . government no longer rec. ognlzes the ennobling tJ.tlel3 a\1 ( } dec. orations of the holy father. To have the right to wenr the Vatlcnn ribbon , or to ho called count , It was necessary to obtnln a confirmation of title. This gave much perplexity . to the candl. datos. ' 1'he question has just been settled. Queen WJlhelmlna has consented to valldato such titles and distinctions. The result has been IIn amusing pll. grlmago to 'rhe Hnguc-nnd nlso In nn Increase In the prlco of these pon. tlfical favors. In the last few weelm the French Knights of the Golden Spur , of the Holy Sepulcher , of ChrIst , of Gregory the Great , of PiuB IX , have grently In' creased. . - - - - - - - - - - - - HOME.MADE CATARRH CURE , Sufferers Should Make This Up and Try It Anyway , Anyone ean mix rIght at home the best remedr of Its kind Imown. The nnme "Cyclone" Is given to the fol. lowIng presCl'lptlon , It Is supposell , be. cnuse of its promptness In drivIng Crom the blood and system every yes. lIge of catarrhal polson , relievIng this foul and dread disease , no matter where locnted , To prepare the mixture - ture : Get from nny gooel pharmacy ono halfounce Fluid Extr ct Dande. lion , one ounce Compoun Kargon Hnd three ounces Compound Syrup Sursn. parllla , Shalto well and use In tea. spoonful doses after encll menl and at bedtime. ThIs Is a harmless , inexpensive mixture - ture , which has 0. peculiar action upon the ellmlnntlve tissues of the Kidneys , assIsting them to filter and strain from the blood nnd s'stem all cn. tarrhal poisons , which , If not eradl. cnted , nro absorbed by the mucous membrane , an an open SOl'O or ca. tarrh Is the result. Prepnro some and try It , as it Is the prescription of nn eminent cntarrh speclnllst of national reputation. - . - . - - - - - - The "Thunderer , " JUdge Renloul's reference on the bench to the TImes as the " 'rhunder. aI' ' ' reminds us how remarknbly this nickname has perslstod , The Morll' Ing Post Is no longer "Jeames ; " the Stnndard hns not been "Mrs. Gnmp" since the decease of the Morning Her' aId-the " 1\Irs , HarrIs" to whom it would allude ns an Independent nu , thorlty , and the two represented the snmo proprIetor. Dut the Times Is stili t.he "Thunderer. " It owes tbnt name to Captnln Edward Sterling , who Is said to hnvo begun 0. 'rimes artlclo with the wor s : "We thundered forth the other dn ) " an article on the subject of 50clal and political reCorm.-Lon' < Ion Chronlclo. ; Clover & . Grass Seedo. Eve 'bod ) . loyc8 lots and lots of Clover Grasses fol' hogs , cows , sheep and swine. \Vc arc known aR the largest growers of GrasFcs , Clo'ers , Oatil , Barle ' , Corn Po. tntoes and Farm Sceds in America. per. ate over 5,000 acres. Fmm Our mammoth 14S'Iape ; catalog is mailed ( rce to nil intcnding huyerll ; 01' send So 1:01 6TA. 11'8 and receivc ! ! nmple of "perfect lmlnnee ra. tion JI'a R ced , " together with Patider Plnnt" , Clovcl' , cte" ete" amI big Plant nnd Seed Catalog free. John .A , EalzCl' Sccll Co. , loxV \ , I.a Crosse , \\'is , - - - - - - - - - - - - In Eagle Eyes. "Whorc'B the bnh bah ? " nsked the 80ft 'oung ehnp from the enst. "I'm the barber , sonny , " drnwled the big man In the wI do hat nnd red shirt. "And do you Imow how to clip \mlh \ ? " "I should say so. Just slnnel about ten ) Incas , and If I can't clip off every locle In 12 shots , I'll sot up the lick. or.