Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 21, 1907, Image 2

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, Telephonea and Competition.
TCrf : community which hils n t01e-
phone flervJco 10 likely to bo con. ,
tcd by tbe question ot grantlnc n ,
Itr ncblso to a rival com pan ) ' . Each
IcnsC\ must bo decided by the govcrn.
! nc circumstances , but every case will
I how the ] > ooullarlty ot U10 telephone
oS\roblom. 'fho telephone Is n naturnl
monopoly , tor It Is to the ndvantnro
pt every subscriber tbat all users of
oJ phones should be on the same sys.
'om ' with him. Moro than ono Byst-cm
100I1S that a Bubscrlber must hll.vo
; nOrQ than ono Instrument , or bo out
IIf communication with llIlrt at tbo
orld of telephone-users. It Is dlffi.
: ult , bwover , to adjust human nntmo
/0 / Ideal mechnnlcal conditions. Eotab.
1Ished compnnles , without rh'als , Illck
'ho motlvo at competition to keep
'ntcB down Ilnd servlco good. There.
t6ro some communities hll.vo welcomed
now companies which promised better
nd < ! heaper service. Dual Bystems ,
'Uke labor strlkeo , nre on their fnco
. economic los8es , yet It may bo worUI
whllo to endure the tompornry dls.
comrort and loss In order to secure
better conditions ultimately. 'fho
butcher may bo on ono system nnd
the bilker on another , yet low rates
'mny bring two Instruments within the
provlous cost at one , and may so In.
crease the number ot subocrlbers
w1thln cn ] ] ns to ntono for the Incon.
venlenco. It finally ono company nb.
sorbs the other , tIe community may
have become so W U ostabUshod In
low rates that the surviving company
dare not ralso thorn. On tbo other
' 1I1nd says the Youth's ComlJanlon , the
cIYect of competing companlcs Is
sometlmcs merey ] to dlvldo the tele-
phone.users of n community without
adding many to the total number , and
If the compnnles then make nn agrc'o-
ment to keep rates up , the community
10 worse oIY than beforo. In the
strntoglcal game which n community
pays ] with pubUc servlco compnnles ,
ft fa difficult to determlno In the case
of the tOlephono sorvlce bow far the
nctual or thrcatene l estabUshment of
n rlvnl company stlmu nt s mech lnl.
cal Improvement nnd heclto the na.
'tural ' tendency of n monopoly to extor-
tion. No community can Bettlo the
I , question without careful study.
I Mr. Bryce Incog.
, The Inst tlm Mr. Dryce visited this
country was two yenrs al.O last sum-
Imor , when 110 landed In Doston. Ho
, lis a very modest gentleman , and ho
! prefers to travcl Inc g. when ho can
conveniently do so. So It happencd
! that on his last voyage hlthor neither
nnmo nor that of Mrs. Dryce , who
came with him , appeared on the pns.
senger list , and his feow ] ] voyagers
Idld not suspect his Identity until acter
Iseveral days out. Mennwhllo Mr.
IDryco h d the pleasure of asking his
ILnblo companions aU about this coun.
. tr ) ' and Its Institutions. And they
glibly answered hIs nalvo , Questions ,
never suspecting that they were talk.
fng with the nuUwr of "Tho American
Commonwealth. " Fancy theIr chagrIn
later on , remarks tbe Boston Herald ,
iWhen they discovered by nccldent that
they hlld been undertaking to on.
, lighten an inlluloltlvo foreigner who
know far moro about tholr Institutions
thlUl they did !
I The Inhabltanto of an IndustrIal' '
town seeking to abandon It in II. botly
-n atrnngo event for modern tlmes-
Is now to 1" , witnessed In Spnln. The
town Is that of Bojar , near Saaman. ]
Cll , whoso lJeopo ] nro uolng their ut.
most endeavors to have themselves
dlntrlbuted-men , women and chll.
Uren-among the SOUU1 American re.
publics. Dojar wns on co a nourishing
lown , with a reputation for Its cloth
fabrics. FIC13' ) 'ears ago the popula.
tlon numbered 22,000 people , but tllO I
lnco has graduaUy declined , nnd to ,
day contains no more than DOOO nous ,
.who seek'to flee from It ns fast as
they can.
