Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 28, 1907, Image 1

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    Oo\e\ '
\ I
a " \O U
. .
Ir r I
'f , When we Dissect your
\ '
) .
. 'j
, .
vI I It can't heh ) it. It Is practically a
ncw watch ouce more.
Of course It will ne 11 our atteutlcn
t allaln In ahout n ) 'ear-allllit II alway ! !
hetter tu be too soon than too lato. I
' l\Ia'be ) 'ou knew all thl'l before. but
' / sOlllehow people h\YIJ a habit of attend-
; . Inl : ' to everythlllil clse 1n the world bnt
their watchcs.
. I
" ' 10.- ' , _ qU-1 , , ' 'i l.\.fi !
, " ' . . " .
Anyone Sicl {
In Your Iiollse
When there is anyone sick
in the house and you go to
t he doctor and he writes a
prescription for you , let us
till t hal pregcription. Dou't
overlook the fact that we
can till it accurarelv , that
we can till it with the bcsl
ingredients that arc ) < nown
to the scicntific world.
Don't ovcrlook the fact that
it will be fillcd exactly right
with exactly thc ingredients
that are indicated . by your
pur prestription department -
ment is conducted in the
most carefut and accurate
way by registcrcI dt ug ists.
'l'he , quality of 1t1gredtcnts
used in the prescription department -
partment cannot bc qucs-
tioncd. Lct us fitl your pre-
I Open on Sundays from 8:30 :
to 10:30 : only.
- -
. . . AT I-J C 0 VI 8 n 3 POUNDS
J. C. BOWEN'S ' I' i ! _ FOR 25 CENTS
- " " -
, E-i SEED Ai'-JD T ABLE 5'
( . ) .g POTATOES. 0
w . . It i g. . i
_ 0 Now is the time to buy.
. . "
.J.t H. c : > IYI
( / ) ; . . " , . . . ; : : ; looks as If the market would r- c : > = . . . : . . -rI " "
o - --i 0 D : : : be high in the spring.Ve p.- w
u. . Z have the Early Ohio and g
. ! : i Se1t ( ? r's Billion Dollar pog'j : i11
- .
E-i tatoes. Njce. large stoek. ?
'N e gnal'.antee them strictly" n' ,
g. _ linirrigat& & d ftll they are ; . g. . . . ,
_ ' . - . LJ D : : : . . . . fancy. \Ve are offering ; . r.rj . . . . g . , . .
r . . . . . .o. ;
gs 0 - them for 75 cents a bushe1. 9
" . . 2..00
' .
, < 'w t : H , . . eVe R WIll store them for you 0 f3 = 1 otg. 0. : . . . . . . . . .
IJ. . free of c11arge until wanted g ;
> ' . . . .
- - - -
; . . . . -
, 2 Coupons in - - FANCY ,
. \ ' " Mother's Oats BUY NO\\ ' -1 LARGE ,
worth I.cent IMPORTED
to you in IN PRiCE FIGS ;
cash or trade - - - . . , . . 20c POUND
. . -
- - - - -
J. C. BOWI-1JN ,
TRADE North SIc\e \
Pure Old Cider VlllcJ'ar BROKEN BOWNEIIR.
MARK . . . -
, . , , - - - - . . _ - - , , - - - . . . , , ,
R'I - . : : " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' --.o - " .
Bcrwyn Breezes.
The wcather has' changed somewhat
since our last writing and it again rc.
minds us .that we have not found sprin/ / {
. yet. -
Revival sen'iccs arc heing held two
miles south of crwyn. Thcn. ; is can- ,
sidcrable of interest manifeste(1. I
Mr. Frcd Taylor and Mr. Chas. Bclls
spcnt Sunlay atlason : City.
Mr. Jas. Lee made \Isualtrip to the ,
"Dow" SatunlllY night anl thcre spent
Sut1lay. This is one of "Jim's" habits. '
Miss Hallie Comcr visited fricnds at
Droken How ou Friday aud Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. r . F. Oxford and Miss
Jessie Waterbury attended the Military
hall at Broken Bow on Washington's
. ' birthday.
Joe Winn , of Ansley , was secn walking
strets " " around
/ our Monday. "Joe"happens
and abont every so often.
liss Dollie Pcniston spcnt a couple of
days at the "Bow" last week.
1\1ises : 1.0\11\1111 Jessie Watcrhury spcnt
Sunday in Mason City.
Dicrks Lumber and Coal Co. , rcceived
two cars of coal Monday which has put
an end to our coal famine.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F .
Staab is very sick with IJl1eumonia.
II. S. Waterbury went to Omaha
Saturday night with hogs.
