Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 31, 1907, Image 8

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    . " . ' . . , ,
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' ' ' . . -4 , . " ' : ' . ' . ' '
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I 11I . " ! it ) , " 'oi. . .fJ . ' : ' Uo " j ' ! . . . .fJ ' ' ' " ' ' 1r..fJuo.LJtWMth. ' .It ! : II 'i , . ' " : "VJa."i : ' ; . . . . . ' " : . " " ' ' ' .1.1. : ' ' ' ' ' I , ' ' . ' . ' i . 'JiJ ' : : : Ju : ' ; ' ! 'Yi.t' : ' ' II- . . ' ' . ' ; . ! Ii .J. ' ' . . 'm
' f'f. ' \
: When desiring to figure on'a bill tJ =
, v"i
I of' Lumber call on the. . . . . . . . . . Wf
. : \f/
I C. L. Turner Lumber Co.
. t *
: i We carry a lull stock < ? ( Lumber. 7
. Kq Sash , Doors , Mou1 < hngs , etc , ;
r L
Ag.ens ! for the Nebraska et1 ral ; j
Ji B1I11dmg & Loan Association ,
& , . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M
" . ' " '
' ' " ' - ' " . " . ,
-'I. : " . '
j'Jf ' '
: : ; t" . ; 'ffi'I. ' ' 7J : "tt .1 : ' .r.UliJ' : " .u Jt.t'I : : : 1.'I
_ , ji ! -jiJH.t"jt.lll : 'iJ'f ) w : ; 'it ! ; : ' : : 1 Y Q'i'jji i " : i Iffrj [
, . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . .
: : - . . _ _ 11"u . . _ _ " " " ; ; ; " . _ _ _ _ _
- - .
, rr , I .
It may seem ea ly , \ } tt ! Jot
. .
about to arly to begin t1l1nklng S E D S rJ
for spring planting. I will bave an absolutely full linc of
Field and Garden Seeds of ever , ) ' description which will . be 11 ;
sold on a very smal1margin , _ . A
See me before you purchase. I
I have about a half
T C 0 S T car load of crocJmry
which is bei'u ' p'f
fered at abso tely wholesale price. Do not fail to supply
yourself now.
South Side Square , Broken Bow.
. . . . .
' - - . -
TIl 'l5RjiI.r.r.m."Pf "l' " " < _
- - . _ . .
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- -
fJH : : ; ; . . , ; : ; --'rl
. y . IIUJI PHOPlnE'L'OH 8
J.W' , ; : RY'S'l'l\n , n r , S
, . s
> LIV RY d
I I I ) D an
81 " . . . . . S
" 'I ' , _ _ , . . .
( i"o . . . . S
ti - EAS1' OF GT-40BE HO'.L'EL.
8 Remo elel ( and repaired thronghout. Good livery rigs at reasonahle rates.
S Accollloc1alion for catlle and range horseH. Hay at noon , 10 ccnts ; 1111 day , Q
R 15 ccnts ; over night , 35 ccnts. can ntHI sec me.
. . , . -
- - - - - - - - - -
i S uccessor t 0 } KONKEI
. and GEO. WILLING ,
! Embalmer and . Funeral mrector \
Business phone. 301. Hesidence phone , 334 B.
- - - -
. r . . . . , . . . -
I D on 't run a way Wilt 1 Ie I < 1 ea a 111 um b er IS ale ' or prtces
. .
: the same. Before you build consult
Hm T. BRUCE J1 , CO. .
South Side Lumbcr Yard , Brol < cll Bow , Neb ,
. .
Jill - - - - .I
- - - -
c. VV. . ' 1Et vvJn. : : n. "
- -
Successor to BOWMAN & ANDERSON.
Real Estate , City Lots and Property bough t and sold.
Farms rented. . Taxes paid for non residents.
Will buy some good paper.
Call an see me.
b. IiiiiiiiI'f f
c. vvJ3e : > : : .
- .
" - - -
; ' . . . " . _ ; < - ! o , . , , "
, .
licensed Embalmer
I and Funeral Director
has just received a "large stock of undertaking
goods. l'hi.s is one of the most complete stocks
of undertaking goO S ever brought to Broken
Bo . 'l'hey are located in the Oad well building
on ] OlIrth avenne ,
] arties wishing anything in this
hne are requested to call and 11
inspect goods and get prices.
For first-class work in l unneI'-
taking or embalmi'ng cal1 and
see me 01' phone ,
Phone Numbers : _ ffice , 8 5 ; Residence , 322 ,
\ { : , ' . : i > i ' " : : : -i : ; : : : , , . " ' : : ' " ' , . - . : :
- . . : ; - - , , - . . . . . . .
Prooeedlngs of Supervisors.
Continued from 1'lrAt ! Palle
aUl'voyiug Wo aenroador rend for
$6.liO bo nllowcd nnd the horn oC
onico worle Cor U6.00 ho rejected ,
A unbatitue motion Willi IJllldo Ilnd
Hecondcd that the bill Lo nllowfd ) in
the Hl1m of M,60.
Su hHtHu to 1II0tion carried.
