. 1I. 1 . _ _ . - c - I. . " ' . . . . ' . . " " ' " " " 'I'il. ' . - - - . . . : : : . BOMB THROWER KILLS " CASHIER AND HiMSELF [ IN PHILADELPHIA BANK , . . . . . . . . 'fr' . . . . . , . . . . - - - _ _ ' I . ' . , t.-I , " ; , , ? t , . , ? : . - : _ . - _ --.1" ' _ _ . . . ! . r HAVOC BV EXPLOSION. 1 ' \ 'rho FourtJl National Is the I \7elllthlost national bl\llk In Phil- I ndclphla , ! \ Pr sldent Uu..hloll In the heud of the Phlladolphla Clearing \1 JIOU&O aS8oclatlon. \ I " Sloelo , the bombthrowor , Is ! ; I known In Chlcnso as an anarchist , \ ; When the dcmand for money V WIlS retuned SLeelo dropped the 1.10mb at the Ceet of himself and r I the cash 101' . ' n the cashlol' ! lnd the bomb. thrower were blown to plec08 und fwaltercd ever the bllnle , I J 'J'ho Interim' at the bank WlD wracked nnd money and bloOll . blown even out Lho wlnllow8 , r 'L\ho pollco reserves ! lnd firemen wore called to l)1'ovont loollng , I Panic reigned throughout the olght-ntory structure and In the vicinity of Lho uanle. I , . . . _ - - - " I Ii I . : , Phlladelphla-It waa just 11 :40 11 o'eloole , 20 mlnuLel1 hofore closing time I al the J'ourLh ! National uank on the t momlng of Jannary [ i , when Itall , dark , unkempt slrangor enlored the banle corrIdor from the norlh corridor - of lho ulllLt building. Patrons of the uanle-not ml\ll ) ' In l1ul11bol' , Cor- t.ul1aLeb'-wel'o passing In und out to maleo doposlts or drafts bofol'O noon , 'I'ho elOl'kG and tellers woro' bus ) ' to- tallng1p thell' shCtts Co I' the Ilar. 'rho omcora were JlIIrrylng to wind up tholr buslnMs , Scurcoly an'OllO noticed the lIowcomor. I lie had on a dnrle blllo suit o [ cloth. lng , lhoso who saw him remember , ra gell and ahlny from age. He WOI'O n ulacl slouch hilt. lIe peered arollnd , 11ositnUngly , and then callght sight f Presldont Rushlon standing l1eur ono o ( ) [ lho vaults , which \\01'0 soon to bo 0105'd , He must have Imowll ! lir , Rushton , Cor he did not usic ml ' ( ) nO for the president , but approaclled him and 'spoke to him Immedlatelr. liMy nllmo Is G , B. Williams , " he said , "atal I lIve In the Dubllrbs 01 Philadelphia. Lwant to lenow If ' 0l1 can lot mo have It 10l\n or $5,000. " 1\11' . Rushton saw that Ule mun Waf some Bart of n. craillt , al1d to got rid 01 him , aslcod that ho 111lmO bls soourl , tics , which the presldellt woulll can sider berore malc1ng lhe 10lln , At t1H same lime , Mr. Rushton signalled t < Crump , the watchman , a. aplendllll ) bunt big negro , who were 1\ gray unl 'form a.nd to the bank's patrons , wu : ono of the most ramlllar figures abou , the placo. - AB the watchman rcspon ed , l\Ir Rushton whispered : "Get rId of thll fellow , won't you , 'nob , ' " addrosslnj the colored mun by the nlcknam 'Which ' the ftnanclul men or the dls trlct long ago upplled to him , But th ' .1ntru el' pressed up close 10 t.ho Ilresl dent again before Crump could reac1 111m , Incurance Polley 8S Security , "My securlUos-why , l'vo got n 1IC Snsurancc. lollcy that ruus out In 11\ ' : rears , " said the otrauger. His mlluuc WI1J ! hOBltaUng anll ho stal1lmero lIghlly , "I'll Jihow ) 'OU some IjfctUl'C that are woth a lot of monoy" oo , " . r. . . , . . . . . ' ' " . , J . . . 'or , . . . - - And he drew from his pocket two photolrnllhs , dlrt . nnll loru , One was or a woman , the ether a little girl. It Is supposed that the ' were plclmcs at his wlto and daughler. 