Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 07, 1907, Section Two, Image 18

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I Gan Cure Gancer
At lIomo Wllhout Pain , Plaster or Operallon
' 1l9d t Tell You Ifow , Free.
I III\YO d Isoov l't'd
a now and eeomlnlly
unrailing trontlllont
for Ibe rollef and
euro of tbo doadlly
oalloor. I h\Yo , made
0011I0 moU altonllh.
InK curu. I b lIoYO
eyery peraon with
oancor Ihould know
of thl. , naryolous
1II0diolno and III "on.
dorful curea , and 1
will be Klad to I'YO
fulIl"tormallun rree
w all who , nlto me
nnd toll mo about
theIr OI1SO.
l'otor Koagan
/ lIalelburK , Ill" . hl1d
calloer or the m..uth
I1n.1 Vooton
o\ld ! , " 110 I..po. " I r.
KCl11an 'notol "It
Is only. . qucillon or
11 ohort tlme-l must
dID. " To. < Jay hla con.
cer la healed up aD11
ho I. well. My mllr.
vblou. r..dlatl cd
. nuld did U. It 110.
"roun Cenee , Uen be otb.r juet auoh ouroa
Cured .1 Ilome. ND Pelnl No to It. orodlt. It 10
" ' , , 'or ' , No KnIlD.-D" We Ie. eavllI" Iwoplo eyory
day onll rO.'orllll ( tbem to h.'alth und atrenKlh. U
YOII b"yo callcor or anylnmp or aore that you hollovo
1ft ' wrlto t , . .I"y and learlillow ot era have boon
cured qu okly alld aarely nnd at very amall ezpan e.
No matl"r what YOII. cond tlonIIay be. do not heel tote
to wiltO and 'oil 11I0 abollt It. 1 will an."o , YOllr let.
ter" 'omptly , Ilyln" Y"'II , aboolut"ly fret' , rulllnrorma.
tlon alllll'oot ofIIallY remarloahl. . cur. . .
1III.IIVrRII1' WEIr. I ! ; R lIadolllulldl. " ST. LOtlH , 1m.
, Trellis
Grows 11) feet hllh. Ench
plnnt bears Irom If > OU to
: WOO tomaloes. One vine
will supply an enllre fam.
lIy 1111 lIummer. The mosl
wonderful Tomato In the
world , Photo of my plant
IInd p:1cknlc : of seed wllh
lull dlrecllons lor ellht1 \
cent slamp also my c.o.ta.
10luO 01 1000 Noveilles.
Address ,
IUrll. Fran } , lIolt ,
121\\lIl1ary Park ,
Ft. 'rhol1l1u , Ity ,
to men In each stnte to Irn'et ,
ANTE 0 IlIltrllJute allmplc'ofourgood
W and tllck advcrtlslng lgus ,
! lnlnry ' ! II pcr monlh. 13 per dllT for espeDscs.
SAlINIIKn CO. , IJept. I" , .Jackson IIIvd.Chlcsgo
- - - - -
I Trco' Defore It
polson ! ! dO,11 ! slands.
Nil Pay Unlll Cured.
No X Ray or olhl'r
Swindle. A Pacl/ic / Is.
land plant makes the
cures. Absolule Guar-
anlee. Any tumor ,
lump or sore on the
lip , face or anywhere
SIX monlhs IS cancer.
130.PaQe Dook sellt
free with testimonials
of thousands cured.
Write to Ihcm.
I. CANCBR end If neltlected It will olwoys pol-
"on deep glonds In the ormplt and kill quickly.
Addr.css DR. & MRS. CtlAMLEE & CO.
lIoat HUl'Ceo.rut Call.'cr I1Ipcclo\lda Lh'lnir.
" 5,20 I . . 203 N. 121b Sirecl , ST. LOUIS , MO.
Don't Wear a Truss
Droo. . ' Al'l'lianoo I. . now
101.n1lOo dl.eo. . " . . .Itb .uto-
n.aUo 01. ollhlon. tb.dra. . . .
Iho brobn I.rt. togotho. .nd
: n : : : b ' J ' : . ' : : I ;
hold. firm' ' , .nd oOUltortAhl ,
.nd n" . . .IIJ" . a'aJI ' lIb\
and cool.ndoonformto"u ,
1 . . : ' .o"'b : : : .odf 'I :
to rour mea.ur. .nd 'end II 10
'Oil on a , Irlol luaranteo of
. .thraollon or mono , ntund.
od alld 1 b"om'l'rloa 10
10wlb.1 I\nbod"rleho. 1 > 00. .
cI\nbIlTIt. 11011I001100.1 make
n 10 TOil' ordor-.end II 10 JOII
-roo " , ear It-and It n doo.n' , .all.f""u. TOil . .nd It baok to
m. . d I "III refund Tour mon.J. The " .nks or .nJ . . . .ponol.
bl. oHlloD In 1."h.1I "III I.n 'Oil th. , . . the . . . ,1 do bud-
11-.1" . , . .b,0Iu141 , on the aqua" , and I am . . .lIIn& Ibou. .
and. or ' ' ' ' 01'1. Ibl , " . , for Iho I'.t IIro roo" , lI.momb. . I
" , . no . .Ir. . . no h.rn. . . . no II. . , no fa. . . . . . 1 ju. ' , h. ' 011"
11..Ibl bu.lo. . . deal. ' a ro..on.blo , 'rlce.
