. - . - . - . - . t ' ' " " . . . . . / ' - , \ . ; . t'\ - , ! " IVV'J\l\'V'/.N'.J'A'VJV"'v'\VVVVVV 'VV\l. . . * V\fI'V\ ! . , . . - : ( ; c : News of a local Nature . : ; " , . ; ' " " , , , , / ' , , " . , ' ' ; . ' ' , , ' \ , , \ / , , , , ' ' ; / ' , , ' ' . , o. , . . . . . /.l. . / ' . , . . . . . .l\\.r..vvv.'V'v..rJ\.J\I\lvvv..v.l' 4. ' . Dati McCarty , the ' , 'jolly blacl- smith" of Thedford , was in the citJ' last Friday. Henry JIeiiJ , one of the suh- stantial farmers of Wcsterville . . , , , - caller at township was a busincss th s ofiice li'riday. . The wcat)1er don't sccm to get cold enou ' h to' prevent theo ' o assembling' a crowd of citi ens when a dog fight occurs on the streets. If the backbone of cold weather lta not been broken will someone . 'kindly adl 1inister a uaclbone . breaking blow. ' 'here has been enough for one stretch. . . Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Christensen : I nre enjoying a visit from her I Rister , Mrs. P.- Gibson and two , childrcn , of Hampton , Neb. , hc. nrrivcc1 iu thc city Monday. \ . Tho'\e Df our citizens who desire to hear something good in ' , . the line of a lecture will go to the court house tomorrow ( li'riday ) , night aud hear Prof. J. r . Mc- , Brian elate superintendent of sclJOols. Only the otle Cilse of small pox bas developed at AUGley' aud the prompt a.ction of the aut1oriti } s in placing a quaranhne IS - thought to have been the means of prcven t iug its ! ; pread iu tha t . . yilJage and vic"inity. . ' > H 1S reported hat Rcv. aud 'Mrs. McConnell , who spent _ e\'cral weeks here last winter in , vilngclislic meetings are the proud parents of a baby girl , I\vho recently ilrrived at their nome in Atlanta , Georgia. ' ' ' the 14th is Next 'l'hurs a > . , V lentine's day and although "large stocks of both eomic aUll fancy souvenirs were purchased . " . bY our dealers , they have nearly , .all been jed } , which indicates " that tl c posto.ffice people will t. . . . : . b vc all extra amount of work ) I1ex ( 'Neck. Col. J. E. Iszard ; of Hotel Reneau , thinls he has just about. . solved the light problem in a manner more satisfactorily than gas at a mint of money per month , having installed a double-geared , , new-fangled ( or angled ) l < cro7.cn. lamp which i1lum1:1ates : : the hotel ofiicc brilliantly and .dispenses with mans ; words not printed in the biulc. L\st Saturday. the 2nd of l'cbt'l1Vry was what it ; known as Canc1ll'l11as , or Groundhog , day. Tradition has it that on the 2nd oS this month the ground ho { 7"- comes'forth from winter quartcrs , aud , if thc sun is shinIng , h I ' will see his shadow and return to his den anel there remain six . weel < s longer in order to escape the cold weather which will . , prevaii for that period. If the hog came out last Saturday he ' saw his shado\v , as the sun shone i . .a good share of the day. , - It. O. Brown , of Berwyn , writes that Leslie. son of "Bud" , - Skinner who formerly resided at : . llerwyn , was accidentully shot by a companion whilc out hunting near Howland , 1\1.1. , where they now reside. 'I'he charge strucl { young' Sldnner on the sIde of the , head and cut away the flesh for . the space of nearly 3 inches and the r ght eye is so badly injured he will probably lose sight from , it. A letter written Jan. 30th by the father of the unfortunate ( boy says th , t although badly I . injured it is thought he will re- covcr as he is steadily improving. Irs C. ' 1' . Crawford , formerly of this city , died at Ainsworth last Saturday. 