' 1'110 clnim of A. J. VnnAntworp
for $36.3 Imving heon referred to
the g lwrlLl hoard 1II0tion wall nmde
und 'HccoIHlell thnt nH the county
delk hUH roflHlOd to 0 , K. thiH hill ,
tlmt the item of plutling rondH tran-
Hcribing flH1 < l 110tO ! ! , oO cc worlc
otc. bo rejected nnd l hat the item
of $ U.:11) : ) for ouo hUl1ch of lath Cor
rend Htlll\O'I be nllowed.
l\Iotiou cnrded. I
'Plio ( 'laimH Oomrnilteo reportolJ ,
nB follow ! : ! : I
Wo recomUlend the following
claims he "lIowed :
Jos. Phrlllnn , ol1lco OXpOIlHO..S 800
A. Fonda , board . . work . . nnd . . IIIII0nl:0 . . 15 00
J. B. Urlnt . . . . It ! 50
. . " II
J. UUtihIllILII" . . f' 1J5
. ' II. II .
J 014. FOIIIIIIOI'O 1.1 10
.1. g. Orillt , caroof Nnthen Ulllett. . . : J 611
n.H. Welch , board . . work . . nlld . . 111110111:0 . . JI : 11.1
' . ' '
BOllI' MOl'l'ls . . 11 IiU
. . ' II II II
J. B. 01111I01'0 21 10
Purcell Bros.
Pub. gtit. of 8upplleH. . . . . . . . $21 : ! oj
Notlco to 1)I'ldlo bulldors. . . 7 GO
Pub. . . bonrd . . pruceodlnls. . . . . . . 21 00
. . . . . 10 ISO
'rutal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GO : ;
Ho ' ' ' for . . . .
Wnlkor.M'd'so Uonrad. . . 215
J. I" " . and J 1:1. llnlsch ,
l\lorchnndlsol\lrti . , ( , t3talcuP ) . . $ . . 85
. . .
Mrs. Jackson. 1 75
to /uppllos / : , otc. . 21 00
'l.otal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 GO
J..Uushmanoxponso for Mrti.Dubry. 8 ( ) ( J
11. U. Uuilo , 1'0111. forl\lrti. lJubry. . . . 376
U. U. IUchnrdaon , lallor'lI : foeti and
Htnlllps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1200
And that the claim oC .Ehrl O.
l' nk for $12.55 and Jaque Gmin
Co. for $6,10 ho Jaid ever for 11\veB-
, J. E. GnlNT ,
R. It Wmou , t Com.
BEN P.Iollms ,
1\IovolJ nud c.Lrried , to uccept und
fLdopt the report of the committee
fLa read ,
'fho Judicinry Claims Committ60
reported ns follows :
W 0 recommend that the following -
ing claims be allowed :
A. P. Johnson , case of State \'s.
Fredorlcks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 550
H. U Lindsay , Suprellle Uourt coatH
In hnddlx caBO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as 20
O. U. IUchanJaon , COBts in Stuto
cnBOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 70
O. U. HlchnrdBon , pursu \ t , capture ,
arrest , otc. , of Jay Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . J300
O. U. Hlcharilson , distress warrants
returnod. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 00
John Uallleron , costs In caae or
State V8. Frederick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
l red lJrum. costa in caBe oftnto / :
\'B.Frederick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :135 :
And the claim of Henry Kelly , coats
in the caBO of Stnto VS. OBI ! : Little
$ : I 35 , bo relected.
L. CUHlIlIfo\N ,
n , R.V LCII , .J COUI.
J. E. GmNT ,
It was moved and cl\l'rielJ , to nC
cept nnd ndopt tllQ report of the
committee os rend.
'l'ho Poor Farm. Court House nnd
Jail Committee mudo the following
report , .
We recommend thnt the claim of
l > urcell Bros. for supplies mnount-
ing to $5.1.0 ( ; bu allowed.
And the boud of Purcell Bros ,
for furnishing supplies to Custbl'
count ' for the ensuing year be I\p
And that the c1a 1l' oC the Central -
tral 'rolephono Oompany for $18.50
for rental or telephone for surveyor
ofiice he reCerred to the gonernl
A. FONDA , .
JOB. : I'Jo ! Nll\IOItE , } 'Oom.
It was movetI nntI carl' ed to nc-
copt 1\11(1 adopt the l'o ) Ort of the
comlml tee us l'catI.
The claim of the Central Telephone -
phone OOIllJany for 18.50 having
been referred to the general hoard ,
it wns dloved and carried thnt the
c1niw ho rejectoll. .
Moved anll carried that the depository -
pository bond of the HOlUe nuk of
Mernu , Not1'llskIL , he npprovetI when
returned to the county clerk if
signed by R. R. Duncan , cnshier ,
and O. K , b ' county attornoy.
The npplication of F , H. Uakor
and Sonin E. Baker to have the 8W !
nnd the BO ! , See 3G , 1' . IG , Unngp
17 , appraised , " "US then read by the
clerk , and the chail'Innn appointed
us appraisers , Suporv llOrt : ; . Welch ,
Morris and Oushman.
The } 'oad committee reported as
follows on the Tom Torgerson rOlu1
petition in Town IG , range 20.
W Q recommend that the petition
be granted. Saicl rend to bo .10 ft.
wide , nnd thut the claim oC ' 1'om
Torgerson for $35.00 for cattle
chute hoaUowed on rom 1 Dist. No.
