Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 21, 1907, Image 8

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    f ' = . . . . . '
. . . . _ . . -0
. . . . - - . .
. . . I
\Ve arc now abou t rcndy for
having clcancd up cntircly on fall and winter mcrchandise.
Ncw goods are now arriving daily and our many lincs will I
soon bc complcte. Whcn you are loking for
Good. Val ues and lIonest Prices
the .ycar 'roul d in dy goods , c1ot1 ing , hats. cap 1 sh cs , rugs ,
curpets. mattings , Itueoleuttls. notIOns , etc" don t fall to look
our lines over.
CRI'l'EHION Cl.40'l'HING. llUN''gR OygRAIA4S.
. . . . . _ . - co
. . _ _ n u. _ . _ > _ . _ . - . - - - .
Office in Security Stote Bonk S'ld'ng
_ . . . . . . _ . _ _ . . . . . . . . _ . _ _ _ .u. . . . , " " ' _ . . . . _ _ . . . _ _ J' = "
- - - ' - - - - - - - - -
, mm tJ" { ; ff ffiffi : :
Before You Build , Consult I
; . . C3reoQ : PapJ.n.ea-u : , II I ; I
Contractor and Sui I : Jer. Estimates : .11 I
Furnishcd . , . frcc with plans and spcci fications. : m
I IUI.JuI ! mJ.WJI ! IIUL . .
- r = : Jj""Er - .rw ! "I.r = r = ! = : r = = r : r = r = 1
. _ - , _ - . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . - , . . - - , . - - - - -
- - - ,
It may seem ea ly , h t Iot ' f I
! (
about to carly to begin Ultnkltlg S E D \ S ti1
for spring planting. I will have an nb olutcly full line of
Field and Garden Seeds of evcry description which will be
sold on a vcry small margin.
See mc beforc you purchasc.
T C , 0 S T . carloi1 whIch I have IS about 1 of bell1g c.rockery a half of-
I fercd at absolutely wholesalc price. Do not fail to supply
; yoursclf now.
J. ' ! ! h idCISq , CII ' T T .1
. - AJJ - - ' 'l . . .o/Arv. . .D' _ _ r '
- . . - " , I
r . . . . . . . ' " :
" " ,
8 u. . -'Y" . tIt.-- r-b : A. . ] [ " . " ! 'T" . \ , . li
.t. . . 7"L ' . Pl OPRI.1 'rOI .
'rlV ' R 8'l' n 1 , . . 8
Jf.i ' , rr'I' 'I' ' \ LIV R ' ' or d ti
ti I. . d" \ " " J " ! , fi . . fl 'iT a Ir3 III
[ ;
'U"fJ . . ; ; ; FEED BARN ij
. - ; ;
. JDAS'r aIi' GLOBg IlO'l'EI-l.
is Remodel ell.nnd . repllirell throughout. Good livery ri s nt rcnsollnble rates.
A comodnltol1 for catllc nnd range horses. Hay nil 11nr. 15 CClltS ; ovcr
, .
L I1Ight 3S cellts. Call ulI < 1 see mc. Q
. .
- -
< - - - - - - .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - -
c. VV. . : J30VV n.1
lIB . /DIll.
/ .
, . .
Sllccessor to BOWMAN & ANDERSON.
At the OLD STAN D.
I eal Estate , , City Lots and Propcrty bought and sold.
Farms rentcd. 'l'axcs paid for non-rcsidents.
Will bl ! ) ' some good paper.
Call and see me.
- - . tW
_ c. . Bc > "VV ; : , , : n J
. ,
" - - ' -
' . . - ,
S , . - ;
I !
, ,
I licensed Embalmer
Funeral Director
has just rec J'ed : l . . .ge stock of undertaking
goous. rhIS IS one f the , most complete stocks
1 i of undertaking goods over brought to Broken '
l' ' Bow.rl'hey are located in the Oadwell building :4
on Ii'ourth avenne.
I ' I I "
, ! . :
I ) . . . .
} I . ar lOB \VIS J llng any uug " In t J. :
lIne are requested to call and
, 1 inspect goods and get prices.
