. . /1 , - , _ _ -r. , - _ _ _ - , . - _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ J , , I I I Sap poinll = ' ) . , , - - . " " . " , ' ' : ' " " , ' , .LBAKm fI " " : J' , ' J : ! . ' fP ' " ) < , PG . .f. " . . ' " { Y } I.Jt. ! " R YAL is made from Absolutely pure Cream of Tar.tart-a pure 'Grape product. Aids digestion-adds to the healthfulness of food. . " " , " " . " , , . . . . . " , . 15" jI. ; _ ! . . .4Ik l 1 - hIQ ' . . . _ _ _ : _ _ , . . -DJV ; ! J J : > 'ff' ; ' ; ' < :5/J & It may seem early , but not about to early to begin thinldng S . E D S ; t for spring planting. I will have an absolutely full line of I t Field and Gar } en Seeds of every descripti911 which will be sold on a. very small margin. " See mc before you purch ase. " ' I have about a half . T C 0 S 'I car load of crockery' wh\ch \ is beinrr of : fered at absolutely whoJesale price. Do not fail to supply yourself now. .J. W. S COT alf South Side Square , Bro ] < ell Bow. I - , - rnl 1"- " < " " " - - - ; . . . - 1.r.n mJ ' r " " 'U''A : = EiJ Don't run away with the idea all lumber is a1ilte or prices I t . . ' ; the same. Before you bt111d cousult H. T. BRUCE . . COn South Side Lumber Yar.d , Broten } Bow ; Neb. LUMBR Ar D COAL' . . . . . --1' ! : " - " - ' sY..o..b-1mf'iZ ; : ; ' 32 ' - . . . . . _ _ _ . - . . - - ! F1r. " > .ltCiJ1IIWD : c. - vvO"'VVr1l.8.t1 : _ - . . . . - 'r'W"'X.i'1 : ! ' > ) j' ' L'I1.'r : ; J Successor to BOWMAN & ANDEHSON. I At the OLD STAN D. _ Re l Estate. City Lots and Property bought and sold. Farms rented. 'raxes paid for non-residents. Will buy som good paper. Call and see me. _ _ , , , , , , . " " ' _ l' : f' . _ _ , . , If C. "VV" . : E30"VV1r.1a11 " . , , . . , - - ' < t' : . . ' ' ' 'I.1rl ' ' ; ' ' .1" . . I' " - - - - . - - . . . - --w.r _ ' _ t. , ' ' , . . . . - - , " : . ; - . _ _ _ _ . - . , " " . L. E. . COLE , licensed Embalmer - and Funeral Director , I has just l'cccived a larg'o stock of undertaking goods. rhis is ono of the most complete stocks of un ertaking goods ever brought to Broken : Bow. They are located in the Cadwell building on Fourth avenne. . I Parties wishing anything in this line are request'cd to call and inspect goods mid - get prices. For first-class work in : unner- . taking or embalming call and' : see me or phone. Phone Numbers : Office , 85 ; Residencc , 322. , - . . ' , " , - , . , - - - , - - - - - - _ . _ - - - - - - - 'South Omaha Market. Under date of Fcbruary 4th , 1907 , Clay , Robinson & Co. rc- ported as' follows : 'rItc steer market last weelt closed up in good shape , and 10 ( t ! 15 ccnts higher. Tops reached : ; c.20 , whioh was also top for the month of Jauuary. Good Idllds of steers held in very good shape all through the week , although the extrcme close Friday - day was a little weaker. 'fhe run today is moo and the market is stiJrting out in good simp : ; ! . ' ! 'hc stocker and fccder marl < et has 1)ecl1 on a wealter tendencv the past we k , and everything was lower except the best heavy steers. 