. . I 1111 ulruttur l ( . 'urty i ' , and ' , . ; " . r . t" . . . " . I. ' . . , How. to Give It ' -1 ! . " . \ . flY . ELIZABETH ! MORR ON j , . COII/'irsy lIo" lI/a.fazr" , t ; . . . . . . . ' - - f It . . . ; I' , I ? . Says that St. Valentine was beheaded HISTORY Claudius because the young pco- pie were so fond of him. I.Ie had great power in making love affairs run smoothly and in straightening - ening out quarrels.Vhen he was overcome with misfortune the young mourned him and met secretly each year to pay homage to his memory. On these o .casion . . tll , Y. . pres.ented Cl oUler wltll little tokens which they called St. Valcntine offerings - . ' ings , and from this the custom of celebrating February 14th has reached its present popularity. A clever entertainment for this day can be carried out as follows - lows : Tiny pink tinted bristol [ , board hearts are prepared by the ' hostess , four or five inches I' across the widest part ; upon these write suitable quotations , among which the following will be found appropriate : I "Love always looks for love again ; If ever sinle. it is twain. And till it finds its counttrpart It bears about an aching heart. " "They have o'erlooked me and di. vided me ; One half of me is yours , the other half yours , And so all yours. " "Tc1l mc. now last , what love will dOj , . 'Twill hurt and heal a heart plerccQ through ; 'If you lovc'me as I lovc you. No knife Can cut our lovc in two' . " With a leadpencil draw zigzag lines down the center of each heart from top to bottom through the inscription and with sharp scissors cut into two parts , following the marking. No two hearts should be cut alike as this would confuse the quotations. Punch a hole near the too of each section and dis- : , . . - . . . - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - , ROSES AND HEARTS FOR TABLE DECORATION t ilJtit tIle right hand sections to the mcn and the I others to the women. The men thcn begin their search to match their hearts and much merriment ensues. The first hcart matchcd is joined by pink ribbon , the . . . others arc tied with blue. The reunited hearts be- . . . . . . . come souvenirs , which the gallant men prescnt to - : : , . their mates. In this manner the supper guests can find the partner with whom each is to be seated. The table decorations can be as elaborate as good taste and one's finances will allow. The illustration will express a suggestion where a company of twelve arc to be seated at the table. I i - VAt ENTiNES I . _ - - - _ . - - - - . Ajar o { pink roses is used for the centerpiece and attached to each by narrow' pink ribbons for the men , and blue for the women , arc little red papier-mache heart cases , containing some souvenir winch expresses each person's fate-a heart , a ring , a needle , coin , etc. These are distributed after the entertainment , A mound of natural appearing cr pe paper roses and green natural vines half conceal electric globes or fairy lights. At each place is a heart guest card pierced with a silver gilt arrow. Cupids , roses and bells can decorate these if the hostess is clever with the brush , Hearts should find a place about the rooms , a red and gilt one alternating on scarlet cords ; the globes on the chandeliers or lamps can be covered with pink cr pe paper , which will give an additional rosy hue to the surroundings , The amusements can consist of fishing for hearts. One corner of the room closed off by a scrcen of paper - per roses hides the pond where scarlet , pink , silver and gold paper heart valentines arc fished for. On each is written the "fate" of the fisherman. One for a man can contain the description of just the opposite - site sort of woman he thinks much of. The same for the woman. Amusing prophecy is another way to carry out the idea. The refreshments can be simple or elaborate but suggestive of the day. If the luncheon is to be passed , sandwiches cut heart shaped and filled with seasoned minced tongue , sardines or egg and olive mixtures will be found delicious - licious , Heart shaped tarts with currant jelly filling ; small heart cakes with icing and tiny silver pellets outline the heart shape ; beet salad , the vegetables cut into small hearts , and red raspberry ice formed into hearts with tiny gilt darts thrust through , will be found moderate in price and deliciously appetizing. For a more elaborate menu the confectioners will make spun sugar nests and decorate them with candied cherry hearts strung on silver cords and crystallized rose petals. Two .ice cream birds , too natural . appearing - ing to cat , snuggle down in the center. - Page Three . - - - - - - . Tomato salad is poured { wo tl1ds thick in sheet pans and when firm is cut into hearts , with a cooky cutter , These arc placed in cups { armed of blanched leaves of lloston lettuce and a teaspoonful of mayonnaise - naise covered with tiny hearts cut from canned Spanish - ish red peppers placed at one side. A small dart can be _ un through each if desired. These metal darts can be purchased - chased at a confectionefs ! and come to about 2 or 5 centli apiece according to size. They are made purposcly for foods . so there need be no fear of ill results from contact with the mct . , CmcKEN TUIDALF.- e i g h one - h a I f p 0 u n d uncooked chicken breast , pass through a tnincer ; mix one cup bread crumbs with one-half cup milk and stir to smooth paste , remove - move from fire and add the chicken ; one-half teaspoon salt ; tiny speck cayenne , fold in the stimy beaten whites of five eggs ; butter a quart mold and arrange hearts and darts cut from beets , carrots or cherrias ; pour in the mixture , set in pan of hot water and cook in a moderate - erate oven about twenty-five minutes. Serve with tomato sauce ; sprinkle top with hard boiled egg yolks put through a II sieve and seasoned with paprika and salt. Garnish with celery foliage. LovE DASI < ETS-C a k e s of angel food or sunshine cake mixture baked in cups. When cold scoop out centers ; fill with whipped cream tinted pink ; sprinkle with tiny candy hearts and place handle of anlelica cut into shreds or crysta1lized orange peal on cadi. V ALENTINEs-Make pressed tongue , turkey or chicken , and pack it into baking powder cans ; set on ice until firm , then remove from mold and cut into inch thick slices. Over each piece put mayonnaise through a pastry tube and garnish each with a heart cut from cooked beet. The variety of decorations for this February festival - val is almost beyond imagination , and the shops are offering each year more novelties as decorations. A dainty souvenir in the form of an invitation is a narrow card with silver and pink iIIumination- TOMATO JELLY SALAD .