Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 24, 1907, Image 8

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    - -
' . . ,
. . , . _ . , . . . . . . . . . . .
" ' 00" " , , ' : . : ; : ' , ! . . . . . . . . . .1 : - ' - - '
" _ " " " a" ( " Gr" : ; " : lfr.rdi "U'h jftiWi1 " ' ! : " "m ! : iLi ! ; m
1 When dcsiring to figurc on a bill wl1i r . ;
' . of Lumbar call on thc. . . . . . . . . . f/ I
I " rI
! \ . .
. ( ' C. L. Turner Lumber Co. . . . J . "
II' { i' ,
We carr ) ' a iull stock of Lumbcr , lf
. Sash , Doors , Mouldings , etc.
, .
. Agents for , the Nebraska Central i11
Building & Loa Association.
iM : M.t.f : ! ! : ! Ir : ' . ; w.ttrJ : " ' ' " ' 'l'f'J : / ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .m ; , , . " " " " tr'trtZ1 . . : . . . . . . . 1I. . . 1.t. M : ; ,
_ l cJi _ , "t dIYi ! : it Y l. ii1'1r.f.i ; iii:1.iJ1 i : : \ ;
- - -.r _ _ _ . , _ _ - = - ' : - - : -
r T . . . . . . . . . . . 'W. . . TI _ _ _ ; o : . . .
A largc stock of A
.A. : aa : : J ? S
! espectial1y adapted for Christmas presents on WhlCh
we have placed very low prices. You arc invited to m I
. inspect them before purchasing.
; . - . - - > !
Have reduced the price on
! Fr. : . . . . C > TJ : FI.
The best brands manufactured in the county. Why
J ; pay more when you can get it for less here. Call
Jj and get prices.
J. ! T T.
l , : idc SqU ' cn , .
; / -
. ) O'r.r..crJ".r. . . ; r.r..r.rJf. . . : . : . . J".c . : q..coO"9. "
j ; r. . SJ:3.A.I : : : : : : 1'T , g
' Ji 1J
'i ,
I ! , II' LIVERY an d
, : Rcmodcled end repaircd throughout. Good livery rigs at reasonahle rates. ti
AccotIlodation for cattle and range horses. lIay at noon , 10 ccnts ; all day , S
I IS cents ; over night , 35 cents , Call and sce me. g
I I . . . . : " . " . " . . " " . : : # . . , ' " " " . -
, )1 ) ; ; ; ; tndd } G ; ; ; IIN 'irector ,
' '
. Business phone , 3 0 1. Rcsidence phone , 334 B.
_ _ _ _ _ - . -
. . .
Don't run away with . " the idea all lumber is alike or prices
the same. Before you build consult
South Side Lumber Yard , Broken Bow , Neb. !
. . . .
I *
gs are dealers in Heal Estate of all kimh , .
WE We will buy or sell. Don't fail to see
! us before you buy or sell. We can do
: you good. Collcctions made and insurance -
! ance written. Farms rented and taxes paid. See
us for farm loans. Come in and see us.
! a" ' M" " 'i' ; I " ; " " r : - :
- - - -
. . .
. . ; : ,
Licensed Embalmer
and Funeral Oirectmr
has just received 'a large stock of uJt1deoJ'taking- :
goods. rhis is one of the most comple-te : stocls\
of undertaking goods ever brought io , Broken ,
Bow.rrhey are located in the Oadwo1 building
on Fourth avenne.
arties wishing anything in this
hne are requested to call and
, inspect goods and get prices.
For first-class work in l unnel'-
taking or embalming call and
Bee me or phone.
Phone Numbers : Office , 7 7 ; Residence , . 322 : ,
- - - - '
, . , . . - . , . , , " , . . , ,
. . , ' " " " . . . . " " < -
- - . _ . . , . , , ,
ing claims be allowed on 1907 , I
bridge fund.
Ill' l'uller , work on Santelli brldte. . . . , .f2 00
W J Btll 1I ntlll UII , Lrhhru'urk. . . . . . . . . . . I'J 7 $
J T Arlhllr laLur Harllelll alld COlli'
Aloel , br.Jlle . . . . . 011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3153
And that the claim of S , Gatcs , '
for hauling. and getting lumber' '
out , of cre k $4,00 , . Be rejccted ,
H. R. W HICU ,
J os FJtNIl\lOlut.
Com ,
Motion made and carncd to ,
accept and adopt the report as
' 1'he Poor It'arm , Court House ,
and Jail COlDmittee made the
following report.
We recommend that the foilow-
ing clainl ! , be allowed on the
1 CJO general fund.
e F Mallu ' , haulllllC ruLLIAb. Id ndllnll' ,
elc. . . . . . . } . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2 00
V C JonleJ. Ihlllllnll' allll merCllalllllle. ! . . 4 10
Scott Cooperl\alary ( or December. . . . . . . . SO 00
Jos FHNIMOltn ,
Motion made and carried tltat
the report be acceptcd and
adopted as reacl.