'l'hc hog tnarket today op ned a dime higher than the close last week. The bulk sold at S6.90 @ S .1J5 , the top at $ .OO. , - - - - - - . . lOW ONEaW \ y COLONIST RATES. March 1st to April 30th , $20.00 to Salt Lake , Butte , Helena. $22.50 , Spokane district ; $25.00 California , Portland , Seattle , 'l'acoma , Washington. Daily through tourist sleepers to California via Jenver , Stenic -Colorado and Salt Lake City ; also to Montana , Washington and Puget Sound country. WINTER TOURIST RATES : To Colorado , 'California and all Southern resorts. LAUOSEEKER'S INFORMATION BUREAU : li'ree , valuable informatiot1 furnished to seel < ers of Government - ment and deeded lands along the Burlington lines. Let us help you locate your llOme in this fast growing' and reliable zone of prosperity.V rite Landseeker's Information Bureau , 1004 1 ! arnam St" Omaha , Neb. For rates , folders , information , etc. , apply to . . . . II. L. OHMSY , Ticket. Agent. r . \ Y.V AKnI.IW , G. P. A. Oma a , Nebraska. , . . . , . . - . . . . . - - - - _ . . _ - - , - - - ' " - . . . - - - - . . - , - . . - - - - - . . - . - - - . - - - J.A. . AHMOU1\ , Attorney at Lav. Broken Bow , Nebr. lIa villiI' jUBt h\l1 : etll'ht years practical exptr lenco all UOUllt ) " Jul11l0 , wlllll'lTI ! slleclal nllell tlOII to the Ilrawiull ami tlwhallnll' 01 wills ami the administration 01 estates of dect'l\'rd per. SOll8 and IIIluor8. Write or pbolll : me. I may Iiave YOII p trip. , ' ' " ' ' " - . , . , . . . ' t 't , ' " ' ! . . . :1 : ! To the Hill 'Kenfry. ' ' BY HENRY C. WOOD. ( ( 'op'rlght , 1t'OO , 1.11 Dully Story Pllb. Co , ) "Lor I Lor I J uhcz , " In umblc the old WOll1an , the wilgon whcels creak. ing n filling accompanin1Uut to hel high shrill voice , "I'm 8kcered we. uns'on't never git ter the hill ken. tiT. llit 8eell18 a powerful , long ' " WilY 011' . 'PllO wagon creaked dole Cully along the white . , dusty pike . , with al. most the p 1 amt 0 f a 1. I\'Ing crea- t re in its monotonous whine , while I Crom the tangle grass and weeds by the wayside the autumnnl chorm of insects chirped merrily-a grate. ful contrast to the pessimistic ve- hicle. A 111un .and W0111nn , both past the middle ng < ' , plm ] cl ( wearily along in the dusl und heat , the woman near the rear of the wagon , the ml\11 at the horse's hea . Now and thml ho spoke a word of encouragement to the bony , patient beast , whose strellgth wus ill-fitte < l to the burden he pulle , although the woman lent a willing hand wherever a small hillock wus reached , and pushetl at I the end of the wagon industriously. "We-UIlS ' 11 get thar ull right , mother , " answered her husband , encouragingly - couragingly , after n little space of silence , "by ter-morrow we-lIDS , ought ter see the blue hills onct mo by noon ter-morrow. " "Lor I but We-lIDS ' 11 bo glad tel' ketch a sight of 'em ugin , Jabez , we-uns air jes' pinin' fer a look. Ain't you-uns tired an' sick 0' the low , flat country-it's the hills we- uns want. " The woman's voice ended in a Rort of passionate wail. 'rhe spent horse staggered to tIio side'or the road , amI began to nibble - ble at a small patch of green under - der the shade of n protecting bush. Th man waite : , "Tlmt.'s right , 13aldy-cat. all you- uns kin , " he said , kindly. "Hit.'s 11 right smart journey , yit , but -we- nns ' 11 git thar , mother , don't yo fret , " he added , confidently. : ' ! 