Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 07, 1907, Section One, Image 4

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    _ _ _ . . . .ILI. . . _ WO
" " . . . : ? ' . : . . . . - - : .
t' , ! u terlnt1 \ \ \ Republican.
ONlt DOI.r.AR l'UR vttAR.
ADVlm'l' ISI Nn RA'rf.S.
. ' . One column , II I' 111-1 lit II , $7.00 , One.lm1 (
column , Iler Ulonth , i4.l . Qnarter colulIIl ( tIer
, month , ! : l.50. 1.e8"11.11 Iluutcr colullln , ( ,0 ,
' . . cent. . . er Inch per muntl. .
Card. on lIul palle W cellt. IICr Illch lltlr
mUDUl ,
. 1.oca1 advertl.ltlll' S contR per line each Inser.
' tlon.
. , " " Notice uf chnrcb fair. . . , lIuchlhlcB anl1 cnter'
) . . \IIIIIIOlltll wbero 1110120) ' IR chnrlCe , ' , OIlC" aU
' Society 1I0ticCH ant' ' \ulUllunl , one.h : . : I' . , eM.
1" WelIlhll ! ' nutlces flee. haU price IlIr I : " ' . uf
71" " . . _ , . - ' "
zr Dcath D i1 clI hZ , lUII' , . . : . : " ' i" ' :
' '
, obituary nollccli. "
Cant oC ' 1'hankM. 5C , . !
r 1.o/l'al uullces al ra' I'wvlllc ! ' by ItUUtos u (
" \ . . . Nebraska. I
. I
D. M. , IvIS EBrlV. . . - Pllbllsllor
I CII . , DASSETT , " Assoolato
- - _ _ _ . _ - _ _ _ " 0
. ' 'rhursrlay , li'eb , 7 , 11)07.
- . - - . . . - . . . . .
For the exprcsfcd ! purpose of
. putting an cud to frauds in the I
acquisition of public lauds Prcsi- ;
, , dent Hoosevelt has directcd i
. Sccretary Ilitchcoc1f , of the I
interior dcpartmcnt , to issue no
more patents sought to ba ac.
qui red under laws requiring
settlement , rcsidence and cultivation -
tion , until an examination of the
, ground shall ha\'e been made and
its c\ndition reported upon bJ' an
authorized office of the govern- 'l'his is lilclj' to me n
greatly incrcased work for special
agents of the land department ,
but , as an offset , prohably less
. 1ne devoted by thc courts to
the trial of indictmcnts for
allegations for pCIury.
. . - . - - . . -
The Carnegie 11l'ro fund commission -
mission finus itself in a somewhat -
what cmbarrassing position by
reason of the elopement , with a
man already married , of the
widow of one who recently lost
his life in an attempt to . . . 'Je two
persons from't \ _ . , , The
commission had ) aid the .widow
$1000 , and was a > out to bestow a
bronz , "dal commemorath' ( ' of
the he. ' ' , cd of self sacri tke , .
but in VII , " ot the circumstances
don't quite know what disposition -
tion to make of the latter. If
th ir principal worry has to do
with the waste of good metal ,
they n11ght have it re-cast into a
dog 1icens ( tag.
, HCllIcd j ; 1 legislation , in tended
to preveut a recurrence of the
presen t car shortage condition ,
is soon to be urged upon congress ,
in a special message dealing with
the subject from the view point
of the reciprocal demurrage convention -
vention recently held in Chicago.
It is not the easiest problem in
the domain of physics to cause I
Dame Nature to adapt her ways I
to legislative fiat , but the passage -
sage of a national reciprocal
demurrage enactm' nt would
doubtless put an end tc tue use
of freight cars as permanent
storage warehouses at raibvar
Vedl } ' "a guilty conscience is
its own accuser. " A convict serv-
ing' a sentence for larcenv will
500n quit the pcnitentiary of
Kansas , to be placed on trial for
a 110 less henious crime than
nlltrCler-all because a ( } uickened
conscience impel1e\ confession
of the dastardly deed.
They Claim Excluliivo Right.