'l'hc'reCJnigitions of the various
count ) ' oOicers were thcn tal < Cl1
up I and read by the clerk as
follows :
' 1.0 the Board -of : : Supervisors of
Custer County , Neb ,
Messrs :
I hereby submit the following
proposition regarding the office
of county superintendent in a'nd
for said county ;
The'sU'pcrintenc1 nt shatt be
al10wed a's l ry 'OT one'th ushnd
six l11indred dollars ( Sl ( , O.OO )
per an11um : out of which he shall
pay for such assistance as shall
be necessary for the proper discharge -
charge of .the work of said office ,
i cluding' the keeping of the
ofi ce open on each I businesR day
throughout the year , All postage -
age , stationery , and other sup"
plies needed for the efficlent conducting -
ducting of the office to be furnished -
nished by the said county.
Signed , H. M. PICKNUV.
It was moved and carried , that
. the requisition be granted.
, Requisition of Clerk of District
To the Honorable B ard oj
'Supervisors , Custer County , Neb.
1 hereby request authority froIt
your honorable body to employ
during the year 1907 , such assist.
ance as may be needed , at ( I
compesation named by you , ir
'lceeping the records' and performing -
forming the other dutie of tn )
o1l ce. '
Guo , B , MAlH ,
Clerk District Court.
It was moved and carried tha'
the requisition be granted.
. . Requisition of Register of
As , your Register of Deeds :
I make the following requests fOI
office help for the year 1907 , tha'
I be allowed one deputy at
salary of SlOOO.OO. One ex peri.
anced regular clerk at SSO.OO
per month , ar.d any othe :
necesRary clerk hire to be paic
out of the fees of the office.
Yours Respectfully ,
J. T. WOOD ,
Register of Deeds
It was moved and carried tha
m the requisition be granted ,
Rocuisition of county clerk :
. . . , State of N ebrl\slm ,
. . . } ss.
t'J 0 us t er coun t y ,
To the honorable board of SupeI
visors of said count ) ' :
Ii'j I hereby request that I be n' '
lowed ono deputy , I\t the Sbtutor ,
salary of $ IUOOOO per : rear ; on
clerk nt 1i0 per month for flUC
time ns rL clerk is nece' Slry , an
such other help as may be lWCOHHIU
m in maldng up tte tnx list , I t HIC
fmlary aR may be designated uy :0'01
: Respectfully ,
iI ! Jos , FIOUAN ,
ru County Clerk
It wnR moved nnd carried thl
the requisition be granted
J'4i ! Requisition of county treasurer :
Requisition for deputy anll clel
hire :
To the honorable bonrd of Supe
visors of Custer COUll ty , N obrl\ska
Gentlemen : For the yenr HW
1 would respectfully ask thnt tl
county treasurers oflice of sa :
count ) ' be allowell One 'rhousal
Dollars for deputy , together wil
such I\n allowance for clerk hire :
shall be found necessl\ry for t1
proper clispatch of the work of t :
ofiico , ns provided by law.
J. E. OAvENlm ,
Oounty treasurer.
It was moved nnd cnrrietl tlJ
the Jeql1isition be granted.
Broken Bow , Jan. H , 1907.
'ro the hODorable count . board :
I hereby ask ) 'ou to allow mo f
the ' ' 1907 the amount
) 'el\l' , Bl\mO
help 'Qn allowml me during' p
ViOUB yoarp , for n1l\king' up t
IUHOSBOrH ! bool H.
Hcspcclfl1lly ,
, TULEIi H m.toN1' ,
County I\BIICBSOr ,
It was moved I\ncI carried t1
, the requinition be granted.
The following' cOlnmunicat
' from the count ) ' asscssor wus t1
. .1'
the olerk
Ih1 rend by :
- , , , . - _ . . ' . ' " " _ . - . . - ' _ - 0' . . . .d.- . . . , . . _ , . _ . _ . . . . . . . . . _ " _ . _ _ - _ . , - . - - _ - _ - ' - : , , - - . - , _ . . . : : . t--I' ! ' " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' '
. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . _ . ,
. . - - d , . . . , : ' " : : : : I" " : , : : : : : :
now have in their complete lincs of fall goods in
Clothing , 'urnishings , Hats , Caps , Shoes
Carpets , Dress Uoods , Outings.
. A Lnrge Assortment of
Ladies Rain and Winter Coats.
You co 11 se , a largcr line of
-TA. : . : . C 0 > . .A..r lEi
here than any in other N ebroska store , Before buying -
ing your fall stipply comc in and inspect our stock. , ,
Oourteous treatment gnaranteed.
. .
Send your Abstract Orders to
: Bond.ed Abstracter
Office in Security State Dank B'ld'ng
. . , . . . . . .