Co E , IIrool. . . : I 13011,0..1.8111 < 11 : . , : \1011 , Hloh. ,
. . . "
- .
The Story "r , a
and a Bad
NCI upon n time there was 0 poor laborer -
O borer who , feeling tbnt ho bnd not
much longer to live , wished to dlvldo
bls possessio us between his lion end daugh.
ter. whom ho lovell dearly.
So he called tllem to him and said :
"Your motber brought mo a ! ! her dowry two
slools and a IItrnw bed : I hnve , beldes , n
ben , a pot of pinks , end a silver ring. whlcb
were given mo by n noble lady who once
Imlged In II1Y poor cottnge. When she went.
away she said to me :
" 'Be carefnl of my g\tl1 \ , good mnn : see
that you do not lose the ring or forget to
water the pinks. As for your daugbtcr , I
promle you tbat she shall be more beantl-
ful than anyone you ever saw In your life :
call her Pellcla , Imd wben she grows up
glvo hcr the ring and the pot of pln"H to
console her for her poverty , ' Talw tIem
both then. my dear child , " ho addcd , "aUlI
your brother shall have everything elso. "
The two children seemed quite contented ,
and when their father died they wept for
him , and divided their possessIons os he had
told them. l ellcla believed that her brother
loved her , but whcn IIhe sat down upon one
of the stool ! ! , he said angrily :
"Keep your 1I0t ot pinks end your ring ,
but let 'my things alone. I like order In my
house , "
I'ollcla , who was very gentle , said noth-
Ing' , but stood up crying quietly ; while
Bruno , lor that was her brother's name. sat
comfortably by the fire. Presentl ) . , when
supper time came , Brllno had a delicious egg ,
and he throw the shell to I ellela , snylng :
"Therc , that Is all 1 can give you : It you
don't like It , go out and catch frogl ! : there
are plenty ot them In tbe marsh close by , "
1"e1lcla did not anSIVer , but cried more bitterly -
terly than , and went away to her own
little room. She found It filled with the
8weet scent ot the plnlts , nnd going up to
them , she said sadly :
"Deautltul pink ! ! . you are so sweet anll so
pretty , you are tbe only comfort 1 have
lett. ' Do very sure that I will take care ot
you , and water you well , end never allow
nny cruel haml to tear you from your
Htems. "
As she bent over them she noticed that
they were very dry. So taking her pitcher , she
ran off In the clear moonlight to the
lountaln , which was at some distance. Whcn
Rho reached It she sat down upon the brink
to rest , but she bad bardly done so when
she f'aw a stately lady coming towards her ,
surrounded by numbers ot attendants. SIx :
maids ot honor carrle1 her train , and she
I ned upon the arm ot another.
When they came near the fountain a can.
OIlY was spread for her , under which wa ! !
IIlaced a seta of and present.
Iy a dainty supper was son-ed , upon 1\
table coverell wllh dishes of gold and crys-
tal. whllo the wInd In the trees end the
failing' water ot the fountain murmured the
RotteRt music.
I elleln was hidden In the shade , too much
astonished by all sbo saw to , .enluro to
1II0ve ; but In a few moments the Queen
said :
"I faney I see a Rhepherdess near that -
tree : bid her come hither , "
So Felicia came forwnrd and saluted the
Queen timidly. but with so much .grace that
all wore surprised.
"What are you doing hore. my pretty
child 7" asked the Queon. "Are you not
atrald ot robbers 7"
"Ah , mndam , " said Felicia , "a poor shep.
herdes ! ! who had nothing to lose does not
lear robbers. "
"You are not very rich then 7" 'sald the
Queen , smiling.
"I nm so poor , " answered Felicia. "that.
a pot of pinks nud a sliver ring are my
only possesslonR Inlttbo , world. "
"Dut you bavo a heart , " said the Queen.