G , Broken Bow. And the claim oC
George WJlling . for $50,00 bo 1'0-
j ect d.
AmI nl ! : follows on the Frank.
Weisenroidcr Fotition , town W"
l'Ilugo 21. I
Wo recommend that this petition,1 ,
be granted ns l'cco1Umendec1 hy thc,1
comn'isi ionel' , roud to be .10 fl. wide ,
nnd thl\t Eo O. House he nllowodl
the sUln of MO.OO for lund tllkou .
ngainst ROlld Dist. No. fi , llrol < ono
Bow , ' ( 'wp. , ! lud thl\t J. W. OIay be
nllowed the sum oC $20.00 for Illndl
ta en ngniust Road Dist. N'O. 5j
UI'okon Bow '
, 'rwp ,
And ns follows on the petition of
IV. J. Stelhy , et aI. , in town 1G ,
I l'nngo 21. I
. . . . . . ,
- - . . . - . . . - . - , . . . - - . . . - - .
- - . . . .
; - , ' " " . : ' : ' . : - ' ' : " . : ( : : " ' : ' - . ' : ' . - .1 ; .
r. . . . . . _ - . . . . . . _
B , & w , COLfJAHS , PE'l'ERS SHOES ,
We arc 1I0W about ready for
lJaving cleaned up entirely un fall and winter merchandise ,
New goods arc 110W arriving daily rind our mau , } ' lines will
500U he complete , Whcn yon arc Joking' for
Good Values and H011est Prices
the year 'round in dry goods , clothing , hats , cap ! ; , shoes , rugs.
carpets. 1Uattillg , lineoleums , 11otions , etc. , don't fail to look
our Hues o\'er.
- -
- - -
. - . . . . - . )
- - - - -
- - - -
Send your Abstract Orders to
J. G. LEONARD , . .
Bond.ed Abstracter
Office in Security State Danl < B'ld'ng
_ . _
. ! " ' "f : " ' ! " - - - An
I \ = 4i f f - ; '
r4i I Uefol'e You Build , Consult r
, t (3.e , 003 : .It.eL pi : .n.e a-u. , . .
II Contractor and BuilJer. Estimates : i
l.'urnisbed free with : plausand specifications. :
11illl n ! ! : : : - - E ; ! ? MH ! . : W . " = -if.i. 3' " ) 'r (1) ) WJIIJ G"-1c " ; , = r ; ; . i r = r = r = r = ' .r : = ! ' 1i ] _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ u _
- -
We recommend tlmt this petition
ho l'ojecte < 1 , autI aH part of tlw Weis-
enrcider rend iH includecl in this
petition the count ' clerk is iUHtruct-
ed to refund to .1\11' . StrOllt.y the deposit -
posit mone ' .
Aucl IlB followH on the l'elllest of
Jnmes HltggOlt\ n1. , to rocousiel-
01' action taken on the 20th cla ' of
Decem bel' , 1 DOG , raJaH vo hJ the
damages nssesse < l on the 'VlU.
HendriclE > Ou rend , town 18 , range
20 :
Wo recommend that this l'elucst
he rojected.
E P. : i\Ionms ,
L CUS1I:1IA : , } Com
J. B. GILllOnE : ,
It. wns moved nud cnrriecl , to accept -
cept 1l11(1 ndopt the report of the
comlmtteo rcad. nnd the l'01.l1s ! be
cstablished in accordance thm'ewith.
It waH moved and c\rriml , thnt.J ,
B. Gihnoro bo nppointed commis
! : Iioner to view , examine ! \ml repel t
upon the expediency d , stahlishing
a l'oad poti lion eel for b.v Pbtor N 01'-
din , et 1l1. , in tOW11 13 , range 25.
And that n. R.Volch ho , and
hereby iH , appointed It < : owm ssionel'
to view exnmine ! lnd report npon
the expediency of llstnbliBhillg n
roael petitioned , for by A. H. Prn.chf ,
et n1. , ill town Hi , mugu 1 D.
And L. CUghmll11 1)0nd herchV'i
is , appointoc1 0. cOllunisH onor to !
view , examine nncl1'epOl't upon the
oxpOl1ioncy oC a change in rOfl < l to. .
576 , petitioned for lyV. . B. Wil.
lis , et 1\1. , in town W , rtingo 21. .
l\Io\'ed ILUll carried to mljouru to
March 12th , 1907.
, -
Dl . C. B. JOB ,
Physician and Surgeon
Office and residcnce OllC llock south of
Ryerson & George's store.
J.A. . ARMOU1 ,
Attorney at La\v.
Broken Bow. Nebr.
] Ia vlnl < just hall c11C1lt yeaTI ! practical eXIcr
lence as Duullt ) " Jndlc. wll1gl\'e sllcclal : lttcn
tlon to tllllilrawinc allll.robatillU' uf wills allll
the ; l.llmhtlRtration estates of dcceased Ier-
lIuns and mlnorK. " 'rite or 1)lIono me. I may
tiaVII yo II p trip ,
- - -
.Ir C < :2 : , = .r..Q.f. : . ; : . . : I.f
( t
. . , S
. . "
t FW . HAYES , 8
J ewe1er . and O'Pticiat
' ' ' 'est Side Square ,
Broken Bow , !
