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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1907)
- - , . f Clover & Grass Se dc. I Ercl1'badr 10vc lot and lots of Clo\'cr I Grnsses for hogs , CCJws , shecp an swine. r : ! wjYrff \ \ Wi.r ' , ' { Willi Wi afMi ! jrtl . j . , , v , , \ , . . , . . . , . . \ . . 'oOm . . . _ } ' " , - ' ' ' - OWe nre known IIA the largest growers of raSEes , Clovers , Oats , Barley , Corn Po. tatocs and : Farm Seeds in America. pcr. nte o\'cr' Gooo acres. acres.l"mm I l"mm " Our mammoth 148page catalog is mailed free to . nil intcnding bu'ersj or Eend 80 IN . . . and reee'e sample of "perfect balan e ro- Hon rnAA Bced , " togcther with : Foddcr I Plants , CIQ\'er , etc. , etc. , and big llant ill < and Sccd Catalog frce. John A. Salzer Seed Co. , Box 'V , Ln Crosse , Wis. . Tibetan Printing. . Great prInting worles are cntnb. lIshed nt Nartang , In Tibet. A carre. spondent Days : "Thero are thousands and thousands of blocks at Nartang , comprIsing .matter In typo equivalent to numerous different volumes. Each wooden blocle Is about 24 Inches long by 12 Inches wide , ono face bavlng carved upon it n complete page of lettering. ' 1'ho method of prInting is prhl1ltivo In tbo extreme nnd consists of la.ying tile paper on n fiat surface .and levering the block upon it with n . long bandlo much as the vlllago black. r. . smitb worls his bellows. " . Long and Remarkable Life. Suffold tells us of n remarkable rcc. ord of an old man of his acquaintance employed by Mr. Wlllll1m Lodge , of Oorieston.onSea. This old gentleman began his worlelng lIfo as a farm la. borer 71 'cnrs ago , before Queen Vie. torla came to the throne , and at 81 he enn st111 drive a plow as well as most mon of half his ; rel1rs. Almost more remarlmble Is the fact that althouh lie has spent practicallY all his long Ufe within sight of the sea. he ho.s . . never been on it , nor has he over been Insldo a traln.-Tlt-Dlts. . . MAYOR OF SUNBURY Says Pe - ru - na Is Good Medicine. Hon. C. C. Brooles , Ma 'or of Sun- bury , Ohio , also Attorney for Farm- < ers' Bank and Sunbury Building and - Loan Co. , writes : "I luwe the utmost confidence in the virtue of Peruna. It is a great medicine. I hayo used it and I have known many of my friends who have obtained beneficial results from Its I use. I Clll1 ot prllise Peru n too ( { highly. " " X _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ " " ' " " WN'If.-nntr6 ' " , t \ , \ \ , ' , . . TC ; t' t- , which are the direct result of the weather. This Is moro true of the excessive hent of summer and the intense cold of winter , but is partly true of alt' seasons of the year. , H Whether it be n cold or a. cough , " . ' . . catarrh of the head or bowl complaint , , whether the liver be affected or the . . ; kidneys , the cause . is very lIable to : . , , bo the same. , " . ! - , , ; . . The weather slightly deranges the : .t mucous membranes of the organs and . . tbo result is some functional disease. Pert/na Ims become II standby , that/sands of homes for minor al/ . ments of tills sort. Ask Your Druggist for Free Peruna Almanac for 1907. - SECRET ' a : . suffering Is endured by many modest women , who object to , talking about all their symptoms : \ ' with a doctor. To such' women , . . " a medicine. with n , .t ; ( pure . specific ' power over woman's diseases. I lIke , . . , WJ E CAROUI WO ! AN'S RELIEf Is very welcome. By means of