Do honcst 111 ) 'ollr bllslnlss rl'la. Uons. tl pa 's tJ' ) be honest. . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - flOwl 'Snrlc ; mnder rlrnhht ; rlC. 1\III1Y Imokcr 1'"I'cr thcm to IDe clgra ! ! . Yuur dealer or 1 cwls' l"\ctur ' , l'c 0 I'll , III. Mon never flllly appreciate the blessings of poverty until after they brenlt Into the mllllonnire clnss. - - Defiance Storch Is Uw latest , luven- lion In that Ilno nnd an Improvement on nil oLher makes ; It Is more cco- nomlenl , does better worle , tnl < cs less limo. Gct It from any grocer. . . . - - - - - - - - - - SICK HEADACHE POllltlvcly cnrClt by ' ' the50 Little 1)1118. CAD'JER'S T1Iey , n1so relieve Dill- trcS3 trom Dyspepsl1. ! In- ITiLE digestion nnll Too nearly D UDS' . A perlect rem- I V E n ec1j' tor Dlzzlntss. NIlus.1I1 , PILL S Dro\Tslness , Dad Taste In the : Mouth , COlted : TODgllO , rain In the Sldo , TonrID LIVER. 1'1101 regulate tbo Domlll. I'urelyVcgctablc. SMAll , PJLL SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE. - Gcnuino Must Bear CARTERS I Fa.c-Simila Signature ) tVER PILLS.t REFUSE L2 ? SUBSTITUTES. q ! - - - - - . Tllo lestlmOny of tholl- MIUds dllrlDIl Ibo PlUt tf'nr la Ibot tlm Cnoullun : 'VC'I' 18 tbo best 'Vt'81. Yenr IIr yuar IhA Dllrl- cnllllrR ' ' 'Ilirna 1111'0 III- crl'lUelllll vul 1111I U UII < I III TnlllO , Rlld 811111ho Ollnn- 1111111 OoerIl I4'III. nlTors 100 lu'rt'8 I IU I : 10 every booa ndo sOLtlor. 'I'bo lhonomrnol Ilicroaso In ' 1111"l\y mllclljlo- 11I0111111108111111 IIlnlloll"8-bIl8 put 11\tllostocry \ ' - 11011 or IIIOOOUlllrltlliu \ ellAY reneb or churc I'or- g I kcts , { 'bclIl' fucl I1l1d ccry modern i , , 'I'hn NI/Hn'Y / : l1II.1.IONlosn \ m. WllI AT CHO. . of Ibll rOllr 1/Il'1I111 WJIUJ.W 10 Ibu fnrmur. ( If Woslorn ( : nllnllll , "I'lln ' from Iho rc.ults of olh'a ( lrlllllllulIl cl1\1lo. , " 'or nd'l'o ' nlld Infnrmnllor ! , ddre8R tllo SUI'I U- IN1'ICNlllr.N1' . U 'IMMIU ItA'I'JUN. UIII1IVO , Oanoda , or I\n , I1l1thorJrd lIovornmlot ) AIICIII , W. V. DENNETT , 801 New York Life Building , Omaha. Nebraska. - - - - - - The man'clous growlh allll the consequent magnitude o [ the UNDER\VOOD TYPE\\TI ITER CO VTP ANY'S organization in this. lhe tenth year o [ its cxistcnce , excites admiration - miration an inspire : ; confidence - dence the world o\'or. UNDlmWOOD TYPEWHtTER co. 1617 l'arnam Street , Omaha. Neb , . . ' . t . . . Jlfr.'I , , Ir"1I RoothlnA , .rn" , tor rhllMon teothlhtloofl. / . UI Iho Runll , re < 1ueOft In- I n.nllnnUt'II , . .III ) " p w , cure. WIDII colill. 20c a baLUn. Heart lallure ana casU ralluro orten SO together. . . - - - - - - I'U.IH VUIt.JI : IN n 'CO 1"nATII , t'Ay'O UIN'nl/N'I'I. jllIlLrnliLood tocurn nn , CIU. uf ItchlnIIIllId. . Jlleedln" ur l'rnltudIDIII'Uo. In 10 J& dILlS or 11I011' " refllndod. GOo And by not getting marrIed Dome men manueo to I1vo happily ever after. Top Price. for Hide. , Fur. , Pelt. , "Trile for cireulnr nnd cnlnloguc No. 0 , N. W. 11hlo & } , 'ur Co. , Minncapolill. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Even a bU8Y man must take a day art soonoor later tor Lho purpose of attondlng his own funeral. rmportant to Mothers. Examine carefully eery 1I0itlo ot OASTOnIA , 1\ ufo Dnd rnro remedy tor Infantll and children , and fee tbnt I _ DCllutbt'Q , ' III U.o For Over 30 Years. 'rho Kind You nuo All , . : . Doulht. The InfinIte. From every point of view and from everything that the human mind touches wo uro In touch everywhere with the Innnlte , and the InOnlto Is just ns absolute a fact as the moat finlto Ullng touched by the mind or the physl al bplng of man. - With a smooth Iron and Donanco Starch , you can launder your shirt- wnlst just as well at home as the sleam laundry can : 'It will .have the proper stlrrness and finish , there wlll be lcss wellr and tcar or Lhe goods , nnd it w1ll be a postuve pleasure to 'ISO ' a Starch that. does not stick to th , iron. Playing at Occultism. There is a danger to-day of psychl. cal resoatch degenerntlng into a fash. lonable society amusement without prnctlcal nlmG , nnd there are proml. nent members of the Society tor PsychIcal Hesearch who do less thnn little to discourage this tendoncy.