.n. " : : " ' ' ' ! ' ' : : ' - - : ' " .
. .
Wf1 t. i flfn .w ' ' : I
; Before You Build , Consult
I : , . . . . , -
. . . - . . .
! : ' - = 3reo. p1n.ea-L , .u
: Contractol' and BuilJer. Estimates - U .
I : . ' ! INtr1 ishec1 free with plans and specifications. I
1i ; ; @
_ . . . . : . . . . - - - , -
ro1 .01l Bow. N ob1'llslm ,
" , Tan. 1 < .1 : 1 n07.
Hon. board of Supervisors ;
I hQl'eby submit for approval ! by
Jour Honorn.hle Bonrd , the following -
ing nppointments for deputy as' :
. scsaorH in OUAtor eounty for the
, ycar910 ; :
J. W. I.Jum11-Stirgel1t ; precinet.
Goo. E. Marhs-West Union ,
Walter Motcnlf-T.Jilhan.
1\1. R. I'osterVictorino !
OSClll' Rees - Comstock.
' 1' . 'r. Winchester-Hayos.
Lee Gord nKilfoil. .
W. .T. Rico-Oliff.
Lewis Kimberling-Arnold.
, Lars Blixt-Elim.
I , Tames Ohitti kWayne. .
, W , G. Nixon-Gl'I1.Dt.
. Ii. F. 8hiploDeligbt ,
"Tm. \ Vnrren'rrmmph. .
. F. Empfield-Custer.
- Henry Browl1- Wool Uh'or.
W. P. 'rrow- Lou p.
Hans J. Nic lson-E1k Creek.
, r. H. McAdams-Algernou.
F. E. Dell1no-l\I'rtle.
Ec1. Spoono-Douglas Grove.
David Gardnor- o'itervillo.
S. J. 'fhompson--Gl\l'ficld.
.J. O. Taylor-Derwyn.
J. \fcCormick-Ansloy. : .
\ \ ' . S. Boyce-Broken Bow , city.
W. 1\1. Yl\nnice-Broken Bow , twp.
Ucspeclfl1lly submitted ,
J UI.ES H\u [ QN1' .
Count ) ' assessor.
' ' made the
1'ho final1ce commiltoj
following report :
'V ( j recommend the following
estimate for expcnses fOI' the year .
190 ; :
. Salaq' of count ) . olllccrs. . . . . . . . . . .810 < ' 00 00
t District Gourt exponses. . . . . . . . . . . Hi OOU LO
Btatlonarand other supplies. . . . ( j UOO 00
llrldg'1 ! fund. . . . , . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lH UOO OIl
Hand fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( j OUO OU
.l\lIscc11ancoull. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ; UOO 00
Asrlculturailloclet ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iOO 00
'I'enchers Instltuto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ! ( ) ( ) OC
InHurance fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :1000 : (
' . Soldlors rellof. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bOO Ol
Unpaid brldlo claim [ 01' the ) ' ( HlrH
1901 und 190 : ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 oc.
Aml the following trnnsfel' of
funds bo ml1o :
Excuss trinl feoB olllcc District
clcrk to soneral fund UlO/ / . . . . . . . . . . . Wl : !
Excess fCOH In the oll1co of Gount )
clerk to onl'ral fund 190fJ. " . , . . . . . ,12G 0 :
1'001' fnrm IUIllII000 to Irenol'lll fund
1000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1200 0
1 < 'rom brldle hUll I o ( Ulon to seneral
fund 19U6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tlOI tI
Munu ' receivcd from town lotll , to
jeneral [ und of 1906. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to 207 0
Money rocch'c.1 for old brideI. ' lumber -
ber to Ienoral fund 1006. . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 1
And from sencral [ und of 10011 to
road fund of 1000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5181j
[ 1t J , B. GIL\I01I1 : ,
BBN 1 > . l\lomus. } Com
A. li'oND\
k It was movNl rLod can'iell to fie
copt and adopt. the report of th
committee as read
: It WIlS moved Ilml ca1'1'ied that J
7 , . Gilrn01'e be nnd hereby 18 np
le pointed n commission or to "iew Rnl
ill report upon the expedience 0
\(1 \ cstn.bliE'hing n pu blio rend petition
lh ell for hy A. Ll\ll1bert , et nl , il
as townflhip 15 , mngo,2'.1 , .1\11ll also i
ho pelition by R B. regll , et fll , tc
ho cht\ug'o the w llth of a road in town
ship 15 mngo 2a ,
It WIS movelll\lHl carried thn.t A
Fonda bo and hereby is nppoilltoc
lat conuuissioller to view nUll roper
upon the otpodionc ) ' of estnblis'lilll .
11 publio l' petitioned for by r ,
O. JellBall , ot nl , in township It
or range 2.1.
of Moved and caI'rie to mljonrn tiI
1'09 n. 111 , Jl\lluary 21 , 1\107. \
, Attorney at Lav.