'I'he banker wou1l1 not taleo them In his hand and scarcely mal'O than lanced at t1Uln , They coulll not be found Illter. By now Mr. Rushton was Rura that UlO lUan had no logltlmalo busln\ss ; : . ! th him , so he excused blmsoH on a liroa or considering the security cf. rored , and went around a comer of the corrIlIOl' , wn vlng his hand In the tHrecllon of the cashler's office , to In. 11Icato that Cl'umll should conduct the unwelcome vlsllor thero. The man WfiS so bIg and strong that ho would have been a match for the negro had It como to a ph ' 8lcal en. counler , and probablr both Mr. Rush. ton and rumll uncon8c oush' doclded that the best thing to do was to 101 l\1r. \ McLear atten(1 ( to him , ThE watchmnn had nlready taleen the vis ltor townrlls McLear's omce befor ( President Ruahlon's sh nal. The cashier was silting at his desle which was uehl11l1 a walst.hlgh coun lor and soparaled from the main cor rldor of the banlt only by a law ral1 Ing. WlIllrml McLoar Wli'S a big hearty , jovlnl chall , who could handl' ' any sort of n. man wllhout giving hll1 orronse , and coul got rid .of him will out ereallnl ; a scene , He was a "gooll fellow" with ovor3 body , haDllllOmc , lIImbio man. Ever banle has n man of that trpo as n va uablo business asset , n man who reI resenled the Iuslllullon at convol Uons , banquets nnd soclnl affaIrs , wh b ) ' his \1orsonnlll \ ' secures nnd hol lho 1l1lsinosEl of the smaller banlts 1 counh'y towns , That was McLenr 1I1nce hore. Ho hnd hcon wllh the ban neal'h' 20 'ears , had galnod for much business , and had uoon pr , motell upon Ills morlls from ono PO ! 10 nnolher until not long ngo ho b came cashlol' . .wll1m Vice Pl'esldOi Shunhaclccl' tool ; : his present place , JUl1t exactly what hapl1eu d the I mn ' novel' bo Imown. A Ul1ShlOl . man who was not tal' away SIl.W M I I..oar . l'lso to moet lho stranger and moment lllLer heard the lattor's volc hlgh.pltched nnd angry. Only t1 words "fivo Ulol1sa1ll1 dollars" COll' ' . bo made out. The business man , nl - Interested In the lalle , turnellawa ) ' . Crash Heard Blocks Away , 'fhen came the ripping , grlndh . delonllUng crash. The roar of It w : liel1rd six bloolts awn ) ' . A great pl of. 8moleo swo11t UIWard WlUl the uris and drmcil ns high as the olgh or top story of the Dullllt bulldll1 Every llano of glnss about the bal wns ehatlored In a twlnltllng , 111 J every piece or bmBs grill worle w ; - bent an twisted nnd torn , A Bcoro of osles wllhln n radius I' ton 't\rds seemed to leap strnlght the all' , and tit en drop bllcle nnd cra upon the mllrblo floor. 'I'here aPl10nr to bo n shoot or flame 1n the hnmo ate vicinity or the explosion , tor 1 > 01 o [ the dosleEl were bllleleQned a :1' : some cUl'tnlns nud woodworle at t easlel'll oUII at the Inclousre In whl is McLear hlul his dosle loole fire. Evel'y 110rson wllltin tbo radltM . . . . - - . . _ _ P- I lho nltroglycerln'n torco wan hurled fiat IIllon the fl 00 1' , mnny benenUI crl\lhlng , ollltlng IIhowerll or heav ) ' ftlans Crom Ute BI'fllghls nd partl. tlons , fJome hont'ath the dosle8 at which they had been alltln IlI cond before , Not onh' ( I'om the bank's quarters , buL from all over the bllllding came crlos at te\'tor \ nnd sholltn of warning. Men nud women rncod out through both of the big dool'W1\3'S Into Itourth street , some fleolng tor ulocles In their CI'lght. Pedoslrlans atoppell In amazement - ment as th(1Y henrd the reat "boom" and HI\W fugllh'os with bloo ) ' faces and handi ! pouring ( rom the building. In the t < 'I'rll1c explosion bolh 1\Ic. Lear IUltl the bomb.lll1'owor were In- stan1l3' Itllled. A ne ro mOBlwnger na1l1J(1 ( Wlllinm Crump , who was tryIng - Ing to eject lho slrauger , IUlil both his oyca blown out and was tatally In. jlll''I1 , A dozen Ol' rflore oml110yolnnd )1atl'o\1s ) were scvorel ) ' hurt and the ol1t1I'O Orst OOUI' of the brmle wus wreelcd , 'I'hc cashlN's hod ' "as tOM ! 