I Count Prosper d'Eplnny , who haf
"eon decorated In Paris by the Drltlsl1
ambassador with the Vlctorllm Ortler
\s In the odd position of being
Prltlsh subject and a Frenchmnn al
Lho same tlmo. lie wao born In thE
Jsland of Mauritius 06 years ago. ThE
Island , at course , IB Inhabited by [
French'Bpenldng population and onci
formed part of the territories 0 :
frl\nce. Doth the count's parents be
Jng French , the count Is regarded It
; Frnnce as n Frenchman , but , beln !
born under the Drltlsh fiag , he IB JUBI
u surely a Drltlsh subject.
\ Having retused to remain nwa ,
from the mission 11eld for the fu ] ]
term of hI's turlough , Rev. Dr. Andre"
Watson , who has been engnsed It
mission work 45 years , has sailed fOI
Egypt. Dr. Watson IB the father a
ov. Dr. Charles R. Watson , secre
tary of the board at foreign , mission :
'of the United Presbyterian church
The father haB spent tile greater par
pf his lito In the Egyptian fied ] , nnd
fS Dr. Charles Watson Is the exect ]
: Uve of this department , the fatha
1a employed by t1e son.
. .
! . . . . . . ; . . : , ; , . . " . . ' " " , ' , . , - . , .
. , . . 'I
. f' " . , . .
' "
t.U..t.t.t.U.U.Ut.tU..U..f..t.t.t.u. ' u..u..u.u..u..u.ut.U.t.t. . . . . . .t..f
from tile State and Otllcrwise
. _ Uossip _ . _ Capital . _ , Legislative _ . _ _ .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
" l""irl".ir..I" " . . " " ' " 6" j
The nnll.freo pn8S bill ngreed upon
by the sub-commltteo comprising
Senators Oould or Oreoey ] nnd Olb.
son of Douglas nnd Ropreser t. .t1vo
Marsh or Sewnrd nnd Representatlvo
Knowes ] of Dodge , follows closely the
nlltlonal act on the Barno subject nnd
the bill Introduced In the Bennto IJy
KIng ot 1Jolk. It goeB n. 1Itt10 furtl1Cr
nnd provides thnt attorneys cmpo'ed ]
by railroads sball not be entitled to
, paooes unless they nro actually em-
IJloyed nnd recelvo n snlary of $500
.a ) 'ear. ' 1'ho sub-commltteo has
agreed upon the following bill to roe
Jort to the joInt committee :
Section 1. No rnllroad corporntlon
owning or operating nny IIno or
lines or rallrond In the Btate of Ne.
brnslca or nny officer or agent of nny
such railroad conJUration shnll tsnuo
or give any free tlclet , free paas 01'
: Cree trnnsportatlon ror nsBengers
excelJt to Its bona fide emplo'es and
thalr families , Its omcers , Burgeons ,
who are annunlly emplo'cd , attorneys
who are actually emplo'ed nnd re.
celvlng Il salary of not Jess than $500
per year , ministers of reHglon , traveling -
eling secretarle of , Young Men's
Christian associations , Inmates at
bOllpltas ] , and charltnbe ] and eemos ] ) ' ,
nary Instltutlous and persons exclu-
slvey ] e:1gnged In charitable and ee.
mosynar ) ' work ; to Indigent , destitute
nnd homeless persons and to such'
persons when transported by charitable -
blo societies or hospitals and the
necessary ngents emplo'ed In such
transportntlon ; to Inmates ot national -
tional homes or state homos for dls.
nbe(1 ] volunteer soldiers nml of sol-
diers' nnd sailors' homeB , Including
those alJout to ener nnd tbose returning -
turning from such Institutions ; to
necessary cnre tatterB or live otocl. ,
pouJtI' ) " , and fruit ; to emlJloyes on I
seeplng ] cars , express nnd baggage I
cars , nnd to Hnemen of telelP'aph nnd !
teephone ] companies ; to railway mall
omplo'es , to new8bo's on trains ,
bllggnge ngenls , persons Injured in
wrecl ( , nnd ph-slclans and nurses nt.
tending Buch IJer onB. .
Provldel , further , that the provisIons -
Ions of this nct shall not bo construed -
strued to prohibit the Interchange of
passes for the officerB and bona fide
omployes nn their famlUes of other
raIJroad comlJ nles nor to prohibit
nny railroad corporation from carryIng -
Ing passengers free with the object
of providing relief In cases or gen.
eral opldemlc , pestllenco or caaml. ]
tous vIsitation.
Sec. 2. Any rnlrond ] corporation
vloatlng ] any of the provisions of this
nct shall be guilt ) ' of a misdemeanor
and for each offense or com'lctlon
thereof shaH pay a flne ot 110t leBB
.than $100 and 110t morC' than $1 , OO.
