Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 07, 1907, Section Two, Image 21

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IMPORTANT-If havedetayed investing in this ,
DON'T UT TillS Dn ANOTUER M roves I t orBtock , you must act quickly you if you want it at the present READ TillS CAREFULLY. IT , AY
LO ' " OPPORTUNITY. - price. It will advance in price in a few days , as the Dn JUST WIIAT YOU WANT.
aUotment to be sold at 33 cpershare wltl soon be gone. '
MakUIDoth : Kansas City Steel
. .
We lire Already Assured of , " 'ore - Our Crude 011 Durner Solves
Orders TIJnn We Can . Possibly & 1 F .d- the Fud Problem for Steamlnll :
HII Next Yenr. ron oun rle S and Domestic Uscs.
The Only Steel and Malleable. Iron Casting Plants in the Entire Southwest
13 SHARES FOR $1.00 I Will Control Great Southwest Trade 133 C per Share u i V : r 1C
No Stock Jobblnlt lI"nlnll : Stronltly Indoued by the Mnnu-
Scheme. A Snfe , Conservative . THE CRUDE OIL POWER COMPANY facturers nnd Ierchants' Ano-
'nnuacturing Enterprise. clallon of Knnsns City.
- , ,
The Cru e 011 Power Co. Is Incorporated
under the Inws of the District of Columbia ,
under Fe eral Supervision for 51,000:900 , dl-
vl ed Into 1.000,000 NON AS ESSABL shares ,
lIar value of $1 each.
The Company Is now bulliling two great
factories. one In Kansas City. Mo. , and the
other In Sour I.alee , Texas. The I'iansas :
City plont alone cuvers acres of groun .
These faetorll's will be In operation liy January -
uary 1st. l'lllJY represent today an outlay
and value of S3 : , OUO There Is not a cent
of Incumbrance on tll' > property.
This mammoth stl'l,1 and Iron casting foun-
ry will jlc the only ( ,110 for the m:1nufacturo :
of Iron and steel In-the Southwest. All orders -
ders for steel an 11 un ( .astlngs have to be
placed In the East. The faetorle : ! there. are
about nine 1I10nths bclllnil with their orders.
'The Crude 011 Power Co. , turning out at
the very start aoooo pounds of steel and mnl-
leable Iron castings per ay will be1thout
competition In the entire Southwest.
'l'hls Company control . furthermore. all
rights to manufacture the new Cru e 011 En-
it flne : an Portable Hellner allli Generator.
1'hls engine will be manufaeture at a ver '
; , minimum cost an will be suld at a very
large Ilrofit. As It can be operated from
the ( 'rude all It will absolutel ' lsplace the
gasoline engine.
The Portable Refiner will refine crucle 0\1 \
< nl. the wells. ' } 'hls will elTect a revolution
In the 011 business , as the Independent producers -
ducers can cut down 50 per cent of the cost
of refining.
The profits from the casting foundrIes alone
w\ll \ rt'ach 5200,000 yenr. This Company can
drive thc eastern producer out of the Southwest.
It has the lIeld to Itself. The emand for steel
and malleable Iron castings Is limitless. Now ,
look ; sit up an take notice that the Crude
011 Power Co. . WITH ITS FACTOnlES
AL IOST CO n'LETED , makes the following
"m Ifi hI" , nfTf'r :
. - -
- .
A Practical illustration of the Two 'nmmoth Plnnts of the Crude 011 Power Co. ,
at Kansal City nnd Sour Lake , Texas. as They Will Appear
When Completed. Invcst In n Sure Thing.
' " " 'ipr c additional funds for the development of the company's propt'rtles. and to
compl'te Its work. the companv ts now alTerIng an Issue of 100.000 Hlmres of stock.
scrlIltions of carefnllnvestors Is Invited to this Issue. 'fhe stock will earn at least 18 per cent
from the foundry epartment alone , making at present prices a profit of GO per cent on the
In this estimate no account Is ma e of the profits accrue by the sale of the crude 011 engine
amI portable refiner. This department alone will a d vastly to the IInanclal Ilosslbilities of
the company. .
The high character. business ablll v and Integrity of the personnel of the omcers ; anll
directors of the Clt UDE OIl. POWElt , ,0. coulll not be excelled. They are as follows :
I'resl ent. G. W. Fitzpatrick.1. : . D. , physician and capitalist : vice-presl ent , E. E. IUchNM + ' -
son ; sceretary-trellsurer , ] { . O. Stock Yards Company : treasurer. W. C. 1Iowe. president S. W.