'he woman hud pushed back her I limp sunbonnet from oir her scant gray locks , and stood looking away vacantly towa1'l the south , where lay , beyond her vision , the hluo uplifting - lifting hills for which llCr poor old heart so longed. The face had once been u. pretty one , long years ago , but now it was sallow and wrinkled , and in the dim eyes was the look of pining for the hills. ' ! 'he horse , somewhat refreshed by the mouthful or two of green grass , started.nguin on its slO\\ journey - ney down the white stretch of dusty road. road.At At noon the little party made a halt under the welcoming slmdo era a tree by the roadside , while the woman got a frugal lunch .from out the wagon , and the man brought , water .from a near-by spring for the meal , and the thirsty horse. 'In the afternoon they renched a city that lay in the path of their journey. The noise and movement confused - fused the old couple-the sight of many strange faces struck them with n mighty sense or loneliness and S'Olitu e-the country anel the hills they sought were as familiar friends , but the hurrying crowds seemed pitiless and apart from them. ' 1'here was a ccrtain friend- lines in nature that was altogether I lacking in the Uusy Imunts of man. Besides , to these two , the city was RYInbolical of all that was evil , and cruel , and callous. Was it , not II city-possibly this very one-that had swallowed in its insatiable maw un innocent girl thut. this old couple had cherished and called daughter ? Little wonder that they 1I0W looked about them witb awe I1ml dread , und were eager to quit the hot , noisy streets and reaeh t he open fields once more. 'rhe man chirruped n kindly note of encouragement to the worn-out horse. In response the faithful animal - mal quickened its slow l > llee for a tew1 teps , find then suddenly went down on the hard stones of the street to rise no more. In helpless apathy the couple stopped , bewildered und daze , then as the full enormity of the disaster - ter dawned on the woman's mind , , she flung herself down ou lieI' lalOes , und tried vainly to lift the head 'of the dying animal into 1101' lap , calling entreatingly : "Daldy I Baldy ! you-uns ain't a-goin' tel' leave we-uns hero ? The hUh kcntry ain't bnt n little piece off-jes' tor-morrow. Can't yo take we-uns only thar-jes' thar ? " I "No , mother , ho's at the end , of . . . . . " " ' = " : -1:11 : } JodJ' " : : ! r _ I ' ! .T.i : : ' " .f , . : - - . . - - SNYDER BROS. & CO.- E. & 'v. COLLARS. PETERS SHOES. We are now about ready for SPRINC BUSINESS having cleaned up entirely on fall and winter merchandise. New goods are now arriving d i1y and our many line win foon be complele. When you arc ) oldng for 'teed Values and Honest Prices the year 'round in dry good , clothing , hats , caps , Hho's , rugs. carpels. mattings , lineoleums , notions , elc. , don't fail to look our lines o\'er. CI I'I'ERION CL01'HING. . HUNTER OVI l A r r s. . - - ' - c' Send your Abst'act Orders to J. G LEONARD , Eonded Abstracter - Office In Security State Bank B'ld'ng . - - - - - - - : mw. . ] rr ' Before You Build , Consult ! i c : : . . e 0. : J ? a pin. : . e a " 1.1 , il' Contractor and BuilJer. Estimates II I Furnished free with ' plans and specifications. ' ill ' 6 I ! " " " .A - -dill. _ . . . " 1 _ - 1 his journey a'realrsail , , ) the mall , : gently , UR ] \ ( ' \I'nt \ toIndo the vatched mHl 11111(10 ( < 1 harnC'RH from the motinnlss ! animal. As he spoke lie hrushcd his hl\1 ] ( ) furtively across his wether-heaten face. A crowd or the curious and idle began to gather. some with flip- pi ant jests nt the forlorn plight of the two travelers , others touched with pity at the tragic qualitics of the scene. The oM woman arose and looked helplessly from one face to another , lmderstanding only' that each one was strange , and that the hill 'ken- try' was yet far away. "We-uns kem from Injinnn , " she said ; . in her slow , drawling tones , us the crowd pressed nearer. "My son , Jim , lives thar-him an' his wife an' ten children. We-uns went out thar tel' live , hut Jim's wife , she warn't willin' , an' so we-uns started hack ter the hill kentry , whence we-uns kem. Jim , though , he warn't to blame. " 1..01" , strangers , we-uns hope none 0' you-uns ' 11 ever know what hit is tel' be in trouble like this , an' ole , an' po' . " lIeI' simple story seemed Budden- ] y to arouse a wave of sympathy that swept over the motley crowd. One brawny young workman , with the memory of a mother's love still fresh in his heart , took off his hat , i and dropping into it a liberal offering - fering , passed the hat from one to ; mother , while n shower of silver and hills fell into it , as if by a 1J1ngieian's skill. Eyen a poor creature , of the streets ' , with haggard fnce fiud sin- h'uunted eyes , cast her last coin among the others , then pressed her way through the crowd to see the ones who 'might be more wretched than she. 'rhe two wompn looked into each other's eyes-the one pair brimming - ming over with now-horn gratitude --the other dim with awakened con- fcienlc : , und then the younger woman - an threw herself down at the dftsty , tired feet of the elder , and kissing the wrinkled hand , cried out : " [ other , take me buck to the hill countrv with you I" FRANK KELSEY , AL L KINDS OF WELLS Consult him If you want Water. Phone 112 , - Broken Bow. DR. c. B. JOB , , Physician and Surgeon Office 1\nl1 residence one block south of Ryerson & George's store. - . 1 Legal Notices. HOAU NOTICI- : . ' 1'0 whom It m\ ) ' concert : ' 1'ho Coullty 1I0ard 01 SUPo1\'lsors. 01 Custer COllllt ) ' . Nebraaka. did at tbelr meetlllil on Uecemb < ! r Hth , 11OtI. ! declare tbe followlulr sec. tlollllllo to bo a t"hllc hlll'hwav , commellCIlIlr' at the sectloll coruors to sections 17t IS , I' } . : \lId : ' 0 17 , ' IS. alld ' " raUlI'e runnlull' thence W\Jst ou tbe tlectloll 11110 one hall mile. All objections' ' thereto , or clalmB lor damall'el. ! Dlllst be filed In tbe County Clerk's office 011 or belore noon of the 20th da ) ' 01 March. 1907. or Buch road will be establlsbed wIIbout relerence thereto , III wltlle88 whereof , I have herellnto Bet DIY hand and seal of Bald collaty. thlll 17th day 01 I January. 1907. J08. PIGMAN. 3 ( SHALl County Clerk. NOTICI OJ. ' l'I 'I.'I'.rION. I state of T. J. Melvin , II ece\icd , III CauL ty Court of Custer coullty. Nebralk\ ! . 'I'he State of Nebraska. to all personR Illter- t'flted In said eRtate , take lIotlco. tbat a t etloll haR been filed by and In behalf of the heirs 01 Ralel estate. lor the appolntmellt of II. M. Sullivau. \dmlnlRtl'\tor of Maht cRtate. which h:1Ibeell : set lor he\rlll ! ! ' hereill. 