- - - I I" . fry , . ' / : " ' l' , 1 Cold Affected Head and Throat- Attack was Severe. Chas. W. Bowman , 1st Lleut. anQ' . Adjt. 4th M. S. M. Cav. Vols. , writes' from Lanham. Md. , as foUows : "Though somewhat averse to patent - ent medIcines , and stiU morc averse to becoming a professional amdavIt man , It seems only a plain duty In the prooent instAnce to add my ex- perienC ( ) to the columns already wrItten - ten concerning the curatlvo powers of Peruna. " 1 have been particularly benefited by Us use for colds in the head and throat. I have been able to fully cure myself 01 n most severe attack ill farly-eight hours by its use according to dlrectlolls. lusc It liS a prevcntlve wllcncvcl' tbrcatened with an attack. "Members of my famUy also use It for like aliments. We are recommending - mending it to our friends. " -Chas. W. Bowman. Ask Your Druggist fol' Frec Pcruna Almanac for'1907. . If you 1U'0 n gay old dog you have r . Jl'no right to whine. ' 1'0 recover quickly from bilious attacks , / siek-hc.\dache , indigcstion or col s , take Garficld T the mild laxntivc. Guaranteed - teed under t.I1e l'ure Peed Law. Many Peculiar Languages. Of I ges Which so wIdely dltrer among tl1901D.'rolves as to be incompre- hensib.le . wlUlout particular study the number rcadIly exceeds 1,000. 'I11e extraordinary popularity of fine " white goods this summer makes the ch ce of Stareh a matter of great im- " . porta.ncc. . Defiance Starch , being free . . . from all Injurious chemicals , is the only ooe which Is sate to use on fine fabrics. Its great strength as a stiffener - ener tnAIes half the usual quantity of Starch neccesary , with the result of perfect finish , equal to that when the . gees ( were new. Has Seen Much of Life. John Avery McIlhenny , recently lomlnated n cIvU service commissioner - sioner , though only 36 years old , has put two girdles round about the earth , : . . has kUled b1g game in Atrlca and haa t. . ' tought in tL real ( though small ) war. . Besides bomg a. former rough rider , . he Is oo.e at the richest men in Louisi- ana. Ilis pepper tarm on A very island , Iberia Parish. is famous , and 80 Is the huge fnctory Ln which he makes pepper - per sauce. Two years ago the McIl- hennys entertained the president's oldC1" daughter , now Mrs. Longworth , in tholr New Orleans home at carni. vat time aad last year the president himsel ! was theIr guest. THE FIRST TWINGE Of Rheumatism Calls for Dr. Wlillamn' . Pink Pills If You Would Be Easily Cured. Mr. Frank Little , no well known cltl- ren ; at' PortlaBd , Ionln. Co. , MIch. , was cured of a severe case of rheumatism by Dr. WlUlams' Pink Pills. In speaking - ing about It recently , he said : "My body wn. ; run down and : In no condition - tion to wIthstand dlseaso and about . ! fo five YQars ago I began to feel rheu- matte p Jn.a In my arms and across my 'back. ' My arms and legs grew num.b alld tile rheumatism seemed tc settle In every joint so that I could hardlymOTe. . whllo my arms were. usctcos at times. I was unable to t sleep or l'C t well and my heart ialn - ed me so terribly I could hardly stand It. My stomach became SOUl' . and bloated after eating and this grew so bad that I had infiammation 0) ) the otomach. I was extremely nerv' ous anll could not bear the leas' noise or excitement. One whole side of my body became paralyzed. "As I said before , I had been suff. erlng about flvo ) 'ears and seemed to be able to get no reHef from my doctors , when a friend here in Port. land told me how Dr. Williams' Plnle P1\1s \ had euro < 1 : hIm of neuralgia In the face , even after the pain had drawn it & 0 one side. I decided to try UIO pills and began to sea some improvcment soon after using them. This encoul"3ed , me