We have refrainell frol1'ceusuring : the
onli. ivisionists of BrOKen Bow in 11I01'- .
ing their fight so long u ! they with.
in the limits of decent camp1 gning.-
Callaway Queen.
From the Queen's remarks it
is apparent the Callaway gang
do not want anyone to Infringe
on their manner of campaigning.
Suitl Againlt Raitoadl.
A dispatch from Wash ngton
says : " 'rhere is likely to be a
wholesale filing of suits against
a large number of westcrn roads
for alleged violations of the law
regulating the time that cattle
can be held in cars without r st.
water . . SccretarJ ? Wilson -
son has had the s cuths of the
D partment of Agriculture on
the road gathering testimony for
s vcral mLnths past. This evi-
d lIce ha'S ' been placed in the
hands of Attorncy Gcncral Bona-
partc , and the ma Her i'3 to be
taken into the courts. 'l'he Department -
partment of Justice will instruct
the United States attorneys in
the distncts where the offenses
are said to have been committed ,
to begin suit agaim.t the alleged
violators. A large number of
rh.i1road represcntatives have
wt.ited upon Secretary 'Vilson in
an cndeavor to have him suspend
the 111 _ . r until new schedules
" "uId be put into effect. To al1
tn se requests the Secretary hm
turne a Cl ! ear , declaring thai
.uattel' is entirely out of hif
1 "tnds aud is now up to the legal
C"I. cers of the government. "
, . " , . .
r (
- .f" "f".1. ! - - _ _
h ltefer I ,
, . . . . " ' '
1 \ to i'C'
[ Ilo .Ill. ; 1. , , , _ U V
Because we ! il.1i I11cdicims :
for thcm. \ / . : t.\'c : them the
formula r'i' AV. . ' : t ChcrI'Y
, PCCJJ. . ' ' : , \I \ ' : JH'cscribclt
il fOl' ; r : ; t. ( 'ok ; , bronchitis ,
" " " : " " 'u'i' ; : : . 'f nc'l trust it.
Th ' " \ { 1\i , : : . , ( , J . ore ! to trust
Ir. : - : , ( ) , i ; " , \1' ' , . < m. ycars. I
, .H. . . , " ( . . . . I \ " , . . . . , . ; I , , , " " tllnt
" 11" ' . , ' . , . . " ' ! I.r. . , . . , . . , , , , II , . , , . . . , .11\11I1'l\t (
. " . . . . .t . . h " ! " " I . , , , , ' " .0' nhlA , ' 1" , ( 1
\ " . . . , \ ' . , . . , . . . . , .1\ \ . . . ' " ' ' ' ' 0 It I. . 1"llI\ \ .
j , . . . . .1,1. . , \ . . . . " , , : , . . ' ) : ' -lI ; lLlt.J .
. .
I. " ; ; II. ' " If. '
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * , . , - . , , - . . . _ . - _ . . _ . . .
, 'j . J lI .I' " , . . . . . : . : ( ' . , . . Iowell , Mn s.
. : ' ' . I' . , < . " , rorlJ or
h : \ . . , IISAI'MUl.l"-
" i I . . . J ( . ) " . ( 1'11.1.5.
; . . . . . . . . . . f. ; { ; . : / . . . . ' UAII VIlIOR.
. 'f'nrcJj'l"M :
royor"J PIIIII groi'tUY uld the Cherry
) octlHIJI Ir , hrc kln up n cold.
. . . . . . . . . , . . . _
- - _ - . - . - - - - - - - . . - -
- - - - - - -
District Court POllponed.
A term of Dtsl rict ( 'ourt in and
for Custer tount ) ' wan to have
convened in this cit y last Monda ) '
and Judge Hosletler had madc all
art' lI1g-C11ICllts to be present aud
preside whCr1 he was petitioned
u ) ' a majority of the mcmbers of
the CustercounLy har association
to adjourn thc I' . : hmary term to
somc future date that would be
agreeable to him. He accord-
ingly'adjourlll'd the term to
Apnl15th , at which time cases
that werc to ha\'e becn heard at
this term will be called.
- - - -
The Best Er Held.
