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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1907)
, . ( USTrR COUNTY RPU [ UCAM . - ' - - - - - - - - - - Dy D. M. AMSDEnRY , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DROImN now , . - NEnnASKA , - - - - Japan haa decided tho.t Togo I not to go as Car all California. 'fho ( ' R lJnL has boon Boon ort Sweden b ) ' Ilerr Anlmrcrona. ] Il was probably n rol1 ctlon oC his name on the wator. - - Cln lore laU appears , was a reo.l porSOIl , a facL which otrsots In some measure the In'cvnont ] suspicion agm'nst Santo. CIIlI.s. The chauffeur noW allllOars to hoh1 the I11Sh10 traclc 111 the matrimonial race , where once the conchmnn was counted an easy wilmer. Marc ] 'fwaln says Umt UIO American people deslro a monarchy , but then It . . rs 1mvosslble to toll when Mark Twain should bo tnlton sorlouslY. 1l appears that som Ilorsono bollovo that the czar of Russia has not yet troubles enouh , , and so they 0.1'0 accusing - cusing him of writing IJOotry. Once In a whllo 1't Is the man that Is unrellsonnble , 1101'0 Is ono suing his wlto Cor dlvorco because she did not dlo , as she said she wouhl. I'arls Is said to bo starUed by .tho proposal oC Sarah Bornhardt to pIa ) ' 1\Iophlstopheles \ , and yet she has be ell playing It Cor a number of years past. Though - u struggle through the jungles oC life , loole up and behold the mountains oC success and IJrOsperlly bcclconlng In the gllmmerllll ; dlsto.nco. Growing Boclii ] ComlJnlnts ] about . "tight wads" 0.1'0 now CXIJalncd. ] .It Is the CXa1\1llo ] oC King gdward , and 'must ' bo CoHowed It ono presorveB 'Rood ' Corm. The Inhnbltl\nts of many countrlos /11'0 a lllUo uneasy lest an earthqualco , should ovortalw them , but the danger of an earthqualco does p.ot worry a . Uusslan o lcehohler 0. bit. . . , The postl\1aster at St. Louis says that socl'ety women are ellglbo ] for membershlII In the Ananlas society. , I"rom this It ! to bo seen that not a11 the provarlcators 0.1'0 In congress. Whllo the congressional party of In. 1 vestlgators were on 1.ho Isthmus of , Panama an alligator tried to eat ono oC the members. Both UIO a11lgator and the congressman were saved. The beilof oC the Now Jersey woman - man that somebody was putting the ovll eye on her cow wlll bo something of 0. jolt to those optimistic souls who . claim that this ago Is an enlightened onc. The lIartfOl'd city man who pro. poses a law preventing omclals from servl'ng Cor moro than two terms might have had moro chance of golllng It passed If 110 had not Included senators and ropresentatlves In his list. " , j - If the Jalst'ngroa Gaelewar , the son of the .Gaoltwar of Baroda , who has como to this country to prepare Cor . 'BonaI'd , taltes advantage of the lib. erty which his absence from homo affords him , about the flrst thing ho wlll do will ho to taltO up UIO slmpll. 'fled ' spe11lng of his own namo. - , It Is sa l that there are so many pl'nctlcnl 11hlltmthroplats anxious to save Mrs. Ruasoll Sl\go Crom the dls. grace of dying rich that she Is afraid to g out , and Is a IIrlsonOl' In her own ; houso. If excess of ener y Is our na. 'Honal ' fault , Its oxtren o , Is found I'll ; the number who are eager to gain the good things oC lIfo without worle. Ing for them ! The unluclt ' 0111'101' sat up after' hours to do the subject justlco : he described - scribed In words that fairly fioated the brldo and her trousseau ; he made your mouth water In describing thO' ' refreshments and made every one who had contributed Ceel 1IItO a mlllionaird , when reading the description and list of presonts. He wound It all up In as pretty a word picture as ) 'ou over read and wrote of the joy attending the atralr , says the Stafford , Kan. , Ropub , lIcan. The ComlJOsltor set It up "jay" and the next day ono of the editor's ; best Crlends , who lived on R. F. D. No , G , toole