Senator lloldbrook will thlB weel.
introduce a bill Into the B01111to to establish -
tablish a state tire commission , slm-
IInr In function to tile fire marshalB of
some ot the eastern stntes. It Is Bald
to b.o backed by a number of fire Insurance -
suranco companies. The bill mnke9
the governor fire commissioner and'
OUOWB him a chief deput ) ' and two as-
IIlstnnt deputies. 'fho chief must reside -
side . . , In . Llncon . . . ] . and Is , to receive a
salary or $2,000 a year. The aBslst-
ants are to receive salaries of $1,6001' '
" -
In accordance W1U1 the recommendll-
tkJDS or the statu bar associlltlon , Rep-
resenta.tlvo 'fucl\Cr Gubmltted a. joint
resolution for an amendment to the I
constitution to reorganize the state II I I
aSlJromo court. ' 1'he bill provides for i
a supreme court of seven memberB ,
one of whom Is to be. a chief justice.
Instead of the senior member of the
court sorvlng' as chief justlco ho Is to
be oecteel ] for the full ter of twelve
YOl1rs. Each or the judres IB to servo
the same length of time.
A reciprocal demurra.go In the opinIon -
Ion ot Senator Holbrook of DOdge
. county would do away with the prcs.
'enh objections to demmmgo cl1 rtes
a.gnlnst shippers , nnd In accordance
; wIth his opinion he has Introduced nj
but npplylng the reciprocity theory to
the unlondlng of freight carB. 'rho bill
allows a shipper forty.elght hours 1t1J
'Wblch to unload each car consigned to
him and provIdes thnt It the unlollng !
Js accoml > lIshed In lese tlmo the
unused tlmo shall be credited to him
to otrset delinquency In future unload.
, Ings. '
The stnte board ot educatlonnl
lands and funds has aulhorlzed the
purchase of another bloclc of $10,000
of bonds of the state of MIBslBslppl
to net the state of Nebrnslm 3.75 per
cent Interest.
I 'fho house finance commltteo hali
. agreed to recommen(1 an aIJII1'Olll'll'
tlon of $75,000 for the state IJoanl of
agriculture , If the mone ) ' IB to be ( ' > , .
pended at the discretion of the
, boartl.
I 'rhero Is ( lISIJUsltlon to ha\'o made
r ready the appropriation bill , so It can
I IJo dlscusscd Intelligently nnd not bo
r rushed throu h at. the last minute
1 when aH IB exclte'ment , limB nJlowlng
i' boards , 8uperintendentB ot IUBttu' !
r. llano and others to dmg mono ) ' out
I ot the state h'easUl'y wltb impunity.
l Indications are that ovcl'y request
w1ll be Inyostlgntel thorough I ) ' , and
r , tr the mone ) ' 10 actunJly Deeded It
'probab ] ) ' will be npproprlated , but It
t not the ! eglstntorB doubtless w1l1 UBO
the pruning Imlto frecly and effoctu.
r. . . . . . . . . . . .e. . .T .
The joint cQmmltteo on rnllron.d8 ,
had a busy tlmo with their work.
'I'bo commltteo met sooner than was
expectud nnd Bucceeded In ngroo ,
Ing on a two-cent faro bUl to bo In.
troduced In the hou6e by Harrison of
otoo , and mndo some changes In the
railway commission bl ) ] nnd heard the
argument of rnllroad nttornoys nnd.
manngers ngalnBt a recllJrocal demur.
rage bl ) ] .
The two-cent fore bl ) ] wI ) ] merely
chnngo the word "throo" In the pres'
ent stntuto to "two" cents and pr' ) .
vldo that ha.faro ] tickets shall be
glvon to children under 12 yenm of
age , the latter being a rule now In
force on most or the railroads in Ne.
braska. The bl ) ] will bo Intr duced
as a committee bill by Harrison 0 : :
otoe , chaIrman of the house railroad :
commltte .
Wben It came to the commIU-ao ;
bl ) ] conferring power upon the rall.1
wny commlsBlon , the joint commJ eel
succeeded In going through ON"
nbout six sections of the proposedl
bill. Th9 Aldrich bl ) ] has been tole !
lowed In many particulars. The , jOint !
commltteo decided to give the com.I I
mission a lump sum of $6,000 n year' '
for cerlc ] hire Instead of giving , $2,5001
for one secretary and $1,200 each for :
two clerts. ] It wns also decided that'
Instead of compelling the commlslon !
to Inspect all railway brld es In the
state twlco each year , this duty Is
made mer ] y optional.