to keep on until I was entirely cured. I have never had a return or the rheumatism or of the lIarnlysln. The pills are for sale by all drug. . . gists or sent , postpaid , on receipt of ; .1 price , 60 cents per box , six boxes $2,60 , by the : Dr. W11llams Mediclno Companr. Schenectady , N. Y. SEIZED "BY A ! I LION By 0 Lion Huntor. "Onco on the Orange river , In the Hottentot country , I had a close call tor my lICe , with no one at hanll to aid me in distracting the attention of the lion. I had only one white man wIth mo , and he was 111 of fevor. Wo had dug a pit on a path trequonted by lions coml'ng down to drink , but were much annoyed by other animals tall. tng into It. "On the first night wo caught two hyenas ; on the second , a panther ; on the third , a wUd hog. Those would have been prizes had wo not been after lions , and lions alone. On the fourth night I stationed a couple of natives In a tree near the p th to frighten off all game but lions. They wore hunters , and Imew the tread ot : a lion trom that of any other beast. "When going down to drl'nl ( the lion , generally sniffs the air , probably to find what game Is abroad. On a rough path his tread Is as heavy as a man's and no one who has hunted him need , be afraid o [ malting n mlstalto. "On this night , after the natives had driven several worthless animals away , a large lion and lioness came down the path. When first discovered the h'on was ahead , but he got the scent of the men in the tree , and stopped short to growl and snlrr , whUe the lioness , who was , perhaps , very , thirsty , advanced slowly and went down Into the pit. "Tho pit was two mUes from our camp ; and we heard nothing of the row which tool ( place when the lion discovered the trick pla'ed upon his mate. He tore around [ or a spell mte mad , and then lay down at the toot I of the tree and besieged the men. As soon as it was dayh'ght I left camp on horsebacle to rldo over and see what luck. I rode straight for the place , and when within 40 rods called to the men. "They answered at once , and though I could not malw out what they said , I lmew that they were oxclted over something. I was riding around a clump of trees onto an open space , when my horse suddenly started. Next instant I was on the ground and a lion standing over me , whIle I could hear the horse tearing away through the scrub like mad. The lion had pulled me down , nearly tearing the bacl ( out of my jaclrct , but : \ot drawing blood with hIs claws. "As In a prevIous case , I was not frightened , because It had occurred so suddenl ' that I had not had time to lose my nerve. I was on my let side , bareheaded , and the lion stood for a moment wllh his right paw on my shoulder , leoking after the horse. "The natives saw the fieelng horse , Imew very well what bad happened to me , and at once descended the tree and made for camp. I did not blame them any and perhaps that very action saved my lite. I had time to collect my thoughts In that single instant , and as I had routed one lion by barl- Ing like a dog , I decided to follow the , same plan In this case. "But , as I said before , lions are as I unlike as men. At my first bark this fellow growled savagely , and gave me a terrible bite on the hip. Had I cried out at till'S , or made any struggle , he would have finished me at once. I repressed - pressed my feelings and played dead. I had a revolver strapped to my baclt , but it would not do to reach for It. "After biting me the lion watched and waited for signs of life , and when he could detect none he seized my rIght shoulder in his teeth , gave me a shalw and a twist and next moment I was being carried err on his back. Hl's teeth did not touch my fiesh , and as I lay acr