It as lIersonal and came In and stopped his Impel' and threatened to mop the 11001' with the editor. . A snowstorm In London Involves th expendlturo of a big Cortuno to restor < : "tho streets to anything 1IIeo a passabl < : condition. After the snowstorm at January , 1895 , which pproxlmates tc the present vl'sltatlon , Nisbet DIalr the surveyor of St. Pancras , said tha1 his authority expended ; C2,472 or snow removal. There are 28 boroughl In London , and , talelnr ; St. . Panacral as an averag-slzed borough , the tota expendlturo would bo close UpOI . o:7C : , 00. This sum , says Londm Chronicle , maltes no provision for till city of London and the total can no fall far short of .c 100,000. Half.ul hour's rainfall at this stage would h' ' worth Its weight In gold. Tulsa , OleIa" lias 711 girls and 72 : boys attondlng school. At this ratt the second generation will not bo shor on school teachers. Long IIvo the use tul splnstor. If there ls anythlng In the roper that the north IJolo Is moving soutl ] ward at the rate of 20 miles a day , I ought to bo ready soon to discover It 'Would-bo discoverers. A bigamist was up before a Londo I1naglstrato and In giving his tostlmon ! he referred to ono of the wl'tnoss s" , "my son.lnlaw by my first wife. " , ' - ' . " . t ' - " . . . . . .t.U. f.f. , , , , ' t..U.Uu.Jtf..u.Lt.t..t..t.tJtt..U..v..t. . , t. OUR LINCOLN LETTER : ossip frolll tbe State Capital , Legislative and Otherwise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' " " ' " ' ' " I. " I. " I. " I.- " ) " I.t--t" ; ; ; ; l.t-t- ; ; ; " ) " .iI. .I. " .iI. " ' .iI..iI..iI. " I.-- ; " ) " 2-.r . . . . . . . . . . . .u. . . . . . . . . . . . . At the reccnt meeting oC the Joint railroad commJasloJl , the hili giving authority to the state rullway commlR. sian and dofinlnc the duties of the commission Wfi completed I1.nll will bo reported to the joint commit. tee In a day 01' two. 'fho seetlon yet to bo drnCtOll wI ] ) provldo lImt 1'0.11. orad agents must report to the com. mission the contents of cars loaded , nnd the contents of curs coming Into the alato must aso bo reportcl1 to the commls810n. This measure , which Is conslderod the most ImIJOrtant or any of the rallroal1 measures , waR prepared by 8enl1tol' Epperson C OIay , Senl1.tor Aldrich of Duller and H.opresontn.tlvoa Harrison or Otoo 111111 Walah of Douglas. The bill Js titled as follows : . " A bill for an act creating and dofin. Ing the powers , duties and quallfica. tlons of the 8tl1tO railway commission and the secretary thereof nnl1 fixing tholr componsatlon ; defining rnllwa ) ' companlos and common carriers , regulating - ulating the sllmo and IJrovhllng the method of fixing , cstabllshlng ami publishing rates aud charges for the transportation of Crelghts and cars , Including joint through rates and joint traffic arrangomenta , ave l' amI upon the various lines of said rail. way companleB Ilnd common cl\rrlers : the method of malting , establishing and enforcing the general orders of said commission : dofInlng unjust dls. crlmlnatlons ; to provillo penaltlos for the violation or the provisions oC this aet , and to repeal all acts or parts of acts In conl1let herowlth , and to declare - clare that an emergency oxlsts. The bill gives unusual powers to the commission to control rnt1roads and vrovldes for cndless safegullrds to leeoII the roads Crom dofeatlnc It. Desldes the usual features of such a bill , It w111 contain the . following dls. tlnoth'o provisions : The commls- fllon must nt once pre pal'O n complete freight rate schedule fol' the ontlro stato. Roads 0.1'0 to turn ever all trnf- nos In operntlon on January 1 as a bn.sUs Cor the new rates by the com. mission , whleh are to become oCfec- tlvo within thirty to sixty days. It u. road objects to the rate a IHnrlng : will bo granted beCoro the commission. from which an appeal may bo taken to the district court , but the nQw rate will bo operatlvo pending the appeal. To prevent the Indlserlmlnate tylns up of the commission b ) ' Injunction , the roads are compelled to mo with the district court a transcript oC the hearing hold before the commission , and the court must pnss upon thi transcrlvtlon to see If the Injunctlol1 should be Issued. . Everr posslblo pro vision Is made to keep all cases Ir the district Instead of the tedera' courto. 