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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1907)
. . . . . - - - = - - ( USTfR COUNTY RrpUBUCAR By D. M. AMSDERRY , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DROlEN DOW , - - NEDRASKA. . - . - - . . - M:1ko : Marrl:1gc : Engagcments Public. About the only 1H'l\ctlcahlo Improvement - mont In marrlago Is that snggestCfl lJy n ! { ans s legislator , who la going to Introlluco n bll1 cOUlIHJlllng the publl. cation o [ mnrrlugo engagements Cor 30 da's preceding the coromon ) ' . 'fltls , : > C course , Is ulread ) ' the clIKtom In ' : Iomo clrcl s oC socloty , where mar. 1'1 ago ongngements 1\1'0 Invnt'lablY mnde public. Among the Jews en , ragements , nro I'egardod as enl ) ' ono \lcgreo lesR sacred than marrlugo It. setc. In Buropo the Inws oC most countrlos compcl the .llIlbllcallon of bnnns of mn1'1'lago , so that the whole community Is made awU\'o that matrl. , 1II0ny Is contcml11ated I\nd nny 1m , Iledhnent to the mntch mn ) ' be dls. ( overed. Bllt aman ! ; a lurgo majority oC people In the United Stntes no Imch provIsion Is mude. IIusty mar. ! 'luges uro frequent , nntl o\'on when ( ! ngugolllonts 111'0 oC some length they al'e not I\lwu's IIcknowledged. ' } 'hls , : -I [ COllrse , maltes deocJltlon easy , nml oven crlnw. A man muy mnrry .10 wIves , liS Hoch did , sa's the Chicago 10urnal , IIntIlnless 60mo unusunl clr. ( , lImlltllnce arises ho 11111) ' escape l1e. lectlon. A Il\w c01l11101lln , , ; the 11ubll. atlon oC I11nrrlllgo ongugements I\'oulll undollbteilly Icsflon the ovlls ittendlng matrJ1I0ny ! In this counlt.y. If for ao dnys horOl'e the lenot Is tlcd : ho no\\/ / ! were clrclllatl ! ( and dls. lIssetI h ) ' ( J\'l1) ' 'hud ) ' Interested , many 1. had mnt'l'llIo ! wOllld ho 11rovontetI lntI much slIrferlug WOllld bo avoided , Marriage III a01' ) ' 1111110riant event In hlll11l1n liCe , unll the /tato / shoull1 take OVC'1'y l11eans to l11ulw It sufc. No Good Dcflnltlon of Dcath. ' 1'esta for death OCCUl1Y consldornbla space In 1It0ruture , and rot they leave much to bo desired In the way of certainty. There Is aston. jshlng ) ) ' JUUo evltlonco thnt unyono Is over burled alive , und oven If tr o , suffocation woultI 111'O\'ent regnlnlng consciousness. 'rho storIes of SUffOl" Ing I'cvenled by of1oned comns 111'0 lI1erely old wives' tales of stol'my whtter ovenlngs when welrtI ahutIowa were cast by the firopll1co , but they I hnvo created a IJOIH11ar Iden thal bur. lal nllvo 18 common IIntI thut we must have a 6uro test Cor death. Yel there ' 1 , Is no good definition of death. nntl wo can novel' bavo a test Cor the un. : Imown. To Loob and his school , lIfo of protaplnsm It ; merely the total ot Its reactions us a chClJlcal machine- 11 a theory already , : onoruhlo with nge , 1 hut no nearer proot thnn It was 2,600 J ) 'ears ago. Resuscitation ot th080 a)1- ) IUIl'onUy l1ead has been Calrly com. i . mon , declares the American Medicine. 1 ' 1'ho startling thought hus been an. i nounced thnt 11erhl1ps they were really : dead : that Is , the body hud ceased Its i activIties nnd "tel1111 work" WI1S eUtl. I cd , Ib was IIlw 11. Cpctol'y In which I work hud sto(1)1ed ( ) , but the worlemon were sUIJ standing l\1'ountI ItIlo thollgh ready to begin If the muchlno were started ugnln. It neetIetI some ono to I tllrn on UIO steam. or correct some tleCect or breakdown. California Architecture. Ono glance at the long low corridor of Santa Barbara 1\1lsslon , of San .Juan Capistrano ; ullothor at the solltI atIobo walls of such n house I1S th old MorrIs rosldenco In Los Angeloo , and you lenow whel'o til0 motIern AmerIcan CalUo1'1lla CountI the motIels . . I1pon which she haB basetI m 1n ) ' of her most beautiful bulltIlngs , says 'I'ravol Magazine. If the mission fathers fl'om Spl1ln had not built tholr missions on that coast : It tholr fol. lowers had not built their atIobo 110uses s1l\'roundlng the missions , the Californian ot to.da ) ' would have a tllrterent style of architecture. ' 1\11' . I.ewls.Jamo'l , the leading bary. tone In the MoodY-Mannors Opera compnny , n notell Engllsh organization - tion , has had an Intol'estlng history. Ho WI18 born In AlJordare , South Wales , amI went to wOl'le In n coal 111t when ho WI18 12 years old. lIe sang In local concerts and compotitlons which al'O popular among the 'Velsh , and eventually achlovet1 such prestige In his homo nolghbol' 100d that he WI1S urged to stud ) ' music seriously , . . . 