11mb tl'om IImh. Hoth 101S were blown oft , 0\10 nrm was blown from Its shoulder ; lUlU Ihe head was all that remained. Of the bomb.lhrowel' so lIttle wo.s lort thnt a waste haslcot contalnod all that was later tnken lo the morgue , lIe was 1I1e\'llIl " shnttoroc1 to atoms. 'l'hl' on 1) ' thing that romalned Intact allont his bed ' 01' his clothing was tt IIUle brass nama plnte IIltachod to 1\ buuch or Iwys , which wall found near a strIp or blno cloth that had boen. . lln.rt of his tro\1sers. 'fho wonls "n. . . . Sleolc Garner , Ia. . wcro Inscrlued upon the plate. 'rhrough this clew It was dl5Covercd that the man was Roh. ort Slcel , who had lert lhe 10'l''a town six 'Olrg : ngo for the cast , and hnd prcmablY \ -lt Ol1 ltvlng wllh n. wife and tJlI'eo children somewhere In tlllSt cllr : then , Ills Idontlt ) would probably novel' have been known for the little brass late. President Hushton , whom the stranger had lett only half n minute before throwIng the bomb , escaIled sorlous Injuries , but hnd several small cuts on his Cnce nnd hands , FIrat Vice President Edward P. , ShanlJ1lcker , though only : l Cew feet awar , was un- scathed. Second Vice President D. M , Falros , whoso desk Is a mere atep from the cashier's , probably escaped death onlr through haYing been HI and having stnyod at home. The explosion's force swept throug. c\'ory deparlment or the bank and wrought havoc as It wont. In the col. latornl department , not far nway from where the bomb was thrown , $100,000 worth of valuable securities were blown from the desks and trars and were scattered In a twisted , torn mass. Jll t ouLsl o the waiting room , which la In the snme secllon of the bank , a mnsslvo brlce ] fireplace , surmounted - mounted br a largo marble clock , was . . . . A\D. - . . 3S . . = . . . . . _ - . : : : - - : t1. c. UNDENTFlEOWOlV , JIIPPO.E'D ro n IIl/Y BELONf/JTO Wf .TIltf'OJr' H' e , wiped out of oxlstonce , not trace re- : malnlng of elthor timepiece or bricks , ot Bilnk Notes Swept Away. From the desles or the paying teBer 111111 recol\'lng teBer the concussion , and conseQ.uent rush ot all' swept at lS least $20,000 In bank notes. Tbo clerIcs IlS amI officials there , n.s woU as those In 1ft the collntornl Ilepartment , forgot Ulelr le. Injuries , herolculb' , and went to work lh at once to l'escue the money nnd sol - l ! ; , curltloB , It wns reported that two Ille cOl'lIftod chocks-ono Cor $30,000 and [ 111 the OUlCl' for n allli larger sum-woro as mlssln . It was not Imown whether , they were doslroyed , blown out or the of building , r Btolon In the excltemont. In So ton1tlc was the force of the ex- sh Vloslon Ulst the dead eaHhlor's watch , ed a beavy , cold huntlng.caso tlmoploce , dlwns bent tram Its flat shal10 Into the no Corm of horseshoe , A fiat , mashed nd llioco of gold found upon the fioor ho near whore the bomb was thrown wna eh IdonUfied as 1L ring ho had woru. Whole Bulldlno Shilkcn , of As high up as the fifth 11001' or tho. . . . - - " ' . - . " . . - - , . - - - - , . , I . . , T . . ' - - - , bull lng 11. d sk In nn OmQO c1JrecUI ave l' the bn.nk was oomplet Jr ; ups(4 and the employos panlo-l\sloken : , mo loy ot boll. . , 80unl1ed n tht'Out1 the building' n.s telollhono b 1J In CAC ! office began to tlnlelo1ndor the 1'lbn\ lion or the bull lng and ohlmes Boun . cd on every sldo. 