8enl\tor KIng's decedent bill hut been recommondel ( CQr passngo In t 1 ( senate. Some changcs were made , th ( prlnolpal ono giving to the survlvln husbal\l or wife , where . there 111'0 ne ohlldron or grandchlldre.n living , ana' halt of the real estate Instead of two thirds , as provided Cor In the 1)111 ) 01'1 sinally drawn. ' 1'ho provision tha1 vre-nuptlal contracta must convey a1 leaBt a freehold estate in the lamlE of the sur.vlvor was stricken out , leav Ing no limitations on the terms of the contract. 'l'he Northwestern railroad made It ! nnnual report to the state auditor , IT compllanco with the statute. Tlu graBs earnings of thl3 road In .No brnsCa } during the last year wa ! $6,527,480.76 , while Its not enrnlngl In the state amounted to $2,362,727.23 The passenger carnlngs In the statt amounted to $1,286,301.63 , tbe frelgh earnings $4,921,802,05 and from othe sources the receipts were $319,377.07 The operating expenses nnd taxes 11 ; Nobrnsltn amounted to $ ,1,16.t,7 3,52 , The attempt to securc the passns' ' of the bill to regulate the IJI'acUc of Chrlstlun Science has been pract cally ahandoned. ' 1'hero Is n feelln g members who are opposed t the bill because oC the dstlc mm ner In which It deals with the Chrh tlan Sclenco bollef that there shaul bo some rogulatlon which will contl' ( UIO spread of contaglou dlseascs . , btl the ) ' hardly think It fait' to go .art < : It In the manner attempted In th I Ohrll5t1an Science bill. Ropresentatlve Loo's l1roposc amendment to the constitution 11 orcaslng lluy of loglslators to $10 do.y brought out spirited discussion I the houso. The majority of the COl1 mltteo reported the bill Cor the gel eral me , while the minority , Whllhar Llno and Richardson , , 'otoll to ha , It Indeflnlte ! ' . ' ' ) postponed. 1'hc m jorlty report carried. There Is doulJ however , about the bill receiving fln sanetIon. Senator Randall ot Mlldlson Is I\ftl the tour lor-ged wolf Ho voted In f I. VOl' at retaining the Ilresont bount but later Introduced a bill to va ) ' U bouuty only in counties where tl people vote to pay a county bOllnt 'HIs ' bill also reduoed the bounty t wolves of all kinds and on wild cn to ' 1.25 each. Sonl\.tor Randall h not matured his IJans ] .nnd will a : that the bill Introduced bo w1thdrnv nnd another subsUluted In Its pa ] ( The subaututo will contain many snl guMds so t. at It will bo difficult draw bountlos by fraudulent mea us. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - An estimate or UIC coat of current expenses of the vm'lolIs atnte InI3U , tutlonB hu ! ! hoon proposed by the state auditor , the total nmount aslcod bolng $1,600,000. The per capltn cost of the runnln expenses of each In' stltutlon Cor the bennlum Is as fol. lows : Rol.lIorn' Homo nt J\tlllorl1. . . . . $ 3S0.i4 ! SoldlorH' Homo ILt Grnl1l1 Island 302.2 l'onltcnllnr ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349.0t Asylum al ylnooln. . . . . . . . . . . . 3f17.H As'lum at NorColk. . . . . . . . . . . . G27.3C AB'ItUII nl IIIL lInm . . . . . . . . . . . 420,16 J'cl.lJlo ! Mlndol1 Institute. . . . . . . 282.08 Olrls' Inl1ultrlrlJ ! Hchool. . . . . . . . r,71.1i1 1I0YH' JnduRlrlal HcJlOol. . . . . . . . 1i38.:1 : Homo Cor the Frlcnl1leHs. . . . . . G4r..1E Deut RllIl Dumb Inallilltu. . . . . . 437.04 IlIlItituto Cur' the Blilld. . . . . . . . 1,000.00 II\ustl'llllUonro III MlIlord. . . . 