'rl"B he did Cor two years , whllo con. , , : tlnulnl . ; his worlt UB n coal miner , 'fhen. the Carl Hosa company \ visited , . CardlfT , (11111' 1.11' . .1nmes sang prlvatol ' - . ' for the director , who engaged him a1 ' : . : once for three ) 'ollrB , and aCterward - , ho' " joined the Mood\lunners com , ! . : , pan ) ' . _ I , " 'j . I : " Gen. Sir Hugli GousliC. . n. , who hus entered his sQ\'entCo\l1'lh ) 'ear , j " has WOI'D the Victoria Cross for : . ! lOarl ) ' half n C011l1lIt has been i , . . " said that ho won It lwlco OVer In the , , fighting around Lucknow , antI that If : , IIkoly enollgh. I.ord Roberts saw hlru ' win It the fil'st tlmo untI has recortIet . i with keell appreciation the darln { . : ( 'I.valr ) ' hargo that Gough 1M , ant i ( ; " . thal so materially helpetI to completE f:1' : fho duy's wo'rle. Sir Hugh hus boell . lecel10r o [ tbo crown jewels In th ( tower since 1898. , , . . . ' , , > - ( 1- ' ' \ . " ' , " . . . " . , . , , . : . . . . ' ' < # . _ " /t'Ii , - .u..t..U.tvu.Uo.f. . + .tf.-t. ' 'u..t..t.t ut.u..t.Uvt U t.t.t..t.t..u to..U u. . , t. . , ) l. . OUR LINCOLN LETlfER r . . - - e ! 1 ! l : l 2 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . ' Norris Drown Is the filleenth Dolec. tlon Cor Unltotl Slates senator ( or Neh1'nskn. When the slate W1\A 0.(1- milled two senators were chosen , Gen. oral 'fhayer , who drew the long ( rl\.c. tlonal term of four yeurs , nnd 'f. 'V. Tipton , who tIrow the shol'l. term o [ two year ! ! . Senl1tOl' 'J'Ipton wns re. electel1. The Imccosllloll hi the two lines CI'Olll ' 1'hn01' 1lJ1Il ' 1'lpton respec. tlvely , Is us Collows : TIpton . . . . .IRG7.I O J'hn.lI. . . . .18G7-71 ' ' . . . . . . , 'J'lllton .lIHil.7i ! ! Hitchcock ,11171-77 J'nllllork . . . .187 81 H/lulllierl ! . .11177-83 Vnll Wycle , . 1l1I1-H7fMnndOl'loll..IRIJ.81 ! ! : ! l'nddocle . . . ' \I'I\IIllorRolI..18II.tJii ! : ) ! ! Allell . , . . . .1813-1II ! ! l'hnrHlolI . . 18Hi.Ol ! JJnywnI'C1 . , 18IO-91l\llJlnrd ! ! . . . .1IOI-07 ! Allen . . . . . . 1891-01 ! BI'OWII . . . .1907 Jlelrlch . . . . tlOI-0Ci ! Burleolt . . . ,110 ! Whllo members oC the joint 1'nlll'oac1 commltteo , which Is I\uthorlilcd to draft nnl1 Ilres < > nt to the hOl1se and senate 11 hili giving authority to the Stnto Rnl1l'Oall comml/sloll / , 1111.\'e vn.- rlouvlows / III the malleI' untI may 110 some limo In gttln ! ! ; together , there Is a strong sentiment for the I1raftlng ot n. bill which merely gl\'e/J / to the commission the powm' to fix mtes. S0ll10 memlJerH oC' the commltteo are of the 0111nlon that the hili 1111011111 contain - tain the mlllimum rates to o charged anl1 It thORO rates arc not compensa' tory then It woult ! he up to UIO ruH- rend ! ! to ) lrol1uco ovldonco thnl such Is the case bofOJ'o any change ShOIlIl ho mndo. Inasmuclt us thel'c II ! Iquoi : : - Uon of the right o [ the lcglHlat111'0 to delegate 11\lthorlty to the commission equal to the 11Owor to repeal a statute , Rome memhorll of the leglslatme favol' drnCllng a ahort. bill giving fJwer to the commission to reglllae { ratos. . - - - - Buelwt shOl1R 111111 g1'l11n and steele commlssloll flmll I hat 110 hushlesH on nml'glns will he a thing oC lhe paRI. In Nehraslm If It bill offered h ) ' Epperson o ( CI(1) ( ' Is 11llJsed. It Is as follows : 'I'hnt ' It shllll he unlawCul for an ) ' cor. 110ralloll , ussoclalloll , copartnership 01' persons lo l\Cop. or cnuso to bo lOpt. within thIs state nny huclet shop , office - fice , SlOI' OJ' ether l1111ce whoreln Is comluctOlI or permUted the pretendell bu'lng or sollln , , ; of the shareR of stocles 01' bonds or an ) ' cOI')1Oratlon ) , 01' polroloum , callan. grain , proylslons or olliQr prol1ucts. elUICI' on margins , or oth rwlse , wUhout any Intention o [ rccelvlng I1nd paying for the properlY so bought , 01' of l1ellverlng the 1)1'011' crt ) . Ib ! solei , or wherein Is con.lucted or Iermltted the llretonlled buying or selllnl ; oC imch properl ) ' on margins , 01' when the pal'ty bu'lfig any of such pro1orLr [ or offol'lng to huy the same , cloes not Intenll actually to receive the same If purclmsed 01' to tIellvor the ' 3amo If sold. - - - -r-- Sonn.lor l\IcKesson's hill to exempt { I'om tmmUon thnt port oC the \'aluo oC rel11 estate rOI\'esented by n taxed mm.tgage , .Inlroduces n lI\'ely question for debate. Unclol' the law 1)\'ollosed the tax on n. mortgage may bo paId in elUlOr of two WI1YS. hy the holder ot the mortgage or b ) ' the ownol' of the land nndor ngreement with the mort. gageo. A far1110r who borrows money. and gIves a mortgnge may agree , presumably - sumably In consllerntlon o [ a 10wO\ ' Intorcst rule , to pny the mortgage tax : 01' ho may pa ) ' the tax enl ) ' on the un- morTgaged \'nlne of his land while the ownel' ot the mortga.go pays the tax on the mortgarc , IH'csmnnbly pro. tectlng himself by a hlghCl' Interest rate. Such a 11roccedlng. with all Its com1l1cationH [ , amonnts In elrect to ubollshlng the tnx on renl ol1tato mOI't- gages , slnco the mortgage and the lantI together would 11ay tax only on the assessed value of the huU1. Norris nrown , made senutor Crom Nohrnalca hy the solll vote oC rOl1ubll. cuns In the legislature , is H ) 'ears oltI. He has been In pUhllc me IIneen ) 'ears , olshl of them In service (18 a stale officel' . Ho wns born neal' 1\Ia- quoltota , Ia. , In 18G3. and spent his cnrl'earr ; on a fnrm. 1\11' . Drown worl < ed his way through ( ' 011 ego , amI In the Iown state unlvorslty toole the bachelor or a s degree In 1883 , and the mnsI01"s degree two ) 'eal's luter. Ho stutIlod for the har then. and , 1I10n 111B nllmlttance , movell to Pel'r ' , Ia. , and ollenetI nn omco. Whllo there ho ml1rrled 1\IIss Lulu lJeeler nnd the two tlechlecl to move wesl. It.was In 1888 thul. the ) ' moved to lea1'11oy , which hna been their homo over since , nllhough 1\11' . llrown's .1utieR have 1(011t them In LIncoln the gl'eltel' : part or the lost eight years. 11111 elc'tlon to the .sonllto Is fol' thc fu ) ) term of , 61x ) 'ears. ' 1'ho stale bOlll'tI of agrlcultmo ha been In sosslon In the l" 1)1ltlll ) cll ) ' . unl1 from proceel1lngs It Is lea1'1lell that , the soelft.y ! hus on hanl1 n sll1'pll1s 01 f37OOO from. lust ) 'cllr. 'rho bOa1'll , wlll ask this ) 'oar , Instend of the IIsllal apIH'oIH'lntlon for the 11I1111J01'I of the IItato : fuh. , I1n annllul lov ' ot % ot a mill to multo pormlluenl 1m 11rovements on the state Cah' grouUtl ! and 11rovlde ( or otller oXllense6. A sweoplng measure COI' 1'ogul1\tlor ot tbo 11 qu OJ' tmmc was Int1'otIucel by SonataI' Patrlele oC Snl1ndors , lIt proposes that sllloon mon shull ( t lIublo for all damages resultlug cllhe ! to the commllnll ) ' or to the Indlyhluu Crom the trutllc , and thot lho ) ' shal 611111101'l nll widows nntI orphans Um result from the bllslneRs nnd llllY al oX\1onseR o ( civil and criminal sulll I that I\rlso. Not enl ) ' Is the saloor I I keel10r to bo heltI 1'eSl1l10slble , 1m I ! Ulecwlse these who sign his potltlOJ I I mar bo holl1 ( or any (1nmageo tha' .ma ) ' follow. . . . . : . . . . ' , " ' : . ' . , . t.d . : . . . . iIt"1'A. , , , W 4 t" . . . _ " " " " , , - " - - - . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . _ . . . _ Q..v.