1'i. , . , . . 'i. " : ' - = . , ' - . ) . ; , ; : News of a Local Nature : : , ' " - . . . A A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A" . .A.IU'L. . . . . . . _ . . .J\.A\rt.\1\\ftJ\lV' . . \ . . - - - - - - - -v vVVvvvvvWyvvvvvwww----- Mrs. Dubr.r , wbo wa9 operated o MondaV , , 1S reported as doing mcey. ) I Hugh McMillian , of Dunning , was transacting busil1 sS in the city yesterday. . O. Empfield , one of the 4-n- sclmo hustlers , was transact1l1g business in the city last Satur- day. . Prof. Chasc , of Pawnee City , lectured on the "Leales on thc { 1'arm" at the farmers institutc 't last : tight. . . , Prof. Leonard , of Pawnee " City , gavc a profitnble lecture on Hogs , before the { . 'armers lnsH- tute in the court house last night. , Mrs. G. l . Bray and children lert Monday morning for Salem. " Mass. , her old home , for a visit I of two : or three months with . : relat'cs. . : ' . W. T. Cannon wcnt to Ansley Sunday to see his daughter , Miss. . Cannon , who has the small pox. He reports that she is getting along very well. ' ' ; \V. H. Farrer. of O'conto , was ' in the city yesterday. While r. I1cre he' filed on a homestead in . the North Platte district , before I DiGtrict Clcrk Mair. " William Brewer , of Arnold , 't.ransacted business in the city and visited mother and l ister , Mrs. Marv and Miss Sadie J3rewer , last Friday. " 'Peter Beck camc ovei' from Georfetown last Saturday on a hU6i" ' t ; proposition and re- I portcd the going-under foot.- in prctty Lad conditio Pr , Prof. Chase's lecturM"fifaising ; , and brecding corn yesterday . afternoon. bcfore the Farmcrs \ . Institute , was weil receh'ed by r thc large cro..d that was present. . . { Judge Ricl' . the unterrified j ( , anti divi5ionist of the Merna neighborbood. was in the cit v ( ) 'esterday , cnroute home rrOlil , Wlutner wher ( ' he spent a couple . . of wcehs. Ii. Taylor's orchestra will give a social ball at thc Opcra house tomorrow ( [ i'rieldY ) night , be- r I ginning- 8:30 o'clock. A fine time is anticipated. Tickets are , i only 75 cent.s. Prettotnan : & Ieape bought of , Freel Bertrand and shipped two car of c.attle to South Omaha . Tuesday. John Ric1de accom- . . pained them and performed the the "cow puncher" act. Mrs. Harle } ' O. Wantr" of . , " Cambria , W yomi ng , arr1 vcc1 in the city last Saturday to attctid th funeral of her mother , Mrs. Marquiss , and will rema111 until the first of ncxt week. Regardless of the inclemently inclined weather conditions on Monday , Francis Marsh , of Myrtle town. associated with fricnds and transacted a bunch of busiu ss. in the county scat. Attorney J. B. Morrison , of ( jandy , Grand : Mastcrof the 1. O. O. F. of the state , was in the city on business Monday and that e\'ening met with th locallodgc , : the members pre'5ent higbly appreciating his visit. 