For first-class work in l unnm-
'j - taking or embalming call and
, ,
see me or phole. "
Phone Numbe'rs : Office , 85 ; Hesidence , 3 2'2
. .
_ I.
tJ . . t' I . _
. .
- - - - - -
Dorl. DeductIon.
The high watcr did SOUlC datu-
age to the tuill race lagt week.
Don't wait to be told that
wheat is liable to be highcr , soon.
Mrg. 'rhonJas Coday was doing
business at [ .lake DOris' big store
on Saturday.
Mr. A. J. Burton wenl to Bro-
l < cn Bow last week. ' Monda. . ; ' , rl'-
turuil1 "t'l1csda ) ' . r ,
'r. A. Alexander and father' '
has about 25 head of vcr ) ' fine I
hog's ready for market.
I' c1. 'l'emcrsol1 and l\Iiss I\lvmic
I'onl were plcasant callers at' our
sanction Sunday evcning.
Hufus Predmore and l"a wrence I
Pfrehm contemplate a trip to
Wcstcrvillc in the near futurc. I
If ) ' 011 hum coaloil watch the
inarket as oil stocks is raging in
Pcnllslyvania and we arc liable
to fccl it here. ,
Arthur Dean and Arthur COS
wcre doing business at Doris
Saturday. Mr. Dcan expects tp
move onto the Dressing place in
a few days. .
A. Hogston has rcnted thc old
Dave Garison place from thc
prcsent owner. Mr. Ilo dston
na just arrivcd from Kansas
. with his family and says he likes
the lool < s of the county vcry I
much. . '
Will Sargcnt and his nephew ,
Arthur , of Walworth , passed
through Doris last wcek on their
way to Sargent. On their return
stoppcf at the Doris store and
did their trading. "
We hcar that Mr. Lcwis
Prentic. that livcs on the Table ,
found thcir five months old babe
dead enc morning last wcek.
'I'h.ey have he sympathy of the
Gltm at their loss.
\V. . . . learn there was a vcry good
turnout at thc dance , at Carrs
opcra at Wcst Union' A good
turnout from Sargcnt was report-
ed. Hound Ya11cy pcople plit in
thcir appearancc and a good Hme
was reportcd.
Mr. Befinbaugh and Clarencc
Metcalf shipped 5 cars of fat
cattlc and 2 ars of hogs on Mon-
day. W.m. Sargcnt wcnt with
thc stock in charge. 'L'hcr will
try to buy feedcrs to brJ ng back.
L'hcy haule'l their hog , to Sar-
gent on. Saturday and drove the
cattle to Sargent on Sunday.
'l'he Wcst Dillon bndge is he-
ing put in repair today. Our
road boss is ordcring evcrybody
out. The Lout > ri v r has becn on
a great rampagc Bud it IS not
willing to givc it up yct. We
hcar of cndless damag.'s aIt the
way down , At Denahrog , ncar
whcrc thc Sonth and Middle
Loups co'tne together , it is said
to be raging and the bridge at
that place is about to go out and
the railroad bridge at St. Paul
is in ie..r. We learn that dyna-
mitc is bcing- used very exten-
sivcly , cspecially on gorgcs at
railroad bridgcs. Down at Columbus -
lumbus reports arc that four
peoplc were drowned by driving
to gct out of t&c way of a big
rush of water and slush which
rushed upon thcm. ' 1'hcir crics
for help were heard but of no
avail. Thc bodies were found.
Blue Mound.
News in thc hills IIrc vcry scarce since
I wrote you last. The SIIOW hns gOl1e ofT
ntHl thc coullty looks hetter thnn cver to
me. The peop1r hcrc arc gettillg their
corn out ntHl somc are venturing to tnrn
thcir catllc into their cornstnlks. Therc
arc no losses to report this week. John
Hull paid 260 d llars for a tentll of
horscs in Snrgcnt last wcek. Our I > chool
is going on nIl right this winter nnd
c\'eryhody sectlls to keep wcll. I guess
Sol Garis will pull his threshing outfit
, down to Doris and thrcsh Gifcrs 3000
bushels of whcat. on the Car > lnce. It is
I a big joh nnd worth getting.