-Chlcago Dally Nows. The oxtraordlnnr ) . po.pularlly of fine 'whHo goods this summer maltes the cholco ot Starch a mnltor of gre:1t : 1m. portance. Dofinnco Stnrch , being tree trom all Injurious chemicals , Is the only ono which Is safe to use on fine ! nbrlcs , Its great strenglh as n stiffener - ener maltes lla ) [ the usunl qunntlty ot I Stnrch necessary , with the result ot I perfect finish , equal to that when tJJO 1 & : oodr. worD now. I Artilleryulen nl fllghballll. . . - Smolcer" IJ YC to call for J-cwiq' Single mnder cfRnr to get It. Your dealer or Lewis' Fl1clor ' , l'eorin , III. . - - - It Isn't always the people who jell ) ' you most that are your bcst friends. - - Gnrfirld Tea InRIII'oR n norln'll nctlon or the 11\01' , O\'OI'COll1ell c'onHtipation , und l\Ccps the lood pure. Drink berore retir. inu. W111Lt wo are ntrctches past 'hnt we do , beyond whnt wo possoss.-Drum- mond. Trappers' Supplies Sold Cheap. 'Vrilc ror catnlo und circulnr No. fI , N. W.1Iide & Fur Co. . Minneapolis , Minn. To be 11. great man it Is necessary to turn to o.ccount all opportunltloll.- Rochefoucnuld. _ _ _ _ _ u _ . OXL "I. ONI : "unOMO ( IUINIXE" ThM Is IJAXA'l'I1I11U 1O Olllnino. Similarly nllmC'II mm'dlcR , ' , ' olTlelJnll'I IIt'colvl' 'fhe 1If8 and orljllnnl Colli 'I'nblc Is " WI1I'I'I : I'ACKAU N with hlnck IInd rrrliolloring. and tJC'afi the 8JIlnaturo ot . W.UHOVlt , 250. - - - - - - - - "Is your husband up yet ? " nskec1 the sour.faced womnn nt the door. "I expect ho Is , " was the roply. "I'd lllto to Bee him for 0. Cow minutes. " "Sould I. Ho hasn't 'C'Vmo home yot.-l\lIlwaukeo Sentlne ! . Dy following the directions , which are plainly printed on each pacltnge of Defiance Stnrch , Men's Collnrs and Cuffs cnn bo made just as stlrr liS de- sired , with either gloss or domestic finish. ' 1'IY It , 16 oz. for 10e , BoJeI by nil good grocers. . Natural Washing Preparation. Nenr Ashcroft , In Drltlsh ColumbIa , nro 0. numb or of small lukes , whose shores nnd bottoms arc covered with 0. crust cntalnlng borax and Hodn In such qunnlltles and } ll'Oportions that when cut It serves as a washing com. pound. 'I'ho crust Is cut Into blocks and hnndled In the same manner as Ice , nnd it Is estimated thnt ono of the Inke contnlns 20,000 tons of this ma. terlal. . 1847-1907. GO "ears ago Allcock's Pins tel's were first Introduced to the public. The ' are to'dn ) ' the world's standard pins tel's. ThIs Invention has been one of the greatest blessings Imaglnnble and af. fords the quickest , cheapest and best , means ever discovered for healing' ' und relieC oC certnln aliments. Allcock's are the orIginal and genuine - uine porous plasters and are sold by Druggists all over the world , Tolme and Tolde. , Mrs. Hooligan was sufferIng from 1 the common complaint of having more to do than there was time to do It In. ; She looked up at the clocle and then slapped the Jron she hnd lifted from I the steve back on the lid with 0. clat. tel' . "Talk ubout tolme and tolde wnlt. I In' fer no man , " she muttered as she hurrIed into the " ' pantry ; "there's toimes they wnlts , an' tolmes the ) ' don't. Ylshterdar at this blessed min. It 'twas but tin o'clock , an' to'dny It's a. quarther to twelve-EverYbodY's. - - - T Launlll'y work at 110l&1e would bI3 Jnuch more satlsrnctory If the rIght Starch were used , In order to get the desired surfness , It is usually necessary - sary to use so much starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric is hidden behind a paste of varyIng thlclmess , which not only destro's the appearance , but also affectB the wear- Ing. quality of the goods. This trouble can be entirely overcome by using Defiance - fiance Starch , as It can be npplled much more thlnb' because of Its greater - er strenglh than other mal < os. _ . - - - - - - - Most people would fall short If measured by the golden rule. PhotographD 'lent ' by Wlr , Prof. Kern , of the Munich untvor- 81ty , has greatly Improved his npparn. tus for tranamlttJng IJhotogrnlhs ever ( \ tolerll)1h ) wires. 110 hns succee ed In ) sendlnJ ; photographs nnd sketches six or 110ven Inches Rquaro In this mannoI' trom Munich to NUt'cmhorg , n distance ot 100 miles. In Crom 10 to 15 mInutes. , , . . . : MUSCULAR ' . AILMENTS ) j " ! , II I II I , . 