Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 07, 1907, Section Two, Image 19
Then Bho sUddenly bethougbt berself ot the pitcher ot water , and , hoping that It might bavo some magic power , she ran to tetcb It , and sprinkled 11 tow drops over the fierce swarm ot rats. In a momcnt not r I tall nor n whisker was to bo seell. Each ono bad made tor his bolo liS tast all his legs could carry him , so that tbe Princess could sately take her pot ot pinks. She toulul them nearly dying tor want ot watcr , and hasUly poured all that was loft In the pltchor upon them. As she bent over them , enjoYing their dollclous scent , a soft voice , ' . that seemed to rustle among the leaves , , 1 said : ' " . .ovely Felicia , the day has como at last when I have the happiness ot telling YO\l l' how even the flowers love ) 'OU and rejoice In your beuuty. " r The Princess , qulto overcome by the IItrangcneslI ot hearing 11 cabbage , 11 hen , a 1111 a pink speak , and by the terrlblo sight . , ; ot an army ot rats , sUddenly became vcr ) ' pale , and falntcd away. At this moment In came Bruno : worldng hard In the heat , had not Improved his temper - per , and when ho saw that I'ellcla had S\lC- eeeded In finding her pinks he was so angry that he dragged her out Into the garden and shut the door upon hcr. The fresh air soon made her open her pretty eyes , and there before her stood the Queen of the Woods , looking as charming as ever. "You have a bad brother , " she said : "I saw how eruolly he turned you out. Shall 1 punish him for It1" "Ah , no , madam , " she said : "I am not ilngry with him , " "nut supposing he was not your brother , .ntter all , what would you say then 1" asked the Queen. "Oh , but 1 think ho must be , " said t Felicia. "What , " said the Queen , "have ) 'OU not , heard that ) 'OU are a. Princess ? " r "I was told so a. llttle whllo ago , madam , : } . but how " could 1 bellevo It without a slnglo I proot ? "Ah , dear child , " said the Queen , "tho way you speak assures me that , In splto of your humble upbringing , you nro Indeed a real Prlnces . and 1 can save ) 'OU trom being treated In such a way again. " She was Interrupted at this momcnt by tbe arrival ot a very handsome young man. lIe wore II coat ot green velvet tastened with emerald clasps , and had 11 crown of pinks 011 his head , He Itnelt upon ono knee and kissed thu Queen's hand. "Ah , " I < ho cried , "my Pink , my dear I < on , how happy I am to'l < ee you restored to your natural shupo by l ellcll\'s aid , " and she embrac.ed him jo'fully. Then turning to I ellcla , _ she said : "Charming Princess , 1 know all the hen told you , but ) 'OU cannot have heard that the zeph'rs , to whom was I'ntrustell the task ot carrying my son to the tower where the Queen , your mother , \ t0 ; anxiously waited for him , let him In- I stead In a garden of flowers , while they \ tIew oft to tell your mother , and tben a ball I fairy , wllh whom 1 had quarreled , shanged him Into a plnl ( , and I could do nothing to prevent It. "I was very angry , and 1 tried to undo thu mlschlet she had done , but there was no help for It. 1 could only bring Prince Pink to the place where you were being brought up , hoping that when you grew up he might love you , anll by your care be restored - stored to his natural form. You &ee everything - thing has gene right , and when you gave me the silver ring , It was a sign that the power of the charm was nearly ever , and the bad fairy thought she would frighten you with her army ot rats. That she did not Rucceed In doing ; so now , my dear Felicia , It you will be married to my son wllh this silver ring , you will be happy forever. Arc J'ou not willing to marry such a handsome and gentle Prince ? " " : \Iadam , " replied I'ellcla , blushing , "you onrwhelm me with your kindness , I know that ) 'OU are my mother's sister , and that by your art you turned the soldiers who wore sent to kill me Into cabbages , allli my nurse Into a. hen , and I feel for the flrst time In my life how good It Is to be loved. Can you Indeed give me the Prince's heart ? " "It Is ) 'ourfl alreadJ' , 10vl'Iy Princess , " ho cried. taking her hand In his , "But for the horrible enchantrnent which kept me silent I wOllld have told ) 'ou long ago bo v dearly 1 lovu you. " This made the Princess very happy , a 11I1 the Queen , who could not bear to see Iwr dressed 1II.e a poor shepherdess , touched ber with her wand , taylng : "I wish you to bo dressed as befils ) 'our rank and beauty , " AIllI hnmedlately the Prlncesfl's collon dresR became a magnlll- cent robe of sliver brocade , embroidered wllh pearls , and her soft dark hair was encircled with a crown of diamonds , from' ' which fioated a thin white veil , With ller bright e'es and the beautltul wlor of her cheeks , she was altogether sllch a dazzling sight that the Prince' could hardly bellevo his eyes. "lIow pretty ) 'OU are , Felicia , " bo cried , "Don't keep me In suspense , 1 cntreat you ; say that ) 'OU will marry me , " "I am sure , " said the Queen , "she will not refuse you now. " , Just then Bruno , who was going baclt to his work , came out ot his collage , and thought he must be dreaming when ho saw I ellela , but she called him very kindly , and begged the Queen to tal.o pity on hlw. "What , when he has been so unkind to J'ou ? " _ "I am so happy that 1 should like everybody - body else to be happy , too. " The Queen kissed her and said , "Well , to please you , let me see what 1 can do tor this cross nruno. " And with a wave of her wand sbe turned the poor little cottage Into a splendid palace , full of treasures , only the two I < lools and straw beds remaining just :15 they were , to romlnd Druno of his former poverty. Then the Queen touched blm and made him gentle aUlI polite anll gratetul. He thanked the QJeen and Princess - cess a thousand tlllIeS , I.astly , the Queen restored the hen and the cabbages to their natural forms , and lert them all very contented - tented , The PrInce nnd Prlncefls were married as soon as possible wllh great splendor : a 11I1 lived happily ever utter. . . . . , , - , 'I \ ! \ ' , \ " " ' : ) ' ' o n e ; . ' : : : > > Y-ro he ( iirJen Owqy " BOYS AND CIRLS Would you like a pony and complete - plete outfit sent to you free ? Wo IUl\'o so\'onllJlonlos nllli oullltR rOl1lplcto with carrlnlo IInd bnrnM" , "flllclll'tlllnli brldtes. thlll wo proll0S0. bT II very IInhtllo pilln. to 1II'oReni to SOIllO IN'II 11011 Iflrls nbeoilltoly free of ( 'barl\'o , IlIsl bOl'IIU"e they lire wllllnl ( to 110 our fllrm 1Ol'or ' II IItlio fll\'or. An ) ' bo ) ' or Klfl that Is wide-awake