'l'aylor's orchestra concert at . Ansley last Friday night did not . k 'prove a howling success from a . " , } financial stand-point , the receiptE ' \ ' being Ss to the bad. This state It' of affairs was causcd by the t'L : " deve op l1ent of a CfC of sma } } . . f. . . : pox 111 tllat burg WhiCh resultc ! I' : in throwing a scara into th ( > ' : . inhabitanis and preventing then " from attending. ( The home of Robert Led wicl -'o - was the ccne of a social gather ing last Friclay evening , whicl was votcd by Uosepresent ! as enl of the most cnJoyable they havI attended this season. Thosl present were : Messrs. and ! \res " damcs A. R. Humphrey , E. C . \ h House , E. Taylor , Jud Morton J ames Led wich ancl Mrs. Speaks Progressi ve High II'i ve was playe' ' and refreshments served. In the pages of thc Februar American Boy there. is every thin' to please and delight its reader The practical boy will be sure t , find matter to please him in th many articles devotcd to schoo' travel , electricity , mechanicE amateur journalism , stamp ! coins , and curious tang-les , pou1 try keeping , and other hobbies c boys. Certainl\ numbar whic , it would be hOard to beat. I I addition to thc handsome colore cover page i11ustra ion there at I over seventy-two p1cture . 51.e I a year. The Sprague Publishin Co. ' , Detroit , Mich. , publisher : .f t.tt ( The American Boy and RnpulII. , I CAN , both one ycar for $1.65. , - - - - Supt Pickney kft for Lincoln this morning for a two days sta.y on business in onneotion with his ofiice. Messrs Wm. 11. Mast and J. D. Shoclc1ev , of Halscy , and Mrs. V. C. T lbot , of Berwyn , a sister of the bride , were in the city ycstcrday to attend I the Scott- Jewctt w dding last night. I Mrs. Geo. l astman , and two childrcn , of Lee Park , rcturned home last wcek after a visit of a' ' month in tIltS city. They were - accompanied as far as ArtS-ley by her mothcr , Mrs. P. A. "Walton. I ' I f the mercnry wasn't 331i ! below - ' low 7.cro in this neck o'woods 'ruesdaJ morning then some of the "oldest inhabitants" missed a gucss. And they did if those who reported 8 below were corrcct. Supervisor Cushman "footcd it" in from the plantation , ( ) % miles sonthcast of town , 'l'uesdav evcning and went to Anslcj' ycstcrday morning 011 an errand in behalf of the county. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. l\101yneaux , who went to Lincoln last week , he to attend the Lumberman's convcntion , wcnt frofu thcre to Kansas Ci ty. 'fhey ar expected 'home by the first of next weele. Rev. J. n. Haney , or Ansclmo , visitcd the metropolis of Custer county yesterday and reportcd his tow'u in a prosperOl15 and lively condition regardless of cxtenuating circumstances in the shape of cbil1y zephyrs. It is reported that Miss Winnic Jovner , who had her arm broken wliile : oastil1g a couple weels ago , is gettmg alqng \ ' ( ry nicely and hopes are entertained that in a short time 5he will be ablc to r sume hcr worlc in col1ege. ' \V. B. Eastham returned on : \Iouday frqm Lincoln where he was summoned to sen'ed as a juror in the Federal court. He was there a week , called on two cases and excused from each 01 them , consequently did not experience - perience a very strenuous timc. J. I-i. McBrien , state Supt. of schools , will deliver a lecturc Friday evening next week. Feb. 8th. at thc court house. A corelial invitation to attend is ( 'x- tendcd Ofe citizens of Broken Bow. Supt. Mr.Brien is a pleasing - ing speaker and all who aUQnd will Cf1joy the occasiol' . Rev. J. R. Wood , of Mason City , slipped and fell last Sunday - day evening and injured one of his hips so badly as to preven t walking' . lIe preached at Bethel Union church , 7 miles northeast