'l'he deceased , with her husband was one of the pioneers of Clear Creek valley ' and later l11o\'cd to Broken Bow " , 'f where her husband was county , treasurer four years. A number . ' . ; . of years ag they moved to I p , I Cherry county where th y e\l- \ . . . . . ; t . gaged in the stock business with ' , I ( thclr grandson , C. ' 1' . Anderson. The past year they resided at Ainsworth where C. ' 1' . Anderson - son is IlOW engaged in the hotel . uusiness. 'I'he deccased was an aunt of Mesdames G. 'V. Apple and C. E. Rector of this place While going from the store tc , his. home last. Friday evening . . . . dUring the wlIH1-squall a ne. . . . f black Deruy hat was remo\'e ( ' . froIU Jeweler Anderson's wanli locks and started south at such r .t ra pid pace t ha t he is i ncli ned tc believe it has reached SoutI I America by this time. If any 0 our citi cns have relati\'es 0 : friends residing in Souti America who write that the sait described head-piece has reache ( there , they are requ sted tj ) in ( J.C' form Mr. Anderson who will a . . . ' once send a quict claim dee ( thereto. George Willing is in Omaha attending .the annual meeting of the State HetaillIard ware dealers of the statc. Dr. Christensen \Vent to Ansley on professional business 'J'uesday will visit that 'vlllage once each month in .the future. W , F. Kennedy aud D. R Hockwell went to Omaha yester. . day morning to attend a meeting of the hardware dealers of the state. Ir. and Irs. n. L. Ormsby _ are Itwldng 'arrangements for ' their 'annual outing which they will spend iu 'l'exas , leaving here next Monday. Capt. Pickett , who is holding down a chunk of Uncle Sam' domain , near Dunning , came dowu last Friday and. visited with parents , Dr. and Mrs. C. Pic1etl , a couI/le of days. Mrs. .Tohn Bangs who was taken sick ten days ago has been so very ill that It was thought she could not live. Her condition - dition today is reported ueHer , but she has 110t yet been told of the death of her son , Arthur D. , wh ich occurred last Iol1lay. Geo. Papineau , who but recently finished the residence building of A. ' 1' . Sims , has talen a contrael to build a fine residence for pr , Victor Beck. I'e will build 011 tbe block just east of Dr. lfarnsworlh's residence - dence . in the south part of the city. 'rhe Hoyal IIighlaniers initiated - itiated eight refug'cs in the the mysteries of the Brol < en Bow Castle at their regular meeting 'r"ucsday night by the degree team putting onthe work. At the conclusion oi the work about 75 of th members remained to enjoy a tine oY : . cr sppper. Richard Yockey , 23 years of age , son of C. E. Yockey , of Comstock , who has ueen affiicted with epilepsy for some years was before thc insanity board last r-.rolHlav and it was deemed advisi ble that he be sent to the asylum at Norfolk for treatmQnt , to which he was taken Tuesday by Deputy Sheriff 'I'hompson , accompaincd by the father of the unfortunate young man. Regardless of the fact that sevcral entertai11ments nd social functions \cre given last Friday night there was a goodly number present to see the "Wild People of the World' " at Odd Fellow hall , g'en in addilion to a social and lunch. After a v ry interesting - ing literary aJd musical progt'an , the wild pcople were exhibited with much eclat , C. II. Holcomb acting as spieler. 'rhc wild people were appropriately costumed - tumed , and hig-hly painted and consisted of A. E. Anderson , J. II. Johnson , Grant Drale , Alvin Burk , W. . Schaefer and P. A. \Valtol1. 