Broken Bow , Nebr.
I1avhlll' JUlit Itad tjlllbt } 'oars I'racllcal nil
ion lence as Duullt ) . Judle. willillve special nil
tlon to thtj drawlna : and llrubalhUl of wills a
10n the admlnll\lratlon of estale'i of decea\ed ! II' '
80ns aud minors. Wrlle or IIhune me. 1m
lIave YOll p trltl.
- - -
- . - . . . - -
. . .
" ' . E. WILSON ,
Pmctlce III Slale alld I.'ederal COllrlAI !
Rlmct of title ! > exalllilled. Real gllate nn
Mnnlclpal Law a flllecialty. Dealer In Re
gqlale. Strict nttentlollllh'en to al1 bnslneR
Olllc" In M'1yr 1Il0ck. J'ltone O. llrakeu BOI
Consult him If you want Water ,
Phone 112 , - Broken Bow.
R ass G. MOORE ,
Attorney.atLaw. .
nonl oetMo aUlI loan broker. OUlco In Arll
Dlock Brollo : ! Dow. NobraRka.
DR. C. B. JOB ,
Physician and Surgeo :
Office and residence one block south
Ryerson & George's store.
- - - -
Legal Notices.
' 1'0 wholl1 It ma } ' concer ! ! :
'l'he County Board u ( Supen'lflor , ; . of CII t
count ) . . Nebraska. did at tltelr meetlnll'
Decemb'r 14lh. 1006. declare the followlll ! : ' SI
tlon line 10 be a pnbllc hil'hway , COlllllleUCII
lit Ihe flection cornerl ! to ! lectlons 17 , 18 , II ) . al
'O. Ii. rallile IH. and rllnnlng tllence west on t
section line one half mile. All objectlo '
therelo. or clalmfl for damal'el. ' mUlt be filed
the County Clerk's officu on or be ( ore noun
Ihe 20111 day of March , 1907. or such road w
Ill ! eslabllshed wllhout reference thereto.
In wllnels ! whereof , I have herellnlo set I
hand and Rl'al ( If Raid county. this 17th dn ) '
Jannar.1907. JO ! ! . PIGMAN.
32-35 [ SEAL ] Connt ) . Clerk
In tht District Court. Cusler COUIII. . , Xebras
Inlhe lIIatter o ( the Guardlalllhlp ! of Kalherl
R. HoblitI' , minor child of Wllllalll 11. Hobl
Notlceof Sale.
NOllce If hereb } ' Illven Ihat. III pursuance
an order o ( the Honorable Uruno O. lIoslell
judlee of the Dlstrlcl cuurt of CnRler coun
Nebraska , madiJ on the 3rd da } ' of Decent\J \
A. D. 1'/0& . ( or Ihe lIale o ( lite 1lllIJIvided I
fuurlh Illtereost In and to tllo real estate here
after described. there wl11 be t.old at pul
, 'emllle 10 the hhrhest bidder ( or cash at
eaHt frollt door uf the court house III Uro
flow. Xebrai kn , Inllalll cuunt ) . of Custer on
81h da ) ' of I"ebruar } ' . A. D. 1907 , at tlte hour
10 o'clock a. nt. . the uIIIUvided onr.fourth In.
allli of Iho ( ollowlnl : ' described real esl
hltllaled In Culer onnIY. Nebralka. !
I. 'l'lIe south haU of lite northealt ! quar.
nUflheast quarler o ( the soulheaHt quarler :
the f'unthenRt 'Illarier of the norlhwest qllal
o ( secllllll I"lIh'cn , lownshlll I'ourtc n. XOI
I'UIIIC 'I'went ) .ono west of the Otll 1' . 1\1.
2. 'rile soulh haU of th" northwesl qU:11
and the 1I0rlh haU 'If tlte ! lunlhwe1 quarter
scctlon thlrt"two. towllshlp ( oUrleell , nOI
rane twellly.oue west ll ( Ihe 61h ro. M.
3. A Ilarcd In a square ( orlll In the ! lOll
is eaht corller 01 the soulheast quarter of
1I0riheast qllarler of sectloll twenty'one , t01
ship heventeen north. rallile twenty-live , "
of the 61h 1' . M.
4. A Ilarcelin Ihe no"rthwest qllarler o (
1I0rlheafit 'Illarier o ( section len. 10Wllllhill
leen. north , ranlle twent.lhree , welt ! of
&tll I' . l\1.
f , . Iols thlrteell anll ( ourleen In block lifl
orll'lnallown of Hrukell Uow. Nebraska.
Salll ! lale will remain open oue hour.
Datellhls 17th Ilay of January. A. D. , 190
Gllardlall of the minor chi
KatherIne S. Uobllls.