of Broken Bow. that day and was brought here and took the train for home Monday morning. Mrs. G. ' 1' . Robinson left left yestcrday morning for Ii'\artmng' ton , Iowa , in response to a tele , . gram announcing that her sister , Mrs. Kate Kelly , was so seriously ill hope for ber recovery had beel1 abandoncd. Mrs. Robinson was accompain ! cl from Omaha by het husband , who was there visiting his brother , I-iloyc1. Deputy Sheriff Thompsou lefj for Hastings this morning it charge of Barney Mohatt whe goes to the Asylum for Incurables L Mohatt was on rarole from tilt State Insane asylum at Lincoh and , since his attack on Ms Grant two wccl < s ago , it ha ! . been dcemed advisable to tal < him to the Hastings institution 1 On Monday J. S. Benjam 1 received a small box , containin ! colton blossoms , from his son Jolin , who is touring 'l'exas witl - a theatre company. Theyool ] < ec J good to Bro. Benjamin wh hasn't seen any since he tourec the south fighting to perpetuat the stars and stripes and th - atmosphere secmed to warm u : when we saw 'em , although th , mercury ho\'ercd near the 7.er' ' mark. Broken Bow has been e cecdingly fortunate this winte in not having had a conflagratiot : Of course we arc not "out of th woods" yet , as the saying gee but numerous other towns nc far distant ha\'e suffered "cor sidcrably from the tire fiend an citi7.ens ha\'e reason for bein thankful for hang thus fa escaped. Like death , a fire i liable to occur at any time an preparation should be made t mcet it. 'l'hose in charge of th fire department should see tlH the hoselis in Jood shape and t 1 hydrants , by flushing , free frol ice. The hme to attend to th s. is now and not after a tire h. . 1- laid waste that could have bel ; prevented by timely action. " - . . . . , . IfJ" r' I - - I I" 'J . . . . . 411 The regular February term of District court in und for Custer county will begm next Monda ) ' , February 4th , Jl1clge Hostetler presiding. Miss Vera Meyers has acceEted a position in the Broleen How postoffice temporarily , but if the work is con genial will remain permanently. 'L'he next number on the Young People's Lccturc course will he Halph Parle tte at thc 'l'emple thcatrc , Monday night , F'ebruary. 11th. Scats will be on sale at Baisch's drug store Feb. , 8th IJlh and 11th. Odd Fellows hall will be the scene of a gcneral good ti me tomorrow - morrow ( Friday ) night. 1 ! vcrJ- body is in\'ited to come and join in the fcstivities which promisc to be something' cntircl ) ' out of the ordintry. : A case of small pox was rc- ported from An ! c" and Dr. Pef1nington went thcn and C\Iartantincd ) last li'riday c\'ening. Ollly the one case has so far dc\'cloped and it is thought 1)\ ' lids prompt action there will he no more. 1'he Brokcn Bow lodgc , Woocl- mcn of Amcrica , will g'e their Annual ball on 'l'uesltY ( nig'ht , February 12th , at the 'I'cmple theatre. Taylor' : ; or hcstra has becn engaged to furnish music. The price of tickets is only 5U cen ts each. , l\J. Hagadorn , J. 1\1. White and l . N : NOr ! litt , returned home Tuesday night from IIalscy where they have been working on thc Governmcnts new forestr ) ' resen'e building' . 