. I
Cx.c \ . . . : ) , : xt. . r..c.Z"
: - -
I ,
I "nrono lending elloll'h and dccrl tlon mllr
qulcld , IUcortnlrt onr 01 > 1111011 tree wbethor Ull
Invontlon II probably I'ntellnhl ! ' .
tlonlBtrietly I'onlldcntlnl. IIANDB O ( ol1l'ntcnts
.ent troe. Oillelt allency tur eecurlnIl'J'ltente.
J'atonU tllkoll ttll'oulh 1'.Iunn & ; Co. receive
'Ptelal nolltlflthout cbarlleln the
Sti ntint JI"t l.l\an.
A. hAndsomelY 11I111trateo1 "eekl , . J.arllet clr.
culatlon of anr eclentlUo journal. 'l't'rllli. f3 a
, ar t four montbl , fl. Bold by all nowsl1cnler .
il I mUNN & CO,30tBroadway , New York
101. IJrancU 0lllC6 , c:6 Jj' tit.VlIsbIL \ou , D. Co
. _
- - - -
- - - - -
1'ractlcn In Slate alill Fellcral COllrlR , A b-
Rtraci 01 titles cxamlned. Real J state and
: 'IIlInlcltJal a Rpcclalty. Dealcr In Real
gslate. Sirict attclitlollll'lvclI to all buslneu'i
Office III Meyer Hluck. Phone MO. IJroken Bow
Consult him If you want Water.
Phonc 112 , - Broken Bow.
- " ' - - . , - -
- - - - -
Legal Notices.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
UllltcII Slat 5 Laud Officc , l
I.llIcolu , Nehrasla. Januar ) " 25.1907. r
Not ce Islwrcb ) ' I'I\'en that the followlulr'
mUllcd settler has filed notice of hl'l Intelltlon
.to make Hllal proof In snppurt of his claim , and . said lrouf will be lIIade hefore A. R.
JIulit\hrey. cuunl } " judll'e. at Jlrukllll Uow.
Nchr.lsl > a , on March 1 ( , . 1907 , ylz : JOlIN I. "
J..IIIr. , H. E. No. 177-1'J , fur the nw i of tilt } lIe ! {
scctlou : H. tuwnshlp 1:1 : north fanll'e O west ! jtlt
1' . M. He nalllcs till ! followlnlC wltlll'ses to
Iro\'t his COlltllluOU3 residence UI > OIl allli cultl-
vatioll oUr . .alII land.'Iz : Charley H. Smith. .
William T. S. 1.llIe. Albert I.aHae , l\lartln'l' .
Warrell. aU of l dd\'J1Je. Nebra lca.
J.t.J'J CIIAS. I" . SIiItUU. Rciristcr.
- -
' 1' " wholll It .n\v conccrt :
' .rhe County oard of SuperYh.ors. of Cu ter
COLllJt ) " . Nebraslca. dId at their lIIectlnl ! on
Dt'cesnher 141h , lJ ! ( } ( ' , declare the followlnll' ACC"
tlonllUl' to be a public hllhwa ) ' , . : UlllllleIlCIIIII'
at the . .ecllon corncr to sectloll' ! 17 , 1j ! , I'J. and
I ) n. rUIfe lIS , alld runulm : thcnce wcst 011 the
! 'cctlon II" " oae ! Jalf mile. . \ 11 objections
thcrcto. or claims for damall'es. IIIU't be filed In
the County Clerl'K office on or bofurc 1I0un of
the 20th day of March. 1'JI17 , or ! 'uch road will
/10 / elltahllshed without rcCcrence thereto.
In wltne"q wltureof. I ha\'c hcrennto ! 'et lilY
hal\ll allli H'al uf said coua ! } ' . this 17th da ) " of
Januao'.IIJI)7. JOS.1'IO.tAN.
3w,5 ; [ SCAL ] County Clerk.
In the DIRtrlct Court. Cnstcr Coullt ) . , Nebraska
In the mattcr of the Guardianship of Ratherilla
S. 1I0blits. mlnur child of WIlliam H. Jlnb1its
Notlccof Sale.
Notice If hereby ICI\'en that In pursuallce of
all onler of the llonurable Ilrnno O. lIostetlcr.
jUlhre of the Vlstrlct cuurt of Cllster county.
Nebraska. madiJ Oil the 3nl .Ia ) " of JlecolUber ,
A. D. 1'JO ( ' . for the Rale of the untll\'ldcd one
{ ourth interest In and tu the real estate herein.
dter descrlhed. there will 00 heM at publLc
Q.1\lluc to the hll'hc..t bidder for cash at the
' :1'.flt fruut door of the court housc III Hrokcn
lIoNebraKka. . In salll count ) " of Custcr on Wc
Sv : " ltay of Pebruar ) ' . . \ . II. I'JU1. at the hour of
10..clocl ( a. 111. . the undl\'llIed ollr.follrthill. to
anof till : followlull' described real eRIate
slhuted III CURt.r couut ) " . Nebraslca.