R. D. Cumpbell shipped a car 10a(1 ( of
fi le hogs last week.
Mr. John IIinkl } ' , formerlof ' this
place , now traveling for the' Midwest
. .
. I
. . ' . -
. .
. .
. ,
Tife Insurath c Co. , made a business triF
to Berwyn yesterday.
l\lr. A. II. Smith has recently pur '
chased the John TifT property in thi
r. II. Triplett malle a husincss trip tc
Brokcn Bow'Ionlay. : ( .
, E. S. Fretz was in Broken Bow lasl
Iiriday on husiness.
Mr. Thos. Wallace is lI1avin/ / { hack t
lIerwyn and will do the \I.ood : work i
W111. IIopldns shop.
Everyone is looking forwafll to th
nccktie sociolto be givcn in the churcl
next Frillay night March 1st.
Weisscrt Warbles.
Mrs. lIattie Gilbert , of r.incoln is visil
ing at Lewis Towns.
Rcvivalmcctings are in scssion at U ]
Church of God , at Weissert. Rcv. Wi
son , of Orcgon , is tt 'e cvangeli ! > t.
Irs. Keilin , who has becn quite sic
with pneumonia , is much impro\'t : < 1 I
this writin/ / { .
Chester Sam's is moving onto his ow
farm , that he purchased a shot tim ag
from Sam Sillwell.
Pcte 'fown was It pleasant , caller in ot
hurg It few days ago.
ritUe Iargerette Town was thrO\\
from n horsc Sut1llay atHl quite badl
h mt.
IIarn' Smith's littlc SOI1 , Clyde ,
criticaly ill with pneumonia.
Florence Homcs has n badl } ' hrokt
arm , as the rcsult of being kicked l
u horse Thursdu ) : .
- . _ . . . . .
South Side.
Il is gctting towards moving timc ani !
we hear our Ncighbor Carter i se11in/ / {
his stock and tools and will likely go
west , Thc man that. hought the place
is coming from the eastern pnrt of Nebraska -
braska , atHl will he herc to claim his
own by the first of Mnrch.
Our neighborhood will he nearly \Ipsct
ao ; Henry Jagcr will 1II0ve ncross thc
ri\'er onto his own , the WlIlker pl.tce ,
and Chas. Ruse will move onlo the
Jllgcl' place.
The grott1111 is In splcn id shape for a
good crop the cllllliu/ / { season , hut I t'ear
the corn on hand will spoil in . the crib.
We don't hcu the corn shellers running -
ning as usnal. 'fhc coru is ton \ \ cl to
shlllto mh'antllge.
Somc of our nci/hhors / arc talking
IIhout sowing wheat in a few Ia's , pro-
villrd the wnrm wenther l ontinUel.
The arc gctting scttlcil am ! lal1d
will scan do to plow.
I was at Sugent today and tricl , to se11 :
some : ; hellcl corn at the elevator , b\lt
they hnnlly care to bu ) ' . unlcss the corn
is vcry dry. Thcy told me they had to
handle over for fear it would spoil.
I notice the grain mcn can't get CIUS
to take the corn to markel on account of
car shortage , but I notice hy the papers
that the railrond companies will raise the
freight rates a 1111 then there will be plcnty
of carS.
We havc been having II very good
mectiug utthc Anlilope school house.
Several people huve been ma1c ov r.
It is rummore' ! that railrou ! surveyors
nn : at work cast of Dunning.
- - . . _ . . . - -
Union Hill.
Lawrencc l'frchm allll Rufus PredmOlc
visitell with Darr Bi\"Uns family , ncnr
Weslervillc , for nearly It week. They
returned hOllle Wellllcslll1 } ' 1\1111 rcported
a fine trip with many social tics.
Da\'e Rickie and wifc camc down from
thc sand hills , ufttr thc r cattlc , topped
atHl visited ovcr night with Will. pfrehm.
I\lr. l\Iorris' sale was largely attcnlled
and cvrything sole ! well. - ,
! \Ir and 1\1 es. Phelps went to Sargent
Anna Ailshic visitell 1'uesday al111
Wcdncsday with Mrs. Wm. pfrehm.
Mrs. . tallings , of Milhurn , is 'able t
help with the house work.
Frcll Petcrs' family visited with nrnlld ,
ma Deurisk las SUllday.
August Plrehm will movc ncxt week
on the Pulliam place , west of Sargent.
l\1r. Hill willmon : later ,
Bitter's folks is improv1l1g slowly.
Mrs. Wm. pfrchm will put in a fine
stock of millinery goo s this spring.
she says shc will have them on by the
lirst of April.
. -
Ninc car loads of stock went out 01
Sargcnt Monday.
