Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 07, 1907, Section One, Image 1

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fIII c ) SEJCJ-rIC : > 8 . emo-JIxc : : : > JSr C > : NTEJ. . . , . I 1 . . ' - hi.
- - - - - -
_ iIm ! ' : ! ; _
The Art 01 Makl g Walches
liAS bec'lI lIIorchillg ahc/Hl / stcodily
for ycars. Watch cs ha\'e more '
! ) rains allll skill put , iuto theirmaK- .
lIIg to.dny than e''cr hefore.
Alld still they arc cllinS { chen ! ) .
er n11 the whi1ehich is rnl1ier
If you"woult ! liJ.e : : to learn just
how far the walch lIIo1dng orl has
od\'anccd , this is the ploce to comc
If you wish to finll out how cheap f. !
a rcally rclinble watch can bc saId
visit this store.
Our watch stoCK contqins AJ.JT.J
thntthe art of watch JIInldng hns
to oITcr.
And we willingly place our Hme
at ) 'our disposal.
l egistercd O. 1. C , I-logs
F-OR SALE . " , -
ClIAS. T. WRIGHT , llroken Bow , Neb
For 5"le
My ranch , ( J miles 50uth of
Broken Bow , Nebraslm , consisting -
ing of 1080 acrcs. About 350
acrcs in cultivation , 65 acres in
fall whcat , 15 acres in rye , 7
acrcs alfatfa , balanc in pasture
anc1 hay ; frame buildings ; 3 wclls
with winc1 mills , gasoline cnginc.
All fC\lCcc1 and eros" , fenccd , with
20 acrc' ) in har pasturc. 'fhis
ranch is stocll ( with about 150
head of cattle , horses aud a full
sct of implcmcnts for farming ,
which will be solei with the ranch
if purchascr wants it. Onc third. .
cash , balancc on casy terms. If
this ranch is 'not sold by the 1St h
of F < ; bruary , 1907 , it will bc for
rent , ( all good soil. ) I'also lla\'C'
for sqle 480 acres 12 miles south-
wcst f llrok n Bow , about 100
acres in cultivation , balance in
pasture and hay land , wcll and
wind mill house and sod barn ;
Hl acrcs 6 milcs wcst of Brokcn
Bow , 30 acrcs in cultivation ; and
othcr lands wcst of Calla way.
Call on or. address Geo. Willing ,
Brokcn Bow , Nebraslm , dealer in
hardware , furniture , stoves ,
White scwing machin'cs , barnes3 ,
Duq.lap and Racinc bugics and
spring" wag-gons , best Bain
wagon ! ; , Gliddin barb wires an
fCl1dng ; can save you money . on
a houseleeping outfit.
32. . . 5 GIW. WH.r.rNG.
Patroni1. thc Rm'U1H.TcAN
ad vcrtisers.
, I
. . . . , - _ .
- - - ' - '
t\RGE ' E I L op '
' 0 VI n
ClIIuw at ! Jawell's. r Ii n 'j ( , ! r he 25 hllest. .
. - . . . - -
- - - - - -
fEED The last chance ror this scason ROCK and
OP to get your jug full of pure applc B4RI rH./
ALl . KINDS juce-tbc celebrated Red Jac1ct SAL1.
-swcet cider at 40t ; a gallon. It for stod"
COlm , . is.healthy. . . It ts pun . .It is the ALL
CJIOl' , lnnd grandmoth r ul makc.
BHaN , Scnd , in y.our ordcrs. Send them KINPS of salt.
_ SIlOHT 1 to-day. Won't last long. . . .
E'fC . ' - - -
The. price 'of
I - . . . . _ - t. .
GINGER crcam
SNAPS , the 1a t half
Ibs for
. . J " '
2.5 cents. of 'uary
- . . . , - . - . - was 25 ccnts
JELL O , witl1 us '
Fla vors A very.
at 10 ccnts - .
. f alr price
- - -
( To yon
. JUiCY not think ?
li'IGS . - . , . - - - " > . . . . . - - .
