Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 07, 1907, Section Two, Image 17

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Beautify You.r Home
rr Tbe Editor Tells You Today "ow
J easily You Cnn Win a Prlz
to Decorate Your lIome
Did you ever win a prize-a real beaat- ! ,
fnl , artistic , 'Yaluable prize , something of
which you felt proud ?
If you bave , I can point out a way for
you to win another. If you bave not , I can
show you bow you can win a magoificent
ooe by the slt'ghtest efIort.
For this ! lreat. prize o1Terdoes not.costyOu one
You wnnt a pretty home , don't. rout
So If rou will fonow me throulth this short
article aud then read the rreaL prize orrer 00 this
Vl\le. you will discover hmV' very. very ea y It Is '
to secure something that will glvo your home an
artistic tone. somethlna that wlU beautlry It and
t make your friends envy you. You w1l1 say to
yourseJr : .
" ? tl ) ' . I wish I bBd had this offer long aio. "
, Dinner Set For n Prize
l . Loolt at the plcturo of the mBgnlflcent mono.
iram dinner set on this pllge. 100,000 of the
) rlzo sets are golna to bo distributed free. Bm1
every ono of our relldl'rs can bave ono of tbeso
sets rreo bv dolnll 0. ! lood turn for friend ot
mine Geo. Clnrk.
"SA. " 1'- ' The ether boautltul plcturo which will bo
eent to 70U tor ) 'ou to eep.
"What perfectly beautiful pictures 1" she ez.
"Do you lIIee them' " asked Mrs. Miller.
"Indeed I do. "
"You can have my orrer at 25 . "
"Will ) 'ou give mo two 011 this plan for We' "
"Yes. "
Mrs. Mlller'o friend purchasl'c' two pictures
and took them'nway nnd told Bomo of her nc-
qualntances oC her 1C00d fortune ; they called on
Mrs. Miller that very day. and beroro Mrs. Miller
retired that nlaht she hud dlsposl'd oC all 21 pictures -
tures an forwarded the $6.00 to Mr. CIBrk.
\ Prize Winner Is Pleased
In tbr e daye tbo prlEo dlsbes arrived and Mrs. UIII r
t lIe me they are tbo most b autlful ebe ever 8419 any
ft' n place , "I would not take anytblnc for that eet rlgbt
oow.n Ihe declAred.
Can you pIcture your dining room with II. beautiful
gold monolram l'arlelen ChI ! dinner eet gradng the
_ dinner table and thu I'1.te rr.llllAven't /
10U lor a eng time been wanting II. eet like thle'
I have e'.lveral ot Mr. Clark's plcturoa 10 my home
and tbey are certalnl7 very b autlful. I cannot be.
Kin to ebo1V ) 'ou here ho" they look In tbelr
rloh and Iplendld colors. They are pertect worino manl.
lit lor any realdenco. mOAlurlng lax20 lDehee. WhAt 'I '
more. tbey como ready to hang 00 tbo "All , tor ever-
plctll'e Ie finished complete reD0S7 ! CQr the waU u.t &II
rceel ved Irom Mr. CWL -
I hope that OTfJ'J' ono of my "adoi'll w1ll IIII'D the tree
COlipoO ano leOd for Mr. " "I1'K'fghQr , SJl lwrel todaT.
4 2 P a E C E S Certificate of Guarantee
08 'ollows : by the EdUor of this riper
B-9.ln. PLATES B-7.ln. PLATES
B CUPS B SAUCERS I htrebv ctrtl./v that ertrv
B fRUIT DISHES B BUTTER CHIPS tattment mad , on thl , paO f
2 YEGETABLE DISHES l the truth/ul. honect avowal
1 BREAD PLATE 1 CAkE PLATE u . The PRIZES are 01 a larO ancl thorouohlv
1 GRm BOWL 1 Lali' PLATTER S en d 110 M oney , N 0 I 0 ne C. t - Abaolutel , Free rellable tlrm. ThC.prizeoJer
YOUR own lnCtcal in GOLD ii IracUv a. rtpreltnted.
on tVervpiec ( cuPs and . . . There are 100.000 oC these prlzollrcmlum sets. E 'UTI to . .
saucer. excluded ) . . get ono oC the sets. Everybody can ! let ono.oompleto set THE EDITOR
as 0. Creo PRIZE nnd you oan ! let It so very , very easl1 , .