011 ] . 'chnl\r ) " . 'ith. 1907. at 10 o'clocl , : \ . m. Dated Jallllar ) ' 2'jth. ' 190 ; . A. H. IIUMI'I/IW\ ' . 34.3 ; [ : ; RA1 , ] County JUlhe. HEFJmlm'S SALE. 'VhereaR. on the 7th da ) " of 1\1\y. 1'103.jUlhr. . mentad decree was rellllere III the DIltrld ! court 01 Custer countt. Nebralka ! , In\n action therelll Cudlnlr wherein fie lIfe 1.'letclter lJolld et al. are plalutlffs aud Johll I , . Dolld , ct al. arc lIefcnl1allts.decreelnll' : \ ' that partition be l1I\de olthe easl hat ( 01 the sOllth- eaRt Ilunrtcr of Mectlon se\'en.allil the west Itat ! of the , ; uutltwest Qnarter of section ellrht , all III towlIshlp ehrhteen , north 01 r\uge nlnetcen , w st oll.Jth 1' . 1\1. In CURter couutNebraRka. . and J. A. Arl1lour was : \ppolnted refcree to make said partition. and wllerea ! ! the said referee ( Ud 011 the 11th lIa ) " of 1\1\y 10tH. , report to said court that partition of saill laullll could not be made wllhout II'rc\t prdul1ke to the owuer 01 8\ld I\nds. and th\tnpon 8\ld rcport J.i ln ! ! ' lIIade the & : \lIIe was conllnncd b ) ' ald court and\11 order 11'\1 lIIade by thl : lIon. Uruno O. IIoRtetler. judl'e of sahl Court. direct. hlI' that Raid referee sell ald real estate lor cash luthe lIIanner provldcd by law : Now Therelore. I. J. A. Arlllour. the lIulyp. . pointed. Qualified : \nd actlnll' clerce , 110 hcreb ) ' ! fIve notlco th\t I will. on the Stb tlay of 'cbruary. 190 ; , at 2 o'clock p. III. at the east front door of thc Court Itcllse. III the elt ) , of Droken Dow , In Custer count ) " . Nehrakell to the hill'hest bidder lor cash. thc followlnll descrlbedlalld , to.wlt : ' .rhe eaBt half of the sontheast Qllarter 01 section seven , alld thc wcst hall of the southwest 'Inarter of , , "cctlon I'llI'bt. In township ehrhteen. 1'\IIII'e nineteen , lu ClIster county. Nebr\ska. 8\111 real est\to will be sold suhjcct to11 tlrlor lIells thereon. Dated thlCj : ! Jrll da01 Jallu\o' . 1 0 ; . 33-37 J. A. AIHIOUlCi Helerec. United Statcs Iant ! Offico. I Droken Dow. NebrJ8kJlJluar ) " 10. 190 ; . f Notle 1M hereby ! fl.'cn th\t Jl SSI ALL. BRIGH' ! ' . of Drolell Bow , Nehm ka , II\s IIled uotlce of bls Intelltlon to lIIaleo IInal 5 ) 'ear proal III slIpport of his claim , \'Iz : 110lllcstl'\d Eutry No. 2149 made Atlrll II. 1901. lor the nwU sectlou 12. township 1M uorth ranlrc 21 west and that s\111 proof will bc lII\de hoCorc rerrlster .Ind re eh'er. at Broken How. onl'cbru\o' 16. . , ' 907. lie muneR the 10110wlul ! ' wltncsle'l to Ilrcl\'e' hl8 continuous lesldence upon. and cuilivaliou of thil I\nd , 'Iz : George 'l'elllplar. of Brokell now. NeIJlasl < a : Albcrt 8wlcl" o ( IIrokcn Bow , Nc. hrskAlonzo : Cason , olllrokclI 11011' , Ncbr\s- ka : Frell Drock. of Merna , Nebraska. 31-36 JOliN Rims ! ! , Hel/iliter. Unltell States 1.\1111 Office , , I.lncoln , Nebralka , January 25. 100 ; . f Not ce IB hercby I'lven that the lollowlng. nallled Rettler has filed 1I0lice 01 hi ! ! Ilitentloll to make fiD\1 proolln sUpport of his ; cl\lm , anll that sala proof wl11 bc malic before JH. . Humllhrey. county judlre , at llro'cn 11011' , Nebrlsk\ 1\I\rch 16. 1907 , yJz : JUIIX 1 < ' . IINE , II. I . No. 1749. for the IIW . { o ( thu lIe ! { Bectlon : :14. : township 13 north mnlleO : W.bt Olh 1' . 