20 cents Just receivcd a fresh invoice of Bring your
pcr pound. the celebrated Mountain Navel crcam to us
- - - - Orang s. They are bri ht , god this season.
FANCY color : JUcy lJd cheap.ln . prl e.
30 3 40 4 50c . It
DATES , , , , a o en. means
3 pounds - money infer
for 25c. 'l'ablets , Ink , P ndls , P ns , E c. your pockets.
TRADE North Side
I'urc ( ] old ( to'r VlnCJ'or llROKEN HOW.NERR.
- -
- _ . - - . . - . - . . . . . , . , . . . . . nooc-a- : : - -
t mE - - " . . - , _ . - U J - _
I Sp cial Bar ains
r ' '
, , ' In BuO'gles'
t. A , .
. ) ,0 rcduce stock and make room so I can handle thcm more
, propcrly. I have bought the entire linc of Moon Bros' . bug-
gics of Willis Cadwcll at greatly reduced priccs , and will now
sell thcm at
while they last. 'l'he Moon Bros. Buggies are strictly high
grade goods and should not bc classcd with low grtlde goods
usually sold boY all dcalerR. W'e are cutting the Willis Cad-
well priccs all the way from $10 to $20 on each job.Ve
mcan just what we say. You could not buy thcse buggtes at
our prices in car lots today. -
While we are closing out our bulky goods to make room , we
will sell all clas cs of I-IEATING STOVES at ABSOLUTE
We arc right on thcse goods. Don't fail to scc them whether
you wish to buy or not.
- G. W. APPLE , Broken Bow.
a -
! To Re ulate
: County Divisions
, . .
' 1'ho Bill Ohanges Law as
to : Minimum Si c of :
li'ollowing i ; ; ; the bill relating
to thc divi ion of countics n w' '
pcndi lg beforc tl e lcgislature of
1I0LTSH ROU. NO. 148.
A Bill For An Act providing for I
the 11i\'I SOIl of existiug counti $ . milt :
thc mnnncr of l'ctiti ning thcrefor ,
nnll for the publil'rltioll of noticc of
intcntion to circulnte such pctitilln.
limiting the area to which ony county
IIII\Y be rednced , nnlt fixing the milli.
mum area of any lIew cOllnty. nnd pro-
\'hling fet thc submission of thc question -
tion of disiol1 to the \'otcrs of the
count ) . , nnd for the ccrtif ) ing of the
'rcsult or such clceUou , and pro\'iding
for the electioll of county officcrs In
snch new county or countics , and
1Imiting thc tillles of submission of thc
qurstion of Ilh'ision of n count ) . ; /lnd
for the repeal of Sections -1428 and
4429 of Cobbey's Allnotated Stntutes of
Ncbraskn for th ) 'cnr 1903 ( eing sections -
tions 10 an 11 of Art. I of Chapter 18
of Compiel Statntes for 1905 )
Bc it , Enacted by the Lcgislature
of tile Stnte of Nebral al-
Sectiou I. Wh. IIC\'CI it'll ! deslrcll to
fonn 1lIew county UI' counties out of enc
of thc l'xi ! > tinJ. { cuunti s of this statl' , fin } '
citizCu or CW-CIIS residing withiu the
'tcrl tor ) dcs 1'ul to 1C fonllell I.nto n new
county shnl1 file with the county cler\ \ . ;
of. the county nfTcctctl , a ! ahntellt of
their intcntion to circulate 0 pctil\oll \ ask.
ing f r the st1hmis iou of the Cucstion ! of
forming finill ne\V county or counties.
which ta ement shal1 describe the ter :
ritor . . which it is prOp:13c < 1to farm into
new county or counties , tc.iglther with /I
lIIap of the coullty atTectc:1 , c1cnrly desig.
nnting thereon the boundaries of the proposed -
posed new county or counties , nnt ! de-
scrihing hy go\'er1l1nCllt sun'ey or other
accurate descriptiun , the bOlUlilarits 01
sl : d proposed lIew c lunty or coulties ! ,
w'ereupon ! it shal1 he thc duty of the
county clerk to cause a lIotice to be puh-
lisherl in some ncwspi\per \ having a general -
eral circulation in th t rrilory proposed ,
t'J be form ll into the ncw cotnty ! or
counties , describing th t rrilorr so to
he fonJlcrl , togctlll'r with a lIIap'of the
county affccted , lliscloslllg clearly and.
accurately the 1ine of t\lt- \ proposed new
county or cOllnti tI.