"What woultl you SlY It anybody wanted , to
steal that 7" '
"I do not know what It Is like to lose
ono's bl'art , madam. " she replied ; "hut I
bave olways beard thnt wltbout 0 heart ono
cannot live , end It It hi broken. ono must
die ; end In splto of my poverty I should bo
sorry not to live , "
"You ere quite right to take care of your
hl'nrt , pretty one , " said the Queen. "Dut
tell me , have you supped 7"
"No madam , " answered Felicia : "my
brother ate nil the supper there wns. "
Then the Queen ordered thnt a place
should bo mndo for her at the table , and
berseH loaded Felicia's plate with good
things : but she was too much astonished to
be hungry , '
"I want to know wbat you were doing at
the foubtaln so late7" said the Queen pres.
"I came to fetch a pitcher ot water lor my
pinks. madnm. " she answered stooping to
pick up the pitcher which stood besldo her ;
but when she showed It to the Queen , she
was amazcd to see that It had turned to
gold , all sparkling with great diamonds ,
and the water , of whleb It was full , was
moro fragrant than thc sweetest roses. She
was afrold to tulC It until the Queen said :
"It Is J'ours , Fellc [ a : go and wnter your
IJlnks with It , and let It romlnd you tbat
the Queen ot the 'Voodi Is your friend. "
Th ! , ! IIhepherdess threw herseH at the
Queen's teet and thanked her humbly lor
her gracious words.
"Ah. madam. It I might beg you to stay
bere a moment , I would run and fetch my
pot ot plnlts for you-they could not fnll Into -
to belter IlIInds , "
"Go. l ellcla. " said the Queen. stroking
ber cheek softly : "I will walt hero until
you como back , "
So Felicia took up her pitcher and ran to
her little room , but whllo she. . , vaH
away Bruno had gone In and taken the , pot
ot IJlnkl ! . leaving a great cabbage In Its
pIneo. When she 8aw the unlucky cnbbngo.
Felicia was very much distressed , end did
not know what to do : but at last 8ho rnn
back to the fountain , aDd keollng before the
Queen. said :
"Madam , Druno has stolen my pot of
plnk8 , 80 I have nothing but my sllv r ring :
but I bl'g you to occept it as a proof of my
gratltudo. "
"Uut It 1 take your ring , my pretty sbep.
herdess , " said the Queen , "you will have
nothing lett : oud tben what will you do 7"
To ever lady who , vIII dlstrlbuto enl ' 4. pODo1I1I ot onr QnllCn llnkln l'mvdrr Ivlnr : with ollch ' on III ! "
1'lI1011nllo ot conllallna : ot Pltchor nlld IJ'Tumblerll tOnr I'lan 7tHI , wo wlff "Ivo rli l . . . hOlltlsomo c5'UINA
JUNNIUt SIT. ! ; enol1 111000 full slzo nlill handsomely docorDtod In IIl1rnl doslgns In colors IIUtlold ( l'remlulIl
No. 111:1) : ) . Any In.y con obtl1ln this Dlnllor I > rt by IIVlr ' us OliO
honrot her tlmo 111111 with. WE PAY FREI HT ' . TillS
out II cent ot e penso. 1. . " . , _ " ' " PITCIIER
011 thu oldnlr J'owdor , l.cmonn < lo Sots /1)111 Dlnnor Sot. Wo nlso glvo r J' , " " TWELn-
ether comblrlntlolls at Ulnller a\ ' ) 'cn I > ots. l < 'urllltua. Jowclryl > lI. ! . : ; ' , ' , nnGLASSES. . . .
vorwnro. eto. . III taot nnthllll ) IIceded ! n It homo for dlstrlIJuttllJ : . our
woll.known "Alllerl"lIn ( [ ueon 11110 ot gror.ers' Rundrlc8 IImont : .our ( fREE
nohhlJofl IInd frlen.I. . ) III1Y ; Indlos hllvuolJtalucd "
hundreds of dollnrs' worth of ollr vllluablo proa. _ 4
ellts for dlRtrlhuttnr : these goods lit no e pen.o' ,
whatever. YOII clm do the nmo. Yonr name IIU'\
" , ldruRS on n ( > oatn\ \ will brIll& : yoU tulll'orttculnrs
of 11118 Irnllt ! olTor , along with our iIIustratc.\
l'atnlol'Uo. howln& : n llUndrod orttcle. thatwo I.lvo
wltl11hlklllil PO\.llor. etr l\lId mllllY pro.ellts Ihllt
) 'ou clln obtnllll'rJo. , , , IUTE'rOnAY.
900.106 N. Zd St. . Dep' . fit St , Loul5 , Mo.
Page Ten \
Pr 1Jce a1Jd jJr 1icess
, .