- Occult Uevlow. There II more Cl\tarrh In thIs aeellon of the conntr ) ' thl\n all ulhordhon.os puL luotber. end uoLlllhe laIC few yean wns auppoacd to bo InourobJe. Iror l1re. 1118ny yenn dnctord pronounceilit a locl\1 dl.ea80 aod t'fclcrlbcd local romedlol , 1111I1 by eonat utly lalllol : to cure wlLh locnl LrcoLmellt , pronlJlHlcelllt Incllrable , 15clel1co hILi "WHII Catllrrb 10 bo 11 corutllullonll dill' " 't'MOan,1 , therefore requirci con5111ullol1nl treatment. Jlall.gnlarrh / Cllre. IIInllufneturod b1I . J. Cbeney & Co" . olodo , OhloI81hoonlY Conotltllllooal curD on tbe market , It 18 Lokeo InternAlly 10 d08e8 from 10 drop , to a te lpounful. It acta UII tbo blood aDd IIIUCOIi. Ilirhee. of lho dlrecIII hey otror 000 lIundrd llollnr fur ony cnoo It folll to curo. Senll tur clreulnn Rlltl to l\monllLl \ , , Addre8 1 F. J. ( ] 1II NEl" 4 ; CO" 'foledo , OhIo. 80ld II , . nrlllllsU. 75c , Take Uall'l 1'8UI1I1 l'Ullfor conIUpaten. ! But Who Can Conquer Fate ? "The bcst wny to defeat and conquer - quor dnnger Is to march rIght up to It and strlle It between the eyes , " says the llnlthl1oro American , The man who Is ubout to bo run down by an I automobile should remcmbor thls.- Kanllas City Journal , w : HUR . B UISE OR SPRAIN ST. JACOBS OIL THE OLD-MONK-CURE RELIEVES FROM PAIN Price : ! : Sc Dnd 50c , f' r Emer encies t Home for the Stock n the Farm Slo s Lilmel.t . . , " Is \ . whole medicine chest " , ' Price 25c 50e & $ 1.00 ' . , 'S hd for free 'f3ootdet ; on HorsosC iileHogs ' PouHry- . Address br. Earl S. 51oan . Boston , Mass. . NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER , TnE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL. COUNTER-IRRITANT. CAPISICUM VASELINE EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT A QUICK. SURE. SAFE AND AL.WAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN-PRICE 15c-IN COLLAPSIBLE 'fUDES-AT ALL. DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS , OR BY MAIL. ON RECEIPT 011 15c , IN POSTAGE STAMPS , DON'T WAIT TILL TUD lAIN COMliS-lEEP A TUDE HANDY. A subs1\tute \ for alld supenor to muslard or any olher plaster , and will not blister the most d lIc3.te skin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities of Ihe article are wonderful. It will stop the toolhache at once , and relieve Headache and Slatica. : We recommend It as the besl and safest external counter-Irritant known. also as an external remedy for pains In the chest and stomach and all Rheumatic , Neuralgic and Gouty complalnls , A trIal wJII prove what we clahn for It , and It will be found to be Invaluable In the household and for children. Once used no family will be wllhoullt , Many people say "Ills the be-st of all your preparations. " Accept no preparation of vaseline unless the : ame carries our label. as otherwise It Is not genuine , SEND YOUn ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAIL oun VASE. LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEHEST YOU , CHESEBROUGH MIG. : CO. 17 STATE STREET. NEW YORI CITY . . . . \ . c' " "A-4 < O"c > . - _ . . , . . , _ . . - " , . . . . . . _ . , \ . . . . .II r o. w l IJ.\W' \ BAtt Off 10m JODII Now Yorle.