Sunday School Work.
Spring time is nearly hcre , and
thc peoplc arc looking for some
place to spcnd their Sundays.
We hercby invitc the public to
attend our Sunday school. If
you don't attcm } al1Y other school
or if you are stopping at or ncar
our placc , you are wclcomc. And
if you are a Sunday school worker -
er come and impart your idcas ,
thereby bencfitting yourself and
us. We have a library of stan.
dard bool < s which you are welcome -
come to use , providing you at
tend our school. 'Ve wi11 try tc
to have some picnics along in
the summcr of somc kind that
will cncouragc thc children of
the Sunday school. 'rhcre
to be a slackncss of this work it1
cvcry community which ough1
not to be. 'l'herc is to be given
"n certificate of Faithfulncss tc
the one that attends cvcry Sun.
day after the ' start.
, I do not tlunk childrcn should
: be sent. According to the Bible ,
thcy should be broughf'by theil
\ : I parcnts.
. ,
f" .
. t " _ " .
. : - , _ . . . - t r
Buy by name-
- - - - - -
I ; :
ur attctdancc will be w 1
comc. Come enc and all. No
enc is too old to attcnd Sunday . I
, school. JOlIN PlnmAM.
_ _ - - - _ _ ' - " ' _ s- = - _ - : : _
1\Iarh lRt to April 30th , $20.00 I
to Salt Lal\C" Butte , Helena. I
$22.50. Spokane ( hstnct ; $25.00. . .
California , Portland , Seattle ,
'racoma , 'Washington. Daily. '
through tourist slcepers to
California via Dcnvcr , Scenic
Colorado and Salt Lak City ;
also to t\'IontanatJl ' Washington
and Pugct Sound country.
' 1'0 Colorado , California and all
Southerd resorts.
l"rcc. ! valuable informatiotl
furnished to seel < crs of Govern-
mcn t and dcedcd la nds along
the Burlington lines. Let uS
bell' you locate your home in
this fast growing and rcliablc
zonc of prosperity.Vritc
Landseekcr's Intormation
Burcau , 1004 li'arnam St"
l On lha , Neb.
' , FQr ratcs , foldcrs , information ,
, etc. , apply to ,
l H. L. ORMSJlY , 'l'icl\ct : Agent.
, L , \V'AKRLHV , G. P. A.
1 _ : : : braSka ,
- - - - . - - - - - -
Consult him If you want Water.
Phonc 112 , - Brokcn Bow.
DR. C. B. JOB ,
Physician and Surgeol
Office anl1 residence one hlock south (
Ryerson George' store.
A. ARMOUh : ,
J.A. ,
Attorney at L.a\v.
Broken Bow. Nebr.
I IIa villI : ju"t had elKht yearfl practical expl
lellce afl Dount ) ' JII < 1le. wlllllve flllecial aUI
tlOII to the drawlllK alld I'rouathlll' of wills at :
the admllllfilratiou of efltates of deceased I'C
sons aud mluorfl. Wrlle or 1 > 1101le me. I nt1
eave you 11 triP.
Eye , Ear , N ese , 'l'I lI'oa
and Chronic Diseases
Fitting of G-lasses.
Office in Hcalty block.
. . . . . .Delller 1n. . . '
Pump. . Wind. J\tI1l , Tnnk . rlttlngft . , 01\801\1 \
Englnell , eta , etc. '
rokon now. Nohrll/lk"
Practice III Slale allil 'I'ederat COllrls. A
stract of titles examilled. Heal Estale al
Mllulclpal Law it Hlleclally. Dealer III He
I state. Strict atlell tlo II 11'1 \ ' CII to all uUllllle
Ofilcu III I\te'er lIIock. I'houe SU , Brokell lit
: : : : . : r..r..r..r..rJJf.
. W. HAVES ,
i eweler and Optician
West Side Squore ,
Broken Bow ,
- I
Legal Notices.
. . .