. ( In this first scction there b . .
nothing calculated to inspilc
even the crankicst , thin skinne
divisionist to emit a howl , unlcss ,
perhaps , it is tha.t portion dircct. '
ing the county clerl , to publish a
notice sctting forth facts ill connection -
nection with a division scheme.
The divisiol11sts dislilc-above
all things-facts , and especially
theRe which go to that the
division of a county into small
countics is vcr ) ' fOO' policy. )
Scction 2. After said notice has hccn
puhlished for two consecuti\'c wccks , said
pctition or pctitiolls praying for the erec.
tion of such new couuty or counties ,
stating ant ! desci ihing the territory pro.
posed to be fo rill cd , together with the
proposed nnmc of the same , may be
circulnted on siJ.naturcs { procnrcd there.
to of the legal voters of the territory of
said proposed ncw cOllnty or 'Counties ,
which pctilion lIIust he signed by a
lIlajority of the legal voters res llillg in
he tcrritory proposed to he forllled into ,
he new county or cOllnlics I1nll the
igncrs to sai-I - petition : .hal1 , opposite i
their lIntnes , where they residc outside
: ) f a town or village , dcsignate the scc-
lion , towlIship and rallg uf their rcsi.
lcnce , and where such signers rcside
within any village or town , they shall
: lcsignate thc number or name of the
[ ) lock upon which they rcsidc.
( Here , of course is a condition I
that causes slcepless nights for i
the chief rangers in the division I
camp , this part which says
"signcrs shall , whcrc t\ley \ rci i
side outside of a tow 1 or village ,
designate the scction , township
and range of their rcsidence , and
where such signcrs residc within
any yi11age or town , they shall
dcsignate the number or name of
the block upon which thcy re-
side. " This little : provision
comes to the division pow-wow
like a ftash of lightning from a
clear sky , bccause it will prevent
their following the old plan of
sccuring the signatures to the
petition of Tom , Dick and Harr\ ' ,
sometimes scveraltimes and also
of non-residents. 'l'hts , we admit -
mit , is a double-jointed thorn in
their breasts , principally because
it i fair and just and thcse
ch:1racteristic CCU1 t , hrtvc b 'en
lost ight of by the more clamor-I
ou : , III vision is L )
Section 3. Said pctilion tIIust hc filcll
\\ith the county hoanl at least two weeks
hcfore the dntc of any regulor mccting of
said hoard at which mectlng it shall hcnr
: lIId detcrmine whcth r or not sniel pcti-
tion has hccn sign cd lIy a majority of the
legnl'otcrs of the territory proposell 10
hc formcd illto the ncw county or CUlm-
ties , anll if thc boar shalll lllt that said
petition or petitions ha\'c hecn slgnrd by
a tIInjorit ) ' of . thc lcgal votcrs of the
tcrritory proposcd to he formed illto the
coullty or connties , ntlll thnt said
proposC(1)ICW county or Ollntit's ea h
cOlltain not lcs than 720 Iluarc milcs
anll thatthc proposct ! di\'ision will not
rClluce thc original county to n less arco ,
it sha11 hc the duty of th board to mnke
UII ortler pro\'illing for the submi sion of
the qnestion of the ercction of snch new
cOllnt . or countlcs to l\ vote of thc pcople
of the connty to bc IIITcctecl , at the next
sllcceeding election of which noticc shall
bc gi\'cn , the votcs CI\11\'ooscIl , anll the
Corm of the hnllot to hc lIt'tl in the clc.