'l'hey report the wcather too cold to p"rlllit g'ood worl ; : . " A hill has becn introduced into thc state Icgisttturl' ; , and it will becomc a law , making the killing of quail c1urinJ the ) ar } C ) 7 a misch.'nlC'anor. Thc.re'a a 'Iwarrum" di cussion in the 100\\cr 'house whcn tile measure was brought up , hut a Ilt'ljorlty'oted in fa\'or of it , The sCliate \ \ il1 , it is thought , coincide with thc house. Walter W. Waters , who estab. lished the Columbus Commercial collcg-e tour ) 'ear : ; ago , sold 'a half interest therein n year ago , reccntly disposed of hfs other interest 1n thc institution to his partner and , purchasing a quartcr scction of land of Juseph Burdick , near Berw'n , mo\'ed thereto last Saturday. Prof. Hunt , of Nebraska City , formerly one of the faculty of the Statc Un'crsity was in tbe city yesterday , He was 'Qe of the lcctur n : ; before the Pal'mers Institute now in session. It was Mr. Hunt's first vi..it to Broken Bow in the past IS ycars. IIe conducted the Teachers Institute in 1889 when Prof. Randell was county supcrintendent , l oy Walker , manlg'er { for the Gold Medal Mining Co. , writes from Hill City. , Sontb Dalwta , tbat they expect to have their new 5 stamp mill ready for operation by [ i'ebruary 10th. He , has sent samples of ore from I different ledges on the company claim to DOJtor Bartholomcw and they are fine specimcns. Shares in the company are advancing rapidly in pricc. Lieut. L. F. Oxford , in charge of the Dierlts Lumber and Coal Co. , yard at Berwyn spent last night in the city , returning hQ e this morning. He says the c' al I shortage has kept tbem worried nearly all winter and at the prescnt time their bins are empty , but thcy are , notified two car loads of coal will reach them tomorrow or Saturday. News of 1 a 10calllature were at low tide in I"erwyn , social events being few and far betwi.t : on account of UI ( ; cold weather. 1'he health of tll ( cmmunity a\'erages fair to good. - - - - Organ Valuc ; . I am off ring the followil1 exceptional bargains in organs p 1 second hand , $75 grade e Estey urgan , in fine conditi01 o for $40.00. 1 Chicago CoUag ( ' . ( ) octa\ ' ( , , organ , sligh lly uscd but as gooc - as new , original valuc , $85 , no\\ \ 'r ' S45.00. I D.yer Bros , new , soliel oalc , fine tone , guaranteed quality fo : " 548.00. It 1 Dyer Bros. , new , elevcn stop 11- solid oak case , 575.00 grade c $57.50. g These are "cash" prices. Ge r my terms on "Mason and Ibm. IS lin , " ! 'Chicago Cottage , " anc .d "Crown" organs. 'rhe best il :0 : the world. H. A. 'W A'rT 34-35 Broken Bow. l Ie FOUND-One lap robe , bet weel It1 Painter's restaurant and Spain' ! is barn , Saturday evening. Own is' er can have same by calling a n 1 Spains barn and proving' propert : JOlIN IIARGnT. ( . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , . ' " \ . . ' ! , . . . , . : . . 1. 0J\ij ! The Pure Food and Drug L w has 110 elTect all .our larg stock of crude drugs , patent medicines 'anll toilet requisites , beyond the fnet that it estab- lishecl to 0111' own satisfaction , that we had been complying with thc requircments evcn be. forc it bccame effective. You call well afford to patroni e a store , where ) 'ou know ) 'our chil drcn will rcce'e the same con-I sidcra tc it Hcn t ion .u111 . courl COli ! : ; tr a llent shown you. S. R. LEE , W1'he Busy ] huggist. " . n _ . . . . . , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , * m ! .4 BVSINESS POINTERS. M x m m . . . - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - Doctor Leach , Dentist. , . . - - J. C. Moorc , ahstracling' _ 2t1 . _ . . _ _ 0- Dr. Bass D'lltist. O\'cr , ' : . . " . . . \ . . . McComas' drug stOI' < ' . , - - - - - - When ) 'ou bave hog (0 ( sell ca 11 II P No. 62. 