-A bn.Ltlo Toyal between submarines , t11C most exhaustive contest - test o\'or held between these craft , Is scheduled to tnlco place in the waters of NUI'rngnnsett bay and the sell. err the Rhode Island coast thi6 , month. ' Eivery conceivable - test to which a : submarine boat can be subjected to i determine Its rcllablllty nnd errectlve- I ness will be cmplQyed , 11. weel ( or moro I being devoted to ench c mpeUlor , and I on the result will depend the choice of Lhe United States government in the furUlOr development of this branch of Its navnl servlco thnt 11M been decided - cided upon. An appropriation of $1,000,000 Is now avallnblo for the building of submarines - marines as aoon as the t'pe Is decided - cidod upon. FurLher approprintlons are expected , In order thnt this government - ernment may Iwop pace With Europenn powers in submarine activity more nearly than It has be on doing. Eight or these curious craft arc now in the merlcnn navy , nnd foul' more are nearing completion nt the Fore Rlvor shipyard. All these are of the Hollnnd type , which hns so far re- tnmed Its supl'omncy In the opinion of nnvnl authorltlcs , though not without bitter competition on the part or the Lake Submarine comlmn1- , wIth occa- slonnl c1ll1rges of undue influence. Some Indication of the interest which the coming tests will nrouse among naval men of this country and the eXIJerts of foreign powcrs mny be Been in the recent Incident at the Fore River yard , Fore HiveI' , Mass" when Japanese officers stationed there durIng - Ing the building of some turbines for their government displayed a curiosity - osity In regard to the new submarines that caused Amedean officials to worry. I Japanese Watch Closely. ! On ono of the-preliminary trials of the submarines the Japnneso officers cllartored a yacht and followed the little bents until flnally the Amertcan omelals asked UlOm to desist. This resulted - sulted In cnllln ; ; the affair to the attention - tention of the higher authorities at Wnshlngton , and it cltme to public attention - tention wl10n President Roosevelt Is- sued an order granting U1e .Japanese' ' permission to observe unhindered anything in the way of construction which they desired at the yard. From this It is inferred that the Japanese officlnls , as well as some from oUle\ ' nations , may be on hand during the tests in Narragansett bay to gnln as much information as they can In regard to the probable nddltlon I to the United States navy. That such I observnUon w111 not bo welcomed is I evident from the attitude of the naval officials In the Fore Hlver case , and from the cloud of secrecy and mystery Which they have attempted to throw over the preparations for the .tests. From the notices sent to prospective competitors outlining the require. ments and the nature of the tests , notices - tices which the navy department Itself declined to 11lnl { ( public , the Importance - tanco of the evellt In naval progress is evident. For 0110 of the tests a storm at sea will be necessary , slnco each contestant will be required to demon : 8trnte Its stablIlt ) ' in as rough water as Neptune can be induced to furnish tor the occasion. Point .Judlth's record - ord for heavy weather in wln1 r Is such that no difficulty is anticipated amount used during the test will be carefully noted. A depth of 160 feet Is about as great ns submarInes would be called on to rench In acLual servlco , but in the 'coming tests , to quote the nnnounce- ment to builders , "no boat will be ac- copLed as fulfilling all the require- ments of the navy department unless the boat will stand without damage the stresses due to an actual .8ub. mergence of at least 200 feet. " Other tests will Includ speOll trIals over measured mile course In light , cruising and conditions , submerged - merged speed trials , firing of torpedoes In submerged and other coudltlons , mining , counterminlng , cnblo cutting and handling torpedoes. The details of the tests , including .tho number of trIals to each boat under - der the varying conditions , are 10ft entirely In the hunds of the trIal board , of whIch Capt. Adolph MarIx , U. S. N. , Is chairman. 