'l'he 1 a1'lncrs I nsti tu te held in
Broken Bow Wednesday and
'l'hursday last week was considered -
sidered the 1II0st successful and
best. cver held in the county by
those who ha\ ' ( ' had to (10 with
all of the prC\'iOl\5 \ tu Htutes.
'l'h cold wen t h r prevented
many from t lcnding , but even
then the attcndance was good ,
especially on 'l'hur5day when the
court room was crowded.
' ! 'he addrcss s a\1(1 discussions
were all intcrest ing" and instructive -
ive and dcmonstrated that the
speakers hall g i'l'n i time , study
and though t to their subjects.
In the corn growing contest
prizes w rc. " . . . . 'ar < l d. as follows :
l' or the best fC'u cars of corn.-
First 'l'ony HC'dor $6. Second
A. 1 . Anderson $ . 'l'hird H. C.
Wooters $2 ,
For the lar .Ott of
; tar corn-
First John Pc'Lce $2. Second J.
F. Carlos $1.
For thc hJIH'C'st car of corn-
First John Fri c $2. Secoud J.
Ii" Carlos $1.
At the buiucss meeting the
following otliccrs were clected for
the ensuing ycar : Pres , J. D.
l cam ; Vice. Pres , Jas. Stockham ;
Sec'ytJules lIamnontj 'freas. L.
H. Jewett.
A Womait'8 Auxillary was
org-anizcd wlth the following
officers : 'Pl" ' . " Mrs. W. W.
llishop ; Vic " [ 'nH , Mrs. C. H.
Jeffords ; See'y , Mrs. Loren
Resolutions were adopted , as
follows :
WIJEHl S , Tim IlI'osunt InstituttJ now I
bolt huld au Im bcon of oxtmor i.
IUU'Y intol'ost : lud the duscusslon of
lIovoral toplc ubly handle ; I\n
WIII ItIS , Thu sl:1t Ims so liberally
ulum hold oC tIlt ! \ , II 'tuto' wOl'k , which
ill oC much iml'lJl'lIltlO ) (0 ( .tho farmers
ospeciuil ) ' ; ,
'L'1J ltIu'olm lgw.vKu : , 'fhut wo f ol
gmtuhll { ot' ollt lutitutlons : of Ag1' . I
cu1t\1\'O I\ud wo tlc it.o ospociulJy to
timnk the IpuakOl' : ; uCtho IItato for the
\'ILllmblo ICII ous I\'on rn 8u goslions
HP.SOLYIW , ' 1'111.1 I'a this is rapidl ) ' bo.
comlug an uUlll a.gruwiug country , and
knowing thlll a ) ar ,1 part of OUl' Cl'Op
is somotlmcs hllt't by rain , wo therefore
olU'uostly Ilsk thf. ( II\'ell1mCl1t Weather
llUt'OIlU , thl'OlI h It. 011lco at Lincoln ,
Nobl' . , to CUI'nish . . the wo\thor : indl.
cntious during the nllalfa seuson.
HI SOLYIW FUll'rmm , Thllt wo are
hcartily in fa01' of the State Com
1ml'rOV01"sosot' ; atlon { 01' this counh'y
to IIct in Cfluill < 'ton ) with the State
AHsociatiol1. .
HI sor.vlm Fnt I'JIltlt , Thut wo fln'or
the Woman' : ; J i.ti : on to the Institute
nnd boliuvc tlm It wlilloa to gt'ontor
inlot'ollt in thu l\ \ ! tI "HO , vork. OSllooiaily
with girls 011 th hmr ; .
HgsoI.\'lw. 'I : I'.l IVl. fuvor the boys
mlli gh'ls , Cl , ' 11 JtroWOl'untust lUul will
IUIIII U\UI' ) ' I : 'JJI possible and recom.
mund that II 1:0111 l'xhilllt1ol1 ho hold ill
Ul'OkulI Bow CII'ly \ in March of this
' ' .
) 0111'
FUlmnn : 1:1'01 : : ; YED. That wo still
\II'HU thu lIe.'l. . lty of 0\11' Pool'.I.'arm bo.
ing COlldhC.d 011 thu IIl1u of UXl'ol'i.
lIIuntal W01'1UIIII that thu Ill'csidunt of
this IlIst lI\O : , :1111\ : \ the CQl\nt ) ' Board ,
act toglllhul ( I his Hnu.