11. II. SrlUJlUiS. l > ad Groat' II-CCl1t rug sale advcrtisement on the first p.lge , - - - - fee ) t Ita t line line or cofTecs at -P ulc's. I wbh t c\n \ plain scwing at 1I11'0)111" , at LIIlr Kil1g' . 3i tf lHs. Lel.A IIOIIIIS. - . Il"Il1"lIIacl BuckwlH.'at 11ur- absolutcly . purl-at the Ad\'o. - - - - - - D not forgct th p citl 1)1) Cl'nt rug salc-li'l1Jruary ! 2nd-at ( hoat's. 1 am making farm loans at : ; per ccnt interest. JAl\IUS TnDWtClI , 25tf Brokcn Eo , 'I , Neb. . . . , . . . - - - - - - - - ' - - - Los'-A note in thc amount of $ ( ) OO , with interest at 10 per cc t , payable to Matilda E. Gandy , or ordl'r , on or bdore Jan. I , l'lO , dated June 1S , IYOf > , igned by Hayworth Doan. On Januan7 \ , 11)07 , th said note was p id in full and all persons are hercby warned against negotiating the saUH < . 11'indcr wil1 be rewardcd by returning to JHSSU GANDY OH 34-3 ( ) MA'fILDA E. GANDY. l\1is ouri black walnuts and hickory nuts-finc goods --at Peale's - Good chewing- tobacco , 5 cents per pound at the Ad\'o. Drs. li'arnl worth l Beck- De n t is te : . One hour 1)9 cent rug sale from 2 to 3 o'clock , Saturday , February 2nd - at Groat's. W AN'fED-l'.Ien , women , boys and girls to reprcsent McClure's l\Iatazine Good pay. Address ( )7 East 23d St. , N. Y. City. 34-1 f. Do yoU choose to chew- tobacco ? Try the Advo's 25 cents prr pound flavor. Smyrna rugs , 3xJ feet , usuall ) ' sold at from 51.75 to $2 , only Ilj cents bctween the hours of 2 and . 3 on Saturday , February 2nd , at Groat's. I am making farm loam. at t , , per c'nt interest. JA\II : ! T-4lmWICII , 25tf 13rokl'n Bow , Neb - - - - . Go to J. W. Scott's for un' ' adulterated flour-purc , just it ! the wheat growcd. r _ _ _ ; li'or bargains in real estate sel Bowman & Anderson , just wes 1 of the Security State Bank. lOt . . . - ' - - - - - - - - ' - - - - Let us bc your printer. ' 1'h , g-ood kind of printing only. I WANTJW-the year around ten men , with or without families , ' HUJlus G. CA1W , r 20lf ' Doris , Ncbraska. ' s Don't forget to order your coa1 oats and corn at west side ele\'a , tor. l s ANDHHSON , - - . t I am maldng farms loans at per cent intercst. :1 : J A\IHS : \ f-iHDWICH , II 25tf Broken Bow , Nel LOS'l'---Two warranty dee(1 signed by J. P. Gandy and wif ( 11 Finder pleasc return to Jess S GancIy and recei\'e suitabl 1reward. . 25-1 .tY Y R. B. Mullins , M. 'D. , D. IJ S. the Dentist. 371 - . . . ' . I.'L " ' ' 'l' 'to " , , , s n : ' : ' 1'0 li'ILT AN OHDJDR for any kind of lumber is an eas ) ' matter for us. Wc carry a full suppl , } ' of all kinds required fol' exterior and interior work. It is a t well seasoncd and in per. fecl cnuditiol1 for i1l1mec1 ate use. On larg-e or smull ( IUantities wc can cillotc'cry attractive prices. Our mill work is of superior grade both in matcrial and work- manship. Dierks Lumber and Coal Co. J.I OONHAO , o.J.I . . . . .Iktllm In . . I' mlli. Wilid.HlI' , T. . . , I ; . ' 1"11 Un " , II nllolll1 Rnglnoll. , ,10. etc. Utoknn ! low , N'IJlfI. , It. . . - - - - - - - . . . . . . .llerd IlutdcclI1) ( ' . . . . . . . . . c" " P.'I' P.It Nt' . 