The foowlng ) ] provision Is from
Rcpresentntlvo Cone's bill affecting
weights : "It shnll bo unlawful for any
person , firm 01' corporation owning ,
within the atato goods or merchandlso
In original unbroken pncJtages' 10-
cnted within this state , to ofter for
sno nny such 'orlglna ] unbroken pnck-
ago' unleBs such paClmge shall have
plainly printed or stamped thereon In
the English ] angu .go the tull net or volume contained thoreln.
Provided that. the natural shrlnkago In
the course of handling such goods to
the a.mount of 5 per cent o'l the net
weight or volume thereon shall bo ex.
empt from the provisions 0 : this act. "
The calms ] commltteo or the hous
met at the Lindell hotel. maims and
d flclencles have been filed that at
pc'sent do not nggregate aJ3 much a.g
utunJ. Of the claims so far handed to
th committee there Is the one by Engineer -
gineer U. G. Sawyer for $750 for In.
juries received whIJe a public employo ,
the old claim of Mrs. Mary M. HOX1P ,
ful' $2,333.33 for salary as matron of
the l\earney : InduBtrlal school ; by .T.
H. MlcJoy tor $191.83 for railroad faro
pnld while goyernor ; for $1,750 by thl\
eBtnte or John F. Cornell for oxpon o
incurred when his office wns Investigated -
gated 'While he waB state auditor ,
Members at the ] eglslaUye committee -
tee " ' 11lch Inspected the Soldle.s'
homo at Grand IBland entertain dlt.
ferences of opinion regarding the ap.
proprlatlon whl h this InstitutlrD I
should have , . The commandant ha : % I
Tooommendod that $76,000 bo app\'o- :
prlated for permanent Improvements , I
and some members of tbe committe\ I
bellovo such a largo sum Is unnecessary -
sary , Inasmuch as the mnxlmum of
the number of' old soldiers who will
become members of the homG l
An a compromise betwccn confllc
ing Interests on the compulsory education -
cation bl ) ] .whlch ho Introduced Into
the senate early In the s05slon SenJ
ator Thomns has a new measure which
he tDlL ) " otter as a subBtttute tor B. F.
50. The now measure Is not radically
different from the old one , but It i1 !
not quite { ) rigorous. It provides that
every chIJd b tween 7 nnd 15 shall bo
required to go fa school not less than
two-tltlrds of the entire school year In
hlB district or In any case not less : .
than twelve weeks during the year.
The hOllso Indefinitely postponed the
bill b ) ' Raper which abollBhed the pres-
cnt optional denth lJOnalty. The bill
wns recommended for IIassage on the
provlous day without discuBs10n and
some at the memberB said they were
not aware of the scope ot the bl ) ] at :
the time. Carlin of Roc ] . moved to reconsider -
consider nnd nfter a long debate the
bill was l'l1Ied. 'rho house knted the
bill by E. W. Drown of Lnncaster pro-
vdlng ! that jUdges of the supreme , dls"
triet Ilnd county courts nro inellgllJle
to eloctlon to office save jU.1lclal posl.
Before a lJacted ] ganery and a crowd.
Cd lob b ) ' the sonnte ] ald the cOlJnty op-
tlen bill to rest by the decisive vote or
twenty to eevcw. ; .
Thougi ! not much hnB yet been
done In the leglsature ] , the majority
sa ) ' an partIJlellges will bo fulfilled
before the close at the session.
' 1'ho house got bllsy on the [ jth and'
passed eighteen bills. MOBt of thew ,
however , wCI'e of local Interest.
The house passeI Mr. Cone's bill
providing that rallroadB shall not em.
pIa ) ' bors under 21 ) 'ears of nge as
night teeEraJh ] ] operators or tower.
men. Author of the measure declared
that ho believed many wrecks nro
causad IJecauso ) 'oung and Incx.
IJerlenceli men hellJ In handling train. .
A bill to bo forthcmllr. - & will reflo !
l > resent methods at the South Om.t1ha
Qtock ) 'ards. l 'lIslon members are behind -
hind the mensure , rortlfled by stock
rnloers of the western section of Ulg
tll to ,
Saved by a 80ng ,
A boy was amusing hlmsett by
watching the birds thnt were flying
around him. At length a beauutul
bobolfnk 1orohed ! on A. rough bough ot
aa apple tree nenr br.