Thi S Elega n t Der Set Is made of finest Parisien China , the kind emlorsed and used by the most strllsh peoplo.
Although this superior china costs us great deal oC money. wo chose the Par l n China. to
give away as PRIZES ; for wo figure tbnt by belDg verv generous with you nnd giving S/ou the lltst right now , wo would at onoe win your friendship
end recommendation. nnd the bea.utlCul dinner sot'standlnlt on your table nnd envied by all neighbors-tho best dinner set In town-ought to provo
0. . fine ndvertlsement for our proposhlon. As rou can 600 from the picture. evcrYllleco oC the dinner sot Is decorated with the mo lern hllh nrt. end
besldes.lf you write at once , every picco ( except CU S and saucers ) with ! lour inCtcal in pure oolcl free of charge. Head the rst column of this valo.
A PRIZE801.7. . Send no Money.
'T . Just mail the
I N coupon
at the bottom of this page. You will then get 24 famous high-art pictures ,
richly colored , 16 x 20 inches , complete with fncsimilo lithographed gold scroll frames for
you to distribute , and two extra pictures lor you to keep-a total of Twenty.Six (26) ( ) pictures.
The two extra. pictures you hao up in your home. Invite your friends to see your pictures , and whenever a friend calls
.hand her one of the other 24 pictures at only 25 cents each. By giving away the 24 pictures at only 25 cents ench yon will
take in $6.00. Send us & 6.00 and wo will , send you the beautiful , aristocratic 42.picco Monogram Dinner Set absolutely free.
As soon n9 people see the pictures decorBtlng the wnlls of your room they will bo ear/lr to got 0. similar ploture. Dut U for any reason
rou should not suoceed. wo will TI\Y you Cor tbe number of pIctures you distributed. and bosldes W lOant ! I/JU : to keep th two , ztra pet-
turee anvwav. just for bavlD ! : ma e an honest eltort. Th art plcturtl ar lullv dtlcrilml bV th edUor in the tlr t column olthilllaue.
Dlnlnll Room of Mayor Grouo , of Harlem , 111. . whose wife earned the beautiCul
monogram dinner set ns prize and also the Creo lllctures. ( From
photooraph. lII Orville Hart. all roht { , relened. )
Mayo , . Gro..e' . . , If" wrIt. , . u. .s 101l0w8 : "z received ! lour beautl./ul mono.
uram dlnnr , et with. inltlalln oold and it il certanlv btautl./ul. The , tore. her do not carrv
anllthino Uk , it. It I. ' 0 artC tC and eleoani. r shall alwav. be olad to recommend StOU lor ! lour
faernellpromvCnell and oenerodtv.-J/RlJ. Jf.tllTIN Yo GROSSE.\ . 9. 1906.
Cultured nnd refined people appreciate this superior prize offer.
Don't delay. Sisn the free coupon at once and send right now to
GEO. CLARK , Mgr. , 63.69 Washington St. , Suite 2192 , ChicagolII.
. Page Nine
fo , . Evo.ybody
You cannot faU to Ket . . I'Jt\ZE for what-
ev r tlmo you el'.ro. . Your U"nrd I.
flure-oven It 70U do notrulOII all the can.
dltlons of thl rrlEO olr"r Ket two 1lc.
ture tree an7way u t for IOU , lI1ado nn
bonest effort I and eltr. . prl s lies/des / for
whatever you do.lIl1t I know YOII can
arn the ! fralld "rllo-tho . beautltul tIIonll'
sram dinner eet - , er7 , ver ) ' Clu.lly.
SIGN Your Namere. -
and Address . : - / Coupon
You need not bother wUh a lttr ; OED. CLARK. M&r.
just write your name nnd ad. / 83.89 .lIhlartan IL
dress vlalnly on the couIJon.lultt219J CHlmo ILL
Incloso In Bn couIJon./ '
mall tOdBY thereby oet./ I would like to earn your
Uno anearlvtartfora / Monogrnm Dinner Set.
truly vnluablo Prize. Please send me your art pll >
Send this coupon / turcs nt once. prcvald. as per
offer above.
nndrot our valu. /
able prlzo orrer
btfor anv. / Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
bodv elll
oet , U In / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ' , " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
your" town , jfddre" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. -