- - - -
W\NT D ,
IIll1s for oxcavalhll : far the purposu uf bulldllllt
the lIew brhllle9 011 41h allll Slit : welllles alld J
relllovltllt lite llleel tuhl' aUll tIIellllt. allli re-
1'lacll1K lhe diU ,
rhl ! lIIatllr ) of the oxca'atltu.f dirt for the '
l're.tlOI1 : of Ihe hrldll'es 011 41h al1l1 lillt ttVCIIUCII. '
and rcplllclull' the 'IlIlIe after lh , ' hrllllleoJ are
1'11111111'11',1 , aillo the rcmo\"al of lite lllell1l1'l1 ' 011
' .h ,1",1 r'llt aVCIIII1'9 , 1111,1 , tltl' Plltltlill 1/1 01 tllIJ ,
"II'I ! tllll ( ' I1UIII"C" fur urlrlc . .111 the Jlace I
whl'lo the till'llIlI's arc. II1clu"llIlI' the IICCe9ary ,
1'11"\\\11011 : of "Irt allli replt ; lnlt of the ! lame. I
will he andlll1w III OpCII to uilis tn the lowcllt
fl's ) > onllulc hhhler , ttJ be &lIhlllllicll tu the clt ) ,
coullI'll. nil hll ! ! to ue ollelle.1 Wednc."a } ' .
I.'ehman' : l1 , 17 , at II o'clo.l : ( II. In. ty tlte city
Pur , h'.crhlllall \\'urktu he dOill' , } ou will
, : ol1h'r wltlt lhl ! Mayor , or City Clel " . allli tlte ,
IItrl'l't all,1 hrllIe CU1I1I1I11'ee of lhe city of llro. )
hell IIIIW. .
II } ' mhr ! IIf I hI' J\la'or all,1 , Clt } ' CUIIIICIl , I I
I..II1I..lry . 131h. I'lt 7 , : :0-39 : . .
. . . . . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
( 'oullty Culllty. Cllster COI1I1t } ' . NehraRlm.
'l'ho cn'.IItIlM ul the e'llatlJ ul Illaac Wal.
111111(1011 , J > . 'ceaHed , .
'rake lIullcI' , ' ( 'hat I \\111 ' sll at the. cOUl11y
cOllrl WIIIII. 111 JlrnkclI IIl1w. III a"l COIIIlly , CII ,
lhe Ihlll cia ) ' IIf March IIJ07 111111 elll till ! 1Jlh da ) '
uf AlIlllht , IIN7. eachlt 10 u'clllcl ( a. III. . uf each
day. lu recc\'o : md exalllille all claim" " , :1IahIRI
Ralcl I' tate , with \'Icw In lhelr adu tlllcnt anll
allowauce : atlllihal UII tllll tlrRI dal" : n'\ ' " the
\lclItlu" . of whlow will he heanl lor hUlllcMlcall.
t'xpmpUonR , lh'\\'qilce \ :11111 ( Jthpr SlaluloirY I
rhlhl. . . . f I
'J he IIIIII 1111I111'11 for Ihl' JlII , tltlall)1I qf
CI : ( IlIM : lUalll 1 l:1hl : u"lalu I . .Ix 1Ilnllthil frum !
lho ! < lh day uf 1'\\hrllary ' IllIi , all,1 Ihe tlllle
.111111 . < ' 11 fur tHl'mcnl 'of dehl" III Ullu year Irom
lal,1 clalt. . .
Dated I" hruar } ' 8tll I110i. , ' '
36-3' ) . \ . R. l1U II'IIWCoullty : JlldKe. -J- ' . =
. . . _ _ . , _ .
- - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - -
NO'L'ICI 'L'O ctu D1'J'OR . >
CIIIIUt } . Couul. CUSICI' ConnlY. NeuraRka. .
The crelillort ! of lhl ! e"lale of Allen Kelloll'l : .