FUltl'lIIm it : : : , 'l'I1I\t whereas
lhu com 111)11 : 0r'd Assoo iatioll 11.1'0
without 11an ' . . pay lu'um llms. t1mt
wu recoI11IU'I.rl aud eal'Uostly ask om
Uoprosun1t.t\'c : ! ; uud Senator In the
l.cglslutlm : \ , \ ' in sessiou , to work and
secure nu uPP' . 'PI'latioll sl\l1loiont t < J
pit ) ' lu'ol111tnn a warded y the asso
, ciatIon.
l HESOI.YB ) r.I'1 wo ftn'o1' lhe OI'gl\l1'
hmtlon of It : : ' :0'1 Honds fcaturo . to (1m
, Instilule WOI.I
: RESOI."lJllrmm " , 'l'hat wo arc ;
l jtl'lltoful : tu.- . . ! I : 11C01'S \ , I\nd \ 1\11 who
have so Llr : . H. ' , .Iy II.sslstod In thie
= ! . Divllion Bill 148 Killed.
Housc Roll No. 148 , bill intro-
duccd in the House by Hamcr , of
Buffalo , Was tll1 luimouslJ' 0) ) ) *
posed bJ : the cQmmittec 011 county
boundarIes and the House con-
currcd ,
A party was givcn at Mr.
Mincr's placc in honor of his son ,
Eltncr , on .MOlulayevening. A
good ti me was reportcd.
1'he dance last l riday evening
was greatly enjoyed but the bad
wea t her made the crowd slim.
1\Ir. f.4al11JU was sick and I could
not fill his appointment last Sunday -
day evening , so no preaching
service was held ,
I J're Parks , who has becn quite
sick for several days , is bacle in
school again.
Hubbit hunting is the only
sport of late , the snow favors.
Jutlg-e 'l'urncr ' , of Brcwster ,
gave Dunning a 'call Monday and
Jack Raubanalt returned from
Omaha on l\lonc1a } ' .
1\11' . Oscar Hanna and Miss
] dith Neighbor took a trip to
Brewster Sunday.
Earl Owens , son of the proprietor -
prietor of the Dunning n tel ,
who is now working' for his uncle
Wm. Owens , near Broken Bow ,
camc to Dunning to visit \UHler
thp parental roof last Friday , returning -
turning on Monday.
Mr. audl\Irs. Mandeville have
just returned from a visit. at
Alliance and a few other points
west of here.
. . . .
- - - - - - - -
Marriage Licenlea.
Since 'l'hursday of last .weck
County Judge Humphrey has
issued but two marriage licenses ,
as follows :
'Varren . Simms , Arnold , . . . .25
Ethel J. Eddy , Merna. . . . . . . . 24
Harvey Hiatt , Gotbenberg. . . .22
Nellie DeForrest , Gothenberg.21
Died Suddenly.
Last Thursday evening , Jan. 31 , 1907 ,
at 6 o'clock , Joscph lIulldart dicd suddenly -
denly at the home of his daughter , Mrs.
George Willing. in this city. Mr. Hud-
Ihut ha \tuusually well during the
day allli , having just come in from the
barn , was rushing ofT his clothes whcn
the summons cal1C and he sank to the
/1001' / without uttering a word.
The eceased was born at Yorkshire ,
I nglan , June 15 , 1829 , and came to the
United States hi 1843 , settling at Mil. I
waukee , Wis. , where he was united in. .
marriage with Miss Nancy Pinker. To' '
this nnion four children were born ; one
died in infancy und those living are :
G. T. IIuddart. Gien Rock , Neb. ; Mrs.
Gco , Willing. this city. and : 'Ilrs. David
Recll , Temple , Arizona.
In 1864 tl\e \ parents and children start ,
ed for Nebrnska , overland , Mrs. Hnddart
was taken sick on the rend and ied and
was buried at Warengo , Iowa. With the
motherless chiidren lr. Huddart took
up the journey lund reached Brownville ,
Nebr. , where he locate .