ss him on my side my hand struck the butt of the revolver. I had it out of the holster in a second , and then felt that I had a show. Whether the beast felt any movement or not , he growled at Intervals , and his breath came bacle on me so strong that I was nauseated. I Intended to fire Into him as ho was carrying me along , but he was. swa 'lng about so that I did not dare to risk It. "After carrying me half a mIle through the scrub and over broken ground , the Hon halted at the head ot a ravine , in which he doubtless had his lair. He turned about as If to see if pursuit had been made , and the muz. zlo of the revolver came against his left hip. I fired at once , and next Instant - stant was fiung on the earth , whIle the lion uttered a scream of pain. "I was on my knees In a flash , but the beast was ten teet away , going around In circles and bltl'ng at the wound. He did not notice me In tha least , and I sent another bullet Inte him just bacle of the shoulder. He uttered another scream , and Instead of rushing at me , as I fully expected , made a leap Into the ravine , where I could hear him running for some dls tance. "I was ( badly shaken up , but I lost no time In getting out of the nel'gh borhood , and in the course ot an hour reached camp. Nearly every bOdy was out looking for me. "Now see how Inconsistently that' lion acted. lIe came out Into the open ground and charged the party , of over 20 men , although they had not disturbed him. He had run trom me I In his surprise. lIe Imocked over a native as he chared , , but was th"n riddled with bullets and gave up Ute ghost.-Chlcago Inter Ocean. Act of Nervy Girl. When trom her omce acrols the. street she saw two men brcak Into a jewelry store in Mount Carmel , Pa. , I Stine , telopllOno girl. rUBhed In an alarm and the men were CIlught. I The BCn. level canal trom 1\Inrse1l1e to the Rhone river Is to bo completed In seven years at a. cost or $13.730 , . 000. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh . that Contain MercurYr al mctnry " .111 lurely de Iroy tbe IClIlo of 1m ell and completely dcranlto tbe whllle when eDterlnt : " tl1rouh tbo mucoul Illtem Such artlclCl Ibould nenr be uled except 00 prelcrlp. UODI trom reputAble pbrllclanl , al tile damlle tbey will do II teD t011i to the Koollrou caD pUlilbly de. the from them. lIall' . Catarrh Cure , maDufactured by F. J. Cheuer \ Co. , Tolello , 0" CODtAlDI 110 10' ' ' curr , and II takeD Internally. actin ! : directly II POD tbe blood and mucoul lurfacel ot the 1ltem. In burllli llAlI'l Catarrh Cure bo lure TOU ret tbo renulne. ItI \ takeu Internaliland tnldo In Tolello , Oblo , by F. J. CheDCY " Co. 1 eultnonlall t < < lo. Sold by DrUiltlll.l. l'rlce , 750. per butUe. Take 111.11'1 1"amll1 rllli tor cODIUpaUoAo Long Sight. The longest" distance ever compassed - passed by human \'Islon Is 183 miles , being the distance betwecn the Un. i comparghe park , In Colorndo , and Mount Ellen , In Utah. 'l'hls felt was accompllshod by the surveyors of the United states coast and geodetic survey - vey , who were engaged , In conjunction - tion with representatlvcs of other nations - tions , In making a new measurement or the earth. SCALY ERUPTION ON BODY. , Doctors and Remedies Fruitless-Suf- fered 10 Years - Completely Cured by Cutlcura. "When I was about nine years old small sores appeared on each of my lower limbs. I scratched them with a. brass pin aUlI shortly afterwards both of these limbs became so sere that I could scarcely walk. When I had been sufferIng for about a month the sores began to heal , but small scaly eruptions appeared whel'o the sores had been. From that time onward - ward I was troubled by such severe itching that , untll I became accustomed - tomed to it , I would scratch the sores nntll the blood began to flow. This would stop the itching for n few days , but scaly plnces would appear again and the itching would accompany - pany them. After I surrered about ten years I made a renewed effort to etrect a cure. 