ALI'IIA l\IOItO.\N , Attorney. J
IlIlhe 1Hstrlct Courl. Custer County , Nebra'
Celllral Nebraskn Iand and Investmen C
pany. an Incorporatloll ,
n Vald A. " 'alsoll , et al. ,
' 1'0 David A. Watson , Mr. . . David A. Wal'
his wUe. Jameq 1Robbins. . Mrl ! . Jameo ;
Hubb'lIs. hi ! ! wife. GI'Orll'e M. UIllIn ,
: ' 1 rl ! . GeOtile M. Uelllnifer. hisI
yun amI , 'ach of yoU are hereby 1I0ti .
Ihat ou thu Ilh day o ( January , A. D. . 1007 ,
Illalnllff. Ihe Inveslors Security CORltall ) ' . I
lIs IIclillon In the District Court of CUI
cunnt ) ' , Xebraska , all'alnsl ) 'ou ami each of
the ubJect anll prayer of wh Ich petition an
( oreclose a cerlaln mOrlll'a"e nuw ownell by
Illalllllff ; lIld IIVell b ) ' Illu said Havld A. \
s.n 10 Ihe luwa : 'lortllalle CUIIIPany 011 the
dnv of AllltUsl , IWJ , IlllOn tl\U easl ltaU of
norlheasl qllarler of tlcctlun twenly-slx.
11 the bOlllh half of 1lIurlhwe \ 1 Qllarler of
tlull twelll-Ih'e , alllu tU\\'lIsllIJ' twellty. no '
ranlle Iwenl-l1ve , west ollh. , ! Jlh 1' . M. . Cu
cOllntl'hraska , 10 secure the payment 01
_ olle cerlalnllromlst.or ) ' 1I0lu fur f-Ioo.oo of .
dale , due and payable Seillelllber ISI. 189 . I
of Ilayment exlendell to Marclt ISI. 1905 : u
which theru III nuw due Ihu SUIII of $400.01 ,
7 1'It r cent Inlerest ( roml\larch 1111,1905. 1'1
tiff pra"s ( ur a decree that ) 'OU be require
pay Ihellallle or Ihat said premise" ! Je 11011
lIatlst ) . lite alllounl found due.
You are required 10 anllwer said petillou
tlr before the 11I11t .Ia } ' of J.'ebruary. 1W'7.
ler Vatelllhis 911t da ) ' of January , 1907.
er. U ) ' Its attorney. ALPUA MORGA
ay Allesl : GEO. U. MAIR.
Ulerk of tbe Dlslrlct COlirl. [ SHALl
. .
- - " .
" " ! 1
' . . , - . ' - , f
: " ' " " : - - ' " " ! , : , .
Uulted SlateR Lalld Office , l f
I1rokon Dow. Nebraeka , January ! .1907. r " '
A sufficient conleRt affil1avll havhllr been flied I
11IIe oruce by Wilber E. Lutz. conlestanl.
In UClobl'r 14. I'JH. ( .
nllah.Al . enlry No. [ ,091 L.mnde J
for weRt half. secllun J5 , luwnshlp 20 , rallile 5 , \
by Cornellu. . S. Muuhall , conlcslee. In whlcb It .
1'1 nllelled tbal I-ntrylllan ha at no tlllle ell. I
IlIbllshed n re ldenc" lI ! > On Ihe tr ct , Ihat he
abandoned Ihe ! laid Irack , that for '
11\1\ wholly
: \ \
lIIore Iltau six lIIonlhs la'll pasl he has been
'lbqent front Aald Ir I , that he has failed to 111I- '
'ro\'e the said \I. ' 1 any mallner , and bat i
alllhe lacheq 0) , qt , the IlIe'leul tlllle. Sahl t
parlles are bHeb ) null lied to appear , rel\pollli
alll offer evidence lUuchlni : ' ! tal < 1 nllellatlun at
111 o'clock a. 11I.11I1 J.'ebrllar ) ' 12. 1O7. beole 1\11I \ . t
Reltlsler alll { Hecelver at Iho Unllet ! Slates J
aml Office III Broken lIow. Nehra'lka. , 'I
'I'he lIahl conleslant ha\'IIII ( , In a l > toper . '
affidavit : IIII'd December 31 , 1''fI. ! ' sl'l ( urlll ( acls I" ,
wilich show Ihal aCler IlIle dlliitence personal ,
Fervlce of Ihlq nollce can nol he lIIade. It Is
hereby oulered al\ll dlrl'cled thaI such 1I01ice he (
! th'en by dUIJ an,1 proper puhllcallun.
lIAltlUS 1\1. AMRllltltltHecelv r , J
X. 'I' . GAIIU. AIt'y fur Cunll'llalll. ! 30.33 !
NO'J.'ICI' 01l'lNAt. . ! , u 'l'TI.l lN'l' .
In C unlY Cuurt 01 CU'ller CUUII ! ) ' , NehraAka.