- I Amendments to the compllsor ) ' education - cation Inw nro sought throu h n 1111I Introdllced In the sellnto b 'fl1omnn . oC Douglus. BrIen ) ' , these amend. , mellts IIro : When not leg1\lIy and resulnrl ) ' em. ployed , comlmlsory attendance is re. . Iulred ( to IG Instead ot 1 ) 'cars of I q Attendauce Is required Cor the full : pcrlod each ) 'ear Instead of two-thirds , ot that l1orlod , A ehlld at 14 may bo legally em. plo'ed ( or his own support or these ' dependent upon him , providing bo nt. 'tonl1s n night school , or Its eql1Ival(1nt , six hOllni a weele for a school 'eal' or not I s tlmn twentweels. . : A resollltlon h ) ' 1\11' . Pries o [ IIowarll county favm's a constltlltlonlll amendment enlurglng the field"of In. vestment for the permunent school funtI. The l'cBolutiou provldcs that these funtIs ca1 ho Invested not only In UnltetI Stutes antI s'tate sccurltles , hut In cOllnty , mllnlclpal 'ancl schodl dlJltrld : boneIs. ' 1'hls Is in lIne with the rccommCJlIlation of Treasllrer Mm'lenaon to the last legislature (1url In IIno with 11 resolution introduced at thut time , hut which CaHcd of pas- Imge. 'fho permllnont school funtI hils now reached the enormous 3um ! of over $7,000.000 , uUll It Is n ques. ' lion where tlto money can be In- \'ested to gooll ndvantage. 'I'he hili ( It Senator King oC Pone In. tl'Odllceel In the uPI'ler houso'malccs )11'ovlslon ) for udmlnlslrntlon of funds by trust c0111panles. It prohibits the trust com paules engaging In the hank- Ing huslness excel1t In It VCI'Y lImltoJl way. It l11'ovlllc 1 the companies simll not receive ,1elloslts Aubject to cheel , and shall not. buy or sen exchange. 'rhey mllY maIm Investments of funtIs left iu theh' dhurgo and the nnture o [ the socu1'ltles they ma ) ' Invest in IfJ doslgnuted b ) ' the bill. UntIer the bill the IIS1l1l1 , operations of sn.vlngs baul < B would bo allowable to trust companIes. A delegation of railroad mon ap. )1caretI ) boCore the senate commltteo on railroads and left written requcsts Crom vnrlous prganlzatlons of train. men for the senate to request the N - braslm roprescntatlves In congress to vote against the La. FoUottesIxteen hour lnw. The railroad men arguell ngalnst the slxteen.hour law , clahn. ing It would require trainmen to leave theh' 110StS at the entI ot six. teen hours , regardless of where the train might bo , except In CUI > O ot accl. dent or storm , 01' similar emergen- cies. The committee will seele furU1er Information on the subjoct. ; \11' . El1pel'son of CIa ) ' desires CO\1' trol of telel1hono companies hy tbe railway commission. and hnsIntro - ducetI a measure to this effcct It )1l'ovltIes ) that a11 laws. so ( ar as a)1- ) )1Ucable , now In Corce or that may hereafter bo enacted. regulating the h'/U1s110rtatlon / o [ )1l'operty ) by rail- roud companlos , within the state , shall up)11) ) ' to telo)1hono ) coml1l\nles. The state rullwny commission Is to ha\'o genel'al control of all telephones , telc. 11hono lines nnd telephone companies. Charges Ahall bo just nnd reasonable antI dlscl'lmlnatlon In charges or reo bates In any form arc made unlnw. ful. . Senator Slhle ) ' has Introl1uced two bills to amend the rovenl1e law to malte It moro strlngont and less easily m'ud. cd. Doth measul'es al'e said to ave the support of tbe stuto aAsoclatlon of I . assessors. Ono will muleo Illmpossiblo to coUect an ) ' ovldence ot IntIebtet- ness such as n. no to or mortgage l1util the taxes on It have heen paW. The ether requires mercantile corpora. . . Uons to muleo 0. schotIule showlnl ; UIO VOhlUl0 at business trnnsactetI as a. lJasls of taxation. 1 < ' 1\0 hills favorcd hy the gume cum- missioner and d1'llCtetI by the joint fi h anl1 game commltteo prohibit the sale oC wild IlI1n9 : mal\O the eloso senson Indefinite for elle , doer , . antelope 1\11'1 beaver ; coml1el 11. hunter to show his IIccnse to an rimcer at au ) ' Umo : 1'e. 110al a .110rtlon oC the law which malcc3 It IndellnUe whethCl' un oll1col' has the power to destror 1II0gai fishing devices - vices when f01111l1 : prohibit traIning of dogs hr out8ldel's during clo cd , 6eason on blrtIs. 