I , ' . .chc south halC of the nurthea..t 'Iuartl'r ,
uurthcasL quartcr of the southcast Quarter and
the slJutheast quarter of the northwest 'juarh'r
of s6Ctlun Pifken , towlIshlll I.'ourtellu. Norlh ,
rauge ' 1'\\en1y.olle we t of the ( , th P. : 'II.
2. 'l'b , south hall of the northwest Quarter
aJllI the nonh halC f the southwcst quarter of
lIe tluu thirty-two. towushlp fourtceu , north ,
ranJW twcnt.une wesl uf tbe ( , th P. 111.
3. \arcel In a squarc form In the soul 11-
ea..t corner of the HoutheaKt quarter of thc
northta t quarler of section twentyollO , town-
shil' 6e\'ellteen 1I0rth. ranll'e'I'nth'c , \\'cst
of the ( 'th 1' . 1\1.
-I. A ) .arcd ill tbe nortll\\Cst quarter of the
northe.lllt Iluarter of section tell. townsllh ) Hf-
It'CII. north. rauirc twent.threc , wc.t of the
( , th P. : 'II.
c , . I.ut. , thlrtcell and fourteell In block fiftecn
orllinal tnWII of 1Iro\en \ Bow , Xebra..lm ,
Said sale will remain open one honr.
Datel this 17th da ) ' of January. A. D. , 1"07.
( inanllan uf the IIIlnllr child
Katherlnll S. BohlitR.
. \ II'IIA l\IOIWAN , . \ tturne ) ' . 32. 5
III the Ulhtrlct Court. CURter County. NebraRka ,
Central NcbraRlca Lallli and Iu\'clliment Com.
Ilan ) ' , an Incorllllratiun.
Da\'ld \\'atsuu , et al.
' 1'0 lIa\111 . \ . Watsoll , Mrs. Da\'ld A. Watson.
[ his wlCe , JalllcR I . HobblnK , Mrs. JameK Jo .
Hubh'ns. hlK wife , lieorll'o M. Hellinll'er ,
l\lrs. liconl'e 1\I. Jlellhllrer. his wife ,
) 'ou and t'ach of ) 'ou are hercb ) " notll1ed on till' 'Jtlt da ) ' of Jalluary , A. U. . 1007 , the
plallllllT , Lh\l C\lntral No ra81oa J. a 11I1 and
III\'e8tment CO/1ll'an ) ' . au Incorpuratlun , I1lclt
It. , IleUtwn III the District Court of Cnster
CIIUnNcbraslm , I1lalnst ) 'OU : ulll each of } 'on
the object alllll.ra'r of which pctltlon arc tu
foreclo ' ' ' oWII",1 tlllI
< e a t'crtalll lIIurtll'all'o now y
plalJltltT and 1:1\1' " by the I < allt Ha\'ld A.'at. .
IoIn IIj the Iowa l\furtuall'o Cumpany ou the l'lh
dLV ofulu..l , IHIS'l , npon the eallt halC oC tlw
nurtheut 'lllartcr of-section twcnt"l lx , anl
the Iouuth half IIf the nurthwelot 'luartcr of scc.
tlOU twent-lIvc. all III tll\\'nshh' twent ) ' , 1I0rth ,
r.ln.'e tweul/h'u / , Wlht ot the IILhl' . M. . Cnster
connl ) ' , Nehrasa ! , to . .ccure the ! , aYllleut uf bls
on certain promlshor ) ' note fllr W\.OO of CVCII , due allli pa\'ahle SCItember 1st. IR'Jt , tlnh !
uf tl1'mellt t'xtellll"II tll Marclt Ibt , 11))5 ) : upun
\I'hldt fher. . Iii nllw lIue the 61111I of ftOO.O I with
71'"r cent Intcrt'it frolll ; llarch lSI. 1905. l'laln.
tltJ lraYIi for a decrlJe that ) 'ou bo reQlllre , ' tu
113Y the sante IIr that saltl prtlIIlsell bll sultl to
f'aLh ! ) ' tlte 3n1Ount fonnd due.
\"UII are required to answer Haiti ' on
or hdore the l tll day of I"cbruar ) ' . 007.
1 > .Ltct1 tllhl91h liar of Janllan' . 11))7. )
By Its atturney , ALl'u.MOltOAN. .
Attest : Gila. n. MAIR.
llerk of tile District Court. [ SIIAL ] 31'3
- , I
" . " . - . . . . . . . . . . . , . - 'I"
; . ' ; LJM"'I"
NOTter01' l'r.1'1'l'lON.
lsl:1te ; of ' 1J. . M.hlll , Ihet'IiSell : , hi Coulty
Court ur Custer ounIY. Nobraska. " .
' 1'he Siale of NclJrLska , to all 1H'I'mns IlIler.
esteilin ! laid cltate , take lIotlte , that a et1on }
lIaM beell filell by nnd III behalf oC thc heir ! ! 01 '
! lalll cst ate. for the : Ulpolnlnll'ul of 11 : I , ,
Sullivan , as allllllulslralor of ! laid eRla. , , , hle1 !
ltaR bcen ! lct for hearl1tu hcreluIn I cbruan , . .
Slh , 11)07 , at 10 o'clock a. III.
lIatcll Jalluary 2j\h , 1907 , .
A , ) { . II U I I'IIIHt\ ,
3t.37 [ ! lIIALt'--- Couuty JUII.e. .
