- . Cupid IJll11d oldcd. Anotllcr form of inviting guests is to use Cupid post cards , then enclose in envelopes and send through the mail. Hearts in all designs , some blceding with a dart's pierce , winged , hitched . to Cupid's cap of roses with blue ribbons. The menu , printed on rose colored ribbon , makes a dainty souvenir of the feast. The lettering can be done at home by outlining with pencil , then going ovcr with liquid aluminuln. A dainty taLle decQration is made of a rose heart ; the dart of yellow buds is placed on one end of the table. From this a linked chain of rosebuds and pink hearts , winding in and out of the pink and while china , ends at the extreme end of the table in a bow and ends of pink satin ribbon. Another dainty decorative conceit is to have a silver - ver loving eup ( a tin one will answer every purpose ) filled with roses and huds. Around the base red hc.1rt boxes attached to pink and silver ribbons which extend to the cover are placed , and each can- tains-solne souvenir. So many dainty things are made of tissue crepe paper , that inexpensive mementos can be formed at home. There is nothing more appreciable to women guests than heart sachets made of delicate rose paper , tied with silver gauze ribbon and filled with violet powder ; they are dainty and appropriate. Never use anything but violet sachet unless the preferred - ferred perfume of each individual is Imown. Nearly every woman admires violet , so one is safe in this choice. Little haskets , Marie Antoinette shape , can be purchased - chased at a basket store. These , lined with'lace paper doilies , can be filled with crystalJized violets , rose petals and sugared nutmeats. Pink bows tied on the handles . . add a dainty touch to . . , , - . Ule ell ecr. At a lunchcon given last February - ruary , the strawber y ice cream was molded in hearts , by the ca- terers. They were wrappcd in paraffine paper and then tied with pink ribbons in dainty rose and silver paper. Each was passed on a plate , and a g nuine surprise was given when unwrapped. At a house furnishing sLore , heart sandwich or cooky cutters can be purchased for ten or fifteen - teen cents , and they will be found almost indispensable where tlu hostess entertains frequently. A bottle of violet and red vegetable - etable coloring kept in the house " will help to add dainty effects to cakes and icings. A sheet of cake , white hatter cut into hearts and dipped ill rose colored icing , flavored with either rose , peach , almond or vanilla , has dainty flowers designed on top with tiny deep red , silver and green pellets. A Bavarian cream molded in a dripping pan , can be cut heart- sbpe and sewed on rounds of white sponge cake with a spoonful - ' ful of whipped . cream , colored nink. - . . . , - - - - a rOSe or c.1rnation , to which is attached , by a greener or pink ribbon , a liUle envelope containing a pink heart on which the engagement is written. Annfhl'r rll'vI'r "rr"nrrl'nu'nt ilZ. - _ uu. _ . - . - . - . . . . . _ " 0 _ ' " _ ' ' ' - - to secure unmounted photographs of the couple and cut the background - ground from the heads. These are mounted on pink or. green cards so as to appear as though growing from a large scarlet heart. A photographer friend of the couple can secure pictures' that will answer every purpose , and some clever poses can be se- cured. Valentine souvenirs can also be made for the guests br. using photographed heads on silhouette bodies which depict some fad or peculiarity of the recipient For instance , a woman is particularly 'fond of dogs ; have the dog and hody of woman cut from black paper , the canin being fondly held 111 the arms , and let it be of large proportions. A man is a crank golfer-a huge golf bag is swung on his back , and a tiny caddy is getting a lecture. French "poppers" are being made these davs to contain souve- . . - , " , , ' . ' : . , ; . ' " ; : ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' ' . W ; ' * ' ! I' ' _ . . . , - . oven about twenty minutes to secure best results. LovELETIEs.