71 O ' . - . , . , . . . . . , . . . , ; ; - ' . , ' " ' : ; " : , -"iI.O..M " { lr- , , _ . ? : ' . . . , \ . \ 'Q . . ' : fKI ! : , , ( ' ) . ; ' 'I . . . . , . . . . - , ' " ' ' ' . .t r.t : : l' , . \ . . : . . . 'I' , . . " " " ' 'i/ , . . . . . . . . ' . Jj . ' 10 I. f . . ! o , - . . , ' ) , - . ( t , . . " 1t . . - . , ! , _ . . . , , . ) . _ . , . . . , . \ . ' " ' ' " , : ' J ( .BRENIZER , Un'eoci t Purc kutclr allli H-utclr ' ' ' ' \ > ,1 141I"lt lIurll Cattl" . I\I ) ' III.nl I1l1l\1h'rll o c."w . Will , 'nlll' ran : 111 hrel'dluif allli ( ! lmllw(1r \ \ ( all ) ' " " 'It nf Clrlc\In' \ 1\1 ' \lcrlcl1r. \ " h\1 ( aul'ht : IIII ! that In ! \'OOIRalRactlnll. ( . hre,1I1I1 ( \Ulc ' 1I1I ! > t he r..e'I. Ch. . . - " \ " . I expcct to rul..cUICI" " "rc' ( hc' 1111. . u ( : \1I'tlrlllll ralRcd III h"U. H. I UUIV lr.l715blllhlllllltahle : ! lor thlR alld lIext ) 'o:1r'II : Ren1ce , r.h' CUWR "ell/It froUl 1400 (0 2000 tKIUnds. Come alHI Arc hen' - . . . . . - . -iI.IItoo. " ' . . . . . . . . . . . III lIOM ESEEKER'S EXGURSIO . RATES Frcquently each mouth to homeseelecrs territory. . WINTER TOURIST RATES To Colorado , California and all Southern resorts. Personally cond uctecl Cali fern ia cxcur. sions. CHEAP EXCURSIONS To Salt Lake City , Janu ry 15 , 16 , 17. To Denver , Jan. 20 , 21 , 22. FREE LANDS Write for folc1erdcscribing how to obtain free ( )40 acres of /ovcrment / land In Nebraska for mixed farming and dairying SEND FOR FREE FOLDERS "A Good Dairy District , "I"'hc Big Horn Basin , " "Irri"atcd ! , , [ , andH in the Billings District , " "Bastcrn Coloraclo , " "Personal. ly Conducted California gxcur. ' iio'ns , " anti " ' 1'0 the ( reat North wcst. " Inquire for Details. n. L. OH\1SIIY : , 'Pickct Agcnt. T-i. W.VA ] mtG. . P. A. Omaha , Nebrasl < a. MARTHA 1 < . DILL. INSTRUCTOR OF PIANO.PORTE , Clns in Theory or1nsir : , [ ( a 1'11I0 II ) ' 111111 K lIIer'tcn ! \ , Pin no ! c StH : of .10 ltIiunle , 5" CCIts ) Pt'efson ! , payahle ltIouthy. ! In Glcilll & Mycl ! ! hlock. Broken 1Iow , . - - Nchrnllkn. . . - - - - - - - - - - - DR. CHRISTENSON. II Enr Nose rl'hl'oat ye , , , ; nud Chronic Diseases. l'itting of Glasses. OO ce in Hcalty hlocl { . - - - - - _ . . _ . . . . . - . - _ - , - ' - - - - - - - II iii" " " : ' " . . , _ . -QIU. " " 'V' - - ' . . . . . . - . Clothing at Cost ! . Be sure you see MEVIS a , CO a , . fOI' CLOTJ-IINn and VEHOOATS. } 'spcc- ially those lines to be closed out at cost. J J.Jf\rg-est Stock of Mens 511068 I . . I 4- in Broken Bow. I S 'lJC Q IxelH.l : l'in .r a Specialty. Ladies , Misses and Childr l1.'S ' Shoes iT. ! . abun .ance. - - . . . " " "ftlll1IiIIIMr'"V"r . _ _ IISII _ . . . . 'N - - - ' ' - - 1I--J.-- Tt'ZiII , - . " - -y. . . . SPEClAL BARCAINS Dt1Flng the month of Pebru.ary we will make som. very lo'w prIces on ODD CHAIRS , DRt SSERS , COMIYODESI and many other articles iud 's'pan i- ble to good housekeeping. : Our spril1g stoolr of , carpets ancl ; ) rugs are beginlli n g' ' to a rri va. Call and inspect then' ! . Ou.r "quick . delivery" " still at your serVlce. D. . C. KONKEL.