1\1. lIe lI\mes the followlnlr witnessct ! to prove his c"ntlnnouR rcsillence UIOUnll ( cnltl- \\tloo 01 salll land. vlz : CII\rley II. Sl1Ilth , Wlltlam T. S. Llue. Albert I1ae.1rtlll'l' . I\1ae. : \1\rtlll'l' . Warrclr\11 of Edd\'llle. NcbrIa. . 34 9 CIIAS , } . " SllJum. HCllster. HOAU O'l.'ICI . To wholllit lUay concern : 'I'he Commlssloucr allpolnted to vlcw and I'e. port nllOn the expedlenc ) ' o ( eHI\hllshlnl : ' a roat ! . t > etltloned for by A. A. JelllllllofM t't nl. commenclull' at lone.half ( Ya ) section IInc hI section 34. townsblp 13 , ralll'e 21 anll " " , tmld e\st 46 rolls. more or less on the cunty IInc. bU\\'ccn Cnster county : \nd Oa\\80n counly. to connect with a laid out 1'0\11 cn neclloll IInl1 be. tween. section three (3) ( ) and four H ) to\\'lIshl1l 12. rancc:101 : Dawson count ) ' , has rcported III laver 01 the ustahllshment thcreof , a 111111 objeCtious thereto. or claims for d\malll's.lIIlIst be filet ! In tbe county clerk's onice on or before noon 01 the 16th lI\y o ( At'rll.1r07 , or Ruch road will be establllbed without referencd therCto. III Witness Wbereof. I have hcreunto set lilY haud allil seal ( , f lI\hl county. tbls 7th lIa ) ' 01 I.'ebruary.1'JO' : ' . J08. 1'1O IAN. : i5 ( sluLl COllnty Clerk. In thl District Court , Cu ter Connt ) " , Xebrt'ika In tbe m\tter of the Guardlallshlp of Jathcrlnl S. Uobllt ! ! . IIIlnor cbld : of William 1 ( , lIoblitR deceased. Notice 01 S\le. Notlcc 11 hereb ) " 1I'1\'clI that In pnrsuance of all orller 01 the Honorable IIruno O. Hostetler. judll'e 01 the Ulstrlct conrt o ( Custl'r county. Nehraska. m\de ( lnthe 3ed da ) " of Dcccmber. A. D. l , } ( ) . lor the sale of tbe IIIl1lh'htt'd 0111 : lourth Interest In anti to the re\1 estate herein. alter described. tbere will be bOltt at puhllc , 'eudue to tho'hhhest bldller ( or ca..h at t east frollt door 01 the court housl ! In Broken Uow. Nebraska. In said count ) ' of Custer on thl ! Stb day of ] "Ibruary. " A. U , 1'lJ7 , at the hour of 10 o'clock a. III. . the uudlvhlet ! onr.fonrth In , to anll of the 10110\\11111' deocrlhcll real estate situated In Custer onnty. Nebm'lka , I. The sonth half 01 the lIortheat 'IUMter. northeaflt Qllarter of tbe southca t ' 1u\rter al1ll the southe\st tlu\rter 01 the northweit Ilu\rter 01 section Pllteell , to\\'lIshlp 1.'ourteon , North. ' ' ranll'e 'l'went.one west of tbc th P. 1'1. 2. ' .rhe south hall of the 1I0rthwest Iju\rter and the north hall 'lIthe suuthwest tlUJrter : of Rectlon tblrt.two. towu1hlp funrtecli. north , ranlro twenty.one west 1.1 the 6thI' . l\I. 3. A parccl In a sqlltrc ( orlll III the liouth. east corner 01 the southe\st Quartlr ul the northeast quarter of sect 1011 twcnt.one , town. IIhlp seveUl'ea lIortb , raulCe tweut.I1\'l' , we..t u ( the 6th P. M. " . A t'al'celln the lIorthwcst quartol' o ( the uortbe\st Ilu\rter of scctlonten. town hht IIf. teen. north. r\l1l1'e twclIIthrell , west of the th 1' . 111. 6 , Lots thirteen and fourteen In hlock fiftecn orlll'lnalto\\'n 01 Uroken 1I0w. Nebraskn. Said B.\le will remain opeu one hour. Uated this 17th day o ( January. A. 1 > . . I 07. . SAKAn II , 1I0PLIT8 , Gllardl\n 01 the minor child Katherille S , ! lolltlts. ALPfiA MOKGAN. Attorno ) " . 3 35 .