-Btaneh papersl1ell almonds by boiling - ing a second in water , then throw into cold water , . , - LOVE BASKETS . nirs - for--nearTy every festival 011- the calendar , and when the brown skins can be removed ; dip the meats those for St. Valentine arc both comical and dainty. . into white of egg beaten to a froth , then roll in red ; For those who have not recipes for some of the sugar which can be gotten at the confectionery stores. . Some . . . . of the - nut meats , . . . ' --F bruary 14th is the most appropriate - propriate day in all the year on which to announce a nuptial engagement , and clever IlOstesses are conceiving odd and novel ways in which to convey the news to one's most intimate friends. One dainty way is to present each invited guest- as they enter the room-with a long stemmed flowci' . CHI\KEN \ TIMBAL.E m ntioned articles suggested for the menu , the following - lowing are given : TOMATO ] ELLY.-Stew contents of two pound can of tomatoes twenty minutes with a stice .of onion , ix sprigs parsley , tw lye c1oyes , blade.of . rpace , .two . . SPUN SUGAR NESTS - . . , " , - I StickS celery ; stram through a sieve , return liquid to the fire and add balf cupful vinegar , two tablespoons - blespoons sugar , teaspoon salt , half teaspoon paprika ( which is a sweet Hungarian pepper ) and two tablespoons gelatine softened in a little cold water. Stir until gelatine is dissolved , but do not boit ; turn into a dripping or shallow pie tin , set on ice until , firm , then set in hot water just long enough to loosen from the pan : cut into hearts and remove from the dish. WIIlTE CUP CAKEs.-Cream one cup butter until white , add one cup fine granulated sugar. and cream again ; then add one cup sweet milk and one cup flour sifted twice with two spoons baking - ing powder : now fold in the stiffly - ly bcaten whites nf two eggs and another cup of flour ; add a teaspoonful - spoonful of vanitta in which put two drops essence of al- mond. Fit1 greased cups two- thirds futl and bake in . . . . moderate . . . " - ' . Page Four - - can De rOllen 111 gree1f" sugar to vary the color scheme. These can be served in tittle heart-shaped paper cups at each cover. BAKED FRUIT PUDDW'G.- quarts of stale bread without crusts ; break in small pieces and put in slow oven to dry not too brown. Pour over the dry bread crumbs two quarts of milk , soak one hour , then beat it well. Add six eggs , well beaten , a cup each of sugar , and molasses , a cup of chopped suet , a pound and a h tf of seeded raisins , a teaspoonful of raisins , a teaspoonful of cinnamon , half teaspoonful each of cloves and mace , half a grated nutmeg , two teaspoonfuls of salt. Butter a large pudding dish , pour in the pudding and bake in a slow oven three or four hours , covering to keep from getting too brown. Serve with wine sauce. ( SUET PUDDrNG.- Two eggs , one cup of milk , onIlalf cup of molasses - lasses , one hatf cup of suet , chopped fine ; one teaspoonful of salt , two teaspoonfuls of baking powder , sifted into three small cups of flour , cloves , cinnamon , and nutmel ! . and as much fruit as you like. - Stcamivohours - - d serve with any nice sauce. ITALIAN CREA1.f.-Grate 'the rinds of two lemons upon a few lumps of loaf sugar ; stir these into a pint of rich cream and add enough white sugar to sweeten ; whip briskly , add the juice of a lemon , and strain in an ounce of gelatin dissolved in water. 'Vhen beaten thoroughly light , flavor to taste and put in a mold and freeze. Garnish with preserved 't fruit when served. " ' , A DAINTY . the from CENTERPIECE.-SCOOp pulp oranges - anges , fill the hollowed skins with wine jelly , pile whipped cream on top. The orange pulp can be used for cake , pudding or salads. ORANGE CAKE.-One-quarter cup of butter , two eggs , one cup of sugar , two small cups of sifted flour , two spoonfuls of baking" powder , sifted in the flour , one half cup of milk. Cream butter and sugar . together , add eggs well beaten , add flour and milk. Beat well and pour into large pans and bake about twenty-five minutes. ORANGE FILLING.-One cup of confectionery sugar , . , grated rind of an orange , strained juice of orange i to mix. Mix sugar and orange rind , with just - ' enough juice to moisten. Spread between layers as , on top of the cake. . , . BANANAs.-Take a few red skinned bananas. They : ne harder and keep their shape better than yellow ones. Peel them and slice . them lengthwise. Sprinkle them with a little orange uice , roll them slightly in fine flour , and fry them in , resh butter. Roll in sugar. SALAD DRESSING.-One quarter teaspoon of salt , one quarter teaspoon white pepper , three tablespoons olive oil. ten drops onion juice , and one tablespoonful of oil. Add alternately the remaining oil , vinegar and juice. \ . - ' 41 . , - . - . . . . -