Clarencc Allen and dllughter were it !
Sargen t Monday and 'fucsday , gellin !
tceth fixed.
Valentine in Sargent passed "ithou
much excitement' .
Two of our little boys concludcl ( tl
scrap it out. It was very interesting etl
scc them. ( In a good town of course.
Wc are sorry to report that Dan l\Iyre !
. is dcad. lIe ( lie ( ! Monday at 6 p. m.
aftcr lingering aloug for a month or so
. His will was in favor of his ncphew , wht
s was waiting on him the past few wccks
We havc a cerfew bell now that te11
) the little boys whcn 8 o'clock comes. I
is a grand thing. It is also usetl for I
fire IlIaI'm bell.
lonroe Freeman was takinin / the
o sights in Sargcntlllst Tuesday.
Dunnin : Doing. .
Mr. Wilson is enjoyin/ / visit from hi
brother and ncice of rAncoln.
Wm. Jones has promiscd a free llnc
and supper when his new Imilding i
There will be a dance Friday cvenin
March 1st. , at the Paulinc ha11.
e Ed. Sigler spent three ( lays in Hroke
- Dow last wcek visiting his sister , Iri
Cora Brindal.
'rhe dance on the 22nll was report.
It vcry successful , it was a mask ball.
RcEvcns occupiell the puplit I
n Thedford on last Sunday cvenlng , I'll
o Dunn ing church goers were entertaim
b } ' a magic lantern anll lecture on t1
Ir life of Christ.
A basket social will he he1l1 at t1
'n school housc on 1'hurs.lay . evenhll
Iy Fcb. , 28th.
Prof. Welch , Psychologist and Phrel1
is elegist , : has becn le turing in Dunninl
amI tc lIin/ / { thc young men what tht
are gael ! for , the Professor seems I
If lmder tat1l1 his business , anti his di
closures has causcd several goo laugh
ZumbrotlZeplayu. .
Clnr't Kcllogg hllil one finger mnshed ,
IInother one hadly cut nt1l1 his knce hurt' '
in tr'III to couple car:1 ncar I1lnglllun ,
Ncb. , Il\st weck. At prescnt hc is gctting
alonH l1icely.
Mr. Dave Hipshcr nt1l11\h' . Strickler ,
wcnt clown to Millcr , Nc ] , . , looking at
1u1Il , last week.
, It. . IInll ( rs. J. Sullen wcrc "Isiting
a John SaturdllY au II Sundny.
Charley HIIII Is hack from IO. , 01\(1 (
thinks Nchmska is 1111 right.
IIfS O ( ' Bishop was visiting III Ir : . .
Russom's Sundny in orller to enjo } ' the
finc sklltinJf. hut werc disappointed 119 the
wealher got to warm nnll meltc.1 the
Snrprise partics arc the onler of thc
Ilay anel Wellneslny ! c\'cning of lItis
weck if } 'ou sce a crowlI gathering nt
Tappan school house YOI\ \ may know thnt
mcans , Butler Sands.
Mrs. J. D. Ream amI sister , Miss Emmll
Scc\'ers of Ortello , wcrc visiting : \IHI. , W.
W. Ilishop , last Thursday.
l\tCSllnmcs Ralph Johnson , 1' . J..un -
Anken , W. W. Ilishop , IInll Mii1s oe
Bishop , attend ell the teachers meeting
Inst Prillay aUll report a gooll time.
ll'S. Ralph Johnson entertained a
number of hcr fricnds alilinncr Wcdncs-
day of last weck , in honor of Mrs. 1' . J.
VanAnken , hcr lII'ice , who is here. from
Ncw York. A vcr } ' pleasant limc was
cnjoycd hy all. 1'hosl' present were :
Mesdamcs Tappen , Marlin , Ski1lman ,
Cole , Grant , Parker , Ilishl > p , Routh , Vlln-
Ankcn , lcComas , Sands , Koo7.r : , Hel-
lion. Callen and Iiss oe nishop.
IlIlhc Ul'lirici Cunrt. Cu ter : ounty. Neltra ka
Ceutral Neltra kI.1ml : & 1.I\'Mtlll Hit eu" , :
p\uY. : all IlicurlluratlulI ,
JamcR I . Huhhlllq. el al.
' 1'he ddellilanlH. Janl" ! ! I' : lultbhlR a till hl
wllc , MrR. JalllCK I' : . RflhhlllK , 'l'holllall CUIII-
I1Ihll ! allll hl wlfcMr.I. ' 1'houll'I : CnmmlnlrM ,
Hert lIal1 allll1\1rl'l. IIcrt 1I.t1l. hlq wHe , ( tcurllc
1\1. HcllhllCcr l\u,1 hiM will' . l\1 rH. neorarc 1\1.