this wonderfully Successful medicine , over 11 mi11l0n suffering women have been benefited during the past . SO years. It relieves periodical pains , regulates irregular functions , and cures the diseases peculiar to \Yomen. Try it. At oIl ' DrurJlJlsts' 0 . . \VRlTE 101' Free Advlce.staUn/ end descrlbhur 1'our symptoms , to Il\dle Advisory ept. , Ohllttnnoo a )1 ) ' Medicine 00. Ouattnnoogn , ' .renn. ! . . . I . . . " TABLE DELICACIES I SOME NEW AND OLD RECIPES OF VALUE. Oatmeal Breati Will Bo Appreciated by Those Fond of This Cereal- Ingredients for Batte ; , ' Pudding. OATMEAl. . DREAD.-Put one heapIng - Ing cup of dr ' rolled or flaleod oats Into n mixing bowl , add a rounding tl1blespoon of butter or lard , ono level tens po on of sl1lt , two cups of boiling water , nnd let stnnd until lukewarm , then add one.half cup 'of molasses , one.half eup of lukownrm wat01' , I1nd enough flour to make 1\ drop batter. Cover and let rlso ono hour. Now mix stiff with fiour amI let rlso , over .nlght. In the morning mold int loaves , using as little flour ns possi- ble. Put into pans , let rise , and bake well In a moderato oven. CRANDERRY nNaE PIE.-Chop fine ono cup of cranberries und one- half cup of seeded raisins. Llno a plato with paste nnd put In the ! Jer- ries and raisins mixed. Sprlnklo with ono cup of sugar amI slightly rounding - ing tablespoon of flour , I1dd onehalf cup 'of water to which in added one- half teaslloon of vanilla and u pinch of salt. GOOD COKIES-Cream ono cup of butter I1nd two eups of sugar , add three tablespoons of mille and ono rounding tablespoon of c rnway seed. Sift two cups of fiour with three level teaspoons of baking IJowder and add to the first mlxturo and moro flour If needed for a soft dough. Shape Into little balls , lay on a baking - ing pan some dlstanco apartj press out thin I1nd bake. CHEESE CREAlTOAST.Toast six slices of bread and cover lightly with grated cheese. Make two cups of white sauce. Set the bread nml cheese in the oven for n few minutes - utes , then pour the sauce around and serve at once. ST A1\IED ' ' ' BA'r'1'ER PUDDING- Beat two eggs and one rounding tablespoon of 'sugar together , add one cup of mille , ono tablespoon of melted ! Jutter , and two cups of flour sifted with three level tenspoons of baking powder. Beat well and pour over ono eup of stewed and stoned prunea in on. buttered mold. Steam ono hoUI and a. quarter and sen'e with a hot liquid sauce. MULLED JELL . -Tako one tablespoonful - spoonful of eurrant or grape jell - , beat with it the whlto of one egg and a teaspoon of sugar. Pour on It n teacupful of boiling water and break in it a slice of dr ' toast or two crackors. . _ AMS'l'ERDAM PUDDING , - POUI ono cup scalded milk over one CUll fine eraclcor crumbs , add one table , spoonful butter , mix' two tenspoon , fuls cocoa with onehalf cup sugar , add it to the milk , one tenspoonful vanilla , and the _ vhltes of four eggE beaten ver ' sUff ; boll in a buttered melon pudding mold one hour. SerVE hot with a yellow sauce. ONlPNS IN DELICIOUS STYLE. Variation from Usual Form In Which They Are Served. Bermuda onions and the sliver. skins grown in thIs country , whlcl ] are nenrly as good , are dollclom when pierced with a forle. Drain an place in a shallow buttered baking pan ; pour over enough milk to COVCI ( about one cup ) , Into which has been stirred a tablespoon of tapioca ; add a half teaspoon of butter , n teaspoon of