! . . . - - - i
HF.FJml 'S SAL ) . . '
Wherca , " " the jth day of Ma ' , 11)0l1:1 judl :
ruellt ami decec wall rellllcred ' " the ntltrlct
cUUlt C Custer CUUllly , Neloralla , In I\n actloll
therelll pemlhlll' wherelu GeunCt' FItldler lIOlltl
et ai , are plallltlrrM a 11I1 Johll I. . Holll1 , ct aI ,
arc .lefellllanlR , dcen'ehlll' :11111 adjlllltinu ! that .
I'artltlon be lIIade of the ealot haH of Ihe sCHlth , :
' ' all.1 the weilt half .
( 'aot qllarter tlf Kcctlml Ke\'o'n ,
of the ! luulhweRt 'Illarier of R ctlf)1I 1'llI'ht , 011 In
tuwn hlJ' cllhlt'ell , IIUllh uf ralllc : ! "l1ctl'ml . ,
w.ot : tiC \Jth 1' . 1\1 , III CII tur counl \ ""K a ,
and J. A. ArmollraR alllll.lulcll f\'C'rcc 10
lIIake Ralll IlartUlolI , all.1 \\111'\\ ' Ihl ! Kalil
refercc dillull the 11th d\ ) ' 01 M.1) . ' t.ll'lI. ' n'port
to Ralll cllurl that parlltllllluC . , I.I llu.I'coulll .
1101 be 11IlIle without IUt'at pn.hllllclJ tu the
oIVuers of saill lallllH , :111I1 that UII1I1I : \ill n'lIorl
belnlC 111:11111 thl1 KalliOtS CUlltlrlllI'd It ) &all\
court alll an urdcr way lIIlllc : hr the 11011. .
IIrullo O. IIoKletter , judlc of alll CUllrt , IlIrcct ,
11I.r that said refcr e t'll atd real estate Inr
ru\'illCtI h ' la\\ ' :
calh III Lhe mallner I \ )
Now Thcrefnre. J , J. A. Armour , the , h,1) ' t\I\ ,
IJolntclI.quall etl and actlllil , dClI" ! , .In ht'reh ) '
\fl\'e lIotlco that I will , nn the : . ! 51h , Ia ) ' nf
lo"cbruar } ' , 1907 , at u'clock I' , nl. al the ( 'allt
front door of the Courl heulc. III the clly of
Bow , III Custer cuullt ) ' , N.hrallka. ) ! lell
to the hluheRt hldder for cash , the /0110\\1111 / ' (
d scribelilaud , towlt : ' 1'hll t'allt half III tile
.I < outhealt quarter of section Ke\'en , 111111 the
'feRI half of thc Kouthwcstllartel' / of cl'lloll . , , -
t'lIl'ht. III towlIHhlp ellrhteen , ranll'c IIlnet c" , [ n . . -
CURter cOllnty. Nehra ka.
Said real estate will be "uld lIuhject tn all i
prior lien ! ! thcreon. . . . . .
Datell this : : Jnl da ) ' oC Jalluary , lr07. f
3:1.37 : J. A. \ ( ( M ( ( . Hcferce.
. _ '
'Iu the Ulstrlct Court , Cn'tcr cOUllt ) . , Nchra la.
In the matlet' oC the aPIlIcatlnll IIf llatllu \ ' . - ,
Johnson.lI'uardlan. Cor leave to St1I Ihe real
estate. Illtere t therelu a 1111 rllfht nl\ll leases .
tht'reon uf the ward , DOli aId R. Johllson , mlnnr.
Nutlce Is hcreb ) ' ul\'cn that , III IUI'IUaIlCe of c.
the ordcr IIf , alld Hcen e ISllued b ) ' , till ! lion.
Urullo O. lIosteUer. Judll'e of the I > 1 tI'ICL Court
uf Custer Cnunty , Nebraska , malIc a 1\11 liI ucll
ou the 3rd da ) ' of 'Ueccmbt1I , 1'\ \ ( " for the sale
of the rcal e'tate. Intcrest thcrelu alld rltht and
lcases tllereoliltucinaIter dCKcribed. I. the 1 < ' 1111
lllttlll Y. JuhnRon , lI'uanllall oC the IlcrRon allli
elltatll of thc said minor. DUliald H. JOhllSOll ,
lIa\'illlf takclI the oath reQulrel1 b ) " law. a 1111
' ' . boud a\1I'ru\'e(1 b ' sahl Judl ' will
II'h'cr. duly \ ' \ ( ) < 'c ,
sell at public velldue to thl1 hlll'hell bidder for
casll at the front door 01 the Courl House lu the
city oC lIrukenlluw. In Bald couul ) ' . (111 the th
dM' of 1'ebruar ) ' , 1' ) 7. at tile hUllr of two . (2) ( )
o'clock p. 111. , thl1 fulluwllll1' decrlbed rerl . .
clltat..lntt.rcst therein , a 1111 rll'ht a 11I1 lea\es
thereon : ' 1'hll ulldl\'lded one scnlllh oC thll
southeast quarter of the f\outllwe't 'Iuarler , alld
the southwest quartcr of thll southeast quartcr ,
hcld under a dced frum the State of Nllbrallkl :
the nndlvlded IIl1e Se\'enth oC the uorthwest
'luarter. the north half of tllII southwest quar.