728.0C S. P. No. 34 , by King 'of PolI { , tr. prevent nfalr dlscrlmlnutlon by com morclal organization aI' Indh'lduals , was recommended for third reading and pnssngo , without discussion. The bill Is Bomewhnt similar to the pr01 visions of the .Tunlcln law. It provides that : l'An ) ' l1erson , fl 1'111 , company , association or corjwratlon , foreign or domcstlc , doing buslnesfJ In the state of Nobrnslm and en gaged In the roduc on , manufacture - turo or distribution of any commodity In general use , that shan Intontlon' ally , for the purpose or destroying the I business of n COmIJotItor In any 10- : callty , discriminate between dltrercnt scctlons , communities 01' cities of this stnte , by seHlng such commodity at 0. 10wol' rate In ono 8eetl n , com. munlty or city Ulan Is charged Cor said c mmodlty by snld party In an. other section , community' or cl1) ' , after malting duo allowance for the dlff rt < 71ce , If any , in the grade or quality and In the actual cost of transportation from tbo point of pro. ductlon , If a raw product , or from the point of manufacture , if 0. manufac. tured product , shall he deemed guilty of unfair discrimination , which Is hereby IJrohlblted and declared unnw. ' [ ul. " , The railroads have come forward with request that they bo anowed to maleo n showing before Ule legisla' turo on the numerous measures now pondlng against them. FOllowing a. request b- the Union Pacific and the North\vestern , the joint railroad com- mltteo of the house and senate han arranged for a pUblic hearing for the railroads and their altorne's. They , will prOBent their side of the case on reclvrocal demurrage , on which a big I senger Care bill , on the rallwny com. I senger Care bill , on the railway com , mission bill , on the enforcement of 1\ maximum frolght rate law and 011' ' over ) ' measure of the Idnd now pend. Ing. As a result railroad ] eglslatlou is practically at n standstill until after the hearing , although the eommlttees 0.1'0 still at work perfecting the bills. Senator Aldrich of Butler hn.s not glvon UI ) his fight Cor constitutional amendments because his bill provld , Ing for a commission to recommend amendments was lellled In the senate , Ho has n11110UnCOO the commltteo on eonstltutlonal amendments wl11 tl\lce up the matter of needed amondmentg within 0. Cow days and wlIl make recommendations - ommendations In the form of joint resolutions f F the submission of pro' posed changes t9 vote at the next election. One of the flrst things to bo taleen up wlIl be the proposed In. crenao In the number of judges of the supreme court to flve In the placa at the IJresent commission. Sovernl ether needed changes .wlll also be dls. cussed. In the hearing of the county OpUOT.t bill boCore the judiciary commltteo of the house , Chancellor Andrews of the state unlversltr urged that such a law had ollCl'ated with the greatest success in the south. lIe said that It was enl ) ' fall' to the agricultural sections that those peolJlo bo given a voleo In saying whether they wanted saloons anywhere In the county. Ho told about how posses 'Wore formed In the south to gc after brealwrg or the law , how at firs1 vlalt the saloonlweper got a notlco , a1 the second tal' aUlI feathers and at th ( third hunS' . Ho hopol that such "u rough measure" wouldn't ho necessar In Nebrnslql. , M. J. Johl1son at Anselmo , gel1era' ' chairman at the Operators' assocla , tlon of the Burlington system , con talnlng 2,000 In number , Is at th ( c'apltal. Ho Is looltlng after the opor ators' Interest In a bill which will 1'0 qulro all operators rocelvlng or send Ing train orders to bo 19 years 01 age. Mr. Johnson has been at Jeffer son CIt ' , 1\10" and Tqpolm , lCas where Blmllnr bills were Introduce ( and a 1 lee bill will go before the legIslature Islaturo at Des Moilles , la. , om Springfield , Itl. This bill Is In th Interest of safety and drawn br mct who have the actual handling of th tralll buslnoss. 