snIt and 1dnsh of peppel' . Place "In the oven' ' 1md bnko until a lIghl brown on top , about 20 minutes , Servo in the same dish. This is IJ change from the ordinary creamed onions ; the tapioca is a deligbtful ad , dltlon. The ordinary method for baking b putting in a plo tin with an Inch oj , water and letting cook i\1 a slow ove11 brings toothsome results. Stewed onions when parboiled are relieved 01 the odor and aftermath of taste , thai nnnoys some people. Value of Old Gloves. The house worker should nevel throwaway her old gloves , particular Iy. her old white gloves. They nrc most useful 1n protecting the handl whllo dusting , sweeping or wipln { dishes. As women often complalr that they feel clumsy in doing thell worle with gloves on , by simply eut tlng awn ' the finger tips this sonsa tlon Is overcome. A very good pair 0 gloves which lnces up the pnlm of the hnnds and 1's bought several slzel larger than the ordinary wel1rln { glove Is the ideal worldng glove. Bu large old gloves do as well. Cheese Biscuit. Roll some puff paste out thin anI sprinkle over it a dash of cayennl I1nd dry grated cheese to cover it double up the pas to , 1'011 it out agl1l1 and cut it with a small round cake cui ter , sa 's a 'niter In What to Eal Brush over the biscuit with an eg lay them on a floured tin and bake il n hot oven to n ver ' palo brown. An ; stale bits of che < ! se 1l1n ' bo pleaslngl : used In this way. Worth Remembering , It you have a splinter in your finge don't polm about with a pair of twee ers or a needle , but make a plaster b : crushing some eoap on to a pleco 0 rag , sprlnltlo 11 lIttle sugar over II mashing It together with the end of , tenspoon. 'l'hls plaster applied to tb at night will draw the spllntol ' however docply it may bavo entorel I to the surface 11) ' the morning , so thll I it can bo ImBed out with the fingcr ! - EFFECTIVE REMEDY . SIMPLE FORMULA WILl. DREAK A COLD OVER NIGHT. Pt1t8crlbed by Well.l < nown Specialist In the CUre of Consumptlon-Cnn Bo Prepared by Anyone. Here Is a slmplo and ettecUvo rem. edy for coughs and colds. : Mix n half ounce of the Virgin 011 of PI no ( Pure ) with two ounces of gl'corino and a. halt pint of good whlslty. Shako well and tnke In teaspoon doses every four hours. This formula Is said to bo very ef- fcctive , being the prescription of I1n eminent authority. It will breale up a. cold In 24 hours , and cure any cough that in curablo. Tbo Ingredients for this prescription - tion can bo founll at any good drug store , but care should bo taleen that only the pure Virgin 011 of Pine should be used. ' 1'hls Is put up only In half-ounce , 'iaw for dispensing , s curely sealed in a round wooden case wIth engraved wrapper , having the name-Virgin 011 of Pine ( Pure ) , lIre- pnred only by Leach Chemical Co. , Cincinnati , O.-plainly printed there. on. on.Tho The chenper oils and these sold in bulle only crento nausea and have no eftect whatever upon the bronchial tubes. I PETS FOR LITTLE PARISIANS. All Kinds of Animals a Playmate. for . the Children. Children piny a great role In French society , as all .those Wl10 have fead Gyp's inimltablo "p.Ut Dob" w111 read. lIy admit , and now the small Par' Islenne insists on receiving on l1er fete day and at the New Year a live pet , instead of n costly doll or 1\ mechanical - chanical toy. The demand bas been ; ! reatlng a supply , and a lively trade Is being done , not only n puppies and