The boy picked up n atooo , and got
ready to throw It at the bird. The
bird's t.hroat swelled , nnd forth cnmo
the Bon , ; : "A.lfnk , a.llnk , n.lInk , bobo-
Unlr , bobolfnk , n-no-sweet , n-n sweet ,
I know It , I know It , n.Unk , a.lInk :
don't throw' It , throw , It , throW , It. "
And the boy did not throw the
Btono , but dropped It on the 1I'0und.
"Why didn't you stone him , my
boy ? You might haTe kHled him nnd
carried him homo. "
The lIttle fen ow looked UlJ and 1'0-
rUed , "Coudn't ] 'coa he snug & 0.- "
A Big Dargaln for 12 Cente Postpaid ,
The year of 1000 was one of prodigal
Plenty on qur Beed farms. Never before
tl d vegetable and farm seeds return such
c ormOU8 _ ) 'itlds.
Now we wish to gain 200,000 new CU ! ! .
tomen this and hence offer [ or 120
1 pki. Garden City Beet. . . . . . . . , . . . . . lOe
1 " Earliest Ripe Cabbage. . . . . . . . . . lOe
1 " Earliest Emerald Cucumber. . . . Hie
1 " La CraBBe Market Lettuce. . . . , 15c
1 " 13 Day Radish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c
1 /I Dlue lood Tomato. . . . . . . . . . . , 150
1 " Juicv 'rurnip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
1000 kern l. gloriously beautiful flow.
er Beede . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00
All for 120 postpaid in order to intro.
duce cur warranted sced ! ! , and if ) 'ou
will send 10e we will add one packnge of
Derliner Earliest Cauliflower , togethcr
with cur mammoth plant , nurscry IItock ,
ve tAbo ] and farm seed and tool catnog. ]
This catalog is mailed free to all n'
tondlnl ( purchasers. Write to-day.
John A. Salzer Seed Co. , Box W , La
Crcsse. Wis.
Used Him as Eraser.
The late Dr. Henry Mart'n Fteld
Bomo years 11.10 related nt a WUllam
nlumni dinner a rather amusing Incl.
dent or hiB freshman days at college.
Dolns only 12 yo arB old when ho
entered ho had not reached the point
where the natural friction between the
big boy and the small boy ceases and
he WM nt pa.rtleular feud with ono at
his fellows , a stalwart country youth
fresh from the farm. One day young
Field wont early to the classroom nnd
put upon the big blockboard aver ) '
exasperating cnrlcatme of his en.
emy , with his nnmo beneath. When
the nggrloved party snw what had
been done he said not a word , but
catchln" up his youthful tormentor , he
used him ns an eraser IUld nfter rub.
bin , ; out the offenslvo picture Quietly
took hlB scat.
Of Interest to Wemen.
Every woman naturally shouJd be
healthy nnd strong , but n great many
women , unfortunately , nre not , owing
W the unnatural condition of the lives
we load. Headache. backa ho and n
general tired condition are prevnlent
amongst the women of to-day , and to
rellovo these conditions women"rush
to the druggists for a bottle of some
preparation sUlJPosed to 'be particular.
ly tor them , and containing-nobody
knowB what. If they would just get
8 box at Brnndreth's PUls , and take
them regularly every night for a time ,
all their trouble would dlsnppear , as
these pms regulate the organs of the
feminine system. The same dose nl.
ways has the same eIYect , no matter
how long they are used.
Brandreth's pms have been In use
tor ever n century , and are for sno
everywhere , paln ] or sugar.coated.
Henry Clay and Low Wallaco.
"Mr : Cldy was of a personality once
loon never to be fOFlotten. Tall ,
Blender , gracetu ] , he had besides the
air majestic which kings affect , 1m.
aglnlng It e'Cuslvo ] property.
"Throughout Mr. Clay's performance
my eyes scarcely lett his countenance ,
which , as ho proceeded , oank trom
slaht unt1l , by the fam\l1a \ ) ' .optlca ]
Ul sioDS , nothing of It remained but
the mouth , nnd that kept enlarging
and widening lntll ! 'It Dee cd nn elastic -
tic link holding the cars togothor.
Indeed , at thlB Jato writing , my 'oqe
distinct recollection of the man and
his , speech is the mouth and Its capa '
It.y tor infinite dlstenslon.-Autobtog.
raphy of Lew Wnllace.