'rho test" ' is to last as long as necessary to complete the trInls under every condUlon of weather that Is desired. It was suggested - gested by the secrotar- the navy that the dnte be clumged on account of the probnballlty of cold weather at that time , but no action was taltcn on this suggestion. . Winter weather is of smaH consequence - quence to submnrl les In action , as was demonstrated during a trIal of the Lake SubmarIne company's Protector In Januarr , 1904 , when the mast was carrIed away b ) ' the ice under which she wns running , at II. depth of some 30 feet , and she rose to the surface through nn Ice flee from five to ten inches thlcl ( without suffering harm. It ma ) ' , however , be more of a factor In adding to the difficulties of th 2,1- hour submerged test. Two Companies Compete. So far ns is now anticipated , t.he only competitors will be the Holland amI Lalee Submarine Boat companies. Between these two the competition has alwa's been most bitter. The fact that the nav- department has stuc1 , to the HolIand type has aroused much criticism nnd the contest has been _ wnged with great warmth in congress , where charges have been made that the devotion of the department to the HolIand type 'was due to' political In- fluence. There have been previous tests in whicl1 the two designs have met , Lhe most important previous one havIng been In 1893 , when three types were entel'ed , the Bnlwr submarine meeting the other two. Since then , however , and even since 1900 l\11d 1\101 \ , when all the submarines now In the navy were constructed , there have been mendous strides in their consructlon. Each firm will be represented by its latest designs , embodYing all that has been learned about the science of "submarining" up to the present time. The HolIand company will present the Octopus , the first of the four new boats to be completed at the Fore RIver - er yard. 'I'he Lalte company recently completed a boat at Newport News which It claims is the best possible example of submarine construction. 'rhls was taleen to Bridgeport , Conn" for the finishing touches. Each of the rlvnls , therefore , will be offering the extreme limit of Its achievements to the government. In spite of the fact that some naval - -.r---- - - - - . _ _ - - - - - I m' E L > 7.VC ILONC"tf l1J.W'EIXJBMT. I In gottlng n. storm sufficient to test the submarluC1 ! to the utmost durIng the period of the trIals. Another ImlJOrtant feature will be the submergOtl test , during which each competitor will bO lopt beneath the surfaoe tor 24 hours , . . . . .hen the crew will be dependent .entirolY on the resources - sources of the boat for food , all' and all living aecommodaUor.a. 'I'hls will determine the habitability of the boats under water for longer 11i\'iods than have yet been attempted u. omclnl tests. LImit to Safc Depth. . . . Provlous tests have lasted 17 ho rs , and the crews have declared that the llmlt'was by 110 means reaohed. The amount or fresh I\lt. carrJed and the officers are strongly opposed to sub- marIncs and that their actual worth in wnr is sUlI to be demonstrated , the United States In decidIng to continuo their construction is merely followIng the example of European powers. Rus. sin. and Japan each ordered .Bubma- rlnes durIng the recent war , but nouo or them was put iuto use so tar as Is Imown. Franco has thus far led the wny , and now has a fieet of over 60 submarInes. They are , however , of var'ing sizes and types , the French having appnrently been unable to de- olde upon a fixed type. BrItain UseG Holland Type. Great Dritaln paid small attention I to subluarlnos till wIthin II. few years , but now has II. consldorablo fleet much . - - - more homogeneous in character than France's , the llrltlsh ndmlralLy having - ing .prllcUcnlly adopted the Holland t'pe. It hns nlso beel1 constructing submarines of 600 Lens , belleved to be UIO largest that any naLion has at- LempLed. German ) ' has recently begun the construction of lIubmarlneR with great zeal nnd ) Jlnns to 110v lop consldor- - able fieet of the craft , whllo both Italy and AustrIa nro beginning to ncqulro them. I..ltto has been Imown of the naval activity or HUBsla nnd , Japan slnco the war , bllt ench nation Js be- Ileved to be building them in Its own yards. Six of the eight 8ub111n1'lnOIl of the Amerlcnn nnvy are IJI'nctlcally hlentl- cnl in sl e nllli type , being of 120 toils each. 