Imens , in tiny monltoys and In lambs , but also in tigers and leopards. Up tea a certain nge , these small felines are quite harmless , and , of course , as soon as they begin , so to speak , to show tholr teeth and sharpen their claws , they are sent oft to one of the two magnificent "Zoos" with which the Gay City Is IIrovided. TWO SISTERS HAD ECZEMA. Cutlcura Cured Scalp Troubles of Two illinois Glrl1-Another Sister - ter Took Cutlcura PIIII ; . " 1 must gh'o much pr lse to all the Cutlcura Remedies. I used but one cake of CuUcura Soap and ono box of Cutlcura Ointment , as that was all that was required to cure my'dlseaso. I was very much troubled - bled wIth eczema of the bead , and a friend of mlno told mo to use the I Cutlcura Remedies , hlch I did , and I am glad to say that tho- , cured my eczema entirely. Since then wo hll.vo I always kept the sonp on hand at all times. My sister was also cured of eczomn of the head b ' using the Cu- tlcura. Remedies. Another sister bas used Cutlcura Resolvent and Pills a.nd' . thinks the ' are n : splendid tonic. I cannot say exactly how long I suffered - fered , but I think about six months. 1\1iss Edith Hammer , R. F. D. No.6 , Morrison , Ill. , Oct 3 , 1906. " _ uu _ _ _ Sweet Amenities. " 1 hope you won't be disappointed , dear , for I lenow e"er 'body thought George , was paying attention to you , But as a matter of fact , ho asked me last night to marry him. " "He has then carried out his threat , poor fellow ! " "What threat 1" "Ho declared to mo the last time ] refused him that ho would take some desperate step. " Deafness Ciu1Dot Be Cured by localllppllcatlons , as tlloy cannot reacb the dl , based portion of the ear. There Id only ono way to , cnre deafneBB , and that Ie by constitutional remedlea , Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed conditIon at the mucous linIng of the Eustacblan Tube. When tills tube II Inllame < 1 run bayo II rnmblln ! ; sound or 111I' , perfect bearlni.lln < 1 wben It 13 cntlrely clused , Deaf. Deule tbo re ultaDd unlcss the Inflammatlun can betaken taken ant IIn < 1 th [ s tube restorcd to Ita normal conl1l' tlon , bearIng will be destroycd foroycr ; nIne CIISCS out of ten lire caused by Catarrb. wbleb Is notblng but an Inl1ame < 1 conl1ltlon of tile mucous surfaces. Wo will glvO Ono Uundred Dollard tor nny case 01 Deafnesl Icaused by catarrbl that cannot bft cured by Uall's Catarrb Cure. Son < 1 tur circulars. troo. r Y. J. CIIE mY & CO. , 1'oledo , 0 , Bold by Drulrllstl. 7 o. Take lIall'l ] tawlly l'lIIs tor constipation. Sweep's Curious Find. An Atherington ( Eng. ) sweep , named Joshua Folland , was sweaplng the Chimney at a house which had been unoccupied for some lIttle time at High Becltlngton , when , to his great surprise , ho swept down seven tUllgrown , live wild ra.bbits , which he bagged. WIth a smooth Iron and Defiance Starch , you can launder your shirt. waist just as well at home as the steam laundry canj it will have the proper sUffness and flnlsh , there w11l be less wear and tel1r at the gods , And it will be a } loslUve pleasure to use a Starch that does not stick to thE Iron. Health of New York Clt . Statistics of the board of healtb show that the general death rate il1 Now Yorle city is decreasing in a\1 diseases excepting the four sroups oj acute respiratory troubles , cancer ; of tbo heart and dlseasef of the kidneys. r , 'mport nt to Mathers. : - Exnmlne carefully cery boUlo of CASTOntl. , a laro IInd euro remedy ror lurllnts ! lnd children , : : : " It - - , " " " # . ' : , p.