DcceaRcd : _
'l'al < o 1I0Uce. ' 1'lIat I will lilt at tlH coullty
conrt mum , In llrokell 1I0w , In salll , COUII1) " , 011
Ihe tS11l Ila ) ' of March , I 07.1111 011 lire 151h day
uf A UlnRt , 1907,0 Ich at 10 o'clnct. a. 111. . of each
da ) ' , to reeeivo and examillc al ! clalll1'1 alfallllll
lIal < l eSlate. with a "Iew to their : u1jllsllllelll
alld allowallcl ! : allll that 011' tile tlr..t datu auo\"o
the petilioll' ; of whlnw will uo heanl for hlll1le.
IItead , ( 'XI'III\llloIIH , allowance and olher
Stalutory rlhts , I
'l'lto tlllle IIl11lted for \lreRelltation of
clahnH altahlRt said eslate It ; "Ix months frolll
tltell : day 01 ( , 'euruary tl)07 , allli the tlllle
1I11111ed for pa'ntenl of deuts (1'1 ( ' olle ) 'ear from
salll dale.
Dalell.'euruary. 131h t 07.
3.39 ( A. R , IIUMl'tJIU > \ " . Couut ) . Judge.
RaYlllolld A , Walker-Walker ; , h\I'I \ ' wife. I"
alld- Walker his preseul wife , tlrst oallles ,
unknuwn : Georltc Sharr , allll-Sharr his
wife , flrsl name 1I1I1(110WII ; James A. Scott :
Charles 1Rlludes atlltHho.le'l hili wife ,
IirRt lIame lIukllown : Berloll C. l'resso'lI : alii.
S. G. Dilley , fil'st full :1 a 1110 IIl1lcn wII , de-
fcndallis. will talm notice that ollihe 12th cia ) " of
I eurllar ' 1907.Ner Hartley , plaintiff , ht rein.
lIIell hlRPetltlmlllllhe Dlslrlct Court of Cllster
Coul1ty. Nebraska. alaillst RaId delclldanlR allli
each of them , the object and pra\'cr of which
are. to IlruCllre a decr e of "aliI court that
Raid defeullant RaynllJlIII A. Waller , allll wife
execllied alld dell\'ercil to Genre Sharr. or
othel' Itra II lOr. In 1.lallltlffR challl of title , a
Itood allll suniclc.'t deed for the S nlhcaRt
IInarter of Blocl < ' 1"11 III larclIs He'lIers
adlllloll10tlJe city of IIroken Bow. Nl1brasla :
Thai tlte lIIorlltaKe.of defendallt Presson allLl
wife tlI defelldant Geore Sh arr Is allLl waR
fralllllllent. void. outlawed. a 1111 flallslied :
'l'hat the deed uy defendant Scolt 10 defendallt
Cl1arleM B. Rlullles 10 ; and wat ; fralldulelll"old ,
never dellvere,1 alld wltholll conslderatloll ;
'l'hat the mort'allo ! to the defelldallt Scott U ) " "
the Ill-fundallt S. G. Dudl ( ' ) ' alld wile , 10 ; allLl - '
wa frauduleut. void , ontlawed alld feilled : -
'l'hal the Iailltiff alld hlH KralllorM have had
the qulel\Jeaceaule. allLI ad"erse lIosebslon for
lIIore thau lho lell 'ear ! ! laRt past , of fa'il .
IIrel1llRes'lIhout clallll 01 rl'hl ! or tltlo hy , .
anv lither person : . \1111 that : lilY : llId all
claims IIf "aid l1 felldal1ts and all I lh \1Ir"OI1'
I 10 all ) ' IlIlueRI Inmortlta ! ! , , : . or deulR or tltlt !
I 10 IIr rlll'lIt of Io e 1 < 1011 , tll Rlitl prel1llfeS
I Ilvcrbl : lU I1lalull11' ale 111111 :11111'uld alld a.
cloud IIn the 1I11e of plaintiff. alHllliallhc . .allle
I he cancclh'll allil dlbcha , " , il HIli I Ihu lltlt ! 10
barll\H"IIII cS illJ fOrev'r , , , , . . lhls plalu- .
Ilf , . a",1 " ' 1' uelleral r.II.I. ) Salol .ldcIIIIulI' !