On Sept. 20 ; 1865 , he was lIIarrie to
Miss Melinda Hem , who ltied Aug. 23 ,
1906. In 1890 the family came to Broken
Bow and here the parents have since
resided , The children from this union
are ; J. E. lIud art , Duell , Col. . Mrs. I .
Nellic II. Wemlcll , Dixon , Ill. , W. II.
IIuddart. North Platte , Neb.
A brother , H. lIuddart , and sister ,
Mrs. J. Rogers , lesi e at Bamston , Neb.
At 2 o'clock p , m. . Sunday , Feb. 3rd ,
funel'Dl services were held. allll largely
attended , at the Episcopal church , conducted -
ducted by the rector , Rev. Xanders.
Arthur D. Bangs , son of John and
Clara Bangs , was born at Otisfieht , l\I\in ( ,
June 7 , 1868. With the family iil callie
to Custer county in the spring of 188-1
and settled on a claim near Comstock ,
where he remainell two years , then came
to Broken Bow and engaged in a restaurant -
rant and later in the furniture husiness
in which he continued until 1891 when
he moved to a farm 2 milcs northenst of
this city and thcre resided uniil his death
which occurred Monday , Peb. 4 , 1907.
In Ma ) ' , 1897 , he was united in mar _
ri e with Miss Clara Boyce who , with n
son , Wilber , and other relatives , dceply
mourn his death.
1I0 was taken sick with typhoid fcver
five wccks ago Dllll was rapidly recovering -
ing from the attnck until the day prior
to denth when a rclapse occurred.
l uneral services were conducted by
Rev. A. A. Mitchell yesthday . afternoon
at the presbterian church , the seating
capacity of which was inadequate to
accomodate those present.
Deceased was nn honorable , upright
citizen , kind and indulgent lmsbnllll IInd
father , amI held in the highest esteem by
all who lmew and hall bnsiness or S ? cial
relations with him , aUll his demise was t1
severe shock to the comm\\I1ity.
Zumbrota Zephyn.
Mr. Joe Coles sons are in hot pursuit
. or the wolf but have not capturcIl an ) '
. yet. The ) ' havc six houn s DllIl sincerel ) '
.1 hope they wiU be more Imccessful in the
: Mrs. CQllwell and Mrs. Kimberling
I were friendly visitors ill this neighbor.
- . . _ " - ' : : ' = : : : : . _ -
- . . - - . - - - _ . : , : . . . . . . . _ . - . - 'I' . . .1
. . _ " . . . , .
. . . . . , . , . -
" . - - . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . -
. . .
. , _ _
l I ' -1 r J rllrlV ! "
r- - - - -
OF ,
I -
. ' . .
Now for Pure Food "
Insist on
. -Ore PRICE'S
Cream Baling Powder _
. . . . - . . . . .1 r. 1'I ' < _ ; - ' , . . . .w . : . , . .5 . ; . . . . . _ . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' " "
. - - - . . .
_ . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
hood last Friday , cnllillg ou Mrs. Sau s
: md Mrs. Cole , partakiug of diuuer at
1\1rs. Callen's ,
Ralph Johnson shippcd ne car of
cattle anl1 part of a car of hogs , Jack
Martin making np the orther part. 1\11' .
Johnson accomprmied them JO Omaha.
1\11' . Koozer's childrcn arc now getting
bcttcr of the measles and arc able to be
up a Htlle hnt are still confincll to the
Weissert Warblcs.
George Hilton's haby is quite sick.
Earl 1 > lrnie made II hnsiness trip to
Sargent Friday , returning Saturday.
Onward Shadden has retnrne and
will estgblish a gas plant at Weissert ,
having fonnd business slow in Omaha.
Quite a number of Weisscrt's young
people have been cnjoying the literary
at Elton.
The revil mccting at Swiss valley is !
booming , and a vast amOltnt of gooll s
being done.
Mrs. DavW Hilton , of Broken 1I0w , is
visitiug. al George Hilton ' 5.
l.eonard Hilton transactcli husiness in
Sargent Friday.