'fhis little sldt produced - duced great merriment : lnd it was \'oted as well-worth the price of admission. A numbered ticket is given each night to every person who attends the Angell Comedy Co. , productions. .Saturday night the company wIll make a present to someone of a beautiful china dinner set valued at S15. Considering - ering . the cold weather , fair sized audiences have been in attendance and the company have proven their ability to please , the number present increasing- with each succeeding night. 'l'he plays for both to. morrow anl Saturday nights are strong ones and the company if composed of arti ts who wil ] I present them in an acceptable 'manner. A Saturday matinee : will be given at 2 :30 : o'clocl { , ' at which time the beautiful pIa ) "A Soldier's Sweetheart. " Prices are given on first pagc of this RHPUnI.ICAN. The II.cent rug sale at Groat' furniture store last Saturda ) attracted more , than enougl purchasers to tal < e one hundre ( ' l rugs and that in exactly fou : minntes. As advertised-ex elusively in the RJU'UIII.ICAJI > > -the sale uegan at precisel 20'clock and was to clost r I at 3 o'clock , uut as tht I whole lot of one hundred 'fl1gi were disposcd of at minute : after 2 , the sale closed 56 minute : earlier than the tUlle set 'I'his ought to convince tli mos skeptical that it pays to advertisl in the RHPUBIICAN. Great & Co. desiring that no one will be with out a rug have another suppl' which they will offer at IC ) cent - each between the hours of 2 ant 3 o'clock ou S turday , Februar' 16th , under the same condition as the sale on last Saturday. . . - I - - - - - . - I. . " " . & County Treasurer Cavcucc was kept so bus ) last week receiving money in pa'ment for taxes and issuing receipts therefor that be is tbis week laid up with an attack of la grippe. Claud Wahl , who has been indisposcd and not present at his tousorial parlor the past three weeks , is again wielding the ra1.or and ejaculating , "uextl" in I a healthy tone of voice. ' 1'wo sons of A. J. I obertson are sick with typhoid fever. Rob-Hoy , . the younger.oue . , is COil valesc111g after an illness of tcn weeks , and last week John , the oldest sou , was takcn sicl { . At a recent reception given by a 'patriotic society in Washington , D. C. , Rc\ ' . George Baile ) ' , son of J. W. Bailey , of this City , was the principa 1 speaker and of him a Wbshington p Ipcr said ; "His addr s did I1Ql fail to cnthuse his a'udience nor dihi \ rc. putation as an orator spO\ . 'I fir At Cqllnwaf. Monday evening a block of buildings in Callaway was burned. 'rhe fire started in the pool hall and lunch room of McDermott - I Dermott & Tierce at about ( ) ' o'clock , causcd by attempting to fill the tank 011 il gasoliue stove without extinguishing the burn- ers. 'rite gasoline exploded- uSllaluuudcr these circumstances. The joint . . . . .as soon burned down aud with it Isaac Brrner' : ) raclfet and l.rroccn' storel G. A GriO th , real estate.offi e ; Dr. Hosldus , dental parlors ; Jas. Oliver's resi- dencej the Cou1" er-Tribul1e printing - ing ofi ce , and the building occupied - cupied on the ground Hoer bJ the telephone ofi cc and Mrs. "atcs and the upper floor by ' Miss Allie Woods , dre smaker. The estimated - mated loss is from 67000 to $8000. To t.gY r ! ' CJf 9o d Coffee. TA1It NO'NCE : We have 011 hand a liue of the most celcbra ted cotTce that h s ever been shipped to Brokcn Bow. It is the White Star and the f1a\'or JOu cannot forget. Price 25c , ; 30 , ' , 35c and -tOe per.pound. TUH AD\'O. - - - > ' : I.7. . . . . . ' _ . . : < , O- . . . . . Removal Nollcu. I have removed my stock of Undcrtaldng Goods , Picture and Hoom Mouldings , etc. , to the room recently vacated by R T. \ \ ' aler } Grocery Co. , and am prepared - pared to do all'teiud of furniture upholstering. Business j > hone , 85j residence 322. L. E. COI.H. Ralph ParleUe. Of Ialph