ferlllination of such questions : hall be as
follows :
"Pornew county ( naming it ) "
"Agoinstnew county ( naming it ) "
( Noth ng whatevcr tn thc foregoing -
going that should cause loud ,
prolongcd and.outlandish wailing
by mcn who ha\ ' assumed the
roll and are playing the baby act
on account of the bill. Nothing
at all , not cvcn the si e of the
county , bccause n count v containing -
ing less than 720 squar miles-
20 townships-is too small to be
called county and won't amount
to much , more espccially in this
part of Ncbra k3 whcre so much
of the \l1d 1 < is not tillablc , and
scnsible farmC'rs do not havc to
ponder o\'cr this point any great
length of tiQ1e in ordcr to bc con-
vinccd of this facL ) '
Secloll ! 4. If it yhall appcor'that a
1lnjOl'ity ! of nil the \'otes cast at any such
electiol\ \ \ the county interestcll , is ill
fnvor of U\e \ erection of such new county
or counlie'l , the c ullty clerk sha11 ccrtify
the salllc to' the Eccretllry at the statc
stat iug in such'ccrtificate 'the ' 'name ,
territorial contcnts IlIlIl houndnrics of
sl . : h ncw count ) ' or CPUllics. ( But if it
shal1 appear upon the can\'ass of said
vote thnt less than a mlljority of a11 the
votes Cllst a .111) ' t Ilch clection is in fever
of the erection of sllch lIew COlillty or
cOUlltics , the ftuestion of 11i\'icling said
COlnty ! ! ! 1\l\llllot \ \ be a l\ln \ suhmittcd for
thc space of fi\'e yenrs from the Itate of
said election.
( This section is strictly all
right. If the disturbcrs of busi-
.ne'5S' and social relations , thc
howlcrs for c1ivision , do not have
votcs enough ncxt faJI , it wilt
giv thcm an opportunity to
"s ay out t i1l yon get something
and don't be buttin' in with noth.
in' but WilH1 , " as an old poJ < cr
payer ) adviscd a novice. This
continual clamor of diviston-
v'hich "ConsIsts principally of
wind-has a tcndency to kcep
business in an unsettlld condition
and strain social relation and if
failure \0 \ carry for divi'ion ! results -
sults ncxt fall all can enjoy life
for four ycars , during which time
the division yelpers will havc
enough time to secure votes witb
which to come in five years
hcnce and not have to use a gob
of overworkcd "hot air. " )
Section 5. The secretnry , upon receh'-
ing sai.l ccrtificflte frOl\ ! \ the county lerk
shnl1 notify the go\'ertlor of the result of
such election wh..QSC Itllty it shall he to
onler elcction 'If cOllnty oflicers for
such new county or counties at such time
liS he shu11 dcsignatc , anll he may , when
IIcccessary , fix the place of ho1chng elec.
tion , notice of \ \ hich shn11 be gi\'clI in
such mnnncr as thc go\'ernor shall direct.
At such election the qualificlt'oters of
saill new county or counties slla1clect \
ll county officers who , halt he commis.
sioncd aud < lualifie(1inlhc same manner
liS such oOicera are In the other co'mties
in thill state and who shnl1 continue in
Dffice IInll1 the next general election as
such officers and IIntU their sllccessors
[ J.e clcct d and qualified and who shal1
hn\'c 011 thc jnrisdiction RllIl perform all
the dllties wnich arc or lIlay l1e cOllferrcrl
npon sllch officcls in othcr counties of
ll1 s state.
( Scction 5 con rers considcrable
authority upon th gov'rnor and
this is pcrhaps one of the reasons
the Brcga ) 'clpcrs dislikc the
bill , because it is a well known
fact that they want to dictate
evcrything-evcn as to how thosc
who are opposcd to division discuss -
cuss tbattqucstion. : )
Section 6. Scctions 4128 and 4.t29 of
Cobbey's Anllotnted Stntutes for 1603
( being sections 10 and II of Article I oC
Chapter 18 of the Compiled Statutes of
19 < > S ) are herehy retcale .