131' If 1\ bill , now under consilloratlou , t. . 'a' ' Couud constitutional , the right a . ) ' , rrnnchlso w11l become 1\11 expenslvI 10 one In Nebraslm to the IJorsol1 whl 110 docs not exercise It. The bill IJrQ , Yo vldos that ever ) ' voter shnll bo a 01' Bossed $3 eaeh ) 'ear , but that a 1' ( , tR colpt shnll ho Issued him Cor UII as amount 111 the event that ho voteE sic flnd It ho does not the amount will h m collectable. ' 1'ho commltteo In tll : c. hOU : , which had the bill under COI ta , slderntlon , has recommended Its pa , to sage , vrothled It Is found constltt Uuoal. \ NEWS ITEMS I N NEBRASKA 1 - The city marelmt of Humbohlt hllS' Jtnnlled In his teslgnallon. A grcat doa ] of ) lnenl1lol1la Is prova- tent In NehlLwtn ] nnll'vicinity. . Dr. Gilchrist , n former Omaha divine I died In Plltsburg , Pa. , tnll wee } { . ' I 'fho Nebraslm Central will besln : building the Hastings end at once. Mr. nnd 1\Irs. .Tames Sloan of Geneva - nova ceehrated ] tholr golden wedding Inst weee. A revival that recently cloBed In ! Christian church at Nelson 1'0- suIto(1 In hal Ca hundred convorslons , J. F. Wolf of Codal' Creele shot and Itllled a bald englo which men.sured n little more Ulan seven feet from tip to , tip of wings. Cass county's quota. of dlpsomanlcs IB full at the state asylum and no 11I0.1'0 wll bo rocolved from that coun ty Cor the present. The board of .supe1vlsors : cstlmatcs the amount requlrod to l1ay the ox. pcnses of running Patte ] county for the ) .ear 1907 at . $75,200. County Judge Wilson a shorl tlmo ngo collected an Inherltanco tax , as provided by ] aw , the flrst 'collec.don . made In Antetopo county. _ Six brothers and slater , the youngest - est 51anl th oldest. 72 , were ( og tber the first limo at. thQ homo of the late Hon. , perrr Selden In DIalr. The Farmers' Instltuto of Wnshlng. ton connty will bo held In DIalr Feb. ruary 14 and 15 u der the auspices of : ho state agricultural school , _ Representative Pen rd today , so. cured the passage oC n bui for the re- Ilof of William , l\Whl ; futcr ) of Falls OIt ) . , Incre ! > lng his pension' from $12 to $24 , The Methodist and C'ongregatlonal hurches of Clarles have held jointly II. . sorles of 811eclal meetings oxtondlng over two weeks , Attendance hna "een good. At the Methodist Episcopal church 1ho Grand Army of the Republic post ; If NorColle presented n Inrgo American nag to the tnlstees of the church with lpproprlato scrvlces. 'Valves have become such a menaca ' 0 stacie and poultry that farmers both east and west of Red Cloud are form- 'ng hunting parties to rid the country aide of the brutes if posstble , The Merrick County Agricultural nnd 'Fall' association has just been organized - ganized at Clarles , It Is propoqod to hold a county fall' annually at Clarks , beginning with the coming summer or fall. fall.Tho The Seward County Agricultural society - ciety has.arranged fOl' a stoeIe judging contest for boys unJer 20 years of age , to be under the management of Dr. N. n , Cummins , at the county fall' next foll. foll.Tho Otoe Preserving company , can. ners , has purehasod a canning plant . recently erected in Roclport , Mo" and will 01Jerato It In the future In connection - nection with the plant at Nebraslca. . pity. John p. Petersen went to Nellgh and gave himself up to Sheriff 1\l1l1er , who toole him before the county judge to answer to the charge of bas. ' ardY. Farmers about Sutherland have completed - pleted the shipment of. sugar beets grown last son.son to the factories Two hundred or maI'o carloads w reshipped shipped Crom that vicinity , the yield being good. ' 1' . F. 1\IIlIer of Nance count ) , propJ rietol' of the Cedar Banle Poland Chinn hog barn , made a. pUblic sale of forty' two head of his thoroughbred hogs for the sum of $3,675 , nn nvorage of $87,50 per head. 1\lIchael Benda , a braleeman on thd . Burlington at W .moro. was lodge.i In jail at Beatrlco on a complaint sworn out b ) ' Miss Genevieve Peters n , charging him with being the father of her unborn child. A wolf hunt , In which about 100 people participated , wes held east of DIuo Hili , A good.slzed tract oC coun. er ' was thoroughly covered and sov- 01'0..1 wolves were stirred up , but In the , final round-up onlr one was Idlled. A .practlcal d monstratlon of the mllltlng machine was given before the meeting of the Nobrnalm Dalrymon'E , , association at Lincoln. Prof. C. ErJ gave a fallt on the mllltlng machlno , , illustrating his remarlts by mlllcln sevol'nl cows. t , 'A movement Is to be launched tOJ : n greater Hastings , "Twenty thou : , sand by 1910 , " will bo the campalgr r cry and If the plnns of the men bacl of the scheme 0.1'0 carried out Has tlngs will move with "full stean ahead for the next three years. I . It Is expeeted that the corn exhlbl will bo n feature of the Johnsot - County Farmers' Institute , whloh wll . bo hold In Tecumseh January 30 1\1\ ( . 31 and February 1 and 2. The com mltteo having the corn show In ohargt promises good promlums and expect : . . a good showing. Malt Mlt hell of Eustis has returnee , from st. Joseph , whore ho marlcoto < < 1 n. shipment of eattlo , among whlcl , was a cow Bald to bo the heaviest eve rocelved at the St. Joseph atocl ) 'o.rds. The animal was a high gradl Durham and welghod 1,980 pounds anI sold for $3,80 per 1\1l11dred.welght ani netted 1\11' . 1\lItcholl $76. Foggr , cold wonther with 1Igh .snows ace as Ion ally , prevails most 0 ho tlmo In Banner county , mnltIng I very unplen.sant for freighting an severe on stoclt on the range , It I : . feared Ulat the loss of IIvo stock wI ] ! . : t > o qulto heavy. ' o MUte DIstler , Franle Karl' , Ed. HI : ton , Herman Sohmldt , F. O. Krugc and F. Krugor l'oturnod to BItl0 HI ! from tholr trip through Oklall0ttU I , Texas and Indian Torritory. The . wont Cor the purpose of looldng at th l' I and buying If sultnblo. None ( J Ule vnrty purchased any land , - CALLING HI 1 DOWN There was war In the all' . ThQ ) 'ounl ; woman cnrrled her head tilted Indifferently but the plnle spots on hel che1s betra'od her' state of mind ' 1'110 young man had not iet awaltenCli to the Cact that there , . WIlS , Jroube ] ahead for him. - _ "I am glad , " she said , "to flnd oul what you reaJy ] do admire : I .novOl ] enow you to bo qulto so enthusiastic over any ono' beCore. Wllat a pit ) that you should have wllJtQd until thh ; Iato In tIlO day to tell mo ! " "Why-what do you mean 1" aseed ] ho young man : bewHdered. The young woman IJuHed a sofa cushion ruffie florcoly. "It must hav6 be on a hlal nil thesa months/ ' she said , smoothly , "to prot i1 thl\t I was your Idenl-not that -1 ever claimed to bo a beauty I-when In reality you were thlndng ] baurn kindor1awn. was the loveliest oreiitre O l earth't' ! . \ "Why , you ought't : ] m w that. 1 never thollght any .such. ? ' : : . . - : : - , The young , woman Intorru ted 'his protests with a superlorsmTlo ni d 0 , gesture which was nothing short of grand. "or ourse you haven't said so In these exact words , " she went on. ' ' 'but I am not quite stupid , even If i haven't hall' 111m corn sUle anl1..eyes IJO ] pansies and the grace of n siren ! " " "I never said any such- " "You have done nothing sln < < o YOIl came this ovenlng , " Interrupted the roung woman flrmy ] , "but rave ever .how . entrancIng Laura Klnderlawn was at that card part ' . I am only ' { ; . 