Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 07, 1907, Section Two, Image 20

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Through the Feet
New External Remedy Pound \Vhich
is Curing Thousands. A Postal
Brings Anyone
A . $1 Pair Free to Try
If 'oulmvJ rheumatism , write today fern
n puir of Mngie Foot Drafts-to try Prec.
'l'hey'ro curing Ill/my / of the toughest old
CIlRes on record , nnd nil the earlier stnges.
Mugic Foot Drafts ured J . Wesley Bennett -
nett , Indianapolis ) Ind. , after 25 years suf-
fering. llereditnry , his brother
having died from rheumatism. Cured
two yeurs ugo , 110 retum uf ditle f > e.
Magic Foot Drafts cured Miss C. ' 1'enn. .
Sc oine , Auburn , NY. , ufter 10 years suf-
ferang and using crutches. Cured two
years ugo , no return since.
W. F.llogguss , 326 WG 1st St. , Chicago ,
tried six different physieinns and spent
six wecks in expensive sanitarium without
ILvuil. Cured by Magic Foot Drafts. '
"l\Ingie \ l oot Drnfts cured me entirely. It
is a wonderful thing. " Hev , J .1l0IzChicago.
. ADC MAR" 71 / '
; 71'r " , .
W-.rI.J 14 4j/
! 4jh
, , 'N }
We have letterll from thousands besides
these who have been e red by Mugic Foot
Drnfts. Simple and harmless , being worn
on the feet us shown above , covering the
huge foot pores and nerve centers. ' 1'ry
them , If fully sutisfied with the benefit
received , send us One Dollar. If not , we
take your word nnd don't ask you to puy.
We trust you. Will you try them ? Just
: send your name und nddress to the Magic
Foot Druft Co.c 238 S Oliver Bldg. , Jack.
: son , Mieh , Wflte today.
. mTi'C. : ' S'tralned , InRamee ! or
I SOR1r. JIj II : : J diseased eyes , cranulat.
cd lids , ulcers , cataract
! bloodshot . eyel , wenk. tired or watery eyes , ana tbat ache , use Schlegel's mnglc : ey ! ! lotIon , .
I ! lootbln remedy thnt curel quickly. Write today
I for free sample bottle and full Information. Jn.
\ close 2c stamp. Address H. T. Schlegel Co.I559
Uome Dank Dldg. , l'eorla , III.
I .
Just ICnd us , .our name nud nddrc8Iso
that " " tell 10U how to Itetthls nne.
atee ! , hlue mar.tell calibre lIuntlDg rlOe ab.
101utely FJlIE. Ho lure aad write at oaco before
'ho1 arH)11\f ; , : cif t . ' : : n MO"lTIII.Y
711i Arcaele JlulldlDJr , - - . Uu Molau , 10.
On Enoy Oondltlone
Send lock or vour hair anel we will mall "fl.oz. 22 In. shot ,
. $ lem tine human hair Iw Ich to match. It
r. . you tind It b.C bacaln remit S'.50 In letl
daYI or .ell 3 swltche. and .et your own fee.
special sha.lel trl6e more , Inclo.e ,
50 postaRe
. . . . . . . .
6cnd umple for cUi".ale and r. " 1'
booll. 51. . . " , or' , lIalr EmporIum , , .la ;
I1l/ul" , tit. . " .
Cblr. ulII.
. Catarrh Cured at Home
Dr. Blosser Offers to Mall n Liberal Trial
Treatment of His Catarrh Remedy
Free to Sufferers.
If you have catarrh of the 1I0SC ,
throat or lungs , if you are constantly
spitting , blowing the nost' , have stop-
pcd up feeling , hcad noises , cafncss ,
asthma , bronchitis or weak 1ung , you
can cuze : : yourself at home by a rem-
ed ) ' so simple that even a child can
use it. " ; ' )
It will cost you only a postal car to
get a libcml Ifree trial p.1ckage of Dr.
mosser's wonderful remcdy. He sends
it by mail to e\'ery intcrested sufferer.