'I'hey 0.1'0the Addm' , Grampus , Moccnsln , I > ike , Porpoise and Shnrlc. 'I'he Holland is older nnd smaller , beIng - Ing the original ono of the modern submarInes to be adopted in our navy , while the Plunger Is identical with the others -in ' . practlcnlly ever ) respect save that it is' slightly heavier. The cost or each , excellt the Holland , was $170,000. Those now building at Fore IUver- the Octopus , Viper , CutUe : FIsh and i Tarantula-are larger thl.1 the earllm' . ones and show many devices not Included - cluded in them. The Octopus , though details concerning it have been carefully - fully guarded , is known to be of nbout 300 tons. , Some light has been thrown on the possibilities or the coming contcst by I I . . . . . . . . . . ; : : : : - - : : ; : . . ; . ; . : : . : . = - - ; . - . . . - . . - ; : : . . : : . ; ; - - - - - - - -1 , , ' I -.I' . , . " / onles were ill dire straits and suoeeBS in Bushnoll's cnterprlse would have Beomod like a mlraclo sent from' " ( heaven . by the under-watel' route. , 1t'.J. Had Washington's Approval. Bushnoll's plnns were approved by\ Washington , and a turtle-shaped boat , . holding nil' " enough to permit the single - gle operator 'to remnln under w tor - half an hour was built. The operator succeeded in geltlng under the bottoms - toms of several of the llrlLish vessels , . but found Lhem copper sheaLhed , which prevented Lhe att. chlng or the torpedocs with a screw ns lm ooon the plnn. It was the primlUve char- nctor of the torpedoes available , therefore - fore , raUlm' than the IImlLations of the boat Itself , which caused the enterprise - prise to fnll. During the clvll war a submarine constructed by an Indiana shoemillter was employed by the confederates In Charleaton harbor , and they succeeded , . with it in sinking the cruiser Housa- tonle. The boat was a clgar-shnped craft carr 'lng a crew of nine , and was propelled by oars Ingonlously equhped , ' It haa been claimed that she was running - ning practically on the surface when she made her aUaek and that therefore - . . fore her effectiveness as a submarIne was not fully demonstrated. . . . It remains , however , the only in- . stance' when a. submarine has been ; . successfully employed In actual war- tare , and the manner or the attack I w111 never bo known , for the exploslltn . or the torpedo which sent the cruiser - \ Ii i I I I ! \ , , ' / II I I " . . . . . . " , , " . . ' : ' - _ . . . . . . \ _ ' . . . . - . . : , . ' ; . : ' .t. ' , " . ' ' . ; : , " - , ' , ' . . ' . . . .1 ! i ' I . ' i , iJ J , _ _ _ 1 , ! = .f - - - - ! - - j - = = - = _ f i ! ! I. I. \ . r51/8/'fRRINE. HqRK ONE' 0. / THE' NOL.J. ND ROHTp. 1 , , I the success achl ved In submarine experiments - periments in Narrngansett bar off Newport durIng the past summer , the Porpoise and Shark being used for the purpose. 'I'he officers In charge have refmlned from making public the : results of the experiments , but it is I Imown that each has made over 600 miles with gnsollne engines under conditions - ditions that rendered this noLable. They have also accomplished moro in maneuvers under wnter than had heretofore - tofore been attempted , and the submarine - marine department of the navy is believed - lieved to have been materially strengthened b ) ' the lmowledge gained durIng the past 'ear _ Varying Methods Used. To the landsman there would seem small difference In submarInes. The general principle of all Is the When ready to go under the surface the ) ' are made almost as heavy as the surrounding water by admitting water to the balIast tanl.s nnd then dropping below the surface either by < Uving , through the movement of the boat. and the use of the horizontal rudder or on an even lceel by further