stands a aood chance to Kel one of the IOIlY outfits. ' .fhorl ! Ie no catch fir s'holllo uhnul this olTor. It Is 0 rOlllty bonalhlo ofTor nllli1tI ho rurrlml oul to the lollor , 111111 every bo ) ' and Iflrl Ihnt Inlto8 to lIR wltl rl\'oh'o the 8811I0 ofTorr ami It Is II:0011 0110 tllO. and nil wltl ho trolltoll fllirly nnu oUko. Wo are all ohl rollable roncern In hnslnoS5 for o\'or thirty ) 'eal" ! ! . Our fllrm "lIper118 tll'Sl eelllbllsbollllll877 , TilE PONY OUTFITS IIUlt \ \ ' \lrOll080to Klve aWay ere nlll ' . ronlt'orlll onr- where from tKJOO : to t..XIIXI. : ' 1' \ 10 11111111'8 ere UIO hnnd. ThlslS Ono of the Outfits ( except the IIttio girls . ) SOllleet IInd beel trolnod SIotlanllll0nle& ; thnt wo cOllld find ufter II Ion I ! ' search , liS0 wnnll..llo . Iol the \'ory beet for our ) ' anll/lrle , eo U.lllwhon tboywonhirerol\'otholllthoy WANT A PONY ? JUST SEND A POSTALbO'S bo IJloueul1 and Sl'ollk 111:0011'orrl for our lllrm " .llIor. , HOW TO GET A PONY OUTFIT : I > ; , : da ' THE SHETLAND PONIES tbnl wo will 11\0 nway ere younl ! ' and handsomo. well tmlnedlI'onUo und a. . addrcss on a Iostal card toda ) ' and _ you bllrmles8 08 kittens. 'rho ) ' nto reel /ronulno Sheltnml pont08 , and bUllortl'll will hear from us by return moll. Now at that. Some ere black 111111 whlto a/IDUorl , ethers brown , Ifroy fir bilY. stnnd nbout U tuches hlKh ( boll' don't walt alld let some one else arel ahead I1ll1'h ore ) 'ou1) ) } 'hey are broken to either drt\'o or rldo. shllke hands. kneeillmilio mllu ) ' other IIIIIus1111f of you. The POll ) ' outfits will be sent out tricks. They Uko to bo pettellllnd fed , IInd we don'l bllllllO Iholll olthor. ' .fhe ) ' IIro 11I11lIls011l0 IInd Inteltl. fust about the time the roadlIre arettlll ! : "ont IInd enn tm\'elulUlost liS fils I ns a hOlso nnd l'lIn IIIRO IW lIourl ) ' 118 fllr In IIlhlY. The ) ' are OilS ) ' to kct'IJ UR nice next sprlnjt , , they don't eat IIIl1ch moro thnn a 8hl'ep. AllY boy or II'lrl clln rldo or drh'o tholll hecuusethoy 111'0 eo qulot. well "VlltO' tmlnod and ! lonUo. } 'ho plcturo nbo\'o 8hOl\'S ono of the outfits to bo Irh'on U\\'U ) ' . bllt there Bre more tholl this one. Wo will telt ) 'ou ubout It JIIsl 08 800n 0& W6 hoar fmlll ) 'ou. All ) ' 011 have to do now Is send us YOllr name Bndaddress , and say YOII want a I > ony. You will hOllr trom U8 by return 11I1111. THE CARRIAGES SADDLES AND BRIDLES Thocarrtlll\'ollnllhllrnessllroehownnbo\'olnthoIJIl'luro. , The cllrrhlll'O IIlono co u1 o\'er 0110 hundroll dOllnrs , the .borty Is palntell blllck and the wheols-runnlnll' 1I'0lim-uro I'nlnterlll brhlht ) 'ollow whh 11 hOlluUflllsh Ille. . t b a dandY olltflt and don't ) ' 011 forget It. The hllrnoss coots moro thnn twontyfi\'o dollnrs. ' 1'bo lines are ) 'ollow russet loather. nnll the roslls hllick loathor. The buckleR nre gold mounted , nnd the whole oul. fit fnlrly shtnes. Thor 18 nothllllchellil nbolll tt. The sliddl08 nnd hrldles nre of the very host IUlltorlnl1"nd nlso "ory oxpon&l\'e. The ) ' are of dllrk rU Rot louther.Vrlte today , Thllt's whut to do. Arlllreu THE FARM PRESS , .2378 FIFTH AVE. , CHICACO , ILL. NOTE-Tho "Form Press" was onnerly "Farm , Field and Fireside , " established 1877. - . Genuine "Pres Out" Glass Punch Bowl I I Wi"th Six Oups - . . . " " . . . : - . , enJ \J \ ; ; : : ; - < : ; o N - en1 . ; ; J ' , - . WHAT MY FRIENDS SA Y Ynlo. Mlch , lIear SIr-I 11m real pleRsed wllh my dlshos alld tl1ank you very milch , YOllrs very truly , La\'tnll Mortimer. Thornvl1le. OhIo , near SIr-I recelvcd the dlshe lnrood condition IInd am well plellsed with Ihem. Youn'ory trul ) ' . Mrs. Chas. Snum. WlIshlnlton , Ind. near Slr-1 reeolved the dlsbee all rl/rhl IIn,1 nlll pleRsed wltb tholll. . Yours \'Cry trllly , Mn , H. C. Ul1IllItl. Slrlnlporl ( , Mich. nellr SIr-1 recel\'Cd the dishes Sl\turdayand ani well plensed with Ulcm , Yours very trulY , Mrs , Ida Colestock. Ortiz. Ky. near Slr-I : receh'ed my dlshe. yesterday 1111 < 1 WIIS well pleasell with tbem , Tboyfero all rlgbtllnd not R thllll : "roken. Youre very Irul ) ' , Mrs , Joel Spnrk . Sprlnl : elrJ. Ohio , IJI'ar 8Ir-1 received my dlAhe& Rnd am very much plellsed wltb Ihem. 'i'ours very truly , MIs9 Nellie Cox. Mllrehou e , Mo. Denr Slr-I : receh'ed my dlsbes nn,1 nm well "Iellsed with thelll. Yours very truly , Mrs. Logsdon. Tremont Clly. Ohio. Dellr Slr-I tbllnk ) ' 011 R thousun,1 times for my dbhes Rm ! myIcture / , 1 would not I'lirt ' with my IIIsbe 10r a Iood _ deal , Yours \'Cry truly , Mrs. Nlln lUng , , Louisville , Ill. Dear SIr : -T received the dInner sct nil O. It. nnd was well plcabed with them 1111 < 1 think ) 'ou honesl men will do what ) ' 011 llY you wilt do. Weill will close hy wl hlng YOII o\'ery 8UC' ce8 , Yours very truly , Mrs , layl1ehl Smith , I : un thc managcr of a lurge mc'cantile house and I want to intcrcst It few ncw customcrs and to do it quickly I aln going to make every man and woman who ! 'eads this papcr an unheard of afTer. I am going to give away - , 10,000 of thcse beautiful Pres Cut Glass Punch Bowls eaeh complete with six ClipS without asking you for one pcnny of your mone " Herctofore only the ycry rich have bcen lib e to own a punch bowl for the rcason that they formcrly cost from 5150.00 to 51,000.00 , but I have completcd arrangements whcreby I can give you I1lcl1lline "Pres-Cut" Glass Punch Bowl with six "Prcs-Cut" Glass Cups for rendcrmg me 11 little IIssistance and cooperation - ation on an casy plan without hard workton your part. HERE IS MY OFFER Scnd me your name an 1 addrcss and I will n ail you , nil chnrgcs prepaid , ten of my bcautiful high art picturcs to dispose of undcr my new plan at 25 cents each. No trouble to do it as it will take but little of your timc. When you have collcctcd the money , 52,50 , scnd itJo me , and the Punch Bowl and ! : Iix Cups will be shippcd to you ut once. WH IAT YOU MUST DO As soon as 'ou get the tcn picturcs hang thclII II . on your parlor walls , invite your ncighbors amI fricnds to call and sce thcm and whcn you explnin what big vulue you arc ivi\Jg. thcm you will find it easy to get ten of thcm to pay you 25 ccntB cach. Whcn you get my Icttcr and full fJarticulars which will be sent with the pictures just as soon I1S I hcar from you I know you will say my olTer is even morc libcral tlum stated in my advcrtiscmcnt. DON'T DELAY Don't let some one get ahcad of you on this olTcrbccauso you may nevcr get another chance to own a g nuine lrcB Cut Glass Punch , Bowl and six Glasscs. Write lI\e today. ' Scnd no moncy , Address FRED NOAH , MGR" 338 Wabash Ave. , Dept. 2002 , CHICAGO , ILL. Page Eleven