tcr , thll soutllwcst quane , of the Ruuthwcst
quarter , and the northu'est 'Iuartcr ' of the Huuth-
east 'luarter. helt ! uuder : " .1le CerLificates from
thll State of Nebraska : aliiO the uudlvlded UUII
be\'enth of the uortheaRt Qllar\lr : and the cast
halC of thc Koutheast quarter. helt ! undcr
Schoul I.and Lea'es lrum tlte Slate n [ NcbraR.
ka. all situate In scctlon thlrL"iil1o : In town8hh'
IIc\'entlleu , rallire ell'lItceu.'es , In Custer
count ) ' . Xebraska. SaId sale will rcmalll 0111I11
one ! Jour.
Jlate,1 thlK 7th da ) ' of Januar ) ' . 190)7.
liuanllan of ti'e perbon allil eslate
of Jh.NALU H. : lOtlNCON , minor.
J. A. ARIOUK. Att'v. 31.34 ;
NO"L'ICI TO NON-Rl SI L > 1m ' \JIWI'Nn. \ : . X'1'
I.t DIstrict court of Cusler cunut ) " , Nebraslm
Jamcs A. Owen , plalntlfC.
\ ' " . ' .
Hakata Mortgall'o I.oau Corporall n. O. n. .
Clason and Juhu l-h'crs. 1I0n.rcsldcnt defend-
'J'hll Dalrata Mortll'llI'c J.oan Corporatloll , O.
11. tJlaloon and Jolin M'crs dllfendant. ) 'OU and
each of you are hercb ) ' lIutilied that Ja , c ! . A.
Owen. thc alJovllnallled plaintiff. did Oil the ! lth
da ) ' of Jalluar ) ' . 1')7. ) tile hi. , p tlLlolI III the
District court of Custcr CUUUI ) ' . Nebraska ,
all'alulot yon ' 11111 each of } uu , the obkct : lut ! . . . .
prayer of said petlLJolI beln\ ( : ' ! 'haL hc Iii ' "
absolutll u\\'nllr of the o 't of sw ! sectlou ( "
towuslllp 5 , rallire : :0. : W. " P. ; II , ,
'l'hal tilt , mortcallu to the I > akatalortll'all'lI < ,
Loan Conior 'lon ue callcellcd and ludd fur
1\UUlI'ltt , plal1\tlff allclfhlll' thaL Ihe oanllJ wall
full ) ' lIald by plaintiff. 'l'hat tllIJ preteuded , .
assltrUlllent of the said 1II0rtlf:1I(1I to O. II. CIa- "
sou be held for 1I0ulI1t , thc sallie uut h'hlll -1 r
bcen lIxecutcll by the saill I > all\ta Murlll'a.o . ,
I.oan Corpor , tlon , allll that the said aRslJrn.
mellt was IIUt placed of record I'rlor to thc time
of tile payment of the said mortgall'e Iy tltiR
plal/Hlff. 'I'hat Johll : 'Ilyers I" , harrcII alld
e IoLUped from clalllllllll' tlLlo to till ! lallllII.wh :
'l'he oa6t half of the > llJuthwt'st 'Inarlcr of sec-
tllll1 2 , tD1\'II hlp15. ranII'll ' :0. : luster COUllt ) ' , I t
1ebra Ia. '
Plaintiff \lra'R that Iho tlLle he 'IlIluted III him 1
: llalll : t the claim' ! 0/ all parLlI's.II Lht ! . actlun ,
aileII' I nil' that he Im heClt Lhc oWller of said cast
half of "lJuth\\'c t . .uartcr 01 ! < ectlull 2tJ , toII -
ship 15. fallll'O 20Vcst ClLh P. M. fpr mow than i
ten ) 'cars la t pabt tu.wit : Slnc thu lh da } ' of
U.cember , 18"3 , alld all such uwnlr ha' ! had thu
'IlIll't and unlnt rrut ted posse'slnll of the Kallt
lallll and IIOW 0\\11 > 1 alld has po eK'lun of thn
sahl tract
PlallltllJ further prays for all equitable T/J.
'rhe dcfelldants alld each ul ) ' 011 arc re'll.lrclt
to allswer the ! lalll petltloll 011 or bl'Coro the ljtlt !
day of Io'ebruar ) ' . 1')07. alHlln ca'e you fall to h
auswcr or delllur tn Ioald Iwtltlnn yuur lIefault
\\111 be taken anlillecree rendered a > l pra'ed In
1111 1 petltloll.
January ! jlh , llOi. ,
JAMHS A. OWHN , Plaintiff.
N. ' 1' . GAUl ) . llis atturncy. 31-3t
J1J tllll DIKtrict Court. CU lcr count ) " . Xcbraska. !
CClltral Ncbra.lm Lanll & lu\'ciitnlBllt Com- ,
I1/U ; ) " . an Incorpor.Ltioll ,
Jal1lelll . RobblnK , ct al.