admission of water. In the methods employed , however , there are differences between the Hal , land and Lalte types which are rndl- cnl in their effect on UIO etllclency of the craft , and friends of the Lnleo boat have maintained that In the coming test Its suporiorlty will bo demonstrated - strated In spite of the government's previous adherence to the Holland , boat. The great increase In attentlon glv- , on by naval powers during the past two or three ycars to submarine construction - struction , of which the Narragansett bny tests nre evIdence , naturally creates - ates Interest in previous attempts to employ submarines In warfnre. It is populnrly but incorrecLly assumed thnt submarines are nn extremely recent development of naval science. Few people are aware that they were ae- tually employeel by the American colonies - onies during the revolution and that durIng the civil war a federal cruiser wJs blown up by a. confederate sub- marine. 'rho boa.ts thus employed were , of course , crude alfalrs In comparIson with Ule craft thnt will meet in competition - petition down the bay , but they wore Interesting examples of early experiments - ments nnd sumclontly refute the notion - tion that submarines nre strieLly modern - ern affalra. But for an untoreseon obstacle - stacle the submarine built by David BuslmeU , a Connecticut Inventor , durIng - Ing the revolution would llave blown up one ot the British men-of-war lying elf Brooklyn nt a tlmo when the col- . to the boLtom did the same thing for the submarine , and there it stili rests , a tomh of iron for the nine Intrepid men who formed her crew. Before she was employed against the Housatonlc severnl erews had lost their lives in oxperlmentlng with her , and this has been used by advocates of the submarine as proof that in tlmQ ( , of lleed men w1ll always be round rendy to risk the dangers of the fickle ; . craft. This has been stili further demonstrated - onstrated by the ability to secure - crews for submarines in spite of the disasters which have befaUen boats or t at t'pe in the French and. other European navies durIng the past few . . ) "ea-8. Since the days of the crude submarine - rino of the cIvH war the development of the submarIne has been marvelous , but most of It has been based on the Introduction of the gasoline englno , thus providing a practical motive power - er for the c01ldltlons that must e met. The modem 8ubmnrlne , therefore - fore , owes Its standing to the same thing thnt has created automobiles as an Important factor or clvUlzation and bas made the perfection of the aero- plane nppear to bo among the possl- hili ties of the Ileal' future. Trained Too Well , .I In Baltimore the rule of the trans- pol'tatlon comlJanles Is that children I over the age of five years must pay i ; . . . full fare , these under that age being carried free. , One afternoon not long ago there wore among the passengers on a Charlcs street car a woman and her son , the latter a big boy or apparently " ( seyen ) 'ears , but who was held In his mother's lap ns It he were a baby. Presently the lad grew restive. "Mommer , m mmer , " ho murmured. "Sny , mommerl" The mother. with n premonlh'on or' impending danger , trJed to sllonce the ) 'oungster , but to no avaH , for ho con- tIlUed to cnll upon his "mom mer. " FInall ) ' , the woman asleed : "WolI , what is It , son ? " "Mommer , when do I say I'm only five ? " asked the irrepressible. . "Cleanliness Is Next. " Wo have an heard that "cleanliness Is neJlt to godliness , " but the origin of the proverb has been obscure , no doubt , to man ) ' . ThIs maxIm is Rn abstract - stract rollglous princIple contained In au old commentary on Isalnh where the praotlcal doctrines of religfon are . resolved Into o.refulness , vigorousness - ness , Guiltlessness , abstomlousnesB , nnd cleanliness. And cleanllness is y. next to godliness , which is next tG hollness-Sunda ) ' Magazine. ,