Certainly no ofTer could be more lib-
ernl , but he has such confidence in thc
rcmctly that hc is willing to suhmit it
to all actual test in your home. The
full trcatmcnt is not expcnsive. A
. . pack3 c containing cnough to last
. enc whole month will he scnt by mail
for $1.00.
A postal card with your name and
! ltlress sent to Dr. J. W. mo scr , 5U7
Walton t , Atlantu , Ga. , will brillg
. yon hy rctUnl mail the free trial treatment -
ment n id an JnterestiuI { hooklet , so
that you cun ut once bCbrin to curc
yourself prh'utc1Y at homc ,
( Co"tinued/I'olll Par(8) )
"Did you do 'It 1" she RRked , her face
strained anti white. " 0 I I am so sorry-
so "cry sorry for you. "
Something In her \'olco touchell 111m to
the quick. Bho waR young and Innocent.
Whnt n gulf was fixed between them.
"Do you pity mo ? " ho faltered , "Then do
something for me , Take this I" Ho detached -
tached something tram his watch chaIn wUh
shnklng fingers. "Tako this locket to 2 ,
Mnytalr Slluaro , ARk to sco Miss Moly-
neux. Tell her , . tor her sake. I shnll bo
wnnderer o\'er the taco ot the earth till' I
die , "
Without another word ho toro at the doorbell
boll nnd was gone. And whllo Clara gazell
stuphlly nfter him , she was contronted
with the burly Corm of n policeman ,
"What's wrong here , mlss1 Someone's
shouting Crom the wIndow alJovo I"
Clara stood n ldo to let the man paRR In.
! Jut Hhe said not a word nbout the tugltl\'o
who hud just passed out to commence a
lifelong struggle thnt winter's night , branded -
ed upon his brow with the mark of Cnln ,
A prottlly decorated drawing-room was
nil ablnzo with light , und Rmongst the
people a8sembled there was none handsomer
thnn Ule beautiful l edoro Molyneux , the
young 1I0stess.
She were a simple white dress , soft aed
filmy with Ince , A bordoI' of holly encircled -
circled the hem of the gown , nnd a small
wreath her solden hall' .
She wns the lIfo of the party-here.
there , nnd everywhere she filtted. Not n
slnglo juvcnllo wns forgotten , nnd when the
huge Chrlstmns.treo wns lighted Bhe was In
the thIck of the frny. It wns a pretty
I1l1ht to see her surrounded with the poor
little mites , who probnbly had never seen a
Chrlstmas-treo bofore. For they were no
rIch folks' children , but these drawn Cram
bnck streets and byways. Yet. for nil her
! leemlng nbsorptlon In her tnsk , every now
and then ahe looked eagerly towards the
door. And each tlmo that she heard the
Imocker or the door-bell her , face was
bright with hope and joy.
But dlsnpllOlntmont after dlsnppolntment
fl leceeded each other. Nine ! p'clock struck ,
then hnlf-pnst , then ten. Some of the
children were fetched away by their pnrents ,
otbera left by themselves , the rooms grew'
emptier und Qmptler. yet the crowning Joy
of l edoro's birthday-party had not yet
nrrl\'ed , "
Jullnn Horley had torgotten hIs promise.
He had not appeared to help her with the
"klddles' party , " as he had himself termed
Mrs. Molyneux noticed that the bright
race wns getting gradunlly paler. and thnt n
tired weary look was clouding It , She In-
alsted upon 1 edoro'8 going to bed the In-
'atant thnt the last IIttio guest hnd dlsap-
"You nro tired out , my denr : besides , It
Is getting late , No other , 'Isltor will como
now. "
Obediently Fedore left the room and
sought her own chnmber , ] Jut she did not
nt once go to bed. She nly tonk off her
prett ) . dress , and " , 'rnpped herself In her
wnrm dre8sln-sown , Then she snt down
besldo her fire to examine over nnd over
r.gnln a IIttlo gift she hud thnt morning 1'0-
ceh'ed. It wns a small gohl bangle-a.
c'ostly trlnkot-for Inscribed upon the outer
surfllce In tiny dlnmonds were the words ,
"A Happy IJIrthday. "
Sbe knew wllo wns the donor , though there
was no note enclosed. And to-night she
had been expecting fomeono to senl with
his own lips the hnlf-promlse she had
given hlfu a few dllYs ago.