-- Signatnro or , In Ueo For Over 30 Year . The Kind YOIl HIlVo AlwDa Dought. Largo fortunes from smv.U graft ! lOon grow. , " , , . . . AWFUL ATTACKS OF PAIN. A Most Drendful of KIdney Trouble and How It WaD Cured. . 'fhomns N. l\tCCUIIOltgh , 321 Soutb Weber St. , Coloraclo Springs , Colo. . I snys : "I.'or twelve or fIfteen 'ears I was suttorlng fre. quont nttncks of paIn In UIO bacle . ! lml kldnc 's tl1l1t lnsted for three i weoles at a. tlmo. I woulet bo unnblo to turn in bcd. The urlno wns in n terrlblo condition , nt times 1com. . plolo . . . - stoppage , - - . . oc. I currlllg. 1 begnn WJtlI JJoan's lllInoy Pills , and soon felt better. Keeping on , I founel complete freedom from leldne ) ' trouble. 'fhe euro has been permanent. I ewe my good health to Doan's Kidney Pills. " Sold h ' all dealers. GO cents a box. Fostor-l\Ulbul'l1 Co. , BUffnlo , N. Y. Prgeons Aid Physlclnns. C'arrier pigeons as nlets to a physi. clan' are reported from the north of Scollnnd. 'fho doctor has a scattered practice , nnd when on long rounds he talees several pigeons with him. If one of his Imtlents needs medlclno Immedlatel ) ' he wrHes out a prescrip. tlon , and by menns of the bird for. wards It to his surger ) ' . 1101'0 nn ns. slstant gets the mcssnge , prepares the prescrhltlon und dlsllUtches the medl. cine. If uftm' visiting a. . Illltient the doctor thinks ho will bo required Inter In the da ' , ho simply leaves a pigeon , with which bo can be called , If neces. sary. Invigorate the Digestion. To invigornto the ellgostion and sUmull1to the t01'pld 11ver and bowels there Is nothing so goo 11 as that old family remedy , lll'nndreth P1l1s , which has been in use for ever 1contury. . They clean so the blood and Impart now \'igor to the bed ) ' . Ono or two every night for n week will usually bo nll thnt Is required. For Constlpntlon or D 'spepsl , ono 01' two taleen every night will afford great 1'eliof. llrandreth's Pills uro the same fine laxatlvo tonic pili 'OII1 gl'nndparents used and being purely vegetable are adapted to ovel'y system. Sold In every dl'ug ntHl n1e(1' lne store clthm' ' ' , , plain 01' sugal'coate , Records to Be Proud of. Edward Wolfenden and Thomas Dleakeley ha\'o not missed a single session of the Baptist Sunday SCl1001 at Upland , Pa. , In 24 'cars. Thomas K. Draper has been present M every session for the last 20 years and Elias Eves and William Taylor 'have attended - ed every Sunday for ten years. The greatest cause ofTorry on Ironing day can be removed by using Defiance Starch , which will not stlcle to the iron. Sold ever'where , 16 oz for 10c. Sarno men seem to think they arc doing a great deal toward 'righting the world's wrongs by fussing with tbelr neighbors. Top Prices for Hide ! : , FurG. Pelts , 'Yrite for circular and catalogue No. 0 , N. W. Hi e & Fur Co. , MinncapoliR. . It takes a hair tonic manufacturer to pull the wool over the e 'es of a bald.headed mnn , 1'11.En vuur.n IN 0 ' 1'01-1 D.