Sheer white goods , In fact , any fine
wash goodB when new , owe much of
tholr attractiveness to the way they
are laundered , this being d ne In a
manner to enhance their textile beau.
ty. Home lllundering would be equally -
ly satisfactory It proper attention was
given to starching , the first essential' '
bolng good Starch , which has sufficIent
strength to "tifCen , without thlccnlng ]
the goods. Try Defiance tarch and
will bo pleasnntly surprised at the
lmlJroved appearance of your work.
Work and Pray.
When we pray for nny virtue , we
Ihould cultivate the vlrtuo ns well as
f&Y for It ; the form of your ) 'Irayer '
Bhould bb the rule of your lite ; every
petition to Oed Is a precept to man.
Look not , Ulercfore , upon your pray.
ers as a method at good and salvation
only , but au a perpetual motion ot
duty. By what wo require at Oed we
Bee what 1I requires of us.-Jeremy
In a Pinch , Use ALLEN'S FOOT.EASE.
A Jlowdt3r. It cures pnlnru ] , smart.
ing , nervoulI : feet and Ingrowing nnlls.
It's the gleatest comtort discovery ot
the ago. MakeB new aha eo eas ) ' . A
certain cure ror swcatlng feet. Sold
all ' 25c. 'I'rlal
by dl'ugglstB , package ,
FREE. Address A. B. Olmsted , LeRoy
Roy , N. Y.
Allo Gives Away Llbrarlea.
James J. H. Oregory of Marble.
head , Mass" Is a rh'a ] of Andrew Car.
t1O 2e In tile gIving away of libraries.
lie has been doing this for yearB. His
l1brarles are Bmallor tblUl Carneglo's
gltts nud are given to small comnlunl.
tlos , to mlnlBters and educntors who
cannot afford to purcb o thorn.
. .
The Immigration Dur.lng 1906 Was
216,000 ,
Whllo It Is well to hoed every
word of caution from the leaders In
commerce nnd finance nnd to nvold
all specuatlvo ] ventures that Jack a
soUd business foundation , It is cearly ]
evident. that there Is no conspicuous
weak spot In Canada's present ern or
proslJerlty. The Toronto Glebe says :
"Tho Dominion has in n commercial
sense plenty of money , and our lead.
Ing financial Instllutlona nro in po.
sltlon to lend freey ] In the Unlled
Stntes. The chler productive enter.
priscs of anada are not buoyed up
by an era of dangerous Bpeculatlon ,
but are foowlng ] ) substantial busl.
ness methods and finding 'sao aI\d : \
cdntlnuous markets for their goods.
Wo are not bolstering up any Indus.
tries by extensive export bonuses.
that must impoverIsh the peopo ] as
a whole , nnd uJUmately lend to co ] .
InlJoo through tbo failure of the artl.
ficla ] ald. There Is no extreme protection -
tection In Canada such as would create -
ate great fortunes for a few at the
expense of the general pUblic nnd
lend to dlBruption and catastrophe.
The prosperity of Canad hns no artificial -
tificial foundation being based on a
healthy and substantlnl expansion of
trade and Industry , with a proportion.
ate extenBlon of productive setUement
to new areas.
It Is true thnt wo are borrowing
extensively for rnllway construction ,
but every l1no w1J ] bring new 'terri-
tory within the limits of profitable
occupation , and wHl create 'prospE ! ' , '
ous settlements to bear the burd ns
and repay the outlay. Wo are 'not
exhausting mineral resourcea , for' u-
Is qulto reasonable to nssum thnt ,
although mineral .wealth is never
Jlermanent , ours wm during the
measurable future doveop ] a 'fUr
greator' productlvo capacity titan at
present. Our timber wealth can be
made continuous by n judicious pol.
Icy. And agriculture , the rea ] fo n.
dation of our prosperity , is expanding
with every new expenditure on rail.
way construction. 'Ve are not In
the flush or a rallwny mania that
could bring Its punishment tlmough
the useeBs duplication of Unes. The
gigantic railway enterprises that
now stlmuato ] eyery l1no of business
In Canada wm create a new Domin.
ion , and thus render ensy the heavy
burdens of debt now freel ) ' assumed.
Canada's era of prosperity haB been
unprecedented , but there Is no sign
of weakness and no c use for Jack
of confidence. While our growth Is
normnl nnd healthy , we need have no
. . .
anrm at Its rapid It ) . ThlB artlce ]
might have gene on to relate the
great growth thnt Is taking place In
Centra ] Cnnada , where thousands of
Americans have made their homes
during the past few ) 'enrs. The past
calendar ) 'ear has tlven to Cannda by
hnportatlon an ' ad'dltlon ' of 216,000 to
Its popuatlon. ] or this the United !