- - - - -
_ _ _ . _ _ r
Kate Elmore , Leading Lady
A Chapter from the Life of " famous Actress
By O. It. Sim.
"BY Jo\'e , Jack , old fellow , you"'e
bcell II lucky doJ. { . " snid 'rom
Yorhorough , 'IlS the last of his fricnd's
gucsts dcpnrtctl lUul he was left alolle
with him in the smokc-room of his
charl1lln "Qucen AIIIIC" hOllsc lit Hamp.
Jack Smedly ga\'c II liltlt : lIigh. "Ycs
'rom , " he said , "I SllppO C I ought .tn
consider tIIysclf lucky. "
"You'supposel' Why , there clln't be I
much su pposition about it. . lli\'c YCllrs
ago , Jack , things were rater : ( liITcrcnt
with yon. "
"l'hey were , but I think I WIlS hnpplcr
then. Money's n jolly lIice thing , 'l'om.
hut , like all other luxuries , it costs 1\
oOll dl'nl to nCluire. } "
"Wcl1 , you hnve ncquircll it , so ) 'OU
ought to be contentcll. If ) 'ou ore 1I0t ,
I don't know who shoullt hc. l. , > ok at
you. Dorely thirty , I1trong , hamlsomc ,
o un'crsnl favorite with Uu : men IlS wl'1l
I\S with the womcn ; you'\'e a lo\'cly tittlc
housc In tOWII , n chnrllling place al
Brighton , your phnclon nnd Mrs. Smcd- I
ley's Victoria nre thc smartcst turn-outs
In the pnrk ; you'\'c thc hest oC hl'alth I
the best of luck ; you're going to hc taken /
Illto partncrship hy the biggest firm in
thc cit ) , ; your wifc'3 the prcttil'st Rlu1 the I
lolliest littlc woman in thc world , Rlul
-hy JO\'c , oM I1lnn , it n1l1l0st tnkcs lily
iJreath I\way to think what lucky chnp
you are. "
Jack Smellley lct his CrlclIll run on ,
with ut rcplyinJ. { to him. Hc snt hack
in the blS { callY chllir nlill smoked his
ignr with a Jook in his 'cyes thnt t : > M of
lhoughts ; fllr away , and there crept O\'cr
Ills face a shallow that few who kncw
f Ck Smcdley's face wonld ha\'e expet. : :
d to see there.
I1is Iriend noticcd it nmI it puzzlel !
"What's the l 1nltcr , Lock ? " he snld.
II A rCII 't } ' 0 < 1 weB tonight ? "
"Oh , ycs , 1'11I a11 right. I'\'C becn l\
Iit worrielt Intely.'ou s e this partner-
; hip is 1hi affair. hut to tcll you the
lrutit \ will rather tic lilY lllllutS. , Icon 't
refuse it , becausc il's a ccrtainty. "
"Refusc it ? 1 shoulrlthink not. You
Jught to be 'put Illto a hmnlic n ylUln for
.hin\lug \ ; of such n thing. "
Hither Jack Smcdley didn't like the
. -
convcrsation ' , or he was tircI ! of tat king.
for.he . ros'e Bnd gave ' 1'om dcllc1tc hint
11111 he wonld hc glod to bill him gooll.
nigh t.
IIYou'll excu e Ule 1I0W , 0111 hey , wOU't
) 'ou ? " hc saiel. "Pili n hit tired. on < 1 I've
J.ot { a lot of leltcrs to write before J go to
the city , as I ho\'c to Ulect thc account.
ant onc1 the lclWYCrs with regnrd to the
elccd of partncrship. "
"I uuderstlllui. Good-night , old chop.
Shell T say good.night to Hose ? "
"She's gonc to bcd , I think. I'll say
goolt-ulght to her for yon. "
"Wel1. " said 'rOI11 Yarborough to him-
sclf , ns he walkcll across the hcath in the
\\loon-light \ \ , IIthat's thc way of the world.