\'TR. PAZO OlN'J'\\J \ < JN'l' Is cuaranteed to cure nn1 cnte of ltchlru : , IIIlnd' IIlcodll1 or l'rotrudlUI : l'l1es hI ' 10 H dU1S ur llIuuoy I'otuuded. Uc. The man who Is on plearmre bent Is apt to find himself broJw In duo tlmo. Trappers' Supplies Sold Cheap. \Vrite for catalog and circular No. O. N.Y. . Hi e & Fill' Co. , Minneapolis , Minn. Men who malto the most money get otbers to maleo It for them. Panthers and Grizzly Bears. Shin Fun' ! PeUR 1\fl' rillan 1.'u1' & Wooi Co. , l\nnneapoli , Minn. " 'dte for prices Every noble activity makes ro m for itself-Emerson. Lewis' Single Bin er cigar-richcst , mosl I'atisfying smoke 011 the market. Yom , dealer or Lewis' Factory , leoria , III. To a blgheaded man the world If very small. . _ 1 Pt'TNAM 'FADm.ESS DYES , arc Clt to liKht nml waAhinl ( nllIl color moro goods than others. 100 per"pnc1tnge. . - - - - - - - - - I'ato Is a female who clveD mou the laugh for b01l0vlnl ; ber , - - - - - - - JllrM. WlllltoW' " Aoothlfll : Ayrnl" Vor ehlll1ren teethln , lotlenl the Itura. , rodu eA In. 1IlmmaUlln.llnala rain , curcI wln,1 collo. 25c a OOtUo. - - - - - - - - - - - It taken clever man to lck up an umbrella and walle art with It just as It It belonged to him. - - - - - - - - - - I.ewis'Single nlnder 8trni M Go clgnr is good lunJity } all the time. our dMJcr or I..ewis I ncl.or ' , I'corin , III. About all UI0 consolation some men : Iot out of losing their money la the . bollof tbat the ) ' are dead ( ; 1\1110 sports. , - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'ro ( JUJU : A ( : OLU IN ON I : IA T Tllke I.AXNrl\'IC II1mMO ( ,1111111110 'l'nbtell. Uru ! ( ' ItIM rulu",1 mUllo II .It filII" to ollro. IC.V UltOVX't ! 1IIIIntufo Is on 0\011 box. IIC. - - - - - Your friends thlnle Umt yon are right nnd 'Ol\r onomles thlnle tbat yon are wrong , but you have lo show the rest or UIO cold , um.lympatbcllc crowd. . - - - - - - - Garfield Tea ( Guaranteed under lhe l'uro Food ami Drug ) regllJalcs n Bluggl h livel' , o\'el'comeR constipation , 1m- rif cli the hlood and eradicates dis < : asc. It is macle of lIerb ! ! . To Explore Greenland Coast. The dulw of Orleans hns nnnounced to his friends at Copenhngen thnt ho Intendo to start a now expedition next sprlnl ; In UIO shll ) BelIca ! to pono" trato ns far I1S lQsslblo along the northeast const of Greonland. 'fho purpose is to join the Danish oXlledl. tlon , under Myllus grlchsen , which left last June to explore the sarno coast. Starcb , lIke ever 'thlng else , Is beIng Ing conatnntl . improved , the pntont Starches put on the marltot 2 [ ; years ngo are \'ery dlfferont ntHI inferior to those of the present day. In the lat. cst discovery-Defiance 'Stnrch-all in. j'urlous chemicals are omlttod , while the addition of nnother Ingrodlent , in. . vented byIS , gives to the Starch a strenJth nnd smoothness never np preached by other brands. In the Matter of Tips. The man who Ups the highest gou the best servlco and the most ostenta. tlous doference. "Glvo this to the cook , " said n St. Louis parvenuo , handing ono dollar to the walter with his order , "and tell him to cook It my WilY. " "Glvo this to the cooe , " said a scribe at the next ' 1.ble , haUllln 11 two dollar bill to the walter with hili order , "and tell blm to cook It his O'\Tn way , .for ho Is a better coole than I am. " Wo will not bo o\lt8'hono. 'Ve will not sbrlnle In any man's shadow. At the same tlmo the pace is too hot and fast for most of us.-St. Low ! ! Globo-Democra.t. , . _ . " _ ' . _ " ' J _ HEALTH AND SPIRITS . . - - - - - - - Arc Restored by Dr. Wllllamr , ' PlnU PIII& In Casea of Debility nnd i Denpondency. ' I ; ) Genernl ( leblllty is caused by men. I J tnl or ph3'slcnl overworle with lmper. fect nsslmllntlon or nouris 1ment , or 1 by S01110 acute dlaease from whlO : " UIO vital forces 1lILvo bcen vrostrnted and the entlro organism wenkencd so ns not to call1ty rally. 