Parlette , who will lcctut'e under the auspices of tbe Young People's Union at the 'l'cmple theatre , next Monday night , Feby 11th , the Abiline , Kansas , Daily ReHector said ; "Ralph Parlette , of Ohio ' , gave the first lecture of the 'course last nig t to a largc audience in the Seelye. He talkcd on , "Pockets and Fan di5C" , and de- ligh tcd every "hearer. IIe is gifted with a fund of droll humor and a1 ! abundance of homely ph :1- : osophy which h mingles in pleasing combination. His audience - ence was pleased and frequcntly applauded his excellent points. I-lis lecture pict red the rear wealth of the world-happiness , good cheer , clean ! ircs-in iwaj' \ that will be remembered. Mr. Parlette "made good" ; Abilene hopes he will come back some day. " _ OrSQn Values. r am offering the following exceptional bargains in organs : 1 second hand , $75 grade Estey urgan , in fine condition for $40.00. 1 Chicago Cottage , ( ) octave I organ , slightly used but as good as new , original value , SS5 , now S45 00. 1 Dyer Bros. , new , solid oak , fine t ne , guaranteed quality for S4S.00. 1 Dj'er Bros. , new , cleven stops solid oak case , S75.00 grade , S57.50. These are "cash" prices. Get r my terms on "Mason and Ham- lin " " " am1 , "Chicago Cottage , "Crown" orga-us. 'rhe uest iI1 the world.1. . A. W A'1'T 34-35 Broken Bow. 'fhere is a chance , if taken quickly , to invest , with formel reliable Broken Bow bus 11eS ! man , from S25 to SIOOO in old , - paying , Lincoln Wholesale house , whicb desires to enlarge territory If preferable stock can be boug-hl or money loaned. Address A. M , l m'unr.lcAN. 35t - - - - - - - - Los'A note in the amount 0 $ ( ,00 , with interest at 10 per cent payable to Matilda E. Gandy or order , 'on or before Jan. 1 11)10 , dated June 28 , 190 ( " signN , by S. II. Doan , On January 17 , 11)07 , the sai ( note was paid in full and al s persons are hereby warne ( [ ) . against negotiating the sam li'inder will be rewarded b y s I returning to JnSSlt GANDY OJ 134-36 MATlIDA E. GANDY ' ' " . . . . II . . " . - ' ' ' ' For S.I. . Thirty head of horses , consist : ingof work horses , drivers , saddle ponies and brood mares , Il'our registered Hereford Bulls. 'I'hree Poland Chinn Bonrs. ' 1'wo Mammoth Jacks. tf. AI.I.AN H1t\'NItH , 2 miles south of Broken Bow. r M mm i BUSINESS POINTERS. W m M . - " . Doctor Leach , Delltist. - J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2U Don't miss us if you want shoes cheap. MJtvIS & Co. Dr. Bass , D ntist. Ovcr McComas' drug store. . - - - - - - T ineolel1m Lustre is what its name implies ; pnts a lustre on the lil1colcum. Get it at Konkel's - - . , . . . . . . . - " - . - . - . . . , . . _ - - - - . - When ) ' 011 have hogs to sell all up No. 62. II. H. SQUIHHS. Phina and Queensware mnst be closed on t. I ! tVI 1 ' & Co. It'8 the real thing' , better than the best. White Slar coffee at 'the Advo. . - - I wish to do plain sewing at my roams , at Lilly King's. 32..t f Mus. Lur.A HOIIBS. i\Iake the lineoleum 1001 , Ji1e ncw by - appl'ingT4ineoleum Lustre. Get it at Konkel's. Dr. Headrick gives special attention - tention to deafness and catarrh. Will visit Broken I ow , Monday , li'ebruary 11th. Carpet at cost , to close. 35tf lIWIS & ( , ' o. Los'l'---Last Sunday , on the Callaway road. between the farm of C. S. Hudical and Broken Bow , a ( fold watch and chain , Finder please leave at county clerk's office and receive reward. - - - - - - - The White Star coffee has a fine flavor you can't forget. At the ; \ho. - - - ! am lUakiUI ! fartl1 toans at 5 per cent interest. J AMUS f4ltDWlCn , 25tf Broken Bo .v , Neb. Drs. Farnsworth & lleck- Dentists , y , . . LagJ s overskirts , up-to.date , cheap , at MnVls & Co. It's the very latest an'l best. ' Lincoleum Luster. Get it at Konkel's. 35tf W ANTED-Men , women , bo's and girls to rcpresent McClure's Mn a ipe Good pay. Address 67 st 23d St. , N. Y. Ciy. ! 