"On Thursday nIght , Fedore. I shall ask
you a very Importunt question , " These had
been Jullnn's words. Yet the evening hnd
como IInd gone. nnd ho hnd never como at
all , Whnt did It nIl mean 1 Somelhlng-
something unexpected must hnve detained
him ,
r She stnrted up R n sudllen thought
fial1hed through her. Of course ! He WIIS
III-tlmt was It-ami unnble to como !
] Jut ns BUddenly the eonsolatlon fndetl
from her. Had this been so , would he
not have. written , or have nsked his cousin
1 erdl1\1I1d [ to write ?
She disliked Ferdinand Horlcy more than
she cared to nllow ovell to herseU , She
had shown him plainly mnny and man ) ' 1\
time that she wouhl lIave none of his nt-
tenUons. and she fancied there was n sinIster -
Ister look upon his unplensunt face and a
! 'cornful curl of his lip the day thnt ho
had met them at the 8tlltlon ,
Could It bo that he hnd concelvell some
plot to separnte her trom , Julian ? nut
thl'n common-senso cnme to her ald. and she
laughed at the Iden , Why Bhould Ferdinanll
Horle ) ' IInvo any spite ngnlnst Ills coup-In ?
No : "he would not be roollsh , but get to
bed and try nnd sleep , Perhnps to-morrow
would Heo the problem solved.
She waR late for brenkfast , nnd when
she nrrlved In the morning-room she saw
that her mother hastily hid the paper she
held. nlso tbat bel' voleo was n trine unsteady -
steady wben she wished her "Good-morn-
Ing , "
"Whnt I : it , mother dear ? No , you
can't deceive me-there Is lIomethlug the
mntter. "
Instantly her Intuitive seu \ ! told her It
wns aomethlng connected with Julian.
"My denr child. I hnrdly know 1I0w to
break It to you-but n very torrlble thing
IIns happened. It concerull Julian Horley. "
Every particle of color deserted tllo ! : Irl's
tnee. She was nil whlto as a statue ns she
stretehed out hrr hand for the pnper.
"lie-Is dead I" she gURped ,
" 1.1) ' dear. I nlmost wlBh It were so.
That would be bettor tbou dls&rnco & I"
"DI grace I Ob , mother , mother ! whnt Is
It you menn ? Rend It to mo-tell Ice-do
not part. me ! Dllt the words are 1111 Hwlm-
mlng berort. me I" ,
Poor little I'edoro sank Into n chair anll
hid her faeo I. her hnnds , She was trembling -
ling IIko nn nspen-Iear , hur mind was
vnluu' trying to grasp the matter. Julian
disgraced I It f'eemell BO utterly Impossible ,
"I..lsten , my child , nnd try to cllm ) 'our-
I'elf. It Is be't ! ) 'ou Hllould kno\\ ' all , It
will sa\'e ) 'OU In the end , "
And Mn , Molyneux , 110r volco trembling
wIth aglkWon , read nloud ,
It wa. .oon over , being merely a IIttlo
parngraph setting forth the result of a
"drunken quarrol" In a Sol1o restnurnnt , re-
HUltlng In the death of Mr. l erdlnand Harley -
ley by the hands of his cousin , Julian Hor-
loy , I sC ] " of Southnm House , Dedham , In
the county of Suffolk. The murderer was
stili nt Inrgo-so the account ended ,
"It cnnnot be-cannot be true I"
l edoro looked up with Huch a tnce of
110pelesR , stricken misery thnt her mother
read nil her little story , and she congrntu-
lated herself , oven In the midst of all , that
Jullnn hnd not spoken opeuly to Fedoft.--
thnt there had been no settled engngcment
between thom. .