' 1'0 Ihe Creditors and lIelH. allil 10 all whu ,
are IlIlerefiled III the efllale uf Juhn Jnker , Jr. , J
Deceased. , .
' 1'KI NO'l'ICe. 'l'hat Clara 11. , al I - f
! mIU'Slratrl.ot ! uf the afure..ahll' slate. has IIIcd "
report of her dolllilfl nq such. and alk ! that Ihp. (
Rame be appro\'ClI. allli thaI she 1m .lIsclla rleel
( rum ( urlher oblllalloll Ihereln. allel tllat Ihe " \
fluch"orel . . tII 1110 Ills-
County Judllu ma"e r n. fir
trlbulloll of Ihe alqetl ! ! belollllu.r . 10 I\alll l'fllatll " "
a'l may HI'l'm jnst amI e'lullable : IleslllIal" Ihl
heltl. enlltled a Hhare In ! lalll e-Iale , amI tII . , I .
. .
Itant such ulher relief n'l ilia ) ' hellel'mellllece.
Rary Inlile lluall\cltlcment of salt ! eolate.
Salll mailer hall beenl\el for hl'ariult UII the
hI day of Jo'ebruao' . 1907 , at SO o'clocl ( a. III. , at
the CLllnl ) ' . ourt Roum. III Broken 1I0we. .
braqka. at which time anll place all partie > !
Illteresied ma } ' appear amI be heart ! cOIICellllll1t
Ihe Haml. I
Daled Ihls 281h day u ( , DecelUhel' . 1\)0 \ ) ( , . , fJ '
, ,
'hmArJ A. H. IIUMI'IIIIHCuullly Jndlle. . . . , t . . .
J. A. AItMOUIt. All' ) ' . 3O 1:1 : \
- -
Inlhe UlRlrlct Court , Cu ! > ter counl ) ' . Nebta'lka.
In the mallero ( tlleapllicallou o ( lIalllo V. I
Juhntlon. Iluardlan. fur lea'e 10 sell tl/o real i
I estate. Inlerelt ! therein ami rllht amI lI'alel
I Ihereoll of the warel , 1 > una' ' " R. Juhnsuu. mlnur.
Notlcu Is hereby "Ivenlhal , In IIUrlnaUce ! of
the order 0 ( , ami IIccnse 1I'Iuell ! hy , Ih" 11011.
Bruuo O. IIbqtetler , Jmhre uf Ihe 1 > 1lrlct CUllrt j
uf Cusler COUllty , Nebralka , malle amI IS'Iue.I ,
on the 3rd da } ' o ( lIeccmbel , IIJO . ( ur Ihe "ale
I of the real efilalelnlerest therein . . ami rlht alld
leasel ! thereull ht.relua ("ctlhed. I. Ihe lIa..l .
.1 1Iallie V. Johllson.v'uarellatl o ( Ihe tlersoll ami
eslate of the I\ald mlilUr , 1 > oonlll H. JOhUSOlI ,
I I lavlulC , lakeu the. oath required hy law , ; \l1l1 I
- Illve ! : bond duly : Wtlrovpd b ) ' Halll Jndle , wl11
sell at public velldue II Ihe hl.rhest . bldter ! for .
cash at the frollt dllur o'the Cuurt lIouse in the
city of Hroken Hnw , III s lll ConIH ) ' , UII Ille 4th ,
da } ' o ( I.'ebruar } " . 19vr. : at'tlle huur o ( twu (2) ( ) 1
o'clock I' . III. , the followllll : ' descrlh ,1 real I
eqtale.lnlerelt therein. nml rllht allli lease. .
thereon : 'l'he IIndlvlded une beventll of tlto \
soulheast quarler of the huulhwe'lt Iluarter , aU11
tllu sOllthwest Iluarter o ( lite houtlllaHt quarter ,
helttlnller a deed front the State uf N.elJtalka ! ;
the IIndl vlded olle seventh of the 1I0rth\\'es ! '
quarler. the nurth half of tile RonlhwllIt ! quarter -
ter , the Routhwest qUal'ltH of tile flolllltwc..t
- Quarter , and tile 1I0rthwelt 'iltarlor 01 lite suuth-
cast qnarter. held tlllder Ralo Certlflcall' " frolll
thcJ Stale of Xebraskn : alRo tile IImll"hlell one
Aevenlh o ( the northeaqt quarlcr aud tllu east
half of the suutheast quarter. Iwlt ! under
Seliool Iand Lealle frOnt lilt ! Slatu ofebrar - .
ka. all slluate In sectlull thlrl.slx in tOWlIlhlp !
heven\'en. ralle ehrhleen. west. In Custer
coulIl ) ' . Nehraska. Said Rala will rlHnaln opeu
on bon I
Dated thlR 71h ta ! } ' o ( .Jallllar ) ' . 17.