34-tf. Dr , Headrick's practice is li m ; ted to ch ran ic d i eases. Consultation and examination free , Will visit Broken Bow , Monday , ! ! 'ebruary 11 the Lel us be your printer. 'I'he oed kind of printing only. Beautiful underskirts at 35tf htVIS & Co. r am making farm loans at 5 per c'nt interest. J A1\IltS T4HDWIcn , 2&tf Broken lJow , Neb. Go to J. W. Scott's for unadulterated - adulterated flour-pure , just as the wheat growed. Great variety . of blankets and comforts at MnVIs & Co. For bargains in real estate see Bowman & Anderson , just west of the Security State ank. . lOt ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Great crowds buyir.g goods daily at MnvJs & Co. W AN'l'HD-the year around , ten men , with or without families. HUlUS G. CAltH , 20tf Doris , Nebraska. Couch co\'ers and portiers cheap at MHVIS & Co. Don't forget to order your coal , oats and corn at we side cleva. tor. HiANDHRSON. : . - - Our spring- stock of clothing h 111 and going fast. 35tf hWIS & Co. W AN'l'ltD-A girl for genera' housework in small family I Stead ) ' employment. Will pa ) I S3.50 for right Idnd of girl . Enquire at this office. . I am making farms loans at f per cent interest. f J AllHS : T4IWWICH , 25tf Broken Bow , NeLJ , R. B. Mullins , M. D. , D. D S. the Dentist. 37t MARTHA K. Dr LL , INSTRUCTOR OF PIANO.FORTE Clnsses in Theory of Mnsic , Harmon . nnd.Kindcj'gnrtcn. . . . " Plnno lessons of 40 mlt1utes , 50 ccnl Ii per ICEson , paynble monthly. , I In Gleim & Mycrs block. IIrokcl1 now Ncbraskl , - - - < to . . . . . , . , . . ' 01-\- " . ' ; , t ! \ _ "A Heart to , Heart Talk" , ma ) ' be developed through the agencof VALENTINES We ha\'c thcm all. COMIC , UEAUTIl UL , SI NTIM ] N'l'AL. , Ic to $1.50 S. I-t. LEE i "rh Busy Druggist. " - , : ' : : : ' 'I . . _ . . . . , " ' _ " , ' , " r.- . . . . . ' 1'0 FIIJL AN OUDER for any kind of lumber is an easy matter for u . We carry a ful1 supi > ly of all kinds required for' exterior and interior work. It is all well seasoned 'nnd in perfect condition for immcdiate use. 01 ' large or small quantities we can quote very attractive prices. ' , Our mill work IS of superior grade both in material and work- mnnshi p. Dierks Lumber 'and Coal Co. ROSS G. MOORE , . Attorney-at-Law. lteBI 8tBto RU" loan I.Irol.Office In APlle 0101111 : lIrnklln lIow , Nllhr..I < , . . - - - - - - - . " - - . . . - - - . - _ . , - - - . . ia : ? ; P ale's Bulletin' FOR F E B R U A R Y . i $ ' . , , . . ' ] 'rosh Veget bles ' . Fresh Oysters ! . . O ster Oounty 110ney 11 Buokwheat ] j'lour . . ' , . 9 , Fruits'of' ' AlllCinds . ' Fine Butter a Specialty rtm I vel'ything Good to l at ' . 'tV 0 guarantee the best at the lowest priees J. , ; J. N. PEALE . . , t Hp.alty Block , Broken Bow. IB . . - - . Clothing at Cost ! Be S11rQ you see MEVIS " CO. , for OLOTl-I1NG and OVEHOOA1'S. lj'spec- ially those lines to be closed out at cost. Largest Stock of Mens Shoas in Broken Bow. Sboe I epairing' a Specialty. Ladies , Misses nd Childr n's Shoes in abundance. - - . . . . . - SPECIAL BARCAINS i During the month of February we will m ke some very low : prices en . ODD CHAIRS , . DRESSERS , I C OMMOD ES . and m ny other articles iudis ensi. ble to good housekeeping. Our spring' stock of carpets and rugs are beginning to arrive. Call and inspect them. Our "quick . . delivery" " still t l : your serVlce. D. . C. . KONKEL.