"My dnrllng , I Cenr It Is true. or the
pnpers would uot dare to pUblish It. nut ,
to set all doubt nt rcst , I will send the
conehman round nt once. Ho shnll find out
the true state of RUnlrs , "
. . . . .
1I0w l ellore o\'er lived through thnt hour
ot ngonlzlng suspense she never knew.
Each moment seemed IIko an oternlty , whllo
the clock ticked on , and the sounds of
bustle nnd the stir of traffic cnmo In
through the half-oI'en window ,
Mrs. Molyneux wnt'hed ! lieI' daughter nal'-
rawly , but she could find no words In which
to comfort her.
The coachman. an old retnlner of the
Cnmlly , came bnck from his errnnd to the
restnurant looking very grave , He knew
how things were going between hIs young
mistress dnd the owner of Southam 1Iall ,
and thIs would put a stop to everything.
. . . . .
"Well , Smith , whnt news do you bring 1"
110 Rtood before the pall' , mother nnd
daugbtCl' . nnd noticed how Miss J'edore
wns broken down ,
"It's n bad nffalr , madnm. nut Mr. Fer-
dlnond Horley stili lives. lIe's bl'en taken
back to Ills rooms at Gowcr Street. and the
doctor has hopes of him. Uut there ain't
no news of Mr. Jullnn. " .
There wnR silence. Mrs. Molyneux wIshed
I edore would leave her to put nnother plain
question to Smith , ] Jut the girl. Instead ,
looked up and nsked It ,
"Do they thInk he did It ? Spealt ! Don't
be nfrahl. There IR . nothing worse for mete
to hellr now. "
"Thero aIn't no mnnner of doubt , Miss
Fedore. The owner of the reBtnurant came
nnd spoke to me. It's no use his trying to
deny It. They got quarreling , nnd drlnk-
In ! : , too , from whnt I hear. And whell the
man rushed In , hearing 1row , 1\11' \ , Julian
hnd Just dnshell his cousin nenlnst the
fender on tbo 11001' . At first they thought
ns he wns dead. "
A shudder went through the pOol' tortured -
tured girl , Was It tor this that she had
left the quiet retirement of her country
home-to hnvo her brlJhtest 1I0pes dashed
to plcct's , her Idol broken , her heart torn
nsunder ?
"And where Is Mr. Julian ? "
Thill query came from Mrs. Molyneux.
l edore could not bring herself to frame tbe
"They don't know , mndnm : but the police
nre hot upon the seent. The ) ' don't think
ho will escape , "
A low cry , n mUlTled sob , and the poor
girl la ) ' white and motionless upon the
( To f Co"/i"ufd it , lire Nr.rllsmt' . )
If you wish to help the world n IItUo In
your humble way ,
Don't nng ,
Your wife. If you're II husbnnd , doubtless
has her fnults , but-sny" " ' ; '
Don't nng I
You may be too bURY toiling Cor your IIttio
bit of crust
To be able to 11ft others who nro lying In
the dust ,
Uut you stili can help In making the world
brighter , If you just
Don't nag ,
H ) 'OU wish to give him eourago who has
chosen you Cor IIfo.
Don't nag ,
H YOI1 wlsl1 to be hlR helper-and ho'll need .
help In the strife-
Don't nnIJ.
110 tUny have n few shortcomings-hus-
bands generally o-
And he may sometimes sit bent en when lie
should have trluUlphed , too ,
But 110'11 rise with newer couragC nnd new
strellgth If only YOII
Don't nng ,
All around ) 'OU there nre others who have
painful wounds to nurse ,
Don't nag ,
Rubbing on the raw has ever nnd will aI-
wnY8 . make It worse ,
Don't nng I
You enn ! 'ee your neighbor's' foibles-all his
wenknesscs arc plnln-
nut. then , what's the use of prodding when
It eanllot bring you gnln ?