' 1'hll defendallti ! . Jamcs I . Robbill' ! alll his
wlf/J. lrs. ) alucR ) . HlJbblllll , 'j'homas Cum.
mlrll's aut ! 1I1i ! wite. Mrs. 'I'holllas CUnlllllll1:9 ,
ceolire M. lIelllnll'eranli his wife. : 'Ilrl. Georll'c
bl. Jlellillcer. will take notice that 011 the 'Jth
day of Jalluar ) ' . A. D. . 1'7. . the \.lalntiIT liIeli
its petl1l1l1In the District Court of Custer
Coullt } ' , NebraKka. tll object and pra'I'r tlll'rc-
of behlll' to fort'cloloo a certalll lIIurltale ) ww
uWlled by the pIal II tiff alld II\'en lIy'lIl1am 'I' . (
A lien and wife J lIIl1\a C. A lien. to thc 10l\'a
Mortcal'e Company 011 the ZSLltlla ) ' oI Jalluar ) ' . .
18')0. Ullun the west half of the ROllth\\'t'st 'Iuar .
tel' of section four , northeaht 'luartl1 , ' 01 Ihe
lIorthwest quartcr and lot fuur of scctinn nilll'
tow liS hip twent ) ' . north , rallae twent.oue west
of the ( , th 1' . M. Cnster COUllt ) ' . NcbraRka. to
Recure the payment ofthe olle ccrtaln lIuto of " "
saltl WIlliam 'I" Allcn a 11I1 wife. 1 lIlIlIa C.
Allell. of100,00 of e\'en date thcnm'ith , al\d due
and Iayable I ebruan 1st , 18')3 , tlllle of Iay.
ment of whlclt Is extcndcd to March llot. 1'JtJ5. . . .
'l'hat thl1re Is 1I0W \lnllallnotu the SUIII of , . - " ,
OO.OO with 10 pcr cent thereoll fl'Uln March
1st , 1905.A
I'lalntllT prays for a lIecrell that ) 'ou bu rc. ,
quired to Imy the sallie lJr that salll pWlIIlsI's bl ! ' >
hultl to ! oatlsf ) ' the amuuut foulld due. j' '
Yon arll n'Qulred to anlwer . .a ill pelitlon un '
or lteCore tile Iltll : day of I : ellrnan' , 111 , ) ; . I
Uatcd tltlK 9th d:1) ' of Jauuary , 1'Jv7. It
C NTH'L X IIIIHASKA I.\NII . \ : _ 1 > ,
IN\'tlTMHNT C ( ) t1'AN ) ' . III. .
JI ) ' ItH attorlle ) ' , ALPUA MOIHJAN. " .
, \ttest : GIW. n. MAin , '
'Cleric of the DIstrict Court. [ HIt.\I , ] 31.34
NO'l'ICI' : ' 1'0 CHIWI'I'OnS.
, Count ) ' court , Custer cOllnt } ' . Nuuraska.
'I be credllors of thc tstato of Mar ) ' Io'o \ hJr ' '
Deceasell :
'rake notice , 'I'hat'l will Hit at Ihe cuunt ) '
courtroolll. _ In Bru , I. lIllo ! \ \ \ ' . III Jltl oullty. ( III
the l th day oC I. cbrllary , 1'107 , anll ou' tile I lh ,
day of Jnl ) " . 1'J07 , cah : II 10 I'ded , a. III. of .
cach day , to recel\11 aUII examill" all clahlill
, at'alust . .alii estatll with a'Itl \ ' to thtlr adjust ,
ment allli nllo\\'anc . The tllllll1imltt'd Cor the
preselltatlon uf claim , ; all'alnHt bahl e tate I. . SIX
mOllthR frum thu K.h da ) ' of Jalluan1"07 anll I
the thllillimlt d for I'a'menl of l tJ\I I 'olle
) 'car from lIalll "ate.
Uatcil January Bth , IfJt)7. )
31.31 , \ . I { . . ' '
lIU.tI'IIHIt\ untp JIIIIl'c. ,
UnltcI [ ! HateH Lan 11 Oll cc ,
IIrokeu lIuw , Nebraska , J\llIIar ) ' 10 , 11)07. f \
Xutle IR hereby Ih'en that J 1':181. : : A J.L ,
] IHUill'l" of IIrol < cn 110NlIhrtska , hall lilcil
nutlce of hii ! Inlelltlon r
to make l1ual 5 ) ' ar .
i'ruoc III KU IPOrt uC his claim , \'Iz : 11 011I e51'11
Iltn' No. _ 14'1 11I01,10 A Nil : I. 1'11.11 ' , Cur tlw ni :
sectlou 12 , to\\'n&hll ) IS nurth ranle I wCbt alllt
that said \lrooC wl11 he lIIaclt ! hduru r"ll : ter .llhl
receiver , at IJrolell Bow. 011 I"'hmar ) " 111. 11) ( ) ; . I
lIe names the Collowlng'itllu "e'l tu I\ro\'o his
continuous tesldenc" upun , ar I cliltivatiun u'f ;
tht ! land \'Iz : Geurt'e 'l'eIllPlar. of Ilruken IInw " .
X bl:1s.ka : Albert Swick. of Urolwn 1Io.Ne : ' - . . \ _
braska , Alunzo Cason , uf Bruken 1I0w , NebraR' , ; .
I ka : 1'rellIrock , of Merna , Nebraska , r
JI.J6 JOliN HIUlI > II. Hell'lster ,