'fhe news etand Iq front ot the bank \vIUI mixed up. al ballly as though It hEld been turned UlIsldo down , 1'np 0 I'll , books nnd ml18' Ilzlnes wore sco.llt'ro < l ovcl7whern. It was nn hour boCoro anythlI\J : Uko orelor wus rostored. Some of the banl ( : ornclal ! ! and clerlts actually did not know they were Injured until frIends or slrangors J10lnlcd out tholr wounds The banc's ! telephone B 'stem was thrown out of ardor by UlO oxploslon and the attal'hcs ra.n aU I\.ver tbo nalghborhoo , bloolly and dlBarra1 ! t seolelng 'phonctl over which thor could let thell' famlllcs' Imow that they \Vero safe , I I ugcno 1\Iel1hone , secretary to the scconi. ! vlco } 1roshlent , who WitS canght nlmost In the contcr of the explosion's l'adltlS , recovered consciousness before nlll rOl\chClt him , and then wnlko about for flve minutes , dazed and help. Ius , before ho dl&covercd that the In. Ilex finger at his right hand had baen bloTrn eomplotely otto I Crowds numbering tJlousc.nds ga.th. ercd In Fourlh street , In trent of the building : 1n Harmony street , to the south of It , and In Ortnnno. street , upon - on which the real' windows taco , Aloug bolh thone Il1tlcr strcots chast- Iy rollc ! Ilbol1ndcxl. In Orlanna. street were fragments of glnss nnd wood to which particles ot flesh adhered , Har- mOIlY street WM lIttered trom curb to curb with g19.ss nnel WClJd , with here nUll there n bit of brllflB tram the grlHvlork. Bome of t.ho ultrll.morbld tooJe awn ) ' In tbelr llocleob. . some bits of the debris n8 80uvonlrs , I A.ll afterncon and evening the Bul- lilt building WIlS'Ialtc by the crowds , At night the IIOUCC were 8t111 In oharGo or the bnnk , Tllo offioials were there , too , gollll ) oval' acoounto to sea that the money and s&CurlUon were Intact. Outside or the two corW fled chocles reported missIng , 1t wad said , unofficla.ll ' , that over .thlng had been found. Bomb Thrower an Iowa Man , Robert Sleele , who undoubtedly Is ilio bomb thrower who wrecked the Fo'Jrth SLreet National bllnk 1n Phlla. delphia , left Garner , la" six years ago wIlli llls wlro amI two children , going to Chicago where he secured employ- ment. From there ho went east and while he ( lid not correspon wIth persons - sons In Garner It , vas launed there thl.lt ho had ocftted In Philadelphia. I Whllo 1n Garnol' he ran a harvosth1 macblne shOIl In which bo wn no\ overlY successtul In securing w r Ho was or a morose , despondent , rotlr- - . . - - - . I \ " ' } . ' " " ' - , i : = : : : : BENe/IIN/1I ! 1/'li//JE8 . ' _ . Z 11 LEAR , . = : : - . : : = : = = : : ' ' ' ( ; : ; . = - : ' # 2 ffioI" ' ' . ; : . ' r. ; : T W/1. .CRUHP lug dlBposlUon , mixing little with people - plo generally , Ho belloved the world owed hIm a livIng ami In numerous letters wrIt.- ton wblle ho was In GarnoI' aald that the Unltod States owed him Q l1TeU , hood and thnt ho WIl.8 golnar to oolloot It though ho was having dlmoulty In dolnu 80. BooauS ot tllJlI o.lUtudo hCl was ooIUlldorod by mlUl ) ' to bo m 1lJ tally deranged but was never looko upon as n tlanaorous or doaP61'8.lt man. man.Atter Atter giving up his maohlno Ihop he peddled vatent mediolnos tor . t1m.a. Steel WM 35 years old. HI hili I brother , Oharle9 Steele , HYing ' Klemmo , 111. . Steelo'c widow and tl1ml1y Uve 0. 1770 North Auhland avenue , Ohlol.l < His tathor , now dend , wa.s o.n aotivl Soolallst. Accounted FOI\ She-Mr. Dudlolgb 18 looking mol1 lIke hhusolt , don't YiOl think ? 18 dej-Puck. ; . ' - . ' , ; " " . . . .or . . . . . . . Joshua Commands the Sun A STORY OF Tlln CONQUEST OF CANAAN By tbe "Hllbwa , and Bywa , " Preacher ( COI'lrlghtlVUi. 