I arc n'qu 10"to anR\\'r bal , ! p < , \.llulI . on ur
"clure Ihe : : : tI : ,11 } of lal ch I' ) i. Or Ihe .anIC
\ \ 11he \ lallell as Irue . a IlL I rdh f IIranUd ! Is
11 aY"11.
Ud"llilallll < \ \ III further la I' IHlIIe , ' lhat th' )
I1lalnllff will tale Ihe .it'poltlun ; IIf JIIIUI C.
: ' ( aullcl < at lho Ilo' lllllicc at S lIcca , lausa
helure pruJH'r aUlhol It ) " , 1. , h ! I"col In the
. abu'cOllrl III 01 hI casc. ,111 lI.e Wlh day of
Api'll 1'107 at W u'clucl < a. 111. . ;
lIale < 1 I'cbruary 1lh. : : 1'lIi. ,
Nl > l ( U'\HTII\\.l'lalullfT.
. 36-39 By J. A. AI < MOIJt < . His Atlonll ! ) ' .
Whereas. on tho'ilh .Ia ) ' of la ) ' , l'IO ( ) , a judl-
lllelll allLI decree wall reuder'd III thc DIRtrlct
CUlut of Cusler coullty. Neuraska , In an action
therein peudlnK wherelll ( ; eorlte Pletcher Dodd
et al. arc plallltlfTs all,1 Juhu T. . Dedd , et aI ,
are defellllauts , dccreclnll' and adjudKlll1t that
\lartltlon he made of the cast half IIf Ihe south-
caRt quarler of I < ecllon seven , alld the wcst half
of the I' ' > ollthweHt Ilnarier 01 flection eilrht. all In
1ol\\'IIRhip el hleell , north of range uilleleen ,
. west of 61h P. J\t. III CIISler count } ' . NeuraHka.
allll J. A. Arl1lonr was appolllied referee to
lIIake RalLl partltlou. aud whereas the said
referee did 011 the tlth da ) " of 1\Ia ) ' l00h , rellort' '
tlI lIald court that partition 01 said lands could ,
lIot be lIIade'Ithout ' Itreal I'rejudlce to the .
1 oWllers of s ldlal1ds. aud that IIpon Fahl report
uehllt made the fame was cOlll rmed b ) ' Ralll .
court al\l all order was made by the lloll.
) IIrllllo O. Hostetler , jl\lKe ( of said Court. direct- '
IIIII' that hallt referce bell ! laid real estale for
_ caflh IlIlhe lIIalluer IJrovllle,1 b ) " law :
Now 'l'hercfore. I , J. A. Armour. the duly ap.
pointed. ' 1ualll ed alld actilllT , cferee , do hereb ) '
Klve uotlce that ( will. 011 the : :51h : da ) ' of
( . 'euruary. 1')07 , at 2 o'dock p. m. at lhe east ,
frollt door of tile Court heuse , III the city of j
l1roken Bow , III ClIster coullt ) " . Neuraska , Fell
10 lhe hllthest hILlller for cash , the followhlK
debcrlbt'd lalld , tu-wlt : 'rhe east ha1f of the "
southeaHt quarler of Hectlon se\"el1 , alI < I the
west half of the southwest IllIarler of sectloll )
CIKht. III towushlp elKhl ell , rallile nlueleell , In. '
CUMler county. Neura"ka. t ,
Said real estatu will ue Hold Hllbjecl all : ,
prior 1I0IIH thereoll. I'
Dated this : :3rd : da ) " of Jalluar ) " . lr07. "
! .37 J. A. AI < : IIOUI < , Hcfercl' .
NO'l'ICJ 01l'I 'I'I'l'ION.
l'I . , J
g"tate of 'l'hol1las J. Melvin. .leceaselt , In .