'f' < I-- ' II J "Don't Try to Hedge. " thankful that you have told me just how you feel beCoro ! t was too late. How perCectly dreadful It would have been to have married you and then to have found out after awhllo that you were In love WItJI anothel' glr } all the time ! " "Now see here ! " blll'st'out the ) .oung man. "Of all the rldlculous- " "Don't try to hctlg , " said the young woman. "You can't deny that rou'Sald her halt' was magnificent ! " "So It is-for blonde hall' , " pro , osted tile ) 'oung man , "You lenow It can't begin to touch YOUl's ! I neve I saw much masses of blue-black hnlt as you have and ) 'ou lenow 1- " "Pease ] don't , 1\11' . Dankstart , " sh Interrupted , wearily. "And you said vlolots were so becoming to her and If that Isn't saying that her eyes werG 1IIe them I'd HIe to lenow It ! You may feel perfectly free to win sueh n decorative treaslll'e , as 1 lenow that you long wanted to , for our en gngement ends right hero ! You havE PlY sympaUlr for all that you haVE endured of lato. Of course , I was ab , 'solutely Innocent In my belief thai you cared about me or I should hnve , reenaed . ] ) 'OU beCore now I" "I don't lenow wh ' you have begun calling me Mr. Danltstart , " said tht' , young t11an "It was ' 1'om ten mlnute , ago , . And I don't lenow what you I mean when ) 'OU tall , of breaking OUI , < ! ngagemont ! I never cared about an3 ono except 'ou and rou lenow It ! Can't I Bay that In addition to 'ot there are prett . - " "You don't thlnl , that I am pretty , ' . brolw In the 'oung woman darltlY "Co11pared with Laura Khulerlawn ] am a coal.blacle wisp oC an Indlar . and- " " 'fhoro's nobod ' who 1 ) can comparE with you" said the ) 'otmg man wlU t determination. "I mean It ! " "You have a convincing mannoI' al1l 1 1 0.11 that , " said the roung woman , dls 1 bollovlnglY. "But then that's part 0' ' a lawyer's stock In trade. Why don' you go over to Laura Klnderlawn'i .now ? Illsn't too late COI' a call. "Decauso I want to stay right here , ' .Raid the young man , coming over an < < sitting beside her. "Laura may bl pretty In a way but Iter prettiness I of doll-lIko , sOlllless variety that wea\ ' : otr. Now , . ) ' 011 grow more CaselnatlnJ over ' tlmo I see rOil ! " "I'd hate to feel , whenever Laur ; Klndorlawn and I WOI'O In the sam l"oom , that 'OU 0.1'0 comparIng us , , deprecated the young wOl1lan. ' 1'ho YOllng man raised ltls eyes t , lwayen. "oc COUl"SO I'd com pal'o 'ou ! " h said. "And thanl , my lllclty stars 'was Cortunato enollgh to get ) ' 9t ; Wlt ) . , I don't see what's come eve you Ulls ovenlng ! " The young woman's Caco lost It' aloof look and dlmplod brlJllantl ) . . " , ] ) ellevo you do really mean It , Ton my 1" slto admitted. y "You bet I del ; ' aald Thomas Danli e 'tart , o.s he proceeded to emphaslz if the statement In the right. way.-Oh engo Dally News. . " 1. . . . _ - . I NERVOUS HEADACHES Or. WIIII:1ms' Pink Pills Will Cure Most Cases and Should Interest Every Sufferer. Nobody who has not endured tho- lIutrerlng caused by nervous' beall' ache can r.eallze the awful agony or : . its vJctlma. Worst at all , the ordln. nry treatment cannot bo relied upon. to cure nor oven to give fellef. Somo. doctors wl11 Bay that If a person 1 Bubj t to theao headaches there Is. nothing that can bo done to prevent tholr fecurrencc. Nervous Cteadachcs , as well as nou. fagla ] , are caused by lack ot nutrition -1ho nervea are alarved. The only- ; way to : teed the nerves is through tho- blood and It Is In this way that Dr. WlUlams' Plnt ] PlUs have accom. pllshed so many remarcablo ] cures. , Mrs. Addle l\IerrlU , ot ' 39 Union Street , Auburn , Me. , saya : "Fat' " years I sutrerM from nervous ! head. ncbos , which would como on mo every ' 1lvo or six weeles and continuo fot' " several days. The pain Was so severe that I would be obliged to go to bed [ or three or four days enoeh time. It was particularly Intense over my right eyc. I tried medicines but got no re- Ilet. I 'had ' no appeuto and when the headache passed away I felt as It I hn.d been slclc for n month. My lood was thin and I was pale , wealt nnd reduced In weight. "I wad about Dr. W11llams' Pink PlUs in a paper and decided to try them. I first noticed that Ithe ' boo gan to glvo mo an