! ,
Art Cooksley is rcported uudcr the
wcather this , ; "eck.
\Vaync Amos , who is holding n position -
tion with the B. & .M. , is home for a
short visit.
David Adams , of Dr ) ' Valley , expects
to move to his farm , north of Sargent.
Skating is fine on Clear Creck now
and the young folks are eujoyiug . some
lovely skating.
John Shmhlen so1 < < 1 sixty head . of shoats .
to Bert Brass 1\1onday.
Lewis Town has 1Jecn hauling corn
from Zack Amos" this wfek ,
Ale. ( l'irnie lost enc of his hest fatl en-
ing cattle on t he ice to.l1n ) ' .
- - - - - - - - - -
Kidney DiaeasclI Caulea Half the Com.
man Aches and Ills of Humanity.
As one weak link weakens a chain , so
weak kidneys wcakcn thc wholc body
nnll hasten the final hreakiug.down.
Overwork , strains , colds' and oUler
causes injure tie : kidncys , and when
their activity is lesscned thc whole hody
sufTers frolll the cxcess of uric POl-
son circulated in thc blool1.
Aches aUll pains and languor and
urinary ills come , and thcrc is II lover-
increasin tendenc ) ' towards diabetes amI
fatal Bright's disease. Thcre is 110 real
help for the sufTerer exccpt kidney help.
Doan's K ncy Pills acl llirectly on the
killne's and curc cvery kidncy ill. The
cures are the proof.
W. A. Tracy , printcr , 1ivill at 1123
Jule street , St , Jogeph , 1\10. , says : "Por
eight or ten ) 'cars I suffcrell at ti111cs
sevl rely with p\in ! in 111) ' hack , IInd al.
though I useel doctors' prescriptions amI
various mh'ertised rcmedies , I rccch'ed
Httle re1ief. I scarcel ) ' knew what it
was to bc withont a plaster on 111) ' hack , .
and lit night , after standing all da ) ' at !
Illy work , my sufTcdng was always worse.
As Doan's Kidney Pills were ad'crtised
utilI reC0111U1cnl1cd hy people fight hcrc
nt home , I procured 1OX 1U1I1 obtaincd
snch relicf that I kept ou using the rcm.
edy untilllllthe pain IImllamencss iu 111) '
ack hall1cft me. I soon felt as strong
IInd well as I ever dil } . I was so surprised
with the rcsnlts obtn 11C11 that I gave a
statemcnt for puhlication , mh'ising the
usa of Doan's Kidney l'i11s by k11lney
sufTerers. During the ix yenrs that have
elapsed I have no indiclltion of II return
of the trou lc , except whcn n cold scttled
in III ) ' hack , and thcn I take n fcw dose : >
( Doan's Kidnc ' Pills ntlll the trouhle
is always re1110vcd. I am pleasell to reo
indorse Doan's Kidne ) ' l'ills. "
Per sale h ) ' nil Ilealers. PriCl 50 cents
Ilostcr-l\1i1burn Co. , BufTalo , N. Y. , solf. .
agents for the Unitcd States.
Remembcr the namc-Donu's-and
take no other' .
. . . .
1I IZL _ - - < I. . . .
Successor to
f and GEO. WILLING ,
Embalmer and F "eral Director , )
NORTH SIDE , BROKEN BOW , NEB. , 301. Hesidence phone , 334 B. ' - . . . . .
' 1.
; < ' : f. .r..r..r..rJ".r..r..r..oo'r..r.r..r. : 'O : ; < ' : f. . " . . # : .cv. .
g J.B : : . SP.A.I : ,
Jf\J. : '
g rnf VS : nn " ' .IVERY and .
I , . , "I " I"r. . .
81 ' - . . . '
' \ \
! ! , . : IIH& I ! . ' . " . . . , , . FEED BA fr ts 'is tf1 q
N F.f-- : . i J
Remo eled and repaired throughout. Good livery rigs at reasonable rates. N I
.Q Accomodation fCr cattle and range horses. Hay at noon , 10 cents ; all day , 0 '
R IS cents ; over mght , 35 cents. Call utH1 see me ,
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