Bclllnlfcr. will take nollcu that on IhoJ 9UI day
or Januar } ' . A. n. , 1907. lhe plaintiff IIlml IlK
petllouln ! the DIRtrict Conrt IIr CnRler Connty.
Nehraka ! , the ohjrci and Ilra'er thurellC hchllr
lo torcclllqe a c rtaln 11I0rllrlllll ! 1I0W owncd b\ '
Ihe plaintiff and Irh'cn It } ' Wllllal1l ' 1' . Allen
and wife , El1IlIIa ' . \ IlCII , to the IOlVa Mon.
ge COl1lpllllY 011111. , : . ! Sth day of Jannary , 'k'O. '
IIpOIi the west half of the KonlhweRt 'Inaner of
Rcctloll fonr , norlhullht 'luarleruC the northwet !
IllIarter alllliut fOllr or ReCllon IIlne , tOlVn"hllJ
twcnty. uorth. lanlrc IlVcn1\-olie welt of tJle hlll
, 1'.1\1. . CURter Connl ) ' Nebraska. .tl > Rccuro the
payment of Iho olle Il'naln IIIJtU or Raid William
' 1" lien allllwlfe. } lIlIlIa C.lIell , or $ tOO.OO 01
e'cli .Iate thcnwhh. allil dCII alld l'ayabll' ,
I } . 'eIJ.uary ltjt , 111'15lhnl' of 1'\'lIIclit of whlcll
IK l'xtendc.1 to March 101 , 1905. 'i'l at I
now due 011 "aid lIule UII ! 111111I of $ tOo.OO wllh It' '
I'cr cent lhereon tWill March 1s1. 1'10 , : ; .
I'lallllf ( pra\'K tn : a dl'creo that yuu IJI ! reo
' 1ulrcd 10 pa ) ' Iho Kame or that ! laltl prclIIlRc
b" 1\0hlill sall > lfy Ille alllount ( olilid dnc.
YIIII ale re'lnlrell 10 anlwor flald IlolltlulI all
or before the HUI day of Allrll. 1'lI ; .
Daled 111111 9th da ) ' of January. III 7.
CJ > NTIIAr. NmlHAsKA I.ANU . \ :
] I ) ' ilK attorne ) ' , AI.I'IIA 1\I0HUAN. ,
Attest : nlm. ll. MAIH.
. l hrk or the Ulalrlct Conrl. ISBAI. ! 3Htl ,
Registered o. 1. C. I-logs
CIIAS. T. WRIGHT , Brokcn Dow , Net
i _ _ _ nun
HI\'OH'1' : \ 01Till' : cONut'I'WN
lIT \ 11I1
Broken Bo\v State Bank
of Hrokrn How. ClIs\cr Cllllnt ) ' . NebraRka ,
Chnrter No. 5tll , IlIcors'urate,1 III the Slnln ( If
NIbra" I\.l\t the cillse of bUHllle..q , 1'cbrllnry
; Jlnl. : l1J07 :
JutOUHC'S ! : :
toallH 111111 lJlsCOlllltl'l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ lI'1 . 211) 37
O\'l nlralt . RCClIrl'll nnd lIIIRccllre.I. . . 12:107 :
lIallkhllf hOIlRI ! furllitnre allli IIxtnre ! ! 100 00
lJno from lIathll1\l , IItato nllli , 'rlvate
bank" allli ballkerll. . . . . . . . $ I tJIl .51
Clleck. . . 111111 Item. . of ox.
challll'o. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . J6.'O'/
J Currcllc ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 III
C"sh ll.oln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 7033t
' \\ltal \ callh Oil hantl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41Cj ! : 9t
- -
'J..lllal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 25'J 2iO
Cal'ltal "lock pal.l III. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2110110110
HllrJlllIs rullll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II't ' 1I11111
( falllh'lde,1 "rolltl'l net. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I lot 5J
IIl1lh'ldllalllol"II" IInIJjell :
tllchecl' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : fl JIl1)5 )
Uelllallll clrtlllcaUI'I IIf .Il' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ii Ih. . ' I I
lJue tll Rlate un.1 Ilrh'atu
bank"lId h3I1kcrl. . . . . . . 3 } 21 572.1 : : H.S Hli
- - -
' 1'olal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .f25' ) 2iO\ .
I. J. I. IIMIIIIHIINU , vce'\lreRlolenl ( 01 the
above namell banI ( , .111 lIefOhy "wear that the
above Hiulonllllli Is a curreCt Itnll Irue COllY IIr
the rCJlllrllll\lle 10 the I'Halo HallkllllC hll\nl. :
. J H. K. W\H'UCK. lJln'clor ,
A ttcst. ) J.M. KIM.IICHIINO. . tllrl'ctor.