'fo restore healtb It Is neceosnry that the blood should bo pU1'lnOI and l11a\lo now. The cnso oC Mrs. E. 1\1. Spcnrn , at 93 1\1t. Plensnnt street , Atbol , Mnss. , Is a. common ono and is Glvcn hero il1- order that oUlors mny bo bencfIted by. her experience. She snys : "I hat ! been slclc lor n year from In lltestl n anJr general debility brought on by ovor. I \VOI'le nml worry. I ' 1ml hied many , . 'I remedies , but found no relief. I nuf. , fe1'elllrom swolllng or t:1e : limbs , 109D or appetlto nnd dizzy spells , which became - . : ! came so severe towards night , that I , , sometimes falntccl awn ) ' . I was bll. . I " lous and my hands aUlI arms woulel , \ ; go to slolp tor an hour 01' two at " 1 . . time. I was so sleepy n11 tile tlmo ' thnt I coull hnrdly lIecl ) awalw. J : 'I hml frequent crnmll9 in my lImb3 nml severe Ilains nt the base of 11110' head nUll In my bacJe. Mj' blood wa 1m- poverlshed. I 'Was nfl'aleI to gl\'o up an ( I go to bed fearing that I would 1I0\'er got well , "About Ulls tlmo Dr. Williams' , Pillle Pills were recommClHlell to mo by n fl'lond In South Vernon , Vt. II felt better soon after beglllnlng' the , treatment U1HI continued unUt I wnn entirely cured. I conslJer Dr. WI' ' " IInms' Pink rl11G a granc1 mcdlclno , for weak womoll. " , Dr. Wl11lams' llnle Pills are solcl' ' by all druggists , or sent , pOGtpnll1 , on recolpt of prlco GO cents per box , nfx boxes $2.GO , by UIO Dr. Wl1Ilnms Modl. clno Company , Schenectady , N , Y. I SICK HEADAOHE : PoslUvolr cnred J)7 CARJER'S thOBO Littlo' lllIs.l. Tiley nlso reliavo DI.1' I trcS3 trom Dyspc11Ja , In. ' BTTLE digestion I1Dll Too IIenrf.1. EntinG' . A pcrtect rem. " I V ED . , cdyrorDlz7..ness ! , Nausca. PI1J.S Dro\Vslncs-1 , Dad Tnst , In the { outlt , Coate . ! Tongue , Pilla In the Sld , Toupm UYEn. .1'1107 rcgulato tbo Dowels. Purcly Vegeroblc. I SMAll Pill. SMALL DOSE , S ll PRlC " CARTERS Genui a.Mu . t Bear , Fac Slmllo Slgnaturo ITTLE aVER d PilLS.r ? REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. lfsEC l f r : g ELECTROTYPES In for .alo at the lo'eat Creat varlely bl ! rrl 11 A.JI.iKLWUU III"BI'rlR CO..IIIT.4..Ut..l1 > . ' . . . NATURE PROVIDES FOR SICK WOMEN a more potent remedy ill the Toots and herbs at the field than was ever produced from drugs. In the good old-tnshlolled days of . our grandmothers fcw drugs were tlsed ill mediclncs and Lydia E. IJinldmm. of LYlln. Mass. , in her study of roots and hcrbs and theh' powcr over discase dlscovercd 11.nd gave to the women of the world a rcmedy for their pcculiar flls moro potent 11.m1 e11lcacious thl1u any combination o ( drugs. Lydia E. Pinkhant's Vegetable Cotnpound is an honest , trim1 nnd tr\lo remcdy of unqucstiono.blo therapcutic value. DlH'ing its record or more than thirty years , its long list of actUl 1 cnres of these scrlouG ills peculiar towomen , entitles Lydia E. llnltllnm's Vegeta.blo Componnd to the respect and confidcnce of every fair . minded person amI evcry thinldn ( : woman. When women nre troublell wIth irregular or pl1.1nful functions , weakness , ( Usplacemcnts , ulcerl1.tion or intlammation , ba. clenc ho , flatulency , gcneral deblllty , indigestion or nervoua prostration , they should rcmember there is ono tried and true remcdy , Lydia E. Pinl , . ham'a Vegetable Compound. No other remedy in the country has such recol'd of curea of I iemalo 111s , nl1l1 thousands of women residing in every part of the Uniwd States benr willing testimony to the wondcrful : : virtue of ] . .ydia E. Pink. I hl1111's Vegetahle compound I1nd what it hl\o done for them. Mrs. PinJehnm invitcs nIl sicle womcn : : to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to henltb. 