1t1 the Author , W. II , & < 1loD , ) Scrhlluro Aulhor1tJoshua : 10 : 1-27. ooooooooooooooooooo ooopoo SERMONETTE , Faithfulness to a promlse.- There Is no more strIking lIIus. tratlon In the Bible. we thInk , of the faithful fulfillment of a pledge given than this IncIdent of Joshua going up to the aId of Glbeon. Here was a people doubly desplscd In the eyes of Joshua and the people of Israel , first , because they were a heathen - en people , and second , because they had tricked Israel Into a distasteful alliance , And yet , when the crr for help came Joshua and the people with him hesitated not but made haste to go up to the defense of the Glb- eonltes. Under a strict Inter. pretatlon of the agreement made , Joshua was under no obligations - ligations to fight Glbeon's battles - tles , and what more natural feeling for Joshua and the peo. pie of Israel , who but a short time before had wanted to de. stroy the Gibeonltes notwlth. standing the oath of Joshua and the princes of Israel , than fer them to welcome the peril which threatened Glbeon as an easy and fortunate eSCilpe from a most distasteful alliance , But no. The spirit of the agceement was that Glbeon shouLd dwell wIth them In the lan ; 'she had Identified herself with Israei , and had acknowledged the sue premacy of the true God ; therefore - fore Israel would fight for her. Because of the prom Iso Joshua and his men would face peril and hardship. Glbeon's plea for i help should not go unheeded. I What a noble devotion to lofty I Ideals. To.day there is not the same fine conceptions , the s me faith. fulness In the fulfillment of a promise , The modern Joshua looks for technicalities , the legal loophole which will let him slip free from the fulfillment of an obligation. He keeps the agree. ment that he cannot escape , but as for doing more , not he. If the Glbeon who Is In trouble can show undisputed claim upon his time and resources , then he will go up to his help , but If there Is convenient escape from the promise gIven , then he will . let Glbeon shift for himself. But Joshua of old had the dl. vine conception of the importance - tance and Inviolability of an oath , and he did all and more than that oath demanded. And God honored Guch spirit of self- I : : : : : crlficlng devotion by giving , Joshua power over the forces of li'1ture , and lenothenlng the day , ) 1 hat the task undertaken Ight be fully done. , oOO < > ( HHOOOOOOOOOoo I THE STORY , tI : ' mRCELY the batl1e raged and 'I' gradually the arm ) ' of Israel was lrlvlng the great hosts o [ the enemy Ibackward , All Ilny long the struggle 'had ' continued and now the sun was nearing the western horizon and two hours moro would see it disappearIng below the mountain's crest. Defeat now seemed certain to Adonl.zedec Icing of Jerusalem and to the othm lour lclnga who hud federated them , , selves with him In the assault upon I the atronghold of G1ueon , and the ; only gleam of hope lor their shnller. armies as they gradually fell bac1 ; betore the men of Israel was th t 'darkness would ore long be UP01 ] I thorn and they would tben be able 10 es j cape undOl' Its frlendl ) ' COVCI' . And I what though the G1beonites had es I cape thom this tlmo through lh ( help of. Israel , they would recoup theh shnttered nrmles and some day latc ! I came upon them unawares and punlsl I tbem for the trent ' of pence whlcl they had mndo wllh Israel. It had como nlmost ns a complell , surprise to flnd thnt the army 0 Israel