01Unerul \ Co. ; secletary. A. A. Osborn , Inventor nn constructing engineer. all of KansM
City , lIfo. The Company niost cheerfully tnvltes an urges fulllnqnlry ns to the character an
standing of the above-nnmed gentlemen
We refeou , by permission. to the Interstate National Bank , Knnsas City , Kan. , and
State Bank of Iansas Clt ' , ] { an.
As our 33c nllotment of stock 15 nlmost subscribed for , It 15 Importnnt that I should hnvc
subscriptions Immedintely If you wnnt stocl < before the price advnnces. Everybody who hns
Investlgatod your this Compnny has either boultht stock or reserved SlIme. Another opportunity
equaling this will probably never be offered you. I enrnestly advise you to let me heor from
you by return mail or by telegram. P. C. VINCENT , Piscal - Agent , 404 Glbrnltar Building ,
Knnsas City , . 'Ito.
Read this and Permanently Increase Your Income
Is building TWO GREAT FACTORIES , one nt Kansas City the other at Sour Lake , Texas.
IJotb plauts will have t11P. same Initial f'apacltY. an both will have the advantage of natural
gas for fuel allli sillendid transportation faclltles. , 'fhe Compuny's purpose 111 both Nants
will be :
First-A Steel and Mnlleable Iron' Ca.qtlng Foun ry-to manufacture Malleahle Iron and
Steel Castings at a largl'r net than by other known process. THIS WII.L BE TUE
ONLY PLANT 010' TillS Cl AIlACTEIl anfy ANSAS 01'1'\ . and we are alrendy assured of
orders that will ta.x . the full capacity of this department. This department alone will pay big
returns on the total Investment.
SeconA Portable Crude Oil Refiner an Burner-To mannfacture Special Machinery
for Relining Cru e 011 at the wells. These machines can be manufaetnred at a /
for ' profit. and they will REVOLUTIONIZE the Refining of Crude Oils. The U50 a this
machine makes It possible to refine crude all at 50 per cent less than by Ilresent methods. The
Burner Is the only satislactory one Invented.
Third-A Crude 011 Engine-To manuCacture a. Crude 011 Engine which Is destined to
sUPBnSgDE the present gasoline engine , because the same Inltlnl horse power can be developed
one-half the Ilresent fuel cost. ' } 'hese engines can be used wht'rever the gasoline or steam
nt -
Is used. The special Crude 011 Burner manufnctured hy this Comlany can be alfixet !
englno to any stove , furnace , or boiler at low cost and large profit. 'rhe nse of tillS Burner will make
It possible to heat. cook and steam at less cost than by using natural gas , gnsollne\ kerosene ,
the horse at ha \ f the cost.
coal , Just thlnle of nn engine that will develop same power
wood. or
No need . to use gnsollne , coni. or even denatured alcohol ; just crude all at less than 600 per
barrel , Instea o { casalino at $6,30 per barrel.
Page' '
Why Invest In Risky or Gqmbllng Unlnlt 011
or Lnnd Schemcs When \'oll..can Partlcipato
In the Assured hnmense lnr ngs of a Safe ,
Conscf\'otlve , "nnnfncturlnit I ndustry ? This
Company Is n Sure Winner. It Will Positively
Earn \'ou IIIg Profits.
I eslre to partlculnrly Impress on you the
fnct that It Is absolutely neCl'ssnr ' that 'ou
shoul carefull ' read and fully grasp and understand -
stand the fbllwlng features :
FlrstThnt 18 per cent profits nssured In
our ndvertlsinlt nnd other mnller comes from
our Foundry nnd our Steel nnd Inllenble Iron
nnd Casting Department nlone.
SeconAbsolutely no mention Is malic
anywhere In nny of our literature of the vast
proilts that wllll'OSITIVELY IIcerue from our
I'ortnhlu Hellner or Gcncrator , our Crude 011
Engine and uur Cru e 011 Burner for stenmlng
anI ! domestic use.
Thlnl-We have alroody several hun red
orders for our Crude 011 Burncrs nn mure arc
Ilouring In every day. These burners nre not
111experiment. . A large numher of them have
been In use for a long time ' thef ' have given most
perfect satisfaction , alth , s Company Is In
possession of many nnsollclted testlmonlnls from
those who arc uSlni them that we will be glnd
to sellIl you , shaul ! 'ou so dl'8lre. The profit
on these burners exceeds 800 per cent. Over
3,000 can be sold nnnuully.