COllnl , . COllrt of Cllfller couut ) . . Nebrl l'a : M1
'l'he Slate of Nehraska. ' 1'0 all perhOI1S
fllterestcil III said estate take 1I0tlce. that a
pelltl il has been flied pra'hll : that relrlllar !
allIIllIlstratlon of said estate bo dlspcllsed with ;
for a decree of heirship al\l for sllch other
orders aud proceedlnK ! ! : iR may bu proper .n . 1
lhe Ilrel1llfes or rellulred b ) ' law therelll , which
haH ueeu tolJt for hearlllK hereoll 011 Ihe 15th da ) " t
- of March. 1')07. at to o'clocl ( a. III. : that the '
pelltlollers 011 March 11th , 1907. between the : t'
hOllrs of 9 o'clock a : m. alll16 o'clocl < I" m. of
lhe same da ) ' . at the ufiice of MlIlIIn & Melvlll , . . . . . ;
No.3. Bero' & Mrlvlll block at BraMonl. Mc-
Kean cOllllt ) " , l'enll ylval1la , will take the del"
. oRltloll of .Johnl' . . Melvlll to ue used U ) ' them I
II. at saht hearhllr In the cOllut ) ' court of said \ )
cOllllt ) ' .
Hated I.'ebrllary 71h. 1'J07.A.
A. R. I11JMI'IIRlt\ " ,
3 .3I [ snALI County J udKe.
- - - - - - -
Offic- ,
Ullitell Slatl's Lamt ' .
1.llIcolll , Neuraska , JaIlUarZS : , t007. f t t\
Not ce III hereu ) ' Kivell that the fOllowlull'
lIamed Hettler has lIIed 1I0tlce of hit ! Inlelltloll
l : to make flllall'roof lu RUPI'Ort of his clall1l , alld .
II that "ale : I'roof will uu ma.le uefore A. R ,
:11 Hllmphrey. coullty judl'o , at llro ell 1I0w. ,
HS Nuuraska , Oil ; \Iarch .6 , 1'107 , vl : JOlIN F.
IW LIN , II. I . No. tiH9. for the n\\ ' of the lIe t
: : " " "ccllon : H , towllllhlp.I . : lIotth ranKoO : " 'COlt 6th '
. . } ' . M. lie lIames the followhllr wltllessefl to
9. prove hili cJutilluoU8 resldunce 1111011 alld cultl.
. vatlou of said laud , , .I : Charley II. SlIIlth ,
R Wllllalll'1.\ . LilleIucrt LaHae , Martin ' 1\
, ' Warrell , all of Edd'lIIo , Nebra"ka.
8 " Jot' - : > ' } CUMI. P. SURDD , H 'lllsler. "
X ' 1'0 whol1l It ma ) ' COllcern I
l' 'rhe Coml1llssloner alll'oilltell to'Iew alld re-
O Ilort IIpOIl the eXl'elIellc ) " of eslaullshlul : ' It
: .l road. pelltlolled for U ) ' A. A. JellllhlaM et ai ,
N coml1lenchllr at 10lle.halfjJ ( \ scctlon I1l1e In
toeclloll 34. 10Wllhhip 13 , rallCo 21 and extend
( i eas 46 rOils. lIIore or leRs on the Cc..llllty IIl1e ,
o ut.tweell CUllter cOIIII y alllllla\\"oll cOllllly , to
II COlIlIl'Ct with a lalcl nut roall 011 lIecllolI 11 lie be.
" tweeu. "cclloll three (3) ( :11111 fOllr (4) ( ) to\\'lIshlp
X 12. rallire 1 of Dawsoll coullty. hali ruporle,1 hI
favor of lhl > cstabllshmellt thereof , all,1 all
II OUjcCtiollB therolo , nr claims lor damalCes , lIIust !
be fIIe,111I till ! coulIly clerk'lI office 011 or buforo ' .
S 110011 of the lrith da } ' of AIJrll. If)07. nr slIch road
. . will bo ehlaulillhell without referellc. . , the lO. ,
III WUIICIIS Whereof. I h'e hereullto Bel my
J. halld . ' alll18eal of lIald cOllnty. this 7th day of ' \ . . .
. "
I.'ouruary,1907. JOII. PIGMAN.
a5.3I ( ilK ALl Couuty Clerk , !
, ' . ,
. '
. .
. i
. ,