In1l1 come up to the hell ) of the l1eoplo of GlbCDn , and the ' had learn cd during the dny while the baltle wa : on that Joshua b ) ' forced march dm Ing t o darlmess .of the-night beCorl had mstoned from Gilgal to Glbem and hlld his divisIons drawn ul1ln bat tIe order when the great armies of tlll flve Itlngs had allleared [ , It Is litH wonder therefol'o that at. the ver ' bE ginning the ) ' shonld hnvo been dh concerted , Ullil uororo the day wn half OVOl' It became cvlllent llUl .1Dshua would wlu the vlclor ' , and , awe wo have sl1ld , Al1onl'7.ndec I1nd th , fOUl' lel11g8 with him , 118 they too council logether , watched the de BcelHUng sun , and thanked theh' god that aD on dnl'kness would give ther . lho opportunity oC mnlelng good thol I escnpe , If It did not also gh'o th01 ' tbo ehnnco to strlko hero I1nd ther itgnlnst their IXlwcrful fee , Filled t.hus with the Inn'lloae to SIlV the remnanls of theft. armies , war wus sent through the mnlta that u soon us dm'kness hlld como the ) ' WOl to scatter and como togelhor again I Mnkkedah. "Lot the front ranks main lain I sLrong n lIne as IlOlslble ! , and tn ! mcle gradunll ' when the major 111\ of the Corces together with their su plies nt1l1 arms slmll make propar . - . . . . . . . . . . . - - - , - < . . , . . . - - . . , . . , . . . . " . tlon Cor the final l1I ll when da.rkness hl1K come , " were t" " htslrl1cUons. Iu the meantlmo Joshua wns watch. ' \ . Ing 'the lll'ogr.css 01 lho bntfle from u high 110Iut o\'QI'looklng the bal. lIeOeld , lIe saW the struggling lino3 o [ men , anti lhat sl"w1) ' but Intrely his forccR were mlvanclng , bul fiS he lifted his o'ea to the fI\I11 and moas. ured Hs distance Crom the horizon , ho muttered : "Darkncss will be tl11011 us before 0\11' \ victory 13 comillele , lL1Hl then our enemies wlll escape UR , " "Oh , Gpl1 , " ho conllnucd , after _ a ) JntlflOj "dltlst not thQu toll U9 thllt llou hadst delivered thcm Inlo our hands. and that there should not It man of them stand hofol'o us ? And hero tiley are about 1.0 escape , for t.bo nIght won cometh , " Anl1 ulmost 1soh es- callcd fl'Om the greal , strong num , ns ho IIfLed his e 'cfl to hen.vcn. Were the ' to fall short of a com. - 111ete vlctor ' ? Had the ) ' nut heen told to destror lILl'rl ' lhoso who bill dctl- anco 10 0011 and Ool1's 1 > COJp , and were they now toO lie hlnrlerml by the I ' , uhOl'tness of the day ? "Yeu , will the ) ' not sn3' that it wus . theh' gOtl , the , sun god , which has helped them ? " be cried , "Wi11 they ; - . . . , : - not clnlm that. he has hl1stonod his \ journe3' across Lhe hellvons ao tu ! to . . . . : i qulcleh' brIng the ? darlmosfI to their , ; ! relief ? " " , ff But'doe3 not the sun mo\'c at the- , : ' eTlctates at God's will ? the thought suddenh' CIU110 to him , and ( \IDu l ho asked : "Cannot the God who rolled aside Ule waters of the ned sea a.nd lhen the .101'dan , also make tbe sun , moon 111111 sLars to obo ) ' him 1" 'WIth the expression of the thought came the Inner peuce ul d assurance that he could , Dnd he woultJ , and de. sccnellng qulclcly Into the midst of the hosts of Israel , he- shouted : "Slack not thy Imnds , 'Pho Lord will give thee cotnvleLe vltorJ" ! over " these th3' enemies. " . " . "nut the night cometh : ' was shout- oil back. "And In the dnrkness wc dare not fight , lest we smite trl nd for fee , " "Yea , but God will lengUlC l his du ' , " JoshulI. shouted back , And Ulen , lifting his hands townrd the honvens , ho cried : JW , stand thol1 sUit upon Glbeon ; and ou , moon , 1n the valley of Ajalon ! " That was all that wan said , Joshua. returned to his observaUon point and the soldiers who had been ahOlst him turned and carried the now _ everywhere - where throl gh the ranks or Israel . - that darllght would not fall them , for ; " .Joshun had commnnded the sun to stnnd slill. 