'I'he strongest oPllononts o [ the child I lubor bill , us It now stands , 3 pear to I ho the ohlel' momhers of the loSlsl\- ture. who were bl'oughl UI1 on the hUl'd work o ( t11C farm antI appear to l olc hacl , on those da's with a Itoen relish , of tlao solf-l'ellanco It gave thom In afto1IC0. . 'I'hat the II1'esent bl1l might pl'evenl farmol's fl'om putting their . bO1 { to worle In the fieltI seems to be J lho fem' oC some. Mllin 11ro\'lslons ot the bill al'o sol fmoth elsewhel'e. Senator Pat1'lcle of Sa1'p ) ' has Intro. duced a bl1l to pOl'mlt the commence. mont of suits In un ) ' court excepl. the supreme c'I1rt b ' the sor\'lng by the 1IIIIIntirf on Ihe tIeCondant that he wm- on 0beoro a cOI.tl1ln dute file I ) . l1e. tltlon or hill oC l1artlcul1\rs In a 611ecl. fied ( ' 0111t anll stating the nqturo of the action and If mono ) ' Is sued Cor , the amount. ThlB nolloo shull ( ollow a lr0501'll1el1 COrtnUtl ! m1\Y ho SOf\'ctI hr nn omcor or b ) ' nny 110l'son oroI' 21 , ) 'oars o ( ago. 'l'hls measure before finnl dlslJOsltlon , Is lIIcoly to create n. . 1:0011 deal of discussion , . . ! ' : . BACK TO HIGH LIFE _ By S. E. KISER. I "All , " said the gentleman with Ule wcek'g growth o [ wltlslers and the Cringed trouscrs as ho stoPllod from Iho car In which ho hatI heen ahle to rldo because somebody )1I1d ) conveulently dropped a trnnser 81111"there IB only one Broadwuy In thc world , and here I am once more. Thero's the Times building , there's the Astor House , hero's UIO Knlck'orbocle. er-yes , ' s , It must he so , I am not dreaming , I shllll not awalco present. Iy to IInll that I am back In Ohio or Indillno. or Mlchlglln or somewhere ( 'Ise away out he'ond the farthest limits o { GotI's countrI am here 10ol < lnH down 1ho Great Whlto Way , and I mn wide awalw nnd all Is wel1- nr all woultI bo wel1 If I had things ao arrnnged that the doors of ono of theao great hul/Illngs / would open unto 1110 nnd servl\.nts would how lis I IHtSlotI ! In to tnl < o my pluce at a ma h ( ) nn ) ' desle somewhere or to glvo or , IICI'S to m ) ' secreln1' ) ' and then leave 'for Ashovlllo 01' Palm lleach , or Eomo ether lo\'el ) ' place far away , Imowlng - I .hat I might return when 1 got reatIy ; Jor n. now supply oC cash. And reCer. : 'Ing to cush , I wonder now If there J : mybody In grand old New York wht woultI he willing to lend me 16 cents , Cor the IH1rlI0SO of purchasing thaI which Is deslgued to l > eep body and soul together. It Is splendid to bo In dear old Droadway , but I am unable to Corget that I have not eaten since ] left that God.Corsalccn pIneo they call Ohio. I wondel' now why I tIld 110t accept the egg sl11111wlch that COllsln L'dla offered me ? Dut no , It was better to spurn her pro)1osal. ) It would ha\'e destroyed my seU-respect 1f I hud permitted ono who Is content 10 exist In the baclewoods , or , I may say In the rear loclwt ) of clvl1lzutlon to patronize me Ums. Dettor an empty stomach and a [ ull heart In donI' old Droadwa- than affluenee who1'c )1eoplo ) see green fields , quiet pastl1l'os , winding streams. slanted corn shocles antI red barns Instead 01 , the wonderCul )1anorama ) that I am 1I0W permitted to behohl. What a heautlrul thing Is ) 'on corset sign upo the top of the ono.sto1' ) ' building witht. . the sheet.lran cOl'Ulce. And there 1 ' n. man exercising In a window for the )1urposo ) o [ advertising somebody's pulley arrangement. What Iootry of motion. How elevating and how thrilling , wlthul. I take It. jutIglng from the size of the crowd In front of the window that a goqd many l1eol110 beside m'selC are here without pressIng - Ing engagements. Let mo see ? I .wQndel' i [ there Is in Ulls vlclnlt ) ' any inan , woman 01' child with whom I am we1l enough acquainted to maleo Ib l'casonuble for me to expect aS lstancE\ In lhc wuy oC a dime 01' some contd. , ' huUon approximating thut sum ? Alas , no ! I cau think of no one. It may bo , that here In the Great Whlto Way' ' ' there is sarno one who Imows meft 'nome on who woultI bo glatI