Why add by n look or whisper to the world'
supply of paIn ? ,
Don't na .
If ahe hns her daya for fretting , oh , be
patient then with her-
Don't nng ,
If he makeR mIstakes remember It Is human -
man still to err-
Don't nng.
You may not have strength to rescue the
pale ones whose burden kill ,
Or to 11ft the weary tollcrs who are stumbling -
ling up the hili ,
nut you enn refrain from mnklng the world
sadder , If you wlll-
Don't nng !
: -011 icalIJ Rccord-lIcrald ,
Mlnnenpolls has paid out more thnn $30-
000,000 alrendy this year to the farmers
of tha t regIon ,
O\'er 110,000,000 pounds of cheese were
made In'Iaconsln last ) 'ear. double the
produce of fi\'o years ago ,
WAit ON I..IQUOIt ANI > TOn.\ccO
The Ianens Antl-Ilquor Society ha nCor > t aI a DCW
plnn to the 1IIUOr tramc. It Is mall/ng / tree a
rct'lpe for thu cure of 1116 liquor bahl ! . It can bo
Rh'en sccretly In carTee or food. Also one for thc
tohaeeo hRhlt that eRn be given Beeretlr' The only
reqlle t tbeyJulke Is that YOII do not sel the reclpce ,
hut Ih'c frl'e cople to frlenaI , Their adaIre.s 18
Itoom 0 : : Gray , IUtl ! : . , 1'1111" " " C1trlUo ; ,
; I
Souvenir postnl car s are all the rae. ! and to Introduce
our family story paper , filled to the brIm with Interesting
stories , we will send It free for three months to all sen l1Ig
an order for these cards at on cmt each. No order for leBR
than 1m senls. Rcad ' lor mulllllg and sure to please ,
No. Namo. . No. lame ,
2S2 Country ! toad I > 3OS 'alr Mnlds oC HollaDd
283 OIY the Coast _ 6m A ! tOSb 1J0twoea Two Thorns
28& Reeolvlng ( Coona )
M A Dlrtbaa.l'nrty 6i10 : Dh1b Card
628G 5311" "
:87 Enterlntt the Harbor 63:2 Chocu ! tes ( Nlggen )
288I'each and Grapes f > 313 f\'eulng ,
28g Purity 63U To"t Carl2.
c.'JO Bummer l'leaaurol 6:115 : )1J. "b ,
2 1 GOIDg Abroad , 6318 THt Card.
m Cronlng the Stream 631'Inter. .
2 3 On a Strong Sceut 63U Tl.c Llghtbouse.
62:141n tbe Hl'ar MI9 f1prlng _
6E'J5 Dear Old nome r.3 0 1'I1..t AhoT ,
29 When the Lenea Degln to . . 'all 63:1111 : : , . Dream.
bin On Venetian Waters 1 > 32 NI.1-0ccQlI.
629S Venlco at Sunset ro' 311rneward Hound.
m Summer on 'he f'arm 632llsnthtng.
300 CouDtrT 825 " 'l hlng.
6301 lIap" , . 1 > a , . . r.3M AmerlenD lIeautiti.
6301 MU8tard VInegar 6:1'47 : A CO\lm ,
303 Test Card 6321 1 < .onUgbt Ueverlo.
6:0& : : A Venetian IIIgbwa1 r.I29 : lltternle. ,
6301\ Venetian Hecreatlon 6330 The " 'aUI. . . ;
6306 Text Card f > 3Il : Where the Garuo Abound. ,
6307 Sunsct on the 1tIver 633 Anllelpatlon ,
Satlsfnrtloll f.unrallteed or moncy refun ed , Or er hy
lIumher , not nn l1l9. Helllelllhpr , aile cent ench ; ten for 10
cellts , thlrt ) . for 25 ccnts or 35 cpnts for thc set of fifty cards ,
Silver or stamps.
338 Wabash Ave. , Dept. 5002 , Chicago. III.
Page Twelve