Uuarellall o ( the perSOIl amI efltale i
_ of DNAIoIJ R. JOIIN.ON. IIIlunr.
J. A. AItMOUR. AIl'V. 31-3"
. )
' ' . ' ' NDANT
III District conrt of Cusler counl } ' , XebraRka.
Jamel ! A. Owen , plalnlln- .
v .
Ie UakalaIorlll'al'e Loan Corporal ! n. O. 11. " " .
Clason ami Johnl\1'crs. uon.reRhlellt IIefeud-
= u
_ 'l'he Dakata Morlt3e Loau Corporatloll , O.
n. 0la80u and John l\1'ers deendalll. you aud
each of ) 'ou are hereb ) ' 1I01Ilie.\ that Jal es A.
Owell. the ahove nalllell plaintiff. llid un the 8th
daY".of " Januar } ' , 1907. file' his peliliun III Ihe
) ) Ifllrlct court uf Cu ! > tcr cunllt ) . . Ncbra ka , )
n allalnsl you and each of you , the object alld
I1r yer uf ald petition behll : : 'I'hat he 10 ;
absolllte owner o ( Itho eYs of sw H'Cllon 211 ,
of to\\'lIf1ltlplS. rangu 20. 'v. ( , 1' . l\l.
' ! 'Ilal the murla'u : lu the { .
I.oall Corpom'lon bu cancellell nml held for
_ 1I011ll'ht , plalnllff 311011nlt ' that the sallie was
- full } ' paid b } ' plaintiff. 'l'liat tile pretenc1ed
aSflllI'umellt of the said mOnl'nlle lu n. II. CIa-
SOli he held ( or nouhl. the lIame IlIIt h-vlnlt
beeli execuled b ) ' tlJe I\a..l . 1 > Olkata Mortltaltu
- Loan CorJurMtion , and Ihat the lIal < 1 ahsfllll-
ment was not placed of record IIrlor to the IllIIe
of Ihe payment o ( the Raid lIIortllalee h } ' thlw
plalutlff. 'l'hat Johll l\lyetl. be harred a 11 < 1
.er eqslOped from clalmhllr tillu to the land to.wlt :
un 'l'he east half o ( tile ! lolllhwe'lt IllI rter of heC- I
JCtlon 26 , township 15 , rallile Zoo Cllster cuunly ,
111'ebraska. . \
lid Plaintiff pra'fi Ihat thu title be Qllielellin him ,
he alralnst the claims of allilartle. . . to thll ! nctlon ,
'nls allelel"1I' that he Itaq bee II the owner uf lIald east
lIalf of Honthwe. , ! ' qllarler ot flecllon . town-
o Hhlp IS. rallle 20 west 6111 1' . l\1. for more Iltall
.111 ten yearHI."t pa ! > t to-wit : Since tllu eth dn } ' of
December , 18j3 , aUll a'l such uwner haR lIall the
I\ Ilulet alld ullhllerru\ted pUlsessloll ! o ( lhe said I
eland alld 1I0W owno ; and lIa. . Ilos..e8Hlon of the
said tract ,
. I'lalntilI furlher pra's for all equital.le ru-
lIe ( .
'I'he defelldanl ! ! and each of ) ' 011 are rcqelrell
ka 10 answer the Hald pelltlun Oil or before Ihe I81h
ina da } ' of Pehruarr. 1907. alld In ca.e yuu fall 10
allswer or demnr to said p. lIllun yonr default
It ! I will , be lakell and decree rendcr d a. . prayed In
snl < l ' ) Ielltlon.
'of January IIlh , 1907.
cr JAMUS . \ . OWBN , PlalnllfT.
IY' , X. ' 1' . IAIIII. IIlfI attorney. 31.34
'er. '
1IIIe In the Dlslrlct Court. Cnflter connt } . , Nehralka. !
; III Cenlral Xebraska Lalltl . \ : hl\'eltnlent ! COlli"
the IlallY. anlncorporallon ,
IlU !
tlte James Robbin ! > , et al.
,10 The defellliallts. Jamel ! I . Hohhl1l8 an.l hi"
ale wife , Mrs. JameH I . Rubblns , 'l'hulllall Cum-
mlllll's nlld hlH wile. MrH. 'l'homa" CnlllutlnlR
I'r , Oeorlle'M. Uelllniler : lIId hifl wife. : 'lrs. nl'uni
1II1 1\1. Bellllliler. wUI takl ! nOllce Ihal UII the 9th
. trr dOl } ' of January. A. B. . 11)07. Ihe plalllliff iiII'll
.t I , its pelltlo . ! ! ' In tile 1I1f1lrlcl COllrt of ClIsler
CUllnl , . NobraHkl. Ille uhjcct anell'raYIJr III1'fl'-
I'IC of b.,11I1I' to foreclo.e a certain lIIurllrallt ! IIUW '
oWlled by tile plalllllff and Ilvell by Wllllalll ' 1'
rl . Allen allli wle Emma C. A lien. tu Ihe Iow
: \forlllale CompallY olllhe Z8th day uf Janl1ar ) '
I \ II- 1M'JO. upon the west half u ( till ! houthwesl 1Il1ar =
t wIer of section four , nonheaht ' 1uaner 01 Ihe
, \ ' 11norlhwesl qllarler nud lot ( ollr 01 section IIlne
, 'est township twenlY. north , rall o west , ,
o ( Ihe Iotlt 1' . 1\1. ClIllor ! Count ) . , NebraqlCn. 10 , !