if wc met to see mo. I sa ) ' It Is possible that there Is some such person here , . bul I foal' there Is not. I am a stranger' . to all who pass me. They lmow not. w1wnce I came 'Or whither I go. They Cill'O not thut I am unshaven. for many o [ them need the ser.vlce of barbers themsel\'es , IIntI It matters not to Ithem that m ) ' trousers need trimming and prossing. Frlngell trousers I por- celvo are not uncommon here. They 'do not attract attention , nor does a , 'gaunt loole nl1)1ear ) to compel people to 'PI1USO for the pur)1OSO ) of expressing . sympaUlY or offering usslslnnce. Dut .why do I permit m'self to stantI here moralizing dlsma1ly ? Yonder Is a chauffeur enden.vorlng to"-run ever an oIl ! mun. Hero Is a newsboy who has no\'er seen a bathtub. ' 1'here Is n. hotel In .whlch people spend tens of thousands of dollars a day. Oh , It Is glorious. Now let me lhlnl. a moment , What ahall I do first ? 1 have It. Alecle McDermitt hus a job somewhe1'e In the street cleunlng do- partment. I wlU hunt him up and see whether ho can't fix It so that I may operate a broom U)10n ) the nSllbaU. "l'ls 11. lucley thOlllht. Porllaps Aleck's lunucncc will be Humclont to enuble him to put mo on DroatIway or nt leasl In ono of the sltIe streets near It. Whnl nobler desLlny could uny man demantI ? Poor Cousin L.tIla a way out there where hlh mo Is lenown (111) ' as It filtet's through the maga. zlnes , how 1 pity her. I wlU now boo gin to drOl ) m ) ' 1"S alld hie me away In searl'h of Aleck. " Bee Hive In Boot. Samuel Smith , a Carmer living near . \lburtll : ! , Pa. , had a'el'y unhappy ex. 110rlenco with a colony of bumble bees. lie kepl 11. pull' uf heuvy boots In the ba\11 during the summel' , and went for them when the snow storm camo. ' 1'he bees hall chosen ono of the bools tor n lIest , und when Smith startetI to pull it on the bees got bus ) ' . Ho wasn't a ranllldato for the bee.sUng rheumatism cure , but Is hOllsell 111) nl1111ylns lotions. . . to the wounds. - r ' (11 . I Lots oC fools loole wlso and Jots of wise men look othorwlso. . - - - - How's This ? WII ol1'er One lIundrc. } Dollara Re'ft'lIrd tor IIn , rase of Calarrh tbat cannot bll cured IJr Uall' , Caurrh Cure. F. J. CIIENEY.\ ; . , Toledo , 0 , We , the unc1enhtned haTe J:1I1I"n F. J. Chcnc , lor tbe IUI I , and believe blul erlecll , hon. rable In all tun lranuctlon. Rnd nllanclally able lo carrT out ao , obligations made 1Ir : lib nrm. W J.LDINn , KINIUN & : lIf.t.Rvur. Wbolouto Drlll/cilti. Toledo. 0 , lIall' , Catarrh Cure I. taken Inlelol1l1 , . acllni : dlrecll , upon tbe blood aod IDUCOllllurfacel of tbe 1Talem. Tellimonh.l. .enl freo. l'rlce 7 C nU per boltle. Sold b , all I1rllutlla. 'fake Uall' . 'alDlI , l'UI. lor conlllpltlon. : Lire or Horae. atld Dog. . The statement has been mndo that horles average frold 20 to 30 years of 'Jee , hnd dogs Cram 12 to 14 yo 11.1'11. A l"rench cncyclopoliist crodlts tbe horse with 30 to 40 years , the dog with 20 to 24. There Is a sufficient ran go of uncortalnty In these figures to cause oubt whelher detailed study h s been made of the subject. . _ . - - - - - - - Sheer white gOOtla , in fact , any fine wash goods when neW' , ewe much oC their attraetlveness to the way they are laundered , this being done In Q. mannoI' to enhance their toxtllo beau- ty. Homo laundering would bo equal. ly satlBfactory If proper attcntlon wan given to starching , the first essential bollig' good Starch , which hos sufficient strength to stiffen , without thJckenlng tIle goods. 'fry Defiance Starch and : rou will be pleasmUy : : sllrprlsed at the . Improved apDearanco ( 'If your worlt. Confederate Congressmen. Fifteen men are known to bo sun al1vo who servetI as confederate con- gressmen-John Ooodo and noger A. Pr'ol' , Virginia ; A. S. Colyar , J. D. C. AUdns. Joseph D , lIelslel nntI .10hn V. Wright. Tennessee : Hiram P. Bell , Georgia ; Henry C. .Tones , Plorlda : James h Push. Alabama : S. n , Calla. han. Indtan Te1'1'llory ; J. A. P. Camp. bell , l\I1sslsslppl : : S. II. Ford , Ken. tucley : W. II. 