'l'he eruptions by this tlmo had appeared on every part of my body except my tace and hands. The best doctor in my natlvo county - ty advised me to use arsenic in small doses and a salve. I then used to bathe the sores in a mixture which Kavo almost intolerable Imln. In addition - dition I used other remedies , such I1S iodine , sulphur , zinc salve , -'s Salve , - Ointment , and in tact I was continually giving some remedy faIr trial , never using less than Dno or two bocs : : : or bottles. All this was fruitless. Finally my hali' began to fall out nnd I was rapidly becoming bald. I used -'s - , but it did no good. .A tew lUonthn niter , having used almost everything else , I thought I would try Cutlcura Ointment , havIng previously used Cuticura Soap and beln ! ; pleased with It. Arter using three boxes I was completely cured , and my hair was restored , after fourteen years of suffering - fering and an expenditure of at least ' 50 or $60 In vainly endeavoring to Dnd a. cure. I shall bo glad to wrIte to anyone who may be interested In my cure. B. Hiram Mattingly , Vcr. mUlion , S. Dak. , Aug. 18 , 190G. " HEADS SHAPED TO ORDER. German Doctor Explains Cause. of VQrlous Formations. At a recent convention ot German natnrallsts and doctors Dr. Walcher , of Stuttgart , in an Instructlv.e paper put forth a sensational theory to ex. plaIn the formation of the shape of the hea.d of infants. Ho maintained that the head of a child could be molded artificially. He found by ex- porlence that when a medIum.shaped head is placed in a soft cushion the ohlld turns on its bac1e , or rests on the back of its head , In order to free mouth , nose and tace. In this manner the head rests smoothly , and a short head is developed. But If the medium. shaped head of a chUd Is placed on a ha.rd under-rest , like a hair mattress or roBed carpet , the chUd's head turns nalde , as it cannot stand any mor ou Its hca.d than an egg , tor the muscle of the back Is weakened. Therefore , with continued resting on the flldo a long head Is developed. To prove his assertions the lecturer presented - sented no chIld whoso mother and sister - ter tu'O short-headed. The child at Its birth hAd a short head , now after 18 months it is long skulled. It the child hAd been placed on Its baclt , according to other experiences its head would : have been short-shaped. Dr. Walcher I did not deny that the shape of the hea.d was Inherited , but asserted that It could be greatly in uenccd by the way the child rested. COSTLY PRESSURE. Heart and Nerves Fall on Coffee. A resident of a great western state puts the case regarding stimulants with a comprehensive brevity that 1's admirable. He says : "I am 66 years old and have bad con. slderablo experience with stimulants. rhey are all aUIte-a mortgage on reserved - served energy at ruinous Interest. As the whip stimulates but does not strengthen the borse , so do stimulants nct upon the human system. Feeling this way , I gave up coffee nnd all other stimulants and began the use of Postum Food coffee some months ago. ThE" beneficial results bave been apI I , llarcnt from the first. The rheumatIsm ' that J used to suffer from has left me. I sleep sounder , my nerves uro stead. 1'er and mr brain olearer. And I bear testimony also to the teed value of Postum-somethlng that In lacltlng In cottee. " Name given by Postum Co. , Dattle Creek , Mich. Thoro's a reason , Read "Tho Road to Wellvllle , " the I , quaint little book In pkl9. - Jltr . WlnRlo' ' 1I 800t1l1nr : Brrup. ror rhllclren tp.thlll . 