1 or twenty-five years she hns ! Jeen ndvlsing sicle women free of charge. She is the dnughter-In-law of Lydia E. Pintt- ham 111111 na her nsslstnnt for yel1fs bcfore her dcceaso advised underhel' hnmcdiate direction. Addrcss , Lynn , Muss. FARMS FOR nEuT AXU SAI.E ON " ( JICOI' I'Rympnh. I J. MVLJlAI.I. . tuuux Cl'rY , IU\VA. . W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO.6 , 1907. , , I : Prot cl : The Health of your families by insisting on Pure : Food. When it comes to Baking Pow&er , it means a saving of health and money if you use : the : standard artic1iC of purity and effi- ciency-the : wonderful I II I K C POWDER BAKINC An absolutely pure baking powder scien tifical1y com bined. 25 ounces for 25 cents. Your grocer refunds your money if you are : not sat isfied. Don't accept a. substitute - tute ! They are impure : and a. menace - ace to health. As for K C , the : standard of quality. " "Craemer's Oalculus " - "URE Cure" IS . GALL-STONE Is n Certnln Remedy FOR GAL.L. 6TONES , , Stonolln the KldneYI. Stonelln the Urlnur1 JIIndder . , or Ornel. IIl1lonsnnH' , Ballo" Complexlun , JaundIce IInd all Btomnoh 'l'f\nhlns rraultlnll frill. 1I1110usno'8.V.'lto f'or cirellillr. l.VA ) . VUAJCllEU , . . OO ortl& Gralld Avclllle , S'J. ' , LOVIN , MO. . . - . . . - " . _ . _ . . " . . . - , . . . . . . - - _ - . . . I II I II I I I I theOVER I OVER NINETY MILLION BUSHELS : or whent froln the han'cst or 1906 mcans good money to the fnrmera of Wcsleru Cannda when tlte world hadto he fed. Caltlc Rnlslug DoII' ) " lug and Mixed Ifarmlng aru also profilable can , Ius , Coal , wool atHl walcr II' abnndancel churches aUlI schools convcnlent ; markets eut or RCceSS. Taxcs low. Iforndvlcc nnd Informntlon address the Super- Inteudent of Immigration , Ollawn , Cnnada. or IIny nnthorlzecl Can dlan Government AR'cnt. W. V. BENNm , 801 NeVI York Life Buildin" Omahl , Nebraska. - - - - - - - U. S.NAVY el1l1s ta tn four "enrl you nK fUon of llood cbarnoter nud lound Ihr.lcal condltlun between - tween tbo nlles of It and as uPllflmtlco sea- IUOII\ oppOrtunities fur ndvullcemollt ; la1 116 t.o ' 10 a lUuuth. lCIeelrlcJ\II..1Uacl1lnl.u. ! IJlaoklmltbs , COl'll0nmlll1l. "eoUlon ( clurln ) , I carpenlors , 8hll'nuo.s. Urcmcn. lIIullclans , oooks. 4110 , . bet"ccn 21 nud U. ) 't'nrs. euliitea In Ipeolnl rattlli:8 , lIh lullablo pll1l lIosflllll appron tlces 18 10 2 ! ! fenn , Uetlrumen on tllreo-olluha nnd nl1o..ancea litter : ill leal. ' sonleo. Allpllennta wnn be American CI ! l llr lothlnlr outnt free to rccrultl. Upon dhnharlo travel al1o"lI/lee 4 cuntl I'er mlle to 1'1110 ut ooliltUlont , lIonnH fuur nll'ntbs' pal I 1IlIIlluoreae Inln ) ' II lIon reulIl\sllIIont \ within tour muuthl of illscllaflO. Olllcl'a Ut Uncolu nn'lIu1lnlll. : . NohraRklL. AIIO , lJurtnlrwlnter. Kt IIt'R Mflln 'II , , < I Siour Cln , 10" ' " Addre. . NAVY IIECnUITINO STATIONP.O.8Idt"OMAIIA , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DEfIIllNCE'STARCH eallest 10 work "lib anCl " stlrcliu "llIthel nlcol ! . . , " ' , ' " , Iat. _ . . . . . - - = . . . .J..I.M. " ' . . _ _ _