'The Old-Monk-Cure will straighten out a contracted muscle In 'JIUy. ' ST. JACOBS . , - ! " , to O.IL , J. . ' Don't play possum with pain , but 'tends strIctly to business. PrIce : ! 5c and 50c I - . . - - - - - - - - FARMS THAT GROW , "NO. I HARD" WHEAT ( Slxty.three Poundo ; to the 1f1l hel ) . Are "Itu. nled III the Callndlau \Yest where Home. sleads of 160 acreR can be obtained free by ever ) ' settler willlllg alltl able to cOll1plv with the Uomestelll ( Re/1I1atioll9 , DUlIIIJ : the present year a large Jlortion of Now Wheat Growing Territory HAS 111EN MADIACCUS I LITO ; \A . Kl TS DY TillRAII.WA ' Y CONS'rRUCTJON that has beell pushed fonvnnl 50 'Vigorously by the three great railway companies. For literature allli particulars address SUPI\R. IN'l'UNDENT Ol l\flIUGRATION , OUawa , Cannda , or tile following nutllorlzed Cnna l:1II Government Al'ent : W. V. BENNETT , 801 New York Life Buildioi , . Omaha , N bruka. . . _ _ _ Mention tills paper. _ 'J . SICK HEADACHE , " Positively cared by CARJrR"S the so Little l > > ilIs. , L They nlso relieTo D1S- tress tram Dyspepsia , In. ITiLE digesUon nnd Too llel\lV , I V En Eating. A perfect rem. n cdy tor DIzziness. Na.uS < Ja , PBI.LS. Drows1n.css. . Dad Taste In thD Mouth , COlted : . . ' . ' Tongue , Paln in the Sete ! , : TORPID LIVER. They . - , reguIato the Dowels. PurelY Vogctnble , - SMAll PilL. SMAll DOSE , SMAll PRICE. J , 'V- CARTERS Genui e , Mu t Bear . Fae-Slmllo SIgnature TTLE aVER d. _ m . / REFUSE SUBSTITUTE $ . LIVE STOCK AND ' . . MISCELLANEOUS ELECTROTYPES ? In . . . . . . . , . . . . . . Ir..at .art.ty ror ale at the lo..t prlc by A.1I.Ii&LLOIoU NllnSrArKItCO. . n " .Ad&.St.CIoI. . . . - . FARUS FOR REIItT.xu : O.\.I.E . ON I , iii t ( JitOI' . J , MULU.\.I.L. SIOUX 1."Im"nh. ' : . l' - . " oQ : "t , . . , \ . . . . , , ' . . . . / DO t . Suffer . bJ.l-hi ht lon from : tootha.che. " .l ia. " rheuma.tism neul" . . PI" . Slo s Lill1'en.t fJ : kills the p in , - quiets the - : . : nerves .nd induces sleep , . . At 0.11 de .1ers. Pt.1ce 25c 50c $1.00 . I ' . , . 'Dr. E .rl SSlo Bosto tMa.ss.U.S.A. . " " . - - . - ' . _ - - - " . _ . , - - . . . . - - . _ - - . - . . . , . : . : . ' } NO MORE ' " ' . MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN IXTERflAL COUNTER-IRRITANT , \ CAPISICUM VASELINE 'J EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT A QUICK. , SURE , SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN-PRICE 15c-IN COLLAPSIBLI ! TUBES-AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS , OR ' BY MAIL ON RECEIPT 01 : 15c , IN I'OSTAGE S'TAMPS , DON'T WAIT 'f ILL T 1113 1 > A I N COM lJ 5 - It IJ D 1 > A or u n D II AND Y. A subslilute for and superior to mustard or any other plasler , and will not blister the most dellcale skin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities of the article are wonderful. It will slop the toothache at once , and relieve Headache and SclaUcl1 , We recommend It as the best and safest exlernal . counler.lrrllant known , also 2S an exlernal remedy for pains In the chest and stomach and all RheumaUc , Neuralgic and Gouly complalnls , A trial ; vIII provo what we claim for II , and It will be found to be Invaluable In the nousehold and for children. Once used no family will be wllhout It. Many people lIay "It Is the best of all your preparations. " Accept no preparallon of vaseline unless the same carries our label. as olherwle II Is not genuine , SHND YOUR ADD HESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUI VASELINE - LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEHEST YOU , CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. . 17 STATE STREET. NEW YORK : CITY ' , : 1 , , ' . i' I : . , ' , . . .