8ofl.nl tilt ! ICUftl.I'dUrl' , " - Samma\lun aUau t-aln.oure.whulcullc. oa bottt. - - - - - Unensy lIe8 the bead that weara a frown. Ee\t1\r. ' ill the ronll to wenlth. PUT. NAM } iADELE R IWI.1 ill the road to eeonom ) ' . 10c prr pneknge. . - - - - - - Many a citizen who trades on mnr- gins wouldn't think of buylnr a gold brick. Lewis' Single llinder eOBb more thnn other Go cigars. Smokers know wh , . . Your denIer or Lcwia' l aetor ) ' , l'eoria , III Most people find fault with tholr neIghbors In order to & , et eyen with neighbors who find fault with them. Garficld 'l'cn purifies the blood and trml. icntc : ! discase. 'rake it for ron lipnlion. Guaranteed under the I'lIre l.'ood Law. Kindness Is wisdom. There Is none In life but needs It aud may lenrn.- Dalley. 1'11.1:8 ( ltJIun IN 0 ' 1'0 14. UA'T8. l'A O OIN'l' I ICN'l'I lunrnuteel to cure nny Mue or Itr.hlnlt , 111 I II < t , Itlecdlllit l'rntruillns : 1'110. ID to U dillS or I1I11nu1 rofuuded. 6Uo. - - - - - - Man cannot be altogether cleared from Injustice In dealing with beasts as he now does.-I1ernclltus. Top Prices for Hides , Furs , Pelts. Writc for circular No , 0 N. W. Hi e & Fur Co. , ] \ [ illllcllnoiqlinnc ! otn. Richard Croker , the old Tammany chief , who Is about to return to New York , Is said to have had an offer 01 $100,000 for an autoblogrnph ) ' . By follolng the directions , which are plalnl ) . } ) rlnted OJl each } mcltnge of Dennnco Starch , Men's Collars and Cuffs can be 1I11\de just as sllff as desired - sired , wUh either gloss or domcstlc finish. Try It , 16 oz. for 10c , sold by all good groccrs. Roman Relics Found In Wales. Worldngmen engagell In dl\'erUng n roadwny at Wolwyn , Helts , Wales , unearthed soyen Roman urns In n good state of preservation , a. Roman spur , two drlnltlng bowls sl : ! : Inches high , one smn.ller cup , a bowl , some bronze plate , an Iron standard and small urn six Inches high. Always to Be Depended Upon. When a person gets up in the morning - ing with a dull headache and a tired , stretchy feeling , it's an almost certain Indication that the liver , or bowels , or both , are decidedly out of order. At such times Nature , the wisest and best of doctors , takes this means to glvo warning that she needs the help and gentle assistance which can' best bo obtained from that old fam- Uy remedy , Bran reth's Pllls , which has been In use for over n. century. They are the same fine laxative tonic pm your grandparents used when doctors were few antI tar between - tween , and when people had to have a remedy that could absolutely bo depended - pended upon. Brandreth's Pllls cnn bo depended upon , and are sold in every drug and medlcino store , plain or sugar.coated. American Idealism. Since my flrst arrIval in America I 1.ave held that the renl spirit 1s Ideal. Istlc and that the average IndivIdual American Is controlled by Idealistic Impulses. Those who may contradict me can not have sounded the depths of the .phIlosophy at Ralph Waldo Emerson. or studied the life and read the speecnes of Abraham Lincoln , and considered their tar-reaching effect on the AmerIcan people. In Lincoln's great charocter nothing can be more ntrlklng than the way In which he combined reality and the loftiest ideal , wIth a thoroughly practical capacity to achieve that Ideal by pracUCIll methods. This faculty seemed to give him a far-sighted , almost superhuman vision , which enabled him to pIerce the clouds obscuring tlw sight of the keenest stAtesmen and thlnlters of his age-Baron SpecIe von Sternburg , 1II Forum. SICK HEADACHE . , Positively cured by thcso Little l'ms. CARJERS They a1so reUero Distress - tress trom Dyspcpsln. . In. ITiLE t1lgcsUon and Too ncarty \I \ ' . A perfect rem- V E REnting' II cdy tor D1zz1Dcss , 2\o.usca. PI LLS. DrowsIness , D0.4 Tnst.o In the : Mouth. Canted T"nguo , Pnln In the Side. TOUPID LIVER. .1'hoy regulo..to tbD Dowels. 