nppetlte and I commenced to gain In weight and color. My headaches stopped and have not returned and I have never felt so well as I do now. " Dr. WlUlams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists or sent , postpaid , on receipt of price , 60 cents per box , six boxes $2,50 , by the Dr. Williams Medl. clno Company , Schenectady , N. Y. . W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO.6 , 1907. MO.UNTAIN GUIDES FAIL HER. Miss Peck Will Make Another Attempt 'r'pon ' ' the Highest Andean Peak. Miss Annlo Peck , whoso chief pleasure - uro is climbing mountains , has returned - turned to Now York Crom Peru , beaten In her attempt to climb the highest of the Andes , beaten not by the moun. taln Itself , but the worthlessness of the men she employed as guides and porters on the oxpedltlon. She Is can. vlnced that she would have reached the summit but for the faults of her- men and says she Is going back with Swiss , mountain men to make another- attempt. As It was she reached a height ot 18,000 feet , being then about 2,000 Ceet above the summit. This waB at her first attempt. One of her men deserted and the rest got drunk on the alcohol which was carried as fuel for coole. Ing. Besides they were all afraid of the trIp and especially as they ap. proache the top of the mountaln , of which they have 0. superstltl us dread. 'fhe second attempt was 1IIee the first , except that the men gave out BOOneI' and so less progress was made before the attempt had to bo aband. oned. . . FEARFUL BURNING SORES. Boy In Misery 12 Years-Eczema In Rough Scales , Itching and In. flamed-Cured by Cutlcura. "I wish to inform you that YOUI' wonderful Cutlcurn has put n stop to twelve years of misery I passed with my son. As an Infant noticed on I his body a red spot and treated same with dlfforent remedies for a.bout . five I years , but when the spot began to get larger I put him under the care , of doctors. Under their treatment the dlseaso spread to four different parts of his body. The longer the doctors treated him the worse it bocame. Dur. Ing the day it would get rough and form IIko scales. At night It would I bo craeked , h1fiamed , and badly swol. ' , with terrlblo burning and Itch. Ing. When I think of his suffering , It neary ] breaks my heart. Hs ! screams could bo heard downstairs. , The suCCering of my son made mo full of misery. I had no ambition to work , to cat , nor could I sleep. Ono doctor told mo that my son's eczema was Incurable , nnd gave it up for a bad job. One evening I saw an article In the paper about the wonder- . CuI Cutlcura. . and decided to give It a trial. I tell you that Cutleura. Ointment I Is worth its weight In gold , and when I had used the flrst box at Ointment' there was n great Improvement , and : by the tlmo IlIad used the second set of Cutlcura Soap , Cutlcura. Oint. mont , and CuUcura Rosolvent , my child was cured. Ho Is now twelve years old , and his skin Is as fine and smooth as silk. 1\lIcho.ol Stein. man , 7 Sumner Avenue , Brooklyn , N. Y. , April 16 , 1906. " His Practical Idea. : A benevolent old man who IIvod OD his fa.rm . in Iowa never refused shol. tel' to any who might ask It of him. His many friends remonstrat d with him about this characteristic , know. Ing tilUt many unscrupulous hoboes would tt.vall themselves of the oppor. " tunlty , and that there was great daW ger of the old man being robbed. To o these remonstrances the old man replied - plied that ho belloved In "practical Christianity. " "Dut , " said ono 'of his friends , "this scems , "ery Impractical. Suppose ono of the so men took It Into hl8 head to rob you one night ? " "My dear young friend , " was the reply - ply , "I bid all enter In the name of God , but 1 provo my bollef In practl. cal ChrlsUanlty by locking up tholt . - pants during the night. " I- Don't be too sure of the man who boasts of bc1nl ; sure at hlmselt.