States contributed 03,781. rh agents
or the Canadian government , whose
advertlscment nppears elsewhere , say
that this number w1J ] bo ] arJel ; ) ' in.
creased during 1907. ,
Connecticut's Bad Record.
Connecticut Is usually regarded as
a saro and pleasant pace ] to Jive In ,
nnd yet It had 43 murders in lJOO ! ,
where Maine had only two. To be
sure , Connecticut has more people
than 1\1alne. but not so v ry many
more ; It. hns fewer thnn 1,000,000 ,
while Maine has 725,000. It Is ralr
to state that It wns an unusually bad
year for the old Nutmeg state In this
respect , as Its 43 murders are more
than it eyer had before In a Blnglo
year , and 17 more than the annual ave
erage for the last decade.-Kennebec
Journa ] .
Lnundry worl > : at hoae would be
muc more satlsractory It the rllht
Starch were used. In order to get the
desired stiffness , It Is usuany neces-
slry to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric Is
hidden behind a paste of . .varying
thickness , which not only destroys the
appearance , but also afiecls the enr-
Ing quality at the goods. This trouble
can be entirely oyercome by using Defiance -
fiance Starch , ns It can be applied
m ch more thinly t > ecauso of 1t.1 greater -
or strength tha1)o other makes ,
- - - - -
Great Merchant Born on Farm.
Like many other monarchs of trade ,
WIlliam Whlteey ] , the London merchant -
chant who was murdered recentlr ,
was born on a farm. It was his bol1. t
that ho stood read ) ' to fill any orda. ,
no matter how unprecedented. A
story Is told or two army omcers who
went Into hln great London store and
one of them asked for six elephants.
They were forthcoming and the man
who bad bet they wouldn't be there
paid , thoush It turned out that the
winner had arrnuged with Whiteley
In advnnce.
$100 Rcwaf ( , $100.
The readen of 11111 po1plr win be pleased to leam
tbat Iberu hat least onldreaded dlle..e that leleno8
baa been Ible (0 cure In all It I IIWI. and thaI Is
Catarrb. nail' , Clltarrb Cure II tba only pOlltlvo
cure I1IW knlwn 10 the medical fralornly. ! Catarrn
belne COIulltutlonl1 dlleale. requlral a oOllilltu.
tlonlil ( reatment , nall'l Calarrb Cure II taken In'
( ernally , aclln dlreclly upon tbe Llood and mucoul
furfacol of Ibu IYltcm. thereby deurorlnc the
foundation of tba ,11'0110 , Rnd Ilvln" tbe patlen
Uren\lh \ : by bulldlni Ill' ( be oOOllltlllloo and 1..11t.
Ing nalure In dolne Iu work. Tbo proprIetors hare
10 much faith In In curallvu powers ( hit tboy olrer
Ono Uundred Dollan for auy Clila tbtH It talll to
oure. Bred tor IIn of tOdtlmnnlall ,
Addrenl" . . J. CIIEn.r : & co" ToledO , O.
60ld b , all Drunlili. t c.
1'ako UIII' . FIIIlll11'1II1 tor coolUpaUoo.
Many Americans Go to Canada.
Consul Harry A. Connnt writes from
Windsor that the tatal Immigration
from the United States Into Cnnnda I
forUlO \ four
monUl9 at tlle fiscal ) 'ear
-Juy ] , AUl.ust , September and Octo-
er-was 17D07 , as compared with 12 , .
OO { tor the same period tbe ) 'car be-
r " '
TO CUItE A. nol.JllN ONR DA.Y - \
Taka J.AXATIV.PJ ltOMO OulnIDtTableta , Drl1ll I -j
lllall ttlfllnd moner If It , Jalll to Clure. Jg , 'tV , i
UlIOVr./I : III/nature / lIon eacb bozo Zoo
Whllo man wants but lIttle here be-
10w , ho never gets Quite enough.
SmokeI'll ' appreciate tho. qun1jt'alue of
Lewis' Bingle I Binder c lnr. ' Your dealu
or Lewis' J"actory ! , PeorIa , 111.
Don't bo too lure of the man who
boasts of bolng sure or hlmsolf. J
, '
Trappers' Supplle8 Sold .Cheap. t .
'Vrite [ or c:1talog : and circular No. .
N. W. Hide & Fur Co. , Minneapolis , Minn. ;
- .