Snlt'lcrilJed allli MWllrn to 11l'1IIro IIIU tllIlI : : lItl1
Ila ) ' \o'cbrllary \ , 1'l17 , C. II. 1I0LCOMII ,
lHIIAL ! Nutar ) ' I'ubllc.
' )
. -
- - - -
Consult him If you want Walor.
Photic 112 , . . Bro < en Bow.
DR. c. B. JOB , '
} ) hysician and urgeon
Office and residellce enc hlock so nth' of
Uyersoll & Georgc'o : store.
- - - - - - - - - " ' - - - - '
-111. OIO..ATO " ' . ' .r" Vole < ' , , "
In order to complete . onr
lIIuslc departlllcnt we
hnve milicil
= = =
After carcfnl Invcsti/lttlon / we
finl ! that there i:4 : hut enc renny
perfect lIIachlnc 31111 that i9 thc
V""ICIJIC : : > FI. .
It 1:4 : truly IIInrvctous whnt -
dcrfnl , perfect 1I111111ic is won-I
hy this il1lprovcll lIIuchille. We
cOI11ially ! lI\'ite Itll who arc inler-
cstL' in thc woudcrs of thl' aAe to
call at ollr , ; tom fIlIll hear ! ; Qugs hy
world.famed Jo1ingc S , alld lIIunlc by
thc . grcatest known pcrformcrs
I-I. A. W A'l'1'S
postomc Anncx ,
Broken Bow , Xe\ \ ) ) .
. -
. . - -
. _ _ . . . . . .v- r- -
"tt't'tt"tt"'ttTt'tt"ttt"tt"1'tt't't"t"'t'tft'ttttttttt"tt " ' ' " " " ' ' " " " ' ' ' ' " " ' ' ' " '
- -
- -
frcshent and fincst lirt - .
_ of BREAKFAST FOODS in , Bow. : : : : :
I - : : : : : Shamrock Oats , 5-lb package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oc - : : : : :
t = = } ; 'orest Citl Oats , 5-lb paclmg-e. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oc = =
: = = Shrcdded Nheat lluscuit , 15c , for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c : : : :
E : Malta Vita , 15c , 2 for 25c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c :3 :
: : : : : : . Egg-O-See , lOc , 3 for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . \ . . , . . . . 25c : : : : : ,
I E : Petti-John , 15c , 2 for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c = =
. : : = fJL1akcr Oats. lSc , 2 for. . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Sc = =
I - , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - -
: : : : : \rea ; 111 0 fTh ca t . . . . . . 1- c : : : : : : :
: : : Vi tos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c : : : : : :
= = Quail Oats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c. 3
: : : : : : : ] Jr. Pricr' " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'r. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c : : : : :
: : : : Toaster ) Corn Flakcs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . lOc = =
: : : : : Puffcd ! ( } ce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOc : : : : : : :
: : : : : Steel Cut Oats , per pound. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05c = =
- -
I : : : : : : 1'HONg NU"fBl . R SHEBURK . : : : :
' ' . IW'
= = -TWO-I.'I\'I : : : : : :
: : : : : : : ft : : : : :
. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l111111 ! ! 1111111111 S :
I' '
I -
) : IiQ ) -
: -y-pu , , an a erne
) % 1 '
. , ' ) '
s Flve , . , cre Tr ct with C-room ) house , hili'll , con I sIll'd , ( 'ity water , r& ! .
t % 'j - CiAI , orchal'd , shade trees. One of the nicest pieces of re8-
t idence pl'opm.ty in the city. 'Nill trade for good f l1'm land 01' sell for caRh.
e 8 - room Residence with barn , chieJn n housp , well , outside cellur , two
. , lots of g'l'OUlHI. 'Nell locahHl.V ill trade for iW
horses uncI cattle 01' for good farm land , 01' sell fOI' cash.
: s I. r j 7room Residence o e of the eloicest } locatiou . Close in. , Plenty \fi
, of shade. Ulty watel' . f wIl ] trade for a good J
: farm or sell for cash. j
5 "es.ldence fJoame baru , chicken honse , g-oocl well and wind-
room .
g -w , mill . block of
, outside cellal' , ol'elull'd. A whole
ground. , J ust the plnce for a rctil'ed fal'nWI' . T will Hell for half and fI
: : - halanee in monthly payments. ' ! l. J.
r ' 1\Tew 5 'Olme ; ill.Vith 0110 lot of
Fr ResDlclence
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