1'urcly VcgotablO. SMAll PILL. SMALL . DOSE. SMALL PRICE. . CARTERS Genui a.Mu . t Bear Fac-Slmllo Signature PILLS. / d REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. . - DEFIANCE STARCR ro. . _ . - - - - - - - W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO.3 , 1907. , - - - - - PUTNAM Color more poodl brlohler and 1lller colors Ihan an , at lUII.arliont without ripping I1pluL Wrllo lor It.o bDQkJ . JU . . . . . , - - TUE DISCOVER.ER Of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Con1pound , the' Great Woman's Remedy for Woman's Ills. . . LYDIA E. PINKI-IAM No other me ioino for Woman's 1lls in the worM hns receivcd such wldo. spread nnd unqualified endorsclt1cnt. No other lUcdiclno hus such n. recor of cures of female ipn.csses or sucb host..q of grateful frlcUlls as has Idin ' , E. Plnltlltllt1's Vcgotnblo COll1pound. ' it hns'bccn ' all fOl'ms or li'emnlo , l0l' moro than 30 years eurlng' Complaints Inlln.tnll1aUon and Ulccmt.lon , and conscqucnt Spinal Wealmcss. It has cm.cllmore cascs or lluclmche nnd I.oeal Wcalmesscs than any other ono remedy. It dlssoh-cb 111111 expel a tumOl's In an early st.ngo or'tIovelopment. IrrcguhtrlUcs and pcrlolllcal pn1u5 , Wcalmc8s of the Stomnch , Indigestion , Bloating. Nervous l'ro8trntion , llclldache , Ocnel'al Dobillty quicltly yield tolt ; also deranged organs , ca\ll.iug Imln , draggiug' scnsn.Uons nnll baclmcbc , Unller all circumstauces it nets n Imrmony with the female system. It removes that wearing feeling , extreme illssitude , "don't. care" and "wan be-lcCt-alono" fccllng , exci tabiH ty I ir1'l tabU [ t.y I 11er.vousness , dlz. ziness , faintness , slceplcssncss , f1atnlenc . , mclancholy or the " , blucs" . Thcso uro indications or Female WealmesB. or 601110 derungement. of the organs , which this me iclne cnrcs us well as Cbronlo Kidney Complaints nnd Bnclmcl1e , of either sex , 1'h080 womcn who refuse to accept anything else MO rownrdec1n hundrc(1 thousand 'times. for they et what they wantr-n. cure. Sold by Druggist. . . . , everywhere. Refuse all ubsUtutcs. I Those who believe in quality use Kt"C BAKINC ' U POWDER 25 ounces for 25 cent. Made from pure , carefully tested I materials. . Makes all baking healthful. Why pay more for inferior powders . . : JAQUES MFG. co : I ChlenJo FREE . Homesteads I IN WESTERN CANADA. Special Trains Leave Chicago , March 19th , FOR Manitoba , Saskatchewan and Alberta Homesteads Canadian Government representatives will accompany this train through to destination. . For certificate literature entitling cheap rates , - ture and all particulars , apply to 'V. V. BENNETT , 801 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Omaha , Nebrasla. I 000 00 REWARD Y Paid for Ihe Noot of any mIsrepresenl.- ' ' , ' I = AL fUR R IA'SuL'AN D In Ihe GULF' COAST COUNTRY IN GOUTU TEXAS. Our Farmers make . .ure crop. of rrom ' 50.00 to ' 300.00 per acre. and Iwo or three crops 11 YOl1r. SUFFICIEUT RAINF' ALL. PRODUCTIVE - TIVE SOILS. ARTE51AN WELL5. UEALTUFUL. CLIMATE. No lJlluardsln our Counlry like In the Pan handle I.ind sells NOW al 'u.oo to Us ( l ( ) per acre , on ea y terms ' WIU'fl1 TO- DA Y tor ! 1IWg I.ITBRATl'HH and LATEST TBXAS MAP. Advertisll1i : Depsrtm'enl D. .I : 'I.I : A'J'ION COMPANY KANSAS CITY , MO. L : r S SHOW _ Y FADELESS DYES hr ' d.lllo paCkage eolorl all nbor. . The , dye In cold waler beller than an , olher d" . You can d , . ; , o , - . 0" 0 DJe , Uloacb and ! .IIX Color. . NlONtrOir DRUQ CO. . Un/onvllio. MI..oUrI. , I