It's a waste of tlmo to cut the ILo-
Qualntanco of a man who Is Ins"JIt
Deftanco Stnrch Is the ] ate8t Inyen-
tlon In that IIno and nn Improvement
, on all other l\l e : , It Is moro economical -
nomical , does better 'work , takes laM
Umo. Gel It from any grocer ,
Some valuable fnrthlngs were sold
nt SothebY'9 nuctlon rooms ( London )
recent ! ) . . A Chnres ] II. pewter farthing - . . ' , '
, . , >
ing sold for ' 50 , nnd an Oliver Cram. :
well tarthlng In copper tor ' .6. . I \
I .
With n smooth Iron and DefiancG '
Starch , you can launder your shirtwaist -
waist just as well at homo as the
Bteam laundry can ; it. wlJl , have the
proper stlrtness I1'hd finish , there will
bo less wear and tcpr of the gtJods ,
and It wHl be a positive pleasure tense
nse a Starch that does not stick to the
! ron ,
Cyclist Amuses Sultan.
The sultan of Turkey Qccatdona1l1
nnds nmusement in watchl"ng'the pOP.
torman of , Mustafli , thD _ court cy. ,
clt t , who 1s's 1d' t : ' be : tl.IO. only , p ' . " , .aI
Bon who has ever made his majesty . . . :
laugh. MUlt fa ncc npa Ic hl , gy ; .
rations with trequent bursts of mono-
IQguo , s1 wlng hlmsef ] to bo aimo'at
as . ' O d a wit , as e is a cyclist.
BY' 101owlng ! the dlrcc.UoDS , whlcii
arQ palny ] piInt on el h p ckage of
Dofianl'e : Starch , Men's Collars and
CulIs cdn bo made 'jusf as stlrt as 'de- ' .
sired , with either goss 01' 'd mesUa
finish. Try it , 16 oz.I i9r 10c , sold br
all good grocors.
A Man of High PrInciple.
Scotsman up for the week end ( who
has been asked by his frlend to go to
n music haJl.-Na , na , man ! D'ye 'no ) . .1 , { J. (
ken I never visit a music han on thO - - I
Saturday-tor fear I should laugh In
th' kirk on th' SawbathLondon
For Over Two 'vears7Patent Medl.
cines , Quack -CuTes , and , Doctore
Fall-Cullcura 8ucceed .
- l
"I "as very badly afflicted with 00-
20ma" for more than , two years. The
parts nffected were my' limbs below .
the knees. I tried aU the physicians
the town and some In the surround.
ing towns , and I nBo trIed an the patent -
ent remedies that I heard or , besides
aJl the cures advised by old women I
and quacks , and found no roHef what- I ,
ever until I commenced slng tho. Cu. '
tlcura Soap , Cutlcura Ointment , nud
CuUcura Resolvent. In the CuUcura
Remedies I found Immediate reUer ,
and was 8on Bound nnd well. C. V.
Beltz , 'rlppecanoe. Ind. , Nov. 15 , ' 05. "
Young Poet ( to creditor who pre.
sents a blJl-Oh how ( II I .
, good of yoU ! I .
was looking everywhere for a I1lece , ,4
ot paper upon which to write n won. I , ,
derful though which has just com . '
to me , nnd you drop down Uke an an.
gel from heaven !
White Lead and
Linseed Oil need
no ; ugument , no
advertising to
maintain them-
selvcs as the b t
and most cconomlc.
al paint yet known to
man , Thedifficultyhas \ I J
been for the bu'er to be
always Eure of the purity \\i :
of the white lead and oil.
We have registered tbe
trade mark of the Dutch : qoy paintOJ'
to be the final proof of quality , gen.
ulneness ILnd purity to paint buyrrs
everywhere. When this trade mark
appears on the keg , you can be sure
that tbe cootents is Pure Whlfo
Lead by the Old Dutch Proccss.
" J. Talk on Palat. " clvu nloable lafonlUlo
tlon on the pllnc lubect. ) 1'reo upon rlQuea"
In t 1l"h . ' . , . < 11M .r-IIoIIo
tn" em. . tl "tll""lr tlOII ,
e" YorkD..ton , Dull'alo. OII"I d ,
IalCblnl \ ' Cbl.aIlO. Ht. 1.001. . J'bl ! . .
o CblnlnJlltJ'h n T , LV"'I ' . Brol 00. l'itlao
bUle4 I IIUoaalLead II on Co.1
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