If , fi\'c ycars ago , on'body hnel told Jack
Smcdley that hc'el one dllY be taken into
partnership with Mllrton nrolher , the
richest linn on the stock cxchange , he
would hllve jumped up to the ceiling with
dcli ! ht , audllow thot it's going to hap-
pcu , l'Ul haugcd if he docsn'tlook morc
like sillking through the floor with nn-
noyance. What woull1 I gh'e t. ) he in
his shocs. "
Jnck Smedlc-halllltiomc Jack Smc -
ley , a9 hc was called hy his CriclHIs-bad
10lt his fothcr whell he wns 1lal1. . 'l'he
Smcdlc'q were whet is popull,1rlr called
lIa gooll ohl country laml1) ' . " Jack' "
father had , howc\'cr , brought the family
to grief. He hnd IICJullullcrel1 11 goocUy
inheritnnce in levlnthlln gamhling trans-
actions. Horses anll cards hncl heen his
wcakncss Crom youth aut ! at lost the ; ) '
hml brought him where they hm1 hrought
many a richer allll Ulauy hetter Ihan
before hi\ll-to \ ruIn. The old homc was
hroken up , the oM halt , sold , the estate
realize 11 1 > satisfy clamorous creditor : ! ,
allllthcn the bAnkruptcy court having
gi\'en a final touch to the picture of ' .ut.
ter smash , " Mr. Smcdley with , his wife . . . .
nnt ! only son cnme up to Jondon 8n(1
wcre lost to view in a littlc house in n
Ulenn and melancholy side ! treet in
Nottiug lIill. Thcn , n ler 11 year or two
of . usclcss regrcts for the stormy . past ,
the ehler Smcllley shumel1 ofT the mortal
coil , len\'ing his wielow the local tmlles.
pcoplc'n bi11s to scttle , two CJuartcr's rent
to pay , and a growiug Inl of fiftccn to
dothc , feed , uu11 provide for in life.
Coullnllcll 1111 SNOlll1 Sectlull
- - . . . -
- -
February 9th .
Angell's Comedians
. . . .hich are filling an cngagement th is wcc1c to audicnces that have
l1anifestcd apprcciation , will give . . a Saturday matinee , to begin at
:30 : o'clock , prcsenting . -
. ,
'l'he prices of admission arc : Adults , 25 cents ; chilc1rcn , 15
: cnts ; two childrcn togethcr , 25 cents : or a lady and one child to-
cthcr willlJe admittcd for 25 cents.
lV , .
- - - - * - - - -
, ttttttttttttt""ttt(1tt1tttttttttytttttttttttt'tt'tt1t'Ytt' , , , " " ( , , ' ' ' ' 'ttt\ ' \
- -
Pure Food Layv
- -
- -
- -
E A newlpurc fo d law , with stringcnt provisio s. is be:3 :
.E ing prepared to bc introduccd into the legi lature , with :3 :
E indications that it wili be enactcd into a law. It will , :3
: = however , have nothing to do with lIS or our stoc1 < of goods , 3
E because we buy nonc but pure groceries and provisions , :3 :
E hC11ce ha\'e none but that kind for sa1 ( ' , and such a Jaw = =
= = would thc leastinterferc with the brands of goods :3 :
E we hatlle , or perturb us for ( ' \'cn a moment. None but real = =
= = pure articlcs are in this store and you can gct them here : : :
E now and not to wait for a law that will compel dealcrs :3 :
E who scll impure foods to change thcir brands. = =
- -
- -
= = pnoNt NU\fUF.R SHEPPARD & 'SURK : : : : :
-TWO-I"tVIC. .
: : : : : = =
: : : : : : : : : : : : :
11'11'111'11t'11'11111'11'11'1'1111111(11111111111ii ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ( { 111111'1111111111i '
. , _ . , /0 , . ' . . ; , , , idhl\l1 " ! { , , . . . .1i. . , _ ' , ' , , . " . , ' , . /