Fourth-Thnt more orders are alrendy
aqsured us for our Foun ry an CMt1nc Dept.
than we can posslblr fill , If we run day an night
next year and douule our capuclty In the bnr-
guln. 'fh q shoul occasion no surprise , as all
other faetorlts of like charaCter are from nine
to twelve monlhs behind with their orders nn
ours are the onlf two fnctorles of this kind
In the entire Southwest. You cnn easily
' verlfy this upon proper Inquiry. .
Fifth-That our CrulIe 011 Gt'nerator or Hellner Is no experiment as a number of thNn
are today , and have been for a. long Ilerlod , In use In the Cnllfornla o lllel s and are givIng
unqualllicd satisfaction.
Sixth-That this company has alrendy purchased and paid for In full the followIng equipment -
ment , which a. soon as our bnlldlngs uro completed will bo Installed , vb : . : A Complete Foundry
OUtfit\ Including Crucibles , CUllola , Flasks , etc. . cn ) ( 'lty 30.000 Ihs. dnlly ; a Traveling Crane.
capae \ ty aoooo Ibs. , an 120 feet of trackage ; n lullllncksllllthing ! outfit. Including a. liO 11. I' .
gas engine , air compressur. forg"s anll BlInecessarY tools , anvils. etc. ; a [ ,00 light Dynamo and
Equipment : a full equipment for Drilling ollnlll { glls wells compl'te. with a vast quantity of
casing , etc , ; a metal I.athe allli several other valuable metnl'orkln ! ; machines for the mnchlno
shop equillment. There Is 110 Inclebtedn'ss on the fur"golng whntsoever.
Seventh-Our plants will positively be In full operation by January I , 1907.
Eighth-Wo most l'Onlidently expect to IJa I seml-annunl dividend of at least 7i per cent
by July I , 1907.
Nlnth-Thu work all the plants Is helng Il11shel1 forward expeliitiously an.llt . Is the purpose
of the COlllpany to Ieeep all stlJekhlJlders notlled of the progress of the Compnny. purchasing this Comjlants jecurltlc. at a3i cents on the dollar you will
carn at lenst 60 per cent on your Illvestment tile first year. The enrnlngs will probnbly double
thnt amount.
For all InCormation address by wire or letter
F. C. VINCENT , Fiscal Agent.
404 Gibraltar Bldg. , Kansas City , Mo.
Our Monthly Payment Plan
Gives everyone. rIch or poor , an oPJlortunlty
to become a stockholder In ono of the big
In ustrles of the country. The propOSitIOn Is
up to you. If you nl'glect to II1vestigato It
nn learn for yourself what an Investment
In this stock means to your future you
yourself to blame.
' 1'011 can buy stock now at 33 cents jler
share Bnd have severnl 1II0nths' tlmo to pay
for It. It will pay yolt to buy all : } 'ou can
carry before the a vance , as stock with such
vnluo behind It cannot remain 10llg II.t such
a low prIce.
$12.00Inys for 36 shnres of stock , payable $5.00
down and $2.50 per month.
$25.00 pays for75shnres of stock , payable $6.25
down and $3.75 month.
$50.00 pnys for 15 8er shares of 5tock , paynble
$12.50 down nnd S7.50 per month.
$100.00 pays for 300 shares of stock , pnynble
$25.00 down and S15.00 per month.
$ ZOO.OO pays for 600 shares of stock , payable
S50.00 down nnd 530,00 per month.
$ .100.00 pnys for 1200 shares of stock , payable
S80.00 down nna 580,00 per month.
$800.00 pays { or 2,400 shares of 5tock , payable
$100.00 down nnd $100.00 per month.
$1,000.00 pays for 3,000 shares of stock , payable
, $100.00 down and $100.00 per month.
. .
It Costs You Nothing to Inquire. Fill
out Coupon below and mall foda" .
F. C. VINCENT , Fiscal Agt.
404 Gibraltar Bldg. ,
Kansas City , Mo.
Please Bend me aU information fCiMd1n1 :
the Crude OU Power Go.
Sllned. . . . . . . , . , . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .
ddr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NOTE-Write name and nddress plainly.