Fairy . '
L. Alcott
"Ah , madam , " she answered slmpl ) ' , "t't I
have ) 'our friendship I wll1 do very weU , " , ,
So the Queen toolt the ring and put It on
her finger and , mounted her charlot , which f
Jvns made ot coral , studded with emeralds ,
and drawn b ) ' six mllk-whlto horses. And
Felicia lookcd after her until the winding
of the lorest path hid her trom her sight ,
nnd then she went baek to her cottage ,
thinking ovcr nil the wonderful things that
ball happened.
The first thing she did when she reached
ller room was to throw the cabbage out ot _
the window. .
Dut she was vcr ) . much surprised to hear , .
an odd little volco cry out : "Oh , I'm hnlt
kll1ed I" and could not tell where It came I.
trom. because cabbages do not generally
As soon as It was light , Felicia , wJo
was very unhappy nbout her pot ot pinks ,
went out to look for It , and the first thing
she founll was the unfortunate cQbbagc. She
gave It a push with her foot , sa'lng : "What
nro ) 'ou doing here , and how dared you put
yourself In the place ot my pot of pinks 7"
"It I hadn't been carrIed , " replied the
cabbage , "you may bo very sure that I
wouldn't have thought of going thore. "
It made her 8hlver with trlght to hear
the cabbnge talk , hut he went on :
"It ) 'OU will be good enough to plant me
with my comrndes Qg'aln. 1 can tell ) .ou !
where 'pinks at this
your ere moment-hld-
'den In Druno's bed ! "
Felicia was In despair when she heard '
thh' . not knowing how she was to get them
back. Dut she replanted the cabbage very
kindly In hl old place , nnd , as she finIshed - :
Ished doing It. she saw Bruno's hen , end (
said. catching hohl ot It : . I
"Come here , horrid IItite creature ; you I
8hall suITer tor all the unkind things my
brother has llemo to IIIC. "
"Ah , sheplierdestI , " said the hen , "don't
Idll me ; 1 am rothor 1gossip. . and can tell
you some sur 1'lslng things that you will
like , to hear. Don't hnaglne that you arc
the daughter ot the pool" laborer that brought
you up : ) 'our mother was a Queen who
had six : girls already , end the King threatened -
ened that unless she had a son who could
Inherit his kingdom she should have her
head eut off.
"So when the Queen had another little
daughter she was qulto frightened. nnd
agreed with hcr sister < , vho was a fairy )
to exchange her for the fairy's little son. .
N''Y the Queen had been shut up In a great
, to\ver by the Klng's orders , and when a
great many da.s went by and stili she
heard nothing from the fairy , she made her
escnpo frolll n window by mean ! ! of a rope
ladder , taking her little baby with her.
Arter wanderIng nbout untll she was hnlf
dead with cold nnd fatlgue , she reached this
cottage. I was the laborer's wife and was
a good nurse , nnd the Queen gave you Into
my charge , and tel me nil her mlstor-
tunes , nnd then died betore she had tlme
to say what was to becolUo or you.
"As I never In all my life could keep
a secret , I . could not help telling this strange
tale to m ) nolghbors , and one day a beautiful -
ful lnd ) ' came here. and I told -It to het'
olso. When Iliad finished , 8be touched me
with n wand she held In her hand , nnd In.
stantly I became a hen , nnd there was an
end ot my tQlklng. I was very sad , and
my hU8band , who was out when It happeued ,
never knew what beeallle ot me. After seck.
Ing mo O\'erywhere , ho believed that I must
have been drowned , or eaten up by wild
beasts In the forcst. That same lady came
here once more , and commanded that you
should be called Felicia , and lert the ring
and the pot of plnlts to bo given to ) 'ou :
nnd while she was In the house twent.five
of the klng's gnards came to search for
) 'ou. doubtless meaning to Idll you : but she
muttered a few word ! ! , and Immediately they
nil turned Into eabbagcs , It was one of
tlll'm which you threw out ot your wIndow
"I don't know how It wall that he could
spealt-I have never heard ony of them say
o word betore. nor have I been ahle to dose
so myseH until now. " -
The Princess was greatly astonished ot
the hen's story , end said kindly : "I am
truly sorry for you , my poor nurse , and
wish It was In my power to restore you to
your real form. 1Jllt wo must not desllalr :
It seems to me , attor what you have told.
that something must be going to happen
soon. Just now , however , I must go and
look for my pinks. which I love bettor than
an.thlng In the world. "
Bruno had gone out Into the Corest , never
thinking that Felicia would search In his
room for the plnlts , and she was delighted
, by his unexpected nbsence , oud thought to
get them back wlthollt lurther trouhlo : but
ns soon as she enterel ! the room she saw
n terrible army ot rats. who were guarding
the straw bed ; nnd whcn site attempted to
approach It , they sprang to her , biting and
8cratchlng Curiously. Quite terrified , 8ho
draw back , cr'lng out , "Oh. my dear pinks ,
how can 'you stay here In such bad com.
pany ? "