Wfe secure the paymenl ohhe one certain note of
flald William ' 1' . Allen a 11I1 wife. lIIuta C
Ille Allell. o ( * ,00.00 o ( evell dale tllerewlth ' and tlu
and Ilayable } o'ebruan lilt , 18't. time 'of pay-
.een l ent of which Is exlellded 10 March ! II. 19\15. \
I hat there Ilnow ! dlle onllald nuh' Iho IIlIm of
Hoo.oo wllh 10 per cellI Ihercull fmm March
r . lsl.l905.
I'lalnllff lr311 ( or a .Iecree Ihal 'UII he re.
hi 'Iulred tu pay the hallle ur thaI said IIrellllbes ho
. sol 1 tu satls ! ) ' the amoullt foulld due.
2 35 '
\ ou are required to alllwer ! Raid lIellliun un
- or before Ihe 181h da } ' of I.'ebruar ) ' , 19"7.
1 > aled Ihll9U ! ! .In } ' of Janllary , 19117.
k a , CENTIt \/WKASKA IANI ) &
011I- IN\'R8T IUNT COM"AN ' . . .
. } Jy ItH aUOflIULPUA : \IOItGAN , ,
I\elt : GBO. n. MAIII , '
Clerk of tlw VIllrlct ! Courl. [ SE\L ] 31-3"
NO'J'ICl ' 1'CHgIH'I'OHR. .
, ' p' Counl ) ' courl , Cnoler Cunl } ' . Xebra.kt
' 'l'hu cre.lllor : ; o ( Ihl IIf . 1-\ '
! eslale
Ie ; Mnt } 1o'u \ " 'r .
: :
.lIed ' , 'I'aku 1I01ice. 'l'h" , ' 1 will sll al the cOIIIII '
the \ourl room. In lIrokell IIoIII \ ' II111 cUUllly on
l1ell the Ith day \o'ebrllary. \ . 1'lOj. and un Ihe ' 161h
ay of Jnl " , 19)7 ) ' h 10 '
.Ier } , l'a at u'cluck a. III. uf
) 'on ; da > : . lu n'celve , allli examln , ' nil clallllti
, 10 allalnslllaid eltale with a view 10 their alljllst-
the " 'lent ' and allowanc . Tlw tllllelhllilell ( ur Ihe .
\'at. 11rt'1enlatlon of clalmll all'ahlHI ! laid l tale 110 bll (
191h mOIlIIt ! ! ( rum Ih..I'1.11 da ) ' o ( Jalluary , 1' )7. allI ;
tltu tle Ihlll ! limited ( or pa'menl uf , lehlH IA { lfIU
and } ear from hald Ilate.
sec. Valell JalluanSUI. . l'iO'j.
3103\ A. H. II UM ' '
'nh. I'll Itla' , CLUI1I11 JlldlCt' .
, sler his { Inlled Stales 1\1111 ; Office ' l
! v'n IIroken 1I0w , Xehraskn. January'lU. 190,17.
: llIIe No IC ! ! I hereb ) ' Ilh'ell that J I SSI' AI.L-
Illon 1I1UIlll. uf Hroken How. NebraRka , has 11I011
wltlt notice of his Illtenliun 10 utaktj nnal 5 ) 'ear
lain , , roof III.sU\lllOrt \ of hl clntm , , 'Iz : 1I0meslead
d 10 . .ItlfNo. . .149 madu Allril s. IOI. ( or the IlId (
, I tu Rt'ctlon 12. townRhlp 18 norlh raule"1 Wesl allll
Iltat said proof will btj made hefore r lllsler and
I 011 rlfcelver , at IIroken Buw , UII I.'ebruary It. 1')07
nuneH Ihtj ( ol1uwllla : wltuesRes 10 Ilro e hl
! ! IIpon , and culllva\lun of
) klebland vlz : GeOtlle 'l'emplar , of Brokenllow '
e lalilla : AI cn Swick , of IIro"en lIow ' Nt : ) 'J"
, N. ra8\a : Alunzo Ca on. uf IIroken 1I0w. Ne'brall- r
jl'red 11 rock , of Merna. l'Iebraska.
31.34 31 JOliN REUSU. Reilister.
! " . .