'l'lbhsorth Carolina. Thoroughly Reliable. If ever there was a reliable antI safe remetIy it Is that old antI famous porous - ous plaster-AlIcocle's. It has been in use for slxly years , antI Is as popular to-day as ever , and we doubt 1f there Is a civilized community on the face of the globe where this wonder1l11 pain reliever cannot bo found. In tbe selec. tlon of the Ingredients and In their manufacture the greatest care Is taken to keep each plaster up to the highest standard of OJcellence. : antI so pure and slmplo are the IngretIlents that even n child can use them. Allcock' arc the original anll gon- ulno porous plasters and are BoltI by Druggists all over the world. 8AID WOMEN MARRIED HIM. Remarkable Excuse Put Forward by French Bigamist. At VersnUles , France , recently D baker was tried on a charge of polyg. amy , having marrletI fi\'o women , who are living nnd unl1lvorce . 'rho pentagnmlst's defense was tbat ha had n.oJ married the women : the ) ' 11atI marrIed him. When the- proposed be had not the courage to Bay no. Neither money nor love , he said , had prompted his nuptials ; he wn.s the victim of the stronger wUls of his successlvo spouses. Ot the . 11ye wives three appeared as wltness.os , but did not prosecute. sarlng tl1at theIr common - mon husbantI was a topel' of whom they were glatI to get rid. Ho was acquitted-on what ground docs not appear. As all lho : } 'ears In which th multiplex husband took wives were leap years excepl 1881 , In whIch It would seem that in four out of the five cases the women bad the right to propose. But the man had tbo right. even In the leap ) 'eal's , to decllne , and Il was up to him at least to explain to his fall' sultorR that } 10 was engaged. To stablfsh the pHn. clplo that a man IR not responslblo. Cor the numbOof his wlvos IInless be himself doe9 the courting , would bo plainly ngolnst public pollc ) ' . If " . . . "Durkls Is wlllln. . thut at once puts all the responsibility on him , no mattar who managed the prellml. nnrlea. WHITE DREAD . . Makes Trouble for People with Weak Intestinal Digestion. A latIy 111 n Wis. town employel1 a physlcJ'an who Instl'Ucted her nol to \1at whlto bread Cor two years. She tells the detulls of her slclmess and she certainly was a slelt woman. " 111 the ) 'ea1' 1887 I gave out { rom o\'erworle , and until IDOl I remnlned an In\'alld In betI a great pnrt of the time. Had different doctors but noth. Ing seemed to help. I suffered from cerebros111nal congestion. female trou. blo and serious stomach antI bowel troublo. My husband culled 11. new doctor and after having gene without any food for 10 du's the doctor or. dercd Grupe-Nuts for me. I coultI eat the now footI from the very 11rst mouthful. 'l'ho doctor Itept mo on Grape.Nuts nnd the only medlclno was a lIttle gl'cerlno to heul the alimentary canal. "When I was up again doctor toltI 010 to cat Grape.Nuts. twlco n ( lay antI no whlto breatl for two years. I got well In good tlmo nntI huvo galnotI In strensth so I can 110 m ) ' own worlt again. "My brain 1ms been helpcd so muoh , antI I lenow that the Grape-Nuts food did this , too. I found I bad been made 111 because I was not Ced right. that Is I dltI not l1rOpel'Iy Illgest wblto bread nntI sarno olllo" food I trletI to IIvo on. "I have ne\'el' been without Grape- Nuts coed slnco and cat It every day. You 11111mbllsh this lottel' If ) 'OU 111 < 0 50 It0'111 hell ) someone else. " Name glvell b ) ' Postum Co. . Batllo Creek , Mich. Get the lIttle book , "The Rend to 'Welh'lllo , " I'n 1)lels. , ' . , , - . , . , ' , , " . ; , ; ; ; ; - . " : . " " , , . ; : : - . : : . : . , ' " ' . . . . , . . / . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . : . , > . . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . > - ) . : . . ) . : . . : . . \ J r"EUMATISM EUMATISM I } ' AND * _ NEURALGIA * . . . . . ' L . " . , . : : : . - , . . } . - ' \ --t ' , - i. - - . : I' ST ' : * X $ .JACOBS = i : : : : = . . J. OIL 'z- * : . . . ' . . . . ' ' " , , .i . The Proved Rem.edy . . : - . . . . . - X . for Over 50 Year , . .z. h . z . .f. Price 5c nnd : iOc . : . J . . V . . ( . . : - - : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : " , " " ' " : ' - : ' ' . . " New Use for Roentgcn Ray. . An Ingenious If not no\'el , US ! ) ha . , : been Cound COl' the Idu of ral1lanco- _ , . tIlscovered br Hoentgen. With H'I ! ' aid I . a photogrullh has been taleen showlnj ; the machlnerr or an nutomoblIe. 'wlth. : ' . ' out remo\'lng the hood wlilch coverell ; It. --u..t.J..Icl j' A Big Dargaln for 12 Cents Postpaid. . The rear of 1DOG' was ona of prodi a. plenty on our Ered . farms. Ne cr beforc . did vegela le nIlll. farm seeds return such , enormous . \'iclds. Now wc. wish to gnin 200,000 new cn . tomeI's this rcal' nnd hence olIer for l c' , postpaid I plq ; . Garden Citj' neet. . . . . . . . . . . , . . lOcI - I . . Earliest Hipc Cabbage. . . . . . . . . . 10c " I " l al'liest ElUeraltl Cucumbcr. . . . l c- I " La Cro Fe : Mal'let J.ettuce. . . . . IIi ! ! I " la DaHarlish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c 1 " llIno 'Hlood 'I'omalo. . . . . . . . . . . . 15c. 1 " Juicy TUl'nip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10e- 1000 Ierncls gloriously beautiful flow. er seeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 < 1' . ' 1'otal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 1.00' All for 12c p08tpaill in order to introduce - duce our warranled Brcds , And if j'Olt. wil1 send IGc wc will add ono paelc1gc of I1erlincr Earliest Cauliflower , together with our mammoth plant , nursery . atock , . vCletnhle antI farm ! 'eell and tool. catalog , 'l'his o.talog is mailed free to aU intending - tending purchascrs , 'Vrito to-day. John A. Salzer Seed Co. , Box W , La. Crosi'c , 'Vis. Priscilla's Revenge. . " , It was In lhe da 's of old when < _ _ .J knights were bold and dr ssed in. gleaming armor. _ " "George , dear. " said Prlsclll:1 : , over. - her dally task , "wilt thou not help. " mo with my skclns ? " "By the tower of London-no ! " roared George , as he sharpened his lanco. " , you ha\'en't a spinning' . wheel ( or a husbantI. " Two hours later George retiirncd' ( rom the fray with his armor battered - , . tered and torn. "Dearest PriscIlla , " ho said , softly - ly , "wilt thou not put 0. ( ew patcholJ. on my dress suit ? " "No , George , " . repUed Priscilla , swceU ) ' . "You haven't n blacksmltb for Q. wife. " And the bold knight was 60 hu. mlllated he went over to Ye Frozen Heart tavern and stootI the tavern. keeper oU fol' a tankard. ' " - - - - - FARMS THAT GROW "NO. I HARD " WHEAT ( SIxty. three Pounds to the lIushel ) . Ace silu. . a\el1 111 lhe Canllllan West where Home. steads of lW sereR can be : oblalned . free by every selliet. willlllg a'lIl able to colllplv with lhe 1I0r.lelen < 1 ne lalions , Durinll the present J'ear a large portion of r ew Wheat Growing Territory lIAS DunN MADH ACCnSSlDI.n ' 1'0 MAR. KWl'S DY'1'Im RA1JWAY CONs'rRUCTION thal has been } > ushed forward so'VIgorouily by the lhree greal ralh\'ay companies. lIar Illernlure nnd particulars address SUP IR. IN'rnNl > JtN'r OF Il\IlIJIGRA'1'ION , Olt'a . . . Cnllodn , or lhe following authorized Calladla . . " Government Agent : . . . , . W. V. BENNETT , 80 New York LICe Bo.ifdiDg' Ocuba , Nebraska. ' Meutlon this paper. - - - - - - - - - SICK HEADACHE Poslth'cly cared by these Little PUIs. CARJERS Tbcy nlso rcUoro DI3- tress from Dyspcps1\ - ITYLE dlgeston ! nnd Too ntlLrty ; II V R Eating. perfect rem. . cdylorDzz1ncss.Ns.UMI\ ! . P.I I L LS . Drows1nc . Da.d 'l'nsto 1n the : Mouth. Conte1 Tongue , Fain In the Bide , TOm'ID LIVER. 'l'hey regulate tbo Dowc1s. Fu."Cly Vegetable. I . SMAll . . PilL. SMAll DOSEI - . . - SMAll PRICE. . . " ARTERS GCl1ui o.Mu . t Bear Fac..slffillc Sgnaturo , aVER d. PILLS. / .A ? 6 . ' ; r REFUSE SUBSTITUTES.