'Vlth new , 'Igor and earn , eslness the ' fought. Ono I onr-two " t hours went by , and sUll the llOSls or ? \ . . ' the enemJ" stubbornly slrovo to hold < Israel 1n check , Hopefullr at first did they turn their e'es towards the sun , Then ns the tuoments grew inlo tl1e first hour and then the second , and atlll the sun held Its place In the henvens , they . looked In anxlet ) and growIng terror at the sight. Adonl.zedec and the kings with him paced to and fro , What slrange thIng WI16 this ! 'Vas the sun In.league wtth tholl' Cl1emles , thnt he should tarr ' thus In UIO hea\- ens ? In the agony of dCijpcration the ' cl'led to their gods to hear them and send the darkness , but their crIes were onlr drowned 1n the din f battle - tle , which thlcltCned a out { hem , I aster and fastm' now become the re. ll'eat , until tt was clear that It would soon develop into panlc-strlcke ' - flight. 'rhe flve kings"as thor watch- ell the progress of the batbe renl- IZClI that nll wns lost , and while ret the ' had lhe opportunity Iln their men were bravely strivIng to hold In check the onward rush pf tl1e Is- mellles , they soug111 safety In l.gbt , and came at last to the el1\'o at l\fnk- kedah , - ut of what avnll their flIOht ? The sun aUll shone In the hel1veIHf , and followed - lowed them as though to reveal their IIIght , liS Indeed 1t did , for sonlp of the men of Ismel fighUng on the outer edges of lho battle lIne , observed this movement , nnd hastenetl w tollow , and came up with them jast ns they Illsappeared Into the dark depths or I the great cave , And when ono ot . . lhelr number had returned and told Joshua that the five Icings were Illd. don 1n the CI\.VO at Mlkleedah , he sent word lhat they should seal the mouth of the cave amI sot at wntch there , . _ while lho forces of Israel continuell the 11ursult o [ the now aont.terM nnd Hoeing enom ' . And there was no day like thnt be- fol'o It or after it , that the Lord harkened - ened unto the vol co of a Inlln ; Cor the Lord fought for Isrnel. And the SUIl slood still and tlO ! moon stayed unUI lhe l1eollle hall avenged themsolves. upon their enemies. ' Unique Midday Servlce , An InnovnUon In church clroles has been the holding of midday services > > , ( . . , In the new 1\1adlson Square Prooby- terian ehU1'ch , New York city , the } ms. tor of which Is the great 'J , ' mmauy noDI' . Charle ' lIaIl fighLer , \ II. Pat'lt- hU1'sl , These services commence at 12 : 10 o'elocle and last just 1j" [ minutes , 'rho organ pln's Cor ten minutes 'be. fore the meoUng ucglns. DI' , Pnrl , : . hU1'st's ultu llaB been to lOop the gath. erlngs ns shuillo r.lul Informal aB OS' slule. Theyhnvo been In the way of 1\11 experIment , hoh1g beld every week. cIar eKcellt Satunln ) ' . I nternatlona ) Prayer Circle , An Informal organization , to he Imown ns " 'J'ho Intordenomlnational Pl'tlyor Circle of America , " has re. cenlIyJCen \ Cor111ed. Ita purp080 18 10 enllat ns many church 1100plo nR 11Os9lblo , In all denominations nnll IS throughout the country , for dofiulte , ,11 covCllllntod IH'a 'or InvokIng rovlval. , . rt A fullol' elIhmation of the 111111mny ) .It. . . . . . . ( . w , p. be obtulned b ) ' ullllrossll\g Hov , Henry . , n. D. Roller , lIuntlug\mrgll \ , Ind.